2017 STLASLA Award Presentation

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asla annual

presentation of awards


St Louis



st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

welcome, one and all thank you for a year of success Welcome to the St. Louis Chapter ASLA Annual Awards Celebration! The Chapter had a very busy and successful 2017. We have much to celebrate and to be proud of, as the leading organization for the landscape architecture profession in the Saint Louis region. Our Chapter has grown in

membership and sophistication over the past year. We were recognized this Fall at the Annual Chapter President’s Council Meetings, by being listed in the top five of chapters nationwide, for percentage of membership growth. Our chapter has also expanded and improved the chapter awards process, which has resulted in more submittals and more of a variety of project types submitted for recognition. The Chapter held many events throughout the year including

“We were recognized this Fall at the Annual Chapter President’s Council Meetings, by being listed in the top five of chapters


nationwide, for percentage of membership growth.”

activities for advocacy and World Landscape Architecture Month in the Spring. Summer time saw the first showing of the new Gateway Film Series, the Annual Golf and happy hours. The Fall brought numerous events during St. Louis Design Week last October. From social events, sketch crawls, films and lectures, the Chapter offered many opportunities for involvement and professional development.

We are fortunate to have the leadership of a very dedicated Executive Committee, including the wonderful guidance and leadership of Trustee Scott Emmelkamp and Executive Director Elizabeth Graff. Our new president, Cory Murner is bringing new ideas and energy to the Chapter, already showing great leadership for the coming year. Todd Teuscher has provided excellent service to the Chapter in the role of

Treasurer and Susan Maag continues to be a national leader in her role as Vice President of Advocacy. The vibrancy of our Chapter is only possible through the sponsorship and collaboration with our wonderful business partners. We truly appreciate all of their support of the St. Louis Chapter. As a long-time member of the Chapter, I am proud of the accomplishments and

status of our organization. The Chapter has been recognized both locally and nationally for our efforts as a professional society. Our members are involved in major projects, in our region, from new public spaces in Grand Center and on the Mississippi Riverfront to downtown revitalization efforts in Columbia and Cape Girardeau, Missouri and beyond, enhancing the future of communities through landscape architecture.











A. President Russ Volmert - Arcturis B. President - Elect Cory Murner, HOK


C. Secretary Brad Weitekamp, [dtls] Landscape Architecture D. Vice President - Events Carolyn Gaidis, LAND+


E. Vice President Membership Chris Sanders, SWT Design

F. Past President Felipe DeNarvaez, SWT Design G. Treasurer Todd Teuscher, WSP H. Vice President - Advocacy Susan Maag, City of Wentzville/SLM Consulting I. Vice President - Public Awareness Aaron Defenbaugh, Alta J. Vice President - Student Outreach/Emerging

Professionals Angela Mayer K. Trustee Scott Emmelkamp, Planning Design Studio L. Executive Director Elizabeth Graff Members at Large Derek Don, HOK Kaitlyn Poehlein, SWT Design Scott Runde, SWT Design

2017 (outgoing) executive committee

New THE Kenilworth 66 Bowl in the greenhouse at Longshadow Gardens







“F A B R I C I A



N O S T R O”

chapter members, colleagues & Friends here’s to the year ahead We hold this ceremony each year to recognize the efforts and achievements of all those who make an immense contribution to the landscape architecture community.

talented designers, but also to give due regard to all those who uphold the core values of the St Louis Chapter.

I am honored to be able to serve all of you, our membership, as your President in 2018. Although relatively new to St Louis, I have seen the chapter grow and flourish under the leadership of a dedicated executive committee and with the benefit Yet, we gather today not only to of enthusiastic membership. In celebrate the efforts of our many my term, I hope to build upon

this momentum and provide exciting opportunities for our membership to continue to advocate, educate, engage, and contribute as a vital member of the greater St Louis design community.

organization. Additionally, I would like to recognize Past President Russ Volmert for his leadership and commitment to the chapter over the years. During his most recent term, the St Louis Chapter has expanded the annual awards, I would be remiss if I didn’t diversified the programs take a moment to recognize offered, and was nationally our Trustee Scott Emmelkamp, recognized for percentage of Executive Director Elizabeth membership growth. Russ was Graff, and the entire Executive instrumental in advocating our Committee. Their collective profession at the state level leadership and unwavering as well as representing the dedication has enabled our chapter at numerous events chapter become one of around the St. Louis Area. the most active, creative, and innovative in the ASLA

Over the coming year, we will focus on expanding membership, membership benefits, and the chapter’s presence within the greater St. Louis design community. In addition to the varied events and continuing education opportunities established over the past few years, I am excited to announce that this year the chapter plan introduce a family oriented marquee event, an emerging professionals membership scholarship, and a membership survey; intended to give each of our valued members a voice

in the decision making of the chapter. In addition to these events, we have also taken steps to improve our offerings to our much valued chapter sponsors; without whom we could not offer the unique events and advocacy efforts each of you deserve. We are truly grateful for their continued and steadfast support. I am very excited for the future, both for the chapter and the City of St Louis. The New Year brings great potential for the city and all of us who have a chance to shape its destiny.

“we will focus on expanding membership, membership benefits, and the chapter’s presence within the greater St. Louis design community.”













A. President Cory Murner, HOK

G. Treasurer Todd Teuscher, WSP

B. President - Elect Derek Don, HOK

H. Vice President - Advocacy Susan Maag, City of Wentzville/SLM Consulting

C. Secretary - Scott Runde, SWT Design D. Vice President - Events Michelle Ohle, [dtls] Landscape Architecture E. Vice President - Membership Kaitlyn Poehlein, SWT Design


F. Past President Russ Volmert, Arcturis

K. Trustee - Scott Emmelkamp, Planning Design Studio L. Executive Director Elizabeth Graff Members at Large

I. Vice President - Public Awareness Gabe Presley, [dtls] Landscape Architecture

Irene Compadre, Arbolope Studios

J. Vice President - Student Outreach/Emerging Professionals Laurel Harrington, Christner

Jonathan Ryan, Christner

Stacey Brochtrup, Arcturis Jake Durchholz, HOK Felipe DeNarvaez, SWT Design Brad Weitekamp, [dtls] Landsacpe Architecture

2018 (current) executive committee


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advocacy your role in defending licensure Advocacy Day 2017: Defending Licensure

with seasoned representatives and welcome newly elected representatives. We continue to gain recognition as a profession Advocacy Day 2017 was an with each event and had many exciting and productive day as productive conversations at the nine advocates from the St Louis capitol. and Prairie Gateway chapters met with legislators at Jefferson Why is this Important? Many City to proclaim the impact of practitioners enjoy licensure landscape architecture in our which allows them to practice communities. This advocacy in all fifty states. What would day marked our 6th annual landscape architects do without event at the State Capitol and gave us the opportunity to meet licensure? An important fact

“An important fact is that in the last six years, licensure has been challenged three times in Missouri.� is that in the last six years, licensure has been challenged three times in Missouri and the current administration is reviewing state boards for fiscal responsibility and overlap. Nationally, there have been four legislative attempts to deregulate licensure and numerous threats to licensure reform. Our annual advocacy day event is a disciplined effort to educate the representatives about landscape architecture and reduce the threat of

deregulation in Missouri.

How Can You Participate in the Process? The year

2001 marked a monumental effort to obtain licensure for the practice of landscape architecture in Missouri. You can help us be proactive in retaining licensure by designating an advocacy liaison from your firm to make the annual trip to Jefferson City to talk with legislators.

Remember, St. Louis ASLA spends a lot of time and resources each year to defend licensure and promote the profession. Please consider becoming a part of advocacy and a supporting member of ASLA. Contact Susan Maag, VP of Advocacy susan@slmconsult. com for more information and thanks for your support!

better together in 2018

As the St. Louis Chapter celebrates the outstanding work of its members and students we pause to reflect on the events of the previous year.

the Landscape Architecture profession. Our role when we advocate is to educate about the profession and represent the profession for issues that impact our livelihood. With uncertainty still lingering rest assured that ASLA is diligently working to represent our profession well. We must do our part too. We must continue to inform local, At ASLA National, the Center for state and National leaders about Landscape Architecture has been the profession and the value our open for a year and functioning profession. beyond expectations. In April, the In 2017, the effort to freshen the Chapter Presidents and Board ASLA logo was completed.. The of Trustees met in Washington result is a logo that looks new yet DC for mid-year meetings and reflects some of the features of to participate in Advocacy Day. the old logo. This new logo will There was a lot of uncertainty be rolling out early in 2018. Also with the new administration in 2018, a rebranding effort for and the potential impact on ASLA will be undertaken.

I would like to thank the St. Louis Chapter executive committee for their efforts in 2017 to represent the membership well. I’m looking forward to more educational and social activities in 2018 as well as more interaction with the student chapter at Washington University. All of our efforts are better together. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Chapter Trustee.

st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

sponsorship dollars make events like tonight possible. But more than that, our vendor partners are committed to promotion and expansion of the profession of landscape architecture. Return the favor, and consider one of these companies for your next project.

Thank you to our sponsors

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st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards


civic stewardship kirkwood parks and

The City Parks Department a better place

surpasses all for all. expectations They show true and sets the bar for how cities can partner with non-profits, work across jurisdictional boundaries, and make the community

dedication to the natural environment and the Meramec River

I am proud of our community’s commitment and delivery of a number of forward thinking projects and endeavors. It is one thing to talk about it and it’s another to deliver.

and are an excellent choice for the ASLA Civic Stewardship Award.

Katherine Dockery Executive Director The Open Space Council

Kirkwood Parks delivers every day. Gerry Biedenstein, ASLA St. Louis County Parks

The Kirkwood Parks and Recreation Department should be recognized for making a significant

contribution to the built The Kirkwood Park master plan has realized a new

standard of excellence

for not only Kirkwood

Park but has raised the bar of quality for other parks in the Kirkwood park network.


The sum gain has been

William T. Ruppert Horticulturalist

quality of life

for both Kirkwood citizens and visitors to our community.

environment, and the stewardship of our natural resources while continuously striving to provide the best in outdoor recreation

opportunities now

and for many generations to come. Andrew Franke, ASLA Planning Design Studio

michael allen

civic stewardship

It’s hard to figure out the singular angle for a Civic Stewardship Award Nomination for Michael Allen. His career path has engaged


areas including

landscape historic preservation, social architecture

impacts on urban planning in our city. Is there any and architectural history. more direct translation of “exhibited Michael’s stewardship to the built advocacy for environment” than one dense, historic who advocates cities and their on the behalf inherent texture and layers of existing has laid important gems?

groundwork and appreciation for truly urban

Michelle Ohle, ASLA Principal [dtls] Landscape Architecture

at public events to guiding architecture and landscape architecture students through the intricacies of urban politics, Michael As a native St Louisan, Michael lives

fabulously interesting tour guide - Michael’s and breathes commitment to the Civic Stewardship of St Louis the histories (and is expressed through all futures) of this city. of these activities. From Practitioner, writer, thinker, teacher, mentor, running interdisciplinary workshops and speaking advocate, activist,

delights and impresses

with his unique combination of deep knowledge and critical acumen Civic Stewardship is not confined, for Michael, to the preservation only of the physical

framework of the city, but to the city as a habitat for humans and, increasingly, through his emerging

ecological consciousness, for nonhumans.

Rod Barnett, Professor and Chair Master of Landscape Architecture Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts Washington University in St. Louis

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st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

Adam’s drive for

“Adam continually

also inspires all who work around him and his influence raises

of landscape architecture within the


“Adam’s commitment to ensuring that the role of landscape architecture and design create a

strong public realm, exemplifies his passion for doing great work, and improving the quality of people’s lives.

cultivates the appreciation

the quality of community design thinking and allied throughout our group.” professionals.” Chip Crawford FASLA Senior Principal Forum Studio

rigor and Andrew Kilmer, ASLA dedication to Associate Principal Forum Studio

emerging young professional

adam bachtel

“I have worked with Adam on variety project types and scales from civic buildings and corporate campuses to roof top amenity decks. In all cases Adam has brought boundless

meet and exceed the project program. His design sensibility places emphasis on the values of experience, environments and respect

for the public realm.” Robert Neely AIA Associate Principal Forum Studio

He has a knack

for conveying complex concepts in very clear manners – while unabashedly

displaying his unique sense of Adam is an intelligent Adam’s commitment style and wit. young designer who to design actively promotes excellence and I enjoyed our time as the field of teammates and also his willingness landscape architecture to grow, learn and our friendship. I look through his

expand his horizons are forward to watching Adam’s journey through collaborative exemplary. work approach, mentoring of younger staff and activity in the local design community. Matt Maranzana Associate Principal Forum Studio

this career – I have no doubt he will make


Michelle Ohle, ASLA Principal [dtls] Landscape Architecture


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st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

“The park is a

wonderful and enduring landmark of

landscape architecture, with a grand

past and tremendous future.

Tower Grove Park is a

and on the National Muckermann’s Children Historic Landmark Districts. Fountain (a splash pad It is considered the fountain), baseball/softball finest Victorian diamonds, volleyball courts for local leagues, 9 tennis era park in North courts, 8 pickleball courts, America, still existing, having opened in 1872, and 3 grass tennis courts. by Henry Shaw who is also Tower Grove Park is the founder/benefactor also a vibrant of the adjacent Missouri community Botanical Garden.

beautiful and The park historic park with provides many over 140 years of history, opportunities in the center of the City of for active St. Louis. It is one of the and passive few parks in the country, recreation listed on the National Register of Historic Places including walking paths, a playground, The

gathering space hosting the

neighborhood Tower Grove Farmer’s Market, Food Truck Fridays, the St. Louis Festival of Nations, St. Louis Symphony and Compton Heights Band concerts, picnics, family

reunions and weddings. The park is an

integral part of the local neighborhood, the City and the entire region.

I appreciate the opportunity to nominate Tower Grove Park for consideration of the Landmark Design Award.

Russell G. Volmert, ASLA, PLA Director of Planning Arcturis

landmark design award

tower grove park

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PROJECT SUMMARY: of conservation – The 20,000-acre Dunn Ranch astounds us with complex segregation. This property is isolated in the midst of unsustainable cattle ranching industry, whereas itself being of high-ecological value. Through research-based design and strategy we propose mediation by employing emerging paradigms of economy and conservation – merging profit-based industry with care

Jury COmments:

acknowledgment and Strong ideas for water preservation of ecological re-use and educational values. elements, well done. By allowing observation on this real-world implementation, this program can drive higher attention in public, achieving productive, educational and social benefits. We estimate 20% of area’s transformation into sustainable ecosystems by 50 years’ time.

Very ambitious and welldocumented thought process. Perspective renderings are evocative and illustrative. Maps and graphics presenting the research are helpful in explaining complex concepts.

economy: A Restoration Tool Dunn Ranch prairie, missouri

Shuying Wu, Tornike Jashia, Xiang Huang, Yi Zhang

student award - merit

PROJECT SUMMARY: replacement of indigeneity Jury COmments: The American Bottom: a culturally rich landscape of precolonial inhabitation, typifed by Native American mound construction, has had its history archived and rewritten through the lens of colonial signification. The proposed landscape interventions forgo the ascription of meaning to matter but rather understand the vitality of matter. The proposal reckons with modernity’s

through rupture and selfjustification.

Very unique idea to showcase and enlighten The sites selected lay on a society on the lasting continuum of remoteness impacts of our modern urban life. in regard to an acoustic horizon (threshold or boundary at which acoustic perception is null) with respect to the listener-composer (one who engages in the multisensory landscape).

Creative approach and presentation of process. Good understanding of scale and nature/ landform. Very creative concept


rory thibault

student award - merit

PROJECT SUMMARY: contaminated water. Water is a powerful element, capable of cleansing, restoring and destroying. Seen as an element to be subjugated, it has been forced into mains, whisked away from the urban realm, and funneled downstream throughout the course of St. Louis Development. Below the surface lies a layered system of natural groundwater movement and networks of pipes carrying stormwater and

Jury COmments:

What happens when this What a beautiful and unseen network becomes elegant collection of overburdened, or fails? diagrams and studies! The proposal is to make the site performative through Connected Corridors, Cleansing Wetlands, and Social Community. The landscape will act as a core, reinforcing this interaction with water and facilitation social gathering by becoming a recreational destination for the city.

The employment of watercolor as a media is a refreshing alternative to the psd-laden typical entry. Well executed, artful approach to representation of design and process.

UNSEEN HYDROLOGIES: Rethinking the Public Domain of Wastewater Infrastructure - St. Louis, MO

Kelsey Vitullo

student award - merit

PROJECT SUMMARY: these modules, we look

how each module will forward to highlighting bird function and support The 20,000-acre Dunn Ranch Prairie (DRP) strikes importance and educating avian species. us with superabundant bird resources, supporting over 20 species of birds for migrating, breeding, foraging and nesting. Prairie-depended birds take different levels of habitats; thus, a multilayered planning is designed, including 4 modules. Stripes of mixed plants along waterways are meant to cater for avian living conditions. By

a bird-minded general public, by offering them a chance to admire avian architecture and landscape all at once, eventually raising DRP’s importance and credibility.

Jury COmments: Well informed design and presentation.

Appreciate the unique ideas for each module in engaging visitors while providing an appropriate, secure habitat. Nice combination of digital/analog drawings, very atmospheric drawings.

Supporting graphics are successful in showing

avian awareness Dunn Ranch prairie, missouri Shuying Wu

student award - Honor

PROJECT SUMMARY: and ecological needs. South St. Louis is a contested terrain, subject to fluctuations in socioeconomic migration, shifts in economic identity, and continual infrastructural challenges – including the dwindling capacity of urban hydrologic systems.

Utilizing landscape as infrastructure, this project provides services that accommodate increased demand while supporting socioeconomic and racial diversity. The deployment of soft infrastructure enables food production, manages stormwater, Understanding the conflict and creates space for micro-production facilities between human and nonhuman actants within including breweries and the watershed enables the bakeries – a growing economic opportunity creation of a new urban form that supports cultural regionally.

Jury COmments:

Overall, the project was well thought out, well executed and highly relevant to a local social/ economic condition. Very strong graphics and appreciate the ambition of the project! Project vision and ideas are innovative, while also realistic and implementable in the proposed setting.

karst urbanism: A generative ecological urban framework - St louis, circa 2040 Shauilin Wu, Thomas Klein

student award - Honor

PROJECT SUMMARY: and ecological needs. South St. Louis is a contested terrain, subject to fluctuations in socioeconomic migration, shifts in economic identity, and continual infrastructural challenges – including the dwindling capacity of urban hydrologic systems.

Utilizing landscape as infrastructure, this project provides services that accommodate increased demand while supporting socioeconomic and racial diversity. The deployment of soft infrastructure enables food production, manages stormwater, Understanding the conflict and creates space for micro-production facilities between human and nonhuman actants within including breweries and the watershed enables the bakeries – a growing economic opportunity creation of a new urban form that supports cultural regionally.

Jury COmments:

This is what University study should be... aspirational, thorough, varied and nuanced. Students gained invaluable insight into deep documentation, methods of research and study, and analysis. Appreciate the effort to share this project with a larger audience through recognition in LAM. STUDENTS: Robert Birch, Alisa Blatter, Shu Guo, Ophelia Ji, Scott Mitchell, Natalie Rainer, Allana Ross, Margot Shafran

The One Tree Project

LA602 - Professor Jesse Vogler & Ken Botnick

student award - excellence

st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

PROJECT SUMMARY: the potential impact in

building nestled among every dimension. Past, trees. This image Unlike the twodimensional space of a future and present are demonstrates how drawing or photograph, assembled to reveal the utilizing remote sensing devices (Reality Capture) a point cloud captures relationships between can inform our design a dimensional moment the idea and action. These dimensional process and product. in time. No longer images assisted in the is there a frame to define the boundaries envisioning of a building Jury COmments: Compelling, beautiful that inspires the use of space, as we have image prompts inquiry unlimited viewpoints to and discovery of new technologies. The design and investigation an experience. These images exemplify how and technical merge Romantic use of new technology provides a with the preserved technology beauty of a mature tool for us to explore Beautiful layered result site, resulting in this a concept and realize

mercy virtual care center Forum studio

drawing - merit

st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

PROJECT SUMMARY: the Mississippi River The Audubon Center at the Riverlands consists of 3,700 acres of conservation area dedicated to the preservation of migratory bird habitat for nearly 50 bird species, making it one of the most biologically significant sites of its kind. Centrally located on the Great Rivers Confluence “Important Bird Area� within

Flyway, the center offers visitors a unique and immersive experience to explore and discover diverse wildlife. The plan improves wayfinding, develops a cohesive vocabulary for site amenities, and create a facility that respects the natural environment while providing opportunities for experiencing the refuge year-round.

Jury COmments:

Very clear, layered and beautifully rendered Landscape will provide all the necessary habitats. Love the biodiversity section! Great sequence between pages: Tells a cohesive story

audubon Center at the riverlands swt design

planning - Honor

st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

PROJECT SUMMARY: creating a community The vision for Love Bank Park is to create a multi-functional and environmentallysustainable public space on Cherokee Street one of St. Louis’ most dynamic and multicultural neighborhoods. Formerly vacant, the site was partially activated in 2015 by neighbors who installed temporary basketball hoops and picnic tables - instantly

destination. Building upon the grassroots momentum, we were engaged to design a unique and inviting permanent publicspace. Inspired by Venn diagrams in which overlapping curves demonstrate areas of commonalities between unique elements, the curved pavement patterns help define programmatic spaces

and allude to the community’s desire to be welcoming and inclusive.

Jury COmments:

This project has a lot of heart. Ideas about phasing and community outreach stand out. Fun way to gather community input Good ideas for public engagement

Love bank park arbolope studio

unbuilt - Honor

st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards

PROJECT SUMMARY: transformation. The

Missouri Tallgrass Prairie client found direct sown with over 70 The 79,000 sf connections between species of grasses and laboratory building addition at the Donald their mission to improve forbs including some special seed from the Danforth Plant Science the human condition through plant science Shaw Nature Reserve Center provided and the opportunity to prairies. an opportunity to demonstrate the vital transform the 40Jury COmments: connections between acre site. Landscape Great use of native native landscapes, architects moved species to transform biodiversity and the main entrance, high-demanding lawn agriculture. Over added additional into habitat three acres of highly parking, clarified the manicured turf and pedestrian/vehicular An elegant site circulation and planned introduced species were transformation that adds replaced with a 6-acre meaning & sustainability for a sustainable site

Donald danforth plant science center Christner

design - merit

PROJECT SUMMARY: of park and recreation Parks Build Community is a national initiative demonstrating the transformative value of parks on the health and vitality of communities across America. The vision to build and revitalize parks as thriving gathering places for youth, families and adults is one shared by NRPA, its industry and non-profit partners, and the thousands

professionals who develop and maintain these treasured public places. For the 2016 NRPA conference, thousands of parks and recreation professionals converged on St. Louis for the industry’s largest event. At that conference, a brand new 1 acre park was unveiled in the underserved community in the City of Wellston.

Jury COmments: Well-organized play spaces for all ages

Great photos! Lovely use of the space Such wonderful thinking into how so many people with different interests could use the space Fabric structures look great, blend well with overall design

Trojan park forum studio

design - merit


designer and coordinated with the Campus Situated at the north end Landscape Architect and of the Carnahan Quad and Facilities team. facing Jesse Hall, Traditions A permeable plaza, Plaza celebrates the history memorial walks and and values of the University seating circles radiate of Missouri, Columbia. outward from the stage This new alumni plaza in to the terraces beyond. the heart of the campus Delicate grading was consists of a low-rise stage, required to preserve eight existing memorial memorial plazas and a trees along the perimeter terraced amphitheater while accomplishing integrated into the landscape. The Landscape the necessary site interventions. Architect’s role was prime

Jury COmments:

Blends well into the campus backdrop. Nice use of accessible features Seamless design A very functional and well-integrated project that clearly supports the campus community A very genuine project

traditions plaza

[dtls] landscape architecture

design - merit

PROJECT SUMMARY: An inter-planting strategy Jury COmments: The strategy for the Mercy Virtual Care Center campus landscape is rooted in sustainable sites initiatives that reflect the ecological classification and primary plant communities of the ecoregion. Areas that will be disrupted through the process of construction will be replaced with nativewoodland, prairie, savanna.

composed of multiple Missouri species will be used to provide a natural developing aesthetic while creating the next generation of canopy trees. This creation of a “working” and “living” landscape fosters an environment for healing, learning, and interaction that directly corresponds to the Mercy model of care.

Low maintenance landscape is best feature

Love the community involvement with the environmental learning opportunities Well done. Saving big trees! Poetic and thematic presentation, with great photography

mercy virtual care center Forum studio

design - Honor

Awards committee michelle ohle, Stacy Brochtrup, Brad Weitekamp venue das bevo underground Student Award Jury

Cory Murner, Kaitlyn Poehlein, Irene Compadre,

Russ Volmert, Michelle Ohle

Professional Award jury chapter

Washington asla

Music katie snelling, Ethan mayer, theo brockhurst (see more at @ethosviolin or by checking out the St Louis Youth Orchestra)

design / graphics / admin

elizabeth graff, Michelle ohle

st louis st louis

asla annual

presentation of awards St Louis



asla annual

presentation of awards

2017 p.o. box 11594 st. louis, MO 63105 www.stlouisasla.org

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