2 minute read

One Ministry, Many Forms

by Christian Willick


It has been such a joy for me to serve as senior vicar (or “Vicky Will” to my 7th grade catechism students) at St. John’s this past school year. But most of you know my history with St. John’s goes back much farther. I have been a member at St. John’s my whole life, and as such I have been blessed to see the one mission and ministry of our church expressed in many different forms toward me.

Nurturing. St. John’s is where I became a member of God’s family in 1997 through the waters of holy baptism. St. John’s is where I formed my earliest memories: whispering to classmates during Pre-K naptime, watching the new school being built as a kindergartner, and growing up in that new building in the yearly rhythm of the school calendar. St. John’s is also where I grew to internalize the rhythm of the church calendar. From Advent to Pentecost and back again, the drumbeat of the church year became the drumbeat of life. It taught me new and deeper things about Christ each year, and it kindled in me a desire to serve him in the public ministry.

Supporting. From the very beginning of my training for the public ministry, my St. John’s family supported me financially. That support continued as I transitioned from Luther Preparatory School to Martin Luther College, even though I was far away and didn’t get to see you as often in those years. And finally, your support followed me to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, my home for the last four years.

Training. In my time at Seminary, St. John’s has offered me unique experiences, both as a Seminary student finishing my pastoral training and as a son of St. John’s congregation. I first presided over the liturgy at St. John’s during my first year at Sem. I first experienced the joy of teaching catechism class here during my second year. And last and certainly not least, I was beyond blessed to take a more active role in the congregation as senior vicar this past year.

Now as I prepare to start my first pastoral call, God willing, I know it will mean stepping away from St. John’s ministry for the foreseeable future. But I also know that St. John’s has helped make me who I am, and for that reason it will always be a part of me in the future. So before I leave, I also want to encourage all the young people at St. John’s to consider making your story look like mine. Becoming a pastor or a teacher is one beautiful form of this ministry, and if someone like me who was once in your shoes can do it, by God’s grace you can do it too!

The one St. John’s ministry—the one ministry of the church—is one we are all a part of in one form or another, in whatever we do. I am so grateful to have been a small part of that ministry here at St. John’s too. For that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

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