Before I Die (Intro)

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When artist Candy Chang painted the side of an abandoned building with chalkboard paint and asked her neighbors this question, she never expected it to become a worldwide phenomenon. Within a day of the wall’s completion, however, it was covered in colorful chalk dreams as people stopped and reflected on their lives. Since then, more than two hundred walls have been created by people all over the world. This inspiring book is a celebration of these walls. Filled with our hopes, fears, humor, and heartbreak, this project is a reminder of our shared connections and a chance to ponder life’s ultimate question.

Before I Die

What do you want to do before you die?

Before I Die

Candy Chang

Candy chang $24.99 / $28.99 Can.

Before I Die

Candy chang

Design by

St. Martin’s Griffin New York

Before I die Copyright © 2013 by Candy Chang. All rights reserved. Printed in Hong Kong. For information, address St. Martin’s Press 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Cover and book design by Eight and a Half, NYC Cover Photo by Francis Allen Illustrations by Jeff Scher Map by Melanie Burke

First published in the United States by St. Martin’s Griffin First St. Martin’s Griffin Edition: November 2013

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data available upon request ISBN 978-1-250-02084-0 EAN 1-250-02084-0

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for Joan & James

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers. — Carl Sagan

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oan died on a quiet August day. She was a mother to me for fifteen years. She was

kind and thoughtful. She loved to garden and she taught me how to plant flowers.

When I was a confused teenager, she told me to be true to myself. Her death was

sudden and unexpected, and there were so many things she still wanted to do: learn to play the piano, live in Paris, and see the Pacific Ocean. I spent a long time filled with grief. Then I felt gratitude for the time we had together. Death was always on my mind. It brought clarity to my life. It reminded me of the people I want to love well, the type of person I want to become, and the things I want to do. But I struggled to maintain this perspective. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget what really matters to me. I wondered if other people felt the



same way. Over the years I've asked questions in public space to share more with my neighbors. This one was personal as my own priorities changed. With help from old and new friends, I painted an abandoned house in my neighborhood with chalkboard paint and stenciled it with a grid of the sentence, “Before I die I want to

.” Anyone walking by could pick

up a piece of chalk, reflect on their lives, and share their personal aspirations in public. It was an experiment and I didn’t know what to expect. By the next day, the wall was bursting with handwritten responses and it kept growing.

Randal Ford

Before I die I want to sing for millions, plant a tree, hold her one more time, eat a salad with an alien, build a school, straddle the International Date Line, live off the grid, abandon all insecurities, be completely myself…


People’s hopes and dreams made me laugh out loud and they made me tear up.


People’s hopes and dreams made me laugh out loud

ibly passionate people who invested their time, money,

Death is something we’re often discouraged to talk

of a lifetime is being who you are.” To be true to ourselves,

and they made me tear up. They consoled me during my

and sweat to provide a place for their community to share

about or even think about:

Don’t go there. It’s too

we need to take the time to step back, pause, be quiet, and

toughest times. I understood my neighbors in new and

more with one another. Their walls and stories have been

sad. You don’t need to think about it until you’re

reflect as we continue to grow and change. With every

enlightening ways, and I discovered the strength of the

a constant source of inspiration and therapy for me, and

older. Perhaps this is why it took me so long to explore

experience, we gain new perspectives that can reshape

wall: it reminded me that I’m not alone as I try to make

you’ll read more from them about their experience. Each

these thoughts, but when I finally did, I found a comfort

our guiding star.

sense of my life.

wall is unique and reflects the people of that neighborhood.

and clarity that I did not expect. Beyond the tragic truth of

Our public spaces are as profound as we allow them to

If you’re holding this book, you know the Before I

Each wall is a tribute to living an examined life. And by

mortality lies a bright calm that reminds me of my place in

be. They are our shared spaces and reflect what matters to

Die wall became popular, far more popular than I could

using a few simple tools like chalkboard paint, stencils,

the world. When I think about death, the mundane things

us as a community and as individuals. The historian Lewis

have ever imagined. Seemingly overnight, my inbox ex-

and spray paint, it shows you don’t need a big budget to

that stress me out are reduced to their small and rightful

Mumford once wrote that the origins of society were not

ploded with earnest messages from students, widowers,

make a big impact.

place; the things that matter most to me become big and

just for physical survival but for sacred things that offer

artists, business owners, activists, community leaders,

These public yet anonymous walls are an honest

crisp again. Regularly contemplating death, as Stoics and

“a more valuable and meaningful kind of life.” At their

coworkers, neighbors, and friends around the world who

mess of the longing, pain, joy, insecurity, gratitude, fear,

other philosophers encourage, is a powerful tool to restore

greatest, our public spaces can nourish our well-being and

wanted to make a wall with their community. My friends

and wonder you find in any neighborhood. You’ll see the

perspective and remember the things that make your life

help us see that we’re not alone as we try to make sense of

and I created a toolkit and website to help people along

handwritten responses of citizens far and wide and read

meaningful. Thinking about death clarifies your life.

our lives. They can help us grieve together and celebrate

the way, and now over two hundred Before I Die walls

some of their stories. You’ll also see some of my favorite

In our age of digital distraction, it’s more important

together and console one another and be alone together.

have been created in over ten languages and in over

responses on these unbridled walls, from driving an ice

than ever to find ways to maintain perspective and remem-

Each passerby is another person full of longing, anxiety,

thirty countries, including Kazakhstan, Argentina, China,

cream truck to overcoming depression. In the end, the

ber that life is brief and tender. It’s easy to go with the flow

fear, and wonder. With more ways to share in public space,

Italy, and South Africa.

power of this project rests in the hands of the passerby

and postpone our deepest needs. It’s easy to take the people

the people around us can not only help us make better

In the following pages, you’ll see walls that appeared on

who picks up a piece of chalk, pauses for a moment,

we love for granted and leave things unsaid. And it’s far

places, they can help us become our best selves.

construction sites, campuses, vacant lots, plazas, buildings,

and writes something honest, poetic, and occasionally

too easy to neglect our relationship with ourselves. The

and the spaces between. This happened thanks to incred-


mythologist Joseph Campbell once said, “The privilege


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