Oxb7 Welcome

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Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU)

student to be part of achieving meaningful,

is made up of almost 20,000 undergraduate

positive change in our university community.

and graduate students at the University of

CUSU wants Cambridge students to

Cambridge. The union works to represent

continue to achieve incredible things and so

students within the university and at local and

we’ve created this indispensable careers guide

national government level. It works with a wide

to support you as you move forward in your life.

range of students to resource and empower

Designed to help you make an easy transition

them to campaign on issues that they care

from university to the world of work, it offers

about, and provides a range of services to

lots of good advice and is rich with insights

help you during your time at university.

that are certain to improve your prospects

Over the years, Cambridge students

in the jobs market.

have worked with CUSU on a host of hugely

Of course, the greatest advantage you

successful campaigns that have made great

have is your Cambridge education. Despite an

strides in improving life for those at the

increasingly competitive jobs market, Cambridge

university. These include preventing a huge

students continue to be sought after and valued

slash in student bursaries, ensuring academic

by employers. Recruiters not only set great store

and pastoral staff have adequate training to

by the independence of thought, creativity and

perform in their roles, and providing education

intellectual rigour that Cambridge students

and resources to combat sexual violence

develop during the course of their studies, but

within the student community.

also prize the many additional skills they gain

Our success in these areas owes much to

through their involvement in clubs and societies.

the commitment and enthusiasm of our hard-

Whether you know exactly what you want

working student volunteers: by speaking out

to achieve after you graduate or have yet to

and debating important and often divisive issues

decide, this guide will ensure that you are well

they help us to decide the best ways to move

informed and prepared for the future. You have

forward. Whether working as one of CUSU’s six

the potential to achieve amazing things and

sabbatical officers, volunteering with the part-

to reach great heights, and we hope that this

time executive and autonomous campaigns,

book will help you along the way. Enjoy your

or speaking and voting in CUSU Council and

post-Cambridge journey—CUSU wishes you

elections, CUSU provides a platform for every

the very best in all that you seek to achieve.




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