The joys of Spring: lighter mornings and evenings and signs of new life have been much welcomed here on campus by staff and students alike across Prep, Senior School and Sixth Form.
The Lent Term has been both purposeful and productive, with our Year 11, Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth students preparing for their GCSEs, AS and A-levels, BTECs and CTECs, with consistent support from their teachers - morning, noon and night! Our GCSE and A-level Easter revision courses have proven popular once again and we look forward to supporting many of our students further over the Easter break.
We wish all students heading off on the College’s annual ski trip over Easter a safe and exciting experience in France with Mr Ingle, Mr Wenham, Mrs Hosking-Burtle, Mrs Lim and Miss Banks.
I hope you enjoy the compilation of highlights of the term in this newsletter, as well as this term’s spotlights on St Joseph’s staff, which feature Mr Kershaw and Mrs Meadows.
We very much look forward to welcoming students back to school and to their Summer Term on Wednesday 17 April. Wishing all St Jo’s families an enjoyable Easter break.
Danielle Clarke (Mrs) Principal
The Lent Term is often a tricky one to start for everyone, with the excitement of Christmas and a New Year over, the weather is often dull and nights long and it takes a shift in mindset to remember how lucky we are. In a school like ours though, Spring was in the air very quickly and we were soon absorbed by all that was open to us.
In the Prep School, we had a whole host of new clubs on offer, which will continue into the Summer Term and beyond and the children have been involved with a myriad of opportunities, as ever, throughout the term!
A couple of things stand out for me: Firstly, how brave our children are in their learning and their ability to trust their teachers to take themselves out of their comfort zone. An example was in Year 3 where every child tried some flavoured teas, inspired by their English text Cloud Tea Monkeys by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham. They may not have liked the taste but they were willing to give it a go and more importantly, just because they didn’t like one, didn’t stop them from trying another. And that’s what we encourage in all their lessons; our children are fabulous!
Secondly, our magical World Book Day. I have never experienced a World Book Day like it; the sense of community here at the College was palpable with all parts of the school being genuinely involved in the day. Yes, it is about reading and loving books but for me, it was also about our community taking pleasure in being part of a whole. On this day, we opened our readinggazebo, which is now called ‘Chapters’. This was possible due to the kind donations and hard work of our parents, and it was an excellent example of our staff team working closely together to make it all happen.
My sincere thanks to all those who contributed to funding or building Chapters and I hope it will bring much pleasure for years to come.
And so to the next chapter as we embark on the busy Summer Term. I wish all of our community a super Easter break and we look forward to another term of learning in its fullest sense (and hopefully some lovely Summer weather).
Amanda Childs (Mrs) Head of Prep
We have come a long way from the days of the ‘3 Rs’ but reading remains absolutely key to the success of our students and the pleasure of us all. World Book Day was celebrated from Nursery to Upper Sixth and the staff were as keen as the students to dress up as favourite book characters.
Another school, Hogwarts, loomed large as might be expected and some groups took a theme and ran with it. Our Prep School staff delivered variations on Wally, the elusive star of the Where’s Wally books which became instant best-sellers on first publication in 1987. Most memorable iterations were, perhaps, Lola’s dog coat and Mr Weaver’s rah-rah skirted version.
Authors Alexandra Priest and Laurie Ellingham inspired us with readings and a writer’s workshop. The occasion was also chosen for the official launch of our Prep School reading gazebo, affectionately nicknamed Chapters, financed through the fundraising efforts of children, parents and staff. Chapters is available for the pupils to access not only during lessons but also at break and lunch times.
‘We are delighted that we now have our new outdoor reading area, installed by our amazing support team. Its opening enhances the opportunities for children to choose to read and relax in a lovely environment,’ said St Jo’s Prep School Head, Mrs Amanda Childs.
Whilst trips, visits and festivals give our Prep students lots of scope to meet their peers from Ipswich and beyond, the arts and STEM subjects also offer opportunities for sharing work and making friends with boys and girls from neighbouring schools and nurseries.
This term we held another day of workshops led by our partners at Arts International. As ever, the St Joseph’s College pupils revelled in the fun and expertise brought into school by theatre professionals. The experience became all the stronger, however, as it was shared with fellow Year 5 boys and girls from three local primaries: Hadleigh Community Primary School, Bucklesham Primary School and Trimley St Mary Primary School.
The children worked up love-themed numbers – it was Valentine’s Day, after all! - from popular musical shows and performed a showcase for parents during the afternoon.
Mrs Ross, Director of Performing Arts, said, ‘Many of the pupils had never been on stage before and it was amazing to see them step out of their comfort zone, learn new skills in dancing and singing and then perform… St Joseph’s College offers many opportunities for pupils to participate in the performing arts and we look forward to welcoming another group of local primary schools next year.’
The shared excitement between our pupils and visitors was also evident when the Prep School hosted a BT Computational Thinking event for Years 3 and 4. Again, we were joined by girls and boys from the local area, who enjoyed practising some hands-on engineering skills with the BT Education Team. Mrs Hughes, teacher of Engineering and Mathematics, said St Jo’s was delighted to host the event and hoped our central location made it easier for other schools to attend rather than having to transport their pupils to Adastral Park, Martlesham.
Pre-schoolers from six local nurseries and kindergartens submitted more than 150 paintings, collages, sculptures and prints for exhibition and judging in a polar-themed art competition run by St Joseph’s. The creatures depicted included Arctic foxes, penguins, snowy owls, seals, walruses, whales and polar bears. A multi-use family pass to Jimmy’s Farm, whose polar bear Ewa was the inspiration behind the theme, was the top prize and went to Small World Kindergarten, Ipswich. Mrs Harvey, St Joseph’s Head of Creative and Performing Arts, judged in Small World’s favour, describing the submissions as outstanding in their creativity and individuality. Luckily, there were lots of activities, treats and prizes available on exhibition day, when St Jo’s Prep was pleased to welcome participants and families from Oakland Hall Day Nursery; Ipswich Private Kindergarten; Orchard Barns, Stratford St Mary; Busy Bees Pinewood; Small World and our own St Joseph’s College Nursery.
Dating back to Ancient Greece, the fable of The Tortoise and the Hare has undoubtedly stood the test of time and over the centuries has been re-imagined and reworked in countless ways. The New Wolsey Theatre Company brought their own take to the Prep School and the children absolutely loved it.
The players’ energy was infectious and the young audience could not have laughed any harder or been more appreciative.
Our Nursery and Reception boys and girls have been learning about the people who help us. They were visited by two Police officers from Suffolk Constabulary, who talked to them about their role. The children dressed up as police officers in scaled-down uniforms and made fingerprint keyrings.
As an introduction to their new English book, Cloud Tea Monkeys by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham, Year 3 tasted a range of teas and wrote descriptive paragraphs about their aromas and flavours. The selection included lemon, camomile and Creme Egg! There were mixed responses as you can see but it was wonderful that all of the children were willing to give every taste a try and some went back for more! A great example of one of our core values, confidence.
While Cloud Tea Monkeys has taken our children to the Himalayas, staff in Main House have been delivered to Taiwan, courtesy of Brian Yu OB, a tea grower who also develops and produces different varieties and flavours of the aromatic beverage. He kindly sent the College a pack of his jasmine green tea to try and we say, ‘Thanks Brian, it’s delicious!’
It is often the application and effort displayed by our pupils that we focus on.
However, reflecting on the last short but action-packed half-term, it can’t be helped but notice the monumental highlights that this sporting tenacity has led to. From the U11 IAPS success, Rosslyn Park brilliance and swimming awards to sustained team success across performance sports, our inaugural U7 fixture and continued athletic development improvement, the achievement has been palpable. Meanwhile, our P.E. curriculum lessons have continued to progress, with swimming, athletic development, basketball and rackets all featuring in lessons across the term. Our clubs and extra-curricular programme have been thriving once again, with numbers in attendance at an all-time high. This dedication and tenacity that our young
people show is reflecting so clearly in their development.
This is, of course, alongside the wonderful week that our U11s had in Barcelona. Not only did they have great exposure to high performance sport, but they also made memories that will last a lifetime.
Alongside the achievements and highlights, we must note the astonishing progress that our pupils have made in sports across the past term. Progression is a fine indicator of success. It is not a comparison to others, but a measure of our development to our previous selves. We, at St Joseph’s College, aim to add value to every individual’s life through sport, instilling a passion for physical activity that lasts far beyond the school gates; something that we feel believe is consistently delivered here.
What a difference a week makes!
One year ago, #teamstjos and our partners, NSX, embarked on an ambitious campaign to create a whole school international sports tour and global festival. The week of the half term break in February bore witness to the fulfilment of that ambition. In partnership with NSX, our amazing Sport Faculty brought the dream to life with an awe-inspiring training and fixture programme for students from both the Prep and Senior School.
Ninety-five students, parents and staff left for Gatwick airport in the early hours of the Monday morning, landing later that day in sunny Spain. Having checked in, the excited teams made their way around the superb on-site facilities, packing into the afternoon all that the Cambrils Sports Village had to offer.
Our social media platforms captured the action, from early morning runs to volleyball on the beach after supper - and all the fun and hard work in between. You could not help but see St Jo’s at its best. With the re-creation of the famous Rugby Festival tunnel for our U11 team on the final night, live feed coverage of all matches and sharing the after-match traditions of Tarragona and Barcelona, the teams we competed against, there were so many memorable highlights. If that wasn’t enough, upon landing at Gatwick on the Friday we received communications from other schools in the UK wishing to join us next year!
Congratulations to all the super performers from Year 5 to Upper Sixth who took part in the Suffolk Festival of Performing Arts Speech and Drama section: Darcy, Holly, Eliza, Sam, Ella, Grace, Suki, Anna, Evie, Alice, Ben and Eleanor
Many came away with cups for their performances: Senior Repertoire Cup - Ella; Senior Shakespeare Cup - Eleanor; Senior Solo Acting Cup (the highest mark over the Festival and age groups) - Grace; adjudicator’s choice for the Most Promising Performer - Eleanor; Junior Duologue Champions - Holly and Darcy; and Senior Drama Champion - Grace.
One benefit of our diverse community here at St Joseph’s College is having all the more traditions to celebrate together. Our Chinese boys and girls shared their own joy in marking Chinese New Year, and the wonderful sights and sounds of the festival were happily embraced throughout the school. Thank you to our musicians, our red envelope distributors, our dragon operators and everyone else who made it such a memorable occasion.
Springboard FutureChef is a schools-based programme that supports the development of key life skills whilst inspiring young people to pursue an exciting career within the world of hospitality. Students are encouraged to build industry-based culinary skills and knowledge as they and their teachers connect with industry professionals. FutureChef has become the biggest competition of its kind in the UK.
All the more reason to toast the success of Lily (Y10), who was a runner-up in the region, having pitted her skills against 1,400 student participants. The chefs judging the regional final commented they would be happy to have paid to eat Lily’s dishes.
‘Art allows you to get lost within your imagination, which can be very therapeutic.’ Our Artist of the Month for March, Elena (L6), who is pictured on the front cover, has her heart set on a career involving art - possibly in architecture, which figures large in her work.
‘My area of interest is particularly Georgian architecture because of the symmetry used. I love architecture within art. I’m also inspired by colour, which can bring a building to life,’ she said. Clearly, Elena works brilliantly in black and white too.
Choosing GCSE options is a big step and St Joseph’s College has run a programme of activities to help the students with their selections. This included an Inspiring Futures event at which eight parents explained their career journey and the steps they had taken from school days to the present.
The visitors chatted with Year 9 students about the choices they had made and how their decisions had affected their futures. Our students gained valuable insights as they stand on the brink of starting their journey into adulthood and professions.
The Army and RAF were represented, together with IT, project management, finance, law, insurance, and HR & recruitment. One guest talked about a career spanning public relations and writing.
Year 9 showed admirable maturity; the students asked lots of interesting questions and were highly appreciative of our guests’ time and experience.
Whilst St Joseph’s College is proudly non-selective academically, it offers the very best education to all its students… and that includes those craving challenge. Examination season is upon us and students have been working diligently. There has also been plenty of scope this term for students to stretch and challenge themselves, within and beyond their set school work.
The breadth of our Sixth Form students’ academic interests was clear to see when those undertaking the Extended Project Qualification displayed their research findings. They discussed their work with teachers and peers, demonstrating an awareness and grasp of tricky issues, including terrorism, the economic effects of the COVID pandemic, and the death penalty. Mental and physical health proved popular research areas, as did sport, and the Arts were represented in projects on animation and K-pop.
Five of our A-level candidates took part in the Cambridge Chemistry Race at the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry. This national competition, simultaneously staged in Oxford, saw teams compete to solve chemistry problems. St Jo’s made an excellent first showing.
As part of our Stretch and Challenge programme, a number of our most promising scientists travelled to the Essex University to work on DNA extraction; a fabulous experience to herald in British Science Week. It is important to point out here that enthralling science-based activities took place throughout the College for students at all levels.
Lower Sixth student Tilly demonstrated admirable academic ambition in entering – and winning – a national writing competition, on the theme of ’The biggest economic problem that we face.’ Tilly took a creative approach, writing as a fictional character giving a firsthand account of addiction and its cost to both the individual and the economy.
Nine delegates from our Model United Nations team delivered tremendous performances at the West London MUN conference. Some 500 students from across the UK took part and debated about Human Rights, global crises and the UN Environmental Programme.
Professor Susan Gourvenec FREng, FICE, FIEAust, PhD, BEng, of Southampton University, gave our senior students and Sixth Formers fascinating insights into the ways we are seeking to harness sustainably the power of the oceans.
Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies – Intelligent & Resilient Ocean Engineering, Deputy Director Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute and Professor of Offshore Geotechnical Engineering at Southampton, Prof Gourvenec explained our reliance on the world’s oceans.
Introduced to St Jo’s by her own school friend, Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Simpson-Jacobs, she gave an insight into her career path and talked about the wide range of engineering options available in fields as diverse as space, sport, film & TV, flight and gaming.
The St Joseph’s College Netball Festival was an unforgettable celebration of sportsmanship and community spirit. Highlight of the tournament was undoubtedly the success of our first team in winning the Plate.
What truly set the occasion apart was its inclusivity; everyone contributed - players, supporters, ball girls, teaching staff and support staff, and many more connected through the Livestream. It was a testament to the strength of our community spirit and we look forward to seeing everyone here again next year.
Stand-out achievements this term include the participation of our U13 team in the semi-finals of the Sister in Sports Plate, marking a historic first for our school. Our growth in the Colchester league has been remarkable, with the addition of a second team this year, showcasing our commitment to fostering talent at every level. The dedication of our players is evident in the impressive turnout at our Saturday training sessions. From our Prep girls to our senior school athletes, every age group has shown immense determination and achieved impressive results.
We have enjoyed a fantastic term of rugby, culminating in the showcase week of the Rosslyn Park National School 7s (18-22 March).
During half term, over 70 students travelled to Barcelona for a Performance Camp, focusing on the transition to Rugby 7s. We experienced the fantastic resort at Cambrils Park, that boasts world class training and playing facilities. Our U11s, U15s and U18s played competitive fixtures and remained undefeated against teams from the region, including Sitges, Salou and Tarragona rugby clubs.
Rugby 7s was the main focus after the February half term, with over 80 fixtures being played across 21 festivals in just four weeks. Highlights included St Jo’s winning pool stages at multiple age groups, with the U13s & U14s winning the Suffolk School competition, and the U16s winning the Plate at Uppingham.
It is with immense pride that we share the latest achievements of our football programme here at St Joseph’s College. Over the past months our teams have been relentless in their pursuit of dedication, application, and work ethic.
Our squads have demonstrated unparalleled dedication and skill on the pitch, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in team performance. Through training sessions, principles of play and fixtures, our students have shown remarkable growth and development, both individually and collectively.
Among our many accomplishments, we are thrilled to announce that our U15 boys have soared to new heights by making it to the final of the English Schools National Small Schools Cup! This is a testament to their dedication and perseverance, and to high standards set by the group. Their journey to the national stage is a testament to the hours of hard work they have put in.
From 2024 we have taken our first steps in supporting Lower and Upper Sixth female students in a bespoke female coaching group dedicated to nurturing female students with coaching opportunities to inspire the next generation. Our initiatives
provide training, mentorship and leadership opportunities for female students interested in coaching.
On Saturday 23 March, Ipswich Town Women FC played their first ever league vs Chatham Town game at Portman Road Stadium, with current and former players of St Joseph’s College and Ipswich Town Dual Career partnership taking the stage. We are so proud of our continued work with the club and the opportunities our players are exposed to.
Cricket continues its winter training phase in the build up to the forthcoming playing season. Students attending the clubs before school, during lunchtime and after school continue to improve their technical skill development in the main three disciplines as well as gain valuable insight in game management and field placing.
Highlight of the term, arguably, has come courtesy of the U15 Girls indoor team who demonstrated their skills and excellent team working abilities at the recent indoor area finals.
It has been excellent to see the number of students dedicate their time to improving their cricket over the Christmas and Lent terms. We are sure it will stand them in good stead for the season ahead.
Having enjoyed a semi-professional football career, my life took an unexpected turn when a life-altering road traffic accident in 2005 reset the trajectory of my journey. Hospitalised and placed into an induced coma for three-and-a-half weeks, I faced unparalleled challenges that demanded unwavering resilience and determination from me.
Undeterred by physical and cognitive hurdles, I embarked on the road to rehabilitation with all the courage I could muster. I believe I have an indomitable spirit to thank for fuelling my pursuit of a career in fitness. I qualified as both a Personal Trainer and a Strength and Conditioning Coach, and alongside the personal healing, my passion for assisting others in overcoming physical obstacles was ignited. Tenacity served as the foundation stone for the rehabilitation process, which involved the daunting task of relearning basic motor skills, like walking and talking. Each step forward marked a small triumph over adversity, and I hope became a source of inspiration to those witnessing my journey. In the aftermath of the accident, I discovered solace and renewed purpose in sports, earning a spot on a Cerebral Palsy football team and contributing to the squad’s consecutive National Cup victories.
Following on from this, I was invited to attend a Cerebral Palsy England training session. This was a unique experience, but I wanted to challenge myself even moreso I completed the London Marathon in 2014.
Delving further into the realm of fitness and personal training, I found purpose in guiding others on wellness journeys. This transformative experience led me to retrain as a Physical Education teacher. Today, I am honoured to impart knowledge to students but, equally, I hope to be seen as a model of what determination can achieve. The challenges were formidable, but they presented unparalleled opportunities for growth.
In my role as a PE teacher, I have been able to blend personal experience with a profound love for physical education, and through my own journey, I hope to inspire students. I sincerely believe that resilience, adaptability and a love for sport can turn setbacks into victories. The trajectory from a side-lined football career to a PE teacher at St Jo’s making a positive impact on the lives of others continues to fill me with gratitude.
In an exciting new development of our programme of engagement with parents, we are very proud to announce the launch of our Ambition Lecture Series, commencing on the evening of Thursday 25 April.
These termly lectures will give you the opportunity to hear three of our leading academic staff speak on topics within their subject specialism. We believe that by hearing these experts speak you will gain an insight into the academic dynamism, highly engaging styles of delivery and agile minds of your child’s teachers and an opportunity to engage with the powerhouses of academic excellence working here at St Joseph’s College. The lectures will be pitched at an intellectual level suitable for an adult audience, but students from Year 6 upwards may also attend. Crèche facilities (Reception to Year 5) will be available.
Our evening will commence at 6.00pm with the first two lectures of 20 minutes each followed by a short interval. The final lecture will conclude at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be provided.
Mr Briffa the Head of Science will speak on ‘The Elegant Mosquito’ or ‘Our Hominid Ancestors’, Dr Stimson, Economics will discuss ‘The Paradox of Choice in Modern
Day Life’ and Dr Rice’s lecture will focus on ‘Shaping Peace Amongst Hawks and Doves: Insights into British and Irish Policymakers’ Roles in the Northern Ireland Peace Process’. An invitation has gone out to all families for the inaugural Ambition Lectures and we look forward to welcoming you to this intellectually stimulating and sociable event.
Mr Jack Abbott, the Labour candidate for Ipswich in the coming General Election, was welcomed to St Joseph’s for a meeting with the Chair of Governors, Mr Perry Glading, and the Principal, Mrs Danielle Clarke. The agenda included the challenges posed by the proposed introduction of VAT on school fees, and how the College’s admirable work with its SEND students might benefit others in the Ipswich area.
Hello. For those who don’t know me, I am Sophie Meadows and I have been working at St Joseph’s College for seven years now.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and two daughters, playing games or going out for leisurely walks outdoors.
I started at St Jo’s in 2017 as a housekeeper, working evenings to work around my young children. I have had the pleasure of working with a great team, who have always been a fantastic support. I have now transitioned into a full-time role as a science technician. I have received great support from the College, with on-the-job training and also a three-day course at York STEM centre, back in April last year.
Science is an important, fascinating and memorable subject for all of our students. In my role, I feel I am able to make a substantial impact on the education of our students from Year 5 all the way to Upper Sixth. It is such a varied role, but our aim as Science Technicians is to support the practical and technical aspect of the Science curriculum by preparing the resources required for safe and exciting practical activities.
Getting to work alongside the Science team is a privilege, and being able to continue gaining knowledge and experience from the very best has been invaluable!
Thank you to one of our most – if not the most – senior OBs, Mr Gerald Keating. Mr Keating is a force of nature in his mid-nineties, still turning to as a groundsman at St Michael’s School, Burghclere, in Hampshire! He joined the College at its previous site, Oak Hill, just before the Second World War and is grateful to have stayed on at the school’s expense after his father, a maritime pilot, was killed in October 1939.
Among our recent Birkfield speakers was former Head Boy, Mr Mike Munroe OB, who explained the importance of tastes and aromas and the amazing careers that exist within the field. The industry is worth $40 billion globally. Mike is also a senior alumni representative of Imperial College and he shared an insight into the work of that world-leading institution as well as some guidance for students thinking of going there.
Mr Sim
Being a Housemaster is so rewarding and it is great to see the growth and progress of the young people in our charge. This term, our boarding team have implemented a range of activities and cultural engagements to ensure our students remain active, involved and supported in their academic endeavours.
To begin with, we have organised a variety of extracurricular activities spanning sports, arts and community service. We enjoyed a bingo night and a quiz night, a trip to Colchester Castle and an afternoon at the spa.
These activities not only provide physical and mental stimulation but also foster teamwork, leadership and time management skills.
Moreover, cultural engagement is an integral part of our programme. We regularly host events such as our Chinese New Year celebrations, where boarders can explore and appreciate cultures, traditions and cuisines. These activities promote diversity, tolerance and cultural awareness among our residents, enriching their overall experience in the boarding house.
In terms of academic support, we offer structured study sessions in prep each evening with access to all the resources on campus. Our dedicated staff members provide guidance, mentorship and encouragement to help boarders excel academically and reach their full potential.
By combining engaging activities with robust academic support, we ensure that our boarders not only thrive academically but also lead fulfilling and enriched lives during their time in the boarding house.
Mr Sim Housemaster, Goldrood, and Teacher of IT & Computer Science
Engaging activities for boarders this term have included scaling the heights at Clip ‘n’ Climb, quizzes, baking sessions, bingo, visits to historic sites, a spa experience, chocolate fondues and an escape room.