Whole Questiontoday imaginetomorrow createforthefuture
▪ Identify the BEST VALUE solution for St. Louis County
▪ Review the Discovery process and findings
▪ Review project recommendation and delivery methods
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“Hybrid work environments support our organization and our people. They provide our staff flexibility and freedom with stability and camaraderie… a winwin!”
Deanna Venker, P.E. Chief Operating OfficePROJECTBACKGROUND
PROJECT CORNERSTONE: Modernize and consolidate the central Administration building and satellite sites to improve customer service and maximize efficiency
▪ Mandated by City of Clayton building and fire code by January 1, 2028
▪ We have no choice to do nothing
▪ Identify the BEST VALUE outcome for the County capitalizing on opportunities for improvement.
▪ Serve citizens more effectively where they live and work
▪ Create modern hybrid work environment to function more effectively
▪ Address outstanding capital and maintenance budgets
▪ Opportunities to consolidate County real estate portfolio and drive economic development
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Mini-Focus Groups
▪ Representative staff participants across various department levels to set initial baseline understanding
Employee Survey
▪ 480 staff respondents
Virtual Workshops
▪ 126 total participants (including 2 external partners)
▪ L.K. Roos Building
▪ South County Government Center
▪ Crossings at Northwest
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In-Person Surveys
▪ 88 total respondents
▪ L.K. Roos Building
▪ South County Government Center
▪ Crossings at Northwest Electronic Survey
▪ 433 total respondents
▪ Geographically and Ethnically diverse to match County demographics
Top priorities to improve customer experience
Residents support satellite concept
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Departmental Interviews:
▪ >20 departmental meetings, including Police
▪ Homework assignments completed by departments to understand their office needs
Departmental prototype layouts
▪ Ideal space and functional program
▪ Drives space type, size, and relationships
▪ $45 million in deferred maintenance
o LKR (’70) Backlog/Deferred Maintenance: $27m
o PHQ (’50) Backlog/Deferred Maintenance: $15m
o TPW (’80) Backlog/Deferred Maintenance: $2.4m
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IDENTIFY recommendations.
▪ WHY: LKR must be fully sprinklered by 1/1/2028
▪ WHAT: Project requirements and scoping
▪ WHO: Services/departments that are affected
▪ WHERE: Project(s) will be constructed
▪ WHEN: Procurement/construction schedule to meet mandate
▪ HOW: Funding required and best delivery method
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▪ Utilized a scoring criteria familiar to the County to determine BEST VALUE
How does each strategy score on technical merit to meet project goals and objectives.
100 points
How does each strategy score on cost over a 20-year period for both capital and operations/maintenance.
100 points
Lowest 20yr cost gets 100 points.
Formula: low $$$ divided by strategy $$$ x 100
Add Stage 1 and 2 scores to determine which strategy provides best overall solution that balances quality and price.
200 points
Add technical to financial to determine strategy providing highest overall value
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▪ Set goals to maximize outcomes due to sprinkler mandate
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STATUS next steps
LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
No benefit to customer service or switch to hybrid work
Modest improvements on project goals; Risk associated with renovating an old facility
Scores well, but doesn’t embrace right-sized model by maintaining both an Admin and PHQ facility
Achieves goals of improving customer service, adapting to hybrid work, and overall facility maintenance strategy
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
▪ Creates a new facility for Administration and Police core functions
▪ County Executive
▪ County Council
▪ County Counselor
▪ Police Headquarters
▪ Relocates crime lab to a new facility
▪ Miscellaneous support services
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR–07: Mid-County
Creates a new Mid-County satellite:
▪ One-Stop-Shop centralizes key functions and departments
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
▪ Improved public access and parking
▪ Enhanced public ability to interact with staff; secure lobby, kiosks, scheduling
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Reduces real estate in Clayton (most expensive metro region real estate)
Mid-County Satellite diagram
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
▪ Public Survey
▪ 78% Support consolidated facility
▪ Virtual Workshop
▪ 63% Agree with strategy
▪ 35% Prefer C
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ 25% Prefer A
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
▪ Highest rated technical score
▪ Serve the customer where they live and work
▪ Formal Business = Clayton
▪ Routine Business = Mid-County
▪ Reduces real estate portfolio by up to 2 facilities and eliminating their capital and operating costs
▪ Eliminates significant renovation risk
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Requires no temporary staff relocation or service interruption
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Mid-County Satellite diagramLEGEND
LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR–06: Clayton
▪ Creates new core-function administration facility meeting needs of Project Cornerstone
▪ County Executive ▪ County Council
▪ County Counselor
▪ Miscellaneous support services
▪ Renovates Police Headquarters
▪ Relocates crime lab to a new facility.
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Creates centralized Mid-County satellite
Mid-County Satellite diagram
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LKR-06 stacking diagramsteps
LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
▪ 2nd highest overall rated technical score
▪ Serve the customer where they live and work
▪ Formal Business = Clayton
▪ Routine Business = Mid-County
▪ Reduces real estate portfolio by 1 facility and eliminating their outstanding capital and operating needs
▪ Existing LKR site has limited stand-alone development potential
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Renovating PHQ may require temporary police relocation and multiple phases of construction
▪ More gross square feet available than necessary between new facility and PHQ
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Mid-County Satellite diagramsteps
LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
▪ Renovates LKR, with small building addition, into new administration and Police core function facility needs of Project Cornerstone
▪ County Executive
▪ County Council
▪ County Counselor
▪ Police Headquarters
▪ Relocates crime lab to a new facility
▪ Miscellaneous support services
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Creates centralized Mid-County satellite
L.K.Roos department diagram
Mid-County Satellite diagram
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next steps
LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
▪ Highest rated strategy utilizing existing L.K. Roos facility, 5th overall score
▪ Formal Business = Clayton
▪ Routine Business = Mid-County
▪ Reduces real estate portfolio by 2 facilities
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ May require temporary facilities to house staff during construction
▪ Pending schedule of MC satellite completion
▪ Significant structural analysis and upgrades to meet seismic codes
▪ Increased risk of unforeseen existing conditions in renovating 50yr old structure
▪ Minimal improvement for public access to L.K. Roos
L.K.Roos department diagram
Mid-County Satellite diagram
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next steps
LKR–01: FireSprinklers
▪ Lowest overall technical score.
LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Responds to the Code Mandate by providing fire sprinklers throughout LKR Building.
▪ New fire sprinkler system (safety)
▪ New ceilings and light fixtures (efficiency)
▪ Above ceiling abatement (safety)
▪ Central Plant equipment replacement (deficiency)
▪ Does NOT address any interior reconfiguration or exterior renovation to remedy existing work environment and building deficiencies.
L.K. Roos building - existing
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR–01: FireSprinklers
▪ Meets City of Clayton Fire Sprinkler mandate CONSTRAINTS
▪ Does NOT meet overall project objectives
▪ Improved customer service
▪ Flexible workspace to accommodate hybrid work model.
▪ Eventually requires future interior and exterior renovation to keep facility operational ($118m+)
▪ Additional abatement required during future renovation
▪ $40m+ deferred maintenance NOT addressed
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Highest risk for uncovering unforeseen conditions and potential cost increases
▪ Will likely require temporary facilities to house staff during construction
L.K. Roos Building - existing
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CMGC/CMAR:Construction Manager/GeneralContractor
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Delivery Option Benefits Challenges When to Use
Design- Bid-Build (DBB): Separate sequential contracts for design and construction. Low-bid selection. Owner manages most risk.
Example: ECC, County road paving projects
- Max owner control
- Familiar model
- O&M not included
- Budget and schedule risks
- Limited innovation/risk transfer
- Potential constructability issues
Simple, low-risk projects where design control is important
Construction Manager At-Risk (CMAR): Owner procures designer and then procures contractor before design is complete to allow constructability workshops. Price negotiated once design is complete.
Example: Parkway School District
Design-Build (DB): Single procurement for integrated design-build team. Best value selection.
Example: County Courts Building, Health Campus, Creve Coeur Soccer Park
- Greater designer/contractor coordination
- Moderate owner control
- O&M not included
- Less price competition
Mid-size to large projects with significant risks
Design-Build-Operate-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM or P3): Single procurement for integrated team that delivers all phases of project; Performance-based payments to incentivize investor oversight; Best value selection.
Example: KCI Airport, Long Beach (CA) Civic Center
- Greater designer/contractor coordination
- Price competition
- Moderate innovation/ risk transfer
- O&M included
- Pay-for-performance
- Max designer/contractor coordination
- Max innovation/risk transfer
- O&M not included
- Procurement may require more design
Mid-size to large projects where risks can be addressed before procurement
- Higher financing cost
- Complex procurement/contract
Large projects with significant risk and opportunity for innovation where O&M is critical
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
Development Pipeline:
▪ One factor to identify potential market value of County property
▪ What is highest and best use?
▪ Speculative office will not be supported in Clayton in near term
▪ >500,000sf delivered in next 2 years
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Multi-family expected to have consistent demand and diversify downtown Clayton
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
Clayton Property
A. 41 S. Central (LKR)
B. 7900 Forsyth (PHQ)
C. 111 S. Meramec
D. 121 S. Meramec
E. Lot A West
F. Lot A East
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
Creve Coeur
▪ 1050 N. Lindbergh (TPW)
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Market Outreach – Potential Satellite Locations
LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
• Market is favorable for tenants
• Large tenants have leverage – County may solve a vacancy challenge for an owner
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
• Renovated second generation space outside Clayton will be less costly (full service)
• Build to suit lease space will be more costly with most costly upfront costs
• County is within window to begin negotiations with landlords
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
Industrial Conversion
• May be an option, but will require deeper space search and cost analysis
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▪ Utilized a scoring criteria familiar to the County to determine BEST VALUE
How does each strategy score on technical merit to meet project goals and objectives.
100 points
How does each strategy score on cost over a 20-year period for both capital and operations/maintenance.
100 points
Lowest 20yr cost gets 100 points.
Formula: low $$$ divided by strategy $$$ x 100
Add Stage 1 and 2 scores to determine which strategy provides best overall solution that balances quality and price.
200 points
Add technical to financial to determine strategy providing highest overall value
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LEGEND LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
Background learned STATUS next steps LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
WHAT: LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
Project Goals Points Minimum Score Required Improved customer service at locations they live/work 25 12.5 Modern, right sized, flexible work space 25 12.5 Well-maintained facilities and life-cycle optimization 20 8.0 Flexible and future-proof facility 10 3.0 Facility design maximizing civic pride and government perception 10 3.0 Leverage Underutilized assets to defray public cost and provide additional amenities 5 1.3 Accessible by various transportation modes with sufficient parking 5 1.3 Total 100
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
assign 1-5 for each goal in raw score column
Total 20-year Cost (NPV): Inclusive of
▪ Construction costs to build the facility
▪ Capital Improvements during the 20yr period (if applicable)
▪ Debt Service costs
▪ Revenue
▪ Annual Operations and Maintenance costs
▪ Lease costs for Mid-County satellite (if applicable)
▪ Identified in 2023 $$$’s for reference purposes. Values are subject to fluctuation based on variables:
▪ Construction capacity and schedule
▪ Inflationary changes
▪ Interest Rates
▪ Market conditions
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
1-5 for each goal in raw score column
scoring weights calculated by (lowest cost/proposed cost) x 100 points
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LKR-07: New consolidated admin and PHQ facility and new MC satellite
LKR-06: New core admin facility, renovated PHQ, and new MC satellite
▪ PROJECT: LKR-07 identified as overall BEST VALUE consisting of:
▪ New consolidated Administration and Police core function facility
▪ New Mid-County satellite facility
▪ Delivery Method:
▪ To be determined pending legislative authorization ,additional market outreach, and financial model finalization.
LKR-04: Existing LKR houses core Admin and PHQ functions; new MC satellite
LKR-01: Sprinkler mandate
▪ Provides the overall BEST VALUE to position the County for the future
▪ Provides improved customer service where the public lives and works
▪ Maximizes and consolidates real estate
▪ Integrates 20-year maintenance and operational costs to mitigate continued deferred maintenance needs
Mid-County Satellite diagram
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Next steps
1. Informal Engagement (May)
• Present public information (e.g., website, presentations)
• Gauge bidder interest
• Receive feedback on project scope, potential delivery methods, timing and key risks
• Focus on P3 industry, but can also engage local designers and contractors
2. RFI/Industry Day (June/July)
• More concrete direction on scope, timing, delivery method based on Council session
• Issue RFI at least 30 days before Industry Day
• Can require written responses and/or 1on1 meetings at industry day
• Industry day will include overview presentation, Q&A, 1on1 meetings with potential teams, and small business networking session
• Site tour optional
3. Procurement (Fall/Winter)
• Informed by industry feedback
• 1- or 2-step procurement
• Ideally starts after referendum approval, but could start RFQ before if confident of referendum outcome
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▪ Adopt ordinance to allow for new delivery methods
▪ Construction Manager-At-Risk
▪ Public-Private-Partnership (P3)
▪ Both draft ordinances are in process
▪ Both strategies may provide benefit and opportunity for Cornerstone and other County projects
▪ Standard County contract requirements (M/WBE, prevailing wage, etc.) still apply
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JCM: John C. Murphy Health Center (plan review only)
LKR: L.K. Roos Administration Building @ 41. S. Central
PHQ: Police Headquarters @ 7900 Forsyth
SA: South Assessor’s Office
SGC: South County Government Center
SHC: South Health Clinic (pending site location)
TPW: 1050 N. Lindbergh TPW Property
WGC: West County Government Center
▪ Continue validation of potential sites
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Committeeof the Whole Questiontoday imaginetomorrow createforthefuture