Year 7, 8 and 9 Curriculum 2019 - 2020
Contents 04
Introduction to Key Stage 3
Learning Support
Art and Design
Design Technology
Faith, Life & Wellbeing
Food Technology
Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish
Modern Foreign Languages: French
Physical Education
Enrichment at St Joseph’s
Introduction to Key Stage 3 Key Stage 3 is an exciting time in your child’s school career; however, it also brings with it a number of challenges. At Key Stage 3 we aim to: • Introduce students to a wide range of subjects and studies • Lay the foundations for success at GCSE and beyond • Give them confidence to join in, ask questions, help others
• Encourage your child to check their Study Planner for homework every evening
• Make them more independent and self-aware
• Agree a routine for homework - it is best to start homework after a short rest when getting home, not later in the evening
• Give students the skills and knowledge they need for lifelong learning
• Try to ensure that the homework is completed on the night that it is set
• Show them how to think and learn for themselves • Prepare students for the adult world
• Recognise how hard it is to work unsupervised. Your daughter or son will need to structure their time
Helping your child to prepare for school life
• If there is a problem with the level of work, let your child’s Form Tutor or Subject Teacher know
Key Stage 3 represents a big change in the way your child will need to study and organise themselves. Here are some useful pointers to help ease that transition:
• Check homework on the portal and sign your child’s Study Planner at the end of every week
• Make a copy of your child’s timetable and homework timetable and display them so that you can refer to them on a daily basis • Ensure that your child is aware of the two week timetable and whether it is Week 1, or Week 2 • Help your child to organise a quiet work place at home, with storage space for files, exercise and text books • Agree and establish a routine for ‘emptying the bag’ – removing and checking the Study Planner for details about homework and letters and comments from teaching staff or their Form Tutor
• Check the timetable together for lessons such as Food Technology or PE, where your child may be required to bring special kit or equipment
• Ensure your child has an English dictionary and a Spanish bi-lingual dictionary
Achieving a balance for school and home study We all recognise that studying both at school, and at home can be challenging for students. In our experience parental support with homework is key to helping your child to fulfil their academic potential. Here at St Joseph’s, we are here to help you encourage your child with school work at home. So if you have any concerns about your child and their homework, their Form Tutor would welcome your feedback.
Learning Support The Learning Support department provides targeted and specific interventions for those students who have a special educational need. The level and type of intervention is dependent on the need of the individual student. The department aims to support teaching and learning across all curriculum areas through the development of literacy skills. Much emphasis is placed on building self-confidence and self-belief and the department liaises closely with the faculties to ensure an inclusive approach is maintained. Students are not withdrawn from other lessons for additional support as this can be disruptive to their learning in other subjects. Instead, students with the highest level of need are disapplied from Modern Foreign Languages and attend timetabled additional literacy lessons. All timetabled lessons are taught by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, a teacher who specialises in dyslexia.
The department offers a secure and caring environment and operates an open-door policy which students can make use of at break and lunchtime to complete homework or discuss any concerns they may have. In addition, a Homework Support Club is offered to students who are placed on the Special Educational Needs Register. Essentially, the department aims to ensure that progress is made by all students, and that this progress, no matter how incremental, is acknowledged and celebrated within the context of a secure and caring environment. Crucially, communication between home and school is actively encouraged and welcomed.
Students with a lesser level of need attend sessions during registration. There is a broad range of interventions including the following: Literacy support including handwriting, homework support, pastoral support, touch-typing, 1:1 reading support, organisation and revision skills and mentoring. The small, but committed, team of Learning Support Assistants provide in-class support for students with the greatest needs. Monitoring of students who are placed on the Special Educational Needs Register is rigorous and ongoing and interventions are frequently reassessed to ensure the correct intervention is put in place.
Art & Design – Year 7
Christmas Term Egyptian Art and Artefacts
Lent Term Roman Ceramics & Mosaics
Summer Term Celtic Art & Patterns Aboriginal Art
Support & Resources
During the year students will cover the following topics:
Students will be assessed at the end of each project against the 4 Progress Objectives: Generating Ideas; Making; Evaluating; Knowledge. It should be remembered that tracking progress in subjects with substantial practical and experiential learning, is rarely linear. What should be seen is a broadly ‘smooth’ upward progression line over the course of a year or several projects, tracking towards the key assessments points and interim targets.
The Art & Design Department provides the following support and resources:
• Egyptian Art and artefacts – this project will look at the long and exciting history of Egyptian life; developing an understanding of Egyptian Art and religion, sculpture, painting, tomb walls and hieroglyphics. This project will provide a grounding of key skills with drawing, painting, collage and mark-making • Roman ceramics and mosaics – this project will begin by examining the Greek roots of Roman art. Then, focusing on three predominant forms of Roman art: sculpture, murals and mosaics, students will develop their design and cutting skills, whilst being introduced to colour theory. Students will also have the opportunity to experiment with clay, realising 2-dimensional designs into 3-dimensional pieces of artwork. • Celtic knot work and designs – this project builds upon design skills incorporating mathematics to refine relief work. Students will also explore printmaking within this project. • Aboriginal Art – this unit is a fantastic project that leads students from Year 7 through to Year 8. The project allows for further refinement of painting skills, developing an understanding of composition and investigating the formal elements within Art.
Christmas Term Egyptian Art and artefacts Final realisation: Painting Lent Term Roman ceramics and mosaics Final realisation: Ceramics Summer Term Celtic knot work and designs Final realisation: Set of prints Aboriginal Art Final realisation: Painting
Enrichment The Art & Design Department offers: • A special Arts Study Day in London visiting a gallery before watching a West-End Musical • Weekly Art Club
• State of the Art Digital Arts Suite with Mac technology and the latest version of Photoshop • Student Arts Focus Group • Art Scholars’ Society • Materials for all projects during the course during curriculum time • Opportunity for every child to have their work displayed and celebrated • Artworks to build up an independent library using Smartify Every student is provided with a sketchbook at the beginning of each year and is issued with another once the first is full. This sketchbook is for students to complete homework in and needs to be brought to every Art lesson. Students also need to bring to each lesson: • Pencils (2B, B, HB) • Art Apron/ old shirt for wet media work • Rubber • Ruler • An assortment of colouring pencils • Pritt Stick • Black/ Blue biro • Black fine liner
• Artist workshops during the College’s annual Art Festival • The Lion’s Club Peace Poster Competition • Young Art Competition
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Ensuring their child has a quiet space in which to work creatively. • Students need to be stimulated by other artists’ works and should be introduced to galleries and museums through regular visits as much as possible. • Creativity flows best when a child is encouraged and motivated with positive and frequent praise – a policy used by the Art and Design Department at St Joseph’s College.
Art & Design – Year 8
Christmas Term Egyptian Art and Artefacts
Skills During the year students will cover the following topics: • Mexican ‘Day of the Dead’ – this project will explore the importance of festivals within cultures, whilst developing an understanding of the human anatomy. This will include a more central place of drawing with the continued use of sketchbooks with more complex work requiring observational drawing.
Lent Term Roman Ceramics & Mosaics
• North American – this project introduces students to totem poles and dream catchers. Symbols and language are explored, as are measurement and symmetry. This project will also enable students to look at nature, explore Haida symbols and identify themselves with the North American Zodiac chart portraying this information in their own totem pole.
• Arts Award Bronze – Bronze Arts Award: Level 1 Award in the Arts - Qualification 40 guided learning hours + 20 independent learning hours = 60 hours total qualification time (TQT) Bronze Arts Award is a Level 1 qualification on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and is open to young people aged 11 to 25.
Students will be assessed at the end of each project against the 4 Progress Objectives: Generating Ideas; Making; Evaluating; Knowledge. It should be remembered that tracking progress in subjects with substantial practical and experiential learning, is rarely linear. What should be seen is a broadly ‘smooth’ upward progression line over the course of a year or several projects, tracking towards the key assessments points and interim targets.
To achieve a Bronze Arts Award, young people collect evidence in an individual arts log or portfolio of their experiences of:
Christmas Term Ritual Masks | Drawing & Design | Batik
• actively participating in any art form
Lent Term Trainer
• at least one arts event and their review of that event • researching the career and work of an artist or craftsperson • passing on an arts skill • The course aims to enriched children’s understanding and appreciation of the Arts whilst also learning and demonstrating leadership skills to fulfil the award criteria.
Summer Term Dream Catcher | Totem Pole
Summer Term Celtic Art & Patterns Aboriginal Art • Artist workshops during the College’s annual Art Festival • The Lion’s Club Peace Poster Competition • Young Art Competition
Support & Resources The Art & Design Department provides the following support and resources: • State of the Art Digital Arts Suite with Mac technology and the latest version of Photoshop • Student Arts Focus Group • Art Scholars’ Society • Materials for all projects during the course during curriculum time • Opportunity for every child to have their work displayed and celebrated • Artworks to build up an independent library using Smartify Every student is provided with a sketchbook at the beginning of each year and is issued with another once the first is full. This sketchbook is for students to complete homework in and needs to be brought to every Art lesson. Students also need to bring to each lesson: • Pencils (2B, B, HB) • Art Apron/ old shirt for wet media work • Rubber
The Art & Design Department offers:
• Ruler
• A special Arts Study Day in London visiting a gallery before watching a West-End Musical
• An assortment of colouring pencils
• Arts Award Bronze
• Black fine liner
• Weekly Art Club
• Pritt Stick • Black/ Blue biro
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Ensuring their child has a quiet space in which to work creatively. • Students need to be stimulated by other artists’ works and should be introduced to galleries and museums through regular visits as much as possible. • Creativity flows best when a child is encouraged and motivated with positive and frequent praise – a policy used by the Art and Design Department at St Joseph’s College.
Art & Design – Year 9
Christmas Term Surrealism | Pop Art
Lent Term Cubism
Summer Term Giacometti and Henry Moore
Support & Resources
During the year students will cover the following topics:
Students will be assessed at the end of each project against the 4 Progress Objectives: Generating Ideas; Making; Evaluating; Knowledge. It should be remembered that tracking progress in subjects with substantial practical and experiential learning, is rarely linear. What should be seen is a broadly ‘smooth’ upward progression line over the course of a year or several projects, tracking towards the key assessment points and interim targets.
The Art & Design Department provides the following support and resources:
• Surrealism – this project will provide insight into photomontage and collage, whilst exploring the world of the absurd. • Pop Art – students will investigate Pop Artists drawing comparisons between British and American artists. This project also allows students to refine their painting skills and develop knowledge and application of oil paints working on canvas. • Cubism – this project will develop students’ awareness of facial planes, collage and perspective. Students will be introduced to Photography, how lens-based media is used for recording and how to manipulate imagery using Photoshop. • Giacometti and Henry Moore – students will develop further their understanding of portraying the human figure examining two leading twentieth century sculptors. Two-dimensional drawing will be realised into three-dimensional sculptures.
Christmas Term Montage | Painting Lent Term Photography | Collage | Drawing Summer Term Sculpture
Enrichment The Art & Design Department offers:
• State of the Art Digital Arts Suite with Mac technology and the latest version of Photoshop • Student Arts Focus Group • Art Scholars’ Society • Materials for all projects during the course during curriculum time • Opportunity for every child to have their work displayed and celebrated • Artworks to build up an independent library using Smartify Every student is provided with a sketchbook at the beginning of each year and is issued with another once the first is full. This sketchbook is for students to complete homework in and needs to be brought to every Art lesson. Students also need to bring to each lesson:
• A special Arts Study Day in London visiting a gallery before watching a West-End Musical
• Pencils (2B, B, HB)
• Weekly Art Club
• Ruler
• Artist workshops during the College’s annual Art Festival
• An assortment of colouring pencils
• Young Art Competition
• Art Apron/ old shirt for wet media work • Rubber
• Pritt Stick • Black/ Blue biro • Black fine liner
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Ensuring their child has a quiet space in which to work creatively. • Students need to be stimulated by other artists’ works and should be introduced to galleries and museums through regular visits as much as possible. • Creativity flows best when a child is encouraged and motivated with positive and frequent praise – a policy used by the Art and Design Department at St Joseph’s College.
Computing - Year 7
Christmas Term Using Computers Safely, effectively and responsibly
Lent Term Introduction to Programming
Summer Term Living in a Digital World
Computer Networks
Introduction to Graphics
Content & Skills
Using Computers Safely, Effectively and Responsibly A theoretical unit covering the necessary basic knowledge to use computers safely, effectively and responsibly.
Christmas Term Baseline assessment test Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio End of unit skills based assessment
At the end of this unit all pupils will understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct and know how to report concerns. Introduction to Graphics An introduction to graphics and graphic file types. The unit explores how bitmap and vector images are represented and stored by the computer. There is also opportunity for pupils to practise skills in design, photo-editing and image manipulation using a suitable graphics package. Introduction to Programming Pupils will use two programming languages, one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures; design and develop modular programs that use procedures and functions. Pupils will follow an introduction to Python course which is a powerful but easy-to-use high-level programming language. The focus is on getting pupils to understand the process of developing programs, the importance of writing correct syntax, being able to formulate algorithms for simple programs and debugging their programs. Computer Networks This is a theoretical unit covering the basic principles and architecture of local and wide area networks. Pupils will learn that the World Wide Web is part of the Internet, and how web addresses are constructed and stored as IP addresses. Client-server, peer-to-peer networks and the concept of cloud computing are all described. Ways of keeping data secure and simple encryption techniques are also covered. Living in a Digital World Pupils will look at the changes in technology over the last 25 years, looking at ways in which these have affected society and individuals. Pupils will work on creating a project ‘House of the Future’ researching and designing technology for the future.
Lent Term Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio End of unit skills based assessment Summer Term Project work End of unit skills based assessment
Enrichment In Computing, the Technology Faculty offers: • Computer Club every Wednesday during the development hour. • Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award – Bronze Qualification • Co-Space coding competition – BT Adastral Park
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Computing: • IDEA – online account for each student • – touch typing software • All resources stored on Google Classroom for reference
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Involving your child in recognising their digital world around them • Encourage your child to work through the IDEA qualification at home • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to computers and technology
Computing - Year 8
Christmas Term Using computers safely, effectively and responsibly.
Lent Term Comic book design
Summer Term Music Festival Project
Spreadsheet Modelling
Understanding Computers
Content & Skills Using Computers Safely, Effectively and Responsibly A theoretical unit re-visited and updated covering the necessary basic knowledge to use computers safely, effectively and responsibly. At the end of this unit all pupils will understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct and know how to report concerns.
they are used to tell a story. Pupils will need to consider genres, origins, history, target audiences and characters and their physical and non-physical characteristics. Pupils will design and create their own comic to fulfil a client’s requirements using Comic Life 3 software. Pupils will evaluate their work and ensure that their work is fit for purpose and audience.
Understanding Computers The unit covers the basic principles of computer architecture and use of binary. Pupils will revise some of the theory on input and output covered in previous learning and continue to look at the InputProcess-Output sequence and the FetchDecode-Execute cycle through practical activities. Pupils will then look at some simple binary to decimal conversion and vice versa, and learn how text characters are represented using the ASCII code. This will be followed by some simple binary addition. Pupils will learn more in depth how storage devices represent data using binary patterns and physically save these patterns. Finally, they will look at a brief history of communication devices, how new technologies and applications are emerging and the pace of change.
Spreadsheet Modelling This is a practical, skills-based unit covering the principles of creating and formatting basic spreadsheets to produce and use simple computer models. It is suitable for pupils who have a basic knowledge of spreadsheets including cell references, simple formulae and formatting, although these topics are revised in the first lesson, making it also suitable for pupils new to spreadsheets. The unit is centred around creating a financial model for a TV show. Pupils start by looking at different types of model and then use basic spreadsheet techniques to create and format a simple financial model to calculate the expected income from viewers’ voting. The model is then extended to include sales from merchandising, with the introduction of “what if” scenarios. Finally the pupils create a seating plan, book seats and calculate income from seat sales. Spreadsheet features covered include SUM, MAX, IF and COUNTIF functions, cell naming for absolute referencing, conditional formatting, validation, charting and simple macros.
Comic Book Design This is an IT and Media unit which investigates the use of comic strips and how
Music Festival Project Pupils take on the role of a local music festival promoter, pupils will work through
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Involving your child in recognising their digital world around them • Encourage your child to work through the IDEA qualification at home • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to computers and technology
various tasks in teams including project management, graphics, database and application creation. This will allow pupils to identify and combine different skills sets in their groups, work as a team and produce professional quality products.
Assessment Christmas Term Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio. End of unit skills based assessment Lent Term Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio. End of unit skills based assessment Summer Term Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio.
Enrichment In Computing, the Technology Faculty offers: • Computer Club every Wednesday during the development hour. • Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award – Bronze Qualification • Co-Space coding competition – BT Adastral Park • Cyber Discovery competition – Online (13yrs +)
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Computing: • IDEA – online account for each student • – touch typing software • All resources stored on Google Classroom for reference
Computing - Year 9
Christmas Term Using Computers Safely, Effectively and Responsibly HTML and Website Development
Lent Term BBC Microbit
Summer Term Human Computer Interaction
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Future Technologies
Content & Skills
Using Computers Safely, Effectively and Responsibly A theoretical unit re-visited and updated covering the necessary basic knowledge to use computers safely, effectively and responsibly. At the end of this unit all pupils should be able to understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct and know how to report concerns.
Christmas Term Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio. End of unit skills based assessment.
HTML and Website Development Pupils will learn the basics of HTML and CSS, and how to create a responsive design which adapts to any size of screen for viewing on a mobile phone or a PC. They will learn how to create text styles and add content, including text and graphics, in a specified position on a page, as well as navigation links to other pages on their website and to external websites. The basics of good design are covered, pupils will develop their own templates in a text editor such as Notepad. They will decide on a topic for their websites, document their designs and collect suitable text and images. They will then use their HTML templates to create their websites, including a web form. Pupils can view the data collected by the web form into a simulated database. This also helps to stimulate discussion on the privacy of data.
Summer Term Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio.
BBC Microbit Pupils will use the BBC Microbit single-board computers to program various tasks. Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Pupils will learn about what is machine learning and artificial intelligence, its benefits and problems associated. Pupils will apply their skills in programming to train a machine to learn, testing and modifying continuously. Pupils will also the consider the ethical and moral issues that surround the topic.
Lent Term Pupils will produce an e-learning Portfolio. End of unit skills based assessment.
Enrichment In Computing, the Technology Faculty offers: • Computer Club every Wednesday during the development hour. • Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award – Bronze Qualification • Co-Space coding competition – BT Adastral Park • Cyber Discovery competition – Online (13yrs +)
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Computing:
Human Computer Interaction • IDEA – online account for each student Pupils will investigate how people interact with computers, the changes in HCI and the qualities that contribute to good HCI design. Pupils will compare different interactions and will • – touch typing software • All resources stored on Google Classroom design a product for an end user. Pupils will research a user group for requirements and use for reference visualisation diagrams to illustrate their ideas. Future Technologies This is a research and investigation topic, pupils will look at future technologies and how they will affect our lives. Pupils will focus on areas such as health, transport, employment, education, leisure and environment.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Involving your child in recognising their digital world around them • Encourage your child to work through the IDEA qualification at home • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to computers and technology
Design Technology - Year 7
Design Technology will be taught on a rotation with Food Technology. • Desk Tidy Project • Night light Project
Content & Skills
The course is designed to introduce students to the design process, drawing techniques and CAD, as well as woods, plastics and electronics used in Design Technology.
Students work through projects booklets these contain details of what is being assessed throughout. A 1-9 grade is awarded for both ‘Investigation and Design’ and ‘Making and Evaluating’. This is then used to determine whether the student is ‘In line with flightpath’, ‘Above FP’ or ‘Below FP’.
Desk Tidy Project This project introduces students to woods and safe working in the workshop. Workshop tools are introduced and students use these to make a desk tidy. Orthographic drawing is introduced and used to enhance their design into a creative, quality final product. Night Light Project In this project students are introduced to systems to control by way of an electronics sensor circuit. They think through the various available inputs, processes and outputs, then use this knowledge to design a nightlight. Students then use isometric drawing and CAD to develop their ideas into a final quality product.
A final end-of-year test is also given which we believe helps students grow in confidence with sitting examinations later in KS4.
Enrichment In Design Technology, the Technology Faculty offers: • DT Club every Thursday during the development hour.
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Design Technology: • Bespoke booklets for each topic • Workshop • A computer suite allowing use of CAD • 3D Printer
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to design technology. • Encouraging them to look and examine design elements in their everyday lives.
Design Technology - Year 8
Design Technology will be taught on a rotation with Food Technology. • Structures Project • Lever Toy Project
Content & Skills
The course is designed to introduce students to some important technological principals used in Design Technology, as well as introducing metals.
Students work through projects booklets these contain details of what is being assessed throughout. A 1-9 grade is awarded for both ‘Investigation and Design’ and ‘Making and Evaluating’. This is then used to determine whether the student is ‘In line with flightpath’, ‘Above FP’ or ‘Below FP’.
Structures Project Students are introduced to the theory of structures which they explore through the manufacture of a hanging basket bracket. Students then work in pairs to design a bridge built entirely from cocktail sticks and sweets! Lever Toy Project In this project students are introduced to the field of mechanisms. Students create ideas for a 2D toy and then use card modelling and ’coloured thinking hats’ to turn their idea into a working model. They then use plywood to create their final outcome.
A final end-of-year test is also given which we believe helps students grow in confidence with sitting examinations later in KS4.
Enrichment In Design Technology, the Technology Faculty offers: • DT Club every Thursday during the development hour.
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Design Technology: • Bespoke booklets for each topic • Workshop • A computer suite allowing use of CAD • 3D Printer
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to design technology. • Encouraging them to look and examine design elements in their everyday lives.
Design Technology - Year 9
Design Technology will be taught on a rotation with Food Technology. • Marketing project • Coat peg project
Content & Skills
The course is designed to encourage students to explore some interesting and challenging wider issues of Design Technology.
Students work through projects booklets these contain details of what is being assessed throughout. A 1-9 grade is awarded for both ‘Investigation and Design’ and ‘Making and Evaluating’. This is then used to determine whether the student is ‘In line with flightpath’, ‘Above FP’ or ‘Below FP’.
Marketing Project Students are introduced to the theory of marketing, along with the ethical and environmental implications. They are given the challenge of marketing a small gift by exploring various promotion and packaging methods. Coat Peg Project Students are first introduced to the idea of batch and mass production; they experience this by mass-producing coat pegs. The focus then turns to the aesthetics of design and the influence of design movements over time. Students then have to design their own final coat peg product using a specified design style.
A final end-of-year test is also given which we believe helps students grow in confidence with sitting examinations later in KS4.
Enrichment In Design Technology, the Technology Faculty offers: • DT Club every Thursday during the development hour.
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Design Technology: • Bespoke booklets for each topic • Workshop • A computer suite allowing use of CAD • 3D Printer
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to design technology. • Encouraging them to look and examine design elements in their everyday lives.
Drama- Year 7
Christmas Term Introduction to Performance Skills
Lent Term Pantomime: Cinderella
Folk Tale: The Seal Wife
Script: The Trial of Goldilocks
Summer Term Improvisation
Content & Skills
During the year students will cover the following topics;
Students will be assessed at the end of each project against a set of key skills, these being: characterisation, knowledge and Use of dramatic techniques, genre and style, group work, performing a role, evaluation, use of stage and proxemics, choreographing movement and performing dance. Each skill is visited twice per year through the wide variety of projects, between years 7-9 in order to track students’ development in each skill across the key stage. In addition to tracking progress against these key skills, students will be given an assessment grade for both effort and attainment for each topic covered.
The Performing Arts department offers:
• Introduction to Performance Skills - This project introduces pupils to drama as a creative and communicative art form through the study of mime, creating and developing character, physical storytelling, and evaluation. • The Seal Wife - This unit explores the use of folk tales and legends through the creation of original drama, including off-text work, physical interpretation and soundscapes. • Pantomime - This scheme explores the genre of Pantomime, bringing the story of Cinderella to life using all the key features of this exciting art form. • The Trial of Goldilocks - a study of staging through a interpretation of a script which focuses on putting Goldilocks on trial for her crimes in the three bears house. • Improvisation - an exploration of this unique genre of live theatre in which the plot, characters and dialogue are made up spontaneously.
Christmas Term Development of Performance Skills. Creative Interpretation of The Seal Wife.
• A visit to a West End Musical • The College Musical • A Dance Show • A Drama Production
Support & Resources Work is supported in the Drama Studio through the provision of props, masks, staging, costume, visual aids, scripts and texts in addition to a fully established lighting rig, lighting desk, projector and sound system. The Dance Studio similarly boasts a sprung floor, a mirrored wall, projector and sound system.
Lent Term Performance of Cinderella. Performance of The Trial of Goldilocks. Summer Term Improvisation skill and technique workshops.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encouraging participation both in class and in taking up extra-curricular opportunities through praise and positive reinforcement. • Allowing students to access dramatic and performance opportunities in the wider community through participation in clubs and workshops in a wide variety of dance and drama styles, visiting shows and plays, and through reading books and scripts and watching storytelling through film and TV in a variety of genres.
Drama - Year 8
Christmas Term Commedia Dell’ ‘Arte
Lent Term Bronze Arts Award
Summer Term Greek Theatre
Day of the Dead
Script: The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty
Shakespeare in Performance
Content & Skills During the year students will cover the following topics; • Commedia Dell ‘Arte - this project explores the 16th Century Italian genre of comedy through physically embracing its stock characters and humourous plots. • Day of the Dead – a cross-curricular project linking with Art and Design’s exploration of the Mexican festival, here the performance aspects of drama, dance, music and mask are studied in more depth. • Bronze Arts Award – this unit fulfils the both the performer and audience member elements of the Bronze Arts Award, also being undertaken in Art and Design and Music at this time, through devising work based on the year 8 West End Theatre visit. • The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty – students present an interpretation of this play focusing on their use of staging and proxemics to highlight its themes. • Greek Theatre – the earliest known genre of theatre, students will study how stories were told through drama, gesture, choral work, and mask to full amphitheatres in 700 BC.
• Shakespeare in Performance – students will study how the stories of Shakespeare can be brought to life physically through dramatic action, sound and movement.
Assessment Students will be assessed at the end of each project against a set of key skills, these being: characterisation, knowledge and Use of dramatic techniques, genre and style, group work, performing a role, evaluation, use of stage and proxemics, choreographing movement and performing dance. Each skill is visited twice per year through the wide variety of projects, between years 7-9 in order to track students’ development in each skill across the key stage. In addition to tracking progress against these key skills, students will be given an assessment grade for both effort and attainment for each topic covered. The Bronze Arts Award unit will be assessed additionally as part of the overall cross-art form project. Christmas Term Workshops exploring stock characters and comedic plot lines.Exploration of the Mexican Festival through dance, drama, music and art sessions including a final performance.
Lent Term Devising of an original piece of drama based upon the West End Show recently seen, evaluated as an audience member. Performance of the play The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty. Summer Term Short performances involving choral speaking, choreographed movement, mask work and storytelling. A Physical Theatre performance of the Romeo and Juliet Prologue.
Enrichment The Performing Arts department offers: • A visit to a West End Musical • The College Musical • A Dance Show • A Drama Production • The Bronze Arts Award Support & Resources Work is supported in the Drama Studio through the provision of props, masks, staging, costume, visual aids, scripts and texts in addition to a fully established lighting rig, lighting desk, projector and sound system. The Dance Studio similarly boasts a sprung floor, a mirrored wall, projector and sound system.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encouraging participation both in class and in taking up extra-curricular opportunities through praise and positive reinforcement. • Allowing students to access dramatic and performance opportunities in the wider community through participation in clubs and workshops in a wide variety of dance and drama styles, visiting shows and plays, and through reading books and scripts and watching storytelling through film and TV in a variety of genres.
Drama- Year 9
Christmas Term Physical Theatre: Frantic Assembly
Lent Term Devising Drama
History of Theatre
Script: Missing Dan Nolan
Content & Skills
During the year students will cover the following topics;
Students will be assessed at the end of each project against a set of key skills, these being: characterisation, knowledge and Use of dramatic techniques, genre and style, group work, performing a role, evaluation, use of stage and proxemics, choreographing movement and performing dance. Each skill is visited twice per year through the wide variety of projects, between years 7-9 in order to track students’ development in each skill across the key stage. In addition to tracking progress against these key skills, students will be given an assessment grade for both effort and attainment for each topic covered.
• Physical Theatre: Frantic Assembly – a highly practical exploration of the art of storytelling through physicality and movement with a focus on the renowned company Frantic Assembly. • History of Theatre – a project studying the roots of drama and theatre as we know it, tracing the history of the art form through Greek Theatre, Medieval Mystery plays, Restoration Theatre, Victorian Melodrama and 20th and 21st Century Theatre. • Devising Drama – this unit explores how to devise an original piece of theatre from a stimulus starting point, employing a wide range of dramatic techniques and styles to communicate meaning effectively and creatively. • Missing Dan Nolan – students present an interpretation of this play focusing on their use of staging and proxemics to highlight its themes. • Semiotics – a series of workshops studying the elements of lighting, sound, costume, make up, props, staging and acting as aspects of creating meaning.
Christmas Term Workshops studying a range of physical theatre techniques, including an assessed performance of a Frantic Assembly style Chair Duet.
Summer Term Semiotics
Summer Term A series of workshops and activities each studying a separate semiotic element key to the creation of dramatic meaning.
Enrichment The Performing Arts department offers: • A visit to a West End Musical • The College Musical • A Dance Show • A Drama Production Work is supported in the Drama Studio through the provision of props, masks, staging, costume, visual aids, scripts and texts in addition to a fully established lighting rig, lighting desk, projector and sound system. The Dance Studio similarly boasts a sprung floor, a mirrored wall, projector and sound system.
A series of theoretical and practical tasks highlighting the key features of the most notable genres of theatre throughout history. Lent Term Devising of an original piece of drama based upon a stimulus starting point. An original performance of the play Missing Dan Nolan.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encouraging participation both in class and in taking up extra-curricular opportunities through praise and positive reinforcement. • Allowing students to access dramatic and performance opportunities in the wider community through participation in clubs and workshops in a wide variety of dance and drama styles, visiting shows and plays, and through reading books and scripts and watching storytelling through film and TV in a variety of genres.
English - Year 7
Christmas Term Wonder
Lent Term Wordsmiths Across Time
Summer Term Fact of Fiction?
The Truth is Out There
What’s the Story?
Myths and Legends
Content & Skills
Through the Year 7 English course pupils will:
The English Faculty offers:
• Enjoy reading a novel, exploring characters, themes, language, context and structure.
• A variety of writing competitions
• Practise creative writing.
• Relevant film and theatre viewings
• Learn how to demonstrate inference and analytical skills.
• Whole class reading of a novel not studied
• Explore a range of non-fiction texts around the theme of travel, adventure and discovery.
• Celebration of Language evening
• Enjoy an introduction to Shakespeare through extracts from various plays.
Support & Resources
• Practise writing to persuade. • Explore how to respond to ballads and narrative poetry. • Practise writing to inform. • Enjoy reading a range of myths and legends, analysing their effect. • Learn the speaking and listening skills necessary to present ideas. • Practise key KS3 spellings. • Practise aspects of grammar and punctuation. • Learn key literary and linguistic terminology.
The English Faculty provides the following support and resources: • KS3 spellings • Class readers • BBCbitesize • • grammar practice •
Christmas Term Creative writing. Reading task based on novel studied. Lent Term Persuasive writing. Reading task based on poetry studied. Summer Term Informative writing. Reading task based on myths and legends studied. Informative presentations.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Ensuring pupils read a little every day • Engaging with the topics studied and offering extra-curricular trips or visits where appropriate and possible • Ensuring pupils complete all homework tasks to a good standard, on time • Practising spellings • Encouraging pupils to proof-read their writing
English - Year 8
Christmas Term Keep Wondering
Lent Term Back in Time
War Poetry
True Life
Summer Term A Twist in the Tale
Content & Skills
Through the Year 8 English course pupils will:
The English Faculty offers:
• Enjoy reading a novel, exploring characters, themes, language, context and structure.
• A variety of writing competitions
• Practise informative writing.
• Relevant film and theatre viewings
• Develop their inference and analytical skills.
• Whole class reading of a novel not studied
• Explore a range of non-fiction texts around the theme of true life eg poverty and crime.
• Celebration of Language evening
• Enjoy a whole Shakespeare play. • Practise writing to advise. • Explore how to respond to war poetry, including its context. • Develop their creative writing skills.
Support & Resources The English Faculty provides the following support and resources:
• Enjoy reading a range of short stories, analysing their effect.
• KS3 spellings
• Learn the speaking and listening skills necessary to present ideas persuasively.
• Class readers
• Practise key KS3 spellings.
• BBCbitesize
• Develop aspects of grammar and punctuation.
• Revise key literary and linguistic terminology.
• grammar practice
Christmas Term Informative writing Reading task based on novel studied. Lent Term Advisory writing. Reading task based on Shakespeare play studied. Persuasive presentations. Summer Term Reading task based on short stories studied. Creative writing.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Ensuring pupils read a little every day • Engaging with the topics studied and offering extra-curricular trips or visits where appropriate and possible • Ensuring pupils complete all homework tasks to a good standard, on time • Practising spellings • Encouraging pupils to proof-read their writing
English - Year 9
Topics Christmas Term American Literature
Lent Term Victorian Literature
The Power of Voice
The Power of Words
Summer Term GCSE Love and Relationships poetry
Content & Skills
Through the Year 9 English course pupils will:
The English Faculty offers:
• Enjoy reading a novel, exploring characters, themes, language, context and structure.
• A variety of writing competitions
• Practise writing to present a viewpoint.
• Relevant film and theatre viewings
• Develop their inference and analytical skills.
• Whole class reading of a novel not studied
• Explore a range of Victorian Literature extracts.
• Celebration of Language evening
• Practise writing to describe and narrate.
Support & Resources
• Explore how to respond to GCSE poetry. • Develop their creative writing skills. • Learn the speaking and listening skills necessary to present a viewpoint.
The English Faculty provides the following support and resources:
• Practise key KS3 spellings.
• KS3 spellings
• Develop aspects of grammar and punctuation.
• Class readers
• Revise key literary and linguistic terminology.
• BBCbitesize
Assessment Christmas Term Reading task based on novel studied Viewpoint writing Viewpoint presentations
• • grammar practice • • Youtube for GCSE poetry
Lent Term Reading task based on extracts studied Descriptive or narrative writing Summer Term GCSE poetry task on one named poem studied Creative writing
Parents can support their child’s learning by:
• Ensuring pupils read a little every day
• Encouraging pupils to proof-read their writing
• Engaging with the topics studied and offering extra-curricular trips or visits where appropriate and possible
• Encouraging pupils to create quotation walls for the GCSE poems studied
• Ensuring pupils complete all homework tasks to a good standard, on time
• Ensuring pupils read over all poetry notes after every lesson, raising any questions with their class teacher
• Practising spellings
• Ensuring pupils catch up on any work missed promptly
Faith, Life and Wellbeing - Year 7
Topics Christmas Term Faith: Life and teachings of Jesus Life and Wellbeing: Health and Wellbeing
Lent Term Faith: Beliefs about Jesus; death and resurrection Life and Wellbeing: Relationships
Summer Term Faith: Christian community and practice Life and Wellbeing: Living in the Wider World
Content & Skills
Faith Through the Year 7 FLW course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Pupils will work in small groups to give a short presentation or drama which reflects or extends their learning of one of the FLW topics studied during the term.
• Recall and describe events in the life of Jesus, including teachings, miracles, death and resurrection. • Explain the significance of Jesus’ teachings, miracles, death and resurrection. • Examine beliefs about the life of Jesus, including teachings, miracles, death and resurrection and how these beliefs are reflected in Christian practices today. • Evaluate different ways in which believers express their beliefs about the life, teachings, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus. Life and Wellbeing Through the Year 7 FLW course pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of: • Ways to maintain physical, mental and emotional heath. • Making informed choices about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Lent Term Pupils will create a piece of artwork which reflects either accurately or symbolically their learning of one of the FLW topics studied during the term. Summer Term Pupils will undertake an end of year written assessment covering FLW topics from the year. Revision booklets will be provided to support learning for this assessment.
Enrichment Various visits, visiting speakers and educational theatre groups will be brought in through the course to inform, stimulate, stretch and challenge our students.
• Different types of family and groups in community. • How to tackle bullying. • Roles and responsibilities in society. • Effective communication and goal setting.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encouraging pupils to stay abreast of current affairs and visiting different places of worship.
Faith, Life and Wellbeing - Year 8
Topics Christmas Term Faith: Life of Muhammed; teachings and beliefs Life and Wellbeing: Health and Wellbeing
Lent Term Faith: Community and practice in Islam Life of Abraham and Moses
Summer Term Faith: Community and practice in Islam Life of Abraham and Moses
Life and Wellbeing: Relationships
Life and Wellbeing: Living in the Wider World
Content & Skills
Faith Through the Year 8 FLW course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Pupils will create a piece of artwork which reflects either accurately or symbolically their learning of one of the FLW topics studied during the term.
• Describe events in the life of religious founders Muhammed, Abraham and Moses. • Explain Muslim and Jewish beliefs and how these beliefs are reflected in daily, weekly or annual practices or celebrations. • Evaluate moral practices and codes in Islam and Judaism. Life and Wellbeing Through the Year 8 FLW course pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of: • Managing feelings and developing resilience. • Making informed choices about sexual health; drugs; gambling. • The value of friendship, contribution to family life and responding well to others. • Awareness of risk and reducing risk. • Ingredients of successful communities and the causes of problems in community.
Lent Term Pupils will work in small groups to give a short presentation or drama which reflects or extends their learning of one of the FLW topics studied during the term. Summer Term Pupils will undertake an end of year written assessment covering FLW topics from the year. Revision booklets will be provided to support learning for this assessment.
Enrichment Various visits, visiting speakers and educational theatre groups will be brought in through the course to inform, stimulate, stretch and challenge our students.
• Opportunities for the future and financial planning.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encouraging pupils to stay abreast of current affairs and visiting different places of worship.
Faith, Life and Wellbeing - Year 9
Topics Christmas Term Faith: Life of Siddhartha Buddhist: teachings, beliefs and practices.
Lent Term Faith: Tri-Murti Hinduism: teachings, beliefs and practices.
Summer Term Faith: Life of Guru Nanak Sikhism: teachings, beliefs and practices.
Life and Wellbeing: Health and Wellbeing
Life and Wellbeing: Relationships
Life and Wellbeing: Living in the Wider World
Content & Skills
Faith Through the Year 9 FLW course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Pupils will work in small groups to give a short presentation or drama which reflects or extends their learning of one of the FLW topics studied during the term.
• Describe events in the life (or mythologies) of Siddhartha, the Trimurti and Guru Nanak. • Explain Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh beliefs and teachings. • Analyse and evaluate the ways in which eastern religions use symbolism to convey religious truths Life and Wellbeing Through the Year 9 FLW course pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of:
Lent Term Pupils will create a piece of artwork which reflects either accurately or symbolically their learning of one of the FLW topics studied during the term.
• Sexual health and commitments in a relationship; STIs; sex in the media.
Summer Term Pupils will undertake an end of year written assessment covering FLW topics from the year. Revision booklets will be provided to support learning for this assessment.
• Drugs and the law; managing situations involving drug use.
• Managing feelings when relationships breakdown; coping with bereavement.
Various visits, visiting speakers and educational theatre groups will be brought in through the course to inform, stimulate, stretch and challenge our students.
• Communities; tackling prejudice and discrimination. • Right of responsibilities of citizens in society. • Improving prospects, employability and being enterprising..
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encouraging pupils to stay abreast of current affairs and visiting different places of worship.
Food Technology - Year 7
Lessons will include theory elements followed by a practical session. • Fruits and Vegetables • Oven skills
Content & Skills
Fruits and Vegetables Theory:
Pupils work through worksheets these contain details of what is being assessed throughout. A mark is awarded for both theory and practical work. This is then used to determine whether the student is ‘In line with flightpath’, ‘Above FP’ or ‘Below FP’.
• Knife skills & safety & washing up • Personal hygiene & handwashing. Food hygiene • Healthy eating choices & food swops
• Nutrition, minerals & vitamins, five a day, dietary fibre.
In Food Technology, the Technology Faculty offers:
• Cooking Club every Thursday during the development hour.
• Fruit salad
• Ingredients provided for pupils.
• Crudities
• Various cooking competitions available to pupils.
• Humous & corn chips
Support & Resources
• Pico de Gallo Oven skills Theory:
The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Food Technology: • Drop in sessions for additional support
• Eatwell guide and 8 healthy eating guide lines
• Open door policy for preparation time
• Main nutrients from each food group
• Food technician to support staff and pupils.
• Food safety • Sensory analysis and evaluation of food products • Food science – heat transfers and dextrinisation Practical: • Pizza toast • Flapjack • Fruit scones • Savoury muffins
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to Food Technology. • Encouraging pupils to cook at home. • Visits to locations where links can be made to food technology topics.
Food Technology - Year 8
Lessons will include theory elements followed by a practical session. • Carbohydrates • Proteins
Content & Skills
Carbohydrates Theory:
• Frittata
• Recall key nutrition knowledge
• Tomato sauce and beans
• Recall key food safety knowledge
• Bolognese
• Carbohydrate sources, functions
• Staple food around the world
• Shaped bread rolls
Pupils work through worksheets these contain details of what is being assessed throughout. A mark is awarded for both theory and practical work. This is then used to determine whether the student is ‘In line with flightpath’, ‘Above FP’ or ‘Below FP’.
• Mac n cheese
• Mashed potato
In Food Technology, the Technology Faculty offers:
• Cous cous/ rice salad
• Cooking Club every Thursday during the development hour.
• Flat breads
• Ingredients provided for pupils.
Proteins Theory:
• Various cooking competitions available to pupils.
• Micronutrients found in carbohydrates • Food science – effect of cooking on carbohydrates
• Recall key nutrition knowledge • Recall key food safety knowledge • Protein sources, functions and complementation • Vegetarians and vegans • Micronutrients found in protein and fat sources • Food science – gluten in bread, role of eggs in cooking
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Food Technology: • Drop in sessions for additional support • Open door policy for preparation time • Food technician to support staff and pupils.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to Food Technology. • Encouraging pupils to cook at home. • Visits to locations where links can be made to food technology topics.
Food Technology - Year 9
Lessons will include theory elements followed by a practical session. • Food choice • Food Science
Content & Skills
Food choice Theory:
Pupils work through worksheets these contain details of what is being assessed throughout. A mark is awarded for both theory and practical work. This is then used to determine whether the student is ‘In line with flightpath’, ‘Above FP’ or ‘Below FP’.
• Religious & cultural food and moral food choices • International cuisines • British cuisine
A final end-of-year test is also given.
• Immigration and food culture
In Food Technology, the Technology Faculty offers:
• Vegetarian Mexican bean burgers with lime yogurt & salsa
• Cooking Club every Thursday during the development hour.
• Chicken curry
• Ingredients provided for pupils.
• Kedgeree
• Various cooking competitions available to pupils.
• Fresh pasta Food science Theory: • Chemical and functional properties of proteins • Chemical and functional properties of fats • Chemical and functional properties of carbohydrates • Raising agents
Support & Resources The Technology Faculty provides the following support and resources for Food Technology: • Drop in sessions for additional support • Open door policy for preparation time • Food technician to support staff and pupils.
Practical: • Pizza • Mini quiches (over 2 lessons) • Whisked sponge
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Watching relevant TV programmes on television with links to Food Technology. • Encouraging pupils to cook at home. • Visits to locations where links can be made to food technology topics.
Geography - Year 7
Christmas Term Population
Lent Term Rivers Glaciers
Content & Skills
Through the Year 7 Geography course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Population assessment. Skills based assessment.
• Describe and give reasons for the rapid increase in the world’s population; show an understanding of over-population and underpopulation; understand the main causes of a change in population size; and give reasons for contrasting rates of natural population change.
Summer Term Weather
Lent Term Rivers assessment. Skills based assessment.
• Explain and give reasons for population migration; and demonstrate an understanding of the impacts of migration; identify and give reasons for and implications of different types of population structure; and describe the factors influencing the density and distribution of population.
Summer Term Weather assessment. Skills based assessment.
• Explain the main hydrological characteristics and processes which operate within rivers and drainage basins; demonstrate an understanding of the work of a river in eroding, transporting and depositing; describe and explain the formation of the landforms associated with these processes; demonstrate an understanding that rivers present hazards and offer opportunities for people; and explain what can be done to manage the impacts of river flooding.
In Geography, the Humanities Faculty offers:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the work of a glacier in eroding, transporting and depositing; and describe and explain the formation of the landforms associated with these processes. • Describe how weather data is collected; use and interpret graphs and other diagrams showing weather and climate data; and understand the key reasons for variations in weather and climate.
Enrichment • Geographical skills fieldwork in Epping Forest • Royal Geographical Society Young Geographer of the Year competition.
Support & Resources The Humanities Faculty provides the following support and resources for Geography: • Digimap for Schools – providing access to OS maps • Geographical magazine – available in the library • Copies of textbooks – available in the library
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Involving your child in route planning • Researching places that you visit • Watching geographical and travel programmes on television
Geography - Year 8
Christmas Term Settlement
Lent Term Coasts
Content & Skills
Through the Year 8 Geography course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Settlement assessment. Skills based assessment.
• Explain the patterns of settlement; describe and explain the factors which may influence the sites, growth and functions of settlements; and give reasons for the hierarchy of settlements and services. • Describe and give reasons for the characteristics of, and changes in, land use in urban areas; explain the problems of urban areas, their causes and possible solutions; identify and suggest reasons for rapid urban growth; and describe the impacts of urban growth on both rural and urban areas, along with possible solutions to reduce the negative impacts.
Lent Term Coasts assessment. Skills based assessment. Summer Term Climate and natural vegetation assessment. Skills based assessment.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the work of the sea and wind in eroding, transporting and depositing; describe and explain the formation of the landforms associated with these processes; describe coral reefs and mangrove swamps and the conditions required for their development; demonstrate an understanding that coasts present hazards and offer opportunities for people; and explain what can be done to manage the impacts of coastal erosion.
In Geography, the Humanities Faculty offers:
• Describe and explain the characteristics of two climates (equatorial and hot desert); describe and explain the characteristics of tropical rainforest and hot desert ecosystems; and describe the causes and effects of deforestation of tropical rainforest.
• Digimap for Schools – providing access to OS maps
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Involving your child in route planning • Researching places that you visit • Watching geographical and travel programmes on television
Summer Term Climate and natural vegetation
• A fieldwork investigation of urban regeneration in Stratford • Royal Geographical Society Young Geographer of the Year competition
Support & Resources The Humanities Faculty provides the following support and resources for Geography: • Geographical magazine – available in the library • Copies of textbooks – available in the library
Geography - Year 9
Christmas Term Earthquakes and volcanoes Development
Content & Skills Through the Year 7 Geography course pupils will be able to: • Describe the main types and features of volcanoes and earthquakes; describe and explain the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes; describe the causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and their effects on people and the environment; demonstrate an understanding that volcanoes present hazards and offer opportunities for people; and explain what can be done to reduce the impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes. • Use a variety of indicators to assess the level of development of a country; identify and explain inequalities between and within countries; classify production into different sectors and give illustrations of each; describe and explain how the proportions employed in each sector vary according to the level of development; and describe and explain the process of globalisation, and consider its impacts. • Describe and explain the main features of an agricultural system: inputs, processes and outputs; and recognise the causes and effects of food shortages and describe possible solutions to this problem.
Lent Term Tourism Food production Industry
Summer Term Energy Water Environmental risks of economic development
• Demonstrate an understanding of an industrial system: inputs, processes and outputs (products and waste); and describe and explain the factors influencing the distribution and location of factories and industrial zones.
• Describe how economic activities may pose threats to the natural environment, locally and globally; demonstrate the need for sustainable development and management; and understand the importance of resource conservation
• Describe and explain the growth of tourism in relation to the main attractions of the physical and human landscape; evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of tourism to receiving areas; and demonstrate an understanding that careful management of tourism is required in order for it to be sustainable.
• Describe the importance of nonrenewable fossil fuels, renewable energy supplies, nuclear power and fuelwood, globally and in different countries at different levels of development; and evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear power and renewable energy sources.
Summer Term Synoptic assessment. Skills based assessment.
• Describe methods of water supply and the proportions of water used for agriculture, domestic and industrial purposes in countries at different levels of economic development; and explain why there are water shortages in some areas and demonstrate that careful management is required to ensure future supplies.
Support & Resources
Christmas Term Earthquakes and volcanoes assessment. Skills based assessment. Lent Term Synoptic assessment. Skills based assessment.
Enrichment In Geography, the Humanities Faculty offers: • Royal Geographical Society Young Geographer of the Year competition
The Humanities Faculty provides the following support and resources for Geography: • Digimap for Schools – providing access to OS maps • Geographical magazine – available in the library • Copies of textbooks – available in the library
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Involving your child in route planning • Researching places that you visit • Watching geographical programmes on television
History - Year 7
Topics Christmas Term • Introduction to history • What made William the Conqueror King of England? (Cause and interpretations)
Lent Term • What was life like in Medieval England? (Sense of period and diversity)
Summer Term • Who had more power in medieval England: church or crown? (Significance and diversity)
• Who had more power in medieval England: church or crown? (Significance and diversity)
• How much change did the Black Death create? (Consequence and change)
Through the Year 7 History course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Annotated diagram. Written assessment.
• Gain substantive knowledge of all of the areas covered by the topics above. • Gain confidence in referring to first order concepts such as kingship, power, revolt, governance, and conflict. • Understand how historians answer questions about change and continuity, cause and consequence, significance, diversity, evidence, and interpretations. • Develop their skills in extended writing. • Develop their skills in extended reading. • Practice creating and defending oral and written arguments.
Lent Term Analytical narrative. Written assessment. Summer Term Annotated timeline. Written assessment
Enrichment The History department offers: • History club: a chance to explore history from different perspectives. Through music, art, food, fiction, debate, crafts and activities, reenactments and beyond.
Support & Resources The History department provides the following support and resources: • Resources on Google classrooms • Lists of recommended reading related to the topics covered across KS3
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Checking the Google classroom for their child’s class regularly • Encouraging their child to discuss topics covered in lesson • Encouraging their child to read widely, both non-fiction, and historical fiction, on the topics covered in lessons.
History - Year 8
Topics Christmas Term • What does the Reformation tell us about the Early Modern world? (Sense of period, change, overview)
Lent Term • Why were there so many rebellions in seventeenth century England? (cause and consequence)
• What stayed the same in Tudor England? (Change and continuity)
• The Gunpowder Plot (Source analysis)
Through the Year 8 History course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Annotated diagram. Written assessment.
• Gain substantive knowledge of all of the areas covered by the topics above. • Gain confidence in referring to first order concepts covered in the topics above. • Understand how historians answer questions about change and continuity, cause and consequence, significance, diversity, evidence, and interpretations. • Develop their skills in extended writing. • Develop their skills in extended reading. • Practice creating and defending oral and written arguments.
Summer Term • What was life like during the Industrial Revolution? (change and diversity) • Why would a slave choose not to run away? (The Transatlantic Slave Trade, diversity, cause)
Lent Term Analytical narrative. Written assessment. Summer Term Two written assessments.
Enrichment The History department offers: • History club: a chance to explore history from different perspectives. Through music, art, food, fiction, debate, crafts and activities, reenactments and beyond.
Support & Resources The History department provides the following support and resources: • Resources on Google classrooms • Lists of recommended reading related to the topics covered across KS3
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Checking the Google classroom for their child’s class regularly • Encouraging their child to discuss topics covered in lesson • Encouraging their child to read widely, both non-fiction, and historical fiction, on the topics covered in lessons.
History - Year 9
Topics Christmas Term • Did two bullets cause 20 million deaths? (cause and consequence, First World War)
Lent Term • Who fought in the First World War? (diversity)
Summer Term • Did British morale win the Second World War? (cause, diversity, interpretations)
• How democratic was Britain in 1918? (change and continuity)
• Why should we remember the Holocaust? (significance) • Who shot JFK? (Interpretations)
Through the Year 9 History course pupils will be able to:
Christmas Term Annotated diagram. Written assessment.
• Gain substantive knowledge of all of the areas covered by the topics above. • Gain confidence in referring to first order concepts covered in the topics above. • Understand how historians answer questions about change and continuity, cause and consequence, significance, diversity, evidence, and interpretations. • Develop their skills in extended writing. • Develop their skills in extended reading. • Practice creating and defending oral and written arguments.
Lent Term Annotated map and presentation. Written assessment. Summer Term Annotated diagram. Written assessment
Enrichment The History department offers: • History club: a chance to explore history from different perspectives. Through music, art, food, fiction, debate, crafts and activities, reenactments and beyond.
Support & Resources The History department provides the following support and resources: • Resources on Google classrooms • Lists of recommended reading related to the topics covered across KS3
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Checking the Google classroom for their child’s class regularly • Encouraging their child to discuss topics covered in lesson • Encouraging their child to read widely, both non-fiction, and historical fiction, on the topics covered in lessons.
Mathematics – Year 7
Topics The Mathematics programme of study for pupils in Year 7 is based on the new National Curriculum and encourages students to develop skills in the six attainment targets of Number, Algebra, Ratio & Proportion, Geometry & Measures together with Probability and Statistics. The table below shows an outline of the topics taught throughout the year, although the class teacher will always look to extend or consolidate topics beyond those mentioned, providing teaching materials that are tailored to the pace of learning of each class. The homework text book, which pupils keep at home, gives more detail on the below topics. Christmas Term • Whole Numbers & Decimals • Statistics – Averages • Algebra - Expressions & Formulae • Factors and Multiples
Lent Term • Measures, Perimeter & Area • Fractions, Decimals & Percentages • Ratio & Proportion • Probability • Angles and 2D Shapes
Summer Term • Sequences • Graphs • Transformations & Symmetry • Construction & 3D Shapes • Whole Number & Decimal Calculations
Christmas Term Two papers, non – calculator & calculator, when they first arrive in September. End of November – 2 papers.
Mathematics is a vitally important subject used in everyday life. Colleges, universities and employers recognise the importance of Mathematical skill, and will require a good pass at GCSE. Studying Mathematics will allow your child to master specific topics, as well as developing the following skills: • Problem solving • Logical reasoning • The ability to think in abstract ways
Assessment Pupils will be given homework tasks twice per week which includes consolidation of / or practicing skills learnt in class, revising for tests, research and problem solving. Throughout the year, pupils will sit mini-tests at the end of each topic. Furthermore, pupils will be given more formal assessments as outlined next.
Lent Term End of March – 2 papers. Summer Term End of Year Examinations in May / June – 2 papers. Pupils are taught in sets according to their ability from the beginning of Year7. The setting arrangements are flexible, and there are several reviews during the course of the year where pupils may change set.
• KS3 Enrichment Club – games, puzzles and challenges • UK Mathematics Challenge – Individual and Team Competitions • KS3 Mathematics Clinic
Support & Resources The college subscribes to the MyMaths website ( ) on the students’ behalf. This is an excellent site for revision, extra help, extension work or extra practice. Pupils can choose the topics they wish to practise. Additionally, direct shortcut codes appear in the homework books, should pupils need extra help with assignments at home.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Making sure that your child has all the equipment they need – pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, compass & calculator. • Practicing mental arithmetic skills with your child. • Highlighting areas of everyday life where you use Mathematical skills. • Asking your child about what they learnt in class – can they explain it to you?
Mathematics – Year 8
Topics The Mathematics programme of study for pupils in Year 8 is based on the new National Curriculum and encourages students to develop skills in the six attainment targets of Number, Algebra, Ratio & Proportion, Geometry & Measures together with Probability and Statistics. The table below shows an outline of the topics taught throughout the year, although the class teacher will always look to extend or consolidate topics beyond those mentioned, providing teaching materials that are tailored to the pace of learning of each class. The homework text book, which pupils keep at home, gives more detail on the below topics. Christmas Term • Measures, Perimeter & Area • Algebra - Expressions & Formula • Graphs • Mental Calculations
Lent Term • Fractions, Decimals & Percentages • Collecting & Representing Data • Angles and Shapes • Transformations • Sequences
Summer Term • Ratio & Proportion • Equations • Probability • 3D Shapes • Constructions
Christmas Term End of November – 2 papers
Mathematics is a vitally important subject used in everyday life. Colleges, universities and employers recognise the importance of Mathematical skill, and will require a good pass at GCSE. Studying Mathematics will allow your child to master specific topics, as well as developing the following skills: • Problem solving • Logical reasoning • The ability to think in abstract ways
Lent Term End of March – 2 papers Summer Term End of Year Examinations in May / June – 2 papers Pupils are taught in sets according to their ability from the beginning of Year 8. The setting arrangements are flexible, and there are several reviews during the course of the year where pupils may change set.
Pupils will be given homework tasks twice per week which includes consolidation of / or practicing skills learnt in class, revising for tests, research and problem solving. Throughout the year, pupils will sit mini-tests at the end of each topic. Furthermore, pupils will be given more formal assessments as outlined next.
• KS3 Enrichment Club – games, puzzles and challenges • UK Mathematics Challenge – Individual and Team Competitions • KS3 Mathematics Clinic
Support & Resources The college subscribes to the MyMaths website ( ) on the students’ behalf. This is an excellent site for revision, extra help, extension work or extra practice. Pupils can choose the topics they wish to practise. Additionally, direct shortcut codes appear in the homework books, should pupils need extra help with assignments at home.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Making sure that your child has all the equipment they need – pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, compass & calculator. • Practicing mental arithmetic skills with your child. • Highlighting areas of everyday life where you use Mathematical skills. • Asking your child about what they learnt in class – can they explain it to you?
Mathematics – Year 9
Topics The Mathematics programme of study for pupils in Year 9 is based on the new National Curriculum and encourages students to develop skills in the six attainment targets of Number, Algebra, Ratio & Proportion, Geometry & Measures together with Probability and Statistics. The table below shows an outline of the topics taught throughout the year, although the class teacher will always look to extend or consolidate topics beyond those mentioned, providing teaching materials that are tailored to the pace of learning of each class. The homework text book, which pupils keep at home, gives more detail on the below topics. Christmas Term • Whole Numbers & Decimals • Ratio & Proportion • Measures & Area • Algebra - Expressions & Formula . Equations •
Lent Term • Powers and Roots • Fractions, Decimals & Percentages • Angles and 2D Shapes • Graphs • Statistics
Summer Term • Constructions & Pythagoras • Probability • Sequences • 3D Shapes & Trigonometry • Transformations & Scale
Christmas Term End of November – 2 papers
Mathematics is a vitally important subject used in everyday life. Colleges, universities and employers recognise the importance of Mathematical skill, and will require a good pass at GCSE. Studying Mathematics will allow your child to master specific topics, as well as developing the following skills: • Problem solving • Logical reasoning • The ability to think in abstract ways
Lent Term End of March – 2 papers Summer Term End of Year Examinations in May / June – 2 papers Pupils are taught in sets according to their ability from the beginning of Year 9. The setting arrangements are flexible, and there are several reviews during the course of the year where pupils may change set.
Pupils will be given homework tasks twice per week which includes consolidation of / or practicing skills learnt in class, revising for tests, research and problem solving. Throughout the year, pupils will sit mini-tests at the end of each topic. Furthermore, pupils will be given more formal assessments as outlined next.
• KS3 Enrichment Club – games, puzzles and challenges • UK Mathematics Challenge – Individual and Team Competitions • KS3 Mathematics Clinic
Support & Resources The college subscribes to the MyMaths website ( ) on the students’ behalf. This is an excellent site for revision, extra help, extension work or extra practice. Pupils can choose the topics they wish to practise. Additionally, direct shortcut codes appear in the homework books, should pupils need extra help with assignments at home.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Making sure that your child has all the equipment they need – pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, compass & calculator. • Practicing mental arithmetic skills with your child. • Highlighting areas of everyday life where you use Mathematical skills. • Asking your child about what they learnt in class – can they explain it to you?
Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish - Year 7
Course Outline “Zoom” – a fully interactive language course is used to teach Spanish at Key Stage 3. The programme consists of ten units in two books which will be covered over the next 3 years. Each unit builds on prior learning and is completed with an end of unit assessment in two of the four skills. The 4 skills are: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
These subject areas help students to get used to the sound of Spanish and to develop their confidence in spoken and written Spanish. Students will also develop their knowledge of Spanish grammar including present tense of common regular and irregular verbs, reflexive verbs and radical changing verbs.
Course Outline
Assignments can bring the home and school closer together by facilitating parental understanding of topics taught at the school. The objective of homework is to extend and consolidate learning gained in the classroom and to further develop skills. Homework is appropriate to the age and ability of students, meaningful and varied and is set every week. It may take a variety of forms including vocabulary learning, writing, reading, revision, research or ICT-based comprehension and grammar tasks.
Students study a range of topics to help them develop; their language skills, cultural awareness and knowledge of grammar:
All 4 skills will be assessed at least once across the year and practise the GCSE style questions. Speaking assessments are in the form of a role-play, photo card or discussion. Translation skills are tested in the Reading and Writing assessments. Students will be required to write short paragraphs of between 40 and 90 words in Spanish.
• Personal information
• Christmas in Spain
• Family and friends
• School
• Numbers
• Time and Timetable
• Coco – Day of the Dead
• Facilities
• Mariachi music
• Clothes and uniform
• Recuerdame
• Weather
• Animals
• Free time
• Colours
• Daily Routine
• Nationality
• Weekend
• Physical appearance and personality
• Eurovision
Students will have two exercise books including one used to record rules on grammar and vocabulary. The MFL department provides dictionaries to use in school and a subscription for each student to have access to the online learning tools via that support the activities in the textbook.
• Research of Spanish artists
Parents can support their child’s learning by:
• Ask your child to explain what they have learned in their lesson
• Support trips, visits and exchanges when possible
• Support learning by regular testing of vocabulary and tenses
• Provide a bi-lingual dictionary
• Encourage your child to watch Spanish TV, listen to Spanish radio, use Spanish sub-titles
• Encourage your child to use online Spanish learning resources such as,
Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish - Year 8
Course Outline “Zoom” – a fully interactive language course is used to teach Spanish at Key Stage 3. The programme consists of ten units in two books which will be covered over the next 2 years. Each unit builds on prior learning and is completed with an end of unit assessment in two of the four skills. The 4 skills are: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
These subject areas help students to get used to the sound of Spanish and to develop their confidence in spoken and written Spanish. Students will also develop their knowledge of Spanish grammar including present tense of common regular and irregular verbs, reflexive verbs and radical changing verbs.
Course Outline
Assignments can bring the home and school closer together by facilitating parental understanding of topics taught at the school. The objective of homework is to extend and consolidate learning gained in the classroom and to further develop skills. Homework is appropriate to the age and ability of students, meaningful and varied and is set every week. It may take a variety of forms including vocabulary learning, writing, reading, revision, research or ICT-based comprehension and grammar tasks.
Students study a range of topics to help them develop; their language skills, cultural awareness and knowledge of grammar:
All 4 skills will be assessed at least once across the year and practise the GCSE style questions. Speaking assessments are in the form of a role-play, photo card or discussion. Translation skills are tested in the Reading and Writing assessments. Students will be required to write short paragraphs of between 40 and 90 words in Spanish.
• Personal information
• Christmas in Spain
• Family and friends
• School
• Numbers
• Time and Timetable
• Coco – Day of the Dead
• Facilities
• Mariachi music
• Clothes and uniform
• Recuerdame
• Weather
• Animals
• Free time
• Colours
• Daily Routine
• Nationality
• Weekend
• Physical appearance and personality
• Eurovision
Students will have two exercise books including one used to record rules on grammar and vocabulary. The MFL department provides dictionaries to use in school and a subscription for each student to have access to the online learning tools via that support the activities in the textbook.
• Research of Spanish artists
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Ask your child to explain what they have learned in their lesson
• Support trips, visits and exchanges when possible
• Support learning by regular testing of vocabulary and tenses
• Provide a bi-lingual dictionary
• Encourage your child to watch Spanish TV, listen to Spanish radio, use Spanish sub-titles
• Encourage your child to use online Spanish learning resources such as,
Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish - Year 9
Course Outline “Zoom” – a fully interactive language course is used to teach Spanish at Key Stage 3. The programme consists of ten units in two books which will be covered across years 8 and 9. Each unit builds on prior learning and is completed with an end of unit assessment in two of the four skills. The 4 skills are: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
These subject areas help students to get used to the sound of Spanish and to develop their confidence in spoken and written Spanish. Students will also develop their knowledge of Spanish grammar including comparatives, preterite of common regular and irregular verbs, conditional tense and immediate future tense.
Course Outline
Assignments can bring the home and school closer together by facilitating parental understanding of topics taught at the school. The objective of homework is to extend and consolidate learning gained in the classroom and to further develop skills. Homework is appropriate to the age and ability of students, meaningful and varied and is set every week. It may take a variety of forms including vocabulary learning, writing, reading, revision, research or ICT-based comprehension and grammar tasks.
Students study a range of topics to help them develop; their language skills, cultural awareness and knowledge of grammar:
All 4 skills will be assessed at least once across the year and practise the GCSE style questions. Speaking assessments are in the form of a role-play, photo card or discussion. Translation skills are tested in the Reading and Writing assessments. Students will be required to write short paragraphs of between 40 and 90 words in Spanish.
• Where you live
• Accommodation and facilities
• Directions
• Making reservations
• The home
• Things to do in your region
• Opinions of your region
• Weather in the past
• Food • Healthy food
• Free-time activities in the past
• Restaurant dialogues
• Past holidays
• Food from the Spanish speaking world
• Eurovision
Students will have two exercise books including one used to record rules on grammar and vocabulary. The MFL department provides dictionaries to use in school and a subscription for each student to have access to the online learning tools via that support the activities in the textbook.
• Research of Spanish artists
• Holidays • Transport
Parents can support their child’s learning by:
• Ask your child to explain what they have learned in their lesson
• Support trips, visits and exchanges when possible
• Support learning by regular testing of vocabulary and tenses
• Provide a bi-lingual dictionary
• Encourage your child to watch Spanish TV, listen to Spanish radio, use Spanish sub-titles
• Encourage your child to use online Spanish learning resources such as,
Modern Foreign Languages: French - Year 8
Course Outline “Allez” – a fully interactive language course is used to teach French at Key Stage 3. The programme consists of nine units in book one which will be covered over the first 2 years of Key Stage 3. Each unit builds on prior learning and is completed with an end of unit assessment in two of the four skills. The 4 skills are: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
These subject areas help students to develop their reading and memorisation strategies, recognise sound patterns and use transferable language. Students will also develop their knowledge of French grammar including perfect tense, near future and conditional tense.
Course Content
Assignments can bring the home and school closer together by facilitating parental understanding of topics taught at the school. The objective of homework is to extend and consolidate learning gained in the classroom and to further develop skills. Homework is appropriate to the age and ability of students, meaningful and varied and is set every week. It may take a variety of forms including vocabulary learning, writing, reading, revision, research or ICT-based comprehension and grammar tasks.
Students study a range of topics to help them develop; their language skills, cultural awareness and knowledge of grammar:
All 4 skills will be assessed at least once across the year and practise the GCSE style questions. Speaking assessments are in the form of a role-play, photo card or discussion. Translation skills are tested in the Reading and Writing assessments. Students will be required to write short paragraphs of between 40 and 90 words in French.
• Clothes
• Ideal holidays
• Weather
• Past holidays
• Weekend activities
• Festivals
• Music preferences
• Sports activities
• National events
• Leisure activities
• Usual holidays
• Eurovision
• Preferred holidays
• Research of French artists
Students will have two exercise books including one used to record rules on grammar and vocabulary. The MFL department provides dictionaries to use in school and a subscription for each student to have access to the online learning tools via that support the activities in the textbook.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Ask your child to explain what they have learned in their lesson
• Support trips, visits and exchanges when possible
• Support learning by regular testing of vocabulary and tenses
• Provide a bi-lingual dictionary
• Encourage your child to watch French TV, listen to French radio, use French sub-titles
• Encourage your child to use online French learning resources such as, BBC Bitesize
Modern Foreign Languages: French - Year 9
Course Outline “Allez” – a fully interactive language course is used to teach French at Key Stage 3. The programme in Year 9 consists of several units from book two of the course. Each unit builds on prior learning and is completed with an end of unit assessment in two of the four skills. The 4 skills are: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All 4 skills will be assessed at least once across the year and practise the GCSE style questions. Speaking assessments are in the form of a role-play, photo card or discussion. Translation skills are tested in the Reading and Writing assessments. Students will be required to write short paragraphs of between 40 and 90 words in French.
Course Content Students study a range of topics to help them develop; their language skills, cultural awareness and knowledge of grammar: • TV programmes
• New technologies
• Musical genres
• Favourite technology/gadgets
• Film genres
• Healthy eating/lifestyles
• Reading
• Resolutions to be healthier
• Advertising
• Life in the future
• Old and new technology
• Eurovision
• Leisure activities
• Research of French artists
These subject areas help students to develop their reading and memorisation strategies, recognise sound patterns and use transferable language. Students will also consolidate their knowledge of French grammar including perfect tense, near future and imperfect tense.
Homework Assignments can bring the home and school closer together by facilitating parental understanding of topics taught at the school. The objective of homework is to extend and consolidate learning gained in the classroom and to further develop skills. Homework is appropriate to the age and ability of students, meaningful and varied and is set every week. It may take a variety of forms including vocabulary learning, writing, reading, revision, research or ICT-based comprehension and grammar tasks.
Resources Students will have two exercise books including one used to record rules on grammar and vocabulary. The MFL department provides dictionaries to use in school and a subscription for each student to have access to the online learning tools via that support the activities in the textbook.
• Social networking sites
Parents can support their child’s learning by:
• Ask your child to explain what they have learned in their lesson
• Support trips, visits and exchanges when possible
• Support learning by regular testing of vocabulary and tenses
• Provide a bi-lingual dictionary
• Encourage your child to watch French TV, listen to French radio, use French sub-titles
• Encourage your child to use online French learning resources such as, BBC Bitesize
Music - Year 7
Course Outline
In lessons, students will learn and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in performing, composing or improvising and listening and appraising through inter- related activities. Students will have opportunities to develop personal learning and thinking skills by working alone, collaboratively in pairs, as part of a group or as a whole class, preparing and rehearsing for a performance, refining musical ideas, extending and developing creative ideas and performing a finished piece. They will be involved in performing their own music or the music of others, creating and developing their own musical ideas, listening to and evaluating their own music and music by others to learn about different musical styles and conventions. The focus in lessons is on practical music-making aligned to the pedagogical ethos and methodology of Musical Futures. As a balance to this, fortnightly homework (assigned in Google Classroom) will develop students’ knowledge and understanding of music theory through short videos and online quizzes based on their content. By the end of the course students will have covered at least the content of the Grade 1 ABRSM Music Theory qualification.
Student assessment will be both formative and summative. Performances, whether individual or group, will be recorded at various stages of each project, with the files posted on Google Classroom with feedback for progress and improvement. At the end of each project a summative assessment will be made. Students will also engage in peer and self-assessment. Individualised feedback will be given to students on their homework in Google Classroom and an end of year examination will test the knowledge and understanding they have developed over the year.
Throughout the course, students will engage with a variety of musical traditions and genres in termly or half-termly projects, with the following content:
Essential Information
• Introduction to KS3 Music and Baseline Assessment • African Drumming • Salsa Whole Class Instrumental Work • Singing • Music Technology • Film Music • Pop and Rock Students are encouraged to bring in their own instruments where appropriate.
Students are able to access extra help and support with homework through messaging the teacher in Google Classroom and by attending support sessions in break on Mondays. Students are encouraged to bring to lessons any musical instruments that they play. Instrumental lessons with peripatetic tutors are also available in school time. Lesson request forms are available from the main school reception or directly from the Director of Music, Mr Layton. Lesson fees are payable termly, directly to the instrumental or singing tutor.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encourage your child to take lessons on an instrument or singing if they are not already doing so • Encourage your child to practise music at home: the music sheets used in class may be taken home • Take your child to a wide range of music concerts • Discuss and promote music at home
Music - Year 8
Course Outline
In lessons, students will learn and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in performing, composing or improvising and listening and appraising through inter- related activities. Students will have opportunities to develop personal learning and thinking skills by working alone, collaboratively in pairs, as part of a group or as a whole class, preparing and rehearsing for a performance, refining musical ideas, extending and developing creative ideas and performing a finished piece. They will be involved in performing their own music or the music of others, creating and developing their own musical ideas, listening to and evaluating their own music and music by others to learn about different musical styles and conventions. The focus in lessons is on practical music-making aligned to the pedagogical ethos and methodology of Musical Futures. As a balance to this, fortnightly homework (assigned in Google Classroom) will develop students’ knowledge and understanding of music theory through short videos and online quizzes based on their content. By the end of the course students will have covered at least the content of the Grade 2 ABRSM Music Theory qualification.
Student assessment will be both formative and summative. Performances, whether individual or group, will be recorded at various stages of each project, with the files posted on Google Classroom with feedback for progress and improvement. At the end of each project a summative assessment will be made. Students will also engage in peer and self-assessment. Individualised feedback will be given to students on their homework in Google Classroom and an end of year examination will test the knowledge and understanding they have developed over the year.
Throughout the course, students will engage with a variety of musical traditions and genres in termly or half-termly projects, with the following content:
Essential Information
• Samba Batucada • The Blues • Classical Music • Pop/Rock Band Instrumental Work • Singing • Music Technology Students are encouraged to bring in their own instruments where appropriate.
Students are able to access extra help and support with homework through messaging the teacher in Google Classroom and by attending support sessions in break on Mondays. Students are encouraged to bring to lessons any musical instruments that they play. Instrumental lessons with peripatetic tutors are also available in school time. Lesson request forms are available from the main school reception or directly from the Director of Music, Mr Layton. Lesson fees are payable termly, directly to the instrumental or singing tutor.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encourage your child to take lessons on an instrument or singing if they are not already doing so • Encourage your child to practise music at home: the music sheets used in class may be taken home • Take your child to a wide range of music concerts • Discuss and promote music at home
Music - Year 9
Course Outline
In lessons, students will learn and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in performing, composing or improvising and listening and appraising through inter- related activities. Students will have opportunities to develop personal learning and thinking skills by working alone, collaboratively in pairs, as part of a group or as a whole class, preparing and rehearsing for a performance, refining musical ideas, extending and developing creative ideas and performing a finished piece. They will be involved in performing their own music or the music of others, creating and developing their own musical ideas, listening to and evaluating their own music and music by others to learn about different musical styles and conventions. The focus in lessons is on practical music-making aligned to the pedagogical ethos and methodology of Musical Futures. As a balance to this, fortnightly homework (assigned in Google Classroom) will develop students’ knowledge and understanding of music theory through short videos and online quizzes based on their content. By the end of the course students will have covered at least the content of the Grade 2-3 ABRSM Music Theory qualification.
Student assessment will be both formative and summative. Performances, whether individual or group, will be recorded at various stages of each project, with the files posted on Google Classroom with feedback for progress and improvement. At the end of each project a summative assessment will be made. Students will also engage in peer and self-assessment. Individualised feedback will be given to students on their homework in Google Classroom and an end of year examination will test the knowledge and understanding they have developed over the year.
Throughout the course, students will engage with a variety of musical traditions and genres in termly or half-termly projects, with the following content:
Essential Information
• Musical Theatre and Rap – ‘Hamilton’ • Loop Pedal Composition • Song-writing • Pop/Rock Band Instrumental Work • Singing • Music Technology • Film Music Students are encouraged to bring in their own instruments where appropriate.
Students are able to access extra help and support with homework through messaging the teacher in Google Classroom and by attending support sessions in break on Mondays. Students are encouraged to bring to lessons any musical instruments that they play. Instrumental lessons with peripatetic tutors are also available in school time. Lesson request forms are available from the main school reception or directly from the Director of Music, Mr Layton. Lesson fees are payable termly, directly to the instrumental or singing tutor.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Encourage your child to take lessons on an instrument or singing if they are not already doing so • Encourage your child to practise music at home: the music sheets used in class may be taken home • Take your child to a wide range of music concerts • Discuss and promote music at home
Physical Education - Year 7
Swimming Trampolining
Table Tennis Athletics
Tennis Striking and fielding
Content & Skills
How are the subjects assessed?
All students will cover a variety of topics during their year at St Joseph’s College. Pupils will be grouped at the beginning of the first term and will rotate through the different sports at the beginning of each half-term.
Pupils are assessed continuously both verbally (question, answer and target setting) and visually on their acquisition of techniques and how these techniques are transferred into skills in a competitive environment. This is an ongoing process and they will be rated via our Gold, Silver, Bronze standards.
Pupils are taught the importance of warming up and cooling down through experiencing a variety of warm up activities which they will be expected to perform themselves. They are introduced to skills that are integrated with drills, tactics, rules and most importantly game play. The games will range from small-sided games to full games and with balanced emphasis on fun, enjoyment and competition. As they progress these basic fundamentals are continually enhanced and extended with differentiation throughout. There is constant referral to diet, general fitness and lifestyle, health and safety within Physical Education.
Bronze represents a basic understanding of the techniques, skills and rules of the sport being played. Silver represents being able to accurately replicate several skills and linking together of them whilst being able to referee a basic game. Gold represents a good understanding and accurate replication of a large majority of the skills learnt over the module. Pupils should be able to confidently referee and begin to understand which components of fitness are important to the sport being played.
Essential Information Make sure your child is properly equipped with full kit correct footwear and any specialist equipment requirements of the sport that is being undertaken.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Check their child’s timetable to ensure they bring the correct kit to each lesson. • Communication if/when appropriate for example if a child is injured or is unable to participate, please send them in with a note in their planner to give to their teacher. • Support and encouragement of the importance of sport, recreation and a healthy life style. • Facilitate the logistics of transportation and support of practices and matches where appropriate.
• Pupils may also be given homework mostly around researching skills, techniques and rules. Encourage them to complete this.
Physical Education - Year 8
Swimming Trampolining
Badminton Athletics
Tennis Striking and fielding
Content & Skills
How are the subjects assessed?
All students will cover a variety of topics during the year at St Joseph’s College. Pupils will be grouped at the beginning of the first term and will rotate through the different sports at the beginning of each half-term as experienced in year 7.
Pupils are assessed continuously both verbally (question, answer and target setting) and visually on their acquisition of techniques and how these techniques are transferred into skills in a competitive environment. This is an ongoing process and they will be rated via our Gold, Silver, Bronze standards.
Pupils will extend their knowledge from year 7 and are taught to take more responsibility for warming themselves up and identifying strengths, weaknesses and improvements. They will continue to focus on skills that are integrated with drills, tactics, rules and most importantly game play. The games will range from small-sided games to full games and with balanced emphasis on fun, enjoyment and competition. As they progress these basic fundamentals are continually enhanced and extended with differentiation throughout. There is constant referral to diet, general fitness and lifestyle, health and safety within Physical Education. Pupils we be encouraged to begin thinking more theoretically about tactics, the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system in relation to their performance.
Bronze represents a development of skills from the previous year. Pupils should be able to link movements and skills together and accurately replicate several techniques of the sport. They should have a good grasp of the rules and be able to umpire basic games. Silver represents being able to accurately replicate several skills and linking them together during a game whilst also being able to referee a basic game. Through playing and watching, pupils should be able to identify their own strengths, weaknesses and how to improve them. Gold represents a using a diverse set of techniques throughout game play and choosing the correct tactical options more often. Pupils should understand which components of fitness are important to that sport/event and understand how to improve them. Pupils should be able to identify strengths, weaknesses and methods of improvement for themselves and others.
Essential Information Make sure your child is properly equipped with full kit, correct footwear and any specialist equipment requirements of the sport that is being undertaken.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Check their child’s timetable to ensure they bring the correct kit to each lesson. • Communication if/when appropriate for example if a child is injured or is unable to participate, please send them in with a note in their planner to give to their teacher. • Support and encouragement of the importance of sport, recreation and a healthy life style. • Facilitate the logistics of transportation and support of practices and matches where appropriate. • Pupils may also be given homework mostly around researching skills, techniques and rules. Encourage them to complete this.
Physical Education - Year 9
Health Related Fitness Trampolining
Content & Skills All students will cover a variety of topics during their year at St Joseph’s College. Pupils will be grouped at the beginning of the first term and will rotate through the different sports at the beginning of each half-term as they have in previous years. Pupils will be expected to be taking more control of their learning in year 9. Taking responsibility for warm ups, cool downs, training sessions and aspects of coaching. Pupils will be encouraged to learn more of theoretical side behind physical aspects of physical education. This will support pupil’s lifelong development of a healthy and active lifestyle as well as introducing them to key units of the GCSE PE course. As they progress the basic fundamentals of what we cover are continually enhanced and extended with differentiation throughout.
How are the subjects assessed? Pupils are assessed continuously both verbally (question, answer and target setting) and visually on their acquisition of techniques and how these techniques are transferred into skills in a competitive environment. This is an ongoing process and they will be rated via our Gold, Silver, Bronze standards.
Racquet Sports Athletics
Tennis Striking and fielding
Bronze represents an understanding of where players should be positioned during a game or the techniques associated with an event. They should be able to lead warm ups and perform a variety of skills in isolation successfully and attempt to show the same skills in games with some success. Silver represents a development of tactics and variety of shots/ moves/techniques used in competition. Pupils should understand the reasons as to why body positions and racquet angles affect shots or performances and be able to identify and rectify situations during games. Gold represents pupils being able to consistently perform skills to a high level. They are always looking for the tactical advantage and pressuring their opponents. They are confident in refereeing singles or doubles matches or marshalling in athletics. They have a comprehensive understanding of all requirements of the sport and are able to support their fellow pupils in development.
Essential Information Make sure your child is properly equipped with full kit, correct footwear and any specialist equipment requirements of the sport that is being undertaken.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Check their child’s timetable to ensure they bring the correct kit to each lesson. • Communication if/when appropriate for example if a child is injured or is unable to participate, please send them in with a note in their planner to give to their teacher. • Support and encouragement of the importance of sport, recreation and a healthy life style. • Facilitate the logistics of transportation and support of practices and matches where appropriate.
• Pupils may also be given homework mostly around researching skills, techniques and rules. Encourage them to complete this.
Science - Year 7
Course outline
Pupils follow a scheme of work called Activate. They study the three sciences with their class and are taught by two teachers. Throughout the course pupils develop planning, observational and analytical skills. This supports later Key Stage 4 and 5 studies involving higher level ‘working scientifically’ skills.
In Biology pupils’ study ‘Organisms and their Structure’. This includes the topics: ‘Cells’, ‘Structure and Function of Body Systems’ and ‘Reproduction’. Pupils study the structure and functions of animal and plant cells and their specialist roles in tissues and organs. They explore and study sexual reproduction in plants and animals, as well as foetal development.
Introduction Pupils begin the course by exploring issues of safety, risk assessment and the use of scientific equipment. The course introduction also covers various techniques pupils will need when recording their work.
Chemistry Pupils will study ‘Chemical and Material Behaviour’. This includes the topics: ‘Particles and their Behaviour’, ‘Elements, Atoms, and Compounds’, ‘Reactions’ and ‘Acids and Alkalis’. The course allows students to explore the building blocks of all matter along with the patterns we can use to predict outcomes of chemical reactions. A range of practical tasks including using the Bunsen burner and test tube reactions will be used to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills.
A range of practical tasks including slide preparation and microscope work will also be completed to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills.
Physics Pupils’ study ‘The Earth and its effects’. This includes the topics: ‘Forces’, ‘Sound’, ‘Light’, and ‘Space’. Pupils learn about sound and light waves and how they are used in the world around us. The course covers forces (balanced and unbalanced) including friction, drag and streamlining along with some research into the structure of the solar system and the greater universe. A range of practical tasks including force measurement will also be completed to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills. In addition to the stated curriculum, the Science Faculty, under the direction of the Head of Science, may include additional material to stretch, support and stimulate pupils’ learning.
Homework Homework may involve practical write-ups, online tasks, research and revision for tests for the reinforcement of knowledge and understanding.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Discussing science in the news and everyday life • Encouraging them to understand that science is all around them • Encourage the watching of science documentaries on television • Visits to science museums • Encourage the reading of science based magazines and journals
Science - Year 8
Course outline
Pupils continue to follow a scheme of work called Activate. They study the three sciences with their class and are taught by two teachers. Throughout the course pupils develop planning, observational and analytical skills. This supports later Key Stage 4 and 5 studies involving higher level ‘working scientifically’ skills.
In Biology pupils’ study ‘The effects of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles’. This includes the topics: ‘Ecosystems’, ‘Health and Lifestyle’, and ‘Adaptation and Inheritance’. Pupils will look at why organisms need energy to function effectively. They will investigate the differences that exist between organisms, and why this is important for their survival.
Introduction Pupils continue their work from year 7 in a spiralling curriculum to ensure they build on and hone skills and knowledge throughout their key stage.
Chemistry Pupils will study ‘Where materials and chemicals are sourced’. This includes the topics: ‘Elements, Atoms, and Compounds’, ‘Separation Techniques’, ‘Periodic Table’, and ‘Metals and Acids’. Pupils will research the structure of the Earth, and the rocks of its crust. They will discover how mixtures are separated, and how chemical reactions can be used to obtain materials for industry. A range of practical tasks including using filtration, distillation and reactions of metals and metal compounds will be used to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills.
A range of practical tasks including field sampling methods and identifying organisms using keys will also be completed to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills.
Physics Pupils’ study ‘The world of electricity’. This includes the topics: ‘Energy’, ‘Electricity and Magnetism’, and ‘Space’. Pupils discover how circuits work and how the electricity in houses is generated. They will also learn why it is important to insulate a house and what householders pay for with their electricity bill. A range of practical tasks including what makes a good conductor of electricity and how we can change the current in a circuit will also be completed to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills. In addition to the stated curriculum, the Science Faculty, under the direction of the Head of Science, may include additional material to stretch, support and stimulate pupils’ learning.
Homework Homework may involve practical write-ups, online tasks, research and revision for tests for the reinforcement of knowledge and understanding.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Discussing science in the news and everyday life • Encouraging them to understand that science is all around them • Encourage the watching of science documentaries on television • Visits to science museums • Encourage the reading of science based magazines and journals
Science - Year 9
Course outline
Pupils continue to follow a scheme of work called Activate. They study the three sciences with their class and are taught by two teachers. Throughout the course pupils develop planning, observational and analytical skills. This supports later Key Stage 4 and 5 studies involving higher level ‘working scientifically’ skills.
In Biology pupils’ study ‘Ecology’. This includes the topics: ‘Adaptation and Inheritance’, ‘Interdependence and Competition’, and ‘Biodiversity and Ecosystems’. Pupils study organisms and their relationships with the living and non-living environment in which they live. They will look at how organisms compete for mates and resources such as light and food.
Introduction At the beginning of the year pupils continue their work from year 8 in a spiralling curriculum to complete their key stage 3 learning. From the beginning of the Lent term pupils will commence their GCSE learning to maximise their opportunities to cover the curriculum in depth.
Chemistry Pupils will study ‘Analysis and the Earth’s atmosphere’. This includes the topics: ‘Metals and Acids’, ‘The Earth’s Atmosphere’ and ‘The Earth’s Resources’. Pupils will learn that the Earth’s atmosphere is dynamic and always changing; both through man-made processes and down to natural cycles. They will look into how to sustainably source products by limiting the use of energy, waste produced and any environmental impact. A range of practical tasks including analysing materials to detect specific chemicals will be used to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills.
A range of practical tasks including ecological sampling and measuring environmental factors will also be completed to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills.
Physics Pupils’ study ‘Energy and Energy Resources’. This includes the topics: ‘Motion and Pressure’, ‘Energy transfer by heating’ and ‘Energy Resources’. Pupils learn about how energy is needed to make objects move and to keep devices such as mobile phones working. They will discover how most of this energy is obtained by burning fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas. A range of practical tasks including measuring conductivity and energy consumption will also be completed to develop students’ manipulative, observational and analytical skills. In addition to the stated curriculum, the Science Faculty, under the direction of the Head of Science, may include additional material to stretch, support and stimulate pupils’ learning.
Homework Homework may involve practical write-ups, online tasks, research and revision for tests for the reinforcement of knowledge and understanding.
Parents can support their child’s learning by: • Discussing science in the news and everyday life • Encouraging them to understand that science is all around them • Encourage the watching of science documentaries on television • Visits to science museums • Encourage the reading of science based magazines and journals
Enrichment at St. Joseph’s The Enrichment hour is an exciting new addition to the Lower School curriculum here at St. Joseph’s. The Enrichment Units on offer will give each child the opportunity to discover and develop their individual talents, as well as develop key transferable skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and public-speaking skills. Taking place during Period 5 every Friday (and in some cases during development hour also) the wide range of engaging Units aim to enrich each child’s overall educational experience at St. Joseph’s and provide a platform that allows for the college values of aspiration, respect and confidence to bear full fruition. Alongside a compulsory STEM Unit, each student will get the opportunity to choose two options from the following Units:
Mindfulness & Philosophy
Musical Theatre
Music Technology
Skills Force Award
Textiles & Fashion
The Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Scholars Programme
51 St Joseph’s College, Belstead Road, Ipswich, IP2 9DR Tel: 01473 690281 Email: