April 2023 Retiree Newsletter

Page 5

COLA Is Approved for Some St. Louis County Retirees

At the February 21, 2023 St. Louis County Council meeting a COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustment) was approved by a 7-0 vote for some County retirees effective April 1, 2023. There have been 7 previous COLAs (first 01/01/1986 and last 01/01/2022—The January 2022 COLA was 10% and applied to retirees who retired prior to January 1, 2011).

The 2023 approved County ordinance provides for the following:

>10% cola to those who retired and commenced benefits in calendar year 2011

>5% cola to those who retired and commenced benefits in calendar years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Based on the number of employees who retired in those years, I estimate 164 retirees will receive the 10% and about 917 retirees will receive the 5% COLA. This number of retirees is equal to about 30% of the number of all current County retirees. The cost for this COLA for the County will be about $892,297.

This has been a very long and complicated process which started last August when the Retirement Fund Board reviewed a report from Foster & Foster, an actuary they hired to prepare several options for the Board to consider for a COLA for County retirees. The Board selected option number 6 and it was sent to the County Executive for approval which he disapproved. Then the Retirement Fund Board learned, according to the Retirement Ordinance, that the recommendation should have been sent directly to the County Council. On November 1st, the Board held a special meeting where they unanimously approved sending the recommendation to the County Council and to the County Executive. Rita Days, Councilwoman from District 1 introduced the legislation in December. Because of the December holiday break, it wasn’t considered again until January 10th.

(continued on Page 2)

April, 2023 Page 1 Need Retirement & Benefits Help? Connor Crowe can help with medical, dental, or vision questions. Becky Smail will assist with retirement related issues, including change of address, COLA updates, and all other concerns. Email: countybenefits@stlouiscountymo.gov Phone: 314-615-5180 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST IN THIS ISSUE: COLA………..…..……Page 1 News You Can Use….Page 2 Associations’ News ..Page 4 Police History.……….Page 5 Recent Retirees…..…Page 6 Retiree Deaths………Page 7 Newsletter submissions, questions, comments: RosemaryWilson Retiree & Volunteer Reporter 314-997-3474 wilsonrosemary@me.com St. Louis County Retirement Office Staff: Rebecca Smail, HRManager Debra Lehmkuhl, HRManagementProfessional Phone 311 St Louis County Customer Service

At the January 10th Council meeting one retiree spoke in favor of the proposal and another retiree suggested the cost be reduced by deleting the retirees who received a COLA in January 2022. Other Council members asked questions about who would be included and the bill was held until some additional information was available. Councilwoman Days had a substitute bill prepared and introduced. (The substitute bill deleted the retirees who retired prior to January 1, 2011 who received the 10% cola in January 2022.) The bill was held on the agenda for several weeks during which time retirees Dave Gocken, Joyce Guleff, Nancy Hirsch and I wrote emails to the Council members asking for approval. We asked other retirees to also join in the request by contacting Council members. Many retirees did. Joyce also spoke in support of the bill at several Council meetings. During this time, concerns about the County having a $41 million shortfall in the budget were expressed.

In the interim, the Retirement Fund Board Chairman asked Foster and Foster to update their actuarial report to include Jan 1, 2023 data. It showed due to the declining stock market in 2022 the assets were reduced and the actuarial funded ratio of the Retirement Fund was lower. The Retirement Fund Board at their January 26th meeting voted 3 to 2 NOT to change their recommendation for a COLA but to include the new information from the actuary. A Council Committee of the Whole meeting (all 7 Council members) was scheduled for February 7th, but due to technology issues it didn’t take place.

Another Committee of the Whole meeting was scheduled for February 21 to discuss the merits of the COLA. Milton Wilkins, Chairman of the Retirement Fund Board, was invited by the Council as a speaker. Questions centered on the funded ratio of the Retirement Plan. Many of the questions centered on the funded ratio of the Retirement Plan and what that means, the fact that the civilian portion of the plan is much better funded than the police portion, what will happen to the funded ratio if the COLA is approved, how the Board invests the funds, are COLAs planned to be an annual event, etc. The Chairman of the Board responded to these questions.

At the February 21st evening Council meeting, substitute 2 for bill 360 was introduced and passed. The only change was to make the COLA effective April 1st rather than March 1st since it would have been difficult to implement it that quickly.

From the St. Louis County Retirement Office

Rebecca Smail, Human Resource Manager, St. Louis County Retirement Office

“I appreciate this opportunity to reach out to St. Louis County retirees through this newsletter. It has been a little over three months for me in the Retirement Office. In that time, I have learned a great deal, met some amazing people, and been given the help and support of countless colleagues and partners. It has been a very rewarding experience to see the passion of others as it pertains to helping our retirees, their family members, and current employees when faced with life changing events. To say I’ve been inspired is an understatement as I am so grateful for this opportunity. I also observed some room for change in our operations and service delivery with our current focus being on enhancing customer service, tracking for accountability, and enhancing routine communication.

One of our first objectives will be reviving the pre-retirement class that was previously offered before COVID. Some wonderful information from past classes has been shared with me as well as some great insight on what others have experienced before, during, and after the employee-to-retiree transition. To further ensure the success of this pre-retirement class, I’d like to ask for your input as well. If you have any feedback relative to improving the retirement process and/or experience for future retirees, I would love to hear from you. Please send your feedback to me directly via email at rlsmail@stlouiscountymo.gov or by phone at 314-615-4404 before May 1st , 2023. Please know that the feedback shared with me will be compiled without any identifying information as to where or who it came from.

I am very excited about the future of this office and how we can celebrate all of our dedication and passion for Public Service.”

Digital Newsletters Now Available!

If you would prefer to have access to the newsletter before the paper edition even hits the printers, update your newsletter delivery preference to email! Just send your name and email address to Rebecca Smail at rlsmail@stlouiscountymo.gov to be switched from paper newsletters to digital.

April, 2023 Page 2 St. Louis County Retirees’ Newsletter

Retiree Medical Transition

At the end of the current County medical plan year (September 30, 2023), retirees and their families who currently have health/medical coverage through Anthem will no longer be able to enroll in the County medical insurance plan. After September 30, 2023, medica/health insurance coverage for retirees will end. Retirees who are sixty-five or Medicare eligible can choose to move to a Medicare plan. Pre-Medicare retirees will need to enroll in other medical insurance plans.

To assist you with finding a new medical insurance plan, St. Louis County has partnered with Benmanage. The service is known as “The Concierge Program for Retirees”. This change is necessary due to the increasingly high cost of medical premiums for County retirees in the County medical insurance plan. If you are a retiree enrolled in dental, vision, Medicare or legal, your coverage will not be impacted by this transition. There will be no changes to these Benefits. The only change is to medical insurance coverage, and remember, the deadline is September 30, 2023.

If you are currently enrolled in the County’ health insurance coverage, please call and set up your appointment with the consultants at Benmanage. Your initial appointment will be conducted by phone to gather information about you and your healthcare needs. Your follow-up meeting can be in person or by phone to discuss your medical insurance options in detail.

Call your retiree consultant at 314-262-7088 and press 3 to schedule an appointment.

(A non-profit organization incorporated 1/30/2006

Charter #N00713612)

MISSION: “To promote the well being, enhance the quality of life & encourage the full potential of St. Louis County retirees by promoting socialization while supplying helpful information on issues & matters important to civilian retirees”


2023 DUES

New members 2023 will pay $12. New members include phone and email with dues check.

See below for Treas. contact info. 2022 Members will pay no 2023 dues

Membership dues $12/year

c/o Delores Clayton, Treas. PH 314-385-3324

E mail: deelo65@sbcglobal.net


Wed, March 22 10:30 am

36 Millstone Campus Dr63146

Senior Entrance Fee $10 Bring exact cash or credit card

RSVP on or before March 15, c/o mmccre8814@aol.com

Marian McCreary

Annual Picnic Faust Park 63017

Monday, June 5 11am-2 pm

Furnished: BBQ Brats/hot dogs, buns, condiments, plates/utensils

Bring dish to share + soda

RSVP by May 29 c/o mmccre8814@aol.com

Association Information: c/o President, Marian McCreary

Telephone: 314-291-1867

Email: mmccre8814@aol.com

Website: www.stlccra.org April

St Louis County Civilian Retirees Association (STLCCRA) Officers 2023

Pres. Marian McCreary VP

Sec. Betty Parran Treas. Delores Clayton Marketing Rosemary Wilson


“We stand as an advocate and protector of rights of the retired Police Officers and Civilian employees of the St. Louis County Police Department.

St. Louis County Retired Police Association

Installation of Officers 2023 on January 28, 2023 at Royal Orleans Banquet Center

“We shall maintain communications with St. Louis County Government and the Police Department to insure retired employees receive all benefits earned during their career protecting the citizens of St. Louis County.

“We support, recognize, and honor all who chose law enforcement with St. Louis County Police Department.”


Thurs, March 23 1 pm 7th Precinct-West County 232 Vance Road, 63088

Pictured left

Jerry Hawkins, Sec. Mary Monteleone, VP Chief of Police Ken Gregory Monty Monteleone, Pres. Michelle Fourtney, Treas.

Membership dues $15/year

c/o Michelle Fourtney, Treas. Phone: 314-541-2497

E mail: michellefourtney@gmail.com

Association Information:

c/o President, Monty Monteleone

E mail: mrm194917@gmail.com

c/o Secretary, Jerry Hawkins

E mail: skyhawk591@charter.net

Page 3 St. Louis County Retirees’ Newsletter

Recollections from the Historian

St. Louis County, MO Police Department

On August 7, 1970 the University of Missouri, St Louis, awarded the first Bachelor of Science degree in the Administration of Justice to Patrolman Terrence O. Wippler, a member of the St Louis County Police Department. Wippler, 32 years old at the time, and a confirmed bachelor then, started working on his degree at Southeast Missouri State College in 1956. He was also associated with the Cape Girardeau, MO Special Police, having been commissioned on May 19, 1958. He transferred to Harris Teachers College in 1958 for one semester and received his A.A. degree in 1959. He then went to work as a civilian at the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department assigned to the Traffic Division under Major Cibulka and Captain Shumacher. While working for St. Louis Police, he attended St. Louis University night school for one year.

He entered the U.S. Army in 1960 and spent three years in the Military Police Corps serving in the U.S. and Europe. Upon his return home he went to work for the Terminal Railroad Police Department. When the authorized strength of the St. Louis County Police Department was increased, Wippler was appointed on November 24, 1963 and became one of the original members of the St Louis County Police Department (Traffic Bureau). After the St Louis County Junior College District started its Law Enforcement program, Wippler entered this college program in 1966.

I (Jerry Hawkins) first met him there in September, 1966 when I was with the Maplewood P.D. He was one of 18 honor graduates in January 1969. He then transferred to the University of Missouri-St Louis the same month, as they had started a law enforcement program in the fall of 1968. Having fought the rotating work shifts during junior college and during his first two semesters at the University of Missouri, he went on a day shift assignment in August 1969 as the Traffic Course Instructor in the Greater St Louis Police Academy. Patrolman Wippler maintained a 4.0 average in his major of the Administration of Justice, and became the first police officer to graduate from the University of Missouri with that degree in the state.

In August of 1971 he was able to take a leave of absence to teach Law Enforcement and pursue his Master’s Degree. He taught at 22 sites around the state, three nights a week for the Law Enforcement Extension, of the University of Missouri, Columbia. In October, 1973, he began teaching at the St. Louis Police Academy for four years, during which time he completed his Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Central Missouri State University.

Terry finished his career with various assignments in several precincts. He married long-time Reserve Officer Betty Williamson in August 1995, after he retired on December 1, 1994, so as to not conflict marriage with his police career. The new couple built a home in Cedar Hill and lived there together until her death in June 2008.

In April 1995, he and several other retired police commanders formed the St. Louis County Retirees Association. About that same time, he joined the Cedar Hill Fire Department Auxiliary where he will soon complete 28 years as the Staff Photographer, among other functions. During this period he was also involved in nine other groups and organizations where he spent a great deal of time and effort. It should be noted that Terry has been known to organize and pay for luncheons and dinners for some of these organizations out of his own pocket.

The den, or family room, in his home has three large walls covered with awards and citations, but the only thing more extensive than his resume is his generous nature and friendly demeanor. Terry, who turned 85 in January, will soon be moving to Cedarhurst of Tesson Heights due to recent health issues.

April, 2023 Page 4 St. Louis County Retirees’ Newsletter



Akridge, Steven Family Court

Barnes, Carole

Boefer, Alan Justice Services

Chesser, Billy Police

Cook, Mary Ann Family Court

Landaker, Kellie Family Court

Levine, Douglas Administration

Marcinkiewicz, Joseph Police

Mundy, Richard Police

Rotramel, Janet Administration

Schloessman, Ken Transportation

Smith, Sandy Police

Wickenhauser, Mary Police


Gramke, Patricia Human Services

Kaufman, Diane

Kirksey, Mclarince Justice Services

Laboube, Robert Parks

Langan, Robert Police

McFarland, Judith Police

McKnight, Pete

Moriarty, Olga

Phillips, Eugene Parks

Shostrand, John Administration

Sims, Randall Public Works

Steffens, Paul Parks

Torminio, Thomas Police

Winkelman, Douglas Public Works


Ahlemeier, Patricia Revenue

Amaro, Marcial Police

Baucom, Todd Transportation

Bryant, Lera Family Court

Coder, Wayne Public Works

Daniels, Susan Administration

Easley, Richard Public Works

Frein, Gregory Parks

Jett, Paul Justice Services

Johnson, Jurlean Assessor’s Office

Lang, Debra Justice Services

McAllister, Glenn

McMiller, Debra Prosecuting Atty.

Miller, Andrew Transportation

Moore, Kevin Transportation

Moriarty, Olga Public Works

O’Mara, Michael Co. Council

Ott, Thomas Parks

Richardson, James Transportation

Silkwood, Jeffrey Police

Tanner, Timothy Police

Walker, James Prosecuting Atty.

Williams, Eland Transportation

Zellman, Edward Assessor’s Office




(COLA=Cost of Living Adjustment)

>St. Louis County Retirement Fund Balance on: 12/31/2022=$780,600,358

>Funded Ratio on 12/31/2022=67.5 % *

*Actuarial number updated by County end of year only.

NOTE: RSMo Section 105.684.1 specifies that a Missouri public employee retirement plan must have a minimum funded ratio of 80% to grant COLA with funded ratio not less than 75% in the plan after implementation of the COLA.

NOTE: St Louis County is a Charter County and as such has option to NOT follow the letter of this law in the matter of a COLA with its retirement plan.

April, 2023 Page 6 St. Louis County Retirees’ Newsletter
Graphics: freedigitalphotos.net Fiscal data furnished by STL County Retirement & Benefits Office
STL County Retirees: Civilian=3,009 Police=595 (2/11/2023)
Newsletter Circulation via US mail Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why
‘The Present’ Eleanor Roosevelt Pavlakes, David Public Works 06/09/2022 Spindler, Edward Metro Parks 10/30/2022 Gipson, Robert Comm. Development 11/02/2022 Jones, Alan Police 11/09/2022 McFarland, Wade Police 11/14/2022 Mason, Helmi Health 11/21/2022 Lindblad, Barbara Transportation 11/24/2022 Shanks, Joann 11/24/2022 Clendenin, John Public Works 11/29/2022 Halter, Albert 11/29/2022 Lee, Timothy Revenue 11/30/2022 Klein, Terry Parks 12/06/2022 Janssen, Amy Health 12/11/2022 Gratz, John Revenue 12/31/2022 Souers, Ellen Police 01/01/2023 Walker, James Prosecuting Atty. 01/04/2023 Hummel, Shirley Health 01/06/2023 SOCIAL CONNECTIONS ARE IMPORTANT!! AARP Foundation provides access to services and resources that help older adults connect with their communities and fight social isolation and loneliness: aarpfoundation.org 1-800-775-6776 Click on “Stay Connected to the Community” Seniors Resource Guide—St. Louis Times Published annually in December Covering info from 12 counties metro St. Louis area Online: www.stlouistimes.com (updates monthly) or Location of free copies info: 636-225-2442 Phone
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