Transplant Digest Fall 2017/Winter 2018, Issue No. 23
Shipping Kidneys for Transplant By Lucy Chen, Case Manager
Sometimes, a living kidney donor is a not a match to their friend or family member. The national Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) program makes it possible for transplant to still happen. The program uses a sophisticated computer program to match donor-recipient pairs who are not a match to each other with other donors and recipients to whom they are compatible. The program is Canada wide so that patients and their donors can access a large pool of other donor-recipient pairs to find a match. This means that sometimes the donor or the recipient has to travel very far to a different transplant center for surgery. Having surgery and going through the recovery process in a strange city far from your family and friends can be very stressful. There is also the extra cost of airfare, hotels, and other travel expenses. KPD participants can choose not to travel but this means limiting the pool of potential matches.
In This Issue... Shipping Kidneys for Transplant From the Editor’s Desk Contact Information Creatinine: What is it and What Does it mean? Diabetes Medications and Your Kidney Transplant Kidney Stone and Transplantation Post-Transplant Chat: Wound Care after Kidney Transplantation St. Michael’s Transplant Program Retreat: A Report Transplant Ambassador Program Another Successful Year for High School Outreach Initiative Updates on Research Checkout our new website! Kudos! Save the Date
This summer, we made it possible for a kidney donor to donate to a patient in Vancouver through the KPD program without having to travel all the way there. Our kidney donor had surgery at St. Michael’s which allowed this donor to recover close to home in Toronto. Instead, we sent the kidney on a flight to Vancouver with Air Canada’s Medical Program to reach its new home. Making sure the entire process went without a hitch took months of preparation. The St. Michael’s living donor team worked with our surgeons, operation room nurses, nephrologists, and managers to develop clear step-by-step procedures to ensure the kidney got to its destination safely and as quickly as possible. We also had a lot of help from Trillium Gift of Life, Toronto General Hospital transplant program, Air Canada, and BC Transplant to lend equipment, expertise, and guidance along the way. A special organ cooler must be used to make sure the kidney stays at 0 to 10 degrees Celsius at all times. When transporting an organ for transplant, time is of utmost importance. The shorter the time the kidney spends on ice, the better. A Toronto Police officer was on hand to take the kidney from downtown Toronto to Pearson airport in a record 18 minutes, using sirens to bypass any traffic jams. On the plane, the kidney was safeguarded at all times by the flight captain. Once in Vancouver, an ambulance with sirens sped the kidney to St. Paul’s Hospital to be transplanted into its new home. Continued on page 2
Transplant Digest 1 Fall 2017 / Winter 2018, Issue No. 23