Learning Beyond the Classroom

Extra-curricular trips and activities provide many opportunities for social and personal development and the chance to experience fresh challenges as well as develop new skills.

As part of our holistic approach to learning, St Joseph's College offers a wide range of educational visits and tours for students, both as part of the curriculum and beyond it. These trips and visits vary in terms of location, length of stay and purpose, depending upon the subject area and year group. Trips and visits give our students the chance to experience other cultures, respect differences and develop new friendships with their peers, so broadening their horizons and

way to consolidate learning, through experiences gained directly from the real world. There are also longer cultural exchanges, offering opportunities for development of both language skills and cultural enrichment. The core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science in the Senior School will continue to provide exciting experiences to complement their programmes of study.
This booklet provides an insight into some of our regular trips and gives a flavour of the exciting educational visits to come. We hope it will help you to plan ahead for your child/ren. As always, we endeavour to provide the best experiences; therefore, some trips may be replaced with alternatives should the alternative be deemed a better option. The College will continue to run additional one-off trips and educational visits as and when incredible opportunities present themselves. From time-totime certain trips may not be able to run for a number of different reasons. On such occassions the College will write to you to inform you in advance.

Learning the St Joseph's way...

Every child within the Senior School can enjoy a residential trip, whether this is for one-night in London or for a longer stay abroard or in the UK. Arts and Culture tours are popular for students of Year 10 and above wanting to study works of art and visit amazing diverse cities, such as Paris, New York, London, Rome and Amsterdam. Years 7, 8 and 9 have the wonderful opportunity to stay overnight in one of the world’s most culturally diverse capitals, London. The whole year group is encouraged to attend as this trip provides not only a wealth of cultural experiences and cross-curricular project work touching on Art, History and Science, but also brilliant peer bonding opportunities.

GCSE and A-level students studying Drama and Dance visit theatres and dance shows to support their practical and theoretical understanding. Our musicians enjoy performing at a range of venues and visiting Snape Maltings. Our artists, photographers and textile designers visit galleries and attend life drawing workshops to support GCSE and Alevel coursework. We are also proud to have links with Chelsea School of Art & Design for the benefit of our textile
Creative Performing& Arts

2022, students will enjoy magical creative and performing arts opportunities as part of a very special partnership with Arts International. An important element of this partnership is artistes' residencies. allowing students to work directly with actors and dancers from London's West End. As the partnership grows, there are plans to expand, with the development of future opportunities for our dancers, actors and musicians to travel to Nice, Milan and Dubai to perform on some of the world's most impressive stages.

Approximate costs: £240
Date Location Activity
Proposed Educational Visits for 20222023
Approximate costs: £260-£280
Lent Term London Graffiti tour Victoria & Albert Museum
Year 7 Creative & Performing Arts, History and Science residential trip
London Frozen the Musical Evening meal at London Boulevard restaurant Educational visits to the National Gallery, Science Museum, British Museum and the Tower of London
GCSE/A level Fine Art, Textiles & Photography residential trip (exam inspiration)
GCSE/A-level Drama & Dance Approximate costs: £40-£60
Approximate costs: £240
Tate Modern Tate Britain National Portrait Gallery
London Musical TBC Evening meal at London Boulevard Educationalrestaurant visits to the London Dungeon, London Aquarium, Tate Britain, Royal Academy of Arts and British Museum
Lent Term Norwich Show TBC
London Musical TBC Evening meal at London Boulevard Educationalrestaurant visits to the Natural History Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, National Maritime Museum and the Tower of London
Lent Term Ipswich Show TBC
GCSE /A-level Drama & Dance Approximate costs: £60

Year 9 Creative & Performing Arts, History and Science residential trip Approximate costs: £240
Year 8 Creative & Performing Arts, History and Science residential trip
• the number of student places available


• suitable dates and duration
St Joseph’s College International Schools Exchange Programme began in 2016 and has grown substantially since then, not only in the number of students participating, but also in the number of host schools.

St Joseph’s College hosts exchanges with three schools in Australia and a school in Argentina. The timing of each exchange is tailored to suit the term calendars of the all the participating schools to minimize disruption to students' academic schedules whilst also allowing students to travel together. The exchanges are only open to students of Year 9 moving into Year 10 and are subject to partner schools having suitable students to exchange with. Costs can range from £1500 - £2000. Please note, this is an exchange programme and not a school trip, therefore students will need to organise and manage travel independently.

Full details regarding the International Schools Exchange Programme application process are publicised in September once all schools have agreed on :

Fieldwork is an essential part of the Geography curriculum. It allows students to develop a range of practical often transferable skills, to see the landforms and processes studied in school in action, gain knowledge of real places, and to challenge their own values and attitudes. Previously students have travelled to the Lake District, which also provides excellent opportunities for fieldwork in a challenging environment that contrasts with our local areas, such as Flatford and Southwold. This year we are also offering Year 11 and 13 the opportunity to carry out fieldwork in Cambridge in October.
Geography Department
Iceland is one of the world's most geographically interesting countries, with an abundance of fascinating raw physical geological features. It is a land of active volcanoes, cascading waterfalls, erupting geysers, breath taking glaciers and geothermal features, wrapped up in a centuries-old Nordic culture.
Field trips are one of the best tools used by the Geography Department to provide real world experiences for our students. When students leave the classroom, they see the connections between what is happening at school and in the ‘real world’. They begin to see that what they learn within the walls of the classroom can help them solve the problems they see in the outside world and can have a direct impact on who they become as people.
There are opportunities for fieldwork both locally and further afield. For October 2022. the department has added Iceland to its list of destinations for GCSE and A level Geographers.
Millennia of tectonic movement together with extreme weather conditions have created the Iceland we can explore today, offering a truly exceptional opportunity to come face to face with the impacts of geography both on the landscape of this remarkable country and on its people.

A day trip to explore the local beaches and analyse sea water and terrain.
Lower school fieldwork opportunities (Approximate costs: £30£50)
Summer term TBC local area An entry-level day trip to learn first-hand the importance of geography fieldwork
GCSE and A level Geographers coursework (Year 11 and 13) - fieldwork (Approximate costs: £20)
GCSE and A level Geographers local rivers fieldwork (Approximate costs: £30 £50)
Christmas term Cambridge Residential fieldwork that directly supports GCSe and A level coursework
Iceland residential for GCSE and A level (ApproximateGeographerscosts:£1300)

Christmas Term Iceland Study and explore one the most incredible and diverse terrains on the planet.
GCSE and Alevel Geographers local beaches fieldwork (Approximate costs: £30 £50)
Summer term Southwold/ Felixstowe
Lent term Flatford A day trip to explore the local rivers and riverbanks.
Proposed Educational Visit Date Location Activity
The Lower School Debating Society participates in UK Parliament Week every November. Previous educational trips have included participating in and winning competitions held in the debating chambers at Westminster against schools from across the UK. Both the Lower and Upper School Debating Societies participate in the Schools’ Mace Debating competition and the Rotary Club ‘Youth Speaks’ public speaking competition, with the Upper School team triumphing in this year’s regional heat against opposition from schools from across Suffolk.
Orwell Debating Society and Model United Nations
History is brought to life for students at St Joseph’s through a range of educational trips. Year 7 students get the opportunity to delve into Medieval England on a visit to Sutton Hoo, a local historical site that combines myths, legends and artefacts. To help gain a sense of period in preparation for their GCSE, Year 10 and 11 historians are immersed in the year 1066 through participating in a re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings at the historical site itself. In preparation for their GCSE unit on the First World War, Year 11 historians visit the battlefields in Belgium every October to gain an insight into the scale of the conflict. Similarly, Lower Sixth historians are provided with the opportunity to experience a rotational visit to Ireland and Berlin in preparation for their A-level historical depth studies on Britain, Ireland and Germany.

Building on students’ cultural experiences, the History Department provides inter-disciplinary collaborative projects with our partner school, Gymnasium Theodorianum, in Paderborn, Germany for our Lower and Upper School students. The Department also collaborates with the Creative & Performing Arts and Science faculties to provide cross-curricular experiences.
History Department

Previous collaborations have included an Armistice Remembrance Concert and joint choral and orchestral performances. In Belgium this October, both schools have been invited by the Volksbund and Commonwealth War Graves Commission to return to the battlefields and participate in re burial services for British and German soldiers who died in the First World War. This will once again provide our students with a unique curricular and cultural experience.

Lent Term Queen’s University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin
GCSE Historical Environment visit to York (Approximate costs £200)
Summer Term Belgium & France Visit to the First World War battlefields & cemeteries

Lower School Debate Team and L6 Historians visit Ireland (Approximate costs £350)
Summer Term Belgium
Visit the historical city to gain an in-depth preparation for the historical environment question.
Visit historic and cultural sites. Selected students to perform in 'Cheerio Darling' a musical drama
Participate in Europe's largest MUN conference, which brings together over 1500 students to deliberate on issues of global concern.
Lent Term UCL
Visit to the Historic battlefield London International Model United Nations (Approximate costs £50)
Lent Term Hastings
GCSE Battlefields Trip (Approximate costs £360-£400)
Participate in Debate UK Parliament Week Debate as well as visit historical sites relevant to A level unit on Britain and Ireland.
Year 8 visit to the Battlefield of Waterloo (Approximate costs £300)
Proposed Educational Visit Date Location Activity
Sixth Form team building and enrichment visit, including concert and drama performance at Talbot House (Approximate costs £250)
Christmas Term Belgium (Messines Ypres, Poperinge, Bruge)
Whilst in Barcelona, Year 9 students will have the opportunity to speak Spanish at the Boquería Market. They will also climb the towers of the Sagrada Familia and visit one of the many museums in April 2023. This city is very special, with some of the world’s most beautiful, eccentric and cutting-edge architecture.

The importance of immersion in learning another language cannot be understated, which is why the Languages Faculty, which encompasses Modern Foreign Languages and EAL, seeks to provide a variety of educational and cultural trips.
In September 2022, German was introduced into our Enrichment offering and added to the Development Hour, to broaden and enhance our students’ linguistic op portunities and experiences. To support with their development the Faculty has organised a residential trip to a German Market at Christmas.
All Lower School students enjoy a morning at a local cinema to experience how truly wonderful it is to understand a foreign language. Our EAL and GCSE and A-level Spanish students enjoy taking in the cultural offerings of London and practising their language skills by ordering food in restaurants.

Sunday 4 2022December
• Visit to the Lindt factory and walking tour of the town
Residential visit to a German Market (Approximate costs: £280)
EAL day trip to develop language skills and Culture Club trip (Approximate costs: £75)
Saturday 29 April Tuesdayto 2 May 2023 Barcelona
• Boat trip around Barcelona harbour
Proposed Educational Visit Date Location Activity
To practise language skills whilst ordering food and enjoy an exhibition at an art gallery, whereby students can see the influence of different cultures within Fine Art. This year, we will be visiting exhibitions at the Tate.
• Visit to the Sagrada Familia and Parc Güell.
Residential trip to develop German speaking, listening and comprehension skills.
GCSE and A level MFL day trip to London (Approximate costs: £75)

• A visit to the cathedral
• Explore Plaza Catalunya and Las Ramblas
Friday December2
Autumn 2022 London To take in some of the sights including a Korean exhibition and enjoy a meal whilst practising English speaking language skills
Residential trip for Year 9 students to (ApproximateBarcelonacosts:£600)
Lent Term Ipswich To watcha foreign film and develop Spanish listening skills
Residential trip to develop Spanish speaking, listening and comprehension skills:
Autumn 2022 London
Lower School trip to the (Approximatecinema costs: £15)
• A visit to the Christmas market
• Visit to Montjuic and Poble Espanyol to watch the Magic Fountains display
• Visit to the Picasso Museum and Gothic Quarter
The Science Faculty are working with the Geography department to put together a residential field trip for Year 9 students, covering elements of GCSE Biology and Geography. This is likely to take place in April 2023 at a residential field center in Cumbria.
It is with great excitement, we are also looking to lead our first jungle adventure, either to Borneo or South America, and hope to launch the proposal to parents soon, with a date in late 2023 or early 2024. This will be a once in a lifetime trip to a unique and rapidly vanishing ecosystem. Watch this space for further details.
In KS3, students visit a variety of sites in London as part of the crosscurricular residential trips in March. Students in the past have visited the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum, and London Aquarium.
Lower Sixth Biology students will undertake a one-day field course in the Summer Term, after the AS exams have taken place. This is usually a coastal study, looking at how ecosystems respond to the challenges that the sea and salt present. Students complete the data collection and analysis needed for their Required Practical portfolio during this study.

Closer to home, our young sports enthusiasts participate in cricket, netball, hockey, table tennis, squash and rugby tournaments and festivals.

Annual trips to the slopes, whether in Italy, France, Canada or America, provide inspiration for skiers and snowboard enthusiasts. Larger residential tours and festivals occur biannually and enable our students to enjoy playing in South Africa, Dubai or New Zealand.

U12, U13 Rugby, Football, Netball
27 November - Sunday 4 December 2024 Dubai UEA (OptionCricket to add Rugby, Football, Netball)
28 July 7 Aug 2023 South Africa Rugby, Football, Netball
16th Feb – 24th Feb 2024 USA SnowboardingSkiing
20 to 24 March 2023 Rosslyn Park Rugby Competition
(ApproximateTour Costs £660)
Year 8 upwards Easter 2023 Europe SnowboardingSkiing
10 – 15 April 2023 Holland Rugby, Football, Netball
U16, U17, U18 Rugby, Football, Netball (ApproximateTour Cost s £3,000)

U14, U15 Rugby Tour (Approximate Cost s £1,000)
14 20 October 2023 Portugal Rugby U19 EmiratesDubai-World Series Cricket (Approximate Cost s £1,650)
Proposed Ski Trip (Approximate Cost s Year£2,2008upwards
Proposed Educational Visit Date Location Activity
Proposed Ski Trip (Approximate Cost s£1100)
U13, U14, U16, RosslynU18 Park National Schools Rugby Tournament
Technology touches on virtually every aspect of our lives and a wide range of engaging and inspiring trips are available for our students. These transport them into the heartland of television broadcasting, onto soundstages, into the audience for live cookery demonstrations and to exhibitions of British technological innovation.


BT Adastral Park Various Martlesham A variety of events on offer throughout the year, including Technology Day, Robocup and STEM days.
Proposed Educational Visit Date Location Activity Media City & Salford L6UniversityandU6 November Salford Visit the University Media TourDepartmentofBBC and ITV
Good Food Show TBC NEC Birmingham Attend the show's talks and demonstrations
Warner Bros Studio January Watford Workshop and tour of the studios

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Bronze Award Silver Award Can be completed in Year 9 or Year 10 • Training Day • Practice Expedition - 2 days and 1 night camping • Qualifying Expedition - 2 days and 1 night camping Cost £225 Can be completed in Year 10, 11 or 12 • Training Day • Practice Expedition - 3 days and 2 nights camping • Qualifying Expedition - 3 days and 2 nights camping Cost £325

6 March 2023 Onsite, delivered by AAP
Suffolk 2 days and 1 night camping: 6 hours planned activity each day
Year 9 and 10 Bronze Training Day
You can do a Bronze DofE programme once you are 14. A Bronze DofE programme has four sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. You must do a minimum of three months activity for each of the Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections, and plan, train for and carry out a two day, one night expedition.
Silver Duke of Edinburgh Training
3 days and 2 nights camping: 7 hours planned activity each day
Silver Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Expedition
3 days and 2 nights camping: 7 hours planned activity each day
Monday 8Tuesday 9 May 2023
Proposed Educational Visit Date Location Activity
Year 9 and 10 Bronze Qualifying Expedition
Thursday 27 Friday 28 April 2023
The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, like the Bronze award is a fun programme, where young people can make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. DofE Silver is for young people aged 15+ years.

Year 9 and 10 Bronze Practice Expedition
Suffolk 2 days and 1 night camping: 6 hours planned activity each day
Silver Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition
• Year 6 International Trip to Europe
Extra curricular activities broaden experience, build confidence, deepen knowledge, and heighten enthusiasm for every subject we teach. They provide opportunities for children to explore and uncover hidden talents.
Throughout the academic year, our students participate in many activities that allow them to learn about the world first hand. This includes visits to farms, castles, museums, theatres and local businesses, and fieldwork in parks and on beaches. Each year group has a termly curriculum-linked trip in the local area or welcomes a visitor to school and any last minute opportunities are taken to enrich the curriculum further.
• Year 5 – Outdoor and Adventurous, short stay residential

This is not only about what we learn, but most importantly, how and where we learn. It is about improving our pupils' understanding, skills, values, and personal and social development, and can act as a vehicle to develop young people’s capacity and motivation to learn.
• Year 4 Overnight Camp Out on the College campus
Real-world learning brings the benefits of formal and informal education together and reinforces what good educationalists have always known: that the most meaningful learning occurs when acquiring knowledge and skills through real-life, practical activities. Wow moments and sparkling starts spark a thirst to learn more.
In Year 4 all the children have the opportunity of camping out in the College grounds. Other residential trips have included a Year 5 stay at Hilltop Outdoor Centre in Norfolk and for Year 6 a week long residence in an international setting. We simply don’t believe that learning should be confined to classrooms. Recently our Year 5 and 6 pupils enjoyed a week-long activity camp at Condover Hall in Shropshire.
The Prep School

An exciting opportunity to visit Europe, taste different foods, gain language experience and enjoy a range of culturally diverse activities.
Christmas show Christmas term Ipswich
Summer term St Joseph's College
Year 5 – Outdoor and Adventurous, short stay residential (Approximate costs £500)
Year 4 Overnight ‘Camp Out’ in the College Grounds (Approximate costs £30)

Proposed Educational Visit Date Location Activity
Throughout the year
A highly enjoyable overnight camp on the College campus. With games galore and a nocturnal bug hunt, this is a great first trip experience.
Summer term Hill Top Norfolk or similar
To watchand enjoy a Christmas show
Summer term TBC
An action packed adventure residential. Activities onsite are likely to include air jump, big zipper, super swing, climbing wall, archery and treetop trail. A great way to build up confidence and plentiful opportunities to develop team building skills.
Day trips for each year group within the Prep School (Approximate costs per trip range from £8 £25)
In accordance with the project the pupils are following, previously such trips have included the zoo, the Mayor's Parlour, a local theatre and Christchurch Mansion.
Year 6 International trip to (ApproximateEurope costs £700)
All individual trips and visits are promoted and communicated by the trip leader using our Parent Portal system. If you are experiencing any issues with accessing your parent portal account, please contact ITSupport@stjos.co.uk . Depending on the trip, different finance options may be available.