The Bishop Riley Society Making a Bequest to St Mary’s
Why include St Mary’s in your Will?
From small beginnings in a Parish Hall in West Perth almost 100 years ago, St Mary’s has flourished to become one of Perth’s leading girls’ schools. We have been privileged to educate thousands of girls and to have been part of their life’s journey as they transition from childhood to womanhood; from acceptance of knowledge to thinking critically and creatively; from being led to being decision-makers and leaders; from feeling a passion to living that passion; from being in a community to faithfully serving that community. We are immensely proud of the stimulating and diverse education we offer our students
today and we owe much to our past benefactors who have supported us so generously. Whilst it is almost impossible to imagine what St Mary’s will look like in another hundred years, with the ongoing financial support of our school community we can plan confidently into the future. I hope, therefore, that those of you who have benefitted, directly or indirectly, from a St Mary’s education will consider making a bequest to St Mary’s and, in doing so, help us to ensure the future of our much loved school for generations of girls to come. Judith Tudball Principal
A gift to St Mary’s in your Will enables you to be a part of our future.
A Tradition of Generosity
Every student who passes through the gates of St Mary’s enjoys facilities and opportunities that were made possible by past generations of donors. This tradition of giving has enabled St Mary’s to provide the magnificent learning environment that students enjoy today. During the school’s early years at West Perth donations ensured St Mary’s very survival. In the 1960s St Mary’s move to the open sands at Karrinyup was made possible only with the contributions from Old Girls, parents, staff and friends.
The St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation, established in 1987 to encourage this fine history of giving, has helped put in place some of St Mary’s outstanding facilities. Scholarships, bursaries and prizes have also been gifted to the school, encouraging our brightest students and enabling those who may not otherwise be able to attend St Mary’s. By making a bequest to St Mary’s you can play your part in ensuring that future generations of St Mary’s girls have access to the very best opportunities.
So much of what St Mary’s is today is the result of past generosity.
The Bishop Riley Society
The St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation has established the Bishop Riley Society to provide an opportunity for the school to honour and thank those who have chosen to remember St Mary’s in their Will during their lifetime. The Society is named after St Mary’s founder, first Principal and first Chairman of the Board of Governors, Bishop Charles L Riley CBE MA LLB DTh, in honour of his vision and lifelong commitment to St Mary’s. Everyone who informs us that they have remembered St Mary’s in their Will will be invited to join the Bishop Riley Society.
As a member of the Society you will be kept informed of the school’s developments and future plans and invited to a variety of school events throughout the year, including social events for Society members. You will receive a special gift from the Society in recognition of your membership and on fulfilment of your pledge your name will be added to the Bequest Honour Board. If you have already included St Mary’s in your Will please let us know by returning the Pledge Form. We would be delighted to recognise your commitment by making you a member of the Bishop Riley Society.
Your Bequest makes a real difference
Esmee Byatt Scholarship for Medicine
The Wardle Bequest
In 2003, Esmee Byatt (Templeton ’30) left a bequest to establish the Esmee Byatt Scholarship for Medicine for St Mary’s Old Girls entering their 4th year of Medicine at UWA.
The Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre, opened in 2000, was made possible by a bequest from past parents Sir Thomas and Lady Wardle and their family.
Emma Dudman (’01), 2005 Byatt Scholar “A medical degree can feel like it stretches on forever. It was difficult to balance full-time study and work, and have enough money left over to cover the costs associated with studying. I was fortunate to have a very supportive family, but being the recipient of the inaugural Esmee Byatt Scholarship allowed me to concentrate more on study without having to worry so much about work. It couldn’t have come at a better time - half way though a six-year degree! I am so grateful to Mrs Byatt for her generosity and am proud to report that I am now training to become a paediatrician.”
Ashlyn Tymms (’05), Musician and Performer “As a performer and in training for a profession in the world of opera, I am forever grateful for the opportunities I had to perform in various ensembles and as a solo artist in the Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre. This stage encourages freedom of self-expression from which confidence can flourish. A performance space such as the Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre inspires young musicians, actors, directors and educators to strive for excellence and achieve their dreams. What a wonderful gift the Wardles have given for generations to come.”
What next?
Once you have provided for your family and loved ones, we hope you will consider providing for St Mary’s in your Will.
during your lifetime. Gifts of any size can make a difference and help us to plan confidently for the future.
Your support as a member of the Bishop Riley Society will help St Mary’s to continue to offer the very best educational opportunities to our students.
We strongly encourage you to discuss your wishes with your family so that they can be carried out as you intend.
Leaving a bequest is surprisingly easy and can be an opportunity for you to support St Mary’s in a way that may not be possible
We also recommend that you contact your solicitor who can advise you of the best way to record your intentions in your Will.
“St Mary’s is a very special place for me - as a boarder in the early 1960s it was my home. I have very fond memories of my time at school, the friends I made and the fine start it gave me in life. When I made my Will, I thought about the people and causes that were important to me and where I could make a difference. By supporting St Mary’s through a bequest I can help to maintain education at the highest level for future generations of students.” Marlene Carter (’63), Inaugural Chair of the Bishop Riley Society
How to include St Mary’s in your Will
In order to make a bequest, you may need either to draw up a new Will or amend your existing Will. In any situation of making or amending your Will, you are advised to seek professional legal assistance. You may wish to designate your bequest in support of a particular area, for example, funding scholarships or prizes for students or Old Girls or providing new facilities, buildings or equipment. If you are considering a gift for a specific purpose, we invite you to speak with the Principal to discuss your wishes. Bequests may also be made without a designated purpose, allowing greater flexibility for St Mary’s to use your bequest where it is needed most at the time. There are a number of different types of bequest which can be made when making or adding to your Will.
A pecuniary bequest is a gift of a specific sum of money. A residuary bequest is a gift of the remainder of your estate (or a percentage) after all other gifts to your family and loved ones have been distributed and any other commitments fulfilled. A reversionary bequest leaves your assets to trustees so that your family members can enjoy income during their lifetime, with all or a portion of the capital going to St Mary’s after their death. A specific or non-money bequest is a gift of an asset such as property, shares, bonds, life insurance policies or other articles of value.
The Next Step
It is most helpful for us to know if you have provided, or plan to provide for St Mary’s, in the form of a bequest. This knowledge enables us to thank you and acknowledge your bequest during your lifetime and, if you wish, through your membership of the Bishop Riley Society. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like examples of wording for your bequest. When making a bequest in your Will, please note that the beneficiary should be included as the St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation (Inc).
Once you have made your bequest to St Mary’s please complete and return the Pledge Form. Such a pledge is simply a statement of your current intentions and does not commit you in any way or prevent you from altering your Will in the future. Please be assured that all correspondence and information are treated in the strictest confidence.
Your gift will be gratefully received and effectively used, whatever its size.
Bequest Pledge Form Name
If you are happy to do so, please provide us with the following information
My bequest is intended to support Unrestricted purpose
Designated purpose. Please provide details
Email Please tick the appropriate boxes. I have made a bequest to the St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation (Inc) in my Will and would like to join the Bishop Riley Society. I have made a bequest to the St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation (Inc) and would like to remain anonymous. I intend to make a bequest to the St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation (Inc). Please send me a copy of sample wording that I might use in my Will. I would like to speak with the Principal to discuss including St Mary’s as a beneficiary in my Will.
Solicitor/Executor’s Name Solicitor/Executor’s Address
Solicitor/Executor’s Telephone We strongly advise that you consult a solicitor when preparing or amending your Will. St Mary’s would be pleased to discuss the drafting of your bequest clause with you and your solicitor.
Return Instructions
Please return this form in the reply paid envelope provided to Director of Philanthropy St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation (Inc), PO Box 105, Karrinyup, WA 6921
For further information please contact us on T: (08) 9341 9120 E:
St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation (Inc) | Elliott Road, Karrinyup WA 6018 Telephone: +61 (0) 8 9341 9111 | Email: | Website: