International A Level SJC NSX

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Who We Are

The Foundation and Ethos of St Joseph's College

St Joseph’s has evolved from humble beginnings and is championed as an inclusive educational establishment with Christian values. The College is regarded for its caring ethos and for a rich curriculum that encapsulates creativity with academic rigour whilst always maintaining a child-centred approach.

Every organisation has a unique ethos, usually derived from its heritage, and St Joseph’s is no different That ethos sets us apart from other schools and makes us distinct, known and loved. Whilst our heritage grounds us, we also embrace the future and pride ourselves on nurturing curiosity that seeks truth and wisdom.

Today, St Joseph’s College is a vibrant co-educational community for 2-19 year olds, adjudged ‘Excellent’ (Independent Schools Inspectorate) for day and boarding students alike. It has a dynamic alumni association, many members of which demonstrate the positive, lifelong impact of a St Joseph’s College education.

Our History

The St Joseph’s College ethos is based on the values and teachings of St Jean-Baptiste de La Salle (1651-1719), patron saint of teachers. Despite La Salle having been born into the wealthy Moët (champagne) family, he decided to eschew personal wealth and enter the priesthood, dedicating his life to service and teaching the poorest boys in his hometown of Rheims.

La Salle’s influence led to the creation of many similar schools around the world. His commitment to a high-quality education for all that touches young people's minds and hearts provides the keystone of the College’s present-day ethos.

Our patron saint is Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and stepfather of Jesus Christ. He also lived a life of service and as the patron saint of manual workers and stepfathers, he epitomises the College’s core values of aspiration, respect and confidence.

Our Latin motto, ‘Fides, Labore et Tenacitate’ (Faith, Hard Work & Tenacity) is reflected in the lives and work of both St Jean-Baptiste de La Salle and St Joseph.

The Principal - Mrs Danielle Clarke BA (Hons) PGCE NPQH

In post as Principal of St Joseph’s College for 8 years, Mrs Clarke has seen the College go from strength to strength with a significant increase in local students, greater international outreach and development of female sports in the school

Mrs Clarke is a qualified Modern Languages teacher of French, German and Spanish. Speaking German and Spanish, Mrs Clarke is fortunate to travel on behalf of the college and understands the importance of cultural integrity in a global society. St Jo’s is proud of its international reach and prides itself on being a welcoming community

Is an Independent Schools Inspector and advises other heads on safeguarding and day-to-day running of their schools

Has presided over two very successful inspections of the College in 2019 and 2023

Travels internationally (China, UAE, Thailand, Europe) to recruit students and meet with current parents

Both of the Principal’s children have attended St Joseph’s College.

The Deputy Principal - Mr Sacha Cinnamond BA (Hons) PGCE MA NPQH

In post as Deputy Principal of St Joseph’s College for 7 years

Is a qualified teacher of History and Politics

Has overseen significant development at the College of:

- Curriculum

- Academic results - Students’ academic destinations

Travels internationally to recruit students and meet current parents

Has presided over significant technological advancement:

- Successful full live online teaching and learning timetable in Covid -Introduction of iPads and removal of exercise and textbooks for teaching and learning

Trains History teachers nationally

Has had his two children attend St Joseph’s College.

Educational Philosophy

We take the longer-term view for the greater good of the College and its pupils

A community based on integrity, kindness, respect, courtesy and enjoyment creates the best learning environment

We embrace innovation as well as seeking, reflecting on and learning from feedback and experience

We strive for excellence in everything we do, encouraging ambition and aspiration

Everything we do is for the benefit of the child

Actively safeguarding and protecting children is of primary importance

Each child is an individual and deserves an equal educational opportunity

Recognising the power of the team and working collaboratively is vital

Leading by example and with humility produces the best results






Sixth Form Subjects

Art (Fine Art) A-level

English Literature A-level

Chemistry A-level

English Language


Geography A-level

Business Studies BTEC


Science A-level

Engineering BTEC

Biology A-level

Business Studies A-level

Digital Media CTEC

Drama & Theatre

Studies A-level

Mathematical Studies Level 3

History A-level

Subject Consideration

How should pupils decide which subjects to choose?

Our experienced Sixth Form team will work closely with students and parents, mentor and Head of Year to ensure that the right options are selected

Our Futures Adviser will be able to offer insight into life beyond College. Things to be considered: career and future field of work interests, possible university or A-level course ideas

Exam Entry FAQs

When and where do pupils sit exams?

May/June in an exam centre near you – St Jo’s staff will help you find this information, which may be a British Council office. Please note there is a cost involved which is payable directly to the exam centre.

Online Snapshot event

Interview with course convener




Documents required Proof of ID, latest school report, pupil photo, pupil email address.


Enrolment form

Student Experience

Students will be invited to St Joseph’s College UK for three weeks each academic year.

Our partner school will also be invited to global sporting events owned and operated by St Joseph’s College and NSX.


What makes an excellent school into a consistently outstanding one is an ability to examine itself honestly, and to understand what makes it unique, where it wants to be and how it is going to get there.

This vision and direction must all be underpinned by a strong strategic business and development plan. Read our College Strategic Development Plan to discover how we are shaping our future and planning our priorities.

Over the past seven years, the College has invested in excess of £10 million in its infrastructure, with the introduction of 21st-century buildings and upgraded facilities, including the freehold purchase of the campus site. Improvements include a £4m Prep School, a £2m floodlit Astroturf, changing room and sports offices complex, the refurbishment of some of our boarding facilities, a new technology centre, the creation of a state-of-the-art Sixth Form Centre (opened in September 2016) and a dual aspect multi-function pavilion, which opened in summer 2019. The most recent major project has been the repair and restoration of our stunning mid-20th-century Chapel. You can see some of our recent projects in the gallery below.

Updating and renewal of facilities is a continuous process at St Joseph's. Desired capital development projects for the years ahead include the creation of new boarding houses and new Science laboratories.


Senior School staff

Mr Christopher Langston

AfterearningmyMathematicsdegreeandPGCEatthe UniversityofLeicester,Ispent15yearsteachingintheUK andQatar,includingeightasHeadofMathematics Ijoined StJoseph’sCollegein2025todeveloptheSecondary MathematicsDepartment,fosteringconfidence,problemsolving,andagrowthmindsetinstudents

Mr Sacha Cinnamond


IjoinedStJoseph'sin2016andhaveover20yearsof experienceinteaching,includingmanagingmyownSixth Formsuccessfullyfor12years Iamaconsultanttothe HistoricalAssociationandworkasamasterclass presenterfortheGabbitasTrumanandThringFoundation

Mrs Victoria Harvey


Withover25yearsofteachingexperienceinboththe maintainedandindependentsectors,andtrainingfrom theUniversityofCambridge,Iampassionateabout inspiringyoungpeopleandunlockingtheircreativity As VicePrincipalCo-curricularandHeadofArts,Ilead dynamicprogramstonurturestudenttalentandgrowth

Mrs Mychaela Frost HeadofTechnology

Asaseasonededucatorwithover20yearsofexperience teachingComputerScienceandDigitalMedia,Iam dedicatedtoempoweringstudentswiththeskillsand knowledgetheyneedtosucceedintoday'srapidlyevolving digitallandscape

Mrs Jane Wicks


HavinggainedmyMastersinEducationfromthe UniversityofCambridge,Ihavecontinuedtosupport teacherdevelopmentasbothanationalsubjectleadand PGCEmentorforthelast14years IamaqualifiedSENDCo withapassionforensuringthateverychildandyoung personhastheopportunitytothrive

Mrs Sally Hosking-Burtle


IjoinedtheteachingprofessionthroughtheTeachFirst LeadershipDevelopmentProgramme,teachinginbothChina andEstonia,andforsevenyearsinthemaintainedsector. Ihavelearntthat,regardlessofthesetting,workingwith youngpeopleisaprivilege.IamexcitedtohavejoinedSt Joseph'sin2022asHeadoftheEnglishFaculty.

Mrs Georgina Rowlands


Iamdedicatedtocreatingasafeandsupportivelearning environmentforstudents,fosteringtheirpersonaland academicgrowth,andensuringtheirwellbeingthrougha committedteamofstaffwhopromoteanaspirationaland inclusiveschoolculture

Ms Morag Strong

HeadofModernForeignLanguagesandEnglishasan AdditionalLanguage

Since2017,Ihavedeliveredaculture-basedcurriculumatthe College Afocusonculturefostersaninquisitivemind, booststhedesiretocommunicateandenhances understandingofourselvesandtheworldaroundus

Ijoinedthecollegein2021aftertenyearsinthestate sector Teachingbecamemypassionafterjoininga GraduateTeacherTrainingProgramme Iamdedicatedto inspiringstudentsintheSciencesthroughlessonsand enrichment,andIvaluehowthecollege’sethosreflects mycommitmenttoaspirationandopportunity

IjoinedtheCollegein2007andhaveworkedwithmany wonderfulstudents Ithasbeenbrillianttoleadsomanyof themonfieldworklocally,inCambridge,London,theLake DistrictandIceland

IhavebeenatStJoseph'ssince2015andhavebeenteaching forover20years IamateacherofPhysicsandScience, havingpreviouslytaughtPhysicalEducation.IamtheSenior SchoolPastoralManager,overseeingthepastoralwelfareof studentsbetweenYears7to11,aswellasbeingthedirect HeadofYearforYear10.Iampassionateaboutdeveloping youngpeopletobecomewell-roundedindividualswhouphold theCollegevaluesofRespect,AspirationandConfidence.

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