THE BISHOP RILEY BEQUEST SOCIETY M a k i ng a g i f t i n y o u r Will
At St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School, we believe in the transformative power of education.
A g i f t t o St M ar y ’s i n you r Will i s a g i f t o f e duc ation to th e next g ener ation
Thank you
for considering a gift in your Will to St Mary’s
We are immensely proud of the engaging and diverse education that we have provided for students over the past century, and we are grateful to people like you who have supported us so generously. While it is almost impossible to imagine what St Mary’s might look like in another 100 years, with ongoing financial support from our School community we can confidently plan for the future. Therefore, I hope that you consider making a gift in your Will to St Mary’s so that we can continue to inspire girls to discover their best at our muchloved School for generations to come. MRS JUDITH TUDBALL
Your legacy Leaving a gift in your Will, also known as a charitable bequest, is a wonderful way of making a positive statement about what you believe in. It can ensure that both your loved ones and the educational institutions that left an impact on your life are looked after long after you are gone. St Mary’s currently has more than 1400 day and boarding students, and monies from bequests are invested and preserved in our St Mary’s Foundation. The income earned is used to support St Mary’s activities for many years into the future. This means that your money lives on forever, providing support for the advancement of female education. You can make a bequest of any size. There is no minimum or maximum amount. Our bequest program is not designed for the rich but rather for the enriched, and we invite you to join us in providing a legacy to inspire the next generations of women.
Where there’s a Will…. A Will acts as a set of legal instructions that allows you to divide your estate, regardless of its size, and direct bequests to those you care about. Where there isn’t a Will, the State (in accordance to state law) may decide who benefits from your estate, which may not align with your intended wishes. The cost of creating a Will is negligible; however, the financial and emotional cost to your loved ones can be significant if you do not create a Will. By creating a Will you can ensure that your loved ones are not burdened with these potential difficulties, at what will already be a difficult time for them. Many of us wish we could give more during our lifetime; however, those circumstances are not always apparent or possible. Leaving a bequest to an organisation close to your heart allows you to distribute your assets regardless of your age or financial situation. Nominating a gift in your Will to St Mary’s can give you great joy, knowing that you are leaving your educational legacy for the next generation.
Why a bequest to St Mary’s? School fees and government grants will never cover more than salaries, regular school expenditure and basic maintenance required for the upkeep of our buildings and campus. We rely on the support and philanthropy of donors to create new and enhance existing facilities, offer scholarships and fulfil our vision for the future. Gifts in the form of bequests allow donors to make a valuable contribution to the School’s long-term future without affecting present financial circumstances.
H O W TO I N C LU D E S T M A RY ’S I N YO U R W I L L There are several different types of bequests which can be made when making or adding to your Will. A PECUNIARY BEQUEST is a gift of a specific sum of money. A RESIDUARY BEQUEST is a gift of the remainder of your estate (or a percentage) after all other gifts to your family and loved ones have been distributed and any other commitments fulfilled. A REVERSIONARY BEQUEST leaves your assets to trustees so that your family members can enjoy income during their lifetime, with all or a portion of the capital going to St Mary’s after death. A SPECIFIC OR NON-MONEY BEQUEST is a gift of an asset such as property, shares, bonds, life insurance policies or other articles of value.
St Mary’s Legal Name St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation ABN 81 320 581 832
Example of wording for leaving a bequest I give to the St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation, ABN 81 320 581 832, for its general purposes (indicate expressed percentage of estate, dollar amount and/or item or property given) and I declare that the receipt by the Foundation of this gift shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.
Let us know Informing us of a bequest that you have made will allow us to thank you appropriately by welcoming you into our Bishop Riley Bequest Society. Being a member of this esteemed Society provides you access to special School events and ensures that your generous and forward-thinking support of St Mary’s is recognised. By being acknowledged, you can inspire others to remember us in their Wills. However, we respect the wishes of those who prefer to remain anonymous. If you would like to have a confidential conversation about leaving a bequest to St Mary’s or arrange a home or campus visit, please contact our Director of Philanthropy on (08) 9341 9120 or
The Bishop Riley Bequest Society The St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation established the Bishop Riley Bequest Society to provide an opportunity for the School to honour and thank those who have chosen to remember St Mary’s in their Will. They are a special group of people who believe that education has the power to change lives. The Society is named after the School’s founder, first Principal and first Chairman of the Board of Governors, Bishop Charles L Riley CBE MA LLB DTh, in honour of his vision and lifelong commitment to the School. Upon confirming a gift in your Will, you are invited to join the Society and attend the annual Society event, as well as other special occasions at St Mary’s.
“St Mary’s is a very special place for me; as a boarder in the early 1960s it was my home. I have very fond memories of my time at school, the friends I made and the fine start it gave me in life. When I made my Will, I thought about the people and causes that were important to me, and where I could make a difference. By supporting the School through a bequest, I can help to maintain education at the highest level for future generations of St Mary’s girls.” Miss Marlene Carter (’63) Inaugural Chair of the Bishop Riley Society
Building the future With the ever-changing needs of our organisation and future projects of the School, we advocate for you to leave an unrestricted bequest for the general purposes of St Mary’s. A gift of this nature allows us to direct those funds to where it is needed most. If you do wish to nominate a specific use for your legacy, we ask that you contact the School at your earliest opportunity to discuss your intentions. Please keep in mind that leaving a percentage of your estate rather than a dollar amount should help you to avoid regular updates to your Will to factor in inflation.
A lasting statement When considering leaving a gift in your Will, you may wish to speak with our Director of Philanthropy or Principal. They would be pleased to share with you the School’s long-term plans and provide any practical advice to ensure that the wishes in your bequest to St Mary’s are assured. If you have already written your Will and do not wish to make any major changes, you can add a codicil (an amendment to an existing Will) to include St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation. Your solicitor can help you with any changes. Once you have provided for your family and loved ones, we hope that you will consider leaving a gift to St Mary’s in your Will. It is important that you discuss your Will with your family and ensure that they understand and support your vision for your legacy. We encourage you to seek independent legal or financial advice when preparing your Will.
Tha nk you for c ons i der i ng a b e que s t to S t M a r y ’s i n you r Wi l l . We woul d wel c om e a n op p or tu ni t y to m e et w i t h y o u a nd d i s c u s s you r w i she s .
ST MARY’S ANGLICAN GIRLS’ SCHOOL FOUNDATION 75 Elliott Road Karrinyup WA 6018 TELEPHONE:+61 (08) 9341 9120 EMAIL: WEBSITE: This booklet contains information about making a bequest to St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation, but please seek your own independent legal advice.