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SWEET DREAMS ARE MADE OF THIS: Here’s How to Get a Better Night’s Rest
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This According to DeLoach, here are 11 ways you can get deeper and better sleep every night.
Here’s How to Get a Better Night’s Rest
How many hours do you sleep a night? College is a busy time, so some students may suffer from sleep deprivation.
While everyone has their own unique sleep needs, the recommended amount of sleep for people ages 18-25 is between seven to nine hours per night.
The American Sleep Association even reports that 50-70 million US adults have a sleep disorder. They also report that 37 percent of 20-39 year-olds say they have short sleep duration.
Sleep deprivation can cause a host of health issues. According to DeLoach, it can weaken the immune system, meaning you will frequently get ill, as well as increase your risk of developing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
On another note, DeLoach adds that sleep deprivation can also increase mental health problems, particularly anxiety and depression, and even creates anxiety and a feeling of being stressed out. You will have less energy, feel tired constantly and possibly gain weight. The fatigue and problems with concentration and coordination can affect your academic and athletic performances.
Taking naps or “catching up” sleep-wise on the weekends doesn’t work.
“Our brain needs regular sleep of adequate duration to function,” said DeLoach.
Sleeping in and napping sets back your sleep schedule each night, which can lead to insomnia.
Each of these problems can mean the worst for students. The college environment can be incredibly stressful, and losing a scholarship because of poor sleep hygiene could spell disaster for a college career.
So, how can students combat these nasty side effects and get a good night’s sleep?
By Aubrey Brumblow
Avoid excessive daily caffeine intake. This includes avoiding energy drinks and supplements, which have caffeine in them. More than one standard cup of coffee is considered excessive.
Don’t nap excessively during the day. If you nap, set an alarm, so you won’t sleep for more than 30-60 minutes. Don’t nap in the late afternoon.
Exercise at least 150 minutes a week. However, you shouldn’t exercise close to bedtime.
Don’t procrastinate on your studies. Procrastination leads to stress and cramming, which will interfere with your sleep schedule.
Maintain a consistent bedtime routine. By doing the same things in the same order each night, you will teach your brain to recognize the pattern, so that it will begin its “shut-down program” at the right time. As an example routine, you can use the restroom, wash your face, brush your teeth, read one chapter in a book, then turn out the light.
Wake up at the same time and sleep at the same time every day. This includes weekends!
Turn off all electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light they emit stimulates the brain, keeping you alert.
Reading can help, but set a limit. For instance, read one chapter, then turn off the light.
Do not eat within two hours of bedtime.
Do not exercise within two hours of bedtime. The endorphins your body releases while working out can keep you awake.
Keep the room dark.
If you’re still having trouble falling or staying asleep after trying the above tips, follow up with Student Health Services or your primary care medical provider.
For information about Health Services on each campus, see https://auxiliary.georgiasouthern.edu/ healthservices/