Community Expectations and School Rules
Honor Code As members of the St. Luke’s community, we will maintain and encourage integrity at all times. We will be honest in what we say and write, and we will show respect for ourselves, each other, and all property. We will treat everyone with kindness, and we will accept responsibility for our actions.
General Expectations To function as a healthy community, we have a number of general expectations for students. • We expect that students will attend their scheduled classes, events, and activities. We expect them to do the work and function in their classes to the best of their ability. • We expect students to behave appropriately and with respect for each other as well as for faculty, staff, administrators, and parents. • St. Luke’s School is a community, and we expect students to recognize the role each person plays in building that community. • We expect students to respect differences among people. • We expect that students will abide by all School rules. Many of the School rules flow from these principles. If students have questions about why a particular rule is in place, the student may contact an administrator.
General Behavior and Rules St. Luke’s encourages active participation during classes, maintaining an atmosphere that is structured but flexible. Students should conduct themselves during classes in a manner that supports the learning goals of the class. At no time should a student’s behavior interfere with a classmate’s learning. • Students may not sit or lie in the hallways or lie down on furniture in the Commons. • When leaving an area, whether it is by the student’s locker, a cafeteria table, Café, or the Commons, students must pick up after themselves and agree to leave the area better than they found it. • The School is not responsible for personal items left in public spaces. Lost clothing and valuables may be turned in to the receptionist or are placed on shelves in the fifth grade locker hallway. Clothes that are left in the lost and found will be donated to a non-profit organization at the beginning of every long school break or used in the School’s discretion. • Students must be in school dress code during the academic day.
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