Christmas Old Birkfeldians 2023
Dear Old Birkfeldian
Space to thrive
It was, as ever, such a joy to see so many of you and your families at our recent and 37th Rugby Festival. Ian Potter OB, a friend of our Head of Prep, Mrs Amanda Childs, popped in from New Zealand and features in this Newsletter on page 7. Do please save the date for next year’s Festival, the weekend of 19 and 20 October 2024. We are hoping to hold further events for former students, allowing them to come together and catch up with one another. On 31 May 2024 we host our second annual Lashings event – to book or to learn more please see our website and social media channels. Tony Pinto, OB of 1970s vintage, features on page 12. He may have started a trend with his tropical fish illicitly kept in the boarding house! This term our youngest pupils enjoyed once again their fabulous annual Pets Assembly and we are delighted to have a very special new conscript in the Prep School - Lola, our beautiful well-being dog. Our recent Remembrance Service was a sombre and dignified occasion allowing our students time to reflect on the sacrifices made by men and women in the various Armed Services. This newsletter contains a biography of one of St Jo’s original students, who died as a Pilot Officer in the Second World War. Our links with the Services continue; members of the Royal Navy visited this term to support our senior students with team-building and leadership training. Daisy Hubert OB, who was an excellent and memorable Head Girl, shares news of her subsequent career on page 3. It is always fantastic to hear about your successes and where the foundations of your time at the College have taken you in life. Please stay in contact and keep us up-todate with your contact details and news. Thank you for your support and continued affection for St Jo’s. Mrs Danielle Clarke Principal
Christmas 2023
Daisy Hubert OB
A decision to take on an apprenticeship rather than head straight to university without passing go paid off brilliantly for ex-head girl Daisy Hubert OB
I joined St Joseph’s College in 2007, starting at the Prep School in Year 5. Despite opportunities to move to competing institutions in Suffolk, I remained at the College for the rest of my schooling, having decided from early on it was the place for me! Having secured strong grades at GCSE, I went on to study Biology, Geography and English Literature at A -level, with the wonderful Mrs Simpson-Jacobs. As Sixth Form and, sadly, my eight years at St Jo’s drew to an end, I decided a career as a chartered surveyor was the avenue I wanted to pursue. I had applied and received offers from multiple universities to study real estate but after discovering commercial apprenticeships into the sector I jumped ship and set my sights on securing a place at the biggest one on offer – CBRE. For the next four years I embarked on full time work at the London headquarters, alongside completing my BSc degree in Commercial Real Estate. As part of the scheme, I rotated around the business and gained experience working in a variety of key roles within the commercial surveying practice, including the disciplines of valuation, lease consultancy and investment. Having graduated in 2021 officially from Reading University with a First Class Honours degree, I was already a year into the two-year process of undertaking my ‘Assessment of Professional Competence’, ominously known as the ‘APC’ in real estate circles. This qualification would allow me to practise as a chartered surveyor. After a long road, although somewhat shortened by the apprenticeship route opposed to the pure university route, I qualified last summer to my delight and continue to work for CBRE in the investment properties team. My role is essentially advising investors on purchase and acquisition
strategies for the commercial real estate they hold; my remit consists mainly of offices on a national basis. A usual week comprises a mix of client meetings to discuss up-coming or on-going projects, property inspections, reporting, underwriting assets for pricing decisions… and the odd fancy lunch if I’m lucky! Surveying as a profession offers a great mix of technical and social, with an extremely wide variety of opportunities within the sector depending on your interests. We had a mantra at St Jo’s throughout my time there which was ‘Be your Best’. Very simple but I often still revert to it when faced with challenges and the road gets a bit tough. I would encourage anybody who wants to perhaps stray from the ‘normal’ path to go for it… you never know where you might end up! I am happy to be contacted for any career advice in surveying via Mr Kemsley, Futures Advisor.
37 Rugby Festival
Space to thrive
Rugby Festival enters a new era – with the global expansion about to get underway ‘This year marked a tectonic shift, not only for the Rugby Festival itself, but in the performance of St Joseph’s College,’ Director of Sport Mr Anthony O’Riordan enthused after the momentous weekend.
‘Following an 18-month period of review, repositioning and re-focusing of the College’s sport strategy, we were thrilled to see the fruition of our labour as the St Joseph’s Festival squad finished fifth overall in a competition featuring the cream of the country’s rugby schools. This event truly underlined the importance and significance of the sport – not only of rugby – played here at the College. ‘Subtle changes had been made to the way in which the occasion was live streamed, additional concessions were incorporated and the VIP area had grown out of all recognition. We were over the moon with the performance both on and off the pitch and elated to have solidified our position as organiser of one of the world’s premier schoolboy rugby events,’ he added.
Christmas 2023
The ‘Secret Coach’ reporting for NextGenXV, St Jo’s live-streaming partner, had to agree: ‘Once again, the St Joseph’s Festival showed it is a truly special occasion and should be cherished as one of the crown jewels of schoolboy rugby.’ ‘What a step up!’ was, in fact, the comment on everyone’s lips as the 37th Festival played out after months of coaching and meticulous organisation. The passion was unmistakable and the belief of the St Joseph’s players was marked. Here was a competition worthy of the teams taking part. Thank you to all who gave their time and expertise to ensure this was the best Festival so far; to all sponsors, including headline sponsor, NSX Sport, and to catering partner, Thomas Franks. Driven by its ambition to be the kingmaker in shaping future professional careers in sports, St Jo’s is about to take a leap of faith. The St Joseph’s College Global Schools Sports Festival will grow to become a seven-stage extravaganza, offering a comprehensive experience for participants worldwide. Thanks to our broadcasting partners, NextGenXV, the excitement will be shared across the globe. See the College website for more details.
Space to thrive
OB matches are more of a family affair than ever It really could not have been a wetter day prior to our traditional OB sports events, writes Mr David Kemsley, Futures Advisor. The rugby match under the lights followed on after a super competitive netball game versus our current First team girls. And a final word of thanks to Jona Crisp and Albie Sayer. Both left St Joseph’s well over a decade ago, but both showed the younger men how many more years ahead they could be performing in this fine fixture, a superb precursor to the Main Event.
Well done and thanks to all 40 Old Birkfeldians for turning out for the annual fixture. Many had travelled quite far through the dreadful weather. The slightly older boys, mainly students 21 years +, in red defeated the younger men, leavers from the last two years, by 27-17. Thank you all for supporting this fixture and thank you to Mr James Ingle, Deputy Director of Sport, for refereeing the game. Jamie Colcomb received a head wound and Thomas Morris, who had travelled up from Exeter, dislocated his thumb in his first play. It was expertly put back in place by a local parent, a surgeon, by the side of the pitch. Please support this fixture again next year; it was a most enjoyable and competitive affair. And don’t be put off by the injuries - both Jamie and Tom were right as rain! Many thanks to Cian Rothwell, the Tillett boys and the Kemsley boys, not only for playing but also for the huge amount of help they gave in recruiting players for the evening.
Unique atmosphere for the Netball Mrs Maria Lutua, Head of Netball and Fiji International player was delighted by her first OB v 1st VII event. She said, ‘I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the 11 Old Birkfeldian girls who participated in the match against our first team. It was truly a memorable and exciting event, and we appreciate the effort and sportsmanship demonstrated by both teams. ‘The matchup between the Bestley and Lander sisters playing against each other added an extra layer of excitement to the game, creating a unique and special atmosphere on the court. ‘In the end our first team came out as victors with a 31-29 win over the OBs. Thank you to everyone involved, from the players to the spectators and to Miss Rebecca Dennis, Trainee Teacher of PE and Boarding Tutor, for umpiring a great match. All contributed to the success to this event.’
Christmas 2023
Old friends reunited. A wonderful surprise for Mrs Childs, Head of Prep, who bumped into Ian Potter OB, whom she hadn’t seen for over 20 years.
New zeal and pace required to attend OB rugby match Ian Potter OB certainly went the extra mile. After a 36-hour flight from New Zealand, he only stopped for a quick shower before heading out to the old boys’ rugby match. Now, that’s dedication! ‘Returning to a Festival 30+ years after you had played in the first three was always going to be a combination of exciting and emotional, and also a step into the unknown. I have always followed the Festival but living in New Zealand has precluded any chance of attending. However, after some moving of flights, this year was the first chance to see what the Festival had become. ‘The most frequently asked comment was “I bet it’s changed quite a bit since you played” and, yes, it has. The rules are different, there’s live streaming, lots more tents and there certainly weren’t VIP facilities back at the start. But the fundamentals that underpin it were still there, the camaraderie of the players and the supporters, the friendships and the atmosphere were all as I remember in those distant memories. ‘The excitement and noise as St Jo’s enter the field were the same and the passion to pull on the jersey (although no longer red and white hoops) was clear to see. ‘Catching up with old boys and seeing old friends was special - thanks to Tim & Ed for showing me around. The buildings had a warm familiarity and it was a very quick process of remembering where we had French, Science and Maths. Although names may have changed and buildings repurposed, we quickly became reacquainted.
‘Congratulations and thank you to everyone who is involved in the Festival, whether playing, coaching, supporting or running a stand, marshalling the people or giving your time in some other way, you are the reason that it is successful and why we are all proud of St Jo’s. Yes, the Festival has grown up in many ways but we still hold on to the same principles that create the same feelings, emotions and excitement we all felt in ‘80s when the first was run. ‘When you live so far away it is important to find points of reconnection with your past and this weekend has enabled me to do so, not just through my memories but through the stories, jokes and tales of ex-players, friends and a new generation of families, all supporting their children. Today I am lucky enough to take my parents back to watch and remember what it was like to be in those shoes and the pride of their son playing all those years ago.’ It was a pleasure to see Ian back at St Joseph’s and we are impressed by his dedication to the cause! On returning to NZ, Ian has recently taken up a new position as CEO of Kidney Kids NZ, a not-for-profit organisation that supports children, their families and whanau* with kidney disease. *extended family group. 7
Space to thrive
Short life of St Joseph’s head boy characterised by service At school, in private life and in the Royal Air Force, John Van der Heijden seems to have been universally liked and admired. The Pilot Officer was killed when the aircraft he was flying exploded in mid-air, shortly after he had ordered his navigator to save himself by bailing out. John’s funeral took place at St Pancras Church, Ipswich, in November 1945, two months after the Second World War ended. He was 21.
orange brilliance - two or three on either side of the rising sun in the mist. And then comes the thought of how lucky you are to be up there with all the privileges a man can have: beauty, clean air, and to be able to look down and see a murky blanket of mist covering the earth as if it were shielding the sun… One feels then especially so near God.’ At John’s funeral, the coffin, draped with the Union Jack, had remained in the church before the High Altar overnight. A Solemn High mass of Requiem was offered by the Very Rev. Provost Peacock, with Fr Reidy, assistant priest of St Pancras, as deacon, and the Rev Fr Clare, chaplain to St Joseph’s College, as sub-deacon. The brothers of St Joseph’s College, led by the Rev Brother Celsus, head master, formed the choir and boys of the College served the Mass. Chief mourners were John’s parents, sisters and brotherin-law, and an RAF contingent led by his Commanding Officer, Wing Commander Edwards DFC. Capt Henricus
Educated at St Joseph’s College, Oak Hill, where he was Head Boy, John became a flight-sergeant in the newly-formed ATC and entered the RAF in 1942, training in Saskatchewan, Canada. He saw operational flying service with a photographic reconnaissance unit in the same squadron as his brother, Squadron Leader Pieter Van der Heijden, who had been killed on active service in 1924, at the age of 24. In a letter back to the school from Canada, John wrote, ‘We are now flying all day and even nights. I flew about 700 miles of the new ALCAN Road, i.e. the Alaskan Highway. It was a sight. I shall never forget it. ‘One of the most beautiful things is the early morning in Canada (after getting up and washing in cold water when it is 30 degrees Fahrenheit), when taking off to fly from the white snow through the haze and mist and suddenly to see the deep orange sun with its satellites or sundogs - huge pillars of 8
Mr Pieter J H Van Der Heijden
Born in the Netherlands, but a naturalised British citizen, Mr Van Der Heijden was at the forefront of the drive to found a boys’ Catholic school in Ipswich. ‘The great shadow of his life was the tragic loss of two fine sons in the RAF - Peter, who will be remembered in particular for his leadership the Squire movement [an international youth fraternity run by the Knights of Columbus], and John, one of the earliest pupils of St Joseph’s, later to be chosen as the first Head Boy. No sign could ever be seen of any sense of bitterness or self pity, his religion was too real for that.’ The Oakhillian, 1949
Christmas 2023
School on Opening Day, 20 September 1937. Back row (left to right): A Walton, R. Kerby, G. Manthorpe, A. Whitehead, P. Rooksby, Bro. Caedmon, J. Van der Heijden, J. Tribe, B. Boulding, P. Goldsmith, P. Inman, J. Hamblin. Second row (sitting): E. Wardley, J. Bloice, M. Gascoigne, Bro. Alan Bernard, Bro. Celsus (Director), Bro. Elwin, P. Cutting, D. Boulding, B. Hamblin. Front row: Paul Cutting, P. Kelly, P. Webb, R. Ball, M. Kerby, F. Grayston, R. Long, I. Hacon, P. Drew, O. Cutting.
Van der Heijden, John’s older brother, was unable to be present as he was delayed in returning by air from Berlin. A school magazine report of the time states, ‘The Old Boys and friends of the school will learn with deep regret of the death on November 10 of John Van der Heijden. He was one of the small group of boarders who were present at the foundation of St Joseph’s in 1937. His school career was marked by the great popularity which he enjoyed with both boys and masters, with whom he formed abiding friendships, by outstanding prowess on the field and by a truly remarkable zest for enjoying life to the full. From an early age he showed an enthusiastic interest in aviation and in anything connected with his future career in the RAF. ‘He made more friends during his training in Canada. On his return from abroad he became Sergeant-Instructor, one of the youngest in the country, and later in 1944 he achieved his ambition of being selected to fly in a Mosquito reconnaissance squadron. Previous to this he had flown to most of the European capitals, including special trips to Potsdam during the famous conference. The fatal accident occurred when
flying in the vicinity of Stafford; the machine began to give trouble and John ordered his navigator to bail out while he kept the plane steady. The navigator escaped but an explosion in the machine prevented the pilot from following. ‘The news of his death came as a great shock to us all, for only a short time before he had been up to school, enlivening us with his infectious laugh and bubbling over with enthusiasm for his future task abroad.’ Wg Cdr Edwards wrote, ‘John was without doubt one of the best pilots of the unit and so, as well as losing a great friend, we have lost a highly efficient and very enthusiastic champion of the new technique of radar-controlled survey.’ The same magazine also recorded with deep regret the death of Peter Barker, Merchant Navy. This ‘old boy of the school… was killed in action off Mauritius in 1942, the news of his death just having reached us. To his relatives and friends we extend our deepest sympathy.’ The Van der Heijden parents, Piet and Nelly. The family had moved to East Anglia from the Netherlands when Mr Van der Heijden was tasked with supervising the creation of the sugar factory at Bury St Edmunds. He was also instrumental in the founding of St Joseph’s College.
Space to thrive
Continuing a proud tradition Students and staff gathered together in the Chapel for the annual Remembrance Day assembly. Deputy Principal Mr Sacha Cinnamond, an historian with a particular interest in the First World War, spoke about the importance of having an historical perspective when reflecting on current world conflicts. The College Choir sang and individual students contributed fitting poetry readings and music. A number of staff members who are themselves veterans reflected on their time in Services and what it means to them. 10
Christmas 2023
Ethan Waddleton returns to the prep school
Inspiration and then some when Ethan Waddleton OB returned to St Joseph’s to talk to our Key Stage 2 wpupils about his journey from the Prep School to England & GB Rugby 7s and GB Olympian. Ethan has also etched Commonwealth Games bronze medallist and torchbearer for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee onto his CV. His advice to the children hoping to follow in his footsteps was to play as much rugby as possible in as many positions as possible. He also brought along a selection of his medals and shirts, which were handed around and admired. Hosted by long-standing family friend, Mrs Dianne Searle, Deputy Head of Prep, he stayed for lunch in Refs and caught up with preparations for the 37th annual Rugby Festival, 10 years on from his appearance in the winning squad of 2013.
Space to thrive
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
We were pleased to hear from Tony Pinto OB, who wrote: The group photo is from my Sixth Form days at St Joseph’s. I was in the class under Brother Alan, who was one fantastic Pure Mathematics teacher! I labelled this as 1977 but it could have been 1979, the year that I left for university after completing my A-levels. I know some of the names of the folks in the photo. I am the chap sitting in the grass in the lower left corner in the grey suit. I enjoyed my two years at St Joseph’s College. Would I do it again? Probably yes, although it’s a blur to me - time flies when you’re having fun! I enjoyed the Upper Sixth year more than the Lower Sixth. It was exciting to fill out my UCCA forms and apply to go to university in September 1979 and get the offers of acceptance. I lived in the boarding house (Birkfield Mews) and I believe that it is still there. I even kept a small tank of freshwater tropical fish in my room when it was not allowed to have pets! The chap who stayed in the room opposite mine (Andrew Clayton) also kept a tank of fish and neither of us had a problem with the housemaster, Mr Rose, if I recall correctly. I went on to University College London to study Electronic and Electrical Engineering, not pursue Mathematics. I finished up with an MSc in Microwave and Optical Engineering. Although I don’t work in that area these days, I still know enough about the field as I work in a related one, Network Engineering. I do a lot of security related work since that is the area where I specialise. I still keep a few tanks of tropical fish (killies), which I raise for my local aquarium society, and I have a small lovebird called Rudy3. He was hand raised and gets up to all sorts of mischief - he’s basically my ‘spoilt child’. Rudy is six-years-old, very intelligent and likes to sit on Tony’s shoulder. Favourite plaything: his owner’s laptop!
Christmas 2023
We know how important people’s pets are to them and St Joseph’s College celebrates the fact every year with a wonderful Pets Assembly, when Prep children and families have a chance to share their ‘fur babies’. While the campus remains a No Dogs zone, one honourable exception has been made with the arrival of Lola, the muchloved pet of Mrs Childs, Head of Prep. Lola is also a highly trained School Well-being dog. This very good girl supports mental health and emotional wellbeing on her scheduled days at work.
Animal magic The Prep School is also home to Woody the tortoise, who is currently in hibernation, but rarely lonely when awake. With animal-mad Mr Weaver on the staff the school is frequently visited by all manner of interesting and exotic creatures.
Space to thrive
Striking a blow for the best work life balance Motherhood and lessons learned at St Joseph’s about having the courage of one’s convictions led Rebecca Mottram (née Crosby) PhD OB to take an entrepreneurial route. I joined St Joseph’s College in 2005 mid-way through Year 8. I was lucky enough to follow in the footsteps of many family members who had also been schooled at St Jo’s and all had such wonderful memories even years later. I left in 2011 to study Biomedical Science at the University of Warwick. Following my bachelor’s degree I studied for a Master’s in Public Health, which was a great opportunity to consider medicine and healthcare from the community and higher level rather than individuals. Following this, I decided to pursue further academic training and it started to feel like I’d never leave. I conducted research into the predictors of attendance for mammography screening (breast cancer) to try and understand which type of women did and did not attend, and to try and understand some of the reasons for these decisions. I loved the freedom to explore what interested me most, to set my own timelines and goals during this period of my study - there were no exams as such, apart from the final viva where I had to present and defend my research. Seven years after arriving at Warwick University, I graduated with a PhD in Health Sciences and started a career as a medical writer in a medical communications agency. This was a fast-paced, corporate environment where I was creating medical materials for patients and healthcare professionals, as well as presenting academic research at international conferences. I continued in this role for a few years before going on maternity leave in 2022.
beginning at St Jo’s. One that has particularly stood out amongst my friends was a favourite of Mr Davey’s: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It was during this year that I really began to believe in a different career altogether. And so I took the leap of faith and started my own business under the franchise of Travel Counsellors. I started my business in June 2023 so it’s all fairly new still, but I’m finding my feet and I’m really loving working for myself again. I get the opportunity to put fantastic itineraries together for wonderful clients to travel all over the world, but I have the flexibility to be able to spend time with my young daughter. There is no ‘usual’ day or week as such, but my job includes being available to clients to speak about potential holidays, complete check-ins for upcoming bookings and answer queries whilst they’re in resort. When I’m sitting at my desk I’m usually planning itineraries, uploading content for my social media to advertise my services, or filling in some paperwork – probably the least exciting part of running your own business! I think St Jo’s probably taught us all that if we have the courage and resilience, we really can try our hands at anything, and for that I’m grateful.
It was during this year that I really reflected on the morals and values I was taught from such an early 14
Christmas 2023
It’s Wonderful to Have You Back!
The saying goes, ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ OBs Dena Glading and Clarice DeSiva probably wouldn’t agree entirely, but the PE and games they came to love as students at St Joseph’s College have persuaded them to return as Postgraduate Assistants of Sport. Dena and Clarice know St Jo’s inside out, were enthusiastic students and are now adding value as staff members.
opportunity to come back here as a staff member and ensure that this continues for the next generation.’
Clarice said, ‘I loved my time as a student here at St Jo’s and it is great to be back here but this time as a member of staff. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the students and getting stuck back into College life. Having already had a chance to experience the fantastic and unique community as a student, I am grateful to have the
Dena told us, ‘After being away from the College, living in London and getting my teaching degree it feels very surreal being back. I’m always thinking of joining in on the PE lessons or Games! I love working at the College as much as I loved being a student here.’
The dynamic duo are pictured above in their latest St Jo’s uniform as members of the Sports Faculty and also during their school days. Dena is seen as the end of her career as a St Joseph’s student, helping to plant a tree for her Upper Sixth year group.
Clarice is pictured with one of our most famous alumni, Richard Ayoade OB. Richard returned to the College during Arts Week to talk about his career as a comedian, actor, broadcaster and filmmaker.
Space to thrive
St Joseph's College vs
Lashings World XI
Friday 31 May 2024
Convivial Lunch at 12.00 pm Options available: Individual lunch tickets £59 Gold table of nine - to be joined by a Lashings legend - £699 Cricket match 4.00 pm General admission & parking available All enquiries please email
Christmas 2023
MEET Lashings World XI players ENJOY Three-course lunch WATCH Lashings World XI in action WIN Holidays, experiences and signed memorabilia in a fun, charity auction
The day’s schedule 11.00am Lashings World XI coaching masterclass for 9 to 12-year-olds. 12.00pm Welcome drinks plus meet and greet Lashings’ world-renowned cricket stars. 12.30pm Sit down and enjoy a three-course lunch with complimentary wine. 2.00pm Join in with games, entertainment and a silent auction, all hosted by ‘Blowers’, Henry Blofeld OBE! 4.00pm The main event - St Joseph's College vs Lashings World XI commences. Refreshments available at our pitch side bar and BBQ*. 7.30pm Match closing ceremony. 9.00pm Bar closes. *cash and card payments accepted
Space to thrive
Visitors to the Old Birkfeldian Lounge at this year’s Rugby Festival are flanked by announcer par excellence Mr Andrew Reavill and St Joseph’s College Principal, Mrs Danielle Clarke. Let us know what items from the archive you would like to see in the lounge next year.
For a future chartered accountant, running the school tuck shop offered some useful early training Craig Beeley OB came into 5 Alpha at St Joseph’s College in 1963 from a forbidding London school where he had experienced a harsh regime. Notable St Jo’s students of the day included Maurice O’Sullivan, whose family later emigrated to Australia, where Maurice became a High Court judge, and Colin McNicholas. Craig studied Maths and Physics alongside ‘two geniuses’ – John O’Neill and Michael Jellicoe. He was followed to the school by his brother Philip Beeley, who gained a BSc from Salford in Chemistry followed by his PhD from McGill in Nuclear Chemistry. He went on to work for the Canadian and UK defence departments, before finishing his career as Professor at the University of Abu Dhabi. Craig recalled, ‘When I was in the fifth form they got some third and fourth formers to run the tuck shop. They were eating the profits. In the Lower Sixth they asked a group of us to take over, including Barber, Lyons and Newton. ‘My taste for business came from the tuck shop. We sold large bottles of pop and small bottles of pop, which were a third of the size, and discovered we made the same profit on both. So we stopped selling the large bottles and that forced thirsty boys to buy three small ones. ‘Within that first term we were making such a profit we equipped the Senior Division with black & white television 18
and chairs. The next term we did the same for the Middle Division and then the Junior.’ Other notable OBs from that 1963-64 Fifth form were the musician, composer, record producer and visual artist Brian Eno, and politician and journalist Chris Mullin. ‘He was in 5 Alpha with me. In the Sixth form he alternated with me as Secretary or Chairman of the Crabbe Society,’ Craig remembered. Former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John McDonnell MP was in the same year as Philip Beeley. Craig’s family lived in Hong Kong, where his father worked in engineering and his mother in a business setting. Back for long holidays, Craig was expected to make himself useful. He chose the air-conditioned office environment and thrived, with his mother’s boss becoming a mentor who suggested the route Craig eventually followed into chartered accountancy and a fulfilling career. We are delighted to report that Craig felt he benefited from St Jo’s and was inspired to recommend the school to a large number of families, including many in Hong Kong.