Vol. 56 No. 3
JULY 2010
46th Annual Industrial Technology Barbeque Cruises Return to Stockton!
The Stockton Marina The New Face of Downtown PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA
Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
EMPLOYER SERVICES Economic Development Association
is dedicated to providing business assistance programs to ease your move or expansion in San Joaquin County. The EDA builds partnerships with state and local economic development associations to meet all your business needs. To assist you in locating business information, the EDA maintains a web site filled with business resources to sustain your business health. Join us at www.sjcworknet.org where you can access the following information and more. • • • •
Business Retention & Expansion Business Primer Business Advocacy Business Team San Joaquin
• • • •
Labor Market Information Workforce Resources Employee Recruitment/Training Rapid Response
Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
The RLF provides financial assistance to business located in San Joaquin County and those who are looking to expand here. The RLF’s professional staff works with local lenders, the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Tracy/San Joaquin Certified Development Corporation (CDC) to select your firm’s best financing source. Loans range from $25,000 to $1 Million.
Financing may be provided for: • Working capital • Leasehold improvements • Gap financing
• Commercial real estate • Machinery & Equipment • Inventory
Visit us out on the web at www.sjcworknet.org or call 209.468.3516
The Stockton Marina
President’s Column
CEO Column
Leadership Stockton
Visitors Bureau
New Members
Ribbon Cuttings
Cover Story
News Briefs
Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
46th Annual Industrial Technology Barbeque
Cruises Return to Stockton!
Don’t Miss! Chamber Mixer St. Teresa Comprehensive Cancer Center Thursday, July 8, 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 4722 Quail Lakes Dr., Suite B Stockton, CA 95207
PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901. CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Rick Goucher, CB Richard Ellis Commercial Real Estate SR. VICE PRESIDENT Dick McClure, Woodwork Institute FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Company VICE PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers VICE PRESIDENT Stephen Barney, F&M Bank IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Dennis Goldstrand, Goldstrand Planning Group CHAMBER DIRECTORS Phil Acosta, Delights Waterfront Eatery Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors Bill Harr, Hormel Foods Corporation George Kaplanis, Hilton Stockton Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Kenneth Levy, Wells Fargo Advisors Mike Long, Bekins/ Pacific Storage Co. Rich McDonald, Class One Safety Fred Walkover, Comcast Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates
ADVERTISING Amanda Calhoun
PRINTING Snyder Lithograph
MAILING Stockton Mailing & Printing Inc.
Photo by: Arturo Vera Photography/Tidewater Gallery
GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
by: Heidi Altamirano
46th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue One of our most popular events of the year is the Industrial Technology Barbecue, a festive fall get together honoring new and expanding businesses in our county. Mark your calendars for
ATHENA’s 24th Anniversary In 2010, ATHENA enters its 24th anniversary celebration.
Wednesday, September 15, at 5:30 p.m. We’re proud to have the distinguished and continuing support
Mark your calendars now for the ATHENA luncheon, which will be
of our founding sponsors Pacific Gas & Electric, SJC Economic
held on November 18 at the Stockton Golf and Country Club. And,
Development Association, and San Joaquin Partnership. Their
begin thinking about whom you could nominate. This community
dedication to honoring companies who enhance our revenue and
abounds with women of achievement and distinction who meet the qualifications and criteria for this prestigious award. Visit the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce website at www.stocktonchamber.org for nomination forms for both the ATHENA and the ATHENA Young Professional awards. The ATHENA recipients continue to be catalysts for the betterment of our community. Judith Chambers, the first ATHENA
$1100 Gold Sponsor Exclusive sponsorship. Sponsorship includes eight dinner tickets, two preevent Honoree Reception tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name/logo of company), ad in the event program, recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
recipient 24 years ago, is also being recognized this year with the Goodwill Industry’s Helping Hands award. Congratulations, Judy!
$800 Silver Sponsor Sponsorship includes four dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event
publicity and mailings (with name of company), company name listed in the event program, recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
$600 Bronze Sponsor Sponsorship includes two dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), company name listed in the event program, recognition from podium during event.
continued on page 17
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
From Your President... by: Rick Goucher
It is hard to believe that a year has gone by
against the CDCR. Most of you are aware that the
since I was installed as the President of the Greater
suit has been settled after many months of tough
Stockton Chamber of Commerce—what a year it
negotiations. If it wasn’t for the courage of the Board
has been. I would like to take the time to thank the
of Directors filing the lawsuit at the 11th hour, the
Board of Directors and the Chamber staff for all of
State Medical Prisons would have been built without
the support they have given me this past year. I have
any mitigation for the local community.
enjoyed talking to Chamber members at mixers and various Chamber events that I have attended
as the President of the Chamber. During the next
during the year. I have been encouraged by the good
year I will continue to encourage Chamber members
attitude that many of the business leaders I have
to do business with other Chamber members first,
talked to have about Stockton and doing business in
and attend local events. Keep in mind that it is a
Stockton. I am truly surrounded by great leaders,
strong business community that will be the forefront
which in turn has made my job as President such a
of a local economic comeback.
pleasure to perform. I would also like to thank those Board Members that made contributions for the filing of the lawsuit
I am looking forward to serving a second term
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
Chamber Proves Its Value of Membership This fine article by Mike Fitzgerald really says it all! It is a thank you to all (too many to list here) who supported the Chamber, City and County in
Left to Right: Stockton’s Own Dallas Braden, Oakland Athletics Doug Wilhoit, CEO Rick Goucher, Chamber President
They expected free water for their facilities - paid for by Stockton taxpayers. Free sewer. To soften a range of jarring impacts, they offered chicken feed. But a funny thing happened to their steamroller on the way to San Joaquin. The Chamber of Commerce, led by CEO Douglass Wilhoit,
this monumental effort. Not only
filed suit to challenge the grossly inadequate remedies proposed in
did we, together, accomplish almost
the Environmental Impact Report.
everything that we wanted and had
Chamber board members paid for the suit’s filing fees out of
to do, but also showed the community the value of your 109-year-
their own pocket. The Chamber showed leadership and courage. The
old Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. If you are a valued
city owes them a debt of gratitude.
Chamber member we thank you! If you are not for whatever reason, now is the time to join, for our job is never done and we need your help to continually fight the good fight for all businesses and residents of
The City of Stockton and County of San Joaquin joined the suit. Our leaders, following. But they got in there and fought. The plaintiffs hired attorney Steve Herum. Fans of smart growth
our community, county and region. Your Chamber has a plethora of
and grass-roots democracy demonize Herum. He helps developers
programs to help your business thrive, not only in good times but most
sprawl and wield inordinate influence.
of all in times we are experiencing now. We are here to serve you, we
Judging from his successes, though, he’s mercilessly effective.
just need you to step to the plate to help us continue and grow in the
To the CDCR lawyers and the receiver, expecting a pushover, it must
delivery of success to all!
have seemed like Darth Vader entered the room.
Reprinted with the permission of The Record BY: Michael Fitzgerald: If there’s a bully in California government, it is the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The CDCR likes to pick on Stockton by dumping prison facilities here. Unfair? Costly to you? San Joaquin County groans with three
Guided by the plaintiffs, Herum bargained with a phalanx of state lawyers, emerging from exceedingly complex negotiations with a pretty fair deal for Stockton and San Joaquin County. Not perfect, but pretty fair. A compromise. An unprecedented deal with numerous benefits the aloof CDCR and receiver had no intention of offering.
prisons already? Too bad. We’re opening three more: a re-entry facility
*The CDCR will hire locally.
and two prison hospitals.
*They will chip in $4 million to build a secure ward at San
That’s how the CDCR operates. CDCR is the unjust agent of a dysfunctional state that runs roughshod over poorer and politically weak communities. This time, there was a second player: a court-appointed federal
Joaquin General Hospital, and pay for prisoners’ treatment, a boost for county general. *The sales tax from anything bought by a contractor anywhere in the state will go to San Joaquin County.
prison hospital receiver. For J. Clark Kelso, too, Stockton’s needs were
*A citizen’s committee will watchdog the facilities. In perpetuity.
an afterthought.
*They’ll pay the going rate for water and sewer, thank you; build
The unfairness was not limited to opening new facilities here,
their 7-figure water main at their expense; pay multimillion-dollar
and none in Southern California, though that region produces the
traffic impact fees; reimburse the coroner for services; pay Herum’s
most prisoners.
continued on page 19
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
“We Do Windows”
Leadership Stockton by: Timm Quinn
by Chitwood Construction
Over 30 years of quality service
Evening Appts • Free In-Home Consultations
Leadership Stockton Day at the Capitol Session
Lifetime Manufacturer Warranty © Never Boring Design • neverboring.com
Storefront Commercial Residential
Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union
Window Replacement Patio Doors Glass Replacement
What happens each day in our State Capitol has an impact on
Also specializing in custom remodels & new construction
Visit Our Showroom… 2233 Cherokee Rd. Stockton
Stockton and San Joaquin County. That is why Leadership Stockton Senior & Veteran Discounts
Cal. Lic 284101 Bonded & Insured
devoted an entire day to looking at the legislative process in Sacramento and its relationship with our region. The class departed Stockton by bus and arrived in Sacramento at 9:15 a.m. To kick off the day, the class began with observing lawmaking as they watched the California State Assembly in action. Unfortunately the Senate did not have enough to vote on and were not in session that morning. The process was entertaining, eye-opening, and a learning experience for all. After visiting the Assembly Chambers the class went up to committee room 447, where Assemblymembers Bill Berryhill, Cathleen Galgiani, and Alyson Huber joined them. The Assemblymembers
LOCAL # (209) 465-2616
went over items they have accomplished and the issues they are very
passionate about. All three are very busy working on great legislation to
help our community. Following lunch in the Capitol’s basement, the class took a group picture on the Capitol steps, and explored Capitol Park and its many trees and monuments. After the fresh air it was time for a guided tour of the Capitol. From historical places, to modern day politics, the Class got an inside look at the inner workings of the Capitol and our legislative system. The history and stories were fascinating. It turned out to be a great day for Leadership Stockton, and the future community leaders of our region. I would like to thank the following for their contribution to the success of this session: Assemblymembers Bill Berryhill, Cathleen Galgiani and Alyson Huber; Shannon Ding (LS ’09); and Darin Walsh for all of their assistance. continued on page 18
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
1-888-936-PLAN (7526) www.hpsj.com
- Hundreds of primary care physicians and specialists - Easy access to your personal doctor - Choice of hospitals and pharmacies - Local and nationwide emergency care - Healthy Families, AIM and Medi-Cal Coverage - Free 24/7 advice nurse - Serving San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Merced Counties Eligibility guidelines apply and may be based in part on household income. Plan availability varies by county.
Looking to reduce your costs of doing business and become environmentally efficient?
Schedule your REACON assessment today! Outreach
Components of REACON Programs
As an outreach group of the Green Team San Joaquin program, the REACON team proactively visits small, medium and large businesses to share and promote cost-saving green practices.
The REACON team provides information on the Recycling Market Development Zone, Commute Connection, energy conservation programs, waste audits, water conservation and ways to reduce air pollution. In addition, we can offer information on other Chamber programs.
Green Assessment & Certification
Companies can qualify to be Green Certified through a series of steps. We will provide a REACON assessment that the company completes. Green practices are then implemented and reviewed by the REACON team. If the company satisfactorily completes these tasks, they will become Green Certified.
P続 Stewardship stands for Policies, Practices and Purchasing Stewardship. A P続 Stewardship Award has been developed to recognize businesses that engage in green practices. These stewards will be acknowledged each year during the Small Business Awards.
For more information,
contact Frank Ferral at 209.547.2763 or FFerral@stocktonchamber.org Funded by the Department of Energy
Green Team San Joaquin Sponsors:
REACON Sponsors:
Buy Local, Buy Green Sponsors:
Green Team San Joaquin Supporters:
Green.edu Sponsors:
Programs Department by: Frank Ferral
Port O Call magazine as a supporting sponsor of Green
Green Team San Joaquin
Team San Joaquin for the duration of the program
The Green Team San Joaquin project is a collaborative effort
(July 1, 2011).
between private businesses, city and County solid waste divisions, economic development professionals, and the community of San
Joaquin County. This proposal is to create a nexus to enhance the delivery of Chamber services, and to address environmental and
Your company name will appear on a brochure created to support the program.
economic development issues in Stockton and San Joaquin County. The Chamber proposes doing this by collaboratively working
Your company name will appear on
Your company would be authorized to place Green Team
for regional solutions to challenges facing San Joaquin County
San Joaquin Logo on your website as a Green Team San
and their businesses. San Joaquin County includes the cities of
Joaquin Supporter for the duration of the program. At the
Stockton, Ripon, Manteca, Tracy, Lathrop, Lodi, Escalon and the
end of your sponsorship, you agree to remove the Green
unincorporated areas.
Team San Joaquin Logo from your website.
There are several areas in which the Green Team San Joaquin will be focused. These are: •
Recycling Market Development Zone
Buy Local Buy Green
For more information on becoming a Green Team San Joaquin supporter, please contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org.
In order to be successful and realize the goals of our community, the Chamber is offering several targeted outreach opportunities so your company can deliver their message by reaching over 1,500 Chamber members with over 35,000 employees. Only by your support of programs like Green Team San Joaquin, the Chamber is able to offer our expanded outreach agenda on behalf of the business community. Together, you will help us meet and address the challenges of conducting commerce in our community and bettering the environment. In turn we offer you an exclusive opportunity for event exposure and outreach for your organization. Here are the specific benefits of your support. $2,500 Green Team San Joaquin program supporter includes: •
Your company name will appear in 12 issues of our
For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
JULY2010 10
Conference & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
Cruises Return to Stockton!
jazz while guests enjoy free-flowing champagne and a delicious
DELTA DISCOVERY CRUISES expands to Stockton Waterfront
brunch. Weekend Wine-Down Cruises will be sailing Sunday
What could be a better way to welcome warm summer
afternoons as a way to relax and wind down before the workweek
weather than with a fun, relaxing cruise along the Delta? Delta
begins. Local wine experts will be on board for complimentary
Discovery Cruises, a family owned business, began offering scenic
wine-tastings and each month will highlight a local winery.
cruises in 2008 out of the Pittsburg Marina. Due to the success there, the company is now expanding operations to include the City of Stockton. The newly acquired vessel, ‘Island Girl’, is a luxurious 149-passenger motor yacht and is now based out of the Downtown Stockton Marina. Public and private cruises will include a delicious champagne brunch, scenic lunch, and sunset dinner cruises. On board is a full bar with liquor, wine, beer, sodas and juices. Delta Discovery Cruises will offer a cruise to Windmill Cove on Tuesday nights where guests can enjoy “Taco Tuesday”
Perhaps you are looking for a themed cruise? Delta Discovery Cruises will offer many themed events aboard the ‘Island Girl’ including Caribbean nights with live music and Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre shows. For local baseball and hockey fans there will be special Meet the Players cruises. Stockton’s many waterfront festivals will include historical and scenic cruises aboard the ‘Island Girl’. The upcoming “Taste of San Joaquin” on July 3 and 4 include fireworks dinner cruises. “Reggae Festival” dance cruises will be sailing the month of July, and—of course—the popular “Asparagus Festival” one-hour cruises will be dining and drink specials at the beautiful waterfront restaurant overlooking the San Joaquin River. Friday evenings will feature
back in April 2011. We welcome Heather and Steve Ingram to the Chamber family
“Salsa Night”. Saturday nights are perfect for the 2-hour Sunset
and we wish them the best of luck in their newest venture. Thanks
Dining Cruises; dine on gourmet meals while watching the sky
for investing in Stockton and our new marina. We know you will
turn gold over the Delta from the climate-controlled main salon.
do well.
Sundays will offer the popular Champagne Brunch cruise with live
For more information, please visit our website at www.VisitStockton.org.
Wes Rhea: wes@stocktonchamber.org 209.337.2721
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
JULY2010 12
New Members Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment & Systems Airco Commercial Service 5725 Alder Avenue Sacramento
For more information on becoming a new member, please contact Teri Manley at 209.337.2723 or email tmanley@stocktonchamber.org. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.
Tour Boats Delta Discovery Cruises
Freedom Coffee Company, Inc
445 W. Weber Avenue Stockton www.deltadiscoverycruises.com
22 N. San Joaquin Street Stockton
Boxes/Corrugated Inter Packaging American Containers, Inc. 813 Luce Street, Suite B, Box 2 Stockton www.acontainers.com
Lead Clubs BNI Stockton Founders 2210 Pacific Avenue Stockton www.bnistocktonfounders.com
Financial Advisors
Edward Jones Investments
M-JAMS - Outback
4361 E. Morada Lane, Suite 150 Stockton www.edwardjones.com
502 Dresbach Way Davis
Wireless Communications 4G Wireless 4663 Pacific Avenue, Suite A Stockton
Photographers Arturo Vera Photography
June 3 Mixer @ Stockton Hilton
Kristin Mostowski Valley Gardens Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center
Coffee Roasting/Coffeehouse
3038 Carousel Circle Stockton
2010 Business Awards Luncheon
Jack Dillon, Patty Milano St. Joseph’s Medical Center
Photographs by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
Business Person of the Year, Brent Lesovsky; Business Manager of the Year, James Reichert; P3 Stewardship Award Winner, Onsite Electronics Recycling, Janice Oldemeyer; not pictured: Small Business Person of the Year, Diane Smith
Stockton Scavengers Working to Meet Your Needs
Waste Disposal, Recycling, and Portable Sanitation Solutions for:
Stockton Scavengers Waste Disposal & Recycling 209.946.5721
• Industry & Manufacturing • Commercial Businesses • Construction • Special Events • Agriculture
We Also Provide: • Equipment Storage Containers • Trash Compactors • Recycling Balers
Portable Sanitation 209.538.2210
Serving San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Merced Counties
• Portable Toilets • Trailer Units • Handicap Units • Handwashing Units • Prompt Delivery
Containers up to 40 cubic yards. We’ll help you manage a wide variety of waste and recyclable items in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Waste Management - Committed to Customer Service Give us a call. We’ll tailor a program to meet your specific needs.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Ribbon Cuttings
Onsite Electronics Recycling
For additional member info, go to www.stocktonchamber.org
Somerford Place
2331 N. Teepee Dr Stockton
Express Transmissions
3530 Deer Park Dr Stockton
Professional and Continuing Education University of the Pacific
4825 N. West Lane Stockton
1776 W March Lane, Ste 290 Stockton
Attending Ambassadors Annie Randazzo Allied Waste
Bama Thompson Body Bliss Holistic Wellness Center
Blair Hake Ameriprise Financial
Bob Hurst Education Psychology
Carol Clemons Angel’s Caring Helpers
Chris Steele Coldwell Banker Commercial
Cindy Ward Xango
Geri Blas Stockton Post Office
Gloria Blaine Basket Caravan Gourmet Gifts
John Bertilacchi Bertilacchi Insurance Agency
Justin Redman Central Valley Community Bank
Kamie Long Mainstay Staffing
Karen McDougel Body Bliss Holistic Wellness Center
Linda Stockton Entravision Radio
Marsha Saulsbury
Dazzlin’ Cleaning Service
Monica Ahumada
Laison of the month John Paval – WSB Mortgage Service
Bank of the West
Richard McDonald
Honorable mention Kamie Long – Mainstay Staffing
Class One Safety
Rowena Ramirez Golden Haven
Sam Ward
Welcome Squad of the month Annie Randazzo – Allied Waste
Shannon Ding Assemblymember Bill Berryhill
Skip Benz Innovative Merchant Solutions
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
JULY2010 14
The Stockton Marina The New Face of Downtown by: Matthew Andrews
It’s a warm summer afternoon in Downtown Stockton, and at
Duran’s comments are characteristic of the optimism of city
McLeod Lake the scene is buzzing with energy. Businessmen enjoy
officials and residents, who hope that the new Marina will become
their lunches at waterfront restaurants while families of bicyclists
both a cultural and economic centerpiece of Downtown Stockton.
and shoppers stroll in front of them. On the still water, a handful of
The $23 million project, which was completed in October 2009,
boats dock at the entrance to the Stockton Ballpark, with the sound
represents the city’s attempts to replace a dilapidated and aged
of cheering Ports fans pouring out of the stadium.
marina (which was officially decommissioned in 2004) with
This scene has become a daily reality along the banks of Stockton’s new Downtown Marina and Gustavo Duran, the Interim
a new boating center that will serve as the nucleus for future development.
Director of the City’s Economic Development Department, hopes
The Marina combines aesthetic beauty and functionality,
that this will become the new face of Stockton. “We’re putting out
with its shiny black frame, triangular shade structures, and solid,
a positive image to the world,” he says, “in 15 or 20 years, there will
unwavering pure-white docks; making it one of the finest marinas
be development all across and down the marina.”
in the area. It features 66 permanent slips—which can house boats up to 80 feet in length—as well as an astounding 1,400 feet of guest docking. “Our guest docking area exists on a grand scale,” says Ron Cook, the Senior Real Property Agent with the City of Stockton, “Especially for the West Coast.” Marina Manager Sherri Keys notes that in the short time since it became available for public use, the Marina has become popular with both local and visiting boaters. During the Stockton Asparagus Festival, which Keys calls the first major event of the boating season, the guest docks were at 100 percent capacity, forcing the Marina to rent out some of their permanent slips for the event. Since then, the guest docks have been used by a variety of different boaters, from locals attending baseball games to tourists using the Marina as a central location to explore the area. “I’ve met visitors from Newport Beach, San Diego, Sacramento,” says Keys. “Even wake boarders who were visiting from Turkey.” The potential for the Marina to be a catalyst for tourism has been recognized by Westrec, the Marina’s management company, and is being heavily promoted through advertising and partnerships with local establishments and organizations.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
The strategy is to pair docking at the Marina with a specific event, such as the weekly Farmers Markets or one of the area’s many festivals. “People come to the Delta from all over the world,” says Duran, “so at the Marina there’s a local benefit, as well as a regional benefit for the surrounding area.” “There are so many different venues around the Marina” adds Cook. “People can stay and dock for several days and go to a Ports game or to the movies. They can explore and spend money in the community.” The increased boat traffic in the Marina creates new markets for entrepreneurs and local businesses to provide amenities for locals and visitors alike, from boating supply shops to restaurants. “The Marina is the cornerstone of the waterfront area,” says Cook, “it opens the area up for the private sector to capitalize on it.” While both Duran and Cook note that it’s too early to estimate any dollar amount regarding the Marina’s fiscal impact on the area, both agree that so far the Marina is doing a much better job at generating revenue than previously expected. “We’re ahead of schedule in terms of dollars,” says Duran. “The Marina’s reception has been very positive.” The construction of the new Marina, along with the restaurants and business that have already been created to service its growing clientele, have also been instrumental in transforming the waterfront into a destination for non-boating residents. The promenade pathway, which borders the lake and features numerous displays of public art and historical information, has already become popular with fishermen, bicyclists, and pedestrians. And as the area continues to grow and expand, the possibilities for activities and services for residents will also grow. “I have a picture in my head of restaurants lining both sides of the water,” says Keys, “and there are gondola rides available, with water taxis that move people back and forth across the water.” While no one can predict exactly what the Marina will look like in the years to come, no one has any expectations that it will be anything but enormously beneficial for Stockton and for the area as a whole. “This is just the beginning,” says Duran, “In one or two years we’re going to look at what it did for our community, and it’s going to be all positive energy.”
Cover story photography by Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
People come to the Delta from all over the world,” says Duran, “so at the Marina there’s a local benefit, as well as a regional benefit for the surrounding area.
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
JULY2010 16
Events Cont’d from pg. 4 employment base is a testimonial to the emphasis we place on encouraging a healthy business economy. For more information, please contact Timm Quinn at 547-2960, or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org
Sign up now for the most bang for your buck! Taking Care of Business Program 2010-2011 The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming year. This popular program was created to give Chamber members an excellent way to receive exposure throughout the year at a dramatic discount. Taking Care of Business Sponsors Help Fund Key Chamber Programs Taking Care of Business also ties closely to the Chamber’s work in business retention and development activities, and helps fund committees and programs designed to keep Greater Stockton businesses healthy and growing. Sponsors receive recognition at such events as the Industrial Technology Barbecue, State of the City, Annual Golf Tournament, Chamber Tradeshow & Showcase Mixer, and Chamber Business Awards. Popular Awards programs such as ATHENA Awards are also included, as well as the Annual Installation Dinner. Advantages Available to Taking Care of Business Supporters The Chamber allows its members to wisely choose a yearlong program that meets their marketing, consumer exposure, and community involvement goals. Package prices enable sponsors to select from several marketing and promotional opportunities at a significant savings. For more information contact Heidi Altamirano, at 547-2764, or visit StocktonChamber.org.
Host a mixer in 2011! Want to get more exposure? Are you a chamber member? Why not host one of the monthly Chamber Mixers? Mixer dates are filling up for 2011. Call Timm Quinn at 547-2960 or e-mail him at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org to get more information and get your name on the list!
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Cont’d from pg. 6
Congratulations to the Leadership Stockton Class of 2010!!!
If you would like information on supporting the 29th Annual Leadership Stockton Class please visit www.leadershipstockton.com or
The Leadership Stockton Class of 2010 graduated in an evening
contact Timm Quinn at 547-2960 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
ceremony on Thursday, June 10 at the Hilton Stockton. We would like to thank the following for their support of the program over the last year. Leadership Level Full Year Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union Session Sponsors: SJ County Office of Education San Joaquin RTD Stockton Fire Department Humphreys College Kaiser Permanente Legacy Enterprises Insurance Services, Inc. F.J. Dietrich & Co. Leadership Stockton Alumni Assoc.
FRIENDS OF LEADERSHIP STOCKTON Stephen Barney Class of 2008 Matt Duaime Class of 2003 Laura Mayate DeAndreis Class of 2003 Brenda O’Reilly Class of 2005 John O’Reilly Class of 2007 Judy Rodriguez Class of 2008 Jeanne Sibert Class of 1997 Al Steele Class of 2001 Blair Ulring Class of 2004 Ed Wunsch Class of 1994
Retail Shopping Centers Senior Housing Medical Offices Industrial Facilities
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I would also like to thank the Leadership Stockton Alumni Association Board of Directors for all their help and guidance throughout the year. 4917 Stoddard Road, Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 545-7505 • www.huffcon.com
COMING SOON Life Center Modesto, CA
Aruna Chopra, MD
Master Planner/Developer
Sanjiv Chopra, MBA-JD
Real Estate Leasing Advisor
Joti Gill, MBA
Real Estate Leasing Agent
Stephen Moreno
Executive Assistant & Marketing
Andrew Mendlin, Esq. Curtis Legal Group
Dahlin Group
Architectural Planning
Rick Mummert
Benchmark Engineering, Inc.
www.chopradevelopment.com Chopra Development Enterprises, 313 Banner Ct. Modesto, 95356 - 209.578.2807 www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
JULY2010 18
News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the 1st of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Kari Dowell, Farmers Insurance agent in Stockton, has completed
national and regional corporations. Herum Crabtree is the only law
the Career Agents Course at the University of Farmers. Keri
firm in Stockton or Modesto to be listed in the publication.
completed the 5-day course clearly defined and targeted to enhance the professional skills of Farmers’ agents. It gives an agent the ability
Allegiant Air Announces Nonstop, Low-Cost Air Service between
to learn how to successfully understand the needs of Farmer’s
Stockton and Long Beach. Beginning July 1, the company known
for its great travel deals will offer flights five times per week. Visit www.allegiant.com for more information.
Herum Crabtree Named to Prestigious List: The Herum Crabtree law firm has been named to the national Super
Stockton Women’s Network July 7 luncheon meeting at Elkhorn
Lawyer list for Corporate Counsels. The list includes only nationally
Country Club, 11:30 a.m. Featuring Karen Wells, who will share
recognized law firms based upon their success in representing
sales tips on how to develop a selling process that makes money in any economy. Visit www.StocktonWomensNetwork.org for more information.
Cont’d from pg. 6
attorney fees; and give the city and county upwards of $1.4 million just
Second, self-respect. “It was my impression in dealing with these corrections folks ... they really see Stockton as Arkansas,” said Herum. “I
because we’re special. Now for the two big benefits absent from the deal.
think they’re going to treat us with a lot more respect and treat us more
* Establishing or beefing up programs at local educational
like a partner going into the future.”
institutions to credential health care professionals - a big plum touted by former state senator Mike Machado - didn’t happen. Why? Short answer: because the educational institutions weren’t a party to the suit. Perhaps they counted on the good faith of CDCR and receiver. Now they know better.
That’s important because (third) with juvenile offender populations in decline statewide, the O.H. Close facility outside Stockton may close. The predictable state may eye it as yet another prison. Stockton now knows how to demand a tolerably fair deal.
*The settlement does not address the wage imbalance of prison health professionals and guards. They will be paid up to 30 percent more. That may cause a stampede of jail guards, doctors, nurses, psych techs and others out of their current employers for bigger paychecks. We’ll see. Sen. Lois Wolk also supposedly stood up for this area in negotiations. So, Stockton still ends up with a 1.2 million-square-foot sub acute medical and mental health care facility for 1,734 sick crooks, including maximum security cons and mentally disordered sex offenders. Also a second mental health facility and a re-entry facility. But it came away with three plusses. First, all benefits mentioned above, and more. 19 PORT CALL
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July 2010
University of the Pacific Intercollegiate Athletics and the Pacific Tigers Athletics Association request the pleasure of your company at
The 11th Annual Orange & Black Ball
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Alex G. Spanos Center
7/5 - Chamber Office Closed Independence Day
The Pacific Tigers Athletics Association (PTAA) would like to invite you to join us for what has become one of the premier Stockton events. Enjoy a fun-filled night of wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres, fabulous dinner by Angelina’s, auctions, live entertainment and dancing with the Big Booty Bob Band.
7/8 - Chamber Networking Mixer — 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ St. Teresa Comprehensive Cancer Center
Come take advantage of the complimentary photo taken as you check-in at the 11th Annual Orange & Black Ball! Doors open at 5:30 p.m
Office Closed
Chamber Networking Mixer – 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. @ St. Teresa Comprehensive Cancer Center
*$55 for Non-PTAA members Table of 8/10 for $440/$55
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable meeting – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Green Team San Joaquin meeting – 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Liaison Committee – 12:30 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Chamber Executive Committee – 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf and Country Club
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Business Education Alliance meeting – 3:30 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
5:30 p.m. - Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres & Silent Auction 7:30 p.m. - Dinner and Live Auction 9:00 p.m. - Dancing with Live Music *$45 for PTAA members Table of 8/10 for $320/$400
RSVP with Jim Dugoni, PTAA Executive Director, by August 20th at (209) 946-2387
We Mean Business
Kevin Huber pictured with Oak Valley’s Cathy Ghan and Loretta Trevena
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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
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