Health, Wellness, Safety and Security
School Nurse There is a School Nurse on campus. She evaluates students who become ill during the school day and contacts their parents as appropriate. The School Nurse is available in the Nurse’s Office five days per week. Nursing services are provided from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The School Nurse is responsible for ensuring that all student medical forms are current and on file. Illness Students who are sick should remain at home. The School Nurse will contact families if a student is exhibiting symptoms so that the student can be promptly picked up from School. Students should be kept at home for a minimum of 24 hours following fever, vomiting, or other like symptoms.
Medical Requirements and Health Records In order to attend School and participate in afternoon activities, all students must have an Emergency Information Form, annual physical, and an updated immunization record on file in the School Nurse’s office. Students who are ill and need to be excused from physical education or other athletic activities for three consecutive classes or days must provide a note from a physician. A student who requires medical attention due to an injury may not return to gym or afternoon sports activities without a note from a physician. Parents are asked to provide the School with information about their children’s physical and emotional health. In part, this information is obtained to comply with state law; it is also needed to keep the School well-informed of the health of all students. The School is sensitive to the privacy of this information and is committed to protecting the confidentiality of students and their families by restricting the use of and access to this information for necessary medical management only, in accordance with applicable law.
Immunizations In accordance with Connecticut law, the School requires all students to provide proof of up-todate immunizations or a certificate of exemption before attending school. Proof of immunization should be recorded on a Certificate of Immunization form and signed by a medical professional. A student with a qualified religious and/or medical exemption must provide the School with an Immunization Exemption Certification, pursuant to state law. A Medical Immunization Exemption Certification must be signed by a medical professional, attesting that the student is exempt from a
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