March News and Notes

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From the Head of School

Saint Joseph’s School Prayer

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin and Foster-Father of Jesus Christ; obtain for me and all the members of my family, a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide and model throughout life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Help us, Saint Joseph, in our earthly strife, to fulfill our responsibilities and ever to lead a pure and sinless life. Amen.

“Christ was faithful as a son over His house. We are Christ’s house if we hold firmly to our confidence and the boast of our hope.” Hebrews 3:6

Greetings from Saint Joseph’s Catholic School!

Last night, February 20, was a Triple-Header Day. Senior Max Orbon directed the One Act Play, It’s Not You, It’s Me in The Saint John Paul II Center at 6:00 PM. The play, which the excellent cast and crew took on the road the next day to the state Theatre festival in Conway, was an absolute delight. I’ll be surprised if they don’t bring home a superior rating. Next door, parents and students were milling around a crowded cafeteria visiting with 20+ local engineers (mostly Saint Joseph’s graduates and parents) at the school’s first-ever Engineering Fair. The fair was the brain-child of Sean Myer, a science and engineering teacher new to SJCS this year, supported by Ryan Koon, Science Department Chair and VP of the High School. The experience was excellent all the way around and had a few of us discussing the possibility of offering a similar fair next year for those interested in medical professions Topping off the day, the boys basketball team hosted Chapman at 7:30 PM in the school’s first second-round home playoff game in more than a decade, which they won in an exciting game. The girls basketball team met with similar success in a resounding win at their home second-round play-off game the night before. Who says we can’t compete in 3A? It was a lot of fun sitting with colleagues and parents two nights in a row in the upbeat atmosphere in the gym.

Wait, or was it a Home Run Day or even a Five for Five, now that I think about it a little more? Because the day started at 8:00 AM with an excellent presentation at the monthly parent TEAM meeting by Rize Prevention, a drug education and prevention organization started by a former SJCS parent and staffed by the school’s previous Athletic Director. I wish every SJCS parent could have heard it. This was followed immediately by our weekly Thursday Morning Prayer Service to which we invited the Choir from St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, who led us in soulfilled worship.

I returned home after a, yes, Five for Five Day, exhausted and yet filled to the brim. This was Saint Joseph’s Catholic School at its best.

What’s the value of a Saint Joseph’s Catholic School education? We ask ourselves this question a lot, because we know how much you sacrifice to send your children to this school. I think this Five for Five Day is emblematic of what that value is. Arts, academics, sports, parent engagement all undergirded with prayer and the desire for God to be present in the lives of our students and school community.

What’s the value of a Saint Joseph’s Catholic School education? It’s a community of parents, teachers, and coaches dedicated to working together to give our students the best experience possible so that they can grow into the best versions of themselves. This growth happens over time, not always in the way we thought it would, and hardly ever in a straight line.

There are so many stories I could tell you about our graduates and the various routes they are following in pursuit of a full and meaningful life and how the Saint Joseph’s community of parents, teachers, and coaches has helped with that, but let’s save that for another letter and another time. Until then, we’ve begun putting some of those stories on film this year through a series of interviews we are calling “Portrait of a Graduate.” I encourage you to visit the school’s website (HERE ) to be inspired.

In closing, please join us in praying for the following members of the SJCS family: for Greycen Baker on the passing of her grandfather; for Lydia Jane, Davidson, and Stafford Chou on the passing of their grandmother.

With Love and Prayers,

Things You Need To Know

SJCS "Art Knight" Takes Flight, March 4

Join us on Tuesday, March 4 from 6:00-8:30 PM to enjoy the student artwork on display at the first SJCS annual art exhibit. Enter through the HS student entrance and travel throughout the school to see the work of our talented students on display. This is a free event for all to enjoy!

Access to Blackbaud Gradebooks Closes March 6

The third quarter marking period ends on Thursday, March 6. Parent and student access to Gradebooks in Blackbaud will close Thursday at 4:00 PM in order for faculty to update Report Cards for the marking period. Access to Gradebooks will resume once Report Cards are issued.

NO SCHOOL: Professional Development, March 7

There will be no school on Friday, March 7, due to faculty and staff professional development.

Next Well-Fed Dad Meeting, March 12

The next Well-Fed Dad Men's Prayer Breakfast is Wednesday, March 12 at 6:45 AM. Someone will be there to open the door at 6:35 AM. Coach Frank Kucinic will be speaking about Envy & Vainglory. As always, there will be time for fellowship and discussion, and we'll share prayer concerns and have Morning Prayer together before heading off to work at 7:45 AM. Breakfast sandwiches and coffee will be served. Please RSVP HERE so we know how many sandwiches to have on hand. Please park in the visitors spots in front of the main building or in the sophomore lot.

Third Quarter Report Cards Available, March 13

Third Quarter (Q3) report cards will be accessible in Blackbaud after 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 13. An email will be sent from the Registrar’s Office to parents and students when report cards are finalized.

SC Educational Scholarship Trust Fund Applications Close on March 15

The SC Educational Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF) program began this year. Under the current program, any student who transferred from a public school system into a private school and met the income requirements was eligible for a $6,000 scholarship to be used on a variety of educational services that included private school tuition. In September of 2024, the SC Supreme Court deemed the program unconstitutional and private schools were no longer allowed to be recipients of ESTF funds. Currently, the SC Legislature is in the process of rewriting the bill to restructure the program as the K-12 Education Lottery Scholarships The hope is that the decision made in September will be overturned and private schools will be allowed to receive ESTF funds and the new program will be opened to all families who meet the income requirement regardless of what type of school they attended the prior year. Applications for the 2025 - 2026 school year opened on January 15 and will remain open until March 15, 2025. Please click HERE for more information on ESTF funding and to see if your family qualifies.

Spring Break,

March 17

- March 21

Spring Break will be Monday, March 17 through Friday, March 21. Classes will resume on Monday, March 24. The school and school office will be closed.

Next Well-Read Mom Meeting, March 25

Well-Read Mom is a program that accompanies women in the reading of great books and spiritual classics to encourage personal growth, friendship, and meaningful conversations in order to explore the human condition and reorient ourselves to what is good, beautiful, and true. We meet the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM at Saint Joseph’s. Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 25 and we will be discussing Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton. For more information, contact Sara Dellinger. We also have a Well-Read Mom group that meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the morning. Please contact Eileen Coffey for more information about time and location.

Next Parent TEAM Meeting, March 27

Raving Fans: Sports the Saint Joseph’s Way. Over 80% of SJCS students participate in at least one sport. Join us to learn about the school’s philosophy of sports and how participation in a team sport at Saint Joseph’s helps the

school fulfill its Catholic mission. There will only be one session for this topic: Thursday, March 27 at 8:00 AM in the Meeting Room.

Cyrano de BurgerShack, Spring Musical Production, April 10-13

Get ready for a modern twist on a classic tale! Our Spring Musical, Cyrano de BurgerShack, is a contemporary retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac. This jukebox musical features bangers from artists like Katy Perry, P!nk, and Bruno Mars, promising an entertaining night out with your besties. The show runs April 10-13 and tickets will be available for purchase HERE in early March.

Annual Saint Joseph’s Golf Tournament, August 8

The Annual Saint Joseph’s Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 8. Please mark your calendars to attend this amazing event that goes a long way in providing vital funds for our Athletic programs.

Join our SJCS Parents in Prayer Group on Thursdays!

If you are looking for additional prayer time, a way to deepen your Lent this year, or just fellowship with other SJCS parents and supporters, please join us on Thursdays at 2:00 PM. You will check in at the front desk and Mrs. Adams will direct you to whatever room we are assigned for that week. During these gatherings, we first offer prayers for SJCS (students, faculty, administration, and alumni and LOTS of great stuff), and then we pray the Rosary. It typically lasts from 2:00-3:00 PM. There is also an email group that receives prayer requests on a regular basis that prays for us too. We would love to increase our fellowship in this group, so please join us!

Travel to London, Spring Break 2026!

Interested in traveling to England? This trip will include guided walking and sight-seeing tours of London highlights, along with a visit to the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, and visits to Stonehenge, Bath, and Stratford-uponAvon. The trip also includes a backstage tour of the National Theater, a workshop and performance at the Globe, and a West-End production! Trip details (including the itinerary, cost, payment plans, etc.) can be found HERE . The exact travel dates will be posted at the end of this school year. Dates currently listed on the itinerary are to begin the trip planning and provide an estimated cost. This trip is open to current 8th grade through 11th grade SJCS students. Parents are also welcome to join us. Interested students and parents can register HERE Register by 2/28 using the code 26EarlyBird for a $200 scholarship discount!

Travel to France & Spain in May 2026

Bonjour! ¡Hola! Señora Russell will be leading students on a trip to France and Spain May 25-June 3, 2026 (departing the Monday following Commencement). This trip is open to current 8-11th graders. The exciting itinerary leads us from Madrid to Paris, with the Mediterranean Coast in between. Starting in Madrid, we will see the Plaza de España, with its statue of Don Quixote, the majestic Alcalá Gate, the famous bullring Las Ventas, and the impressive Prado museum. From Madrid, we will travel by train to Barcelona, known for its artistic treasures and fine architecture. Students are sure to delight in all the sites as we discover Barcelona by bike. The highlight of our stay in the south of France will be a Gladiator games workshop and a tour of the Pont du Gard, a 161-foot Roman aqueduct in nearly perfect condition. Finally, we will be whisked away via fast train to Paris. We will visit the most famous landmarks in Paris. If you are interested in providing this opportunity for your child, please email Señora Russell or visit the trip website HERE.

Required Community Service Hours

All students are required to complete and submit their community service hours through MobileServe The service hour requirements are as follows: Freshmen must complete 10 hours, Sophomores must complete 15 hours, Juniors must complete 20 hours, and Seniors must complete 20 hours. Service opportunities are regularly shared through the SJCS Service Classroom, so be sure to check for updates. Questions? Contact Mrs. Charlton.

From the Assistant Head of School

“God made us for joy. God is joy, and the joy of living reflects the original joy that God felt in creating us.” ~ Saint Pope John Paul II

Last year we added Morning Prayer to our weekly school routine. It’s an opportunity to begin our day in thanksgiving, hear and reflect on different themes and readings, and involve students in the planning and execution of a purposeful prayer experience. On all accounts, it seems to be a welcomed addition to our weekly routine.

Sometime last year, I started dismissing the students from Morning Prayer by saying, “Live in joy!” That is our hope for them … our desire for them. Little did I know how those simple words would resonate within the community. One Thursday morning this year, I ended the service by saying, “Live in hope!” The students were not happy! “Live in joy, Mrs. J! What happened to ‘Live in joy?!?’ ” Earlier in the semester, a senior student told me that ever since the weekly proclamation of that phrase, he committed to starting every day with a grateful heart, focusing on the joy in living versus the disappointments. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure any of the students ever heard the challenge or paid attention to it, but they did. And I haven’t changed the dismissal since. “Live in joy” is what remains.

“Today Christ is asking each of you the same question: do you love Me? He is not asking you whether you know how to speak to crowds, whether you can direct an organization or manage an estate. He is asking you to love Him. All the rest will ensue.” ~ Saint Pope John Paul II

I share this with you because I want you to know that the Saint Joseph’s community is committed to helping your children discover what it means to live in joy. We are fully aware that it is not an easy thing to do. We are surrounded by cultural messages that uphold self-importance, immediate satisfaction, pursuit of stuff, and an enormous emphasis on personal appearance and achievement as worthy ideals. The focus of those messages inherently create worry and anxiety because the pursuit of those things can never truly satisfy what our heart longs for. It longs for Christ. He is asking us to pursue Him, to love Him. At school, every day, we send multiple messages to our students that suggest an alternative path and contrasting vision: You were made for more … You have dignity and worth … You were created with a purpose and a plan … Love each other as yourself … Christ loves you. Always. As proclaimed in Psalm 16:11, “Make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy.”

More than anything, we want our students to know Christ, to grow in relationship with Him, to wake every day and pursue Him with their whole being. That is our deepest desire for them. And we believe that they will begin to wonder and question and seek when they are inspired by the truth, goodness and beauty they encounter within our school walls. So it begins anew each day. We are ready for this sacred work.

Our work is making an impact. As I encountered the softball team earlier this week, they were excited to tell me their theme for the season … “Play with joy!” Amen to that!

With Prayer and Thanksgiving, Wanda Jaraczewski

Assistant Head of School

From the Academic Support Services & College Counseling Office

Eighth Grade & Freshman Course Selection Meetings

Individual meetings with all Freshmen are currently underway. These mandatory meetings with Mrs. Charlton started on February 3 and will conclude on March 28. Course planning meetings for current 8th graders are optional unless the student plans to appeal a class. There is no advantage or disadvantage to being the first or last meeting scheduled. Please contact Mrs. Charlton with any questions or click HERE to schedule a meeting.

Sophomore Course Selection Meetings

Course scheduling conferences with the College Counseling office are required for current sophomores and are currently underway. It is recommended that the student and one parent attend the meeting, but students can attend the meeting without a parent present. However, please remember that a parent must be present or available via phone if any of your course requests require an Appeal Form. Please see the Course Catalog HERE for a list of all courses including their prerequisites.

Juniors: Individual College Planning Meetings

Don’t forget to schedule your individual family college planning meeting with your college counselor. All juniors should meet with their college counselor at least once before the end of March.

High School Course Requests

During the month of March, counselors will continue meeting with students in grades 8-11 to review courses requested for next year and process Course Appeal Requests for Honors or AP classes All course requests should be given careful consideration at this time since the master schedule is contingent upon total requests submitted. Once the master schedule is set, course changes will be limited.

Senior College Acceptances/Scholarships

Please continue to share your good news and update the College Counseling Office on college acceptances and scholarship awards. With over 90% of the senior class reporting acceptances so far, they’ve been offered nearly $8 million in scholarships.

Financial Aid Reminder for Seniors

Please make sure that you have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and (if applicable) the CSS Profile. Both of these forms are now available and many colleges have deadlines approaching. The federal government, along with the colleges to which you applied, requires you to fill out the FAFSA form in order to receive federal aid and financial aid packages.

SAT & ACT Testing

Although many colleges are announcing that they will be “test optional” for next year, juniors are still encouraged to register to take both the ACT and SAT at least once before the end of your junior year. Click HERE for SAT test dates and HERE for ACT test dates.

Juniors: College Match Program

In March, we will begin our College Match program with the junior students. It is important that the students know their Scoir login information and that they complete the questionnaires that are emailed to them prior to each session.

College Visits

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who would like to visit colleges should register for visits through the colleges’ websites or with the admissions offices and then email The Front Office to let us know what date(s) you will be attending the college visit. Please give the front office as much notice as possible Please remember to bring back the proper documentation and turn it in at the front office (College Visit Record Form) with required signatures and official documentation.

From the Athletic Department

Sports Training

Please keep in mind that any student participating in a sport for the 2024-2025 school year at SJCS must have a physical dated after April 1, 2024, and complete the required forms ONLINE HERE at Big Teams prior to the first tryout or practice (this includes Off-Season Practices and Weights). No paper forms will be accepted, NO EXCEPTIONS! Returning athletes, please use your existing login. All physicals submitted to participate in the 20242025 school year are valid until the last day of school. The required forms that must be filled out online prior to the first practice (including summer practices) are: Pre-Participation History and Pre-Participation Sports Physical Exam (please print and take with you to your doctor, and then upload), Parent Consent Form, Concussion Form, a copy of your athlete’s birth certificate, and Bon Secours St. Francis Health System Consent Form. All required athletic forms must be submitted through Student Central at Big Information for new athletes on how to create the parent and student login at Big Teams is available on the SJCS website HERE. When creating an account, be sure to type “St. Joseph’s Catholic School” in the search line when looking for our school. If you type in different spellings of the school , it will not populate as an option. This website is available in any language. To change the language, click on the person icon in the top right corner. Also, there is a new Big Teams feature where you can toggle between the athlete account and parent accounts once linked. To do this, click My Profile and Linked accounts.

Join the Booster Club Today

• Did you know that without volunteers like YOU it would be impossible to effectively run all of the sporting events in which our students at St Joe’s compete? Talk to a Booster Club member at the next sporting event to find out how YOU can help support ALL of our Knights by joining the Booster Club and volunteering!

• As the Spring Sports Season begins, check out and support all of the Middle School, JV, and Varsity sports on the Athletics Calendar HERE!

• Do you have a student athlete who plays any sport at Saint Joseph’s? Are you grateful for the amazing coaches and growth opportunities that SJCS athletics provides your child? Or are you simply just proud to be a Knight and love our school? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then please make sure you join the Knights Athletic Booster Club HERE today! Your membership fees are critical to providing the financial support ALL of our athletic teams need to enhance program excellence.

• You will receive one, two, four, or six key tags, depending on membership level, for free admission to all non-playoff home games and you can present your key tag at any Sully’s Steamers for a free promotional item. A huge "thank you" to those who have already joined! Please note that once a membership form is received, it can take a week or so to process. You will receive an email when your key tags are available for pick up. Thank you for your patience.

• Interested in advertising your business or just showing your family’s support for Saint Joseph’s athletics? We have updated our banner program to create enhanced visibility at our sports venues and more flexible options for where you would like your logo displayed. Click HERE for more information on athletic sponsorships.

From the Business Office

Tuition Credit Program

Thank you to many of our school families for employing our Student Recruitment Tuition Credit Program this past school year. The Student Recruitment Tuition Credit Program is designed to reward current Saint Joseph’s families for actively recruiting new families to Saint Joseph’s. When a new family applies for admission, they have the opportunity to name the Saint Joseph’s family on their application who recommended SJCS. After the new student(s) attends school for one quarter, the recruiting family receives a $500 credit on their next tuition bill. As a reminder, click HERE to read about the program.

Re-Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year

The deadline to re-enroll for the 2025-2026 school year has passed. If you missed the enrollment window and would like to re-enroll your student, please contact Jenny Starks in Admissions to see if any spots remain in your student’s grade level.

Tuition Assistance

The deadline for current families to apply for tuition assistance has passed. If your family missed the deadline and would still like to apply, the Tuition Assistance application is still available through Blackbaud Financial Aid. Any returning student assistance applications received after the deadline will be considered after new family aid has been finalized.

Senior Tuition Accounts

In order to participate in Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation, all senior tuition and fees, excluding the June draft, must be paid in full by May 16. Contact Nikki Hamby if you have questions regarding your senior’s account, or if you need to set up a payment plan for past-due accounts.

From the Development Office

2025 Annual Auction Gala, April 25

Mark your calendars for the Annual Auction Gala “Derby Knights” on Friday, April 25. Our Gala Committee members are working diligently to prepare for our school’s largest fundraiser that supports our students.

We are in need of:

• Bottles of wine for the wine pull

• Baskets that can be used for the silent auction

• Theater or concert tickets

• Silent and Live auction items

• Vacation homes or timeshares for our live auction

If you are able to help, contact Sheay Noel (Gala Chair), Jeanne Mendelson (Gala Co- Chair), Charlene McLoughlin (Gala Co-Chair) or Katie Orbon in the Development Office.

Gala Sponsorships Are Now Available!

For more information, click HERE, or contact Kevin Meyer in the Development Office.

Annual Fund

• Our goal this fiscal year (July 2024 – June 2025) is to engage the financial support of 100% of our school families, faculty, and staff in giving to the Annual Fund. We will track participation numbers by grade level throughout the year. Currently the 7th grade is leading the way with a participation of 43%!

• Helping families afford a Saint Joseph’s education is a foundational principle to our identity as a Catholic school. The Annual Fund fulfills this responsibility by providing approximately 5% of the school’s overall budget These dollars are raised every year through the generosity of our community. Our Annual Fund goal for this year, which includes proceeds from the Gala, is $555,000. Please contact Kevin Meyer with any questions or make an online donation

You Belong Campaign

• Saint Joseph’s started the You Belong Campaign in the Spring of 2023 with a goal of $6 million to build the Saint Joseph’s Way Center. This building will contain a large multipurpose room (seating 175-200), four new Theology classrooms and offices for Campus Ministry, Student Support Services, and College Counseling.

• To date, we have raised 99% of the goal! Construction on the new building is under way and it will open in the Fall of 2025. If you’d like more information on the campaign and the plans, or to make a pledge or donation, please refer to our campaign webpage or contact Kevin Meyer with any questions.

Named Endowment Funds

A Named Endowment Fund is an enduring gift that will support programs that are meaningful to you in perpetuity. The following funds have been established and are providing continued support:

• The Bikulege Family Foundation Endowment for Athletics

• The McNicholas Family Scholarship

• The Michael D. Miros Scholarship

The total current value of the SJCS Endowment is $1,263,000 and it will yield an annual payout to help offset budgeted expenses. For more information about these funds or to get information about establishing an endowment fund, please contact Kevin Meyer.

From the Fine Arts Department

Volunteers Needed

Please contact Teresa McGrath for more information on how to volunteer for either of the opportunities below:

• Any parents or students willing to donate their time and talents to the Fine Arts Department through their sewing skills

• Any parents with tool and building experience willing to assist with supervision during after-school and Saturday crew sessions

Theatre Summer Camps

• June 2-5: HS Improvisation (Rising 8th-12th Graders) from 3:00-5:00 PM

• June 2-6: Rising Stars (Rising 3rd-8th Graders) from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Click HERE for additional details and registration.

MS Walkathon 2025 Results

Many thanks to all of the MS students who participated in the first annual MS Walkathon! In gathering donations from family and friends, the students raised over $4,500 to support the programming of the SJCS Fine Arts Department. Top fundraisers were: Mya Armitage (1st place), Rachel Quesnelle (2nd place), and Benjamin Pelfrey (3rd place). Throughout the Walkathon, the number of laps were also tracked with the following winners: Noah Miller (114 laps) and tied with 109 laps each were Anna Johnson, Mathilde Laniray, and Laurel Neal. Click HERE for the full story.

Stay Connected with SCJS Fine Arts Department!

Did you know that the SJCS Fine Arts Guild is active on Facebook and Instagram? Follow us to stay in the loop with all the latest arts news, events, and updates!

• Instagram: @sjcsfineartsgvl

• Facebook: SJCS Fine Arts Department

Join our online community and never miss a beat of the exciting happenings in our Fine Arts programs!

Opportunities to Support the Fine Arts

• At SJCS, every student is touched by the magic of the arts. From band and chorus to strings, theater, dance, and visual arts, our Fine Arts programs enrich the lives of all our students. We rely on your generous contributions to provide essential support for our dedicated teachers and their classrooms.

• Join the Fine Arts booster club, Jubilate Arts Guild (JAG), and make a difference! Your membership not only supports these vital programs but also comes with fantastic perks. Enjoy discount tickets and priority seating at many of our Fine Arts events Be a part of something special. Join JAG today and help us continue to inspire and nurture the artistic talents of our students. The 2024- 2025 membership form can be found HERE

• Is your business looking to expand your reach and connect with a broader audience? Look no further than the JAG Sponsorship Program. By becoming a corporate sponsor, you'll gain exclusive advertising opportunities in the programs of our Fine Arts events. The size of your ad will vary based on your sponsorship level, ensuring you get the perfect fit for your business. Our sponsors also enjoy additional promotion through our vibrant social media channels, the Fine Arts website, and eye- catching signage in the lobby

of our events. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to elevate your brand and reach new heights with the JAG Sponsorship Program For more information, click HERE

Special Thanks To...

From the Parents Guild

• All the parents who contributed to Catholic Schools Week . The gift cards and Henry's BBQ luncheon for the staff and the cookies for students were very much appreciated.

• Our yearlong sponsor, Palmetto Family Orthodontics

Upcoming Parents Guild Events

• March 12: Spirit Knight at The Slice from 11:30 AM-9:00 PM

• April 4: Lenten Fish Fry from 5:00-7:00 PM

Want to Get Involved at SJCS?

Serving on the Parents Guild is such a wonderful way to get connected to our school. There are so many ways to serve and get involved. If you are interested in volunteering next year, please contact the Parents Guild.

From the School Nurse

Student Illness

If your child has signs and symptoms of illness, please refer to DHEC's School Exclusion List (HERE) for help determining whether your child may attend classes. Please report absences to the Front Office as soon as possible.

Medication Policy

It is against St. Joseph's policy for a student to carry ANY medication on their person without physician permission, parent permission, and permission from the school nurse to self-administer. Failure to comply with the medication policy may result in disciplinary action.

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