Fideliter July 2018

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July 2018

St Ma r y’ s Anglican Gi rls’ S ch ool


discovering her best)


14 38

discovering her best) 4


30 PA R E N T S ' S O C I E T Y



31 S T M A R Y ' S A U X I L I A R Y








10 F E AT U R E : D I S C OV E R I N G H E R B E S T Discovering her Best in Boarding Our Junior School Students Our Senior School Students 1 8 O L D G I R L S B E Y O N D E L E VAT E 1 9 S T U D E N T S F O L L O W I N G E L E VAT E 20 SENIOR SCHOOL From the Head Girl 2018 Prefects and Captains

3 3 O L D G I R L S ' D AY 3 4 O L D G I R L S ’ E V E N T S A N D REUNIONS 36 NEWS FROM OLD GIRLS 3 8 D I S C OV E R I N G H E R B E S T ~ OLD GIRL PROFILES 4 4 A R C H I VA L A N E C D O T E S If Only Ted Could Talk 4 6 VA L E

2 2 C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S 2 3 F I R S T C L A S S R E S U LT S 2 4 G E N E R A L E X H I B I T I O N S A N D S P E C I A L AWA R D W I N N E R S 99ers 400 Club 2 8 D E S T I N AT I O N S O F T H E C L A S S O F 2 01 7 29 OUT AND ABOUT Esperance Country Function New Parents Dinner Hong Kong Breakfast Grandes Belles

FIDELITER Fideliter is a publication of St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School. please direct all correspondence to:

St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School, PO Box 105, Karrinyup WA 6921 telephone: (08) 9341 9111 email: editors: Tamara Clark and Amanda Kemp editorial assistants: Hannah Campbell and Joan Karmelita design and production: Dessein cover image (l-r): Arshya Kulkarni, Holly Zhou, Georgina Richardson, Isobel Crabb and Charli Oliver. inside cover clockwise from top: The Class of 2017. Bottom Left: Joy Mansour dicovering her best in Junior School. Right: Nikki Stamp (’98).



F R O M T H E PRINCIPAL) Two banners welcomed our community to the start of each term in Semester 1. One said “Scatter the Joy” and the other “Think is for Girls”. In Term 3, the girls will be greeted by “Love what you do and do what you love”. Each of these lines focuses on encouraging our girls to discover their best – through the way they approach every day by sharing good will, through intellectual growth and confidence, and by following a passion that they live and breathe. We want our girls to discover their best now, and not wait until they are 20 or 25 or 40, with the hope that there will be rediscovery at those ages. At St Mary’s, we see them doing so every day in many varied ways.

In Cambodia, our girls and staff scattered the joy as they helped children from the Steung Meanchey garbage dump in Phnom Penh experience the thrill of learning through the Cambodian Children’s Fund. In their giving, our girls received so much. In the WACE examinations, the Class of 2017’s potential exploded with fantastic results and many girls exceeded their best hopes and dreams; and love what you do is well and truly alive with girls flying through the air in dance, or experiencing an “aha moment” in Literature, or Junior School girls buzzing around Chapel Valley. It is a very optimistic world here among the buildings, the trees and the green. A person who has contributed a great deal to help St Mary’s excel is Ron Farris, Chairman of the Board of Management of the St Mary’s Foundation. Mr Farris has led the Foundation since its inception in 1987. At the 2018 Annual General Meeting he retired from this position. Through his vision and commitment, St Mary’s has a strong financial base to support the school in its many programmes and endeavours. The signature development for the Foundation was perhaps the Lady Treatt Centre for Learning and Leadership at Metricup, and there are many others

that follow a close second. My heartfelt thanks to Ron Farris. He has set the bar very high as the Foundation begins a new and exciting stage. We are ever ready to take on new projects to inspire our girls. This year we have partnered with Black Swan State Theatre Company. The performing arts are what many of our girls live for, so to have access to insights into theatre life, workshops and performances is a special treat indeed. To celebrate International Women’s Day, Clare Watson, Black Swan’s Artistic Director, (featured below with (L) Georgie Cunningham and Head Girl, Ruby Drake), spoke at assembly, very much encouraging the girls to step up, take some risks and reach out for opportunities, even when they are not immediately accessible. Clare Watson is a great example of doing just this – through her energy and commitment, she has discovered her best. The more our girls hear these stories, the more they recognise that stories like this could become their story too – a future filled with opportunity, requiring dedication, and stretching out to meet the challenge. The highlight of the last week of term was an initiative for Year 10 Week. On the Friday we held a Careers Conference in The Polson Room for all 180 Year 10s. That day said a great deal about St Mary’s as a community. We had eighteen Old Girls present to share their individual experiences in working out the career that they loved and how to go about attaining it. There were great and helpful stories to be shared and yet another way to help our girls discover their best. What better note to end on than about history. Our Archives continues to receive material so pertinent to St Mary’s story. Gifts from the Riley family about our founder, the Reverend CL Riley and his family, as well as materials that pertain to the Rileys as War Chaplains, are dear to us indeed. They are on display at present in our Administration building, and no doubt they will be critical to the writing of our history and in full view during the centenary year. With every best wish. Lynne Thomson Principal


From the Principal

BACK ROW (L-R): Ian Curlewis, Amy Dawson, Elizabeth Price and David Bean FRONT ROW (L-R): Liam Twigger, Michelle Houwen, Lynne Thomson, Elizabeth Carr, Jane Gillon and Roger Veary ABSENT: Ian Hardy, Desiree Silva, and Amanda Williams


A dear friend decided a number of years ago to highlight an Australian woman every day, on what would have been her birthday, on her Facebook page. I have marvelled over the years at the stories of ordinary Australian women living in the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s, women, whose life circumstances may have been difficult through unfair laws, lack of community support, violence or plain bad luck. Their life decisions, adventures and successes, though, live on because future generations have wanted to tell their stories and focus on how their personal strengths, courage and tenacity made our society stronger. As we discover the best in others, we also shine a light on what might become our own personal achievements. As the St Mary’s community builds towards our Centenary, the stories of Old Girls, parents and staff will continue to build the fabric of a strong and tightly woven community. “The steps which other feet have trod, we tread today.” As our girls discover their best, they can do so because of the accomplishments of others before them. The Board of Governors are

always mindful of ensuring the good works of the past – excellent education, focus on values, appropriate learning environments and strong finances - are remembered and built upon for new generations of St Mary’s girls. The stories telling of the best of our girls past and present, help us all to be better women. With this in mind, the Board of Governors has commissioned a history of St Mary’s to be written in time for our Centenary in 2021. More details are to come; however, thank you to Mrs Thomson, always an historian at heart, for progressing this important storytelling idea and building on the rich tapestry of who we are. On behalf of the Board of Governors, thank you to the Executive, staff and volunteering parents and Old Girls who are doing all they can to enable our current girls to “discover their best – and the best in others”. Elizabeth Carr AM Chair, Board of Governors

Board of Governors



As I reflect on what has been achieved in that time it is with sincere thanks and pride: Thanks to the many, many donors to the Foundation whose generosity has enabled us to contribute to the ongoing development of the School, and take pride in the array of wonderful facilities supported by the Foundation, that are enjoyed by students today. I am grateful for the hard work and dedication of everyone who has served on the Foundation Board of Management with me. Their efforts have seen the Foundation grow from the seed of an idea sewn by Les Hearn and Audrey Jackson in 1987 to the strong Foundation we see today. In particular, I make mention

of Lindsay Palmer, who retired from the Board in April after 27 years’ service and to Marlene Carter, Rodger Gibson, Bree Rosagro, Ian Viner and Lynne Thomson, who continue to give faithfully of their time and expertise to the benefit of the St Mary’s Foundation. It has been my privilege to play a part in the growth of the Foundation. It has played an important role in the life of St Mary’s and I have no doubt the Foundation will continue to grow as we head towards and beyond St Mary’s Centenary. Ron Farris Chairman, St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School Foundation

L-R: Marlene Carter and Dana Trtica

L-R: Steve and Sandra McAlpine

L-R: Steven and Kendra Koranis

L-R: Andrea Zamudio-Concha, Dr Italo Zamudio-Villarroel, Paula Concha-Flores, Camila Zamudio-Concha

L-R: Karen, Mackenzie and Cameron Burbridge

Thanks to You gifts for guests



St Mary’s celebrated the generosity of its donors and supporters at the Thanks to You Garden Party on 2 May 2018. Year 9 student, Lucy Lönnqvist, spoke passionately about the practical learning experiences students are enjoying in the garden, and Mrs Thomson thanked everyone for their commitment to and support of the School. 6

From the Foundation

The Sustainable Garden, one of the projects realised through 2017 Annual Giving, was also the inspiration for the very tasty Thanks to You relish that was made by Year 10 Food Technology students and gifted to guests.


THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND, LIBRARY FUND, BUILDING FUND AND SUSTAINABLE GARDEN THROUGH THE 2017 ANNUAL GIVING APPEAL: yy Linzey Allinson yy Ron Farris yy Lorrie Maley (Rowledge ’33) yy Dr Heather Rogers yy Christine Antoine yy Mr & Mrs Gardner yy Wendy Mann (Barr ’63) yy Bree Rosagro (Buxton ’98) yy Glenn & Lisa Barrett yy Rodger & Judith Gibson yy Judy Martin yy Saunders Family yy Barton Family yy Gaye & Chas Giglia yy Martino Family yy Jenny Scott (Lefroy ’62) (Ella Barton ’15) yy Jamie & Fay Gilbert yy Maxwell Family yy Sefton Family yy Adrian Beck yy Gillmore Family yy Steve & Sandra McAlpine yy Jenny Shaw yy Sandra Botica yy Jane Gillon yy McKerracher Family yy Spencer Family yy Paul, Victoria & Lilia Bradley yy Gosatti Family yy McKimmie Family yy Mr & Mrs Starkey yy Brindal Family yy Rudi & Linda Gracias yy McLean Family yy Lynne Thomson yy Burbridge Family yy Griffiths Family yy Greg & Louise Miles yy Kate & Douglas Thomson yy Burke Family (Harriet) yy Gulev Family yy Julie Millett yy Dana Trtica yy Cabrera Family yy Cheryl Haak yy Molloy Family yy Mike & Monique Turner yy Campbell Family yy Hancock Family yy Morrell Family yy Twigger Family yy Helen Campbell (Willis ’54) yy Kerrie & Ian Hardy yy Kerry Muir yy Louise Tyson yy Tina & Stuart Campbell yy Fiona Harris yy Frank & Erica Murray yy Roger & Pam Veary yy Elizabeth Carr (’81) yy Hazelden Family yy Vicki Neil (Reader ’68) yy Jade & Sophie Vella yy Marlene Carter (’63) yy Heaney Family, Marjorie yy Stephanie Neille for yy Ian & Ngaire Viner yy Chong Family Edwin Neille Heaney (Long ’65) yy Waltham Family yy N & T Christie yy Erica Herron yy Nguyen Family yy Sharon & Chloe Warburton yy J & D Christie yy Dana Hlavacek (’79) yy Patricia Nicholls (Hobbs ’59) yy Ward Family (Katie Ward ’18) yy Crabb Family yy Michelle Houwen yy The Rev’d Canon yy Webster Family Geraldine Nixon yy Jane, Sarah & Emma Crisp yy Elizabeth Howson yy West Family yy Marilyn & Lindsay Palmer yy Jaslyn Cullen (Gibson ’94) yy Hurst Family yy Amanda Williams yy Anne Pesic (Nicolaou ’91) yy Ian & Linda Curlewis yy Ireland Family yy Wong Family (’05) yy Corrinna Politis yy Sheevaun Darby yy Jackson Family yy Woolhouse Family yy Amy Dawson (Fraser ’94) yy Johnston Family (’08 & ’12) yy Joyce Polson yy Xie Family yy Poon Family yy De Mattia Family yy Joan Karmelita yy Zamudio-Concha Family yy Price Family yy Wendy & Ian Duncan yy Kemp Family yy Zhang Family yy Ramel Family yy Dianne Durston yy Mr & Mrs Kercheval yy And 13 donors who wish to (Wallace ’67) yy Louise & Annabelle yy Koranis Family remain anonymous. Richardson yy Edward Family yy Mrs Poonam Kulkarni yy Grace Richardson yy Peter Evans yy Greg Major (Snook ’48)

ENDOWMENT FUND The families of all new students in 2017 who contributed to the Foundation’s Endowment Fund.

2017 VALEDICTORY GIFT The families of our Year 12 students who contributed to the 2017 Valedictory Gift to the School.

STUDENT AWARDS AND PRIZES yy The Estate of Kerensa Allason (’89)

yy Cora Barnes yy Dr John Craig – in memory of Frances Craig MBE

yy Marilynn Freitag yy Dr Ray Hyslop – in memory

of Helen Hyslop (Judge ’50, Head Girl) yy Fred Stone & Genevieve Irwin (Stone ’74) yy Audrey Jackson yy Joan Karmelita yy Denise Lane (Marshall ’79) yy Pamela Mathers yy Ruth Phelps – in memory of Ruth Rowell (Robinson ’33) yy Dr Heather Rogers yy Maria Stannage yy St Mary’s Old Girls’ Association yy St Mary’s Auxiliary yy Robyn Taylor yy Lynne Thomson yy Western Australian Journal of Medicine

BISHOP RILEY BEQUEST SOCIETY We thank those who were members of the Bishop Riley Society in 2017/18.

yy Linzey Allinson yy Glenn & Lisa Barrett yy Adrian Beck yy Bree Rosagro (Buxton ’98)

yy Elizabeth Carr AM (’81) yy Marlene Carter (’63) yy Ian & Wendy Chidgey yy Peter Evans yy Ron & Joy Farris yy Jane Gillon (Fisher ’70) yy Mrs Audrey Jackson AM yy Diana King

yy Rev’d Joyce Polson OAM yy Bill & Carol Temple yy Lynne Thomson yy Dana Trtica (’63) yy And four other people who

wish to remain anonymous.

Every effort is made to ensure this list of supporters is accurate. If an error has been made, please accept our sincerest apologies and telephone (08) 9341 9120 so we can ensure this is corrected for the future.

(’63, Head Girl)

yy Jane Milloy (’72)

From the Foundation



“For twenty years, I was a teacher. At Christmas time I would receive gifts from the children I taught. After about the third year I could name the gift by the size and shape of the box it came in. Whenever my students gave me flat or square boxes, I would know that they were handkerchiefs. I would take these boxes home and place them in a cupboard unopened. Then, as I needed a handkerchief, I would open a box and take one out. I always had more boxes of handkerchiefs than I needed. One day I went to my cupboard, took out a box, and opened it. Instead of a handkerchief, there was an antique watch. All this time I possessed an antique watch and didn’t know it.” This story is told to raise the question, why do we not know who we are and what we have? Everyone has a story, and for a Christian that story is a journey with God. My journey started in a small market town in England. I went to a boarding school that was primarily a small ballet school with an extensive arts programme. I then went on to drama school where I trained in stage management, eventually becoming a costume designer. I migrated to Australia in my midtwenties and some long, long, long time later, I am still in Australia fulfilling my vocation as a priest. Vocation or calling is often associated with those engaged in full-time church work - priests, monks or nuns. I would argue that both parts of my life, in the theatre and the church, are part of my vocation. Vocation is doing what you feel God calls you to do and this could change at any time in your life. How do you find your vocation? How do you find out what your talents and passions are? If you have ever watched a child at play, you know that there are moments when their gifts and talents are demonstrated spontaneously and then you wonder if you are glimpsing something that will lead to them finding their vocation.

Christians believe that each of us has a vocation and that each vocation has dignity and value in the eyes of God. We believe that everyone has God-given gifts and talents. Now, the notion that we all have gifts and talents is not confined to the Christian view of life, but what does it mean? Is it about getting good marks, being first or being a star performer? I would like to argue that it is about doing something you are passionate about which gives you fulfillment. It is about just having a go, but more importantly, serving others and being part of or finding your place in a community. God-given passions, talents, and abilities need to be honoured in every person, however modest or unpretentious. I am always amazed by the wealth of talent we have at St Mary’s, but often surprised by the hidden talent that one sees at our dance, drama, music and sport programmes and indeed, many school events. I am overawed by the student who unexpectedly has the pluck, determination and aptitude to step out of her comfort zone to try something new, perhaps as part of a team or to support her House or overcome apprehension and volunteer for community service. She is the student who discovers or reveals hidden talents, but is not looking for accolades or awards, and may never get them, but simply does her best and finds fulfilment by finding that hidden ‘antique watch.’ PS. All antique watches will be gratefully received. The Reverend Canon Geraldine E Nixon Chaplain

ABOVE: Discovering your best is about having a go and serving others and being part of or finding your place in a community


From the Chaplain



I was fortunate enough to attend the 4th National PESA Conference at Geelong Grammar School from 11 to 14 April. The Positive Education Les Chidgzey Schools Association and Geelong Grammar School collaborated to present a retreat-style conference unlike any other. Eight hundred and thirty-one delegates had the opportunity to connect with thought leaders and educators from around the world to learn about Positive Education, collaborate and share their experience, enhance their own well-being and work together to create flourishing schools and communities. It really was an extraordinary event. The theme for the 2018 conference was ‘Connect’ – reflecting the event’s aims of connecting theory with application, Positive Education with curriculum and culture, connecting delegates to foster sharing and collaboration, and connecting each participant with Positive Psychology practices and interventions to boost their own individual well-being. Keynote speakers included Dr Martin Seligman, the father of Positive Psychology, and the International Positive Psychology Association President, Dr Lea Waters. Other outstanding speakers included Anh Do, comedian, artist and author; Georgie Harman, CEO of Beyond Blue; and Patrick Dangerfield and Brian Cooke from Geelong Football Club, to name just a few. The most difficult part was selecting masterclasses and workshops to attend. One masterclass I was a part of was 'Rites of Passage and Student Well-being in the 21st century'. This was a taster offered by the Rites of Passage Institute, which helps young women and men strengthen their sense of self, discover their potential and build resiliency. The PESA Conference was an outstanding success. I am now planning how best to implement Positive Education in the St Mary’s School Community. Les Chidgzey Deputy Head of Junior School (Pastoral Care)

In May of this year the 2018 Biennial Educators Conference, Fearless Girls. Strong Women was held in Adelaide. The conference was Rebecca Watts organised by the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia and featured a range of well-known and highly regarded speakers such as Madonna King, Professor Erica McWilliam and Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. Having recently completed my Master of Education at Curtin University, I was given the opportunity to present a break-out session, exploring my research into female student leadership at schools, and outlining a new leadership model I have created and implemented with our Year 12 students. The academic literature relating to single-sex education indicates that one of the benefits for female students is the extensive opportunities to occupy school leadership positions. This in turn allows for a development of greater self-worth and even more importantly, positions students to view themselves as influential. However, providing students with leadership opportunities doesn’t mean that they will be equipped with the skills to allow them to lead successfully. Drawing upon a range of leadership and positive psychology theories, as well as the culture of the School, I created an explicit leadership model to allow Year 12 students to further develop their skills and grow as leaders. The model places an emphasis on authentic leadership and aims to empower girls by encouraging them to take risks and develop their own voice. It was an amazing experience to be able to share the wonderful things we are doing at St Mary’s with other educators, as well as hear from other educators about programmes they have developed. The conference left us all feeling passionate about the education of girls and inspired to improve our practice further and help our girls to discover their best. Rebecca Watts Head of Year 12

Teaching spotlight





Finding your best isn’t just because of you, it’s who is around you and who motivated your achievements. Challenges come in all shapes and sizes. I’m sure many people throughout this year have had some ups and downs with family and social issues and have overcome them with the support of relatives and the community. Here at St Mary’s the community around students has a huge impact upon us, as teachers are always there to help with school work and guide us to do our best. But St Mary’s is a bigger community than the teachers. At the end of the day, we all have achieved our best as we’ve had family and friends help push us to get through hard and stressful times.

Take my experience of playing netball; I wouldn’t be able to achieve my best alone. I have the coaches and the community pushing me not to give up and encouraging me to do my best. This distracts me from the hard times at school by having fun and playing my favourite sport. I’m sure everyone is grateful for being a student at St Mary’s. All together, everyone can discover their best. Sophie Birkhead, Year 10

DISCOVERING HER BEST IN BOARDING In Year 9, when I began my journey here at St Mary’s, I was really homesick and couldn’t see how I was going to fit into the tight-knit community. However, if I hadn’t had this experience I wouldn’t be the person I am today, as I learnt to push through the hard times and try and help others find what they enjoy doing to discover their best. The way I dealt with my homesickness was to surround myself with positive people and to keep busy. This was quite easy at St Mary’s as here we have so many different extracurricular activities we can get involved in to discover our best. For me this was sport on school days and boarding recreational activities on the weekends. These allowed me to communicate more with others, lessen the load and create new friendships. I was able to get out of my comfort zone, which I believe is vital in the growth of a girl into a young woman.

I am in Year 11 and I am from Karratha. My passion is telling stories through my art. I came runner up in the 2018 Dampier Art Awards youth category a few months ago and I am also entering another piece into the Cossack Art Awards in June. Post-school I am looking forward to finding what I want to do as a career. I want to help women learn to love their bodies like I have, through my art. I want to push limits within social expectations of women, inspiring those struggling with their self-image impacted by others, to become the best they can be by expressing themselves through art, freely and without judgement. My future hopes and dreams are to inspire as many women as I can, to be themselves confidently. Finlay Moore, Year 11

St Mary’s has so many school-based trips as well, such as the New Zealand sports tour and Cambodia servicein-action trip and I was lucky enough to attend both. These trips allowed me to develop as a person and make new friendships. They helped me see the world from a different perspective. Challenges along the way during my schooling journey at St Mary’s have made me set my goals high. Even when I experience a setback, I don’t give up as I know it can only make me stronger and give me even more courage to go back and try again. This has brought the best out in me and made me make the most out of all the great things St Mary’s offers. Hayley Taylor, Senior Boarder, Year 12

Feature: Discovering her Best


A hello, a smile and a bag of Freddos In the lead-up to Year 8 camp during Term 2 we were all nervous. Worried about forgetting something, about getting eaten by sharks, being separated from friends or missing the next “Riverdale” episode. Would our group be OK? Would I embarrass myself completely? Would I be the only one wearing her big brother’s baggy thermals?

Georgia O'Hara

Thankfully, no. All of these worries were soon laid to rest. Our camp group exceeded my expectations. It proved that a group of girls who hardly know each other can become good friends and laugh a lot at ridiculous things. Whether it was attempting the hike or being completely confused with a word game, we saw the funny side of everything. My group was consistently encouraging everyone to do all the activities, even surfing, when the conversation beforehand involved stories of shark attacks to “calm” the nerves. So how did we work so well together? Was it the support we provided or the secret lolly stashes? Maybe everyone just needed to see a grinning face every morning. I didn’t realise how simple it would be to know only three people at the start of camp, but finish knowing twenty. All it took was a hello, a smile and a bag of Freddos! Georgia O’Hara, Year 8 An excellent decision Throughout 2016 when I was in Year 10, I struggled in school. My results were not as good as they could be, and when subject selection came around, I was faced with the question of whether the ATAR or Elevate pathway was best for me. I originally thought the ATAR pathway, as that was the common pathway Ruby O'Meara to choose. However, there was something that continued to draw me back to the Elevate pathway; the hands-on experience, choosing a TAFE course of my own, the multiple work experiences, all seemed to fit my personality better. After a long discussion with my parents and meetings with different school staff, I chose the Elevate pathway, which turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. After having been a part of the Elevate Programme since Year 11, I am now confident in my future and have an idea of what after-school life will be like


Feature: Discovering her Best

for me. The Elevate Programme has allowed me to gain experience in four different workplaces, such as Empire Rose, a fashion design label. Each of my workplaces has made an impact on me by providing the opportunity to network with a variety of different companies and people. Elevate has allowed me to show my strengths by providing real-life experience, which has helped to shape me into the person I am today. Through the Elevate Programme, I have grown on a personal level, and I am now more confident in myself and in the decisions that I will make next year. Choosing this pathway has opened up so many doors and opportunities which I didn’t previously know about. The Elevate pathway has brought out the best in me and has shown me what I can truly achieve. Ruby O’Meara, Year 12 Being my best self This year I moved from another girls’ school to start at St Mary’s at the beginning of Year 10. I was comfortable at my previous school, having many of the same friends that I had throughout primary school. Needing more of a challenge, I researched a number of different schools and was amazed and excited at the opportunities that I could see St Mary’s had to offer.

Olivia Pedretti

I was daunted by the fact that I would have to leave the friends I had had for the past nine years. I never liked initiating conversations and found it difficult to make new friends. I started at St Mary’s with great excitement and some nervousness and found myself talking to other students and making new friends. This was made so much easier by how welcoming everyone was. As the year has gone on I have found my confidence has grown. I can now easily initiate conversations and to my family’s amazement, at a recent careers expo I was often in deep conversations with various exhibitors after initiating the interaction. This change has also been noticeable in the sports that I play. I was always willing to do my job in the team but not be noticed. I now find myself volunteering to be first to try new skills and being comfortable in more leadership positions. St Mary’s always has at least two activities going on and while this can be overwhelming at times, it is preparing me for the hectic world outside my school routine. I came to St Mary’s to be challenged. I have been thoroughly enjoying the challenge of pushing myself academically and in other aspects the school has to offer. Olivia Pedretti, Year 10

Achieving my best Being able to build specific learning skills and strategies are two of the main ideas Learning Support at St Mary’s aims for you as an individual to achieve. Everybody learns differently and we all have different challenges. Without attending Learning Support, it is easy to say that I would not be where I am today academically. Not only have I learnt main school subjects such as Mathematics and English, but I have also learnt about myself and where my strong and weak areas exist. Throughout the years, I have improved my literacy and mathematics. In Learning Support, you are often taught how language works and different frameworks. Apart from this, I have also learnt how to read more efficiently, use essay paragraph frameworks and key spelling rules. After learning these key topics, I am able to apply these skills to future essays and tests. For example, by using reading strategies I am able to pick out specific points in a text, allowing myself more time to answer more questions. All of this helps support my learning and enables me to achieve my best. I have also found that I have learnt more about myself here in Learning Support. Figuring out what my stronger areas are and my more challenging areas, has been really important. After doing this, I then work on building and improving those difficulties. I am able to do this because my learning programme Discovering oneself In July last year, we were fortunate enough to be selected to attend LEAP, a week-long leadership programme held at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Throughout the week we were involved in interactive workshops, small group exercises, celebrity speaker presentations, and mentor sessions, each with unique and engaging ideas to assist us on the journey of discovering our very best self. The programme featured powerful messages around goal setting, networking and the importance of recognising our strengths, whilst thinking about how our actions affect the people around us. Upon returning we had a vision to share our newfound knowledge and couldn’t wait to help other St Mary’s girls discover their best. We aspired to bring the St Mary’s community closer together by nurturing an environment where all students feel supported. Through the support of school staff, we had the opportunity to introduce new initiatives in the St Mary’s community. Some initiatives we have implemented include: � Customised ‘Goal in my Pocket’ cards, which were distributed to girls in Years 10 to 12. On these cards, designed to fit in their blazer pocket, students can write and commit to specific, challenging and achievable goals as a constant reminder that goals can be accomplished through focus and perseverance. � Informative videos and tutorials on some of the effective study applications the LEAP team recommend for students, such as myHomework, SelfControl and MindMeister.

is customised to suit just me. For example, this year the focus of my programme includes writing essays, improving my reading rate and comprehension, and also being able to summarise a text. Again, I am able to apply these skills to my other classes. Cilla Daw In Learning Support, the teachers understand that people work at different paces and have different difficulties; for example, I have dyslexia which is a learning disorder which makes it difficult to process sounds affecting my reading accuracy, spelling and writing. In Learning Support, you are able to receive one on one help when learning something new, then work independently to practise those new skills. Another advantage is that there are only a few students in one class at a time. This allows me to work more efficiently, with little noise and few distractions, enabling me to achieve my utmost. Overall, Learning Support has allowed me to be able to build specific learning skills and strategies to achieve my best as an individual. Most importantly, I have learnt about myself, and these have all been able to be learnt within an amazing learning environment. Cilla Daw, Year 9

� ‘Walk Talks’ within and between year groups, which allow students to have a one-on-one chat with someone they don’t know very well. Every morning at LEAP we did this, which expanded our friendship networks beyond a small circle. � Gratitude cards for Junior and Senior School students, parents and staff, each with a unique and valuable inscription to read whenever anyone needs a ‘boost’. We hope all members of the St Mary’s community cherish these cards. Our goal was to help our peers in a small but powerful way. We hope these initiatives will assist St Mary’s girls in their school life and beyond as they continue to discover wonderful aspects of themselves. Featured above: Holly Reid, Keely Morphett and Madison Bailey, Year 12

Feature: Discovering her Best





How can we get all our girls to discover their best? We encourage them to explore many different experiences, which challenge them and, in many situations, make them step out of their comfort zone. If we don’t allow girls to try new activities, how can we expect them to discover their best? Helen Adams Head of Junior School

R E A C H I N G T H E I R F U L L POTENTIAL Our teachers are passionate about providing an education that ensures all girls have the opportunity to reach their very best. The Academic Centre for Enrichment provides both support and extension opportunities for students. After initial assessments are conducted, results are reviewed and discussed with teachers, and a range of programmes are offered to students in order to address specific needs. OUR GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAMMES Semester 1 has been off to a fantastic start. On Saturday 17 March, a group of six Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed competing in the Have Sum Fun Face-To-Face challenge held at Penrhos College. This exciting maths initiative uses a quiz-night format as students race around the clock to solve four intense rounds of eight challenging off-level problems. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the competition and working with like-minded peers. A group of Year 4 mathematicians have also displayed their strong numeracy skills in a programme at school. The girls have enjoyed solving problems independently and working in a small group to complete relay challenges. A group of Year 2 girls have enjoyed attending QAAC (Questions and Answers Club) and have used critical and creative thinking in order to find solutions to a range of problems. The girls confidently use The Six Thinking Hats and have been introduced to Tony Ryan’s Thinkers’ Keys to analyse and evaluate information and then create something new. By taking part in philosophical discussions, children develop their critical thinking skills and learn about abstract philosophical principles such as fairness, morality and punishment. To become critical thinkers, children must learn what constitutes good reasoning and why it is important. The Year 3 Philosophy Group has been pondering over the nature of meaning and the relationship between language and behaviour.


Feature: Discovering her Best

ABOVE: Joy Mansour discovering her best at St Mary's

A group of Year 5 and 6 students are working hard to finalise their submissions for the Cluedunnit Kids Competition run by the Law Society of WA. Through the use of Edward de Bono’s CoRT (Cognitive Research Trust) Thinking Tools, the students have identified possible offenders and have to present their findings in a creative way to a panel of experts in the legal profession. The girls have benefited from further developing their research, analytical and creative skills as well as teamwork and argumentative skills. Dencker Morrison Academic Centre for Enrichment Teacher



Our physical education lessons this term began with a sustained running session. In the Years 1 to 3 classes, 98% of the girls can now run continually for five minutes after slowly increasing the time over the weeks. The aim was to physically prepare all girls for the Interhouse competition in Term 3, improve overall fitness and encourage our girls to challenge themselves. We are delighted with how they have embraced sustained running. Our Year 2s commented Poppy: I am happy and proud of myself, and it does not matter who wins or comes last because you are still a good runner if you can keep running.
Freya: I feel good about myself because I try my hardest and I made my way through.
Charlotte: I feel so proud of myself because when I first started, I could only do one and half laps and now I can do two laps fast.
Grace: I feel very proud of myself and my class because we work really hard at improving our fitness.
Zoi: When I first started I was worried but now I am really excited because I’m fast.
Scarlett: I feel happy when I run as I feel free.
Chloe: When I first started running I was very tired, but now I’m happy.
Leigh: When I started running I thought I was the slowest but I’ve improved, and I’m one of the fastest.


The “Eating Up Science” lunchtime club is an initiative started in 2017. It is attracting many enthusiastic and budding scientists from the Junior School and numbers keep growing! The club is proving very popular, with as many as 50 to 80 girls eager to learn more about different careers in science and how scientists are discovering their best in the world. Guest speakers have spoken on a wide range of topics including experiments on the Moon, life as a veterinary scientist and the different types of engineering opportunities that are constantly expanding. In Term 1, St Mary’s Old Girl Rebecca Hide (McCracken ’04), an environmental scientist from Eco Logical Australia, gave the girls an insight into her job as an environmental scientist and explained her fieldwork, which includes investigating native plants and wildlife present at a site prior to developments. On another occasion Old Girl, Dr Natalie O’Halloran (’03), described her role as an emergency doctor on the wards at various hospitals around Perth. Mrs Rachael Miller, a current parent in the Junior School and manager of Water Quality, spoke to the girls about experiments to filter water. Rachael’s hands-on experiments were engaging and gave the girls a working knowledge of how the water filtrations systems operate. The Academic Centre for Enrichment teachers are always seeking volunteer scientists in our school community, who may be interested in spending 20 to 30 minutes one lunch time to talk to our girls about an aspect of science and how it is incorporated into their work or leisure. Please contact myself, Mrs Andrea Dingley in the Junior School if you are happy to volunteer your time.

ABOVE: Dr Natalie O’Halloran (’03)

Andrea Dingley Academic Centre for Enrichment Teacher

Feature: Discovering her Best






Over 165 girls participated in 45-minute sessions focusing on digital forensics, cryptography, security and intelligence, marine research, biomechanics, gaming, programming, drone technology, virtual reality, robotics, and more. The STEM classes were designed to establish school, industry and university STEM relationships. This year, ECU has also joined with St Mary’s to support their new and innovative i3 course, to help increase the numbers of girls pursuing STEM courses and careers. i3 (interdisciplinary, intelligence and innovation) is a compulsory course for all Year 10s and aims to improve girls’ confidence in STEM and their capacity to transfer

knowledge, as well as to encourage them to remain engaged in these subjects. In Term 2, Year 10s began a project for i3 with a mentor from ECU and from an industry. The mentors are role models for students, helping them solve problems and guide teams to move forward. Michelle Fitzpatrick, Head of Technology and Enterprise at St Mary’s, met Dr Michelle Ellis, project co-ordinator for DigiTech for Schools and Girls Programming Network at the School of Science, ECU, back in 2016, and they have been working on school STEM initiatives since.


Students and staff begin their odyssey with a trip to S-21 or Toul Sleng Prison followed by Choeung Ek or one of the Killing Fields sites. As grim as this day is, it provides the group with a context for Cambodia’s recent struggles and once they meet the children and staff of the CCF the day is transformed. For the next ten days, the pilgrims from Perth give themselves to teaching, coaching, playing, feeding, clothing, dancing and learning with the amazingly resilient and hope-filled people whose grim lives are being transformed by the gift of education, respect, leadership and love. It has been said that literacy, numeracy and IT skills are the three ways out of poverty and students from well-resourced Australian schools are highly skilled in all three areas. It is important to note that each year, the group raises money for the CCF’s educational programmes and offers gifts of laptops, iPads, books, stationery, toys and a host of other much-appreciated resources. Our girls dig deep to help these children on a journey to discover their best, and in doing so, unveil their own. 16

Feature: Discovering her Best


Students are supporting RMH through two initiatives. The first programme ‘Charli’s Angels’ was started by one of our former students, Charli Oliver (‘17). Each week, six girls spend an hour after school working with the children in the learning centre at RMH. The Bass Family Foundation Learning Centre at RMH keeps students on track with their education during their stay. It brings the children routine and social interaction, helping them through what can be an incredibly confusing and stressful time. The second initiative is the Home for Dinner programme, which invites community groups, friends or family members to prepare and cook a meal for the families staying at RMH. Parents will often return to the house after a long day at the hospital with their child and preparing and cooking a meal may be the last thing on their minds. The house in Nedlands is fitted with a commercial kitchen and a full-time chef to provide professional catering support. They provide the kitchen, food and expert catering, and the Year 11 students provide the support. The girls who participate are encouraged to dress up and decorate the dining room with an exciting theme. Three groups of 15 girls are involved in this programme throughout the year.

INSPIRATIONAL CHILDREN PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW In Year 11, we are given the opportunity to put our names down to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House. Being given the chance to visit the children in the learning centre of the House has been an amazing experience in so many ways. I don’t think it can be said enough how important it is to help other people in order to become a better person yourself. Each week that I go, I get the chance to meet new, incredibly brave kids who manage to find the joy in the little things in life. Being a part of helping them

opens our eyes to seeing the everyday difficulties that they face in doing simple things, like building a castle with blocks or fixing a puzzle. It’s truly inspirational to see the way that these kids are able to work past the obstacles in their lives and it has certainly made me more appreciative of everything I'm able to do that not everyone can, and has made me realise how important it is to help others to be able to do that as well. Asha Srinivasan, Year 11


Girls at St Mary’s have so many fantastic opportunities to discover their best. The University of Melbourne’s Aspiring Scholars Programme is one of those excellent opportunities. The programme enables students to join an Australia-wide online community of like-minded students. They can connect to a group of current University of Melbourne student mentors, who will answer any questions prospective students might have. They gain exclusive access to one of University of Melbourne’s staff during scheduled times each week to ask any admissions and enrolment-related questions. To be accepted into the programme the girls need to complete an online application. They usually only take a maximum of three students per school, but St Mary’s has nine girls accepted into the programme this year! I encourage all girls to look “wide” in terms of their future study options. Even though moving interstate or overseas can be expensive, there are merit scholarships available and many unique degree programmes that might not be available locally. I encourage all girls to always put their hat in the ring. If they don’t succeed, often they will still develop important skills by going through an application process, whether it’s gaining interview practice, meeting mentors or networking, or just completing their resumé and writing a personal statement. Jasmine Iasky Career Advisor

Feature: Discovering her Best



GEORGIA MENZEL (’17) I graduated from St Mary's with a full-time job and study lined up with one of the best companies in Australia, Crown. I achieved this by doing my Year 12 work placement at Crown through the Elevate programme. Elevate prepared me for the world outside of school and offered me so many skills and qualifications. By choosing the Elevate programme at the end of Year 10 I have thanked myself every day as I am currently a full-time Crown employee as an apprentice pastry chef. I knew, as well as many others in this programme, that the ATAR pathway wasn't the only way to get you into your dream job or into university. The Elevate programme gave me many great advantages in starting off in the outside world, having already gained experience and qualifications in my chosen career straight out of school. I am doing Certificate IV in Business as I know this is one of the qualifications I need in order to get to my dream job, which is running my own business. After I finish my apprenticeship at Crown, I would like to travel the world with my trade, to gain even more experience and knowledge about patisserie and running a small business.


OLD GIRLS beyond Elevate

ELYCE JOHNSTON (’08) I chose to take the CareerLink path in Year 12, as attending university was not for me. From the age of 15, I knew that I was going to join the Defence Force and I wanted to have the opportunity to study in a field that would help guide me down my chosen career path. I chose Maritime Studies at Challenger TAFE, which gave me a small insight into maritime life such as environmental laws and even driving a 40 FT tug boat to achieve my Recreational Skipper’s Ticket. Upon completion of the course I was awarded a Certificate II in Maritime Transport and Distribution, which gave me the ability to show the Navy that I was not only interested but also committed to a career in maritime. My chosen course for Structured Workplace Learning was Building Construction and Services. I chose a small business that involved domestic repairs in gas, electrical and air services. Each Tuesday I would get the opportunity to go out on the road with Eddy and attend to house callouts where I would become a trade’s assistant. Through this experience I was able to gain valuable knowledge about both mechanical and electrical appliances, developing skills and techniques that only fuelled my passion to become a marine technician in the Navy. Upon leaving St Mary’s I joined the Navy to begin an apprenticeship as a Marine Technician. In 2013 I achieved my Certificate III in Mechanical Engineering, on successful completion of my trade. Through my sea qualifications of driving the ship I have gained a Certificate III in Maritime Transport and Distribution. After further studies I achieved a Certificate IV in Mechanical Engineering, becoming a qualified diesel mechanic on marine engines and I am currently striving to obtain a diploma in the same field. After nine years’ service in the Navy I have happily achieved everything I set out to do. I plan to continue following my mechanical career path and furthering my knowledge by challenging myself and gaining more experience in different areas.

STUDENTS FOLLOWING ELEVATE ELENA SOMES, YEAR 12 You could say that Barbie dolls received quite the hair treatment when I was younger. Twists after twists, braids after braids. Scrapping the dolls and practising on friends was the time where I discovered that I could combine twists and braids to design flowers and crowns. It was these creative thoughts that inspired and motivated me to practise and develop my skills into my love which I have for hairstyling. In Year 11, St Mary’s gave me the opportunity to begin a traineeship, following my work experience. This allowed me to gain a Certificate II, Salon Assistant. At the commencement of Year 12 I began the Elevate programme. This has enabled me to begin my apprenticeship and to commence my Certificate III. My aim in the next few years is to complete my apprenticeship and achieve a Certificate IV in Hairdressing. I am very grateful for St Mary’s support, allowing me to graduate from Year 12 to the best of my abilities and gain an insight into the workplace.

HELENA SANDERS-PLUMMER, YEAR 12 I chose to follow the Elevate Pathway as I am more of a practical learner and I prefer to learn the hands-on way. Every Tuesday I attend the Fremantle Education Centre where I am completing a Certificate IV in Business. So far, we’ve learnt about arranging and leading business meetings, preparing minutes and agendas, occupational health and safety, making presentations and writing reports. I have already learnt so much about the business industry. It’s so great to be able to learn valuable tasks that will be helpful for the future. This year for work placement, I will be at 6PR with Karl Langdon. Last year I completed my work placements at West TV and at Taurus Productions. I learnt so much about film editing, working with journalists and directors, and what it is like in that industry. Once I finish school, I am hoping to get into the media and television industry, so it was so valuable and eye-opening having experienced working at these two places.

CHANEL YARDLEY, YEAR 12 I spent a considerable amount of time in Year 10 deciding whether I wanted to take the ATAR or Elevate Pathway and concluded that the Elevate Pathway suited my learning style better and I have never looked back. I am more of a hands-on learner which follows more of the Elevate Pathway and choosing this has benefited me significantly. I have been completing my Certificate III in Event Management every Tuesday throughout the year at North Metropolitan TAFE and could not be happier with the course I am doing. This opportunity has broadened my horizons and enlightened me regarding the event world and what goes in to each aspect of this profession. In the future, I plan to study registered nursing at Notre Dame, followed by a postgrad in medicine. Although this is a far way off from event management, I have learnt valuable skills which will aid me in achieving my goals, including social and communication skills, organisational skills and document writing.

students following Elevate


F R O M T H E HEAD GIRL WHAT IS IT LIKE TO BE HEAD GIRL? Being Head Girl is a blessing and a great honour. I feel a sense of pride and responsibility to know that I have been chosen to lead the School. As Head Girl, I aim to represent the School in a positive way, to help others be the best they can be, and to build a strong sense of community and belonging. WHAT IS YOUR BEST MEMORY AT ST MARY’S SO FAR? I have been at St Mary’s since Year 7 and it has given me everything I could wish for: a lovely community, supportive and informative teachers, wonderful friends and an amazing number of exciting opportunities. I am so appreciative of all I am offered on a daily basis at St Mary’s, so I jumped at the chance to give back and be involved in the community service programmes. Helping at Ronald McDonald House has been one of my favourite memories so far. The opportunity to help in the learning centre was eye-opening and very rewarding and has influenced my career aspirations.










Wing Capta Kate Trezise

Tesshara Cross



Lucy Macnaughtan

Rebecca Italiano

Ellen Weiss

Ruby Foley





Chapel Board Andrea Acosta Vargas

Holly Reid



Senior Boarder Skylar Chong

Senior Day Girl

Lauren Brindal

Hayley Taylor

Anne Jovanoski

Ruby Drake



Kallen Otway


Head Girl

Telia Lockwood

Natalie Vogas Georgia Kennedy


Izabella Day


Jorjia Lewis

Georgia Elliott



2018 Prefects

Teale Audas

Sophie Dwyer


Lefroy Captains

Ellie Flintoff



Roisin McNulty

Sherilyn Poon


Sarah Samnakay

Cassie Ryan

Hackett Captains

Clara Nguyen

Grace Rideout

Lucy Long

Rachele Cardaci

Craig Captains

Another favourite memory at St Mary’s was delivering my first official speech as Head Girl. I encouraged all members of the school community to step out of their comfort zone and say ‘Hello’ to the people they encountered around the school, not just to their friends, year level or familiar teachers, but to people they wouldn't normally acknowledge. I have had many girls, staff and



parents say ‘Hello’ to me in person and even through emails. This made me feel so proud as the community listened, worked together and took this small change on board. To me, this reinforced that one small action can make a difference. WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO IN 2018? St Mary’s empowers young women to think creatively, find their passion and strive for excellence. In my role as Head Girl, I aim to build on these values and create a greater sense of belonging. I hope to help each girl feel accepted and valued so she is confident to try new things, step out of her comfort zone and pursue her passion.

MESSAGE TO THE YOUNGER STUDENTS As a senior student, my message to the younger girls would be to embrace all that St Mary’s has on offer. St Mary’s provides so many wonderful opportunities, so don't be afraid to have a go. By trying different things, you will find your passion. Be a good friend and support those around you. Lend a hand, stand up for others and stand up for what you believe in. Be the St Mary’s girl we all strive to be. Embrace and celebrate the achievements of all the members of the school. Smile, laugh, have lots of fun and say ‘Hello’. Ruby Drake Year 12 Head Girl

I am really looking forward to bringing the community together, working with staff and students to build positive relationships, and helping each and every girl ‘discover her best’.






Kara Johnston

D’arcy Cobley Olivia Smith



Brooke Zis



Brittany Yang



Dominique Jeary

Amy Flower

Monique Hyde

Sidney Clarke

Skye Rogers


Kayla Butcher


Wittenoom Captains

Helena Crabb

Niamh Rooney




Mel Smart



Ruby O’Meara

Keely Morphett


Wardle Captains



Yasmin Blaxell



Emily Annand

Grace O’Meehan

Charlie Burton


Shannon Hewitt

Sophie Guinness

Phoebe Blaxill

Madison Darling



Elizabeth Millett



Library Madeleine Scanlon

Drama Lily Fitzgerald



Sophie Podmore

Chapel Day Annabelle Clapé


Janice Leng

Min Coopes

Madison Bailey

and Captains

Riley Captains

"Be the St Mary’s girl we all strive to be."





CONGRATULATIONS) TO THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS Olivia Nolan (Year 10) for being selected to participate in the Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN), leadership camp.

Catherine Pile (Year 10) for being the runner up in the 2018 Simpson Prize Competition for Western Australia.

Alicia Galjaardt (Year 11) for being awarded the Ocean Geographic Young Photographer of the Year.

Phoebe Blaxill (Year 12) for being selected to represent Australia at the 15th International Geography Olympiad being held in Quebec, Canada, in August.

Zoe Starkey (Year 11) for being invited by CSIRO to their marine science symposium, Ningaloo Outlook, held at the new Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre at UWA. Zoe addressed a large group of scientists and spoke passionately about her incredible work experience week in Ningaloo.

Absolutely elated, our Magnificats Choir for winning the Fremantle Eisteddfod Under 15 Choir Recital with a score of 98/100. From left: Hebe Thompson, Kate Parker, Kelly Gallagher, Hannah Logan, Tahlie Hall and Sarah Bond.

Our 2018 Cross Country team for winning the 2018 School Sport WA Cross Country Champion Girls School shield.



FIRST CLASS RESULTS Congratulations to the Class of 2017 on their outstanding academic and workplace learning results. They did the school and themselves proud. This would be one of our strongest classes in the last decade – affirmation of just how very well they did. Some of the highlights are as follows: yy 100% graduation yy Median ATAR 91.45 yy 58. 9% of students with ATARs in the top 10% of the state; 88.3% with ATARs in the top 20% of the state. yy Three General Exhibitions – Arshya Kulkarni, Isobel Crabb and Georgina Richardson, and one Special Exhibition – Holly Zhou. yy Two Course Exhibitions – Arshya Kulkarni (French) and Charli Oliver (Tourism, Hospitality and Events). yy 14 students with an ATAR of 99 or higher. yy 16 Certificates of Excellence, placing girls in the top 0.5% in ATAR examinations. yy 46 Certificates of Distinction and 49 Certificates of Merit. yy Isobel Crabb, Dux of the School – admission to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. yy Arshya Kulkarni - Melbourne University Chancellor’s Scholarship.

yy Hannah Jackson – admission to study at two universities for her undergraduate degree Po Science (France) and Sydney University. yy Michaela Savage - Fogarty Foundation Scholarship to UWA. yy Kira Molloy - John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship to Curtin University. yy Charli Oliver - one of seven students state-wide who was interviewed for the Beazley Medal (VET). Charli was awarded the Exhibition for Hospitality, Tourism and Events and the AustralianSuper Award for Excellence in VET. yy Subjects in the top performing schools included Acounting, AIT, Biology, Chemistry, Drama, Economics, English, Food Science, French, Geography, Italian, Literature, Marine and Maritime Studies, Maths Applications, Maths Methods, Maths Specialist, Media Production, Modern History, PE Studies, Physics, Visual Arts. The tremendous opportunities that have opened up for girls in ATAR and CareerLink/Elevate pathways are exciting. Well done to the girls, their teachers and families. There was a great deal to celebrate at the High Flyers Assembly in February for the Class of 2017. Lynne Thomson Principal



GENERAL EXHIBITION AND SPECIAL AWARD WINNERS ISOBEL CRABB I do not commence my degree at Cambridge until October this year. In January, this left me contemplating how to spend the next nine months. For many, this seems like the perfect opportunity to travel, work on a gap year and tread their own path. However, I decided to take a different approach to my time off. I am staying in Perth this year until I leave for the UK so that I can appreciate the Perth sunshine, the presence of my family, pets and my friends, all of which I will miss when I am away at Cambridge.

TOP: Georgina Richardson, Isobel Crabb and Arshya Kulkarni BOTTOM: Holly Zhou and Charli Oliver

ARSHYA KULKARNI Having left Perth to set up a whole new life in Melbourne, I felt like a baby pigeon set free to flap my wings off into the sunset. When I first arrived at my residential college, Queen’s College, I was extremely overwhelmed by the number of new faces that I saw in just one day. On that first day, I couldn’t imagine ever feeling comfortable or at ease in that environment, but now, only two months later, Queen’s has become home. Starting at the University of Melbourne was yet another challenge I was faced with. There were so many administrative things I had to take care of by myself for the first time ever, like organising my timetable and subject selection and finding my way around the massive campus. 24

Being at home while navigating those first couple of weeks of university would definitely have made the experience a lot easier. However, I firmly stand by my belief that I would not have learnt as much about the importance of independence as I have in these past months. Both university and Year 12 are challenging in terms of workload and selforganisation, but the absence of constant, immediate support from family and friends is what really distinguishes my university experience from my high school experience. For all those in their final year of high school right now, I understand your situation. Year 12 is difficult, and it might not be the highlight of your life; but if you stay focused and work hard, it will present you with incredible opportunities, which will be the highlights of your life. So, give it everything!

General Exhibitions and Special Award Winners

Lots of my time is now spent doing work to prepare for my degree. During the week, I complete catch-up study to be up-to-date with the United Kingdom science syllabuses. At the same time, I am working to earn some money for my time over in the UK. Some of this work includes tutoring at the St Mary’s library and out of school, which is a lovely way to remain in contact with the St Mary’s community. Apart from the work and study, I am also enjoying my new-found time to keep fit and healthy and complete goals that I have not yet achieved. I am currently training for long-distance charity runs and recently, I hiked the Cape to Cape track, which was a tick off the bucket list. On this note, my best piece of advice to the Year 12s is to take some time each day just to focus on your mental and physical health. It does not have to be a lot of time - it could just be an hour. Make sure you spend some time doing some exercise, watch some TV and treat yourself. A clear mind allows you to complete work more efficiently and keeps you happy.

HOLLY ZHOU I am currently studying a Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne. It’s no surprise that studying at university is very different from high school life. If high school is like “caged eggs” because your teachers and parents will always tell you what to do, where to go and when to do it, then university will be “cage free eggs”. Nothing at university is compulsory. You may choose to attend all the lectures and tutorials or none at all. You choose your own lifestyle and make your own decisions. Life after high school is about making decisions for yourself. I chose to move to Melbourne and start the year without knowing anyone in my course. This has pushed me out of my comfort zone and I am lucky enough to have made friends who grew up in different social and cultural backgrounds from me. My experience in Melbourne has been short but I strongly recommend that you challenge yourself and live in a new environment after high school. This is how I have learnt to cook the perfect running egg for breakfast. And also how I found the way to achieve a balance between socialising, studying and living. For the Year 12s, please do not stress out if you have not decided what you want to do with your life. Almost all your decisions about university courses are changeable after your WACE exams and even a few weeks after university starts. You can also use your first semester or first year to transfer courses. Your ATAR score is not life-determining, but a good one will give you more choices and flexibility in the future.

GEORGINA RICHARDSON Moving to Sydney for university has simultaneously been one of the most incredible, and most challenging things I have ever done. Currently, I am studying politics and international relations at The University of Sydney and living off campus at the university village. So far, in my two short months here, I have made the most extraordinary friends who come from all over the world, and I have fallen in love with the rich, vibrant city that is Sydney. I’ve also learnt a lot about independence and how tough it can be living out of home and balancing everything that entails! Having to cook for myself daily, clean, do my washing, socialise and of course, study, can be hard to manage at times, and often I find myself homesick for some food other than pasta and Aldi vegetables! But, even so, I would never want to be anywhere else than where I am right now. I also absolutely love my course (although not my assignments) and how it has opened my eyes to the world, challenging me in ways I could never have imagined. My advice to the current Year 12s is to keep persevering and stay positive, no matter how hard it gets, because before you know it the year will be over, and you will be having the best time of your lives. I’d also say to grasp every opportunity and never be held back by fear. Moving to Sydney, knowing no one here, was undoubtedly the scariest thing I’ve done. But it has turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. Utilise your teachers and all the support you have around you and most importantly, be excited. Each of you has an exciting, unique future waiting for you just around the corner. Good luck!

CHARLI OLIVER Life after St Mary’s has been nothing like I expected. You don’t have bells reminding you to eat, diaries with ‘to do’ sections and supportive teachers to help you when you need. My independence has definitely improved, and I’ve realised the importance of organisation. I’ve loved getting to know new people at university and being around people from all walks of life. However, you don’t have teachers handing out assignments and reminding you to get them in on time - it’s all up to you. Life after St Mary’s has been busier than I could have ever expected. Working between three and five days a week and being at uni two days a week, I have realised how important it is to prioritise tasks and I’ve learnt to better balance my social, work and study life. Not getting to spend recess and lunch with my friends every day has made me really appreciate the close friendships I have and makes spending time together more special. Being away from school has helped me realise how lucky I was to attend such a good school. If I could give some advice to the current Year 12s, I would say take nothing for granted. Appreciate what you have right now, because the year goes so much faster than you think. As much as I loved my time at St Mary’s, I am really enjoying my life after school and I’m looking forward to what the future holds.

General Exhibitions and Special Award Winners



Ella Brockwell-Mole

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Biomedical Science majoring in Medical Sciences Assured pathway to Doctor of Medicine Certificate of Distinction Sara Clarke

University of New South Wales Bachelor of Medicine Certificate of Distinction Isobel Crabb

The University of Cambridge Bachelor of Natural Sciences General Exhibition Certificate of Excellence (Chemistry, English) Certificate of Distinction Lauren Evans

Bond University Double degree - Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting and Marketing Communications Collegiate Excellence Scholarship Bond University Certificate of Distinction Kaley Gleeson

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Philosophy majoring in Engineering and Physics Assured pathway to Engineering Engineering scholarship from UWA Certificate of Distinction


Hannah Jackson

Sciences Po (Paris Institute of Political Studies)/University of Sydney (Dual degree) Bachelor of Arts Studying in France for two years and Sydney for two years. Certificate of Distinction Nisha Jayachitra

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Biomedicine majoring in Medical Sciences and Finance Assured pathway to Doctor of Medicine Certificate of Distinction Siyi (Jessie) Jiang

University of New South Wales Double degree - Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and Bachelor of Commerce Arshya Kulkarni

University of Melbourne Bachelor of Arts majoring in Politics and International Relations with a minor in French Assured pathway to Law Chancellor's Scholarship at the University of Melbourne General Exhibition Certificate of Excellence (French) Certificate of Distinction

General Exhibitions and Special Award Winners

Brooke Maitland

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Biomedical Science majoring in Neuroscience and Engineering Science Assured pathway to Master of Professional Engineering Engineering scholarship from UWA Certificate of Distinction Georgina Richardson

University of Sydney Double degree - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Politics and International Relations majoring in International Relations and Economics General Exhibition Certificate of Excellence (Maths Applications), Certificate of Distinction Zoe Wells

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Science majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience Engineering scholarship from UWA Certificate of Distinction Congrong (Audrey) Zhang

University of Sydney Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of Architecture Certificate of Distinction Hua Yu (Holly) Zhou

University of Melbourne Bachelor of Biomedicine General Exhibition (Special) Certificate of Excellence (Chemistry)


Bayley Anderson

Lily Jooste

Julia Paioff

Sidonia Barwood

Bridget Klemp

Annelise Pring

Curtin University Bachelor of Science majoring in Physiotherapy Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction Curtin University Double degree - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Screen Arts (Arts) and Marketing (Commerce) Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction Aryanne Caminschi

Australian National University Bachelor of Politics majoring in Philosophy and Economics Certificate of Distinction Jessica Cant

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Biomedical Science majoring in Pharmacology and Physiology Certificate of Distinction

Curtin University Double degree - Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction University of Sydney Double degree - Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies majoring in Applied Medical Science and Marketing Dalyell Scholars scheme Certificate of Excellence (Physical Education Studies) Certificate of Distinction Chang (Jacy) Li

University of NSW Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and Commerce majoring in Actuarial Studies and Accounting Emilie Lowe

Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Arts majoring in Writing with a minor in Script Writing ECU Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction

Curtin University Bachelor of Science majoring in Physiotherapy Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction Curtin University Double degree - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce majoring in International Relations and International Business Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction Michaela Savage

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Arts majoring in Architecture Assured pathway to Master of Architecture UWA Fogarty Foundation Scholarship and St Catherine's Residential Scholarship Certificate of Distinction Michelle Seymour

Murdoch University Double degree - Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Certificate of Distinction

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Science majoring in Engineering and Accounting Assured pathway to Master in Professional Engineering UWA Engineering Scholarship St George's Residential College UWA Anglican Scholarship Certificate of Distinction

Tori Millsteed

Isabelle Spencer

Curtin University Bachelor of Arts majoring in Creative Advertising and Graphic Design, and Visualisation and Interactive Media Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction

Kira Molloy

Lily Stocks

Ashleigh Hurford

Ella Moore

Lara Cicchini

Edith Cowan University - WAAPA Bachelor of Arts majoring in Arts Management Certificate of Distinction Abigail D'Sylva

Providence College, Rhode Island, USA Bachelor of Commerce and Pre-Law Full athletic scholarship for a fouryear undergraduate degree Certificate of Excellence (Literature) Certificate of Merit Angelica Garland

Curtin University Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Curtin Principal's Recommendation Award Certificate of Distinction Harriet Jameson

University of Sydney Double degree - Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies majoring in International and Global studies Certificate of Distinction

Scarlett Mavor

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Science majoring in Natural Resource Management, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Certificate of Merit Curtin University Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) majoring in Computing John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship Certificate of Distinction University of Western Australia Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology Certificate of Distinction

University of Western Australia Bachelor of Arts majoring in Law and Society, and Fine Arts Assured pathway to Law (Juris Doctor) Curtin University Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction Jae Yoon (Freya) Sul

Gap Year

Sayalee Tak

Curtin University Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Certificate of Merit Lara Timbrell

Curtin University Bachelor of Science majoring in Biochemistry Curtin Excellence Scholarship Certificate of Distinction

General Exhibitions and Special Award Winners


DESTINATIONS OF THE CLASS OF 2017 CURTIN UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) Bachelor of Agribusiness Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law Bachelor of Health Sciences Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Mass Communications Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Bachelor of Science Diploma of Built Environment (Interior Architecture) Uniready Course

42 1 1 2 4 3 8 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 9

EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Media and Communications Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery Bachelor of Arts (WAAPA) Diploma of Music Industry (Music Artist) (WAAPA) Diploma of Technical Production, Scenery and Props (WAAPA)

9 1 1 1 1 3

MURDOCH UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Crime Science Bachelor of Criminology Bachelor of Science

9 1 1 1 6

OTHER INTERSTATE/INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES Australian Institute of Music Sydney Australian National University (ANU) Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Bond University James Cook University (Townsville, QLD) Monash University University of Cambridge University of Melbourne University of New South Wales

University of Sydney

1 1

1 1

UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Bachelor of Biomedical Science Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Education (Primary) Bachelor of Education (Secondary) and Bachelor of Behavioural Science Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Physiotherapy Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education (Primary) Tertiary Pathway Programme Pre-Medicine Certificate (combined with a Bachelor course above)

27 2 1 2

UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Biomedical Science Bachelor of Philosophy Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts ASSURED PATHWAYS AT UWA Architecture Law Master of Secondary Teaching Master of Professional Engineering Master of Translation Studies Medicine

40 15 7 8 1 8 1 11 1 3 1 3 1 2

Destinations of the Class of 2017


OTHER Gap Year Other/Exchange Working Unknown

28 9 2 13 4

yy Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies Providence University, Rhode Island USA yy Bachelor of Commerce Sciences Po (Paris Institute of Political Studies)/ yy Bachelor of Arts University of Sydney (Dual degree) yy Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Swinburne University yy Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of Whitehouse Institute of Design


1 3




6 6 4

TECHNICAL COLLEGES TAFE yy Certificate III Patisserie yy Certificate IV in Business

yy Bachelor of Entertainment Management yy Bachelor of Politics yy Bachelor of Business yy Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business yy Bachelor of Advanced Science yy Bachelor of Architectural Design yy Bachelor of Health Sciences yy Bachelor of Media Communications yy Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges Honours yy Bachelor of Natural Sciences yy Bachelor of Biomedicine yy Bachelor of Arts yy Bachelor of Actuary and Bachelor of Commerce yy Bachelor of Medicine yy Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Project Management yy Bachelor of Art and Bachelor of Advanced Studies yy Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of Architecture


1 1

24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1



Lynne Thomson and Tina Campbell met with current, past and future families, and Old Girls in Esperance at Taylor St Waters, on Saturday 24 February.

Lynne Thomson and Tina Campbell met with current families for breakfast at ‘The Place’ restaurant at Langham Place, Hong Kong on Sunday 18 March.

L-R: Sue and Simon Stead

NEW PARENTS DINNER All new St Mary’s parents were invited to the school for a special dinner cooked by our Head Chef, Eric Barlette. New Senior School parents came on Monday 7 May, and Tuesday 8 May, and new Junior School parents on Wednesday 9 May. The evenings began with drinks, followed by dinner, where everyone had the opportunity to meet other new parents, staff and members of our Board of Governors. L-R: Joseph and Sandy Chang

L-R: Mervat Girgin and Edward Soloman

L-R: Simon and Emma Withers


L-R: Wai Yung and Brian Pak Huen

On Saturday 12 May, more than 70 mothers visited St Mary’s for the annual Grandes Belles breakfast. It was a beautiful morning where mothers of Old Girls came to maintain friendships and connections with the School, and for our Year 12 mothers, it was a morning to build friendships and maintain them after their daughters graduate.

L-R: Susan Bradbury, Gail Wilton, Gay Hamilton-Prime and Alison Tait

L-R: Sue-Ellen Morphett, Denise Annand and Rebecca Orr

out and About



What a wonderful way to start off the school year - a huge social gathering of parents and teachers, and a massive prize draw! We had a fantastic turnout to our annual Parents’ Society Sundowner early in the year with perfect weather, fabulous food courtesy of Chef Eric, and plenty of enthusiastic attendees!

ABOVE: Elated raffle prize winner, Sonia Addis with Lynne Thomson L-R: Jason and Su-Lyn Chong, and Naima and Tom Blaxell

A highlight of the evening was, of course, the draw of the inaugural Parents’ Society Full Fee Raffle. After a great response to our first ever raffle of this size, we were very excited to announce that the winners were Sonia and Mark Addis, a boarding family who have been part of the St Mary’s school community for many years. Huge congratulations to you all. One of the responsibilities taken very seriously by the committee is the allocation of funds derived from the Parents’ Society levy. With the funds boost from raffle earnings, we have been able to support some amazing initiatives by a number of departments in the school. These included funding the family movie night, creative thinking kits for HASS, a STEM activity awards day, boarding house furniture and art work, a cubby and fort for the Junior School, programmable spheros for the Junior School, and specifically targeted media awareness talks, to name just a few! We would like to thank all our parents for their continued support of all such initiatives through their contributions via the levy and raffle ticket purchases. I am sure you will all agree that the projects and events that are instigated by the dedicated staff at the school, add to a rich learning environment where our girls can discover their very best. Thank you to all the members of our committee for their dedication, hard work and commitment to the School. We always welcome new attendees to any of our meetings, so please come along and be part of our team. With a fabulous first half of the year behind us, we wish the girls, parents and staff all the best for a successful second half of the year. Elizabeth Price President of the Parents' Society


Parents' Society

ABOVE: 2018 Head Girl, Ruby Drake addressing guests


Driving through the school gates at the start of the year we were welcomed with a banner, encouraging us to Scatter the Joy, followed by our Head Girl, Ruby Drake, at assembly, welcoming the girls to experience the joy that just saying ‘Hello’ can bring to the world. The St Mary’s Auxiliary has embraced these messages, spreading the joy and saying hello to our new and current families. Our first community event was our Family Outdoor Movie Night. We combined our strengths with the St Mary’s Parents’ Society, who generously funded the event, providing a free night of entertainment. It was a great occasion; everyone enjoyed the evening and the introduction of food vans was well received. Our Hot Cross Bun Fund-raiser was well supported and I’m sure thoroughly enjoyed over the Easter break. Term 2 started with one of our annual events, the “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea”. The morning was a tremendous success, raising over $1,600 to help those impacted by cancer, through the Cancer Council’s world-class research funding programme, prevention programmes and support services. This year we encouraged more people to hold an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and had Channel Nine’s Weather Presenter and St Mary’s Old Girl, Scherri-Lee Biggs (’07), do four live crosses during the Channel Nine morning show. Following the excitement on TV, we had a guest speaker, Dr Raelene Endersby PhD, Brainchild Fellow, Cohead Brain Tumour Research at the Telethon Kids Institute.

ABOVE: Our wonderful students who helped out during the breakfast filming

During Term 3 we will have two events. Our Sci-tech and pizza night on Friday 27 July will be a fun evening to play with and explore science. Our annual Auxiliary Lunch on Friday 24 August, this year, will be rather special, as it marks our 50th Anniversary, a special time to thank the many families who have volunteered their time over the 50 years to support the St Mary’s community. Along with these events, the Auxiliary co-ordinates Junior School sports carnival cake stalls and family pizza lunches. We support Orientation Days, Grandparents’ Day and Junior School assembly morning teas. A huge thank you to our amazing Class Reps, who organise exciting year group social events throughout the year. Congratulations to Claire Reid (Year 10) and Elliana Flintoff (Year 11) our 2017 Speech Night Memorial Prize recipients. These awards are in honour of former Ladies' Auxiliary Presidents, Marney Penn and Bonnie Barnes, and are awarded to two students in recognition of their service to the School and wider community. I welcome and encourage all parents to attend our meetings when they can. Our meetings are held on the Wednesday in Week 3 and Week 7 of every term. Daina De Mattia President of St Mary’s Auxiliary

ABOVE: Cancer survivor, Cassidy Gangell, being interviewed by Channel Nine’s Scherri-Lee Biggs (’07) during the St Mary’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event

St Mary's Auxiliary



On 8 April we welcomed Old Girls from the Classes of 1939 to 2016 for Old Girls’ Day which included school tours, a chapel service and lunch in The Polson Room. During lunch Jessica Gethin (Walker ’97) hosted a Q&A with Mrs Thomson as she reflected on 21 years as Principal of St Mary’s. It was a candid, entertaining and heart-warming insight into Mrs Thomson’s experience at and thoughts on St Mary’s and girls’ education. The Old Girls’ Association cannot thank Mrs Thomson enough for her dedication and care for a generation of St Mary’s girls. MOLLY RILEY RISE AWARD

It was also with great excitement that we announced the establishment of a new Award for Old Girls – The Molly Riley RISE Award. Molly Walters (Riley ’37, Head Girl) was a tremendous supporter of the Old Girls’ Association and St Mary’s, and an inspirational woman. We are very pleased to be able to honour Molly in this way and support our members. The Award will support Old Girls in their pursuit of the extraordinary. Applications for the Award will open in November of this year. We look forward to receiving many and varied applications. Amy Dawson (Fraser ’94) President of the Old Girls’ Association THE 2018 OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE

President and Board of Governors Membership Officer and Memorabilia Sales Representative Amy Dawson (Fraser ’94) Shelley Civitico (Robson ’73) Vice President Jane Crisp (Cyprian ’81)

Parents’ Society Representative Julie O'Meara (Grose ’81)

Secretary Andrea Sassella (’98)

St Mary's Auxiliary Representative Kristine Gillmore (Headling ’87)

Treasurer and St Mary's Foundation Representative Bree Rosagro (Buxton ’98)

Committee Members Necia Drazevic (Moffet ’87) Christine Hamilton-Prime (’08) Hannah Jago (’07) Julie Martin (Huxtable ’73) Reverend Joyce Polson

Chapel Liaison Margaret Jago (Parker ’72) Events Co-ordinator Katy Keddie (Knowles ’94)


Old Girls' Association President’s Report


Old Girls toured the school, taking in the most recent developments including the Senior School outdoor exercise park and sustainable garden, established thanks to the generosity of the St Mary's community, and also the external renovations to the boarding house. The most common cry was "How lucky are the girls today!" Morning tea in the Old Girls' Foyer of the Lady Wardle Performing Arts Centre was next on the agenda, followed by a very special Chapel Service taken by Reverend Joyce

Polson (Deac). We are not sure whether it was the Chapel Service or the fact that 'Deac' led the service that created the buzz of excitement among the Old Girls. It was just like school days! Over lunch we put our longest reigning Principal, Mrs Lynne Thomson, under the spotlight with a Q&A session about her time at St Mary's. Lynne's responses to our compere and Old Girl, Jessica Gethin's (Walker ’97) questions were from the heart. She spoke candidly about some of the experiences and events that have

shaped her time here, as well as the St Mary's community she is so passionate about. There was laughter, tears and a few 'aha' moments. It was lovely to share the day, especially with our Classes of 1968, 1978 and 1998, who were all celebrating significant milestone anniversaries at the event. We look forward to seeing you all next year for Old Girls' Day 2019 - we have something very exciting planned!

TOP ROW: Left: L-R (Back row): June Pannell (Lindley ’51), Maxine Williams (Duperouzel ’51) and Wilma Lawrence (Wilcox ’50). Front row L-R: Sally Buchanan, Patricia Buchanan (Clark ’49), Barbara Brand (Green ’49) and Ann Woods (Byron ’50). Right: L-R: Katharine Wilson (Pigott ’78), Astrid Fox-Slater (Floan ’78), Jo-Anne Philpott (’78), Stephanie Spencer (Ludkins ’78) and Pip Murdoch (Lefroy ’78). BOTTOM ROW:Left: L-R: Emma Low (Richardson ’00), Karoline Kolman (’00), Emily Poole (’00) and Rachael Young (’00) Right: L-R: Kara Frazer (’98), Bree Rosagro (Buxton ’98), Leah Pearson (’98), Andrea Sassella (’98) and Amy Deublé (McAlinden ’98). OPPOSITE PAGE (T-B): Bronwyn Barnes (Cooper ’84) ringing the bell for Chapel. Amanda Marsh (’90) and Susan Hunter (Park ’91). Jessica Gethin (Walker ’97) putting Mrs Thomson under the spotlight at the Q&A. Jennifer Palmer (Potter ’01) with daughter Tilly and Jessica Liebenberg (Potter ’04) with daughter Sophia. L-R: Reverend Joyce Polson, Diane Porter (Wardle ’60) and Elizabeth Carr AM (’81).

Old Girls' Day




The day started at 10am with a tour of the school guided by Stephanie Neille, the School’s Archivist. The grounds and facilities were impressive, especially when compared to our days of sand and only a couple of buildings. Georgina Wigley (’68) prompted our memories of high school ... how young and innocent we were in our new school, with our new Principal (Mrs Symington), and in the outside world there was new currency; we listened to Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, Johnny Farnham; “Hair” opened on Broadway; the first Big Mac was served, and the jumbo jet introduced; unmarried women could access the pill and our men were fighting in Vietnam. Deaconess (now Reverend) Polson held the chapel service with the same wisdom and humour as when she, and the

new school at Karrinyup, started. Pam Page (Muhling ’68) did the First Reading – afterwards posing on the ‘Eagle Lectern’ that we remember from West Perth. Lunch was fittingly held in The Polson Room which gave us more time to catch up on 50 years of news! How amazing to be served with wine made with grapes from the St Mary’s at Metricup campus! The day was filled with laughter, renewal of friendships and a desire to stay more in touch - Facebook - St Mary’s 68. Perhaps 2021, the School’s 100th year, will be the next opportunity. Helen Parker (’68)



CLASS OF 1978 REUNION Saturday 20 October 2018 Please contact Stephanie Spencer (Ludkins ’78),

CLASS OF 1998 REUNION Saturday 1 December 2018 Please contact Bree Rosagro (Buxton ’98),

CLASS OF 1988 REUNION Saturday 1 September 2018 Please contact Tash Warner (Hancock ’88),

CLASS OF 2008 REUNION Saturday 11 August 2018 Please contact Emma Miller (Hudson ’08),

ST MARY'S AT METRICUP LUNCHEON Friday 14 September 2018 The St Mary's community are invited to a luncheon to celebrate the 10th anniversary of St Mary's at Metricup.


Old Girls’ Events and reunions


To register your details for the above events or to update your details please contact us at

NEW YORK L-R: Claire Flanagan (’04), Morgan Day (’04), Maddie Norton (’08) and Lauren Norton

LONDON L-R: Shaheena Nathani (’09), Ana Forjaz De Brito (’09) and Shivali Patel (’09)

AROUND THE WORLD WITH MRS THOMSON Over the time in which Mrs T has led St Mary’s she has held many reunions for Old Girls who have relocated to different areas around Australia and the world. These events have become an important part of our Old Girl calendar and essential in keeping our Old Girls connected to the School and each other. With this year being Mrs T’s last at St Mary’s it just wouldn’t be right if our Old Girls, who are far away, didn’t get the chance to say their goodbyes to one of our most beloved Principals. During the first half of the year Mrs Thomson has caught up with Old Girls in New York, London, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.

SYDNEY REUNION: L-R: Diana King (’63), Kay Watts (’69), Emeline Newbon (’08), Sara Clarke (’17) and Georgia Sparta (’13)

CANBERRA REUNION F-B: Grace Richardson (Snook ’48), Kelsey Brewer (’10), Rebecca Pearson (’95) and Naomi Dale (’89)

MELBOURNE REUNION L-R: Vicki Neil (Reader ’68) , Dana Hlavacek (’79), Sandra Taylor-Bowman (’71) and Alison Dennison (Roy ’85)

PLEIADES TENNIS TOURNAMENT The Pleiades Tennis Tournament was held on Thursday 5 April, on a glorious autumn day, at Reabold Tennis Club. Hosts Loreto/JTC did a wonderful job of organising and the trophy was won by PLC. St Mary's played very well and finished a tight fourth. The team included: Penny Chellew (Devine ’70), Janie Borrill (Clapin ’80), Jane Crisp (Cyprian ’81), Jan Howieson (Neil ’80), Janine Sadler (Lewis ’70), Jenny O'Halloran (current parent), Ingrid Tilley (Van Straalen ’70) and Andrea Granich (Grace ’68).

Old Girls’ Events and reunions


NEWS F R O M O L D G I R L S Caroline Donaldson (Hassell ’62) has moved to a house very close to the beach in Queensland. Her grandson recently took part in the ANZAC Day march in Townsville for the Airforce Cadets, and her granddaughters marched in Perth, one for the Airforce Cadets and one for the Army Cadets. Caroline is very artistic and creates paper tole pictures which she can make to order.

Wendy Mann (Barr ’63)

Our flying Old Girl, Wendy Mann (Barr ’63), has been awarded the Nancy Bird Walton Memorial Awarded for the most noteworthy contribution to aviation by a woman of Australasia at the recent Australian Women Pilots’ Association awards. She has been flying since 1977 and runs Geraldton Air Charter. Over the years Wendy has clocked up more than 10,000 hours in the air.

Kali Napier’s (’92) debut novel The Secrets at Ocean's Edge was published in January by Hachette Australia and spent three weeks on the Australian fiction bestsellers list. Set in Dongara in 1932, the book tells the story of Ernie and Lily Hass and their daughter Girlie, who abandon their wheat farm during the Great Depression, and escape the secrets of their past to start a new life on the coast. Since leaving St Mary's, Kali has worked as an anthropologist in Bangladesh and in the midwest of WA. She has two children. Now living in Brisbane, Kali is an MPhil candidate in creative writing at the University of Queensland. ABOVE: Kali Napier’s (’92) novel The Secrets at Ocean's Edge

For the past 5 years Katharine Wilson (Pigott ’78) has worked as a visiting teacher of the deaf, having qualified with her Masters of Special Education, majoring in Deaf Education. She is also enjoying living and working in WA’s south west with her husband. They have four almost grown up children and a large golden retriever.

Last October, Hannah Jago (’07) was privileged to be the only female representative from Australia and one of ninety delegates from around the world to be invited to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's International Gold Award Event (IGE) held in Prague, Czech Republic. Hannah completed her Bronze and Silver Awards whilst at Hannah Jago (’07) St Mary’s and completed the Gold Award in 2015 from the Open Award Centre. The IGE is a prestigious leadership conference held every three years in a different country allowing Gold Award holders to meet, and develop teambuilding and leadership skills. The 2017 topic was “Engaging a Younger Generation in our Sustainable Future” and delegates were required to produce a presentation on how the Award could be implemented in the Czech Republic, based on field visits. Hannah’s group visited the Sparta Prague Football Club and Youth Academy and was one of three to each receive a trophy.

Stephanie Gardner (’09) was recently awarded with the ‘7 West Media Award for Excellence in WA’. This award is given to the student with the highest aggregate in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations at Edith Cowan University. Congratulations, Stephanie! ABOVE: Stephanie Gardner (’09) receiving her award from Alastair Mackenzie, Commercial Partnerships Manager, 7 West Media


News from Old Girls

Emilie Lowe (’17)

Philippa Phelps (Sutherland ’95) completed two undergraduate degrees in Human Movement and Podiatry and worked as a full-time podiatrist until the birth of her son, Ivan, in 2015. Whilst on maternity leave she took up painting again (after not touching a brush since TEE Art) and now enjoys a balance between being a mum, podiatrist and artist.

Yumiko Tsutsumi (Nakajima ’05) is currently living in Tokyo with her husband, Toshiya, and their baby boy, Toshihito. Yumiko works for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in their consulting division, specialising in people strategy consulting. She first joined PwC through an internship programme that was introduced to her by her St Mary's accounting teacher, Mr Goh. Yumiko feels that it was the internship opportunity given to her through St Mary's that has had a major impact on her career. ABOVE: Yumiko Tsutsumi (Nakajima ’05) with her family

Erin Bond (’17)

Erin Bond (’17) recently performed as part of the Performing Arts Perspectives. She performed the 2017 Set Solo, as well as her Original Solo Composition. The Perspectives is an important educational event on the annual calendar of Year 11 and 12 students. The works chosen for this event demonstrate the outstanding creativity and diversity of student performance and provide benchmarks of excellence in dance, drama and music for students across WA schools. Well done, Erin!

Congratulations to Emilie Lowe (’17) who recently won the award for “Overall Best Film” in the University category at the My State Film Festival for her Year 12 WACE film Reserved for Judgement. Over 250 students entered, and Emilie was the only winner from Western Australia. Her film was shown at the Theatre Royal in Hobart.

Cassandra Agenson (Mulliner ’05) married Victor Agenson in a beautiful ceremony at the Tradewinds Hotel Fremantle in November last year. Congratulations to them both! L: Cassandra Agenson (Mulliner ’05) with husband, Victor

After graduating from St Mary’s Emma Carter (’16) is proud to say she has had some great success. In 2017, whilst studying Biomedical Science at the University of Notre Dame, she spent some time at Perth Zoo as an intern, working alongside the vets and keepers. Emma was then fortunate enough to travel to Singapore where she spent December and January working fulltime in the Singapore Zoo with the African and Asian animals. Emma’s next adventure begins at the end of September when she will continue her studies at the University of Roehampton in London, where she has been awarded a scholarship to study Zoology. What an adventure she is having! ABOVE: Emma Carter (’16) with some of the residents at Singapore Zoo

BELOW: Hannah and husband Blake with their bridal party which included Old Girls, Jessica Hyams (’13 – 9th from right), Laura-Anne Kessels (’10 – 8th from right), Cassandra Pynes (’10 – 6th from right), Fotini Kailis (’10 – 5th from right). Not in the photo are Annie Kidd (’10) and Emma Thorp (’13)

Jenna Thomas (’11) is living in Sydney where she is a newsreader and reporter for radio station 2GB. Hannah Hyams (’10) graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science in December 2016 and married Blake Beltrand at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Church in Houston, Texas USA with the reception at the Houston Petroleum Club on 14 January 2017. There were seven St Mary’s Old Girls who attended the wedding.

News from Old Girls





LEIGH BARRETT (’85) Leigh has always accepted that to discover your best heart, mind and self you must take the paths that are new and challenging. Since leaving St Mary’s her professional life has presented a myriad of opportunities and challenges but without these she would not be where she is today. It was by pure chance that she fell into heritage work, a chance that has resulted in development of her own heritage consultancy, being awarded a State Heritage Award - High Commendation, and her current position as Executive Director of Heritage Perth. How has discovering your best helped you get you to where you are today? For me, ‘discovering my best’ was about figuring out what my best actually was and accepting that it wasn’t necessarily something I was already doing or already knew how to do. It was about taking opportunities to learn new things and to take new paths and new challenges. My professional life has been quite a zigzag but all the study I’ve done and all the different places I’ve worked, have all culminated in getting me where I am now and being the person/professional I am. I’ll always take opportunities to learn new things. Was there a defining moment when you decided that working with the preservation of heritage was the path you wanted your career to take? I kind of fell into heritage work. I was employed on a casual basis at the City of Bunbury as a town planner, having just had six years off work with my sons. The City wanted to resurrect its Heritage Committee and asked if I wanted to be the Executive Officer for that group. Whilst there was only one correct answer to the question, I do remember saying that I had a history degree, so it could be right up my alley - and it was! I seized the task with both hands and haven’t let go since. My passion for the heritage industry grew rapidly


and I keenly took any opportunity for professional development and education in the field, including two summer schools at the University of Canberra in 2010 and 2011 (Conservation of Traditional Buildings and Cultural Heritage Management) and a Master of Cultural Heritage through Deakin University. What is your fondest memory of your time at St Mary’s? Some photos of our Year 10 camp to Kalbarri have recently surfaced on Facebook. We were camping until we were washed out by the tail end of a cyclone, I think, and ended up spending our last night sleeping in the shearing shed on one of the boarder’s farms. I remember that quite fondly (despite spending one night sleeping upright in the bus because I had a bit of an allergic reaction to something in the tent) but clearly not everyone does because someone else recently commented that she remembered ‘that horrible camp’. I made a return visit to Kalbarri at Easter and apart from the campsite itself I have very few specific memories. Another fond memory is my Year 11 and 12 Italian class. There were only four of us and we became quite a close-knit group. Who has been your biggest influence? I’ve actually had a few people who have been influential from a career perspective. Andrea, who I worked with when I first finished uni, showed me how to be a strong and assertive woman. Eric, who I worked with when we first moved to Bunbury in 1992, encouraged me to broaden my career horizons, and Annette and Annabel were my mentors in the earlier days of my heritage career. What accomplishment are you most proud of? Professionally, I’m proud of the fact that I haven’t been

Discovering Her Best ~ Old Girl Profiles

afraid to try something new and learn new things. I went from administrative work to waterways management and then a sideways step into town planning and then another sideways step into built-heritage management. A few years ago, I was awarded a High Commendation at the State Heritage Awards for ‘contribution to heritage by a professional in the industry’, which was a bit of a buzz. In 2014 I stepped out of my comfort zone to establish my own heritage consultancy, which was quite an accomplishment for me. How would you encourage the current students at St Mary’s to help others to discover their best? Supporting and encouraging each other all the way. I wouldn’t be where I am without the support of so many people along the way. My parents through high school and uni. My boyfriend who typed some of my uni assignments for me because he could type faster and knew how to use a computer. My husband (same guy - I can type faster now though) who has supported me through the career detours, the big career break while I looked after babies, and all the study. They say it takes a village to raise a child but I think this applies to lots of things - not just small children. And I think it’s important to add that this support of each other should continue through life. I’m happy to say that the Class of 1985 continues to provide friendship and support (and 1980s disco fun) in 2018.

In 30 seconds Class of: 1985 Tertiary education: Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma of Business Secretarial Studies, Graduate Diploma Environmental Science (Murdoch), Master of Cultural Heritage (and currently completing a Diploma of Business (Not for Profit Governance). Current role: Executive Director, Heritage Perth. Who would be your dream dinner guest? Philippa Gregory - she writes fabulous historical fiction about the Tudors and I’m a bit of a Tudor fan! Music you are currently listening to? Whatever my sons tell me to!

I stepped out of my comfort zone to establish my own heritage consultancy, which was quite an accomplishment for me.

Favourite subject at school? Accounting in Years 11 and 12. Sum up your experience at St Mary’s in no more than 4 words: Lifelong memories.

Discovering Her Best ~ Old Girl Profiles


NIKKI STAMP (’98) Nikki has taken ‘discovering her best’ to a new level. This determined and hardworking Old Girl has set a new precedent for women in medicine. As one of only 11 female cardiothoracic heart surgeons in Australia, she has continued to defy the odds in a field that is male-dominated. She has continued to discover her best in the quest for better care and positive outcomes for her patients. As an eight-year-old Nikki wanted to be a heart surgeon. She wanted to finish the work of Dr Victor Chang but during high school, medicine wasn’t a career path Nikki looked at. She never thought she had the aptitude for ‘difficult’ subjects like physics and chemistry. Nikki was looking at other careers, but they weren’t what she truly wanted to do. Her father could see this and when he asked, “If you could be anything at all in the world, regardless of marks or prerequisites, what would it be?” she replied, “a doctor”. With perseverance and hard work her dream as an eight-year-old, of being a heart surgeon, has come true.


How has discovering your best helped you get you to where you are today? I entered an incredibly challenging field and being able to rise to the occasion, whether it be career milestones, training position or on a daily basis to get the best for my patients, has been absolutely critical. I know that whatever I do, I have given it my all and I’m really proud of being able to say that. What do you see is the primary challenge for health in WA/Australia? I see two major problems with health. The first is related to the financial aspects of health. We need to spend much more than we actually do in order to have a health system that helps Australians in the future. Unfortunately, that spending is either not enough or it is misguided, tied up in things that aren’t good financial sense. In addition, most developed nations spend as little as 5% of their GDP on prevention and since a large amount of disease is preventable, this just seems like a false economy. I also think that in Australia, we’re particularly cognisant of the way social determinants of health play out, such as race or socioeconomic status, and I’d like to see that addressed more frequently.

Discovering Her Best ~ Old Girl Profiles

With perseverance and hard-work her dream as an eight-year-old, of being a heart surgeon, has come true. What is your fondest memory of your time at St Mary’s?

How would you encourage the current students at St Mary’s to help others to discover their best?

My fondest memory at St Mary’s was probably when I first started. I was absolutely blown away at all the things on offer from sport to music to academia. It was an exciting time; the world was our oyster.

I would say that it’s vital to put in the work and value your learning. But don’t ever stop learning and growing. Keep a curiosity and a fire that makes you want to improve all the time. And of course, make sure you help others along their journey while you’re on yours.

Who has been your biggest influence? My parents are by far and away the biggest influence. They taught me the value of hard work and education and instilled in me the power of self-belief. Plenty of people are willing to tell you why you can’t do something, and I know that if I put the effort in, coupled with believing in myself, this is a powerful combination. What accomplishment are you most proud of? The day I passed my specialist exams, the culmination of nearly a decade of specialist training definitely stands out. There have been so many highlights along the way that I’m proud of, from big things like seeing my book published to smaller things like seeing a patient go home, happy and healthy.

In 30 seconds Class of: 1998 Tertiary education: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours (MBBS) (Hons), Graduate Diploma of Surgical Anatomy (GradDipSurgAnat), Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in Cardiothoracic Surgery. Current role: Cardiothoracic Surgeon at Fiona Stanley Hospital, author of ‘Can You Die of a Broken Heart?’ and presenter for ABC’s Catalyst. Who would be your dream dinner guest? Malala Yousafzai. Music you are currently listening to? A bit of retro 70s and 80s.

Nikki's new book Can You Die of a Broken Heart? is out now!

Favourite subject at school? Human Biology. Sum up your experience at St Mary’s in no more than 4 words: Broad, challenging, eye-opening.

Discovering Her Best ~ Old Girl Profiles


MORGAN DAY (’04) When Morgan reflects on her time at St Mary’s, she thinks of all the extraordinary opportunities that were on offer to students, the incredibly supportive culture and the great friendships that she forged, which have lasted and followed her around the world ever since. St Mary’s is a place that encouraged her to discover her best and tackle any challenges that came her way. Today, Morgan is working in New York with Westpac Banking Corporation as Associate Director Foreign Exchange. Through this role she has travelled extensively across North America, assisting client risk management needs in Foreign Exchange, Interest Rates and Commodities. Her journey from St Mary’s to New York has been fantastic and she firmly believes that every ounce of success she has had can be attributed to the excellent foundations laid at St Mary’s.


How has discovering your best helped you get you to where you are today? For me, St Mary’s gave each of us the confidence to be the best we can be and to be proud of each other’s achievements. This has been something that has assisted me in competitive environments in the finance workplace where I choose to prove my worth through what I achieve and building positive relationships, rather than a competitive mindset. How did St Mary’s help you discover your best heart, mind and self? Values are embedded into the very fabric of St Mary’s and it is not until you leave that you understand how important it has been and that we had such outstanding role models in Mrs Thomson and all the staff, who, through working in a moral and ethical manner, inspired us to strive for the best heart, mind and self.

Discovering Her Best ~ Old Girl Profiles

Having the belief in yourself that through persistence, hard-work, and a little bit of luck, anything is possible.

What is your fondest memory of your time at St Mary’s? I always had the best time on school camps. My favourites were surf camp in Albany and scuba diving in Exmouth with whale sharks. Who has been your biggest influence? My family, because they are non-judgmental inspiring me to be true to myself, and I love being around them. What accomplishment are you most proud of? Living, working and studying in three countries (Australia, United Kingdom and United States). Ringing the bell at the New York stock exchange to celebrate Westpac turning 200 years was also a career highlight! How would you encourage the current students at St Mary’s to discover their best? Having the belief in yourself that through persistence, hard work, and a little bit of luck, anything is possible. I think it is just challenging your own self and having the confidence to reach out and aim for what may seem impossible to achieve at the time.

In 30 seconds Class of: 2004 Tertiary education: Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics Diploma in Stockbroking and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Current role: Associate Director Foreign Exchange, Commodities and Derivatives at Westpac in New York. Who would be your dream dinner guest? Gail Kelly, ex CEO of Westpac Bank. Whilst in that position Gail was considered one of the top ten most powerful women in the world. She is one of the finest innovative and creative thinkers in leadership and culture building, and her focus is on enjoying what she is doing, learning, and, most importantly, putting family first. Music you are currently listening to? I recently saw the Black Keys in Brooklyn. There is always a band playing in New York that you want to see. Favourite subject at school? Marine Science and Economics. Sum up your experience at St Mary’s in no more than 4 words: Lifelong best friends.

Discovering Her Best ~ Old Girl Profiles



ABOVE: Molly, holding Ted, and her sister Joan, talking to a Year 4 class in 2007

LEFT (L-R): The Riley family: Owen and Bishop CL (wearing Hale School blazer), Lucille, Lawrence, Molly and Joan, Bendigo c 1938

At the age of 60 years, the bear from childhood called Ted. She decisions in life are not usually explained that Ted was nearly 100 years concerning which units to old, like herself, and was a ‘treasure’, not choose for your Bachelor of because he had any monetary value, but Arts in Anthropology at the because he was from another time and University of Western Australia. place and had meant so much to her. For Head Girl and Dux of Molly would say, “If only Ted could talk, 1937, Molly Walters (Riley the stories he could tell”. ’37), daughter of the founder Molly’s family generously gifted Ted of the School, Bishop Charles to the School when she passed away in Lawrence Riley, it was a lifelong August of 2017, and he now presides ambition to study. Always clever on his museum stand, watching over and diligent, Molly was willing a display in Administration which to wait. After she left school, commemorates the Riley family and ABOVE: Molly in the 'A Tennis Team' 1936 the Riley family relocated to their extraordinary war service record Victoria for her father to take as Chaplains to the Australian military. up the position as the Bishop of Their war service is particularly poignant this year as Bendigo. World War Two, wartime marriage, children, 2018 marks the centenary of the end of World War living in Africa for her husband’s work - all the duties One. Molly’s grandfather, Archbishop Charles Owen and responsibilities that accompany those stages Leaver Riley, commenced his military service in 1874 in life, were taken very seriously by Molly. Never with the Cambridge University Rifle Volunteers and forgetting her old school, Molly stayed in contact was later Senior Chaplain to the Western Australian with her school friends and the Old Girls’ Association and Australian Military Forces, including during World and contributed to fundraising programmes. In more War One. Molly’s father, Bishop Charles Lawrence recent years she would gather up her sister Jo, [Joan Riley, was also a member of the Cambridge University Skevington (Riley ’42)], and talk to Maree Whiteley’s Rifle Volunteers, Chaplain to the 10th and 15th Light Year 4 classes and later Alison Oldershaw’s Year 3 Horse regiments in World War One and Chaplain classes, about the history of the School, her school General to the AIF in World War Two, holding that days and her father. Molly ensured the continuation position until 1957. of the traditions of St Mary’s and the knowledge of Her brother, Canon Lawrence William Riley, was her father’s legacy, through delightful recounting Chaplain to the AIF in World War Two, continuing his of their family life with the presence of her little


Archival Anecdotes

THE RILEY FAMILY AND ST MARY’S Archbishop Charles Owen Leaver Riley OBE Constituted the Parish of St Mary’s Church of England West Perth 1899 Official Visitor to the School 1921 - 1929 Father of Bishop Charles Lawrence (known as Tom) Riley CBE Hale School Class of 1906 Rector of St Mary’s Church of England West Perth 1921 - 1930 Founder of the School 1921 Inaugural Principal 1921 - 1923 Foundation Teacher 1921 - 1930 Chairman of the Board of Governors 1921 – 1930 Bishop of Bendigo, Victoria 1938 - 1957 President of the Building Fund Appeal for the establishment of the School at Karrinyup 1963 - 1970 Catherine Pauline (known as Pauline) Riley BEM Longest serving Member of the Board of Governors 1932 - 1969 LEFT (L-R): Molly's wedding to Mick Walters, with her mother and father, Lucille and Bishop CL Riley, Bendigo 1941

Chaplaincy until 1974, thereby ending 100 years of military service by the Riley family. They all served with the RSL (Returned and Services League) and contributed to the wellbeing of ex-service personnel and Legacy. The Riley family’s war service record and level of commitment to the community are reflected in the War Service Medals, generously lent by the Army Museum of Western Australia to the School for the display. The Hale School Heritage Centre has also kindly arranged permanent loans of Riley family memorabilia to ensure the Riley Collection could be housed together. The extended Riley family has also contributed significant items for the collection to help broaden its scope of social history. St Mary’s remembers the Riley family with the naming of Riley House in 1940, the Archbishop Riley Prize for Dux of Year 11, the Pauline Riley Foyer in Anne Symington House, Miss Riley’s Prize for Citizenship, the Window of St Mark in the Chapel of St Mary, the Bishop Riley Bequest Society, and now, the Molly Riley RISE Award. Announced recently by the Old Girls’ Association to recognise the qualities and attributes of Molly, and to financially assist an Old Girl who is in the pursuit of the extraordinary, the award stands for RISE Role-model, Inspire, Service and Excellence. If Ted was the treasure, Molly was the gem.

Grandfather of Canon Lawrence William (known as Bill) Riley St Mary's Old Boy 1924 – 1926 Hale School Class of 1934 Honorary Chaplain to the School 1968 - 1971 Member of the Board of Governors 1968 - 1978 Rector of St Mary’s Church of England West Perth 1969 - 1971 Established the Riley Founder’s Bursary 1980 Mary (known as Molly) Walters (Riley ’37) Old Girl 1926 - 1937 Archbishop Riley Prize 1936, Dux and Head Girl 1937 Joan Skevington (Riley ’42) Old Girl 1933 – 1938 Great Grandfather of Michael Walters (Hale School Class of 1967) and Robin Creyke (Walters), children of Molly Walters (Riley ’37) Tim Riley (Hale School Class of 1963), son of Canon Lawrence William Riley Who together established the Riley Collection, with the support of The Hale School Heritage Centre, at The Marlene Carter Heritage Centre in 2018 St Mary’s is enormously grateful for the generous donations and loans from the Walters and Riley families, The Hale School Heritage Centre and the Army Museum of Western Australia. Stephanie Neille Archivist

Archival Anecdotes







25 MARCH 1940 - 12 NOVEMBER 2017

4 AUGUST 1930 – 23 DECEMBER 2017

Ronnie was a boarder from Broomehill and she attended St Mary’s in West Perth between 1953-55. She was a keen sportswoman and particularly enjoyed netball (known then as basketball) and softball, making the A team in ’55.

Joan attended St Mary’s in West Perth between 1945 and 1947 for the final three years of her schooling. According to Joan, she was quite the tomboy and her parents felt that sending her to St Mary’s would be a calming influence! Joan did well at school and was accepted into UWA to study a Bachelor of Arts; however, university was not for her at this time, and she left to work for accountants, CP Bird and Associates. Joan met her husband, Peter, at the Anglican Youth Fellowship and they were married in 1954. Over the next four years, Joan and Peter lived in various towns in WA where Peter worked as a teacher. Joan returned to Perth when Peter began his training to become an Anglican Priest, and joined St Mary’s in 1958 as a house mistress at Craigmore and teacher of physiology and basketball. Peter finished his training after two years and Joan resigned from St Mary’s to join him in Lake Grace, which was his first parish. This led them to volunteering to lead a mission around the farms of Ravensthorpe where they conducted services in barns and shearing sheds for many years. Peter was then awarded a bursary to study in England and they set out by sea. However, Peter tragically died during their journey, and Joan returned to Perth. In the late 1960s, Joan returned to St Mary’s as a house mistress and was part of the move from West Perth to Karrinyup. It was around this time that she completed her degree as well as a Diploma in Social Work, which led to her role of 20 years as Superintendent of Hostels at the Child Welfare Department. Not content with one degree and a diploma, Joan returned to university in the 1980s, where she obtained a History degree. During her retirement she was a well-respected and active member of St Oswald’s Anglican Church. Our condolences to Joan’s sister, Betty (’50).

After leaving school, Ronnie married Geoff and had two children, Julie and David. JULIA MCENTEE (DANNELL ’60) 18 OCTOBER 1942 - 17 NOVEMBER 2017

Julia was the eldest of three sisters who attended St Mary’s for the whole of their schooling - Katrina (’62) and Joan (’63). Her mother, Molly Dannell (Newbery ’35) and aunt, Joan Taylor (Newbery ’30), were also St Mary’s Old Girls. Julia married Ernest and had three sons. She was a dedicated campaign worker for the Liberal Party over many years. CHRISTINE FERGUSON (’68) 16 NOVEMBER 1951 26 SEPTEMBER 2017

Christine attended St Mary’s firstly in Colin Street and then at Karrinyup. After leaving school she attended secretarial college and started her working life in an office. Married in 1971, she and her husband lived in Gove, New Guinea and Sydney before returning to Perth where they opened a seafood restaurant in Sorrento. After Christine divorced, she embarked on a series of interesting jobs. She was an exceptional organiser and these skills were put to good use when working in travel, hospitality and hotel management, with a later move into the real estate industry. Christine continued a lifetime of studies and obtained all certificates required for any position she undertook, including her real estate licence. She also worked at the Office of Births, Deaths and Marriages and later finished her working life at the Office of the Public Trustee. Christine had been looking forward to her retirement and she and long-time friend, Bryan, had been planning to catch up on all the travel that had not been possible during their busy working lives. Christine enjoyed the times she was able to meet her St Mary’s friends for lunches and she attended a number of Old Girl events. Janine Oliver (Ferguson ’62)



AUDREY HARRIS (’68) 28 JUNE 1951 – 14 NOVEMBER 2017

Audrey joined St Mary’s in Year 10 and completed her schooling at St Mary’s in Year 12. She represented the School in swimming, athletics and tennis. Audrey was a member of the Almerta Committee in 1968, which is of particular note as this was the first issue of the School year book (save for the 1954 issue) since 1938! After leaving St Mary’s, Audrey headed to London, where she worked in hospitality before returning to Perth. At her father’s suggestion she then joined her younger brother, Graham, in Bermuda. Bermuda provided employment and was where she met her husband, George, an Austrian. Audrey and George returned to Perth in late 1979. George took up employment at the Mercure Hotel in Perth as Manager and Audrey commenced work at Town and Country Building Society. She took a break from work to have her son, Gordon-Hans (now 31). Audrey continued to work for the Town and Country Building Society in the city, Subiaco and Karrinyup before it was taken over by the ANZ Bank. She worked with the company for 30 years.

On leaving St Mary’s, Chris took a secretarial position in the Anglican diocese office of the Dean of Perth. In 1975 Chris married Paul Kerin, a farmer from Katanning, where she worked in Community Welfare. She and Paul then studied theology, including several years in ministry in the Baptist Church in Eaton near Bunbury. Chris had three children - Tim, Kylie and Brad. When her children were at school Chris followed her passion with music, working in the music department at Wesley College and the Music Theatre Department at ECU. She took a position in 2006 at UWA as the AusAid Liaison Officer where she co-ordinated studies and accommodation and cared for the well-being of international students. Chris moved to Curtin University in 2009 where she held a similar position until 2016. For ten years Chris put in many extra hours advocating for the learning needs of students from third world countries, including travelling to their countries to market the education opportunities available through AusAid. In 2016 Chris began a very private battle with cancer, sadly passing away in January 2017. There were messages at her funeral from students who maintained their friendship with Chris after returning to their home countries, expressing their deep gratitude for her role in their achievements. Pat Filinski (Bird ’70) and Kerry Imhof (Alexander ’70)

Audrey was very family-orientated and a devoted mother to her son. CHRISTINE KERIN (THOMAS ’70) 8 AUGUST 1953 – 24 JANUARY 2017

Chris came from Kalgoorlie to attend St Mary’s as a boarder in 1969 and 1970. In those two years she became involved in all facets of school life, especially tennis, and she received Colours for her efforts. She was a member of the School’s Open Tennis team in both ’69 and ’70 and was selected in the Mursell Team in her first year at the School. Chris was already a competent piano player and continued with music studies during her two-year stay. She had a lifelong love of all things musical including ensuring that all of her children became accomplished musicians.



ST MARY’S ANGLICAN GIRLS’ SCHOOL INCORPORATED 75 Elliott Road Karrinyup Western Australia PO Box 105 Karrinyup WA 6921 TELEPHONE: (08) 9341 9111 FACSIMILE: (08) 9341 9222 WEBSITE: CRICOS Number 00454C




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