Lotte Schonis - Tarot For The Beginner Witch -2021

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A little introduction Hello there! My name is Lotte and I’m a visual artist and illustrator from the Netherlands. I’m a hardworking and imaginative artist. And as an illustrator it’s important to me that I can put my love for all things fantasy, spirituality and color into my work. For as long as I can remember I’ve always had a love and passion for drawing, people often depict me as a quiet dreamer. Being that way made drawing a great outlet for me as a way to express myself. Illustrating drives and motivates me to become the best artist I can be. I get inspired by all the normal and daily aspects of life, as well as my love for fantasy/horror films, books, comics and so on. By recognizing the magic in all these things, I use my imagination and I illustrate.


FOR THE BEGINNER WITCH ‘Tarot - The Major Arcana- For The Beginner Witch’ is a project I started to shine a positive and inviting light on witchcraft. The topic of witchcraft is something that is often put in a negative light and I would like to debunk some of the misconceptions regarding this subject. Why does witchcraft have such a strange, negative stigma around it? Why is it often associated with, for example, satanism? Where do misconceptions like these come from?

History Before Christianity was the dominant religion, most of the Northern European countries practiced Pagan religions. They worshipped Nature-Gods, such as Thor, Eostre, Apollo, Frey and Cernunnos. Healers and fortune tellers, who were often women, held important positions within their communities. They were seen as people who possessed magical abilities and supernatural powers. They were givers of life and healers within their communities, and often practiced magical rituals and celebrated feasts known as Sabbaths.Things changed when the Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in AD 380. During the Early Middle Ages, most of Europe underwent Christianization, a process essentially completed with the Baltic Christianization in the 15th century.

The church practiced syncretism, which meant that everything that fell outside of orthodoxy was labeled heresy. Pagan religions were marked as satanism. Many pagan gods had always been depicted with goat-like features, which the church ended up linking to Lucifer’s image. People who worshipped the Sabbaths and pagan Gods were arrested and tortured to force them to betray other people who also practiced pagan religions. Their healers and fortune tellers were now labelled witches and prosecuted. Later, these methods were spread to America and other places around the entire world. One of the most notorious examples of this are the Salem witch trials. Anyone seen by society as ‘different’ could be accused of being a witch, as divergence from the norm was often associated with satanism. People such as independent women, widows, people of colour and other minorities were often the ones who ended up on trial. While the church and Inquisition spread the fear of witches among their followers, it was mainly the local governments and communities who led the witch trials. The Salem trials were not only the result of superstition and the Puritan beliefs, but also social issues. Many people lived in fear of being accused of witchcraft, which led them to make false accusations in self preservation. Outcasts of society were easy targets, especially if they were accused by wealthy, influential families. Even today, witchcraft carries a stigma, which is reflected in modern pop-culture.

Wicca Within Wicca there are a few important things to know. Wicca is a nature religion which was created by Gerald Gardner in the 50’s. He wrote the book ‘Witchcraft Today’ and in this book he talked about the history of nature-magic and how modern pagans practiced their rituals. Wiccans use a Book of Shadows, which is a sort of logbook in which they keep track of their rituals and magical practices. These sorts of books have been used for a much longer time than this, but the term ‘Book of Shadows’ comes from Wicca. A very important guideline wiccans live by is the Law of Three: “Ever mind the Law of Three. Three times your acts return to thee. This lesson well, thou must learn. Thou only gets what thee dots earn.” When looking at this law you could compare it to the term Karma. According to this law everything you do will come back to you in threefold, so be mindful of your intentions when practicing magic. This also goes for the term “Harm None” which wiccans often use. Then there’s the five elements which wiccans use and honor in their practice. Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Spirit. They believe that these elements bind and create the universe. Wiccans worship the God and the Goddess, they represent the balance of nature, witches and wiccans believe that the world revolves around the interchange of feminine and masculine energies. The God representing the Sun and its solar energies and the Goddess the Moon and its lunar energies. They both need each other and their rolls are equally important. They are often referred to as the Horned God and the Earth Mother.

Witchcraft Now a bit more about the topic of witchcraft itself. This tarot will cover the basics of witchcraft and with that also the basics of Wicca. Witchcraft or witchery is the practice of magical skills, spells, and abilities. This can be used as a way to manifest what you want or wish for in life, to honor the sabbaths or in magical rituals, which can be done solitary or within covens. A coven is a group or meeting of witches. Witchcraft is a broad term that is found all over the world and practiced in many cultures. There is no age, gender or religion bound to this practice and is open to anyone who is interested. Witchcraft often goes hand in hand with the nature religion of Wicca. The important difference between witchcraft and Wicca is that Wicca is a religion and witchcraft is a practice and lifestyle. So a witch isn’t always a Wiccan. But a Wiccan is almost always a witch. Within Wicca, witchcraft is often used during rituals and religious practices, therefore making wiccans witches. Witchcraft in itself is entirely secular, it has no deities and no religion associated with it. But you can add religion or working with deities into the magical practice of witchcraft. This is entirely up to you and how you want to practice your craft. There is, of course, much more information to find on these subjects. But for now that is where I’ll leave this introduction at. I hope that with this set of tarot cards I’ll be able to inform you on the actual meaning of witchcraft. My intent is to show you what this practice means and teach you some of the basics.

Now that I’ve told you a little bit about witchcraft and Wicca, you may be wondering how tarot fits into the picture. According to the official description, tarot is a card game that is used for divination and fortune telling. But that’s not all there is to it.

A tarot reading is meant to give you insight into any aspect of your daily life you wish to have a fresh perspective on. Think of things such as: relationships, school, work or your own (spiritual) development. Your question can be as specific as you wish. Keep in mind that tarot is not a way to predict the future. Our future isn’t set in stone but is ever-changing based on our decisions. Therefore, these tarot cards are open to your own interpretation. They don’t have just one meaning and can be read in multiple ways. Tarot should also never be a way to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. You are responsible for your own life and the decisions you make. The cards can help you gain insight in certain matters, but they are never the only guideline you should take. Having said that, tarot can be very insightful and help give you a new perspective on all aspects of your life.















New beginnings Leap of faith Enthusiasm Innocence Creativity

Here we see the God in the form of the Greenman. He’s a symbol of rebirth and represents the spring. At this time of the year, he is related to the Sabbath of Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox. On this date, day and night are the same length. There is balance and harmony. After this, the days will become longer and the nights shorter. Today, Ostara is mostly known as Easter. The name Ostara comes from the Germanic Goddess known as Eostra, the Goddess of the dawn and fertility. Over the years, the name of Eostra evolved into Easter. Even the Greenman himself has left traces in modern society, such as through his association to characters as Peter Pan and Robin Hood. Spring is the time of the year when the God’s energetic enthusiasm initiates new beginnings, adventure and growth. He represents innocence, fertility and fearlessness. But also naïvity, recklessness and unfocussed energy. This is a card about taking a leap of faith and new beginnings. It’s time to explore your creativity.


Creatie Magie Vaardigheid Manifestatie Controle nemen over je lot

Op deze kaart zien we een heks die haar magie gebruikt om haar wensen en verlangens te manifesteren. Ze is zowel deskundig als zelfverzekerd in haar vaardigheden, bekwaam op een manier waarmee ze gemakkelijk manifesteert wat ze wil. Met gesloten ogen zwaait ze met haar handen boven haar ketel om de rook te vormen tot het beeld van een heksenhoed. Door de geschiedenis heen is het iconische beeld van de heksenhoed overal ter wereld opgedoken, voor het eerst gebruikt in China, Hongarije en later gebruikt in Noord-Europa door vrouwen die bier brouwden. Wiccans en heksen gebruiken de heksenhoed vaak als middel om hun energie te centreren, waarbij de puntige bovenkant van de hoed naar de energie van de geest reikt. Dit is een kaart over het nemen van de controle over je eigen lot. Het vertelt ons dat verbeelding een geschenk is dat je zal helpen je innerlijke zelf te vinden en beter te begrijpen. Magie bestaat, het is overal en het kan de vonk zijn die je helpt te vinden wat je wilt en kunt bereiken in het leven.


Intuition Femininity Psychic abilities Insight Lunar magic

On this card The High Priestess is shown performing a lunar ritual under the light of the Moon. A High Priestess is a woman who leads a Coven or a Wiccan ritual. She is knowledgeable in the ways of magic and the spiritual connection with the Goddess and the God. She is in tune with the moon cycle and knows how to trust her own intuition and psychic abilities. Each moon-phase can be used for different kinds of magic. Feminine energy is associated with the Moon, while masculinity is associated with the Sun. This doesn’t mean that people who identify as female should only perform lunar magic and people who identify as male should only perform solar magic. We all possess masculine and feminine energies no matter what we identify as. And as a praticing witch we should honor them both. This is a card about strong judgement skills and intuitive thinking. Meaning you are good at making decisions. Use these skills as a means to guide yourself or others. At the end of this book I’ve included some information about lunar magic.

Meaning Femininity Beauty Nurturing Abundance Fertility

This card depicts the Goddess in the form of the Earth Mother. She is pregnant with the Horned God’s child, who shall become the Yule child, the Oak King reborn. More information about them can be found on their respective cards in this deck. But this card relates to the sabbath of Litha: the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsommar. On this day we celebrate the longest day and shortest night of the year. It falls on June 21st. This is the solar peak of the year and the sun is at the height of its life-giving power. During this part of the cycle, the Goddess plays the role of the Mother. In this role, she represents the fullness of nature. She is robust, healthy and abundant. She gives life and fruitfulness to all her children, her cornucopia overflowing with the fruits of the harvest. This card symbolizes creation, new life, light, beauty and goodness in daily and material matters. It can also indicate pregnancy, marriage or an understanding between partners.


Responsibility Stability Mental strength Leadership Builder

Versions of the Horned God appear in a variety of religions throughout history. He goes by many names, such as Pan, Cernunnos, Krampus and Satyr. His physical features differ in each religion. In some he appears almost human, while others depict him with goat- or deer-like features. Christianity took those goat-like features and applied them to Lucifer, who previous to this did not have a set physical description, as the Bible never provided one. This was done in order to further discourage paganism back in the 15th century. This is also why The Devil card in the original tarot is depicted as a horned goat-like figure. The Horned God card represents responsibility, stability, inner peace, willpower and is associated with masculine and solar energy. He is an imposing figure and a leader who is strong and aware of his power, yet also kind, gentle and generous with his abundance. A protector and provider.


Sympathy Good advice Organisation Structure Solar magic

A High Priest is a man who leads a Coven or a Wiccan ritual. The High Priest is knowledgeable in the ways of magic and the spiritual connection with the Goddess and the God. On this card, you can see the High Priest working with the solar energy of the God. He is a mentor figure, one who has studied spiritual practices and will share his knowledge so it may be passed onto future generations through instruction and ritual celebrations. In many Pagan traditions today, there’s a lot of emphasis on the magic and power of the moon. However, it’s important to remember that the moon isn’t the only heavenly body out there. The sun itself has been a source of myth, magic and legend for thousands of years. There are many deities throughout different cultures associated with it. The High Priest is a card of tradition, structure and organization. It can suggest a mentor figure coming into your life or the transition of becoming one. So that structure and good advice can help to create a comfortable flow in life. At the end of this book I’ve included some information about ways to work solar magic.


Balance of opposites Attraction Choice Good decisions Partnership

Here we see the celebration of the union of the God and the Goddess. Wiccan views of divinity are generally dualistic and revolve around the (Earth Mother) Goddess and the (Horned) God, who are two fundamental opposites of each other. This card relates to the sabbath of Beltane, the fertility festival held on May 1st, which nowadays is also known as May Day. It marks the beginning of summer on the pagan calendar. The Goddess and the God work together like moon and sun work together to benefit the Earth, for without the moon there would be no tides, and without the sun, there would be no life. The Goddess is associated with both the Earth and the Moon. Her energy is nurturing and tender, as she makes possible the manifestation of all change. And as the masculine half of the all-encompassing life force, the God is usually represented with either the horned animals of the forest, or the Sun. He is a guardian for humans and at the same time a protector of the woods. This is a card about making choices regarding partnership with someone, to see if this person is suited for you. There are new opportunities for growth through commitment and a need for loyalty as a means to seek unity.


Victory Succes Triumph Recognition of abilities

This card shows a brave warrior standing inside a battle wagon. The laurel and star crown resting on their head signals victory, success and spiritual evolution. The horses have no reins, for the warrior is able to control them through their willpower alone. They have the ability to command both feminine and masculine energies, represented by the horses drawing the chariot. The dark horse represents femininity, as shown by the alchemy symbol representing the moon on her forehead, while the light horse represents masculinity, who carries a symbol of the sun. The warrior is a figure of action, decisiveness, skillfulness and confidence that suffers no doubt. They know what they want and go for it. It’s a card about personal achievement through focus on goals, self discipline and leadership abilities, with actions that bring quick results. This may be within business, career or personal objectives. This can also be related to teamwork or bringing people together despite their differences. Energy can be successfully raised, consolidated, and directed by the person to achieve desired goals in whatever matter or field involved, bringing victory and esteem for the individual.


Inner strength Succes Happiness Fortitude Willpower

Here we see the Goddess in the form of the wise woman, the Crone. She walks in the light of knowledge and experience, and is fierce yet kind. She represents the night, as well as the autumn and winter seasons. And with that, the ending of the yearly cycle. In folklore, a crone is often portrayed as an old woman who may be disagreeable, malicious or sinister in manner, often with magical or supernatural associations that can make her either helpful or obstructing. In other religions and myths she is known as: Hel (Nordic/Germanic), Hecate (Greek), Morrigan (Britain), Tiamat (Sumerian), Kali Ma (Hindu), Nephthys (Egypt) and Tlazolteotl (Aztec). But in Wicca she symbolizes the Dark Goddess. This is a card of willpower. It encourages self-confidence and the ability to take control over one’s own destiny. By having fortitude and self-assurance one may control, overcome and resolve obstacles. With this confidence comes a calm aura that encourages others who are struggling. Being true to oneself allows one to remain composed and serene in the face of difficulties.


New path Wisdom Seeker Inner spiritual leadership Self analysis

The Holly King is a folk figure with multicultural roots. He embodies characteristics of Saturn (Roman), Cronos (Greek), Father Ice/Grandfather Frost (Russian), and Odin/ Wotan (Scandinavian), but is mostly known today as Father Christmas or Santa Claus. The Holly King is the ruler of winter, darkness and death. He carries his hourglass as a reminder to take time to discover himself. So he can become the wise mentor he is meant to be. He carries a sack containing gifts of knowledge and experience to pass along to others. He is associated with the celebration of Yule or Yule-Tide, which is a Germanic Winter-Solstice celebration, known today as Christmas. It celebrates the shortest day and longest night of the year, falling on December 21st. This is a card that symbolizes the need to take the time to seek one’s own path and discover the wisdom and experience that comes with it. Self analysis is needed in order to grow.


Long term good fortune Succes Transition Sudden progress Happy events

The Wheel of the Year is always in motion, meaning that change is something that is always bound to happen. This card indicates nature at a primal level, allowing a person to benefit from events through long term good fortune and success beyond their own control. The passage of the Sabbaths through the year offers possibilities and opportunities each time the wheel turns. The Wheel of the Year is a symbol of the eight Sabbats (religious festivals) of Neo-Paganism and the Wicca movement which includes four solar festivals (Yule, Ostara, Litha and Mabon) and four seasonal festivals (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh). This card could indicate a new cycle in one’s life and could be a sign that this cycle will come naturally because you are in sync with its rhythm. It gives opportunity for good results when one wants to start a new project or a new hobby. A card of encouragement to show us we’re on the right track.

Meaning Natural law Objectivity Harmony Fairness Balance

Here we see a standing stone, engraved by the Horned God. Standing stones are unyielding and strong, blending earth and spirit energies. They are considered symbols of authority, power and balance, like the Horned God himself. He acts as a Forest King: a powerful figure to encounter on any journey through the wild woods.The path leading to the stone through the dark woods will show the road one must follow to reach the truth of the matter. A pentacle is carved into the stone representing protection and balance between the five elements: air, water, earth, fire and spirit. Underneath the pentacle, the text ‘Harm None’ is written. A reminder to treat others with fairness and in the same way as you wish to be treated, something most Wiccans and witches live by. This is a card of law and order. It provides solid, down-to-earth protection from the God. He knows the woods and truly understands its nature, harmonies and conflicts. He understands things should happen in a fair and just way.


New perspective Spiritual growth Inner peace Meditation on transition Weighing options

The Oak King is the ruler of the summer, light, fertility and growth. He is often depicted wearing a crown of oak leaves and acorns and dressed in green. He is at his strongest during the season of Litha, also known as the summer solstice. His opposite, the Holly King, is at his strongest during the season of Yule, also known as the winter solstice. Here we see him sitting by a fully blooming oak tree, surrounded by the fullness of nature. He meditates on the transition from summer to winter that will inevitably come. In summer, he reminds us to take it easy and enjoy this time of the year. Go outside and see what nature has to offer now that it is in it’s full bloom. Look at it from a different perspective and you might come to new and more clear conclusions. This card tells us that it’s a good time to grow spiritually and meditate or focus inward to determine what needs to be let go of in order to make room for what needs to be brought into your life.


Transformation Change Turning point Optimism Moving from shadow to light

This is a card that in most decks is known as the Death card, which often scares people and gives them the wrong idea about this card. In reality, this card has nothing to do with death. It is all about change, letting go and moving from shadow into light. We see the God of Nature in the form of the Lord of Shadows, ruler of the underworld. He is not someone who we should fear, because he is patient, kind and encourages optimism. His presence suggests a transition in someone’s life and the end of an era. There is a need for a clean slate in order for the right changes to come into fruition. It is time to move forward, just as you see the moth on this card moving from the darkness into the light. So it is necessary to let go of things that no longer serve you. Refusal to do this may end in loss of hope or may cause lack of growth. From cleansing, new opportunities will arise, getting rid of negative influences and making space for positive ones.


Balance Moderation Middle path Good people skills Patience

In this card we see a practicing witch. She weighs her options, listening to the whispers of the Fae. They guide and help her to make balanced decisions as she fills both sides of the weighing scale evenly, harmonizing the rational and the intuitive mind. Fae or Fairies are magical beings believed to live in a realm parallel to the mortal realm. The realms are separated by a thin veil which they can pass through. They are part of folklore all over the world. The faerie folk, who walk the line between the conscious and unconscious mind are here to guide and harmonize. It is a card about good people skills, clear communication and, most importantly, balance. From the spiritual realm, the Fae bring new inspiration. Patience is necessary to find the balance one needs to bring new ideas into reality. When working in teams, changes and compromises may have to be made in order to find middle ground.


Temptations Desire Freedom Unseen dangers Self-imposed restrictions

Choices are the main aspect of this card. It can be a warning but also a reminder to let go of what is holding you back. The path chosen may lead to freedom, happiness and enlightenment, or it could be filled with unseen dangers. In most decks, this card is known as The Devil, but here we see it as The Nature. By having a Devil-like figure on other cards this can make for a misleading image, indicating an evil presence. However this is not the case, this card tells us to take a look at ourselves instead of searching for a presence that may be causing misfortune. We see the faun here being tempted by a beautiful plant, unaware that it is poisonous. His hands may be shackled but the key to his freedom is right around his neck and escape from his own self restrictions would be easy. While this card may seem scary at first, its goal is to remind us that self reflection is important. Be aware of your self-imposed restrictions or limitations. Think about what it is that you truly want, but remember that sometimes short-term goals require personal sacrifice that may not be in one’s best interest.


Sudden change Destruction Chaos Shocking event Truth revealed

The God here is shown in the form of the hunter. He brings an unexpected thunderstorm that carries destruction with it. This unstoppable but quickly passing storm may be unpleasant but brings about abrupt changes, leading to liberation and revealing truths. The tower breaks down as it’s being engulfed in flames. However, piece by piece, it can be rebuilt into an even stronger framework, standing on more substantial foundations. The lighting gives the illumination that is needed at this time to see that there is beauty in this chaos. In order to reach the light, you first have to suffer through darkness. Change is rapidly happening, disregarding denial and finally taking long overdue action for personal progress and spiritual growth. This change may be uncomfortable or shocking, but it is necessary to make way for a positive new perspective. When seen in a reading, this card tells us that it is time for self-improvement.


Hope Inspiration Opportunity Positive energy Manifesting dreams

The seven-pointed star is known as a heptagram, septagram or septegram. Medieval alchemists used the seven-pointed star to stand for the seven alchemical metals and their corresponding planets. But here we see the symbol as a Fairy star or lucky star. It embodies individuality, uniqueness, creativity and intelligence. The points refer to Land, Water, Sky, Moon, Sun, Stars and Magic. There is a positive opportunity for transformation to arrive and can be manifested through one’s hopes and dreams. We see the young woman gaze into the water as she pours magically-infused water from her silver goblet, using the reflection of the water as a means of divination. Divination is a form of magical practice used as a means to give you new insights or manifest what it is you want in life. Therefore it is a card of optimism and hope. The power of the universe is at work here, either within the individual or by forming a web of circumstance that will bring manifested change and new spiritual hope. The time for action is now, there is something guiding and illuminating the journey and it is something that can and should absolutely be followed and trusted.


Vertrouw instincten Bedrog blootleggen Verborgen gevaar Intuïtie Vijanden De maan laat ons zien dat het belangrijk is om op ons instinct te vertrouwen. De weerspiegeling van de Volle Maan in de kristallen bol kan duiden op een tijd van illusie en onzekerheid. Dingen in het leven zijn op dit moment misschien onduidelijk, maar als je op je intuïtie vertrouwt, zal de waarheid zich openbaren. De vrouw op de kaart staart in haar kristallen bol en kijkt naar de weerspiegeling van de Volle Maan, in plaats van naar de echte Maan aan de hemel achter haar te kijken. Kijken naar de weerspiegeling ervan lijkt misschien gemakkelijker en aantrekkelijker omdat het maar een afbeelding is. Maar op dit moment is het belangrijk om de Volle Maan zelf onder ogen te zien en op je intuïtie te vertrouwen, bewuste mentale blokkades of een negatief zelfbeeld los te laten. Omdat de maan op zijn hoogtepunt is in kracht, is het nu een tijd voor manifestatie en verandering. Als deze kaart tijdens een lezing verschijnt, kan er sprake zijn van oneerlijkheid of bedrog naar jezelf of een persoon of situatie in je leven. Deze kaart vertelt je dat dit een tijd is van innerlijke transformatie, initiatie of bewustzijn, en om op je gevoel te vertrouwen en dit verborgen gevaar bloot te leggen. Luister naar die innerlijke stem en confronteer je angsten.


Achievements Fertility Abundance Happiness Succes

The Sun is a highly positive card of achievement, happiness and success. It usually indicates a moment of glory from a job well done. This success did not come out of nowhere. Goals have been earned and achieved. Hard work, from self-expression in any field, has been put in to achieve the required result, may it be love, relationships, money, career, health or spirituality. The Sun is a powerful symbol of light, life and fertility. It blesses us with joyous enlightenment, health and harmony. Wellkept sunflower fields reflect the life-giving power of the Sun, providing one with a sense of pride and satisfaction. The sunflowers will bring positive energy and wealth. When seen in a reading this card tells us that one will find that people are drawn to the happiness and positive energy that is given out. Now is a time to enjoy the well earned success and to feel carefree, liberated and self-assured.


Rewards New opportunities Choices made Self-evaluation Reaping a good harvest

A card that symbolizes the enjoyment of reaping a good harvest. Here we see the young woman celebrating Lughnasadh, which falls on August 1st. During this time of the year, we thank the Earth Mother for her abundance and generosity. Whilst this is a summer-celebration, Lughnasadh (or Lammas for short) reminds us that autumn is approaching. At this time of year, it’s important to enjoy and appreciate the warmth and life that the sun gives us, for it won’t last much longer. With wishes manifested and thankfulness for the rewards, new insights and energies can be brought to us. Right now is a time to take a step back and look at choices that have been made, actions that have been taken and opportunities that may have been lost. There could be a need for self-evaluation to seek out personal and spiritual growth regarding these themes. Take a look at choices that have been made and where there is a place for progress, whilst being grateful for the progress made so far.


Good end Journey Completion Achievements Joyfull new beginnings Here we see the Triplemoon Goddess carved into the World Tree. It’s a card that tells us about a cycle completed, making way for new beginnings and with that new opportunities. The World Tree can be found in a variety of cultures. Such as égig éro fa (Hungarian) Agaç Ana (Turkic), Yggdrasil (Norse), Irminsul (Germanic), The Oak (Slavic, Finnish and Baltic), Jianmu (Chinese), The Ashvattha (Hindu) and many more. But in this deck we see it as the World Tree. The Maiden talks to us about beginnings, the dawn and spring. The Mother of maturity, midday and the summer. The Crone of, the night, the autumn and winter. Together they form the completion of the circle of life and the Wheel of the Year. We take with us the things we have learned and are thankful for the spiritual growth gained along the way, as we get ready to start the cycle all over again. A journey ends, and with that journey also this deck. So we can make our way back to the card of The Greenman, who represents a fresh start.

Solar Magic

A quick guide to the Sun cycle and the magical workings you can perform with it. Following the different times of the day: Dawn: new beginnings, charging and travel. Morning: study, building and growth. Noon: protection, health and courage. Afternoon: resolution, clarity and communication. Sunset: divination, release and getting rid of bad habits.

Lunar Magic

A quick guide to the Moon cycle and the magical workings you can perform with it. Follow the moon phases on the card of The High Priestess clockwise: The new moon: new beginnings and setting intentions. The waning crescent: resting and reflection. The last quarter: readjustment and transition. The waning gibbous: releasing and receiving. The full moon: celebration and manifestation. The waxing gibbous: patience and reflection. The first quarter: motivation and creation. The waxing crescent: attraction and success.

The Triplemoon Goddess In many Wiccan traditions, the Goddess takes a three-fold form, known as the Triple Goddess. Her individual aspects, known as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, are aligned with the phases of the Moon’s cycle, the waxing crescent, the Full Moon, and the waning crescent. Each aspect within the Triple Goddess is associated with particular seasons and other natural phenomena, as well as human characteristics and elements of life on Earth. These associations can be used to call on the appropriate aspect of the Goddess during magical work, ritual worship, and prayer. The maiden representing the dawn, the spring season and fresh potential. The mother represents midday, the summer season and maturity. The crone representing the night, the autumn and winter season. And the ending of the yearly cycle.

The Oak King and the Holly King In many Celtic-based traditions of neopaganism, there is the enduring legend of the battle between the Oak King and the Holly King. These two mighty rulers who fight for supremacy, representing the waxing and waning of the Sun as the seasons turn. They are brothers even though they are opposites to each other. The Holly King rules from Midsummer to Yule and the Oak King rules the waxing year from Yule to Midsummer. The Holly King represents darkness, decay and death, however, also represents inner knowledge and spiritual leadership. The Oak King, on the other hand, represents light, growth and fertility. In the legends of some belief systems, the dates of these events are shifted; the battle takes place at the Equinoxes, so that the Oak King is at his strongest during Midsummer, or Litha, and the Holly King is dominant during Yule.


FOR THE BEGINNER WITCH ‘Tarot - The Major Arcana- for the Beginner Witch’ is a tarot deck inculding 22 cards about the basics of witchcraft and Wicca. As a means to debunk the misconceptions regarding these subjects. Because witchcraft often has a negative stigma surrounding it. Why is that? And why is it often associated with, for example, satanism? Where do these misconceptions come from? Witchcraft is a broad term that is found all over the world and practiced in many cultures. There is no age, gender or religion bound to this practice and is open to anyone who is interested. This tarot will cover the basics of witchcraft, wicca and teach you how to read tarot.


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