Statement for
THE POSITION childhood through grade 8 educa/onal program and currently serves 490 students. St. John’s is also known for its academic preparedness, a competent and skilled faculty and staff, and authen/c aBen/on to students and their families.
St. John’s Episcopal School seeks an outstanding school leader, commencing July 1, 2023. The new Head of School will acknowledge, appreciate, and affirm the school’s close-knit rela/onships, its strong aspira/ons, and its Episcopal iden/ty. This new head will lead with energy, empathy, and transparency, and will partner with others to shepherd the school to a new era of growth and vitality.
St. John’s Episcopal School is an independent, Episcopal, coeduca/onal, day, Nursery–8 school located on a beau/ful campus along “church row” in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. Founded in 1988, the school offers a comprehensive early
The school combines academic excellence with a culture that appreciates rela/onships, empathy, and belonging. Its Episcopal iden/ty is central to its dis/nc/veness and provides the spiritual and philosophical underpinnings to serve a diverse popula/on of religions, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. St. John’s notably adheres to an inclusive and thoughHul Mission. Its Vision Statement clearly outlines its faith-based, inclusive, and effec/ve program.
St. John’s is accredited by the California Associa/on of Independent Schools (CAIS) and is a member in good standing with the Na/onal Associa/on of Independent Schools (NAIS), the Na/onal Associa/on of Episcopal Schools (NAES), and the Commission on Schools for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.
The next leader will follow a respected Head of School, Patrick McHoneB, who is assuming headship at Flint Hill School, Oakton, VA in July 2022. During the 2022-2023 academic year, former St. John’s Head of School, Michael PraB (2013- 2019) will assume interim leadership responsibili/es. The opportunity to lead this school will be aBrac/ve to many, as you learn about the bright future for St. John’s Episcopal School.
The Mission is clear and authen/c in its commitment to the development of each student: Grounded in the rich history of diversity and excellence in Episcopal educa6on, St. John’s fosters every child’s full intellectual, physical, and spiritual development. A nurturing learning environment and programs built on an ideal balance of tradi6on and innova6on encourage our students to pursue lives of service and purpose.
The school’s affirma/on of its Vision Statement is a compelling impera/ve that is evident throughout the program and in the daily life of the community:
• St. John’s provides a world-class STEAM educa/on that combines academic rigor with individualized instruc/on and meaningful character development, where each Cardinal is known, valued, and feels a sense of belonging.
• As an independent school, St. John’s engaging programs, coupled with our inclusive, faithbased culture, enriches each student’s mind, body, and spirit, resul/ng in excep/onal academic trajectories and extraordinarily happy individuals.
St. John’s Episcopal School derives its Mission and Vision Statement from its iden/ty and history as an Episcopal school that embraces open-minded intellectual inquiry and openhearted hospitality for all people. The school community offers each member a genuine welcome and a joyful spirit to unite academic excellence with kindness.
The school also strives to assist its young people to achieve their poten/al, not only in intellectual understanding, but also in sensi/vity, physical and emo/onal well-being, physical growth and awareness, and moral decisiveness, so that they may lead produc/ve and responsible lives for themselves and the greater community.
St. John’s Episcopal School was founded by the Reverend Canon Ernest D. Sillers in September 1988. Ordained to the Episcopal priesthood in 1941, Father Sillers began his ministry in MassachuseBs and moved to California where he first established St. Mark’s School in Downey, CA. Fr. Sillers re/red in 1976 and began his school founda/on ministry with the founding of St. Margaret’s of Scotland in San Juan Capistrano in 1977, followed by the founding of St. John’s Episcopal School in Rancho Santa Margarita, and the establishment of St. Mary’s and All Angels School in Aliso Viejo.
Today, St. John’s Episcopal School stands strong in delivering a program Fr. Sillers and his successors envisioned. Its program, including a STEAM approach to teaching and learning, has been heralded and all facets of its instruc/onal program are propelled by a competent and dedicated administra/on, faculty, and staff. In 2023, the school will celebrate its 35th anniversary.
Episcopal schools are part of a long tradi/on of Anglican educa/on that is marked by a balance between faith and reason, or “head and heart.” Episcopal schools work to build communi/es that are welcoming, diverse, and inclusive, where all are honored, supported, and valued. Common prayer is prac/ced, and schools draw upon the tradi/ons of the Episcopal Church that are both crea/ve, important, and relevant. Strong commitments to the prac/ce of service and the work of jus/ce are essen/al. These principles and ideals are woven into every aspect of the shared life together and what sets Episcopal schools, like St. John’s School, apart from many communi/es of teaching and learning.
Serving the greater Southern Orange County area, St. John’s Episcopal School is situated on the beau/ful grounds of St. John Episcopal Church, Rancho Santa Margarita. Characterized ogen as “A joyful and loving place,” there is something truly special about the Church and its people. Working through a beloved and authen/c community, the Church and School have shared values of belonging and this authen/c connec/on bonds the families, students, and professional school staff and clergy for a life/me.
The school includes three divisions: Early Childhood Division (8 weeks-Pre-K), Elementary Division (Kindergarten - Grade 5) and Middle Division (Grades 6 - 8). From the early childhood
development ac/vi/es, to the challenging, yet balanced elementary and middle school curriculum, St. John’s Episcopal School offers one of the very best private school experiences, comprehensive academic programs, and school-related experiences. The en/re program balances basic skills and cri/cal thinking with collabora/ve learning and interdisciplinary skills. All who serve at the school are commiBed to individual, interpersonal, and ins/tu/onal growth to support and affirm all students and their families.
The core curriculum in Reading, Wri/ng, and Mathema/cs is complemented by Science, World Language, Physical Educa/on, and mul/media technology, including an outstanding K-8 STEAM program that was among the very first in the State of California. At St. John’s, learning is fostered through a sense
of belonging. Students find their sanctuaries within the larger fabric of the school community: in programs and offerings in the Arts, Music, Interscholas/c Sports, and Dance, and in offerings such as Broadway Bound, Speech and Debate, Robo/cs, Book Club, Coding, Yearbook, Octothorpe (Math Team), Student Council, Library Skills, Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL), Garden Club, Ager School Programs, and extra-curricular and supplementary field experiences. The plethora of offerings made available during the school year and through the summer, ensures that thoughHul, engaged St. John’s ci/zens have a founda/on in leadership skills and equanimity, and the toolkits necessary to succeed in academics and beyond.
Chapel is a special /me in the life of the school where all members of the community gather for prayer, song, reflec/on, and celebra/on. Chapel services follow Episcopal liturgy and are adapted to the changing needs and tradi/ons of the
interdenomina/onal student body. Parents and families are invited to join students, teachers, administra/on, and staff at Chapel each week.
Students par/cipate in a quiet and respecHul way; some find it a /me to renew or develop their own spiritual life, while others use it as a /me for quiet contempla/on. Chapel is also a /me for community engagement and contempla/on.
While many of the school’s 490 students hail from Rancho Santa Margarita, students from 21 zip code areas are represented in the student body. St. John’s students come from many religious backgrounds, and more than 39% of the student body is racially diverse.
St. John’s students are engaged, joyful, and mo/vated. There is a Southern California informality that fills the campus. One middle schooler describes the strengths of the school as, “lots of good friends, excellent teachers, and a kind place.” An eighth grader reports that at St. John’s, “there is a terrific community and lots of great teachers who help each day.” A second grader, characterized St. John’s as a place, “where happiness and goodness are always in the air.” St. John’s students are passionate, purposeful, and engaging.
Students forge friendships across grade levels, increasing the sense of community that characterizes the school. Lunches together, recess, the Ager School Program, class musicals and presenta/ons, sports teams, Chapel, field experiences, and assemblies provide opportuni/es for children to interact across grade levels and encourage model ci/zenship and leadership opportuni/es.
Students leave St. John’s with a clear sense of self, leadership experiences, and confidence to embrace the opportuni/es and challenges of high school and beyond. Responsibility for self and others, an expecta/on that they will lead others through example, meaningful engagement with community, na/onal, and world issues, and an inten/onal and successful transi/on to high school are given specific aBen/on.
St. John’s graduates matriculate at the finest of independent, public, and church-related secondary schools, graduate from their respec/ve high schools,
and enter college and beyond well-informed of and well-prepared for the challenges and opportuni/es life offers. Alumni return and visit their “home school,” with a sense of familiarity and a highly developed sense of respect and apprecia/on for the faculty and staff and their days at St. John’s.
An ac/ve and involved parent body is devoted to the school and there is no ques/on that the parents, love, care and support the program at St. John’s. Central to the effec/veness of the school, is the support and connectedness of parents with administra/on, faculty, and staff. This sense of deep connec/on and trust enriches each student, family, faculty rela/onship. Parents and families are apprecia/ve for the important connectedness central to success of the en/re St. John’s church and school community.
The Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is an integral and dynamic voluntary support group. The PTF serves the parent body and represents a wide range of voices of the community to the greater
cons/tuents of the school. The Fellowship encourages volunteer par/cipa/on in myriad ac/vi/es and events throughout the school year and these programs are vital to the life at school. The PTF furthers service learning, voluntary fundraising, and outreach in the greater community.
The faculty and staff are highly trained and skilled and remain dedicated to each child’s growth and development with a cri/cal understanding and dedica/on to educa/ng each child. One teacher put it this way: “St. John’s is a thoughHul and engaged learning environment. I like my colleagues and we work in a collabora/ve and nurturing environment that promotes student self-advocacy and promotes self-directed learning.”
The teachers are commiBed to their crag and their adherence to the school’s freedom matched with cri/cal rigor, and a nice easy-going, laid-back nature that makes students and families alike feel comfortable, safe, and willing to take bold risks in their respec/ve teaching and learning journeys.
There are presently 97 on faculty and staff and the average tenure of teachers is eight years. Teacher to student ra/o is 15 to 1.
The school’s governing body, the School CommiBee, represents a dedicated and commiBed group of parents, former parents, community members, and members of the Bishop’s CommiBee who appreciate and support the implementa/on of the school’s mission.
Well prepared to govern the school, the School CommiBee maintains a shared governance model, commiBed to implemen/ng best prac/ces in school governance, working in partnership with the Bishop’s CommiBee representa/ves. Each member of the School CommiBee clearly understands the appropriate scope of the work of independent and Episcopal school governance. The School CommiBee supports and advances the work of the Head of the School, and the Head of School has direct oversight and responsibility for all school opera/ons, program, and personnel. In addi/on, the
commitment of the members of the School CommiBee is remarkable and is evidenced by their generosity of /me, talent, and resources.
St. John’s School is in excellent financial condi/on. The school conducts annual financial audits and maintains strong internal controls. Like other independent and Episcopal schools, St. John’s primary revenue source is tui/on and its primary expense is faculty and staff salaries.
The school has an annual opera/ng budget of $9.5MM. Tui/on for 2022-2023 will be $17,510 for (Early Childhood-Pre-K), $20,080 (K-5), and $20,910 (6-8). Financial assistance is available to all families on a need basis. In addi/on, interna/onal students are welcomed at St. John’s Episcopal School and interna/onal tui/on rates are $27,500 (K-5) and $28,330 (6-8).
St. John’s Episcopal School in 2022 is a school with many strengths that draw on its important history and founding—among them a clear and compelling mission; an enviable growth trajectory; a reputa/on for student success; and, in recent years, the expansive use of instruc/onal spaces and the development of STEAM and technology instruc/on.
At the same /me, St. John’s faces challenges common to PK-8 independent and Episcopal schools today: leaning into its commitment to being an equitable and diverse community; strengthening its Episcopal Iden/ty, maintaining an effec/ve shared governance and leadership rela/onship, crea/ng program alignment to drive and sustain strong educa/onal programming; and building upon a strong financial base to support an exci/ng future for the school.
The school has experienced growth over the years and a well-deserved reputa/on for student achievement, excellent placement of graduates, and community connec/vity. At present, there is a need for more collabora/ve work, connec/on, and communica/on among the administra/on, governing commiBee, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and other stakeholders. More collabora/ve interac/ons and meaningful clarity of its shared governance structure will be vital to sustain its prominence and addressing the needs of all students and their families.
In addi/on, because of the constant monitoring of the effec/ve program and curriculum, there is a need for the new school leader to address the con/nual need to iden/fy and accommodate programma/c spaces and footprints for their growth trajectory.
The next Head of School at St. John’s should bring skilled and experienced leadership and be prepared to take on the opportuniEes and challenges ahead:
RelaEonal community builder: Strengthen trust and build effec/ve “community” rela/onships throughout the school and church. Be visibly engaged in the daily life of the school— classrooms, school events, student programs and ac/vi/es. Demonstrate good humor, energy, warmth, and seek out connec/ons across the spectrum of individuals that make up the St. John’s Church and School Community. Sustain strong school-home partnerships. Connect with current students, families, alumni, and the church and school community to promote the long-standing and welcoming ethos that is iden/fied with the school and its people.
EducaEonal vision: Bring current data-driven research on best prac/ces in high-performing
schools to St. John’s Episcopal School to sustain the curricular excellence. Provide appropriate and impacHul assessment for con/nued student growth.
Commi;ed advocate for Episcopal IdenEty and diversity iniEaEves: Demonstrate a hearHelt and authen/c commitment for St. John’s founda/onal allegiance to diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with other issues of import as captured in the school’s Mission and Vision Statement.
EffecEve communicator: Inspire through wriBen and verbal skills. Be willing to have /mely, courageous conversa/ons when confron/ng compe/ng priori/es in a high-performing and responsive school that values integrity, transparency, cohesion, and kindness.
Board partnership: Work effec/vely in partnership with the School CommiBee and the Bishop’s CommiBee on implemen/ng the mission, overseeing financial resources, and engaging in strategic planning. Build a produc/ve working rela/onship with the School CommiBee that ensures trust and confidence in school leadership and governance.
Faculty and staff recruitment and retenEon: Engage ac/vely in the recruitment and iden/fica/on of talented faculty and staff for St. John’s. Advocate and retain effec/ve professional development for teachers and staff.
Fundraising experience: Garner resources necessary to support St. John’s aspira/ons for the future, including capital fundraising, financial assistance, endowment growth, Annual Fund, con/nuing accredita/on with the California Associa/on of Independent Schools, programma/c needs, faculty and staff compensa/on/benefits, and professional development.
MulE-divisional experEse: Demonstrate competence and skill in managing a nursery through grade 8 school. Build a unified vision, and program across all divisions. Work closely and collabora/vely with the seasoned administra/ve team to manage the school effec/vely and maintain a consistently strong and effec/ve ethos and culture message to the greater community.
FaciliEes experience: Engage in master facili/es planning, including campus expansion and renova/on, budge/ng, and fundraising as well as crea/ve solu/ons for mee/ng long-term needed resources, including deferred maintenance.
OrganizaEonal health and systems: Establish and implement a clear organiza/onal design for the school. Develop the systems and personnel needed to respond to the needs of the program. Clarify decision-making lines of authority and supplement good prac/ces with excep/onal documenta/on of crisis management, health, and safety for en/re student body. ABend to the overall health of the organiza/on, including employee and community engagement. Expand opportuni/es for divisional and schoolwide collabora/on.
Skilled change manager: Lead change at the school with skill, sophis/ca/on, and authority. Make certain that new ini/a/ves are aligned with the vision for the future, whether that vision is about program, facili/es, or personnel. Build trust in ini/a/ves through partnership, transparency, and communica/on. Con/nue the work begun with the school’s Self-Study in an/cipa/on of an accredita/on visit and the 35th anniversary of the school’s founding.
• Thrive in a vibrant child-centered and dynamic PK-8 school environment;
Be informed and highly versed in today’s best prac/ces in PK-8 educa/on with a vision to support professional growth, horizontal and ver/cal curricular alignment, and technology;
Maintain a strong moral compass, be a proponent for spiritual educa/on, and be a strong voice for St. John’s Episcopal Iden/ty and ethos;
Demonstrate a proven record of hiring, suppor/ng, evalua/ng, and retaining outstanding administrators, faculty, and staff;
• Maintain a visible, accessible, and approachable presence;
• Demonstrate a willingness to learn, to lead, and to embrace change with wisdom and gravitas;
• Strike the right balance between maintaining a warm, approachable presence and being a clear, thoughHul, and decisive educa/onal leader who can also manage difficult conversa/ons and work through differences of opinion;
• Possess excellent communica/on skills with a strong grasp for ac/ve listening, clear wri/ng, and a propensity for authen/c engagement and trus/ng conversa/ons;
Maintain effec/ve organiza/onal skills and priori/ze mul/ple responsibili/es and tasks concurrently;
• Recognize challenges and opportuni/es of a fastpaced school environment with an empathe/c understanding for tradi/ons, transi/ons and planning, affilia/ons and structures, and a comprehensive Nursery-8 school culture; and
Maintain a sense of humor and the energy and the op/mism necessary to find joy in the leadership of an outstanding school community.
This is an exci/ng opportunity for a dis/nguished and experienced educa/onal professional with the talents, energy, and competencies to serve a thriving Nursery-8 school community in a dynamic, highly educated, and welcoming environment. St. John’s Episcopal School offers a compe//ve salary and benefits.
St. John’s has retained Doreen Oleson,, from Resource Group 175 to lead the search for the new Head of School. All interested candidates should apply online at: hBps:// and upload applica/on materials: cover leBer, a current resume, and a personal statement.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, September 15, 2022. All inquiries will be treated confiden/ally.
St. John’s Episcopal School welcomes and encourages applica6ons from diverse candidates. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orienta6on, gender iden6ty, disability, na6onal or ethnic origin, or other legally protected status in admission of otherwise qualified students or in providing access to the rights, privileges, programs or ac6vi6es generally available to all students and their families, including educa6onal policies, scholarship and other financial aid programs, or athle6c, extra-curricular, and other schooladministered programs and ac6vi6es.