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A STORY OF LIFE AND DEATH by Rev. Eric Huffman


YOU BELONG by Rev. David Horton



Spire (USPS 7190) is published monthly by St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77027-5334. Periodicals postage paid at Houson, TX and additional mailing offices.

$1 Offering for September Offers Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse During the month of September, all $1 bills received in the collection plate will be donated to the Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) Metro bus ad campaign to help domestic violence victims seek to find the help and resources they need. AVDA is a nonprofit organization that provides free legal and counseling services to victims of domestic violence, as well as intervention programs for abusers. 1 in 3 women will experience domestic abuse. Each year domestic violence causes: • 2 million injuries • 1,300 deaths To inquire about AVDA's services, call 713-224-9911 or visit Your $1 matters!

The Waters of Baptism Beyond the Welcome Mat by Dr. Tom Pace, Sr. Pastor


ast week we began talking about hospitality at St. Luke’s – Open Hearts and Open Doors. Hospitality means so much more than a nice table setting or a welcome mat. It is a deep desire to connect with others. It is a focus on the other person rather than ourselves. It is a willingness to be inconvenienced, or even put one’s self at risk, to meet another’s needs. It is a desire for there to be no “us” and “them,” but only an “us.” It is a willingness to let others into our private space, and more importantly, a willingness to let others into our hearts. Hospitality is a deeply Christian value. It is a part of the Jewish tradition, imbedded in the Old Testament, where welcoming the stranger is a way to remember that the people of Israel were once aliens, wanderers in a foreign land. Jesus invited tax collectors and sinners not just to hear him, but to sit at his table, to take the places of honor at the banquets. His parables uncovered a God who not only welcomes, but pursues even a single lost sheep. Beginning September 10, for three weeks, our church family will be putting our hospitality into practice in some intentional ways. I hope you will consider inviting someone to come to worship with you (see inside back cover). Our sermon series is titled “Be A Builder: Three Biblical Practices for a Positive Life.” I believe your friends will enjoy it.

September 10 Fall Kickoff, with the 5 Habits Ministry Fair. September 17 "Come and See Sunday", with a special reception for guests (and ice cream!). September 24 "Impact Sunday", when we will focus on the impact of St. Luke’s ministries, share our vision for even greater impact and invite others to join in our mission.

"Welcome one another warmly,” Paul says in Romans, “just as Christ has welcomed you…" Romans 15:7


Children's Fall Kickoff September 10 Things to know:

1. 2.

Fall Kickoff: Sunday, September 10

Mark your calendars for Fall Kickoff when our children will move to their new classes for the 2017-2018 school year. (Our current Summer Sunday School schedule is in effect through September 3, Labor Day weekend). Look for your child’s classroom assignments in an email and in the mail.

Children’s Participation Form

Be sure and visit at, by Sunday, September 3. This secure online form allows you to provide us with updated pertinent information about each of your children, all in one place. If you have any questions, please call the Children’s Ministries Office at 713-402-5040 or email Julie Ellerbrock at


Sunday Morning Central Check-In Is Open for All Ages | 2 months–5th Grade

Beginning September 10, our three main check-in locations will be the Activity Center Foyer, Edloe entrance, and the Gathering Room of the Fellowship Walk (NEW LOCATION). We will also have a kiosk on the second floor of the Johnson Building and one near the Children’s Chapel. Families will be able to check-in all of their children at any of the kiosks. We hope you will find our system to be an easy and secure method of checking in your child to nursery and/ or Sunday School.



Volunteer Opportunity | Computer Kiosk Check-In Greeter

You can be a big support to our families! As we launch our computerized Central Check-In for all of our 11 nurseries (including 4 before and after care classes) and 24 Sunday School classrooms. We have three check-in locations at the Activity Center Foyer, Gathering Room of the Fellowship Walk, and Edloe Entrance. We are looking for smiling faces to greet and guide families through the easy check-in process and add visitors in a simple data entry process. We welcome your service once or twice a month for 30 minutes (9: 25 – 9:55 a.m.) on a Sunday morning. You can be a friendly face to start the day off right for our wonderful Children’s Ministries families! Please contact Christy Dulaney, or Julie Ellerbrock at

Student Vision Night Sunday, August 27


very year in August we kick off the year in Student Ministries with a special event called Vision Night. This is an evening to hear about the amazing things that God has been doing in students' and families' lives over the past year, and to learn about what is ahead.

It is an exciting time in St. Luke's Student Ministry! Last year 450 students participated in a Student Ministry activity. Our students participated in dozens of service projects that impacted tens of thousands of Houstonians. Every week Student Ministry had 21 different small groups. Each year hundreds of students grow in their relationship with Christ during our weekend retreats, summer camps and mission trips (such as Fall Retreat, Dnow, CIY, Dominican Republic to name a few). Beyond those numbers are stories. Stories of how students and families have seen God at work over the past year. Vision Night is a great opportunity for youth and their parents to talk to students and adults that have been involved in these different activities and hear each others stories and learn from them what to expect in the year ahead. The 2017-2018 year is going to be great and we have some exciting things planned from a Dominican Republic trip to CIY in Colorado and Tennessee. Special discounts for trips are available only during Vision Night. What a great chance to introduce a new family to the Student Ministry at St. Luke's. All 6th-12th grade students are invited to the Student Ministry's fall kickoff event! Located in our Student Ministry building on Sunday, August 27, 5:30-7 p.m.

In the last 12 months

3,247 Total student Sunday atendance

231 Students in Small Groups

590 Students on trips

291 Students participating in service

Sign up today!

FALL STUDIES 2017 The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoffer | Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. | Room ES301 Class meets September 5 through Spring 2018 Author Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and man of peace, became involved in resisting the Nazis in World War II. His message in this classic text is based on the Sermon on the Mount and illuminates the relationship between ourselves and the teachings of Jesus. Led by Dr. Linda Christians and Ken Jacobson. Register online at Cost $15.

The Epic of Eden | Thursdays, 6:30-8:15 p.m. | September 7-November 30 | Room ES301 This 10-week study based Dr. Sandra L. Richter’s book, The Epic of Eden, runs from the Garden of Eden to the garden of the New Jerusalem. This class will organize your understanding of the Old Testament as a history of God’s redeeming grace, and renew your enthusiasm for studying the Bible as a whole. Led by Louise McEvoy. Register online at Cost $20.

Disciple I-Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study | Tuesdays, 6:30-9 p.m. | beginning September 5 | Room ES308 Disciple emphasizes disciplined reading of and listening to the Scriptures in a 34-week study that moves through the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. It results in biblically nourished persons committed to live as disciples of Christ. Students use both the Bible and the study manual to complete daily reading assignments. The study book also includes commentary and questions for reflection and response. Led by Jana Gaddy. Register online at Cost $40.

Disciple IV-Under the Tree of Life | Mondays, 6:30-9 p.m. | beginning September 11 | Room ES308 A 32-week study of the wisdom writings of the Hebrew Scriptures along with the New Testament offerings of John’s Gospel, the letters of John, and the Book of Revelation. Present throughout the study is the sense of living toward completion – toward the climax of the message and the promised picture in the revelation. Requires the completion of Disciple I to enroll. Led by Jana Gaddy and Sandy Hendon. Register online at Cost $40. 6

Covenant Bible Study | Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. | beginning September 12 | Room ES301 Covenant is a 24-week comprehensive, in-depth study of the Bible that emphasizes the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying pattern through all the books in the Old and New Testaments. It highlights the unique relationship that God chooses to have with us as God’s people. Three 8-episode segments explore a different aspect of Covenant life. Each will examine what Covenant means, and the progression of a Covenant relationship with God: Creating the Covenant, Living the Covenant and Trusting the Covenant. Led by Gail Jacobson and Lavonne Baker. Register online at Cost $50.

Women’s Covenant Bible Study | Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. | beginning in September | Room ES306 | This is a multigenerational class of women from ages late 20s to mid-80s. Covenant is a 24-week comprehensive, in-depth study of the Bible and emphasizes the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying pattern through all the books in the Old and New Testaments. It highlights the unique relationship that God chooses to have with us as God’s people. Each of the three segments will examine the progression of a Covenant relationship with God: Creating the Covenant, Living the Covenant and Trusting the Covenant. Led by Fran Steele and Elizabeth Farish. Register online at Cost $50.

Go With Grace | Thursdays, 7:15-8:30 a.m. | beginning September 7 | Hines Baker Room Join this community of women who are seeking to know God more intimately through Bible study, prayer and fellowship. The group meets weekly and will study the Gospel of Luke. Led by Dr. Linda Christians. Register online at

Prayer 101 | Wednesdays, 6-7 p.m. | September 27-November 15 | Room ES311 This is an 8-week class designed to strengthen your prayer life. The class will cover different ways to pray and different types of prayer. Prayer exercises and activities for outside of the classroom are also included. Register online at

Men’s Life | Wednesdays, 6:30-8 a.m. | September 27-November 22 | Fellowship Hall Men’s Life encourages men to be their best. We invite men of all ages to join Dr. Tom Pace for teaching, a light breakfast, and round-table discussion about real-life issues and life-approaches related to men. This semester the study is “Freedom: Life in the Spirit”, which focuses on Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Led by Dr. Tom Pace. Register online at

Scripture + Shared Fall Bible Study

Freedom: Life in the Spirit A study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians

Do you ever get weary of “expectations?” Do you feel like every Sunday you hear that God expects more and more out of you? Do you ever feel like the church just lays out more and more activities which you are expected to pursue? Does that even feel like gospel, like “good news,” to you? Paul’s letter to Galatians is focused on the freedom we have in Christ, freedom from jumping through hoops for Jesus, and on the transformation that happens inside-out when the Holy Spirit takes us over. Come and learn with us through the fall Scripture+Shared study, Freedom: Life in the Spirit. The eight-week study, which begins on October 1, will be available through the Scripture+Shared app and on the St. Luke's website. We are looking forward to studying the Bible together through Scripture+Shared again this fall! Download St. Luke’s Scripture+Shared App, for iPhone or Android, and access Bible studies and daily readings wherever you go. Links are available at

one big thing... We Study the Bible is one of our five Inside-Out Habits at St. Luke’s. Reading the Bible and discussing it with others is life-changing. Our church has set a goal to have at least 2000 people studying the Bible with others during 2017. This is our "one big thing" for the year and will be a real pivotal experience in the life of our community, as we strengthen our Biblical understanding which is the foundation and launching pad for all of our Inside-Out ministry. Join a Bible study, or ask a friend to join you and study together. Can we count on you to help us meet this goal? Please let us know how you are participating by emailing Kathy Neely at


Are you interested in helping with disaster recovery? Early Response Training September 23 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Early Response Training sponsored by UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) and the Texas Annual Conference will be offered for those interested in learning more about serving in times of humanitarian disaster. ERTs may be called on to remove water-damaged items from homes, secure structures to prevent further damage, help affected families pack and relocate, or provide immediately needed food and water. The $20 class fee includes breakfast and lunch. Sign up or learn more by contacting Denise Snider at 713-402-5034 or


GriefShare Support Group this Fall Sept. 5 – Nov. 21 Beginning September 5, Reverend Bill Denham will lead a 13-week Christian-based grief support class every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Hines Baker Room. This class is designed for people grieving the death of a loved one. You do not have to be a church member to attend. Cost $35. To register contact Shelley Quillin at 713-402-5033 or Watch a GriefShare participant's testimony at

DivorceCare Support Group this Fall Sept. 5 – Nov. 21

Support Class Fall 2017

September 5–November 28 Tuesdays, 6:30–8 p.m. Room: ES310 $20 (course materials)

September 5-November 28 | Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m. | Room ES310 Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. The group, covering a different topic each week, will meet for 13 weeks to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Program cost is $20, workbook included. For more information contact Susan Silvus at

Register: Childcare is available with advanced reservation at


A Story of Life and Death: In Memory of Justin Cabezas by Rev. Eric Huffman On November 16, 1998, in a neighborhood near Tampa, Florida, a 19-year old student was pushing 85 miles per hour in his Dodge Intrepid when a woman driving a minivan pulled out in front of him. Because of his excessive velocity, the young man could not avoid a collision. Seconds later, he watched in horror as the woman, Cindy Murakami (45) and her 11-year old daughter, Chelsea, were engulfed in flames. Justin Cabezas spent the next two years fighting vehicular homicide charges until he was finally acquitted in 2000. Bruce Murakami, husband and father to Cindy and Chelsea, naturally felt as if Justin’s acquittal was adding insult to injury. After seeking damages in civil court and losing, Bruce took the uneasy step of inviting Justin to meet in person. Bruce said he planned to “give that punk a piece of my mind,” but the moment the two men met, Justin erupted into tears. He expressed such authentic remorse that Bruce had no choice but to forgive him. After the initial meeting, Justin and Bruce continued to communicate. Their unlikely reconciliation made headlines, and eventually they were speaking to students about the importance of safe driving. Producers at the Hallmark Channel got wind of their story, and they made a movie about Justin and Bruce. A year later, the two men appeared together on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Bruce said Justin became like a son to him. Justin, who continued to struggle with the guilt and shame of erasing two innocent lives, relished Bruce’s mercy. Justin’s journey eventually brought him to Houston, where he worked as a real estate agent and married a woman named Shelly. Late last year, during a routine round of disc golf, Justin began to feel extremely fatigued. On a whim, he went to see his 10

family physician who, after running some tests, informed Justin that he had pancreatic cancer. Only 36 years old, Justin now had a four percent chance of survival. It’s normal to consider questions of eternity upon receiving such news, and Justin, a lifelong agnostic, began searching his heart. He held a degree in cosmology and had many questions about creation and existence, but most of his doubts about God stemmed from his own feelings of guilt. “If God is real,” Justin wondered, “why would he want anything to do with me after what I’ve done?” In January, the Houston Chronicle published a front-page article about The Story Houston. Justin read the piece and was intrigued. In February he came to a Sunday service for the first time, and the next day he joined our Monday Morning Men fellowship. I met with Justin several times over coffee and at MD Anderson while he received treatment. We talked about our questions and doubts, and Justin reached some critical conclusions. He surmised that it’s more likely than not that Jesus was God in the flesh, and if God really was willing to endure the cross for the sake of the world, then it’s conceivable that He’s willing to forgive Justin. On Sunday, April 23, I baptized Justin at The Story. He wept and told me it was one of the three most powerful days of his life, with the birth of his daughter and his marriage to Shelly being the other two. On June 26, I held Justin’s hand and prayed with him just minutes before he passed away. When we hosted his funeral at The Story, Bruce Murakami stood up to speak. In honor of the man who killed his wife and daughter, Bruce said, “Justin, I’m going to miss you. I love you. But God loves you even more.”

You Belong!

The Belonging is family inspired by the love of Christ to invite all, include all, and serve all. And by all, we mean ALL.

The Belonging is a worship community. We gather every Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Gethsemane Campus of St. Luke's United Methodist Church. The Belonging is a growing community. We don't mean numbers or money or buildings. We mean growing in relationship with God and with one another, all with the love of Jesus. We meet in small groups for prayer, Bible study, food, fun, and life.

If you visit on a Sunday morning, please enter the building through our retro blue doors facing Bellaire Blvd. You'll enter our sanctuary. You'll know you're in the right place when you see the phrase, "Enter to Worship. Depart to Serve," inscribed above the doors.

Worship goes like this: We start with a few praise songs led by a live band. We sing because of the joy and hope we have in Jesus.

The Belonging is a family community. We believe there is little difference between church and family, and that goes for every age. We put a lot of effort and prayer into our children's and youth ministries. We try to make sure visitors and community members of every age feel at home. The Belonging is an inclusive community. We believe every human being is created beautiful in the image of God, and therefore we believe in radical hospitality for every person we can reach, no matter your nationality, sexuality, language, color, or creed. Those are all just labels anyway, and the new community of Jesus transcends labels. Not only are you welcome here, you are celebrated here. The Belonging is an serving community. We believe church is only church when it gives away the love it has received. We are always looking for new and effective ways to serve our community and transform the greater southwest Houston neighborhood. We believe God has called us to be an epicenter of resurrection, where the good news of Jesus starts with us and echoes out in shockwaves, building up the Kingdom around us and revitalizing the neighborhood. We believe in taking hope to the street.

Then we enter into a time of prayer, where you will be invited to write prayers, light a candle, pray with those sitting next to you, or simply sit in silence. You'll hear some wisdom from Scripture. Then our children are invited to come forward for a brief message just for them. You'll hear a sermon between 20-25 minutes long. We believe preaching is simply Jesus speaking through the preacher to the people, nothing more, nothing less. Then we close in more music and depart to serve.

The Belonging is family inspired by the love of Christ to invite all, include all, and serve all. And by all, we mean all. Won't you join us?

The pastor of The Belonging is David Horton. David lives with his three favorite ladies: his wife Brandi (also a pastor), his daughter Caroline and his cat Lucy. He loves coffee, naps, Jesus, Houston, boots, blue jeans, Netflix, and reading. He is originally from North Carolina, where he attended college and seminary, but then got to Houston as quickly as he could. His passion in life? Leading a community of Jesus in radical hospitality and 11

We Make Friends We Give Ourselves Away


ou can change one child’s life through KIDS HOPE USA! Hubie Fix, a KIDS HOPE mentor at Sutton Elementary School shares his story.

lunch break, and Spanish. Henry is tested in both English and Spanish so we have to work on both languages. He is actually teaching me Spanish so that’s an added bonus.

“Long story short, you get a friend in KIDS HOPE. My journey with Henry started in the fall of 2015. We hit it off right away because of our mutual interest in sports, video games and learning. Each week we read, practice math flash cards, play board games and soccer or football.

I feel privileged to be an advocate for Henry and a part of his growth over the past two years. I also often see the joy in other mentors and students during my visits. KIDS HOPE has had a positive impact on my life and I look forward to my weekly lunch breaks to read books and play soccer with Henry. It’s an anchor of friendship that I highly recommend to anyone considering mentoring a child.”

In our initial sessions it took some time for us to come out of our shells. We would read one or two books each visit and take a quiz to check comprehension. During quizzes he would often hover over the right answer with the mouse, then look at me to see if it was correct. I would sometimes give hints, and by the end of the year he stopped turning around to check and started clicking right answers on his own. The main challenges for me include getting there during a

In the last 12 months



If you would like more information about KIDS HOPE USA, or to sign up for a one-time, three hour mentor training, contact Marci Pampe 713-357-4466, or Karen McCarver 713-402-5152, kmccarver@stlukesmethodist. org. Training sessions are scheduled for August 24, 29, September 5 and 7.



2,400+ Hours 13

Celebrating Lives BUILDING FUND In Memory of: David Renner by Bill and Laura Denham Jim Hall by Bill and Laura Denham Louise Polk by Bill and Laura Denham Jim Wilkinson by Bill and Laura Denham Tracy Henderson by Bill and Laura Denham Pearl Mancil by Randy and Alice Helms Milton "Lefty" Ward by Randy and Alice Helms CARING MINISTRIES In Memory of: Lois Conwell by Bill and Laura Denham Bishop John Wesley Hardt by Bill and Laura Denham Debbie Wiemers Hemphill by Robert Hemphill In Honor of: Dr. Jim Moore by Peden Wynne Dawson Rev. Bill Denham by Peden Wynne Dawson Dr. Marcella Manning by Eloise and John Lloyd FRIENDS OF MUSIC In Memory of: Nancy Park Wheless by Wade and Betty Taylor Kathryn McCanlies by Michael and Shirley Pearson Byrom Wehner Juanita Cole by Ed Cole Mary Louise Bevil McKee by Michael and Shirley Pearson In Honor of: Ben and Marcia Mathes on the occasion of their anniversary by Byrom Wehner NICK FINNEGAN COUNSELING CENTER In Memory of: Nancy Park Wheless by Lise Lidell Raymond Benestante by Susan and Bill Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. Brett Lum and family 14

RANDY SMITH BIBLE STUDY CLASS In Memory of: Brucks Hall by Virginia Ray Susie Mitchem Miriam Slemmons THE GOODWILL CLASS In Honor of: Paul Renner by Susan Sponenberg FOOD MINISTRY In Memory of: Becky Newell by Andy Wright Laurie Williamson Neil and Barbara Stovall In Honor of: Phil Murray by Laurie Williamson Neil and Barbara Stovall OUTREACH AND MISSIONS In Memory of: Brucks Hall by Sharon Kann Bob Wallace by Goodwill Sunday School Class WOODSHOP MINISTRY In Memory of: Jim Hall by Ginger and Jim Yarbrough Goodwill Sunday School Class Bobbie Wisecup Paul and Ray Renner Nancy and Dave Barziza ADOPTION MINISTRY In Honor of: Sandy Hendon by Doug and Linda Christians James and Vicki Keiser Kelsey and Gustavo Salcedo Amanda Kirkham Kris Woldy Des Lynch Jana Gaddy by Doug and Linda Christians James and Vicki Keiser Kelsey and Gustavo Salcedo Amanda Kirkham Kris Woldy Des Lynch

ORGAN FUND In Memory of: Minnette Carter by Cindi Crabtree and Family Anita Marie Baker Marchione by The Sara Taylor, Taylor, Ewing & Gill Families ELIZABETH DODGE SCHWAB FOUNDATION In Memory of: Martin Debrovner by Ethel Dodge Paul Ache by Ethel Dodge CCSC BACK TO SCHOOL FUND In Memory of: Helen Monroe Elmore by Fannie and Hugh Parker In Honor of: Nancy Stephenson on the occasion of her birthday by Betty Sharon Brown Bobbie Wisecup Elinor Hart Linda Burch Pat Deckert CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES In Memory of: Brucks Hall by Hugh and Fannie Parker Debbie Agee Jan Agee Marjorie and Raleigh Johnson Randy Smith Bible Study Class Elizabeth Chapman Debby Leighton VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL MISSION FUND In Honor of: The Vacation Bible School Team by Julie Ellerbrock ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOUNDATION In Memory of: Nancy Park Wheless by Lewis and Shelley Brazelton Mary Kay Hunt Jack and Leslie Blanton Flo Crady Margie M. Porter Carol S. Kobb Jon and Rae Royle Louis and Janet Zimmerman Floyd Ames Smith

Susan Scott Ross Martha Ann and Byron Snyder Bessie Liedtke Margie and Jim Sam Camp James E. Myers Jim and Cherie Flores Cynthia and Fisher Trigg Virginia Arnold Elkins Avon Duson Christina and Luke McConn Sarah Bertron Parsley Stephanie and Gavin Smith Ann A. Eutsler Mrs. E. E. Eutsler Victor and Judith Neuhaus Madelyn and George Farris Ginger Blanton Patricia Chambers Carol and Tommy Harper Kathy Boortz Linscomb and Williams, Inc. Camille and Grier Patton Dr. Alice R. McPherson Susan and Bill Finnegan Judy and Charles Tate Mary Wade and Bob Coale

William and Sherry Schnapp Peter Wareing William and Janet Head Lynn and John Russell Eugene Werlin Family Taylor Cooksey Dean and Susan Murray Mack and Linda Denison Craig and Sally Ezell Anne and Robin French James and Ellen Cummins Frank and Patty Napoleon Patricia Neuhaus Brucks Hall by Steven Arnold Alice and Randy Helms Beverly and Dan Arnold Roberta Worsham and family Susan and Tom Martin Cathryn Cutrer Holland Peggy Roe Jon and Rae Royle Margie and Jim Sam Camp Marie Sharpe Blaine Ken and Sallie Schwenke Susan and Tom Martin

Joanie and Don Haley Karen Yarbrough Beverly Merritt Larry, Liz, Sarah and Rachel Ezell Larry and Diane Mathis Barbara and Joe Eason Robert Gow by David and Anne Glover Susan Scott Ross Courtney and Curtis Hutcheson Emily Mumford Gray Davis Boone by Georganna and Peyton Barnes Jo Rene Schroeder by Mary and Lance Schuler Ytterberg, Deery, Knull, LLP Barbara Ledbetter Britt by Paula de la Bretonne Karen Jankowski Sharon and Jim Hibbert Nancy Edsel Avon Duson Greg and Jeannie Frazier Debby and Bill Leighton Violet Gronlund by Barbara Kile




Here at St. Luke’s, we want you to have every opportunity to build authentic bonds with other Christians—just like you—who are striving to walk the Christian journey faithfully, so check out the following events! Join our church family and find a small group and Sunday morning class that truly fits. To learn more about all of our ministry groups, visit StLukesMethodist. org/ministries.

SENIOR ADULTS Program and Luncheon: Treasured Memories: Turning 20th Century Memories into 21st Century Treasures Thursday, September 14 | 11 a.m.–1 p.m. | Room ES313/314 Somewhere in a box or under a bed or in a cabinet, your memories are fading away. All those photos (slides, videotapes, camcorder movies …), those priceless memories, are falling victim to heat, humidity, and time. Jimmy Logan, Producer and Owner of Big Sky Media, will share with us modern ways to preserve those memories so that you and your family can enjoy them for years to come. Buffet lunch ($10) following the program. Advance reservation required. Call 713-402-5087 or email

Monday Bridge Group | 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. | Room EN205 All are welcome at this growing, informal group interested in learning or brushing up on bridge played by Goren rules. Contact Kathy Austin, 713-252-6727. No reservations needed. Gethsemane Silver Circle | Wednesday, September 27 9:30 a.m.–1 p.m. | Gethsemane Campus Enjoy a morning of games and conversation with lunch and birthday celebrations at noon. Cost for lunch is $5. For reservations, please call Betsy Evans, 281-565-0348.

Register at

Lunch and Learn: Top Ten Questions for Home Care Providers Wed., September 20 | 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. | Hines Baker Room At some point, you or a loved one may decide to “age in place” or have need for some extra help around the home. Join us for lunch and presentation by an RN and representatives from Family Tree In-Home Senior Care. Learn about evaluating home safety concerns, quality of life, and home care providers. The event is free, but seating is limited. Please RSVP to Mary Schuler at or 713-402-5008. AARP Safe Driving Monday, September 25 | 12:30- 4:30 p.m. | Parlor A refresher course specifically designed for drivers age 50 and older. Depending on the insurance provider, drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance premium upon completing the course. Drivers might even learn something new along the way! Cost for the course is $15 for AARP members and $20 for others, payable by cash or check at class (please bring current driver’s license). Registration required . Call 713-402-5087 or email


Day Trip: A World of Neighbors: A Tour of World Faiths Around Houston | Wednesday, September 27 | 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Journey around the world and learn about our neighbors of different faith traditions. Rev. Gregory Han, Director of Interfaith Relations at Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston, will discuss religious diversity in Houston and lead us on visits to houses of worship for three different faith traditions in the Houston area. Cost is $15 (lunch included). Advance reservation required to 713-402-5087 or

Register at


Women’s Retreat SATURDAY, NOV. 4 | 8:30 am - 3 pm Join us to explore God's desire for you to leave your creative mark in the world through a day of workshops and hands-on creativity.

PRAYER Service of Prayer and Healing | September 6 | 6-7 p.m. Westheimer Chapel Join us the first Wednesday of every month for as Rev. Thomas Harper leads a time of prayer and communion where we ask God for spiritual and physical healing for you or a loved one. For more information contact Rev. Thomas Harper at The Fall Prayer Harvest | September 24 | 6:15 p.m. Westheimer Sanctuary Join us for a special time of prayer as we harvest the leaves from the prayer tree and begin anew as we turn our hearts towards God for a new season. The whole church family is invited to come together in the sanctuary to spend time in prayer with God. Come experience the power of prayer in community as we live out the first of our Inside Out Habits, “We Pray.”

DOCENT TOURS Docent Tour | Sunday, September 25 | Westheimer Campus Meet in the Commons following the 11 a.m. Traditional worship service for an historical walking tour of the entire campus. The Docent Tours are held on the last Sunday of every month.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN UMW General Meeting & Fall Kickoff Tuesday, September 12 | 10:30 a.m. | Hines Baker Room You will not want to miss our fall kick-off gathering with speaker, Thelma Williams. Bring a potluck dish to share. UMW Games Group Mondays, September 18 and 25 | 10-11:30 a.m. Room EN204 Contact Lori Wilson-Reynolds, 713-665-3553. UMW Westheimer Book Group | September 11 | 10 a.m. Room ES306 News of the World by Paulette Jiles. Contact Dorothy Voss, 713-660-7243. UMW Gethsemane Book Group Saturday, September 9 | 9:30 a.m. Sharon Hempler's home The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. Contact Jo Ann Smith, 713-686-5859. UMW Service Group | September 18, 10 a.m., | EN205 Contact Mary White at UMW Shalom Circle | Tuesday, September 5 | 9:30 a.m. Please call May Jee for location of meeting, 713-771-3279.


FINE ARTS Rotunda Gallery Artist Suzanne Buckland A visual artist currently living in Houston, Suzanne specializes in oil on canvas, and drawing charcoal, pastel and oil pastel on paper. A full-time professional artist, she also teaches acrylic painting and drawing classes, works with small groups at senior living facilities, and owns the Creative Energy Art Center (www., supporting local artists in public and commercial venues throughout Houston. Meet Suzanne in the gallery after the 8:45 a.m. Encounter worship service on Sunday, September 3. Or visit the gallery any time this month to view her work and leave a note in the guestbook. To inquire about purchasing art, please email or call 713-402-5122. A portion of all gallery proceeds directly benefits the fine arts at St. Luke’s and helps to maintain and build our permanent art collection. Pure Sound Choir Retreat Friday, September 1-Monday, September 4 Pure Sound Youth Choir spends the Labor Day weekend at Camp for All for their 22nd annual retreat—this year with guest clinician Peyton Gajurel. Welcome the choir back on Monday, September 4 at 4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, where they will perform the pieces they learned at camp. Join a choir at the annual Choir Kickoff Potluck Wednesday, September 6 | 5 p.m. Chancel Choir, St. Cecilia Women’s Choir, and Veritas Men’s Choir officially begin their fall seasons with a potluck dinner followed by rehearsals. It’s a perfect time to join! All adult choirs rehearse regularly on Wednesday evenings. Visit for more information.

SongPlay! Musical fun for you and your child A musical experience with an eye to the neuropsychological development of young children from birth through preschool. The fall session begins the week of September 18, with classes on Sunday afternoons, plus Monday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. For detailed information and registration, visit Study music at the Bridges Academy of Fine Arts Take lessons with some of the top music instructors in Houston. Over 200 students study at St. Luke’s each semester in disciplines such as piano, strings, voice, guitar, and winds. Learn more on our website:

STUDENTS Vision Night August 27 | 5:30-7 p.m. | Student Ministries Building 6th-12th grade students are invited to the Student Ministry's fall kickoff event! Vision Night is a great opportunity for youth and their parents to learn what to expect in the year ahead. Special discounts for trips are available only during vision night. See story on page 5. Small Group Kickoff | September 6 | 7-8:30 pm Middle and High School students are invited to our annual kickoff event to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Our leaders are so excited to get back in the routine of meeting every week, and they can't wait to hear all about your summer! Not in a group yet? No problem! Just show up and we'll get you connected with the right group for your grade. Everyone will meet on the field. Please bring $10 to cover the cost of dinner. Unplugged: Middle School Fall Retreat | September 22-24 Stoney Creek Ranch Our 6-8th grade students are invited to a weekend retreat at Stoney Creek Ranch! We'll sleep in log cabins, enjoy lake and field activities, and hear messages from our speaker Dave Edwards. Our staff and leaders will be on hand to join in the fun and lead small group discussions. Cost is $185. Sign up online at

Children’s Choir Kickoff | September 1 | 5:30-8 p.m. Rehearsals begin September 10 | 4 p.m. SundaySing! for grades 1–5 kicks off with their annual “Round Up” on Friday, September 1 from 5:30-8 p.m. in the Rotunda Theater. Fall rehearsals for all children grades Pre-K-5 begins Sunday, September 10 with registration at 4 p.m. For more details, email or call 713-402-5028.

Did you know Student Ministries has a scholarship fund? Our calendar is filled with trips and events all year long, and we want every student to have the opportunity to join us on these retreats, regardless of financial constraints. Will you consider donating today? Your gift will allow a student (or two, or three!) the chance to grow deeper in their faith and in their relationships with Christian friends and leaders. 35 students received scholarships this summer! That's 35 teens spread out in schools all over Houston whose lives were directly impacted by the generous donations to our scholarship fund. Every dollar goes directly to our students. For more information, and to make a contribution towards the Student Ministries Scholarship Fund, email Brindley at

St. Luke’s Ministry Changing Houston’s Mental Health Scene


n a 2,400 square-foot building nestled across the street from St. Luke’s UMC, the church’s counseling ministry feels less like a mental health facility and more like a day spa with its ivy lined fence, green space and flowing fountain. In a state ranked 46th in the nation for per capita spending on mental healthcare and with ongoing (albeit decreasing) stigma surrounding the topic, the Nick Finnegan Counseling Center (NFCC) is helping change mental healthcare in Houston.

member demographics. The counseling center’s ability to meet clients where they are extends beyond its four walls as well.

As a self-sustaining ministry of St. Luke’s, NFCC saw an 800 percent increase in its therapy-session volume since it began offering on-site services just five short years ago. To put the growth in perspective, NFCC’s team led 570 counseling sessions this past May – more than its total number of sessions in 2012. Meeting Houston’s growing demand for affordable, accessible, quality counseling is a shared vision between the two, early 30-somethings leading the non-profit: executive director, Mary Magness Hand, and clinical director, Audrey Omenson.

NFCC’s free talks at partner organizations reached nearly 2,000 Houstonians last year -- many of whom never set foot through the counseling center’s doors.

“We understand affordable means something different to everyone,” said Omenson. “Our goal is to meet people where they are financially as well as emotionally, which makes our center unique.” NFCC brings a more personalized touch to the already touchy subject of mental healthcare. In addition to accepting insurance, the center offers a sliding scale that factors life circumstances into a client’s individualized fee. NFCC even structures support groups based on community need such as its ADHD group tailored to fit

“Our team creates partnerships in the community with schools, businesses, churches, etc.,” said Omenson. “We lead free talks for our partners about various topics from parenting to work-life balance and more to decrease stigma and increase awareness about mental health. We are always looking for new partners.”

“The number of people we’ve reached in the community and at the counseling center in recent years mirrors the city’s growth as well as the need for quality, accessible mental healthcare,” said Hand. With no intention of shying away from Houstonians’ expanding mental health needs, NFCC already has plans to expand its counseling capacity by 33 percent in the next year and a half. “This is just the beginning,” said Hand. “Our goal is to ensure that Houstonians receive the help they need when they need it, and we will continue to do what it takes to make that happen.” Community members wanting to learn more or get involved with NFCC can attend its annual gala on October 4 at River Oaks Country Club. Details are available at or 713-402-5046.


Caring and Sharing

As Christians we are called to care and pray for one another. May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13 Congratulations to: Sean and Liz Werber on the birth of their son, Xavier Richard Werber, on March 28. Colton and Brooke Braud on the birth of their daughter, Mackenzie Charlotte Braud, on April 12. Devin and Taylor Martin on the birth of their daughter, Blakely Frances Martin, on April 15. Proud older brother is Bennett Martin. Edem Dzakpasu and Angela Otumfuor on the birth of their daughter, Enyonam Dzakpasu, on April 27. Proud older sister is Elinam Dzakpasu. Joel and Lauren Noyes on the birth of their daughter, Evison Lou “Evie” Noyes, on May 17. James and Hadley Cogan on the birth of their son, Paul Barnes Cogan, on May 18. Proud older brothers and sister are Wilson, Stewart, and Isabel Cogan. Proud grandmother is Sara McIntosh. Georgia Braun McBride and Mark Joseph Agerton, who were united in marriage on June 3. Sara Elizabeth Litton and Brian Thomas Smith, who were united in marriage on June 10. John and Leslie Pitts on the birth of their daughter, Phoebe Virginia Isbell “Bee” Pitts, on June 15. Proud older sister and brother are Polly and John Pitts and proud grandparents are Doug and Suzi Pitts.

Robert and Mary Elizabeth Hand on the birth of their son, William Magness “Will” Hand, on June 26. Proud older sister is Annie Hand. Yoshi Jasionowski and Anessa Ramsey on the birth of their son, Nigel Henry Jasionowski, on June 28. Proud grandparents are Ben and Jane Ramsey. Ryan and Melissa Fletcher on the birth of twins, Lauren Ann and Blake William Fletcher, on June 30. Proud older brother is Luke Fletcher. Chris and Kelly Pepper on the birth of their son, James Christopher Pepper, on July 4. Jim and LeeAnn Denham on the birth of their son, James Howard Denham, Jr., on July 5. Proud older sister is Elizabeth Denham and proud grandparents are Bill and Laura Denham. Robert and Tine Purvis on the birth of their daughter, Julianna Birgitt Purvis, on July 7. Proud grandparents are Hans and Karen Knichrehm and Bob and Marie Purvis. David and Brandi Horton on the birth of their daughter, Caroline Ann Horton on July 10. Andrew and Coatney Cobble on the birth of their son, Henry Ray Cobble on July 11. Proud older brothers are Carter and Miles Cobble and proud grandparents are Tom and Dee Pace. Proud great-grandfather is Boyd Wagner and proud greatgrandmother is Sue Dezendolet.

Elizabeth Ashley McCubbin and Freddie Barela, who were united in marriage on June 17.

Daniel Koehn and Natalie Kubik on the birth of their daughter, Laurel Janet Koehn, on July 10. Proud older brother is James Koehn.

Phillip Patterson and Paige Farrow on the birth of their daughter, Lilah True Patterson, on June 18.

Katherine Ruth McGaha and Clark James Doherty, who were united in marriage on July 29.

Jack and Jennifer Doherty on the birth of their son, John Patrick “Jackson” Doherty III, on June 21. Proud older sister is Caroline Doherty. Proud grandparents are Pat and Susan Doherty and proud great-grandparents are Jack and Val Dean Read.

Will and Kendall Monroe on the birth of their son, Landrum “Land” Garvey Monroe, on July 24. Proud older brother is Pace Monroe and proud grandparents are Tom and Dee Pace. Proud great-grandfather is Boyd Wagner and proud greatgrandmother is Sue Dezendolet.

Jeff and Jenny Van Hal on the birth of their daughter, Joy Elizabeth Van Hal, on June 22. Proud older brother is Jonah Van Hal. David and Kelly Leonard on the birth of their son, David Michael “Dee” Leonard III, on June 23. Proud grandparents are Barry and Linda Hunsaker. Katherine Elizabeth Whitaker and John Coleman Barrere, who were united in marriage on June 24. Kelsey Kraft and Bobby Allard, who were united in marriage on June 24. Will and Terrell Lufburrow on the birth of their son, Beckett Grant Lufburrow, on June 25. Proud older sister is Claira Lufburrow and proud grandparents are Steve and Joan Lufburrow. 20

Our Sympathy to: Family and friends of Ralph Eads, Jr. who died on April 24. Susan and Bill Davis, Blake and Whitney Davis, Ashley and Mikey Reynolds on the death of Susan’s mother, Zula Mae Light Johnson, on May 16. Dave and Carolyn Loos, Anne Loos and Christina Loos on the death of Dave’s mother, Laura Emma Elizabeth Loos, on April 24 and the death of Carolyn’s mother, Margaret Ford, on May 22. Paul Renner on the death of his brother, David Maurice “Corky” Renner, on May 5.

Robert and Eva Grauer on the death of their daughter, Stephanie Elaine Barta, on May 9.

Hugh and Kristi Herman on the death of Hugh’s father, James Jay Herman, on July 10.

Family and friends of Alvin William Hall, Jr., who died on May 10.

Shelby Olive on the death of her great-grandmother, Olga L. Sheppard, on July 10.

Family and friends of Mary Lee McMurrey, who died on May 14.

Barbara Bamberg on the death of her mother, Kathryn Langston McCanlies, on July 17.

Meade Wheless, Patricia Neuhaus, Bill and Laura Wheless, David and Annie Wheless, Robert and Laura Wheless, Nancy and Robert Zimmerman, and Patty and Richard Hoban and their families on the death of Nancy Park Wheless on May 18.

Jacel and Robert Dickson and Pharyn, Inid, and Boston Dickson on the death of Jacel’s grandmother, Jewell Simpson Houston, on July 1.

Ned and Kay Holmes on the death of Ned’s mother, Carolyn Russell Holmes, on May 28. Family and friends of Stanley Ikpo, who died on May 29. Randy Parsell on the death of his wife, Brenda Parsell, on May 30. Nancy Hall on the death of her husband, James Shull Hall, on June 1. Doug and Angie Webster and Libby and Alexander Webster on the death of Doug’s father, Frank Taylor “Chip” Webster, on June 3. Steve and Joan Lufburrow, Will, Terrell, and Claira Lufburrow on the death of Steve’s mother, Wilma Lufburrow, on June 7. Frances Dickerson on the death of her husband, Weston Albert “Jack” Dickerson, Jr. on June 9. Family and friends of William Robert “Bob” Wallace, who died on June 11. Dave and Becky Palmer, Allison Palmer, Will Palmer, and Margaret Palmer on the death of Dave’s father, Landon Louis Palmer, on June 12. Karen and Stephanie Wilkinson on the death of their husband and father, James Richard “Jim” Wilkinson, on June 15. Peggy Gatlin and Victoria, Matt, and Levi Klinker on the death of Peggy’s husband and Victoria’s father, Paul Weldon Gatlin, on June 19. Sue and Steve Watkins, Angie Buck, Kate Watkins, and Emily Watkins on the death of Sue’s mother, Pearl McDaniel Mancil, on June 20. Wanda and Roger Fowler, Julia Fowler, and Alex Fowler on the death of Wanda’s mother, Mary Louise Bevil McKee, on June 21. Clare and Scooter Smith, Weston and Abigail Smith, and Chris Smith on the death of Clare’s father, Milton David “Lefty” Ward, Jr. on June 21. Art and Lynn Zieske, Topher Zieske, and Lauren Zieske on the death of Art’s brother, Jon L. Zieske, on June 24. Family and friends of Tracy Jordan Henderson, who died on June 29. Phil and Roberta Murray on the death of Phil’s sister, Becky Newell, on June 29. Jean Hearon on the death of her grandson, Austin Tyler Hirschy, on July 2. David and Audrey Gow and family on the death of David’s brother-in-law, Grove Stafford Brame, on July 4.

If you know of a concern or a joy that the church should know about, please contact Caring Ministries at 713-402-5004 or -5156. Are you or a loved one facing surgery or hospitalization? A crucial aspect of St. Luke’s Caring Ministry is prayers we have with members prior to surgeries and during hospitalizations. Contact Laurie Kereluk with details at 713-402-5004 or


Welcome New Members! Barclay and Janice Nicholson transfer to our congregation, he from another United Methodist church and she from another denomination. Barclay is a partner with Norton, Rose, Fulbright and Janice is employed by Innovative Management Services. They are the parents of Quentin Lenn Nicholson, age 9.

Chris and Nicole Anderson transfer to St. Luke’s from another denomination. He is a financial advisor with Edward Jones and she is a psychologist for Katy ISD. They are the parents of Emma Claire Anderson.

Michael Casiraghi and Anna Kuhn unite by transfer from another denomination. He is a vice president with Amegy Bank and she is a manager for Deloitte.

Michael and Ashley Burke unite by transfer from another United Methodist church. They are both engineers with Shell.

Freddie Barela and Ashley McCubbin join St. Luke’s by profession of faith. He is Vice President of Business Development for Fortis Minerals and she is the office manager for Encino Energy, LLC.

Larry and Cheryl Bryan unite by transfer from another denomination. He is Senior Director of Gas Marketing for Ultra Petroleum and she is the founder of CS Bryan.

Ashley Myers transfers to St. Luke’s from another denomination. She is a regional leasing manager with Boxer Property and the mother of Ford Miller.

Skyla Garza unites by transfer from another denomination. She is a senior dental hygiene specialist.

John and Mary Carol Wells unite with our congregation by profession of faith

Chris Johnston unites with our congregation by profession of faith.


David and Sabrina Tupper unite with St. Luke’s, he by transfer and she by profession of faith and baptism. David is an apprentice PGA pro with The Sport Shoppe and Sabrina is a nursing student. Alex Fincher and Jesse Weaver unite by transfer from other denominations. She is a recruiter for BLG and he is Vice President of Investments for Wulfe & Co.

Drew Ward unites by transfer from another denomination. He is vice president of business development for Twin Eagle Midstream and joins his wife, Lynsey, and mother-in-law, Jill Mussman, in the St. Luke’s membership. Drew and Lynsey are the parents of William Andrew “Dos” Ward II. Tannon and Elizabeth Woodson unite with our congregation by transfer from another denomination. He is a senior chemist with Nalco Champion and she is a teacher in Katy ISD.

Greg and Alana Highberger join St. Luke’s by transfer from another denomination. Greg is a managing director with Lime Rock Partners and he and Alana are the parents of Maren Mae Highberger.

CWP is a casual gathering led by Sr. Pastor, Dr. Tom Pace. It is the perfect way to learn more about St. Luke’s and is the first step on the path to membership. Sign up online at

Schedule: Wednesday, September 6, 5:30-7 p.m. Sunday, October 1, 4-5:30 p.m. Sunday, November 12, 4-5:30 p.m.

Congratulations Baptisms! Fletcher Stewart Fitzpatrick, son of Ryan Daniel Fitzpatrick and Adrianna Wilcox Fitzpatrick on June 4.

James Sterling Phillips, son of Cameron Sterling Phillips and Sarah Hunt Pool Phillips on June 4.

Sterling Winston Gray, son of Matthew Scott Gray and Blake Sterling Allen Gray on June 4.

Matthew Gregory Reynolds, son of Timothy James Reynolds and Caitlin Thompson Reynolds on June 4.

Cade Blackledge McNabb, son of Barrett Anthony McNabb and Kimberly Michelle Kite McNabb on June 4.

Mayfair Kay Bowden, daughter of Brandt Cogdell Bowden and Mary Kay Howard Bowden on June 11.


Baptisms Continued Jonathan Paul Schmaltz, son of Jonathan William Schmaltz and Kathryn Megan Marietta on June 11.

Charlotte Paige Needham, daughter of Clark James Needham and Allison Lauren Heather Needham on June 25.

William Edge Fryar, son of William Dee Fryar and Kristen Celeste Temple Fryar, on June 18.

Edith Mason Preston, daughter of Kyle Winfield Preston and Avery Ott Preston on June 25.

Elissa Noelle Harper, daughter of Thomas Irl Harper and Ginny Lynn Cunningham Harper on June 18.

Isla Jewel Greer, daughter of Xochytl Diane Greer on July 2.

Adam Joseph Smith, son of Kyle Joseph Smith and Kathryn Meyer Smith on June 18.

Peralta Belle "Birdie" Peterson, daughter of John Ben Peterson and Katharine Ada Karnaky Peterson on July 2.

Samuel Floyd Bowen III, son of Samuel Floyd Bowen, Jr. and Patricia "Patty" Padamada Bowen on June 25.

Jane Lillian Nelson, daughter of Kyle Richardson Nelson and Shannon Louise Vincent Nelson on July 9.

Harper Ray Huston, daughter of Robert Jack Huston and Amanda Flanagan Huston on June 25.

Simon Peter Salcedo, son of Gustavo Adolfo Salcedo and Kelsey Kay Rittenberry on July 9.


Claire Lee Berg, daughter of Brandon Eric Berg and Paige Freeman Berg on July 16.

Levi David Klinker, son of Matthew David Klinker and Victoria Anne Gatlin Klinker on July 23.

Mackey Harper and Stark Hudson Bianco, sons of Leonard Fred Bianco, Jr. and Jennifer Mackey Bianco, on July 16.

Sadie Isabel Rodriguez, daughter of Luis Felipe Rodriguez and Kelley Mohr Rodriguez on July 23.

Bennett James Goodwin, son of Brandon Jonathan Goodwin and Paige Sparkman Goodwin on July 16.

Millie Catherine Behncke, daughter of Matthew Colin Behncke and Elizabeth Ann Brummett Behncke on July 30.

William Daniel Limmer, son of Andrew Walter Limmer and Karen Elizabeth Hodges Limmer on July 16.

John Russell Hapgood II, son of Charles Russell Hapgood and Kelly Beth Hapgood on July 30.

Les William Craft, son of Lane Stephen Craft and Chita Katherine Johnson Craft on July 23.

Anne Katherine McNew, daughter of Barry Seth McNew and Katherine Buxton McNew on July 30.

Ella Mae Crow, daughter of Conlin Drew Crow and Jacqueline Neutzler Crow on July 23.

Riley Jo Walsh, daughter of James Francis Walsh and Jordan Kelly Luedde Walsh on July 30.


The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given: June 4 (Pentecost) The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in celebration of the baptism of James Sterling Phillips by Sarah and Cameron Phillips; and in celebration of the baptism of Fletcher Stewart Fitzpatrick by Adrianna and Ryan Fitzpatrick. June 11 The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in loving memory of Joseph L. McGregor and in honor of Mary Lou McGregor by Mike, Shirley and Ben Pearson and Elizabeth Pearson and Michel Bigelow; and in celebration of the baptism of Mayfair Kay Bowden by Mary Kay and Brandt Bowden; and in celebration of the baptism of Jonathan Paul Schmaltz by Megan and Jonathan Schmaltz; in celebration of the wedding anniversaries of Leslie and Derrik Sharp and June and Jim Moore and in loving memory of Geraldine Griffin by Cynthia and John Harper; and in celebration of the marriage of Sara Elizabeth Litton and Brian Thomas Smith by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Litton and Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Smith. June 18 (Father’s Day) The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in celebration of the baptism of Adam Joseph Smith by Kathryn and Kyle Smith; and in celebration of the baptism of William Edge Fryar by Casey and Bill Fryar. June 25 The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in loving memory of James A. Elkins III by his family; and in celebration of the baptism of Harper Ray Huston by Amanda and Robert Huston; and in celebration of the baptism of Edith Mason Preston by Avery, Kyle, and Henrietta Preston; and in celebration of the baptism of Samuel Floyd Bowen III by Patty and Sam Bowen. July 2 The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in celebration of the baptism of Isla Jewel Greer by Xochytl Diane Greer and Godparents Krystina and Carlos Ginther. July 9 The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in celebration of the baptism of Simon Peter Salcedo by Kelsey and Gustavo Salcedo; and in loving memory of James H. Herring III by Greg, Pat, Will, Emily and Ben Herring. July 16 The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in celebration of the baptism of Claire Lee Berg by Paige and Brandon Berg; and in celebration of the baptism of Bennett James Goodwin by his parents, Paige and Brandon Goodwin, and godparents, Russ Ferguson and Claire Magee. July 23 The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in celebration of the baptism of Les William Craft by Chita and Lane Craft; and in celebration of the baptism of Ella Mae Crow by her parents Jackie and Drew Crow; and in celebration of the baptism of Sadie Isabel Rodriguez by Skylar, Sebastian, Kelley and Felipe Rodriguez; and in celebration of the baptism of Ella Mae Crow and in honor of Jackie and Drew Crow and remembering her Granddad and Great Grand Parents who are not able to be with her today by Janet Crow. July 30 The altar flowers were dedicated to the glory of God and were given in celebration of the baptism of John Russell Hapgood II by Kelly Beth, Charlie and Libby Hapgood; and in celebration of the baptism of Millie Catherine Behncke by Elizabeth and Matthew Behncke; and in celebration of the baptism of John Russell Hapgood II and in honor of his parents, Kelly Beth and Charlie Hapgood by Kristin Leigh and Taylor Jones, and Marilyn and Jim Smith; and in celebration of the baptism of John Russell Hapgood II, son of Kelly Beth and Charlie Hapgood, and in loving memory of John Russell Hapgood by Joyce Hapgood. 26


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