2 minute read
Close and Enduring Friendships
by Kristi Meyer
Sometimes there are those experiences where you can only watch in wonder and amazement as they unfold, where you clearly see God’s hand at work. For Rachel Wendland, this is a perfect description of her time as the St. John’s Early Learning Center director— a time that is drawing to a close.
As the daughter of a WELS missionary, Rachel grew up in Malawi until coming back to the States for high school. After attending Luther Preparatory School and Martin Luther College, Rachel served at Faith Lutheran Church in Anchorage, AK, and Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Delano, MN, before temporarily leaving the public ministry. A move to Milwaukee, a membership transfer to St. John’s, and experiences teaching Sunday School and chaperoning mission trip led Rachel to the position of Early Learning Center (ELC) Director. And those who have been following the growth and development of our St. John’s ELC know that the rest is history—in the best possible way.
your back.” Rachel is particularly thankful for the mutual respect and close working relationships that exist among the church, school, and ELC—relationships that very naturally led to close and enduring friendships.
So what’s next for Rachel? With getting married on June 4, moving out to Colorado shortly thereafter, and hopefully starting a family, public ministry isn’t in the plans for the time being. But even in this new venture, Rachel is looking forward to being involved in ministry as a lay leader. “We’re still deciding on what congregation to join in Colorado,” she says. “But even though I won’t be in public ministry, there will still be opportunities to serve God and the church—in whatever capacity that might entail.”
“I’m proud of the restructuring we did in making the preschool feel like it’s part of the rest of the church and school mission,” she says. Rachel attributes much of that to Principal Dan Markgraf’s guidance and mentorship. “Dan will absolutely give me help when I need it— but I still have autonomy to make ELC decisions without always needing to ask for his permission.”
That dynamic also exists with other church and school called workers. “St. John’s has by far the best called worker team that I’ve ever been a part of,” Rachel reflects. “Even during the stressful times, you come to work and know that everybody here is going to have
Board of Education
As Rachel transitions away from St. John’s, she’d like to leave this message with the congregation: “Thank you. All the changes that we’ve implemented at the ELC have been supported by members through donations, prayers, and check-ins. Overall, there’s an incredible sense of encouragement from church and school families. Keep supporting the ELC and the campus expansion project so that I can come back in a couple of years and see the large motor room and the completion of all the other things we’re currently talking about and planning for.”
We’re looking forward to that return visit, Rachel!