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Address the needs of individuals in recovery from substance use.
h DPH provides resources via outreach events, social media posts, and print materials on the various recovery community centers in the region.
h DPH identifies strategies to gain insight and information from people with lived experience of SUD or friends and family members of those with lived experience.
h DPH identifies current and emerging evidence-based recovery supports.
® DPH invites federal partners to present funding opportunities to organizations in the St. Louis region seeking resources for recovery community centers and supports.
h DPH consults and elevates those with lived experience of SUD to gain insight and perspective as it pertains to program development and the needs of the community.
h DPH identifies best practices to inform and promote effective solutions among the community to prevent overdoses.
h DPH monitors current best practices and trends regarding recovery supports to act as a resource for the community.
h DPH uses insight and information from partner advisory boards to increase services and support for individuals in recovery.