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This chapter contains the following financial summary tables:

 Table 1: 2023 Financial Plan Calculations

 Table 2: 2023 Appropriations by Fund and Department

 Table 3: 2023 Appropriations by Fund and Category

 Table 4: 2021‐2023 Position Summary

 Table 5: 2022‐2023 Revenue Estimate Summary by Fund

 Table 6: 2017‐2023 Detailed Revenue Estimate: All Budgeted Funds

 Table 7: 2022‐2027 Public Safety Sales Tax Estimates

Table I: 2023 Financial Plan Calculations

*The County Charter provides that the budget for each fund shall be limited to the lesser of estiamted revenue for the budget year and the current year, plus any unencumbered cash balance in the fund at the end of the current year

^Fund Balance adjustments to Highway Capital Construction Funds in 2022 reflects projects budgeted in prior years

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