Mrs Rebecca Payne, formerly Dean of Students, commenced as Deputy Principal (Students and Wellbeing) at the beginning of Term 2. Rebecca will continue to oversee the School’s wellbeing programs and deputise for the Principal as required.
Mrs Sheevaun Darby, Deputy Principal (Operations), is departing St Mary’s at the end of Term 2 after seven years of loyal commitment to the School. She began her tenure at St Mary’s as Dean of Administration before assuming the role of Deputy Principal (Operations) in 2020. Sheevaun has had a positive influence on many areas of the School and played a pivotal role in managing the impact of the pandemic over the past two years, particularly on our co-curricular programs. She will be missed by the Board, Executive team, staff, students and wider St Mary’s community.
Mrs Brenda Komaromi, formerly Dean of Administration, has received a new title, Dean of Academic Services, which is more reflective of the changed nature of her role. In addition to overseeing the School’s timetable, NAPLAN and OLNA arrangements, parent-teacher interviews, teacher relief and subject selection, Brenda will manage other essential processes relating to the school calendar.
Mrs Sarah Woods commenced as the School’s Acting Director of Philanthropy in March. She arrived at St Mary’s from Penrhos College, where she worked closely with their Foundation and the Penrhos Alumni Association to develop and deliver several strategic philanthropic initiatives and campaigns for the College. Prior to her role at Penrhos, Sarah held the position of Marketing and Campaigns Manager at Scitech for more than 10 years. 22
Congratulations to Mrs Clare Johansen, who was recently appointed as Vice Principal at Perth College. She will commence her new role at the beginning of Term 3 2022. Clare joined St Mary’s in January 2020 as Assistant Head of Department of Science. In October 2020, Clare joined the School Executive as Dean of Community, where she was responsible for overseeing St Mary’s marketing, enrolment and community engagement strategies, and in April 2022 she moved into a broader role as Dean of School Operations. On behalf of everyone at St Mary’s, we wish Clare every success in the next chapter of her career. Long-serving Humanities and Social Sciences teacher, Mr David Cromie, bade farewell to St Mary’s midway through Term 1 upon announcing his retirement from teaching. David was an influential member of the School’s staff for more than 25 years. He served as HASS Head of Department for nine years and Assistant Head of Department for four years. In 2020, David was awarded the Geographical Association of Western Australia (GAWA) Gentilli Memorial Geography Award for excellence in geographical education. On behalf of the entire St Mary’s community, we wish David the very best in retirement.