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Stockholms universitet grundades 1878 som Stockholms högskola – ett alternativ till de traditionella lärosätena. Nu som då står universitetet för öppenhet och tillgänglighet och har en aktiv roll i samhället.

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Welcome to Stockholm University Stockholm University stands firmly grounded in Europe’s millennial tradition of higher education, simultaneously existing in the present and looking towards the future. Students, teachers and researchers and other staff are developing the University together, and the aim for our research and education is to be of the highest international quality. We are also committed to the fundamental academic values of autonomy, academic freedom, integrity and equity, in research and education as well as in the exercise of authority and administration. Ever since its inception in 1878, Stockholm University has contributed to the development of a sustainable democratic society. We do this through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth, based on critical thinking. Welcome!

Astrid SĂśderbergh Widding, President



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Stockholm City Hall.

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A university in the capital of Sweden Ranked among the world’s top 100 universities, Stockholm University is one of Europe’s leading centres for higher education and research within human science and science. Founded in 1878 and located in Sweden’s capital, a hub for research, education and innovation, Stockholm University is important to the city and region. With a population of around 2.3 million people, the Stockholm region is highly cosmopolitan, and as in Sweden as a whole, most people speak excellent English. Higher education is essential to the city of Stockholm and plays a significant role in the development and welfare of society. In the capital alone, the sector employs more than 20,000 individuals, has a yearly turnover of more than SEK 20 billion, and provides education to around 100,000 students in total at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels (Source: UHR). For students or researchers choosing Stockholm, there is a Swedish smorgasbord of opportunities and disciplines available. Stockholm University offers courses and programmes that meet the needs of the region and society, thus promoting quality in education and life-long learning. Collaboration with the business community, the public sector and non-profit organisations takes place in a number of joint projects, both within and beyond the country’s borders. When the Times Higher Education World University Rankings lists cities with the highest concentration of high-profile universities, Stockholm comes in fourth. Together with Karolinska Institutet and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University forms a comprehensive university environment that covers all major disciplines, unchallenged within Sweden, and of

the highest excellence in Europe. To emphasize the possibilities of these combined strengths, the three universities have launched the “Stockholm trio university alliance”, sharing a common vision that is of importance to the city of Stockholm, to the region and to Sweden as a knowledge nation. Stockholm University is also part of CIVIS – European Civic University Alliance – which in total includes eight universities in Europe and is part of the European Universities Initiative launched by the European Union. The alliance creates opportunities for research, teaching, cultural exchanges and citizen engagement from the Mediterranean to the Baltic, with connections to the whole world. The purpose is to facilitate cooperation across national borders and to increase the mobility of students, teachers and other staff.

Scandinavia Sweden Stockholm





The main campus area is located at Frescati, but there are also other campus areas, see below: A: DSV – Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (Campus Kista) B: Stockholm University (Campus Frescati and Campus Albano) C: IMS – Department of Media Studies (Campus City)



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During the doctoral conferment ceremony at Stockholm City Hall, new doctors of law receive a doctoral hat while doctors of philosophy are given a laurel wreath, two traditional symbols of honour.

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Research and education Stockholm University is a prominent research university characterised by both independent basic research and strong applied research in two scientific areas: human science and science. The three faculties for the scientific area of human science – the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Law – are the largest of their kind in the country, both in terms of education and research. The same is true for the scientific area of science, which consists of one faculty with fifteen departments and five centres. The University focuses on education in close interaction with research, which results in high-quality courses and constantly evolving programmes. We offer around 300 programmes in total, of which 75 master’s programmes are taught in English, as well as 1,700 courses within humanities, social sciences, law and science. As a university in the capital city of Sweden, Stockholm University places special emphasis on offering courses and programmes that meet the needs of the region and society. With around ten percent international students, Stockholm University strives to achieve increased internationalisation. Today, 65 per cent of the courses and programmes at master’s level are already held in English, and in

addition to this, various language courses are offered. Altogether, the University offers courses and programmes in over 30 languages. The University has a high proportion of internationally recruited teachers and researchers, forming an international academic environment. We have over 1,400 doctoral students, all of whom are employed by the University, in line with Swedish praxis which regards PhD students as employees. Our researchers co-publish to a large extent with international peers and are among the most cited academics in the Nordic countries. University support services include teacher training for professional development, study and career counselling for students, and qualified support in external research funding application processes. International collaboration in research is fundamental to the University’s operations and an integral part of excellence. Strategic partnerships with universities at a global level and participation in networks and department-based cooperation are important components of Stockholm University’s international profile. Four researchers from Stockholm University have received the Nobel Prize since its inception in 1901, and one has received the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.



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Överst från vänster: Henrik Cederquist (professor i atomfysik) forskar bland annat i hur större molekyler bildas och förstörs i olika processer i universum. Göran Östlin (professor i astronomi) forskar i galaxers uppkomst, egenskaper och utveckling från när de skapades i universums ungdom för ca 13 miljarder år sedan och till idag. Andra raden från vänster: Lena Kautsky (professor i marin ekologisk botanik) och Xiaodong Zou (professor i oorganisk- och strukturkemi). Läs mer om Lenas och Xiaodongs forskning i texten till höger.

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Human Science The scientific area of human science engages in education, research and collaboration relating to humans and their life situation: language, society, culture, organisation, history, norms and the interactions between them. Central to this area are dialogue and discussion, the exchange of scientific knowledge and information concerning the human condition and experience, the human context, and humans as creatures of thought, action and meaning in relation to the surrounding world. Faculty of Humanities The Faculty of Humanities conducts research and education within some fifty academic subjects. This extensive range covers aesthetics, history, culture and social sciences, in addition to language and education. Through a scientific and fact-based approach, humanities research contributes to shaping analytical, critical, reflective, and free-thinking individuals, guaranteeing sustainable and democratic societal development. Faculty of Law The Faculty of Law conducts jurisprudential research and education across a broad spectrum of specialisations and is characterised by civic engagement that is evident in both teaching and research. The close link between jurisprudence and legal practice is another vital aspect of activities, for example, through engaging

professional lawyers as adjunct teachers. The staff contributes to societal development through teaching and research, by providing their expertise in official government inquiries and as board members. This active participation in the public debate helps develop the practical legal sphere in society. Faculty of Social Sciences The Faculty of Social Sciences boasts a wide range of subjects; encompassing a focus on the individual in psychology, social processes in sociology and pedagogy, political and economic driving forces and processes in political science and economics, and the arena of information technology and communications. The major career-oriented programmes within, for example, economics, computer and systems sciences, psychology, social work and teaching entail a strong link to the labour market, which is also reflected in the faculty’s research. The research is characterised by its relevance to policy areas, and it is often pursued in close collaboration with government agencies, other public sector organisations and with businesses throughout the Stockholm region.



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Pia Hultgren, TV-meteorolog. Tidigare student och forskare vid Stockholms universitet.

Aurora borealis over Tarfala research station 2019.

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Science The Faculty of Science conducts research and offers educational programmes and courses within mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, environmental science and related fields. Many of these courses and programmes are interdisciplinary and transcend subject boundaries in the area, and there are also programmes with elements from the area of human science. The ambition is to increase the range of interdisciplinary education, for example within the field of climate and environment. One of the faculty’s most important tasks is to provide education in mathematics, science and subject didactics to future teachers at all levels of schooling. The faculty’s teachers are active within internationally prominent research environments, and share knowledge and expertise in both research and methodology as well as new developments in the latest scientific achievements. With a large number of professors, senior lecturers, associate senior lecturers and hundreds of researchers and postdocs, the faculty is home to a broad competence in terms of both research and education. To a significant extent, the research entails independent basic research – i.e. aimed at using scientific methodology to develop new knowledge on how different parts of the universe and nature are constructed, and how these work as separate systems or as a greater whole.

The faculty’s research is multifaceted, for example, with research being done on the smallest components of matter, protein structures, cell membranes and cells, plants and animals, animal behaviour and on entire ecosystems, continental ice sheets and their link to the climate. Further research on large-scale systems encompasses the development and climate of the earth and atmosphere, the sun, our own planetary system, exoplanets, galaxies, black holes, gravitation and gravitational waves – the whole universe and its evolution. The faculty also conducts research projects in collaboration with government agencies and companies. These create new knowledge with concrete application being prioritised at an early stage. A current example can be found within the field of green chemistry, where a major project together with agencies and companies is working to identify environmentally friendly, non-toxic chemicals and production processes. In conjunction with this, there is an investigation into how the recycling of, for example, plastics and metals can be achieved more efficiently. The latter requires well-developed chemical analysis methods. The project is a clear example of collaboration with the surrounding society with the goal of seeking new knowledge, while at the same time the University contributes to a more sustainable societal development.

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Profile areas within Human Science • Cultural Heritage and Historical Processes • Internationalisation and Migration • Language and Learning • Norms, Laws and Ethics • Power, Democracy and Welfare • Society, Organisations and Individuals • Visual Representations and Interfaces • Worlds and Conditions of Children and Youth

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Profile areas within Science • Astrophysics, Cosmology and

Particle Physics

• Atomic, Molecular and Complex

Quantum System Physics

• Biological Membranes • Catalysis in Organic Chemistry • Climate, Seas and Environment • Gene-Environment Interactions • Materials Chemistry • Mathematical Theory Development

and Modelling


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Victor H Galaz, deputy director and associate professor at Stockholm Resilience Centre during a talk about power, money and responsibility. Aula Magna, HĂĽllbarhetsforum 2019.

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Collaboration, outreach and societal development By educating students at all levels, the University contributes to societal collaboration and development. Moreover, the University plays a key role in a democratic society, as its research produces and disseminates knowledge. Collaboration and outreach enable access to the University’s expertise and results as a foundation for informed decision-making. This leads to mutual benefits through the exchange of ideas between the University and various actors and collaborators. Our researchers engage in official government inquiries, participate in the media, comment on draft laws and participate in Nobel Committees and international expert bodies. Elevating the University’s visibility through open lectures is a long tradition, often organised in collaboration with cultural institutions in Stockholm – for instance museums, archives, libraries or theatres. Sustainable development is a key issue for Stockholm University’s research and education which touch upon and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. By disseminating knowledge about the environment and sustainable development, we raise awareness and inspire commitment in environmental issues at the University and in the surrounding society. In addition, the University constantly strives to reduce its negative environmental impact.

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Facts and figures: • Founded as Stockholm University College in 1878, and granted university status in 1960 • Scientific areas: Human Science and Science • Departments and centres: 56 • Study programmes: 300 • Individual courses: 1,700 • Master’s programmes in English: 75 • Full-time equivalent students: 27,000 • Number of students per scientific area: Human Science: 23,900 Science: 3,200 • International students: 2,700 • Doctoral students: 1,400 Women: 51% Men: 49 % • Peer-reviewed publications: 3,328 • Mean number of employees: 5,758 • Academic ranking of World Universities (ARWU): 73 • Courses and programmes in 30 different languages • Active exchange agreements with universities across 56 countries Facts in round numbers, from Stockholm University Annual Report 2019.

Production: Communications Office, Stockholm University, 2020 Print: US-AB Illustration: Elsa Wikander/Azote Photography: p. 4: Ola Ericson/Image Bank Sweden p. 6: Ingmarie Andersson p. 8: Jens Olof Lasthein p. 10: Petter Hällberg pp. 12-13: Niklas Björling, Robert Kautsky/Azote, Tora Stroeven p. 14: Jens Olof Lasthein p.15: Ingmarie Andersson pp. 16-17: Eva Dalin, Niklas Björling, Ingmarie Andersson, Jens Olof Lasthein p. 18: Sören Andersson

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Aerial view of Stockholm University, Campus Frescati.


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Stockholm University contributes to the development of a sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.

Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Contact: +46 8-16 20 00, www.su.se

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