A time for quiet reflection
ello, you may have been part of the National Day of Reflection which took place on Tuesday 23rd March to remember those who have died during the pandemic, and to show support for everyone who has been bereaved over the last 12 months. Marie Curie estimates that over three million people have been bereaved since the pandemic began, yet many have been unable to properly say goodbye to loved ones or grieve in the normal way.
We do not “ remember days,
On behalf of all the team at St Luke’s we would like to acknowledge the loss in our own community and send our thoughts to all those experiencing sadness and grief.
we remember moments.
The passage shown here is one that we share when supporting people in their grief, for quiet reflection and to resonate with some of the feelings people may experience. Here at St Luke’s our Family Support and Counselling team has been working closely with our Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy team to meet the increased demand for our services and reach as many people as possible and we hope our offering has made a difference to all those families we have supported and will continue to support. We hope this passage may offer you a level of comfort at this time. It may also be something to pass to a friend or neighbour as we all look out for each other with the tremendous community spirit we know is so alive in Cheshire. Sending our good wishes to you all.
Chris Jackson Family Support & Counselling and Spiritual Care & Chaplaincy Manager
Chris Jackson 4
A referral form can be completed by a healthcare professional or you can contact St Luke’s Family Support and Counselling Team by visiting www.slhospice.co.uk/familysupport