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Maintain Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) administration and support the pending transition from St. Louis County to the state.
h DPH maintains the PDMP and its core functionality for health care providers across the state. DPH continues to release quarterly jurisdiction-specific reports and annual whole-system reports. DPH continues to encourage use of the PDMP and increase utilization by providers.
h DPH creates protocols with the state Office of Administration to ensure continuity of operations when transitioning the PDMP to the state.
h DPH develops data usage agreements between the State and County to continue receiving dispensation data for St. Louis County after the transition.
h DPH continues to provide transition support to the state as needed.
In response to the ever-evolving landscape of the substance use epidemic and its impacts on St. Louis County and the surrounding area, this action plan was designed to provide an updated framework from which the Saint Louis County Department of Public Health will work to address a multifaceted crisis of substance use and overdose.
Dedicated partners across the region are carrying out incredible work on this issue. This action plan identifies areas where DPH plans to amplify these current efforts as well as implement response efforts of our own.
The plan outlines DPH’s priority areas for response: to educate community members on the scale of the epidemic, prevent substance use, mitigate the risks faced by individuals who use substances or those who develop substance use disorders, save lives through robust naloxone distribution, encourage treatment, and celebrate recovery. Each of these actions is strengthened by continued growth of and collaboration on a public health data system that allows DPH and other organizations to measure, analyze, and adapt to the changing needs of the community.
Individuals and organizations across St. Louis County have an opportunity to create positive change. Through continued collaboration and communication, we can help mitigate the impacts of substance use and overdose on St. Louis County residents and communities.
ARCA: Assisted Recovery Centers of America
BIPOC: Black/African American, Indigenous and People of Color
BHN: Behavioral Health Network
CDC: Centers for Disease Control
CENTER: Community Engagement, Trauma, Equity and Renewal
CPIP: Community Partners in Prevention
CRUSH: Community Resources
United to Stop Heroin
DHSS: Department of Health and Senior Services
DOTS: Drug Overdose Trust and Safety
DPH: Saint Louis County Department of Public Health
EMS: Emergency Medical Services
ENACT: Expanding Naloxone Access and Community Trainings
EPICC: Engaging Patients in Coordinated Care
LBN: Leave Behind Naloxone (Narcan®)
IHN: Integrated Health Network
LEAD: Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion
MAT: Medication-Assisted Treatment/Therapy
MIMH: Missouri Institute of Mental Health
OFR: Overdose Fatality Review
OUD: Opioid use disorder
PDA: Patient decision aid
PDMP: Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
PWUD: People who use drugs
RHC: Regional Health Commission
SAMHSA: Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration
SHIELD: Safety and Health
Integration in the Enforcement of Laws on Drugs
SOR: State Opioid Response
SSP: Syringe service program
STR: State Targeted Response
SUD: Substance use disorder