St. Luke's Upper School Viewbook 2012

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achieve S t. Lu k e ’s S c h o o l upper school G r a d e s 9 –12

“The strength of our community comes from a shared belief that every student counts, can contribute, and deserves to be known by faculty and peers. � M a r k D av i s , H e a d o f S c h o o l


eyond Where will a St. Luke’s education take you? Above and beyond what you ever thought possible. Our dynamic community will inspire you to work harder, to achieve more, and to make a difference in the lives of others. From Global Scholars to community service, AP Calculus to weekly college counseling sessions, St. Luke’s will provide you with endless opportunities to dive in and take initiative—as a team member, future expert, and leader. Backed by teachers, advisors, and peers, you’ll find there’s no limit to where you’ll go or what you’ll do.

strive for ex Dedicated to all that they do, Upper School students

take ownership of the learning process, both individually and collaboratively, in a diverse community that drives success. Our rigorous academic program balances traditional curriculum with innovative lessons, service opportunities, technology, and signature programs that extend and promote learning beyond the classroom. Passionate about their subjects, accomplished faculty set high academic standards and forge strong relationships with students in their additional roles as advisors and coaches. As a result, students push themselves to exceed expectations, developing the skills they need for success, leadership, and service in the world.

The Flipped Classroom Transforming Learning An innovative departure from the traditional classroom model, the flipped class utilizes technology to deliver course content outside of the classroom. St. Luke’s teachers produce online lectures, webinars, and podcasts that students access at their own pace and location. Face-to-face classroom time is spent doing—working with the teacher and classmates on collaborative activities that reinforce concept mastery. In Upper School courses as diverse as computer programming and music history, the flipped approach engages students and prepares them for interactive, digital learning in college and beyond. Skills acquired: Technological literacy, independent study, decision-making, collaboration Added benefits: Developing time management responsibility

xcellence “When a curriculum is dynamic, students engage. They develop intellectual curiosity and confidence. They become more versatile and able to tackle any situation. St. Luke’s students bring their best to each subject because we bring our best to them. ”

Testing the Effectiveness of a Brand-Name Product Is it worth it to pay extra for a name-brand antacid?

79% Faculty with advanced degrees

Students in 10th grade chemistry set out to determine this, testing the effectiveness of a name-brand antacid versus a generic one. A former St. Luke’s student himself, Science Teacher Alec LeBris ’95 adapted this experiment from a college-level lab. “One of the best parts of this experiment is when it goes wrong,” says LeBris. “This reveals to students the difference between theoretical and laboratory chemistry; in the lab, very little works the first time. They also learn that it’s okay to fail—if there’s anything that failure guarantees, it’s that the next time, you just have to work a little harder. ”

85% Seniors admitted to Barron’s most and highly competitive colleges and universities

Skills acquired: Precision, using lab equipment, evaluating results

19% Students receiving tuition assistance

Added benefits: Learning the value of failure

L i s a G o l d s c h m i dt, E n g l i s h t e a c h e r

St. Luke’s School at a Glance 290 Upper School students 30

Towns represented in our community

18% Students of color

12 Average class size 4 Average AP score 80/120 Required community service hours/average hours completed per student

academic overview | 3

curiosity Our students’ desire to explore, collaborate, research, present, and reflect defines the quality of the St. Luke’s experience. As students gain a broad base of knowledge through their courses, our unique programs, leadership opportunities, and study abroad options allow them to follow their passions and create their own educational pursuits, be they local or global, in the science lab or on Shakespeare’s stage. Students choose from a variety of innovative electives that provide an in-depth study of key areas of interest. In shaping their own paths, students actively participate in real-world projects, view life through different lenses, and gain a global perspective, laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

Global Scholar McKenzie, St. Luke’s Alumna, attending Stanford University Topic: Health Crisis in Haiti How do nations that are unstable politically, socially, and economically create a functioning health care system? McKenzie sought to answer this question as a Global Scholar. Continuing the work she started in her 8th Grade Declamation, the future valedictorian “wanted to look into Haiti’s situation in further detail, find out what people like Dr. Paul Farmer were dealing with, and understand the reasoning behind their decisions. ”  McKenzie’s extensive research

resulted in a 60-page proposal for a long-term solution. “St. Luke’s strength is providing opportunities to pursue whatever you’re interested in,” she says. “The school really lets each student have his or her own unique experience. ” Skills acquired: Conducting and presenting interdisciplinary research, writing, problem-solving Added benefits: Global awareness, future career paths

“To be a good citizen in today’s world, you have to understand issues that cut across different cultures. We teach our students to ask questions and be aware of other perspectives and worldviews different from their own. ” B e t h Yav e n d i tt i , D i r e c to r o f G lo b a l e d u c at i o n & F r e n c h T e a c h e r


Signature Programs

Partner Schools

Students participating in any of the three Scholars programs earn honors distinction.

St. Luke’s partners with schools in Argentina, China, and France. We are also expanding relationships in Botswana, India, New Zealand, and South Africa. Our students and faculty participate in exchange programs and, using new media, work collaboratively on projects throughout the year.

Classical Scholars Participants undertake an enriched study of Latin and Greek. A senioryear research project, including classical humanities, completes the curriculum. Global Scholars Seniors selected as Global Scholars complete in-depth analysis of a global issue, extensive language study, and an interdisciplinary capstone project. STEM Scholars The STEM curriculum includes the study of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Students complete a set of core courses and a year-long research project in an approved field of study. Independent Research Projects Working one-on-one with a faculty advisor, juniors and seniors pursue a semester-long study, culminating in a final presentation.

Students enjoy time together in Argentina.

Calculated Fun The St. Luke’s Rube Goldberg Challenge Students who compete in the St. Luke’s Rube Goldberg Challenge know first-hand that great ideas “STEM” from silly contraptions. Rube Goldberg was a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist whose name has become synonymous with elaborate, entertaining contraptions with lots of moving parts. This team-based contest allows students to have fun, but also puts their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills to work. Science Chair Michael Mitchell says,

“Within the classroom, students can easily lose sight of why it’s important to learn algebra or physics. During the competition, they discover that a few simple calculations, such as using the Pythagorean Theorem to find the missing side of a triangle, are much more efficient than trial and error.” Skills acquired: Teamwork, creativity, delivering engaging presentations Added benefits: Discovering the power of playful curiosity

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“St. Luke’s kids are different. They connect, they care, they work, they seem eager to learn and, most important, in every imaginable way, they display the greatest respect for our children. ” D u n c a n E d wa r d s , e x e c u t i v e d i r e c to r , Wat e r s i d e S c h o o l

Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve —every day our Upper School students take the St. Luke’s motto to heart. St. Luke’s innovative Center for Leadership (CFL) creates opportunities to “find your voice and make a difference. ”    The CFL works closely with faculty to develop experiences that foster a global perspective, encourage a service orientation, and build “TLC” skills (teamwork, leadership, and communication). The CFL works with students to widen their lens on the world, learn to respect and appreciate differences, and develop the skills and confidence to become global citizens. They take this orientation with them as they serve the larger community—and the world—by participating in international service projects, food drives, Midnight Runs to NYC, tutoring, and our summer Waterside program. St. Luke’s students address the issues that matter most to them, truly making a difference in the lives of others.

Each summer, St. Luke’s students serve as counselors for the Waterside School camp and volunteer at the school during the year. Waterside is an independent school for grades K–5 in Stamford, CT.

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College preparation begins the day that each student takes his or her first class, and becomes more focused during the junior and senior years. Individualized to suit each student and family, our college counseling program boasts three key strengths: we know our students, we know colleges, and colleges know St. Luke’s. While our counselors serve as teachers and advisors, they’ve also worked as college admission officers and have a better understanding of the needs and wants of selective colleges. Benefitting from school-sponsored college visits and regular one-on-one and group meetings with their counselors, students are equipped with the information they need to make the best decision, setting the stage for admission to their top-choice colleges.

Director of College Counseling Sonia Bell meets regularly with students to discuss college options and the admissions process.

Advanced Placement & Honors Courses • AP Art History • AP Biology • AP Calculus AB • AP Calculus BC • AP Chemistry • AP Computer Science A • AP English Language and Composition • AP English Literature and Composition • AP European History • AP French Language • AP Government and Politics: United States • AP Latin • AP Music Theory • AP Physics C: Mechanics • AP Spanish Language • AP Studio Art: 2-D Design • AP Studio Art: Drawing • AP United States History • Honors Algebra II with Trigonometry • Honors Ancient Greek • Honors Biology • Honors Chemistry • Honors Chinese IV • Honors English 9, 10 • Honors English 12: Shakespeare • Honors French II, III, IV • Honors Geometry • Honors Latin II, III, IV • Honors Physics • Honors Pre-Calculus • Honors Spanish II, III, IV • Honors United States History • Honors World History I: The Ancient World through the Middle Ages • Honors World History II: Renaissance to the Present • Multivariable Calculus

“The counselors not only spent time getting to know our kids, and therefore had a view as to what kind of schools might be right for them, but they also challenged them along the way. They take a holistic approach, focusing on academics, but also on where the student is going to be a good fit personality-wise and interest-wise. They helped us pick schools that are a great fit for our children, for the right reasons. ” Peter 12 t h g r a d e pa r e n t New Canaan, C T

Consider the Unexpected Ryan, St. Luke’s Alumnus, attending Johns Hopkins University As he reflected upon what had contributed to his success as a student at St. Luke’s, Ryan “realized that the relationships I had with my teachers set my experience apart. ” With the help of college counseling, he defined his priorities: a college big enough to have a variety of academic opportunities, but small enough to have approachable faculty. “I hadn’t considered Johns Hopkins at first,” says Ryan, “but knowing my interests and priorities, Ms. Bell saw it as a great fit for me. ”

Where I applied: Bates College, Boston College, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University, Tufts University, and the University of Connecticut. How I made the decision: “For me, the most important factor was what current students had to say about the school. Throughout the process, I had learned what questions to ask, and was able to get the information I needed to make the best choice. ” Why I feel prepared: “During my years at St. Luke’s, I applied a work ethic and personal drive that I’ll carry with me to college. ”

“We focus on what students can do, their interests and passions, and encourage them to take risks. If students know what they want, we tell them to go for it. Using the knowledge that we have—of both our students and of colleges—we guide them toward achieving their dreams. ” Sonia bell d i r e c to r o f co l l e g e co u n s e l i n g & english teacher

academics & college counseling | 9

Students at St. Luke’s are as dedicated on the playing field as they are in the classroom. Our athletic program is an integral part of the Upper School experience—90 percent of the School participates—fueling our school spirit and providing students with another area in which to learn, develop, and excel. As individuals and as part of a team, our athletes grow into themselves, becoming role models. At football games, during Homecoming, and at every sporting event in between, they cheer on their peers as players and fans. They build strength in our extensive athletic facilities, compete at top levels against local schools and throughout New England, and go on to play sports in college. Engaged both physically and mentally, our students develop focus and drive, qualities that will help them reach—and exceed—their goals.

“Being a team captain means bringing everyone together to achieve more than we could as individuals. Beyond that, any success belongs to the entire team. ” K e l ly grade 12, new Canaan, C T att e n d i n g H a r va r d U n i v e r s i ty

Varsity Sports St. Luke’s Athletics offer expansive opportunities to build character and develop leadership skills, in addition to facilitating a lifelong commitment to fitness and well-being. Athletic leadership programs help athletes understand their responsibilities and apply values such as trust, loyalty, and commitment to larger life contexts. Boys


• Baseball • Basketball • Crew (Club) • Cross Country • Football • Golf • Ice Hockey • Lacrosse • Skiing • Soccer • Squash • Tennis

• Basketball • Crew (Club) • Cross Country • Field Hockey • Lacrosse • Skiing • Soccer • Softball • Squash • Tennis • Volleyball

“We have a place for all student athletes, from the nationally ranked to the less experienced. Sportsmanship sets St. Luke’s program apart— how our athletes carry themselves on and off the field. Above and beyond the wins and losses, we focus on the quality of the experience from a character, leadership, and team perspective. ” Kevin Butler d i r e c to r o f at h l e t i c s

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dimensio Exposing students to music, theatre, and the visual

arts, St. Luke’s fine arts program meets the needs of all students, from highly skilled artists to beginners.

This allows them to experiment, hone talents, and express themselves in rich and varied courses. Led by talented, expert faculty, students compose their

own music in the MIDI lab; paint, sketch, design, and

sculpt in the Art House; or dance, sing, act, build, produce, and perform in our state-of-the-art Seldin

Performing Arts Center. While the Blues Band wows its audiences, students bring complex themes to life on stage, assisted by our tech crew. St. Luke’s

singers regularly receive All-State Honors, and our artists continue to pursue their passions in college.

Through their creative endeavors, our students add dimension—to themselves, their School, and their community.

As part of the tech crew, students manage the sound for school plays, musicals, and other performances in our state-of-the-art Seldin Performing Arts Center.

on Courses in the Arts • Acting I: Beginning Acting • Acting II: Scene Study • Acting III: Advanced Acting • Ceramics I, II, III • Chorale • Chorus • Concert Band • Digital Imaging I, II • Digital Music Production I, II, III • Drawing I, II, III • History of Jazz • Introduction to Blues • Music Theory • Painting I, II, III • Photography I, II, III • Piano • Sculpture • Stagecraft I • Studio Art • AP Art History • AP Music Theory • AP Studio Art: 2-D Design • AP Studio Art: Drawing

“The sense of community and collaboration in the arts is extraordinary. Whether I’m jamming with other kids in Blues Band, discussing music with friends, or bringing my sculpture to life, the St. Luke’s arts program has been a way for me to truly express myself, and be celebrated for it. ” K a i , G r a d e 1 1 , T r u mb u l l , C T

the arts | 13

Our multi-dimensional students are newspaper editors and student government officers, painters and scientists, football players and a capella singers. They are able to step out of their comfort zones and take part in all that the School has to offer, from the Debate Team to robotics to our very own radio station. St. Luke’s expects students to participate and lead as part of our community, and every day they rise to the challenge. As they balance activities and manage busy schedules, students learn to prioritize, a skill that will serve them well in college. Teachers and advisors see to it that students explore every interest and develop many talents. Consequently, students learn more about themselves, broadening the scope of their future.

“I started with WSLX in the fall of my freshman year when I wanted to try an activity I had never done before. I really like to listen to music and talk about sports—so our radio show combines two things I like and allows us to try something new. ” Lu k e St. Lu k e ’ s A lu m n u s , att e n d i n g t h e U n i v e r s i ty o f S o u t h C a r o l i n a

Meditation Series

Clubs & Activities

During our weekly Meditations, Upper School students gather to listen to a volunteer speaker— a student, teacher, parent, administrator, or alumnus—reflect upon a matter of personal interest. Topics vary each week and have included science fiction and technology, resiliency, cultural differences, and running a marathon.

• Art Club • Black Student Alliance • Blues Band • Caduceus (yearbook) • China Care • Cooking • Dance • Debate Team • Drama • Environmental Club • Free the Children • Gay, Lesbian, or Whatever (GLOW) • Honor Council • Investment Club • Model UN • Multicultural Student Alliance • Music Club • Pendulum (literary magazine) • Photo Club • Rock ’n’ Record • The Sentinel (newspaper, print   and online) • SLS Sixth Man • Student Council • Student Service Board • Technical Theatre • WSLX Radio Station • Young Republicans

Listen to WSLX student broadcasting on air and online, including live coverage from home games.

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St. Luke’ By the time they graduate, Upper School students are ethical leaders, insightful scholars, winning athletes, and talented artists. On a daily basis, they demonstrate integrity, strength of character, curiosity, open-mindedness, and a sense of social responsibility. From the way we incorporate technology into our curriculum to the individualized attention we give our students during the college

“Our students’ evolution from learning to leadership is the heart of the St. Luke’s experience. We ensure students are academically, emotionally, and socially prepared for their next steps— in college and beyond. ” m a r k d av i s , H e a d o f S c h o o l

search process, St. Luke’s is forward-thinking. So, too, are our students. Confident in who they are and who they want to be, they leave St. Luke’s fully prepared for their next endeavors. They are eager to move into the next phase of their lives, achieving above and beyond their own expectations.

Recent College Matriculation • Amherst College • Barnard College • Bates College • Boston College • Bowdoin College • Brown University • Bucknell University • Colby College • Colgate University • Columbia University • Cornell University • Dartmouth College • Dickinson College • Drexel University • Elon University • George Washington University • Georgetown University • Gettysburg College • Hamilton College

• Harvard University • Hobart and William Smith Colleges • Johns Hopkins University • Lafayette College • Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) • Miami University (OH) • Middlebury College • New York University • Northwestern University • Princeton University • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute • Rhode Island School of Design • Rollins College • Skidmore College • Stanford University • Swarthmore College • Tufts University • Tulane University

• University of Chicago • University of Michigan • University of Notre Dame • University of Pennsylvania • University of Richmond • University of Southern California • University of Virginia • Villanova University • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University • Wake Forest University • Washington University • Wellesley College • Williams College • Yale University For a complete list, view our College Profile at

’ s

“As a graduate looking back, I realize how fortunate I am to have had the experiences and opportunities St. Luke’s offers. St. Luke’s has played an integral part in my life and personal development, particularly due to the teachers and staff, who clearly have a love of teaching that goes above and beyond. I go forth from St. Luke’s as a strong, well-educated, spirited individual. The things that shape you stay with you forever. ” Sam St. Lu k e ’ s A lu m n a , att e n d i n g M I T

Above & Beyond St. Luke’s is a secular, college-preparatory day school in New Canaan, CT for grades 5–12. A combination of challenging academics and exceptional community support distinguishes St. Luke’s and encourages students to go above and beyond their own expectations. St. Luke’s offers an inclusive environment where differences in race, culture, and personal beliefs are embraced as assets that enhance education. An accomplished faculty, administrators, and parents join forces to foster students’ intellectual and moral growth, preparing them for college and giving them the tools they need for success, leadership, and service in the world.

Primary photography: Desiree Smock, St. Luke’s School parent ’12, ’15; additional photography: St. Luke’s School faculty; design & copywriting: Studio-e.

377 North Wilton Road New Canaan, CT 06840 203.966.5612 |

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