Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy
The School is fortunate to have excellent resources for communication and research. Students are expected to remember that any exchange of information within this community must be made in line with the School’s general standards of conduct and should be guided by the same principles identified in the SLS Honor Code. Each student is responsible for content they generate and store on their device(s), share on a data store, distribute via the Internet, or post to any social media platform. Whether physically on campus or off campus, whether during the school day or at night, on vacation or at any other time while enrolled at the School, whether linked to the School’s network from in school or from a remote location or not at all, or using their own personal computer or communication device on or off campus, students are expected to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy and any applicable policies and procedures as long as they are enrolled at the School, as set forth in this Handbook and as further described below.
Social Media Whether or not a student chooses to use Social Media is a decision the student should make in consultation with the student’s parents. However, to the extent that students, parents, or members of the School community represent the School to each other and to the wider community, participation in such Social Media should be done responsibly with a mind toward how both the forum where one chooses to participate and the content posted reflect on that person individually and on the School. Moreover, issues concerning respect for the privacy of students, copyrights, trademarks, and confidentiality of sensitive information are all important to understand before participating in Social Media. With the foregoing in mind, the School encourages students and parents to create an atmosphere of trust and individual accountability when accessing Social Media and the School’s network. Students are expected to comply with the policies outlined in the School’s Acceptable Use Policy regardless of whether they are using School-provided equipment or their own personal devices. St. Luke’s recognizes that social media platforms are a widespread feature of daily life for both students and teachers, and that teachers will occasionally use social media for the purposes of advancing the learning outcomes of their classes. However, students should not have online interactions with employees on social media except for platforms or forums dedicated to professional use (e.g., a coach using their professional account to follow a student athlete on Twitter to keep up with recruiting process is acceptable use, a coach discussing last night’s game with a student on a personal account is unacceptable). All direct communication between students and employees should be through School-provided channels (e.g., Remind, G Suite, Blackbaud).
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