Christmas Term 2024 Clubs & Activities
We are delighted to present our clubs and activities brochure that highlight the breadth of extra curricular activities that will take place throughout the Prep School next term. We will be offering a wealth of new and exciting clubs alongside some of the long established and ever popular clubs, squads and ensembles that we currently offer. These activities are run before, during and after school providing every pupil with ample opportunities to have fun, excel and thrive beyond the classroom.
We strongly encourage all pupils to take part in our programme of clubs and activities to develop a breadth of skills outside of the classroom and discover new interests. Our clubs and activities have been divided into four categories: sports, creative and performing arts, enrichment and community. Whilst perusing this booklet, we would encourage parents to select a variety of clubs and activities from the different categories in order for your child to broaden their opportunities and become rounded individuals. Every child from Reception and upwards is encouraged to engage in these clubs in order to make the very most of the opportunities available to learn outside of the classroom.
On the next page, there are key details on how to navigate this booklet, alongside key dates and details on how to sign pupils up to clubs. Places in some of the after school clubs are limited and will be allocated on a strictly first come, first served basis in order of response. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Dianne Searle Acting Head

Key Information
Registering for Clubs
Every pupil is encouraged to join a range of clubs which can take place before, during or after school. In this booklet, you will find a short description about each club so that your child will know what to expect at the club. Please discuss your child’s club choices with them as, once they have signed up for a club, they will not be able to change their choice or be added to a club at a later stage during the term. We also expect that, once they are signed up to a club, our children show commitment and resilience by regular weekly attendance.
Some of our clubs are offered by a third party and these are at a cost. Information and contact details to sign up for these clubs are attached to this booklet.
Homework Club/Prep - Juniors
Homework Club/Prep will be available after school on Monday to Friday – please register for this if your child will be attending. Late Stay Prep, for pupils in Years 3 to 6, is available from 4:45-6:00pm (Monday to Friday) in our Hub.
Late Stay for Reception - Year 2
Children have the choice of attending an Infant after school club or to be collected at the end of the school day at 3:35pm. Early Years Prep, for pupils in Reception to Year 2, is available from 4:35-6:00pm (Monday to Friday) at a cost.
Before School Sports Clubs
Children should arrive in their PE kit and bring their school uniform with them to school. They will get changed at the end of the session. Please meet the lead member of staff at the advertised venue and be ready for action.

Netball Nuts
Miss Banks
Sports Hall
3 - 6
As the netball fixtures begin to come thick and fast, this session aims to provide a skill specific workshop to develop players in all facets of the game, giving them confidence in their ability and enhancing their understanding of the game.
Rugby Skills
Mr Haywood & Mr Sharp
Prep Playground
A chance to fine tune and develop in a fun and engaging skill based session with our rugby professional, Mr Haywood.
Girls Netball
Miss Banks & Miss Lowe
Netball Courts
The perfect session for any netball lover! Through a combination of match-play and skill development games, this is the ideal environment to improve and develop.
Mr Parker
Cricket Gallery
5 - 6
This invitation-only cricket session is designed for our budding young cricketers to work in small groups with Head of Cricket, Mr Parker on batting, bowling and fielding skills.
Mrs Bell
Prep Hall
Boxing Bambinos is a fun, recreational club which involves teaching the basics of non-contact boxing, such as stance/guard and footwork along with all related punches and defences. This is a great extracurricular activity because of the many benefits it provides; it is excellent for fitness, coordination, speed and agility. Most of all it is fun!
Combat Chaos
A combat and contact session, using grappling techniques and functional movement exploration to prepare for contact rugby. Led by our Rugby Professional, Mr Haywood, this is a must go to for all young budding rugby players. 3 - 6
Mr Haywood
Sports Hall
Girls & Boys Futsal
A team-based indoor football session, focusing on competitive game based scenarios. 3 - 6
Mr Skuse
Sports Hall
Infants Trampolining
Miss Lowe
Trampolining Room
R - 2
Everyone loves a bounce-about, but this club also provides a chance to develop skills and link key skills learned in gymnastics.
Girls & Boys Football
Mr Skuse & Miss Banks
3 - 6
This after-school club is a fantastic opportunity to develop all aspects of your game. Whilst some participate in a games based session, there will be skill development breakouts for others with Director of Football, Miss Shorten and Head Football Coach, Mr Skuse.
Morning Movers
3 - 6
Physical Performance Coach Wed
Sports Hall
Working with our specialist athletic development team, enhance your physical literacy and functional movement. This session will be sure to support development and help with all sports.
Coordination Club
Miss Pilon
Prep Playground
R - 2
A chance for our younger pupils to experiment with different ball games, movements and challenges in order to develop their coordination whilst also expending some energy!
Boys Rugby
5 - 6
Mr Haywood Wed
Prep Playground
A chance to fine tune and develop in a fun and engaging skill based session with our rugby professional, Mr Haywood.
Mr Scott & Mr Bellchambers
Sports hall /Courts
3 - 6
Basketball Club is a great opportunity for our budding team players to develop their skills and enjoy matches against their friends.
Mr Sutton
Prep Hall
This session is the perfect introduction to tennis with our professional tennis coach, Mr Sutton. Through fun games and competitive match play, you will work to develop all of your basic skills. Small group sessions are available for Reception pupils, and 5-8 year olds. Individual lessons are also available during school hours.
5 - 6
Mr Parker Thu
Cricket Gallery
This cricket session is the perfect platform for budding young cricketers to work in small groups with Head of Cricket, Mr Parker on batting, bowling and fielding skills.
Netball Skills
Miss Pilon
Prep Playground
3 - 6
As the netball fixtures begin to come thick and fast, this session aims to provide a skill specific workshop to develop players in all facets of the game, giving them confidence in their ability and enhancing their understanding of the game.
Rugby Skills Prep Playground
Mr Haywood & Mr Blackhouse
A chance to fine tune and develop in a fun and engaging skill based session with our rugby professional, Mr Haywood. 4 - 6
Boys Rugby
Mr Sharp & Mr Blackhouse
Pitch 2
A team-based rugby session that focuses on style of play and rugby brand through competitive game play and decision making situations. 3 - 6
Girls Netball
The perfect session for any netball lover! Through a combination of match-play and skill development games, this is the ideal environment to improve and develop. 3 - 6
Miss Pilon
Netball Courts
Sporting Stars
Miss Banks
Sporting Stars
R - 2
This infant-only sports club is in place to help the sporting stars of tomorrow. A variety of games, activities and competitive fun will take place to improve a range of sporting attributes, linking to our Physical Education curriculum.
Football Fanatics
Mr Skuse
Sports Hall
3 - 6
The ideal club for any budding footballer looking to improve their game! Working with our Head Football Coach, Mr Skuse, this provides the opportunity to experience high-level coaching in a fun and active session.
Netball Skills
Miss Lutua
Prep Playground
3 - 6
As the netball fixtures begin to come thick and fast, this session aims to provide skill-specific development and help to support players with areas of their game that they wish to work on.

The Arts
Street Dance
Mrs Simpson
Prep Hall
Dancing encourages the development of coordination and musicality and has been proven to increase cognitive development - helping children develop skills such as creativity, communication, critical thinking, collaboration… and much more! This is a great opportunity to learn how to dance in an inspiring, fun and safe environment.
Pebble Painting Club
Mrs Oakley
Year 4 Classroom
3 - 6 Mon
Join our Pebble Painting Club! Unleash your creativity by designing and painting pebbles. Get festive with Christmas themed designs and spread kindness across our College campus. Let’s rock the art world together!
St Jo's Voices Choir
Mrs Barker
Music Room
Mon 2 - 6
The Prep School's showcase choir which performs at many events on the College calendar. With repertoire featuring Disney, musicals and pop songs, there is something for everyone.
Parent & Staff Choir
Mrs Barker
Music Room
Start Tuesday with a joyful song and come along to Parent and Staff Choir. No experience necessary, just a love of music!
Performers’ Drop In
Mrs Barker
Music Room
Tue 2 - 6
A chance for pupils to pop in and see Mrs Barker to work on solos, duets and ensembles for concerts and upcoming performances.
Musical Theatre Club
Mrs Barker
Prep Hall
Tue 3 - 6
Unleash your inner performer and join our Musical Theatre Club, where creativity, passion, and talent take centre stage! Whether you're a seasoned actor or new to the spotlight, we will enjoy singing, acting and dancing together.
Craft Club
Mrs Taylor Inv.
Reception Classroom
This club will unlock your creative side! We will be making a range of themed craft items inspired by a range of artists and craftspeople!
Dance Club
Mrs Barker
Music Room
Thu 1 - 6
This club aims to get children jumping, leaping and spinning their way into Thursday morning. We will explore different dance forms and also create our own performances.
Performers’ Drop In
Mrs Barker
Music Room
A chance for pupils to pop in and see Mrs Barker to work on solos, duets and ensembles for concerts and upcoming performances.
Grade 1 Music Theory Club
Mrs Barker
Music Room
The perfect club for musicians wishing to develop their understanding of music theory. This club aims to enter pupils for their Grade 1 music theory when they are ready. (Only on House assembly weeks.)
Prep Ensemble
Mrs Barker
Music Room
A unique ensemble where our pupils develop their skills at playing as part of a larger group. Perfect for our musicians taking individual music lessons and our Yr3 violinists.

Mrs Bestley
Year 2 Classroom
The opportunity to become mini-engineers. You will plan, build and evaluate your designs.
Lego Club
Mr Waggott
Y6 Classroom
Have fun with the endless building opportunities that combine logic and reasoning with playfulness. It's just a matter of getting the imagination going!
Wellbeing Club
Mrs Gardiner
Wellbeing Hub
Pause, reflect and gather your thoughts in the midst of a busy week. This pause could be mindfulness colouring; having a quiet chat; playing a game or doodling. Come and enjoy our sanctuary. Other days will be available for children to drop in.
Board Games
Mrs Gardiner
Year 3 Classroom
Bring your passion for board games and compete with each other - from Cluedo to Monopoly. If you have a game at home that you would like to share, please bring it along!
Mr Weaver Inv.
Year 1 Classroom
We will be fostering a respect and enjoyment for all things ECO- taking care of our planet and learning how to educate others on the importance of being Eco friendly

School Council R -
Mrs Gardiner
Year 3 Classroom
The School Council meets regularly to discuss Prep school issues and suggest new ideas to improve our school. We work as a team with our Year 6 prefect chairing our meetings. So far this year the School Council have met and decided on new equipment for break times.
Eco Committee
Mrs Taylor
Year 1 Classroom
The Eco Committee meet regularly to discuss their agenda for the year in regard to making our school as 'green' as possible. The children will discuss key environmental topics such as: sustainability; limiting our carbon footprint, and ensuring we educate our school community on the power we can have collectively to support the world we live in. The children devise initiatives that we will carry out throughout the school year.
Library Club
Mrs Gillard Inv.
Library Hub
3- 6 Wed
Drop in to choose/exchange library books. Librarians are available to help you around the library and to find your next read. Children can help with the general upkeep of the Hub and assist with the creating of different displays. We have activities coming up to celebrate World Book Day and the travelling book fair will be visiting in February.
Before School Timetable
During School Timetable
During School Timetable
After School Timetable
After School Timetable