Message from the Principal
The Board of Governors and Senior Leadership Team have reflected afresh on the College’s strategic priorities and objectives. I am pleased, therefore, to share with you the strategic vision of St Joseph’s College for 2025. The vision document sets out the steps to be taken over the next three years to achieve our aims, so that our ‘Excellent’* standards and quality of educational provision are not just maintained but surpassed.
St Joseph’s is a rich and diverse learning community, of which we are rightly proud. The individual is celebrated and not moulded to fit any ‘norm’ - with unconditional support, an appreciation of differences, and an expectation that all will attain, achieve and enjoy.
We remain committed to retaining our renowned family-based ethos based on a clear set of foundational values that underpins the education we provide here at the College. Explicit and implicit to our ethos is a firm belief that every student is wonderfully unique and that each child and young person has a distinct set of gifts, strengths, abilities, skills and interests. We want our students to believe in themselves, build self-awareness, leadership, confidence and resilience, have joy in their lives and be comfortable with who they are, as they prepare for the next stage of their education, their future career and their life.
I look forward to working with Governors and Staff as we focus on accomplishing the aims and objectives of our 2025 vision for current families, as well as future generations of St Joseph’s students.
It remains our privilege to continue to care for and develop the children and young people entrusted to us.
Mrs Danielle Clarke, Principal*Independent Schools Inspectorate (Educational Quality Inspection 2019)

The independent school with Christian values that gives students Space to Thrive MISSION
At St Joseph’s College, academic achievement, ideas, intellectual curiosity, collaboration and resilience are of equal importance.
Continue to grow our nurturing environment, in which students are inspired to reach their full potential.
Faith, Hard Work and Tenacity (Fides, Labore et Tenacitate)
Aspiration, Respect & Confidence
For the needs of every student’s mind, body, heart and spirit to be met, so that each:
• Aspires to, and achieves, their academic and personal best
• Experiences an inspiring, progressive all-round education which prepares them for their future
• Takes an active and positive role in their school, developing personal leadership skills whilst offering service to local, national and international communities
• Develops faith, self-confidence, resilience and self-belief
• Acts with integrity, self-awareness and kindness, showing respect for themselves and all others
• Explores their individuality and creativity, and is able to use their own initiative.


Governance & Leadership
• Ensuring our strategic vision is clear, communicated well and drives and benefits all areas of the College community
• Continuing to recruit, retain, train and develop the highest quality staff, who are passionate about the College’s unique culture and their own vocation
• Developing further the leadership capacity, knowledge and skills of staff so that they engage in innovative practice for the benefit of themselves and their students
• Committing to a fully embedded Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy.
We will ensure effective, ethical and respectful leadership and management of St Joseph’s College to drive its strategic objectives by:
cademic Achievement

cademic chievement
• Continuing to provide a rich variety of academic and vocational courses and support to ensure excellent academic progress by students and routes to successful and fulfilling futures for all, irrespective of ability, age or gender
• Providing experiences and opportunities beyond the classroom to enrich, inspire and challenge students
• Ensuring feedback on students’ academic attainment and achievement is timely and formative
• Using ICT to further enhance teaching and learning, thereby maximising students’ attainment, achievement and readiness for higher education and employment in the 21st century.
We will deliver a vibrant learning culture, coupled with high expectations, which adds value to students’ academic achievement by:
Personal Development,

• Embedding a cohesive and dynamic Relationship, Sex and Health Education programme across the College to provide students with the knowledge and skills to navigate life and relationships safely and successfully
• Continuing to provide and develop further a curriculum and associated support that enhances students’ personal development, health and well-being, whilst developing their confidence, resilience and leadership skills
• Developing further, opportunities, knowledge and experiences beyond and after school, in particular through our Student Futures Adviser
• Championing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion across all aspects of the College.
Health & Well-being

We will ensure a broad range of opportunities for students so that each develops their heart, mind, body and spirit whilst embracing the values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, respect and tolerance
• Continuing to provide and develop a range of whole College events across the academic year to promote further still the feeling and ethos of family and community
• Maintaining and promoting the traditions and Christian values of our community – with the Chapel as its centrepiece - whilst developing students’ compassion, and social, spiritual and self-awareness
• Ensuring communication is timely, effective and helpful for all stakeholders, as well as continuing to provide opportunities for parent, staff and student voices to be heard
• Developing a structure and mutually beneficial programme for alumni to connect and reconnect with the College.
noitacinummoC , C o mmunity& Culture
We will nurture and support every member of our College community by:

• Ensuring an outstanding Sport provision for both female and male students by establishing the College as the premier school for Sport, Physical Education, fitness and physical well-being in the East of England, including the further development of beneficial partnerships with professional and like-minded organisations
• Providing inclusive, flexible, inspiring and aspirational sport programmes for female and male students of all ages, abilities and levels of interest, in both day and boarding, which are promoted and communicated well to the College community
• Ensuring the College’s performance sports (Cricket, Football, Netball and Rugby) attain locally, regionally and nationally, with opportunities provided to compete and play internationally, and with our rugby programme recognised as at the forefront in the United Kingdom
• Embedding fully and promoting a culture of health, fitness and physical well-being across all aspects of the College to encourage a lasting love of sport for healthy, happy lives, whilst also developing future industry leaders in sport science, professional sport and education.
We will continue to ensure that Sport and Exercise are valued and important dimensions of the lives of all students by:
The Arts and Enrichment
• Ensuring a wholly inclusive, wide and varied, co-curricular and extra-curricular programme is in place to provide enriching and engaging experiences beyond the classroom that challenge and inspire students of all ages and abilities
• Providing opportunities for students to compete and perform locally, nationally and internationally to ensure their personal and academic development is maximised
• Fostering an appreciation of the benefits, principles and practice of the Arts to develop further students’ talents, creativity, imagination and confidence, whilst creating more accessible pathways for young people interested in pursuing careers
• Exceeding the provision required for Arts Mark Gold accreditation, including the development of beneficial and exciting Arts partnerships.
We will ensure all students are exposed to an arts and enrichment programme which develops their creativity, confidence and individuality by:

• Improving further the aesthetics, furnishing and facilities of both current boarding houses, whilst progressing the building and opening of a new boarding house with modern facilities and accommodation

• Providing a culturally and socially stimulating programme of activities for the range of ages and interests of boarders
• Ensuring the positive aspects of boarding are promoted and celebrated both within boarding and to the wider College community, as well as with parents of boarding students
• Ensuring that appropriate and adequate academic support for international students is maintained and enhanced further as required.
We will continue to provide a warm, nurturing and supportive environment where students have space to thrive and develop by:

We will provide high-quality catering, with nutritious food and exemplary service that brings our community together by:
• Creating a bright, airy modern space in our Refectory for the College’s community
• Ensuring menus offer good value for money, excellent nutrition and an exciting and varied choice for all students
• Developing additional catering facilities, including an on-campus College coffee shop and tuck shop. Visitors’ toilets will be improved
• Maintaining the College’s 5-star Food Hygiene rating and effective management of food allergies.

Technology, Services and Infrastructure
We will evaluate best technological practice and service provision, to further enhance teaching, learning, communication and administration across the College by:
• Evaluating, streamlining and updating technology platforms, databases and tools to facilitate best practice, whilst ensuring the College’s infrastructure and community are protected from IT security breaches

• Developing further our in-house transport service, wrap-around care and a centralised student and parent support services’ hub, to support current and prospective families
• Providing 1-to-1 devices to enhance pupils’ attainment and achievement, the quality of teaching and learning, and preparation for higher education and the world of work
• Developing a new and intuitive College website to reflect our values and provide information and support for current and prospective families and alumni.

We will ensure high-quality and well-maintained facilities for students, staff, parents and visitors, providing a safe and stimulating environment to maximise educational opportunities by:

• Improving the aesthetics of College buildings, landscaping, grounds and signage, and establishing a cyclical programme of maintenance and decoration

• Developing Prep Music, Art and Engineering spaces, outdoor learning and social areas across the College, additional Senior School classrooms and Arts facilities

• Refurbishing visitor, student and staff facilities including bathrooms, meeting rooms and rest areas

• Creating additional and improved student storage facilities in the Senior School.
Campus and Facilities

Environmental Performance and Sustainability
• Publishing and ensuring the community’s advocacy of a College 2030 Carbon Net Zero Plan
• Driving continuous improvement of the College’s ecological performance and striving to attain eco accreditation and awards to confirm our community’s commitment to its 2030 Carbon Net Zero Plan
• Developing greater awareness, impetus and action from students and staff on green initiatives
• Establishing a plan for the cyclical maintenance, renovation and replacement of buildings in line with ecological and environmental guidelines and targets.
We will develop an intrinsic culture of sustainability in our community by:
Staff Well-being, Training and Development

We will ensure our staff training and development programme is exemplary and encourages both pedagogical excellence and best practice in each service and support area across the College by:

• Ensuring all new staff are inducted thoroughly, consistently and effectively into the College, its policies, procedures, ethos and protocols, in particular with regard to safeguarding, and health and safety
• Ensuring all staff have an entitlement and access to Continuing Professional Development in line with College, area and individual priorities, as well as providing a clear career development pathway

• Monitoring staff well-being and benefi ts through effective HR and line management processes
• Encouraging and providing opportunities for refl ective and innovative practice, and for mutual and external observations to be shared.

Retention and Recruitment of Students
We will ensure professional and strategic marketing of the College that recruits and retains students by:

• Ensuring that all staff are positive advocates, internally and externally, of the College and that recruitment and retention are seen as an integral part of their role
• Ensuring scholarships and bursaries are awarded in line with the College’s strategic objectives and that a rewarding scholars’ programme is in place
• Continuing to develop partners and relationships in key strategic markets to enhance diversification further in boarding

• Creating effective and impactful marketing collateral that refl ects the College’s core values and relays the unique characteristics of our school.

• Increasing College income through growth in student numbers, particularly in Boarding and the Prep School, as well as the careful management of concessions (including scholarships, bursaries, sibling discounts and staff fee remission) and the development of sustainable additional revenue streams and business initiatives
• Ensuring budgets, forecasts and financial results meet the requirements of the College’s covenants
• Identifying, monitoring and mitigating operational and strategical risks to the business
• Ensuring budgets are communicated in a clear and timely manner to all budget holders, who will then manage their budgets effectively and efficiently in liaison with the College’s Director of Finance.
We will continue to ensure well-structured, ethical and sustainable finances by: