Nursing Advisory Council Report 2015-16

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Nursing Advisory Council Report 2015-16

Tribute to Ella Ferris, Executive Vice President, Programs, Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Health Disciplines Executive On May 30, 2016 members of the Nursing Advisory Council (NAC) paid tribute to Ella on the occasion of her retirement at the end of June 2016. A presentation and messages of thanks and appreciation were conveyed by Sandra D’Angelo (Community Mental Health), Stephanie Munger (Outpatient Mobility), Galina Davydova (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) and Nesa Vijayaratnam, (Heart and Vascular) on behalf of NAC members.

“Thank you for providing thoughtful guidance and inspiring excellence.” Thank you for leading with honour, commitment and integrity.”

Pictures from Nursing Advisory Council presentation to Ella - May 30, 2016

Message from the Nursing Advisory Council co-chairs We have had the privilege of co-chairing St. Michael’s Nursing Advisory Council over the past two years that supports a shared governance approach in professional nursing practice. This means engaging with you, our nursing colleagues, to promote interactive dialogue about ongoing issues, best practices, quality, education, patient safety, regulatory affairs and opportunities that advance nursing practice. We are proud to have both point-of-care nurses and nurse leaders from across the organization who are engaged and active members of Nursing Advisory Council. Members have worked hard with us to communicate relevant messages on many relevant professional practice matters that apply to all nurses and members of interprofessional teams. We trust that you will find the Nursing Advisory Council report an insightful review of accomplishments that instill a sense of pride in what we, as a profession at St. Michael’s continuously aspire to achieve: a high standard of professional practice with the ultimate goal of enhancing nursing care to ensure the delivery of safe, quality care for all. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank current and past members of the Nursing Advisory Council and its subcommittees for their commitment and participation in making meetings interactive and meaningful. At the end of June 2016, Ella Ferris, Executive Vice President, Programs, Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Health Discipline Executive will retire after 43 years of service at St Michael’s Hospital. Ella has served as a member of the Council from 2006-2016. On May 30, 2016 members thanked Ella for her dedication, leadership and support of excellence in nursing practice, education, quality and research. On July 1, 2016, Sonya Canzian will take on the role of Executive Vice-President, Programs, Chief Nursing Executive, and Chief Health Disciplines Executive. In her current role as Program Director, Trauma & Neurosurgery and Mobility, Sonya served as a member of Nursing Advisory Council in 2012-2013. We are delighted for Sonya and look to working with her. This year we will mark the launch of the new Inter-Professional Strategic Plan 2016-2019, Living Inter-Professional Excellence, that will build on the experiences and accomplishments from the inaugural Inter-Professional Strategic Plan in 2013. Thank you to members for their participation in consultations, lunch and listen sessions and the InterProfessional retreat held in April 2016. The Nursing Advisory Council is also supportive of the Corporate Strategic Plan, Education Strategic Plan, People Strategy and important Professional Practice initiatives. We thank all members of the Nursing Advisory Council, sub-committees, the Professional Practice team and all nurses for their commitment to evidence based, quality care that demonstrates excellence in nursing practice.

Your Nursing Advisory Council Co-Chairs, Murray Krock, RN, BScN, MN, Director, Nursing Practice and Education Galina Davydova, RN, Labour and Delivery

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The Nursing Advisory Council Co-Leadership Model The Nursing Advisory Council (NAC) demonstrates shared governance and the advancement of professional nursing practice that promotes excellence in quality patient care.

Co-Leadership model

The NAC is accountable to the Executive Vice President, Programs, Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Health Disciplines Executive through the Professional Practice Executive Committee.

Nursing Advisory Council co-chairs 2014-2016

Nursing Advisory Council is co-led by the Director, Nursing Practice and Education and a Registered Nurse (staff nurse) who: •

Facilitate Nursing Advisory Council meetings

Collaborate with chairs of subcommittees and others stakeholders to set agendas

Ensure timely, efficient communication of Nursing Advisory Council’s business

Director, Nursing Practice & Education Murray Krock

Staff Nurse, Labour and Delivery, Galina Davydova

Nursing Advisory Council Evaluation The Nursing Advisory Council was evaluated by members for the second time in 2015. In comparison with the first evaluation in 2013, the following was identified: •

An 18% increase in the proportion of Nursing Advisory Council members who assigned the council an overall grade of “EXCELLENT” in supporting nursing professional practice and excellence

A 2.5% decrease in the proportion of Nursing Advisory Council members who assigned the council an overall grade of “SATISFACTORY”

Overall Grade for NAC 2013

2015 8%

10.5% 31.6% 57.9%


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Excellent Good





Table of Contents Message from the Nursing Advisory Council co-chairs................................................... 3 Nursing Advisory Council Program Representation ....................................................... 6 My Nursing Intranet Page..................................................................................................... 8 Program Presentations.......................................................................................................... 9 Nursing Advisory Council Subcommittees......................................................................10 Nursing Rounds Subcommittee Update..........................................................................11 Transfer of Accountability Subcommittee Update.........................................................13 Policies, Procedures and Standards Subcommittee Update.........................................17 Self-Regulation Subcommittee Update............................................................................19 Nursing Orientation Subcommittee Update...................................................................21 Healthy Work Environment Subcommittee Update.......................................................22 Nursing Week Subcommittee Update....................................................................................23 2016 Nursing Excellence Awards, Scholarship and Fellowship recipients...................25 Nursing Practice and Education Corporate Initiatives and Collaborations Quality Improvement Initiatives.......................................................................................29 Collaborations......................................................................................................................32 Education...............................................................................................................................33 Professional Development Support..................................................................................34

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Nursing Advisory Council Program Representation Nursing Advisory Council membership and areas of representation. Program Representative

Home Unit/ Area

Area Responsible For

Trauma/ Neuro and Mobility Wendy Legacy, Staff Nurse (current)

Trauma Neuro Intensive Care Unit

Trauma Neuro Intensive Care Unit, TN Inpatient

Stephanie Munger, Staff Nurse (current)

Outpatient Mobility

Inpatient Mobility, Outpatient Mobility

Diabetes Comprehensive Care Program Elizangela Do Rosario, Staff Nurse (current)

Nephrology / Urology Inpatient

Nephrology / Urology Inpatient, Home Dialysis, KCC, Hemodialysis

Meriam Jayoma-Austria, Staff Nurse (current)

Transplant Clinic

Transplant, Kidney Care Center (DCCP Renal Clinics), Diabetes Clinics, Ophthalmology

Heart and Vascular Anne Frye, Staff Nurse (past)


Heart Health Unit & Cardiac Rehab, Electrophysiology Service, Cardiac and Vascular Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Intensive Care Unit

Nesa Vijayaratnam, Staff Nurse (current)

Inpatient Cardiology

Cardiac and Vascular Inpatient Unit, Cardiac Cath Lab, Cardiology-7CVS/7CCS

Perioperative Services Kirsty MacQueen, Staff Nurse (current)


Pre Admission Facility, Post Anaesthetic Care Unit, Surgical Day Care

Kirsten Garcia, Staff Nurse (current)

Operating Room

Operating Room , Post Anesthetic Care Unit

Operating Room

Operating Room , Post Anesthetic Care Unit

Anna Czemiel, Staff Nurse (past)

Specialized Complex Care Sheila Cannon, Staff Nurse (current)

Gastroenterology/ General Surgery/Plastics

Gastroenterology/General Surgery/Plastics, Respirology, IV Services, Endoscopy, Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Victoria McLean, Staff Nurse (current)

Palliative Care Unit

Palliative Care Unit, Specialty Clinics, Breast Center, PCC - HIV Haemophilia, Occupational and Environmental Health

Janet Chong, Staff Nurse (past)

Specialty Clinics

Palliative Care Unit, Specialty Clinics, Breast Center, PCC - HIV Haemophilia, Occupational and Environmental Health

Michelle Maki, Staff Nurse (past)

2 Donnelly Inpatient Unit

2 Donnelly Inpatient Unit , Medical Day Care

Beatriz Rondon, Staff Nurse (current)

2 Donnelly Inpatient Unit

2 Donnelly Inpatient Unit , Medical Day Care

Family Health Team Cathy Wilson , Staff Nurse (past)

Family Practice (FPU)- 61 Queen

61 Queen Street -FPU, St Lawrence - FPU, 80 Bond- FPU, 410 Sherbourne-FPU, St James Town - FPU

Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Women’s Health Centre, Neonatal ICU, Paediatrics Clinic Galina Davydova, Staff Nurse (current)

Galina Davydova, Staff Nurse (current)

Galina Davydova, Staff Nurse (current)

Anna DeMarchi , Clinical Leader Manager (current)

Women’s Health Center-61 Queen

Women’s Health Center-61 Queen, Pediatric Clinic- 61 Queen

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Program Representative

Home Unit/ Area

Area Responsible For

Inner City Health Vivian Iwenofu, Staff Nurse (current)

General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine, Regional Geriatric Program, ACE

Kira Bahinski, Staff Nurse (current)

Emergency Department

Emergency Department

Victoria Govan, Staff Nurse (past)

Emergency Department

Emergency Department

Sandra D’Angelo, Staff Nurse (current)

Community Mental Health

Community Mental Health, WREP, Community Connections, CONTACT, GMHOP, Consult, Steps for Youth Program

Dominic Gascon , Staff Nurse (current)

Inpatient Mental Health

Inpatient Mental Health, Psychiatric Emergency

Corporate / Non-clinical Nursing Areas Katherine Luke, Manager, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory Medicine (current)

Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory Medicine

Diagnostics Laboratory, Medical Imaging, Human Resources, Planning

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Sandeep Gill, Clinical Nurse Specialist (current)

Stroke Team

CNS Group

Chrissy Lefkimmiatis, Clinical Nurse Specialist (current)


CNS Group

Katherine Popovski, Clinical Nurse Specialist (past)

Pain Services

CNS Group

Nurse Practitioner Jenny Pak , Nurse Practitioner-Adult (current)

Trauma/ Neurosurgery

Shirley Bell, Clinical Nurse Educator (current)

General Internal Medicine, Inner City Health Program

Nurse Practitioners

Clinical Nurse Educator Clinical Nurse Educators

Clinical Leader Manger Karen Wannamaker, Clinical Leader Manager (current)


Clinical Leader Managers

Program Director Nancy Read, Program Director (past)

Mental Health Services

Program Directors

Director, Hospital Operations Joyce Rankin, Director, Hospital Operations (current)

Hospital Operations

Directors of Hospital Operations

Patricia Hynes, Director, Hospital Operations (current)

Hospital Operations

Directors of Hospital Operations

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My Nursing Intranet Page: A Nursing Advisory Council Accomplishment The 2013 St Michael’s Hospital Staff Engagement Survey results indicated that nursing staff felt that not enough information reaches their area of work. In 2012/13 the Nursing Advisory Council intranet page was created. The information was relevant to Nursing Advisory Council members and also resonated with their staff nurse colleagues. A Nursing intranet working group was established in 2014 with representation from Nursing Advisory Council, Communications, Professional Practice and clerical staff. A newly revised intranet section called My Nursing was launched during Nursing Week 2015 and is a one stop shop for corporate nursing related information.

Announcing: My Nursing A new intranet section for nurses

We’ve combed the intranet for content and links that are most relevant to nurses and collected them in one place: My Nursing. My Nursing is a portal to:


• Nursing Health and Wellness survey • Nursing education and professional development opportunities • Upcoming and past Nursing Rounds • Nursing Week information • Nursing Advisory Council and subcommittees • Nursing research tools and resources • Clinical systems support (e.g. Soarian)



• An up-to-date contact list for nursing stations and labs

Find My Nursing on the intranet under “A-Z” (it’s under both “Nursing” and “My Nursing”).

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Program Presentations Each month, Nursing Advisory Council members are invited to develop and present a brief presentation on their clinical areas. This introduces NAC members to nursing care, roles and/or activities performed in other clinical areas.


2015 Presenters

2016 Presenters


Specialized Complex Care Janet Chong, Staff Nurse

Inner City Health, General Internal Medicine Vivian Iwenofu, Staff Nurse, and Shirley Bell, Clinical Nurse Educator


Diabetes Complex Care Program, Elizangela DoRosario, Staff Nurse

Diabetes Comprehensive Care, Transplant Program Maureen Connelly on behalf of Meriam Jayoma – Austria


Laboratory Medicine - Yvonne Davis Read on behalf of Katherine Luke, Manager, ONTrac program

Nursing Week Update 2016


Trauma Neurosurgery and MobilityWendy Legacy, Staff Nurse

Trauma Neurosurgery Program Chrisanthi Lefkimmiatis and Wendy Legacy


Nursing Week Update 2015

Inner City Health, Labour and Deliver Galina Davydova


Perioperative Services Kirsty MacQueen, Staff Nurse, PACU


Specialized Complex Care Michelle Maki, 2 Donnelly


Inpatient Mental Health Dominic Gascon


Director, Hospital Operations Joyce Rankin


Specialized Complex Care Program Sheila Cannon, 16 CCN

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Nursing Advisory Council Subcommittees Seven subcommittees report to the Nursing Advisory Council. Each subcommittee has a unique role in ensuring that nursing practice and education is explored and fulfilled to maximum capacity. The work of the subcommittees is reported to Nursing Advisory Council and contributes largely to evidence based practice, education, research, knowledge translation and quality improvement.

Nursing Advisory Council Subcommittees

Chair/ Co-Chairs

Subcommittee Initiatives

Nursing Policy , Procedure and Standards

Gail Wilson, Director Clinical Systems Adoptions

Corporate and program specific policy, procedure and medical directives review

Nursing Rounds

Colleen McNamee, Corporate Nursing Education Leader /Kaleil Mitchell, Project Coordinator, Nursing Practice and Education

Monthly Nursing Rounds Presentations


Cecilia Santiago, Manager, Nursing Practice/ Anne Frye, Staff Nurse, Electrophysiology

Professional Practice Scenario of the Month

Nursing Week planning 

Ashley Skiffington, Professional Practice Leader, Evidence Based Practice/ Marta Sliz, Administrative Coordinator, Nursing Practice and Education

National Nursing Week events

Transfer of Accountability

Cecilia Santiago, Manager, Nursing Practice/ Kirsty MacQueen, Staff Nurse, PACU

Nursing Transfer of Accountability


Colleen McNamee, Corporate Nursing Education Leader

Corporate Nursing Orientation

Healthy Work Environment

Murray Krock, Director, Nursing Practice & Education/Ashley Skiffington, Professional Practice Leader, Evidence Based Practice

Promoting a Healthy Work Environment for nurses at St Michael’s Hospital

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Nursing Rounds Subcommittee Update The Nursing Rounds subcommittee supports the development, delivery and evaluation of Nursing Rounds. Nursing Rounds provides a forum for sharing knowledge and program/unit successes of nurses, students and interprofessional team members as well as an opportunity for reflective practice and professional development. MEMBERSHIP Colleen McNamee, Corporate Nursing Education Leader (co-chair) Kaleil Mitchell, Project Coordinator, Nursing Practice and Education (co-chair) Chrissy Lefkimmiatis, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Trauma Neurosurgery Elizangela Do Rosario, Staff Nurse, Nephrology/ Urology Inpatient Unit Katherine Luke, Manager, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory Medicine Kirsty MacQueen, Staff Nurse, Post Anesthetic Care Unit Kristen Garcia, Staff Nurse, Operating Room Murray Krock, Director Nursing Practice and Education Orla Smith, Director, Nursing/ Clinical Research Anna Cziemel, Staff Nurse, Operating Room (past) January 2015 to April 2016: 860 persons attended Nursing Rounds. Attendees of evaluated each Nursing Rounds. Highlights from the evaluations include: •

Enhanced understanding of interesting projects and programs across the hospital

Enhanced sense of collaboration within the interprofessional team

Better appreciation for the contributions that nursing has made to health care teams and systems





January 2015

Inner City Health Program

Daniel Bois RN, BScN, CPMHN(C), ACRN Sue Hranilovic MN, NP-PHC, ACRN

Primary Health Care: Nursing at the Margins

February 2015

Mobility Program

Lisa Wild, RN(EC), MN Kathryn Chalklin, BA, MHE

Code Hip Quality Improvement in Healthcare

March 2015

Diabetes Comprehensive Care Program

Tammy Richardson, CNS, Diabetes Consult Services Jonathan Fetros, Clinical Leader Manager, Diabetes and Renal Transplant Program Dana Whitham, Case Manager, Diabetes and Renal Transplant Program

Inpatient Diabetes Consult Service

April 2015

Trauma/Neurosurgery Program

Theresa Cook, Nurse Practitioner Melissa Farne, Registered Nurse Linda Lo, Case Manager

CommunicatEDD Expectations

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June 2015

Heart and Vascular Program

Darlene O’Donnell, RN, CICU, Heart & Vascular Program Smoking Cessation Program Coordinator Sandee Westell, RN, BScN, Staff Nurse, Respirology Inpatient Unit and Cystic Fibrosis Clinic

July 2015

Perioperative Services

Kataneh (Kathy) Dadashi, RN Wuyungerile Wuyungerile, RN

Awake Craniotomy: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach

September 2015

Specialized Complex Care

Orla Smith, RN, MN, CNCC(C)

Cognitive Difficulties in Survivors of Critical Illness: What’s delirium got to do with it?

Professional Practice

Responding to your patient’s behaviour: Shifting the culture

Cecilia Santiago, RN, MN; Lori Whelan, BScOT, MHA; Orla Smith RN, MN, PhD; Luwieth Bolt, RN, MN

November 2015

Mental Health

Caring for Disadvantaged Patient Populations in the Community using the Flexible Outreach Collaborative Urban Support (FOCUS) Model

January 2016

Inner City Health

St Michael’s Inaugural International Experience: The Qatar Journey

Anna DeMarchi, RN, MN; Karen Carlyle, NP-Pediatrics, MN; Bernadette Becker, RN

February 2016

Wound Care Team

Lower Extremity Edema and Wounds: What you need to know about standards of care

Laura Teague, MN, NP-Adult, PhD(c); Ann-Marie McLaren, DCh, BSc Pod Med, MCISc-Wound Healing

March 2016

Diabetes Comprehensive Care

Innovative Programs to Increase Living Kidney Donation and Challenges with Public Solicitation for a Living Kidney Donor: A case review

Maureen Connelly, BScN, RN

April 2016

Trauma/Neurosurgery/ Mobility

Geriatric Trauma…it’s not just about the injury

Amanda McFarlan, RN, BA, CAISS

October 2015

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Smoking Cessation – How Can We Help our Patients?

Ryan Hoekstra, RN; Tobi McEvenue, MSW, RSW; Vinh Nguyen, OT

Transfer of Accountability Subcommittee Update The purpose of the Transfer of Accountability (ToA) Subcommittee is to develop, monitor and evaluate a corporate, evidence based approach for nurses to engage in quality patient care transitions and information exchanges at various transition points. The sub-committee supports the identification, implementation, evaluation and sustainability of evidence informed approaches and best practices of patient care transition and information exchange at various transition points. The ToA subcommittee is interprofessional and functions as a community of practice for frontline RNs, Health Disciplines and Professional Practice to discuss topics pertinent to ToA. ToA aligns with the quality agenda of St. Michael’s Hospital on improving patient safety, outcomes and patient centredness. MEMBERSHIP: Cecilia Santiago, Manager, Nursing Practice (Co-chair)

Merle Uglow, Resource Nurse, Inpatient Mobility

Kirsty MacQueen, Staff Nurse, Post Anesthetic Care Unit (Co-chair)

Murray Krock, Director, Nursing Practice and Education

Alexis Vieira, Staff Nurse, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery

Nicole Kirwan, Clinical Leader Manager, Community Mental Health

Beatriz Rondon, Staff Nurse, Oncology/ Hematology/ HIV Inpatient Unit

Sandee Westell, Staff Nurse, Respirology/CF Program

Elizangela Do Rosario, Staff Nurse, Nephrology/ Urology Inpatient Unit

Sarah Sweetman, Staff Nurse, Respirology/CF Program

Sandra D’Angelo, Staff Nurse, Community Mental Health

Grace Fryfogel, Staff Nurse, Cardiology

Sharon Adams, Clinical Nurse Educator, Labour and delivery

Jennifer Hodder, Staff Nurse, Trauma Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit

Sheila Cannon, Staff Nurse, GI/General Surgery/ Plastics

Judy Pararajasingham, Clinical Nurse Educator, Trauma Neurosurgery Juliana Prokec, Staff Nurse, General Internal Medicine (past) Karen Michelsen, Staff Nurse, Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit Katherine Mansfield, Clinical Nurse Educator, GI/ General Surgery/ Plastics Kirsten Garcia, Staff Nurse, Operating Room Lorlee Grace-Icban, Staff Nurse, Respirology/CF Program (past) Maria Aquino, Staff Nurse, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

Shirley Bell, Clinical Nurse Educator, General Internal Medicine Slawomir Zulawnik, Staff Nurse, Palliative Care Smitha Casper-Desouza, Interim Clinical Leader Manager, Orthopedics/Inpatient Mobility Spring Crabbe, Manager, Collaborative Practice and Education Stephanie Hendriks, Staff Nurse, Respirology Clinics Victoria Govan, Staff Nurse, Emergency Department Victoria McLean, Staff Nurse, Palliative Care Zeinab Yusuf, Staff Nurse, Oncology/ Hematology/HIV Inpatient Unit

Marianne Saragosa, Research Coordinator, Nursing Research Melissa Guiyab, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit Melissa McGowan, Research Education Coordinator

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Achievements of Transfer of Accountability Subcommittee

Intershift (shift to shift and break coverage) Transfer of Accountability (ToA) To support sustainability, monthly ToA audits are conducted to evaluate compliance on the four elements of intershift ToA where oncoming and offgoing RNs: 1) conduct ToA at the bedside; 2) engage patient/family; 3) perform safety checks, and 4) use ToA tool to structure information exchange. Data results are analyzed and formally reviewed at the monthly ToA subcommittee meetings. Unit data is also shared on unit CUE dashboards and reviewed with CLMs, Educators and Resource Nurses bi-monthly by Professional Practice. Nursing Practice and Education has developed centralized education on ToA which is offered quarterly to new and returning RNs. The centralized education includes a twenty minute eLearning module and one hour simulation in collaboration with simulation specialists in the Simulation Lab.

Intra-hospital Transfer of Accountability Intrahospital ToA includes the transfer of information processes between patient care areas (both inpatient and outpatient units) or between an inpatient unit and a procedure area or a diagnostic area. In 2015 a literature review was completed along with a hospital-wide survey to determine current state of practice. The ToA subcommittee was involved in the development of intrahospital transfers of adult non-critically ill patients. Critical care units will not be included in the implementation as they have developed and implemented their own unit-to-unit guidelines and processes. The draft guidelines have been reviewed by the following groups: CLM group, Nurse Educator Network (NEN), Health Discipline Advisory Council, Patient Transport Department, Medical Imaging Department and therapeutic procedural groups. Final guidelines and an electronic ToA tool are expected to be adapted by all units once approved.

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ToA Research The research study titled Staff Perceptions of Intra-Hospital Patient Transitions and the Perceived Impact of an Electronic Communication Tool and a Patient Transfer Guideline received REB approval on February 18, 2016 and the study team led by the Manager, Nursing Practice is set to commence.

Interprofessional (IP) Team Approach ToA in the Critical Care Areas Four dyads/teams were supported to attend the Dorothy Wylie Healthcare Leadership Institute in fall 2015 with the goal of implementing IP ToA between OR/PACU, OR/MSICU and ED/TNICU. This has been piloted between the units with some success and work continues. The Critical Care Department Transition in Care Committee is currently evaluating the standardized IP ToA between critical care areas.

Other ongoing ToA Subcommittee initiatives • • • • • •

Emergency Department (ED)/General Internal Medicine ToA Home Dialysis Unit ToA GI/General Surgery/ Plastics & PACU ToA Critical Care Department/OR/PACU/ED ToA (as noted above) ED/Cardiology ToA of patients on telemetry monitoring Ambulatory settings

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ToA Intranet Page The subcommittee has developed a ToA intranet page which will provide a platform for sharing corporate and unit based ToA tools . The ToA intranet page can be found on the SMH intranet page under the Ato Z section under the letter ‘T’.

Collaborative Care Transitions Symposium To provide a forum to share evidence-based practices in improving care transitions among health care centres, the second Collaborative Care Transitions symposium was held on February 19, 2016 with over 40 poster presentations, 21 oral presentations, 2 interactive workshops and a patient/family panel. The symposium was spear headed by Professional Practice (Nursing, Health Disciplines, Nursing Research and representation from medicine). The Project Coordinator, Nursing Practice and Education provided exemplary coordination. The key note speaker was Dr. Paul Stolee, Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo. There were over 160 registrants coming from Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. This year’s symposium obtained accreditation criteria of The College of family Physicians of Canada and was accredited by Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, for up to 6.0 Manipro-MI credits. This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, approved by Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, up to maximum of 6.0 hours. There is a formal, REB approved evaluation of the symposium that is being led by the symposium working group and in collaboration with Nursing Research.

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Policies, Procedures and Standards Subcommittee Update The Policy, Procedures and Standards subcommittee reviews, evaluates, and facilitates the development and revision of clinical nursing policies and procedures related to professional nursing practice. These policies and procedures are evidence based, incorporate research findings and best practices and reflect interdisciplinary collaboration as appropriate. MEMBERSHIP Gail Wilson, Director, Clinical Systems Adoptions (Chair) Cecilia Santiago, Manager, Nursing Practice Colleen McNamee, Corporate Nursing Education Leader Lee Barratt, Clinical Nurse Educator, Emergency Department Shirley Bell, Clinical Nurse Educator, General Internal Medicine Melissa Guiyab, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit Katherine Mansfield, Clinical Nurse Educator, GI/General Surgery/Plastics Linda Pittendreigh, Resource Nurse, IV team Tammy Richardson, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Diabetes

2015: 20 Policies Reviewed •

Escalation of Clinical and Administrative Care Concerns: Communication Guidelines for Staff

Alternatives to the use of Physical Restraints


Administration of Blood Products and Recombinant Clotting Factors

Code Blue

Interactions with Pharmaceutical Representatives

Safe Use of Sample Medications

Vascular and Arterial Sheath Removal with Manual compression

Halo Pin and Vest Care

Aquaphoresis in the CICU

Pass Medications

Use of Patient’s Own Supply of Medication

Self-Medication Program

Temporary Transvenous & Epicardial Pacing in Critical Care

Independent Double Checks and Strategies to Manage High Risk Drugs and Drug Administration Scenarios

Ultra-sound Guided Peripheral IV Catheter Insertion (USGPIVCI)

Power Rated Port-a-Cath Access for CT / MRI Scan (Outpatients)

Intra-Abdominal Pressure Monitoring

Policy for Neurological Assessment Using the Head Injury Record

Policy for the Insertion and Management of External Ventricular Drains (EVDs)

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2015: 3 Medical Directives Reviewed •

Management of Vasovagal Response medical directive – Cath Lab

Medical Directive Infection Control Screening of Pre-operative Cardiac Surgery Patients Admitted to 7CCN

Medical Directive Early removal of indwelling urinary catheters – 14CC

2016: 10 Policies Reviewed •

Obstetrical Triage

Gastroesophageal Balloon Tube for the Management of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Policy

Central Venous Catheter (CVC) for Critical Care

Lumbar Drainage System Management: Advanced Nursing Competency

Care of the Patient with Extracorporial Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

Medication Reconciliation

Insertion, Management and Removal of a Chest Tube Drainage System – Adult

Patient Identification and Same Name Alert Policy

Malignant Hypothermia protocol

Obstetrical Triage

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Self-Regulation Subcommittee Update The Self-Regulation subcommittee monitors the health care and regulatory environment for changes to scope of nursing practice and related competencies that may be integrated into professional nursing practice throughout the organization. Priorities of the subcommittee include: •

Scope of Practice

Quality Assurance

Standards of Practice (College of Nurses of Ontario)

Professional Practice Scenario of the Month

MEMBERSHIP: Cecilia Santiago, Manager, Nursing Practice (co-chair) Melissa Guiyab, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Medical Surgical Intensive Care unit Susan Phillips, Staff Nurse, Emergency Department Shirley Bell, Clinical Nurse Educator, General Internal Medicine Murray Krock, Director, Nursing Practice and Education Tammy Richardson, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Diabetes Catherine Cary, Clinical Leader Manager, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Wendy Legacy, Staff Nurse, Trauma Neuro Intensive Care Unit Shannon Swift, Clinical Nurse Educator, Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit Spring Crabbe, manager, Collaborative Practice, Antoinette Meinders, Clinical Nurse Educator, Informatics Marnee Wilson, Professional Practice Leader, Nurse Practitioners

Members of the College of Nurses of Ontario must renew their membership annually to continue practising as a nurse in Ontario. Renewing your membership involves answering questions about your employment status and areas of practice and education, and paying an annual fee. The Self-Regulation subcommittee and Nursing Practice and Education provides nursing staff with reminders to complete their annual renewal.

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Professional Practice Scenario of the Month Each month the Self-Regulation subcommittee hosts an open forum for nurses to attend join the discussion of topics that are relevant to their nursing practice. The monthly sessions are advertised through email, the Daily Dose and the SMH Intranet events page.


2015 Topics

2016 Topics


Social Media: A reminder about privacy and confidentiality

Nursing accountability during break coverage


Patient Centered Care: “One is One Too Many”

Whose role is it anyway? Nursing in an interprofessional team


Care of the Patient under Police/Corrections Offer Care Part I: Restraints

When there is no cut-and-dried answer: Applying the YODA ethical decision making framework


Care of the Patient under Police/Corrections Officer Care Part II: Privacy & Confidentiality

Moral Distress and Moral Courage in Nursing Practice


Bullying-Lateral Aggression

Using Mobile Communication Devices for Personal Reasons While in the Patient Care Area


That is not my patient


Code Blues: Caring for our Families, Caring for Ourselves


Staff Disagreeing with the Plan of Care for the Patient


When a nurse inappropriately accessed a patient’s personal health information


Culturally Sensitive Care and Celebrating the Holidays

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Nursing Orientation Subcommittee Update The Nursing Orientation subcommittee coordinates the development, delivery and evaluation of the corporate nursing orientation program and supports the development of cross-program mandatory and required orientation and topics. PURPOSE: •

to support orientation that is evidence based, efficient and effective

to identify foundational nursing information needed to support competencies and skills that newly hired nurses need to integrate into their practice to deliver safe, effective, patient care.

MEMBERSHIP: Colleen McNamee, Corporate Nursing Education Leader (Chair) Shirley Bell, Clinical Nurse Educator, General Internal Medicine Meriam Jayoma-Austria, Staff Nurse, Transplant Clinic Elizabeth Butorac, Clinical Leader Manager, Trauma Neuro Intensive Care Unit Murray Krock, Director, Nursing Practice and Education Lee Barratt, Clinical Nurse Educator, Emergency Department Mary Murphy, Clinical Leader Manager, Labour and Delivery & Level 2 Nursery Katherine Mansfield, Clinical Nurse Educator, GI/Gen Surg/Plastics Kaleil Mitchell, Project Coordinator, Nursing Practice and Education There were 154 newly hired nurses who attended Corporate Nursing Orientation between January 2015 and April 2016. Overall the feedback received about the one-day Corporate Nursing Orientation has been positive. Participants have highlighted: •

“Availability of many supports for you as a staff member/ throughout hospital.”

“Main theme that stood out for me was that SMH is a great place to work with many opportunities for growth within.”

The subcommittee plans to: •

Continue evaluating Corporate Nursing Orientation and reviewing results

Review requests for required centralized education sessions/topics

Minor tweaks to the agenda of the one-day Corporate Nursing Orientation based on evaluation feedback

Consider impact of the implementation of new Learning Management System

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Healthy Work Environment Subcommittee Update The Nursing Healthy Work Environment (HWE) subcommittee guides the development, implementation and evaluation of strategies to support a healthy work environment for nurses working at St Michael's. It creates a two year plan that is responsive to the results of employee surveys and specific foci arising out of the Interprofessional Strategic Plan.

MEMBERSHIP: Ashley Skiffington, Professional Practice Leader, Evidence Based Practice (co-chair) Murray Krock, Director, Nursing Practice and Education (co-chair) Natalie Ford, Health, Wellness & Safety Specialist, Corporate Health and Safety Services Mary Copeland, Clinical Leader Manager, Trauma Neurosurgery Inpatient Unit Katherine Luke, Manager, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory Medicine Orla Smith, Director, Nursing/Clinical research Mary Murphy, Clinical Leader Manager, Labour and Delivery & Level 2 Nursery Yvonne Davis-Read, Blood Transfusion Nurse, Diagnostic Lab - Blood Transfusion Services Colleen McNamee, Corporate Nursing Education Leader Dominic Gascon, Staff Nurse, Inpatient Mental Health Charles Collantes, Staff Nurse, Inpatient Mental Health Esther Cho, Staff Nurse, Inpatient Mental Health Nicole Kirwan, Clinical Leader Manager, Community Mental Health Sheila Cannon, Staff Nurse, GI/ General Surgery/Plastics Michelle Endaya, Staff Nurse, Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit Vivian Iwenofu, Staff Nurse, General Internal Medicine The Nursing Healthy Work Environment (HWE) subcommittee established a working group to conduct a nursing health and wellness study as part of the implementation of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice Guideline entitled ‘Preventing and Mitigating Nurse Fatigue in Health Care’. The survey received 400 responses and 12 Clinical Leader/Managers participated in focus groups. The findings from this study will help to inform future health and wellness offerings at SMH.

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Nursing Week Subcommittee Update The Nursing Week Planning Committee is a working group responsible for the successful planning, development, implementation and evaluation of nursing week activities. MEMBERSHIP Ashley Skiffington, Professional Practice Leader, Evidence Based Practice (co-chair) Marta Sliz, Administrative Coordinator, Nursing Practice and Education (co-chair) Lorraine Ciccarelli, Resource Nurse, Acute Pain Service Julie McShane, Research Coordinator Kathy Luke, Manager, Manager, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory Medicine Murray Krock, Director, Nursing Practice and Education Colleen McNamee, Corporate Nursing Education Leader Cecilia Santiago, Manager, Nursing Practice Karen Polansky, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Wound Care Galina Davydova, Staff Nurse, Labour and Delivery Natalie Ford, Health, Wellness & Safety Specialist, Corporate Health and Safety Services Elizabeth Datars-Shkolnik, Staff Nurse, Operating Room Cristina Cetin, Staff Nurse, Cardiology Angie Johnson, ONA Representative

Nursing Week 2016 Highlights Nursing Week was celebrated at St. Michael’s Hospital from May 9th to May 13th . The subcommittee hosted a number of popular activities, such as the breakfast and kickoff events, Best Practice Guideline sustainability poster walk and Nursing Research Showcase, which hundreds of nurses and their colleagues attended. Nursing Week 2016 marked a special week for St. Michael’s nursing. In addition to the annual festivities celebrating nursing research, education and best practice, it was also the final Nursing Week for two leaders and advocates for nurses: Ella Ferris, Executive Vice President, Programs, Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Health Disciplines Executive and Dr. Patricia Houston, Vice President Education. At the end of June, Ella will be retiring and Dr. Houston will move onto her new role as Vice-Dean, MD Program in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

Nursing Week Kickoff Event The annual breakfast event was held on May 9th from 7 am to 9 am. Nurses at the breakfast were able to enjoy the musical styling of singer Laura Fernandez, saxophonist Michael Massaro and pianist Don Naduriak. The Nursing Week Kickoff celebration key note address was provided by Dr. Janice Waddell, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Community Services and Associate Professor at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing at Ryerson University. Dr. Waddell’s address, Reclaiming Your Resilience: Balance Forward” was well received by everyone who attended.

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Nursing Week Best Practice Guidelines Sustainability Poster Gallery Walk Since 2012, St. Michael’s Hospital has been designated a Best Practice Spotlight Organization from the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) for implementing RNAO best practice guidelines (BPGs). To date, St. Michael’s has implemented 29 RNAO BPGs, and this year 35 BPG Nurse Champions led 26 initiatives to sustain and spread these BPGs. St. Michael’s nursing also celebrated being re-designated as a BPSO for another two years (2016 – 2018) during Nursing Week. Irmajean Bajnok, Director of RNAO’s International Affairs and Best Practice Guidelines Programs, called St. Michael’s nursing an exemplary BPSO model for other organizations.

Nursing Week Art showcase This was the second year for the Art Showcase which promotes nurse health and wellness by expressing creativity. The showcase featured pieces such as paintings, photographs, handmade plates and bowls and quilts, created by current and former nurses. And as an added bonus, there was a canvas for viewers to paint on as they walked through the exhibit.

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2016 Nursing Excellence Awards, Scholarship and Fellowship recipients Nursing Excellence Award Recipients

Culture of Caring award recipient: Jo Hoeflok, nurse practitioner, Gastro/GI, Plastics, Specialized Complex Care

Culture of Discovery Award recipient: Katherine Mansfield, Clinical Nurse Educator, GI/Gen Surg/Plastics

Healthy Work Environment Award recipient: Elizabeth Butorac, CLM, Trauma Neuro ICU

Innovation in Nursing recipient: Zhenxiu Cheng, RN, Medical Day Care

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Clinical Scholarship Award recipient: Lee Ringer, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Regional Geriatric Program

Chuckie Shevlen Scholarship recipient: Alexandra Blight, RN, Trauma Neuro ICU

Mehramat and Satwant Gill Nursing Scholarship

The Mehramat and Satwant Gill Nursing Scholarship recipient: Laura Teague, Nurse Practitioner Adult, Wound Care Team, Trauma/Neurosurgery/Mobility, Mobility Program

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Theresa Ann Ford Awards (New in 2016) The Theresa Ann Ford Awards were established by Mary Ford in honour of her late sister, Theresa Ann Ford, who received her diploma from St. Michel’s Hospital in 1955 and later the Director of the Registered Nursing Assistance Program at St. Michael’s, among her other career accomplishments. This award category recognizes nurses who have been preceptors and have demonstrated excellence in their role of supporting the learning and transition of nursing students and new nurses.

Theresa Ann Ford Preceptorship Award (nurse practitioner student) recipient: Marnee Wilson, Nurse Practitioner, Heart and Vascular Program

Theresa Ann Ford Preceptorship Award (undergraduate student) recipient: Emily Kennedy, RN, Cardiovascular Surgery

Theresa Ann Ford Preceptorship Award (newly hired nurse) recipient: Elizangela Do Rosario, RN, Nephrology/Urology

Theresa Ann Ford Annual Clinical Nurse Educator Award Recipient: Catherine Bishop, Clinical Nurse Educator, Level II, NICU

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2016 Ruth Daniel Graduate Nursing Education Fellowship recipients

List of recipients in alphabetical order: 1. Alexandra Blight, Staff Nurse, Trauma/Neurosurgery Inpatient Unit 2. Alexandra Roll, Nurse Practitioner, Primary Health Care, Multiple Sclerosis Clinic 3. Denise Ouellette, Clinical Nurse Educator, Trauma & Neurosurgery ICU 4. Elyse Braganza, Nurse Practitioner Adult, Trauma/Neurosurgery Inpatient Unit 5. Jacqueline Little, Case Manager, Cardiac/Vascular Surgery, Heart and Vascular Program 6. Judy Pararajasingham, Clinical Nurse Educator Trauma & Neurosurgery 7. Julie Seemangal, Nurse Practitioner-Adult, Respirology/CF Program 8. Karina Shalvaradjian, Staff Nurse, Mental Health Acute Care 9. Kayleigh Faulkner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Trauma & Neurosurgery ICU 10. Laura Teague, Nurse Practitioner Adult, Wound Care Team 11. Lindsay Wrong, Staff Nurse, Trauma & Neurosurgery Inpatient Unit 12. Naomi Cechetto, Staff Nurse, Emergency Department 13. Orla Smith, Director, Nursing/ Clinical Research 14. Rebecca Blaguski, Staff Nurse, Trauma & Neurosurgery Inpatient Unit 15. Tammy Richardson, Clinical Nurse Specialist Diabetes Clinics, DCC Program 16. Vasuki Paramalingham, Clinical Nurse Educator Trauma & Neurosurgery ICU 17. Wen Ya (Lory) Lee, Staff Nurse, Trauma & Neurosurgery Inpatient Unit

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Nursing Practice and Education Corporate Initiatives and Collaborations Quality Improvement Initiatives Best Practice Spotlight Organization Designation St. Michael’s launched its three-year Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) candidacy with the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) in 2009. The BPSO designation was achieved in spring 2012 after successfully implementing and evaluating 17 RNAO BPGs. Since then, a total of 29 RNAO BPGs have been implemented. In May 2016, the RNAO reconfirmed the hospital’s BPSO Designation for 2016 – 2018, and is eligible to continue in the program. Nursing Practice and Education continues to work with local teams (e.g., CLMs, BPSO nurse champions) to support BPG implementation, evaluation and sustainability activities. In 2015/2016 Nursing Practice and Education supported BPG implementation, evaluation and sustainability activities across the organization by: •

Offering 4-hour monthly BPG Sustainability Communities of Practice (CoPs) meetings

Supporting over 35 RN BPG Champions to implement 25 BPG initiatives across 21 different clinical care areas

Assigning a mentor from Nursing Practice and Education to each BPG champion in addition to their local unit mentors to provide one on one coaching throughout the course of implementing their BPG initiatives

The Client Centred Care, Professionalism in Nursing and Establishing Therapeutic Relationships BPGs has been sustained through the standardization of the RN to RN shift to shift/break, Transfer of Accountability (ToA). There has been the sustainability and spread of the BPG Falls Prevention (Preventing Falls is SIMPLE) to the Emergency Department (ED) and outpatient/ambulatory care clinics. There has been the spread of the Women Abuse Screening BPG from the ED to an inpatient unit and outpatient clinic.

Preventing Falls is SIMPLE Program The falls prevention program was implemented across all medical/surgical inpatient care units in 2012. In 2014 the program underwent an extensive evaluation that was led by Professional Practice and included representation from Quality, Decision Support and Medicine. A Falls Steering Committee was established in 2015 and continues to be led by the Directors of Nursing Practice and Education and Health Disciplines Practice and Education. Membership in the committee includes: Quality, Nursing, Health Disciplines, Pharmacy, Clinical Informatics and Decision Support.

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The work of the Falls Steering Committee is aligned with the hospital’s 2015/16 Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) and Interprofessional Strategic Plan (ISP). Three successful work streams were developed with the following accomplishments in 2015: •

Standardized Falls with harm review template was created

Changes to Soarian have been implemented and evaluated with noted unintended consequence of decrease in SIMPLE completion.

14CC participated in a Quality Improvement Fellowship focusing on falls prevention and implemented overnight intentional rounding with success and decreased falls rate by 17% overall.

ED developed and implemented a falls risk screening tool and prevention program based on review of falls data, current state and literature.

Managing Responsive Behaviors At St. Michael’s Hospital (SMH), little was known about responsive behaviours in our patients or about existing individual and team capacity to identify and manage these behaviours. To generate the data necessary to achieve the mandate of the Managing Responsive Behaviours (MRB) working group, the group conducted the Prospective, Observational Study of Constant Monitoring Practices in an Acute Care Setting (PRO-CON) study. Part of the study is an exploration of the experiences of nurses, health disciplines and clinical assistants in managing responsive behaviours. Qualitative results indicated that most staff identified a need for additional education to better care for the unique needs of this patient population. Findings from the literature and the PRO-CON study informed the development of the 4-hour workshop for SMH staff. This education was piloted with the interprofessional team on General Internal Medicine between November and December 2015. Evaluating the impact of the education curriculum on staff knowledge, self-efficacy and interprofessional collaboration in managing responsive behaviours and sustainable practice changes as a result of the education was facilitated by the $5000 research grant from the Interprofessional Practice Based Research in August 2015. To expand the MRB education to other units, the Professional Practice Department is currently working with 9CC team to tailor the MRB workshop for the Trauma/Neurosurgery patient population and unit, with a target launch for intensive education delivery in September 2016. The MRB work at SMH aligns with the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN) Senior Friendly Hospital Community of Practice’s focus on MRB. Two work streams were formed to develop and implement MRB initiatives: Constant Care and Person-Centred Language Taxonomy. SMH is well represented in these two work streams with the Manager of Nursing Practice chairing the Constant Care Group. Concurrently, representatives from the MRB working group were accepted into the fellowship- Senior Friendly ACTION (Accelerating Change Together in Ontario) Program - Cohort 1 Advanced Leadership training program in 2015 and participation is running from April 2015 to January 2017. The group’s QI initiative is on MRB and leveraging the works in the research study to meet the deliverables. Audit cycles for My Story and MRB Collaborative Care Plan completion commenced in February 2016. PDSA cycles are in progress for tool and process refinements.

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Constant Care Guidelines In March 2016 TAHSNp Chief Nurse Executives (CNEs) were requested to meet with their organization’s representatives to review constant care work; determine local stakeholder engagement and to support processes for eventually facilitating the adoption of a common framework for constant care. The Manager, Nursing Practice co-chairs the TAHSNp Constant Care Working Group. In March 2016, the Manager, Nursing Practice engaged Program Directors, Clinical Leader Managers, Clinical Nurse Educators/Resource Nurses and charge nurses and Professional Practice to review draft guidelines for constant care from TAHSNp and also to attend in-house focus groups. On April 1, 2016 feedback from stakeholder engagement was reviewed at TAHSN. On June 3, 2016 TAHSNp approved the constant care guidelines. Going forward, TAHSNp organizations will work toward customizing the constant care guidelines so that they are organization specific. The TAHSNp Constant Care Working Group shared tools that would assist in the eventual implementation of guidelines. The tools under discussion at this time include: decision-making algorithm, documentation tools and education modules/programs.

Late Career Nurse Initiative The Late Career Nurse Initiative (LCNI) began in 2004, and is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC). It is intended to encourage nurses 55 years of age and older to remain in the workforce longer by providing them the opportunity to step away from bedside and to engage in meaningful opportunities that otherwise, would go unrecognized. The retention of LCNs through this opportunity enriches the quality of patient care along with other nursing opportunities across the hospital. This year (2015 – 2016) marks the third year St. Michael’s has supported a number of LCNs to participate in the LCNI, entitled Expert Nurses Creating a Healthier Work Environment. The hospital’s program was designed by the Professional Practice Leader, Evidence Based Practice and includes 12 workshops starting in approximately November of each year and ending in March. The workshop topics range from managing conflict, supporting health team dynamics to health and wellness. The program is designed for participants to refine existing skills and develop new skills that can be directly applied to participants’ local clinical areas to promote a healthy work environment. Nursing Professional Practice formally evaluated the newly designed LCNI, Expert Nurses Creating a Healthier Work Environment initiative for 2013/14 and 2014/15 cohorts.

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Nursing Practice and Education Corporate Initiatives and Collaborations Collaborations Interprofessional Strategic Plan The inaugural Interprofessional Strategic Plan (ISP) was launched in 2013 and planning for the new three year ISP was undertaken in fall 2015 and going into 2016. Work to date has included hospital wide presentations on accomplishments and focus groups that led to a half day retreat held in April 2016. The new three year ISP is drafted and undergoing review.

Interprofessional Collaborative Competency Framework This past year the Interprofessional Competency (IPCC) Working Group completed the validation testing of the IPCC Framework and Toolkit. Based on validation testing, the Framework will be embedded into nurses and health disciplines (HDs) Performance Appraisal (PA) process and the Toolkit was streamlined to resemble the existing PA resources. A pilot test is now underway with Specialized Complex Care for the integration of the Framework and Toolkit into the existing PA process for nurses and HDs. Research Ethics Board approval has been received to formally evaluate the process and framework in PAs.

Senior Friendly Hospital Initiative Nursing Practice and Education supports the Senior Friendly Hospital Initiative through alignment of Professional Practice initiatives and actively participating in the Senior Friendly Steering Committee (e.g., Falls, Delirium, Managing Responsive Behaviors, best practice guidelines etc.). Nursing Practice and Education worked collaboratively and supported the Senior Friendly lead to plan for and carry out Nursing Improving Care for Health system Elders (NICHE) and Geriatric Institutional Assessment Profile (GIAP).

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Nursing Practice and Education Corporate Initiatives Education Monthly Corporate Nursing Education •

Corporate Nursing Orientation

Centralized Preventing Falls is SIMPLE education

Centralized Prevention of Delirium education

RN to RN, Shift to Shift Bedside Transfer of Accountability

Nursing Rounds

Nursing Advisory Council Professional Practice Scenario of the Month

Nursing Preceptorship workshop

Embracing Cultural Diversity in Healthcare

New Graduates Thriving in the Workplace

Nursing Preceptorship Workshop As preceptors, nurses support the transition and integration of new nurses and nursing students into the organization and practice setting. This workshop prepares nurses with the knowledge and skills necessary for them to function effectively in a preceptor role. This workshop is intended for experienced preceptors, new preceptors, or those nurses who are considering becoming preceptors. This workshop format includes both interactive didactic and learning activities that will focus on evidence based preceptorship theory, the application of adult learning styles and principles, fostering critical thinking, providing effective feedback, conflict resolution strategies and evaluating the preceptorship experience. In 2014 Nursing Practice and Education collaborated with the College of Nurses of Ontario and presented, “Supporting Learners: Regulatory and an Acute Care Practice Perspectives”. The 2016 Theresa Ann Ford Preceptorship awards highlighted the dedication commitment of many nurses in precpetorship.

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Nursing Practice and Education Corporate Initiatives and Collaborations Professional Development Support Nursing Excellence Grant The St. Michael’s Nursing Excellence Grant reports through the Executive Vice President, Programs, Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Health Disciplines Executive and fosters an environment of professional growth and academic achievement of nurses. The grant provides financial support for oral/poster presentations at national and international conferences. To provide financial support for University visiting lectures by nurses both nationally and internationally. Nursing Excellence Grant Recipients 2015 /16


Unit/ Area

Conference Name


Presentation title

Presentation type

Jodi Den Bok

Staff Nurse

Trauma Neuro Surgery

Trauma Association of Canada Conference

Calgary, Alberta

Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Trauma Transitions of Care from Emergency to Intensive Care Nursing


Bertha Hughes

Nurse Practitioner

Cardiac & Vascular Surgery

Society of Vascular Nursing

Las Vegas, Nevada

Spontaneous Arterial Rupture: A Complex Vascular Emergency


Staff Nurse

Emergency Department

CAEP Conference

Edmonton, Alberta

Disaster befalls: Optimizing our Emergency Department’s preparedness for mass disaster


Emily Kennedy

Staff Nurse

Cardiac & Vascular Surgery

15 Annual Vascular Nursing Conference

Victoria, B.C.

The adaptation and implementation of anklebrachial index (ABI) used in routine screening and early detection of peripheral vascular disease.


Norma Ferrer-Pilarta

Staff Nurse


Dynamics 2015

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Therapeutic Hypothermia: Is It Still Cool?


Arshia Najikhoie

Staff Nurse


Dynamics 2015 Conference

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Simulation: Expect the Unexpected



Candis Kokoski

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Karen Wannamaker

Eliane Stockler Leite

Sue Hranilovic

Nicole Kirwan

Chrisanthi Lefkimmiatis


Unit/ Area

Conference Name


Presentation title

Presentation type


Clinical Leader Manager


Dynamics 2015 Conference,

Winnipeg, Manitoba

1.Measuring the Impact of Room Configuration on Clinical Performance in a Simulated MSICU Setting 2.Tracking Patient Compliments and Complaints in the MSICU 3.Ticket to Ward: Transitioning Patients from MSICU to Inpatient Areas

Staff Nurse


Dynamics 2015 Conference

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Critical Care Research and Education Journal Discussion Time (CREDIT)


Family Health

Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (CPATH) National Conference

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Mind the Gap: One Ontario Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner’s successes and challenges in providing timely access to transition care


Orlando, Florida

Collaborating with psychiatric mental health nurses at the point of care to produce highly adoptable improvements in psychiatric mental health nursing practice (POSTER) AND Collaborating with Patients and Families to Advance Patient Safety in Mental Health Settings


Gothenburg, Sweden

Creating High Performing Teams in a Trauma and Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit through Introduction of a Crisis Resource Management Program


Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Inpatient Mental Health


American Psychiatric Nurses Association

International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare

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Canadian Nurses’ Association (CNA) Certification Professional Practice, Nursing Practice and Education supports nurses who have successfully passed the CNA certification exam by providing reimbursement for exam application fees. Required documents to process reimbursement: Original CNA receipt, copy of the CNA certificate received from CNA post successful completion of exam, fully completed reimbursement application form. CNA certified nurses are recognized during Nursing Week.

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Cardiovascular Surgery

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Enterstomal & Gastroenterology

Alexis Vieira Alicia Pellini Anne Kha Benedicta Cabaluna Bradley Hill Darlene O'Donnell Dong Wei Xu Haizhu Wang Jennifer Cruz Jennifer Martin Jennifer Predhomme Kamala Persad-Ford Karey Logghe Kevin Leung Krisette Tumbagahan Lilandra O'Brien Marian Adeboboye Mary Mustard Mei Mei He Michael Ma Sammy Adriatico Shannon Fimio Teresa Campbell Tessy George

Jo Hoeflok Allison Rankine

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Community Health Robin Fern Cathy Wilson

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Gastroenterology Camille Sagun Charline Ductan Jo Hoeflok Joanne Bennett Katherine Mansfield Sheila Cannon Stephanie MacDonald Virginia Wojcik

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Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Critical Care Angel Cubing Cecilia Santiago Christine Chu Christine McNair Corinne Risling Debbie Snatenchuk Demetre Photopoulos Denise Elliott Elaine Selby Eliane Stocklet Leite Eva Klein Gabriella Tataru Hyojung Kim Jenna Moulder Jessica Nanni Josephine Ly Karen Michelsen Karen Wannamaker Katherine Mansfield Kathy Mills Kelly Metcalfe Leigh Ngo Haitsma Maija Shannon Maria Teresa Diston Marinka Kocjan Mary Mustard Megan Rhoden Melissa Wang Melissa Devera Michelle Narine Myra Mendoza Nina Basic Orla Smith Patrick Blute Prafulla Savedra Rosia Truan Ryan Dondiego

Scott Kantymir Stephen Manning Stephen Penticost Tessy George Theresa Cook Uma Bakshi Vasuki Paramalingam Yoon Lee Wong

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Emergency

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Mental Health

Aimee Geiger Alida Devine Alison Webster Andreanne Dion Ann Marie Doherty Aster Yemane Candis Kokoski Carolyn Hamill Claire Alvarez Colleen Schmidt Gisela Colucci Jannet Hudson Jennifer Daviau Jennifer Jolley Jessica Rossman Karen Gaunt Karen Olivero Kirsty Nixon Lee Barratt Luke Costello Maggy Parsons Mary Dimeo Megan Cairns Melissa Guiyab Michael Postic Nancy Linklater Natalia Liakicheva Sharon Mills Stacy Lew Tina Sperling

Brenda Bergamin Brock Cooper Danijela Ninkovic Dominic Gascon Ellen Marchildon Heather Dunlop Heather Rawnsley Heather Sinclair McDonald Joan Wight Kathy Wong Keschey Marcelle Lynn Hilton Nat Marcia Hale Mary Rhodes Monique Harding Nicole Kirwan Olive Laranang Parya Nazari Tamy Jung Tessa Birtch Vi Linlet Ensoy Virginia Romero Wendy Keller

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Gerontology Agnieska Dzialo Charlene Chu Frances Carbonel Junyan Shi Kathryn Sametz Lee Ringer Marjorie Hammond

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Hospice Palliative Care Janet Chong Kathryn Vogel Penny McCrimmon Rebecca Clarke

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Medical Surgical Halley Velasco Avinash Solomon Karen Michelsen

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Nephrology Alison Thomas Anita Mak-Lam Ann Jones Anna Gozdzik Calen Blackwell Claudia Garzon Connie Ignacio Ellie Do Rosario Fernanda Shamy Galo Meliton Gary Shkiler Helena Koltakov Hong Gao Jing Qiong Chen Joyce Hunter Juan Kilroy Julia De La Cruz Jumi Charles Kathleen McIntosh Kevin Barlow Kitty Mak Lily Zhang Maria (Cielo) Tadeo Mary-Beth Adams Meriam Jayoma-Austria Michelle Gabriel Mina Kashani Mirella Giurgiev Ramona Cook

Rhodalyn Bray Rimma Fishman Sandra Centeno Sarah Mattok Sedi Abou-Talebi Shaniel Des Vignes Tesfaldet Mengesha Tess Montada-Atin Valentina Soreanu Vicki Di Pierdomenico Vivian Ho Wen Jin Yazhi Li

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Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Perinatal

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Perioperative

Anna De Marchi Beretta Ferron Debbie Dawe-Mattausch Elaine Lau Julia Lucignani Sharon Adams Zhanna Von Kaiser

Anna Czemiel Becky Lei Charlie Byer Debra McCance Diane Eley Esther Lee Eugenie Fernandez Francis Bobis Genny Micallef Imelda Morota Jane Hume Joyce Grandy Kirsten Garcia Linda Whyte Lisa Horton Lori Martin Muqi Li Nancy Eichenberg Rahel Danihom Shaindel Egit Susan Grant Wuyungerile Wuyungerile

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Neuroscience Adriana Barbuleasa Alexandra Blight Alexandra Roll Andrea Spicer Bianca Fetros Diana Lee Elyse Kalpage Joanne Le Jennifer Innis Jenny Espiruti Julie Brown Chrisanthi (Chrissy) Lefkimmiatis Denise Ouellette Karen Brownie Lindsay Wrong Lisa Ye Lory (Wen Ya) Lee Louvain Good Melissa Farne Michelle Williams Sonya Canzian Tara Raine Timea Urban

Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Oncology Althea Stewart Anna Solala Donna Monis Gemlina Balagasay Jennifer Munroe-Antoine Johnson Dartey Joline Bell Madpuri Khushdeep Marlene McCourt Martha Abrahamse Martine Andrews Norma McVeigh Richard Leahy Suzanne Scotland Zhenxiu Cheng

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Canadian Nurses Association Certification: Perianesthesia Nursing Kirsty MacQueen Maria Susana Carrusca Andrea Richards Deborah Moore

Because of Ella...

We are an RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization

Ella is great leader because she listens and cares for everyone.

Nurses at St Michael’s Hospital are supported for professional development opportunities

30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8 Canada 416.864.6060 30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8 Canada 416.864.6060

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