Port O Call - April 2020

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Cover Photo By Kevin Richtik – Caroline Photography

Vol.66 No.12

APRIL 2020



CONTENTS From Your President From Your CEO





News Briefs 7 Cover Story 8 Leadership Stockton




Events 11 March Mixer Photos


Programs and Public Policy


Ribbon Cutting 12 Benefits of Chamber Membership 13 New Members


Visit Stockton


Calendar 14


2 6


NETWORK 4 SUCCESS HAS GONE VIRTUAL We are providing Network4Success meetings through Zoom Video Conferencing at our normal times of Tuesday's at 4 pm and Thursday's at 12 noon. To receive an invitation to join and the log in link please contact Membership Director Roxy Jewell-Richardson, roxy@stocktonchamber.org.

28 Years of Economic Excellence

FOLLOW US Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce (California) @stocktonchamberofcommerce @StknChamber Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce



Locating 445+ new/expanded projects creating more than 65,000 jobs ON THE COVER

Stockton Civic Theatre Artistic Director Dennis Beasley

San Joaquin Partnership A private non-profit economic development corporation serving San Joaquin County

2800 West March Lane, Suite 470, Stockton, CA 95219-8220 • sanjoaquinusa.org • (209) 956-3380


APR 2020


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FROM YOUR 2019 -20 PRESIDENT BY: DOUG DINJIAN As you will note, the cover of this Month’s Port O Call magazine is

Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

about the Stockton Civic Theatre. While many of you are familiar

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. SR. VICE PRESIDENT Chris Kay, Carter Imports FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Kay Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center VICE PRESIDENT Justin Redman, F&M Bank

CHAMBER DIRECTORS Jamie Bossuat, Kroloff Belcher Smart Perry & Christopherson Darryl Curry, Kaiser Permanente Central Valley F.J. "Joe" Dietrich IV, F.J. Dietrich & Co. Cathy Douma, Minuteman Press Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Melissa Flores, Collins Electrical Company, Inc. Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency David Kamins, Mid Valley IT Elizabeth H. Kim, Esq., Neumiller & Beardslee Dan Natividad, Port City Marketing Solutions, Inc. Roy Nightengale, KSTN 105-9 The Bull Tim Rubino, Big Valley Ford Lincoln Chad Sublet, Verve Networks Dustin Toms, Stockton Kings Diane Vigil, Diane Vigil Consulting. Creative Services 209.292.8432


Stockton around 1853, but it wasn’t until 1950 that the Stockton Civic Theatre came into being with performances at the Madison School


VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group


with the Theatre a brief history may be in order. Live theater started in


Auditorium. Having been successful in their endeavors, in 1952 they purchased the Zion Lutheran Church at Madison and Willow and

turned it into a 197-seat theater. In 1962, a judge ordered the theater didn’t qualify as a taxexempt nonprofit and the concerned citizens of Stockton, led by attorney Fred Bollinger, took the case all the way to the Supreme Court and won a ruling for the Theatre and eventually all other community Theaters in America. Needing to move to a better building and location, in 1980 the Stockton Record announced the opening of a new 300-seat facility just off of March Lane at Venezia and Rosemarie. The first season opened at their new location that year with their 166th main stage production, Chapter Two, directed by Nick Elliott. The Theatre is alive and well today but I would be remiss if I didn’t include the fact that while the Theatre is run as a nonprofit and tends to sell out performances it does incur operating costs. Ticket revenue only covers the cost of what you see on stage, and without volunteers who donate their time—from actors and set builders to ushers and stage crews—it wouldn’t even cover that. I encourage you to not only continue, but to expand, your support of this great cultural benefit to the community. There are Corporate and Business Sponsorships

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – EVENTS Myriah Williams 209.292.8422

available that are tax deductible and you may join the Theatre family with a personal


donation (they start at up to $49.00). To make a donation, simply call the box office at

SCAP EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS Mina Gomar 209.292.8429 Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 Nicole McMorris Jackson 209.292.8425 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Mandee Trackwell 209.292.8435

209.473.2424 or mail a check to the Stockton Civic Theatre at 2312 Rosemarie Ln. Last month, we hosted our well-attended annual REXPO Event at the Hilton Stockton where we encouraged everyone to think “GREEN” and help save the environment. We had collections

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - SCAP Karina Cerriteno 209.292.8426

sites for recycling products dangerous to the environment and had several outstanding

BEA COORDINATOR Dennis Thao 209.292.8436

booths and exhibits promoting businesses and their environmentally-friendly operations.

RECEPTIONIST Keana Taitano 209.292.8431

I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize our San Joaquin County of

PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770

Education Department (SJCOE). Their Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM)

GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136

programs provide experiences and resources to match programs usually only offered in

ADVERTISING Never Boring 209.526.9136 PRINTING & MAILING The Parks Group


the Silicon Valley. Typical opportunities include the SJCOE STEAM Fair, Dinner with a Scientist, and the STEM Camps are just a few of the programs available. The STEM Programs Department at the SJCOE is the largest in California and is dedicated to various Education Services including Outdoor Education, Sky Mountain STEM Programs and also provide Professional Learning for Educators in the region.


445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org

FOLLOW US Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce (California) @stocktonchamberofcommerce @StknChamber Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

These services and programs are available within our various School Districts providing educational leadership, resources and customized services. Congratulations are in order for all the fine work they do.


APR 2020




The cover story for April is about one

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) once stated: “These are the times that try

of our many community jewels—The

men’s souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will, in this

Historic Stockton Civic Theatre—which

crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stand it

has provided so many wonderful

now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny (my

performances over the years that help

words–gangs and violence), like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we

attendees relax and place aside the

have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more

concerns of the day.

glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too

Entertainment of all kinds helps us to appreciate the talent, beauty,

lightly; ‘tis dearness only that gives everything its value.”

and artistry that surrounds us in this great community. The multiple

“Panic, in some cases, have their uses; they produce as much good as

venues here in Stockton, San Joaquin County, and the region give all of

hurt. Their duration is always short; the mind soon grows through

us—along with our families, friends and co-workers—the opportunity

them and acquires a firmer habit than before. But their particular

to share some time together away from the hustle and bustle of daily

advantage is, that they are the touchstone of sincerity and hypocrisy,

life. Please take advantage of the many choices we all have to enjoy

and bring things and men to light, which might otherwise have lain

the art and artists of our community for the wellbeing of all.

forever undiscovered.”

It is also important to the community that our mental outlook of the future of Stockton be strong, positive, optimistic, brave, involved and honest. We need to work our hardest together to move the entire community forward to add to our wonderful history. I have written many times these past 20 years that, for this positive momentum to take place, both elected officials and citizens “must involve everyone working as one to put aside politics, personalities, personal agendas, ego and/or misused power!” As the rubber meets the road, no slippage must take place as we travel down a road to success. Your Chamber pledges to help bring about positive change and support ideas that work for all and not for just a few. I could bloviate in regards to my next comment: What a shame the turnout for the Mar. 3 election was so dismal and irresponsible of the majority of the registered voters in our community, but thanks to those who took their right and obligation seriously and did vote. Those who chose to hide can come out from their “foxholes” on Tuesday Nov. 3 and use their right to vote! Remember the old saying: “If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem!” Just think about that for a moment! I could go on and on with my own thoughts, but will save you that agony and will instead invoke the words from the past. For as much as we move forward, challenges are always presented to us and those who came before us had some words of wisdom during their own challenging times. Hopefully, we will try to understand what was said and, if properly invoked, these words can make a difference. 6


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

“A bad cause will ever be supported by bad means and bad men.” And; “A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.” President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919): “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt (18821945): “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” And finally, Henry Ford (1863-1947): “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Please take the time to think about these words spoken so many years ago and try to put them in context of today, and where we want to go into the future of Stockton, California, and these United States of America! Also, congratulations to all who made the REXPO 2020 “Seeing the Green” (per Mr. FF), held at the Stockton Hilton on Mar. 11, a huge success. Thanks to all who made it happen and attended! We have POSTPONED our 39th Annual Golf Tournament till a date to be determined after we rise from this era in our lives. During this very trying time for our community, State, Nation and the World all of us here at your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce know that we will all come out stronger than ever before and we will continue to do all we can to make sure that happens as we all pray and work together as one!


Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content

Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates for Businesses

Haggerty Celebrates 10 Years

Please visit the Stockton Chamber of Commerce website

Ryan and Andrea Haggerty founded HAGGERTY in 2010. 2010 was

stocktonchamber.org and all of our social media pages for all of the

the year Apple unveiled the iPad tablet and the year of the mega storms

most up to date COVID-19 happenings in regards to business.

labeled “Snowmageddon” blanketed the east cost of the United States

Collins Electrical Company, Inc. Transitions to Lean Business Strategy Collins Electrical Company, Inc. (CECI) - one of the top electrical construction and engineering firms in Northern California, has announced that it will be initiating a new LEAN business strategy to facilitate the continued growth and sustainability of the company. This internal transformation will introduce changes in the organization with the goal of maximizing the flow of value produced for the customer (internally and externally). This enterprise wide

with up to 40 inches of snow in less than a week. This context therefore illustrates how opening a small business it takes a “Leap of Faith,” as natural disasters, construction downturns, and economic conditions could have created barriers to success. Ryan started in the construction trades early in life and was very successful, eventually commuting daily to the Bay Area; but this was work in someone else’s community and he wanted to work in his own. Haggerty decided to open his own construction company in his beloved community of Stockton.

approach comes after former CEO Gene Gini passed on the reigns

Fast forward to March of 2010, when HAGGERTY officially opened

to the next generation of Gini leadership and announced that CECI

its doors in his own community. Ryan and Andrea worked hard to

will be moving to a Co-Chief Executive Officer leadership structure

develop a company that could make a difference in the area they served.

late last year. The LEAN business strategy focuses on continuously

Building a core set of tenets was the key to their success. They did

improving work activities by streamlining business processes

this by embracing what HAGGERTY calls its BUILD core values:

and eliminating waste and variability that do not add value. This

Building lasting relationships, showing Unwavering commitment to

transformation, which is expected to take up to three years to

safety, Investing in their team and community, Leading the industry

fully implement, will make its way through every department and

in innovation, and Doing the right thing.

employee of Collins Electrical. The result will be a company-wide

Today, 10-years later, we are all confronted with an enormous challenge:

approach, in which all waste is identified and eliminated, ultimately

COVID-19. Through this trying time, HAGGERTY will continue

allowing CECI to deliver maximum value and optimized efficiency

to provide its essential services to the community, building stories

to our customers. For more information visit collinselectric.com.

and preserving the ones you’ve already built with maintenance and

Oak Valley Community Bank Receives ‘Outstanding’ Community Reinvestment (CRA) Rating

restoring work.

Oak Valley Community Bank announced that it received an

The National Child and Adult Care Food Program Association has

“Outstanding” rating, the highest possible, for its community

awarded Ms. Lisa Jimenez, Director of USDA Child Care Food Program

development and lending efforts in their recent Community

for Family Resource & Referral Center, 1 of 16 scholarship awards to attend

Reinvestment Act (CRA) Performance Evaluation from the Federal

the National Child Nutrition Conference to be held in Atlanta, GA.

Reserve Bank of San Francisco. The performance demonstrated

Ms. Jimenez oversees the Child Care Food Program in over 928

excellent responsiveness to the community development needs

licensed child care homes across California. Jimenez, who has been

of its assessment areas through community development loans,

with FRRC since 1981, serves on the Board of Directors for the Child

investments, and services.

Care Food Program Roundtable Association, advocating for every

This achievement makes Oak Valley Community Bank one of only

child to have access to nutritious foods and a nurturing environment.

11 banks, regulated by the Federal Reserve Bank and headquartered in

Since 2019, Jimenez has coordinated with the Emergency Food Bank

California, to receive an Overall Rating of Outstanding since 2010.

of San Joaquin, delivering fresh produce to 16 child care centers and

For more information, call 1.866.844.7500 or visit www.ovcb.com.

licensed child care homes through the Mobile Farmer’s Market program.

Lisa Jimenez Receives National Award


APR 2020




CIVIC THEATRE By Atticus Stinson

By Noel Daniel


ive theatre is the backbone of any city’s entertainment

Civic Theatre was left a fairly substantial amount of money. This

culture, and Stockton has a strong backbone in the Stockton

money will be used to transform the rehearsal space into a black

Civic Theatre. Founded in 1951, the Stockton Civic Theatre has a

box theatre and possibly to replace the flooring in the lobby. For

long history of providing entertainment to locals. Over the years,

those unfamiliar with the term, a black box theatre is typically a

the Stockton Civic Theatre has performed hundreds of shows

smaller, simpler stage for putting on shows that do not involve a

from lively Broadway musicals to heartfelt dramas, giving valley

lot of complicated technical elements and sets.

residents a chance to see high-quality productions that they might

“We’re very excited about that,” Dennis Beasley, Artistic

otherwise miss.

Director for the Stockton Civic Theatre, told us. “We’re kind of

In its long history, the Theatre has even left its mark on the whole

upgrading the building in the next year and hopefully it’ll all be

state; in the 1967 California Supreme Court Case Stockton Civic

done by the time the season really gets underway. And then we’ll

Theatre v. Board of Supervisors the Stockton Civic Theatre helped

be able to offer more productions because we’ll have an extra

settle the question of whether community theatres counted as tax-

performance space.”

exempt non-profits. This ruling was a huge win for local theatre

Looking ahead to September, when the 70th season begins, there’s

companies, allowing them to go on providing communities all

plenty to be excited about, even without the black box space. The

over the state with live entertainment.

first production of the season will be Something Rotten, a musical

Exciting changes are ahead for the Stockton Civic Theatre. Since

comedy about two brothers in Elizabethan England trying to

1980, the Theatre has occupied the same space, with a single stage.

beat William Shakespeare to the punch on putting on the first

After the passing of a devoted patron, Pam Kitto, the Stockton

musical play. After that, the Theatre will perform A Christmas



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


A ny f a n o f t h e a r t s owe s i t t o t h e m s e l ve s t o s e e t h e s e s p i ri t e d p r o d u c t i o n s ; a l o t o f t i m e a n d t a l e n t h a s b e e n p u t i n t o b ri n g i n g t h e s e s h ows t o t h e co m m u n i t y.

Story, a musical production based on the film of the same name,

Once the Stay at Home Order is lifted and the Stockton Civic

followed by Skin of Our Teeth, a deeply resonant comedy-drama

Theatre productions start again if you have a taste for theater,

about the human struggle to overcome hardship and the weight

or if you're looking for marvelous ways to spend the evening,

of rebuilding after misfortune upon misfortune. The 70th season

you'll want to check out the shows at the Stockton Civic

continues with a production of Game Show, which places the

Theatre. Any fan of the arts owes it to themselves to see these

audience in the position of a game show audience, witnessing

spirited productions; a lot of time and talent has been put into

on-stage drama unfold during a long running game show. Next

bringing these shows to the community. With its high-quality

season, we will be showing Gypsy, the 1959 musical based on the

productions and varied line up of upcoming shows, the Stockton

memoir of Gypsy Rose Lee about a stage mother who is desperately

Civic Theatre is a true treat for area theatre fans. And with the

driven to see her two daughters become famous, even if the lights

renovations and the blackbox, it will only get better.

she sees her daughter’s name on end up being at a burlesque show

Despite its long history, the Stockton Civic Theater can still be

instead of a cinema.

a bit of a hidden gem at times. “There are always exciting things

The Stockton Civic Theatre is currently nearing the end of its 69th

happening at Stockton Civic Theatre,” stated Artistic Director

season, and due to the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19,

Beasley. “I always find it funny because we do, every so often, get

Stockton Civic Theatre has made the difficult decision to postpone

a person who goes ‘We’ve never heard of you!’ And we’ve been

their production of August: Osage County and auditions for Gypsy.

around for seventy years. We’re always growing and we always

Information regarding switching tickets will be released in the

want people to come see the shows and right now is a very exciting

coming weeks. They will be keeping ticket holders informed once

time because of the work we are doing around the building, and

they have more information on the best and safest way to proceed.

the addition of the new performance space.”


APR 2020


LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Community Serving Community Session

Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) office in the Newberry

Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union

Building. During lunch, the class heard from Lindy Turner-

Session Sponsor: Child Abuse Prevention Council

Hardin (LS ‘01), Executive Director, CAPC. Lindy shared the

Charitable, nonprofit groups play an important role in our lives, extending help to our community in many ways. That is why each

history of the CAPC and educated the class on all the programs they offer. What an amazing organization!

year we devote an entire day exploring some of Stockton’s finest

After lunch, United Way of San Joaquin County President and

community-based organizations.

CEO Kristen Birtwhistle (LS ’85) and Director of Community

For the participants, the day began like no other. The class was divided into nine teams, each assigned to a different communitybased organization. The nine organizations were: Gospel Center Rescue Mission, Emergency Food Bank, St. Mary’s Dining Room,

Impact Amy Ferrell talked to the class about some new and exciting changes for United Way and all they do for the community. They also thanked the class for their commitment to the community and their participation in Leadership Stockton.

Family Resource & Referral Center, Women’s Center Youth &

Next, Ward Downs (LS’82) joined the class and spoke to them

Family Services, ARC San Joaquin, Mary Graham Foundation/

about the San Joaquin Civil Grand Jury. He explained what the

Shelter, Stockton Shelter for the Homeless, and Community

Civil Grand Jury is and asked the class to share the message. They

Medical Centers.

are always looking for great potential new members to apply.

Once the teams arrived at their host locations, each were given tours, an information session, and got right to work. After working hard all morning, the class met for a group lunch at the

Peter Johnson (LS ’02), Director, University of the Pacific Westgate Center for Leadership and Management Development was up next. He spoke to the class about being an impactful nonprofit board member and “leaving your legacy.” Next, each team then had the opportunity to share their experience at each community based organization with the other members of the class. They used words such as “eye-opening,” “deep respect,” “life changing,” “better understanding,” “amazing,” and

During this time of social distancing you may have come across precious family photos that have become damaged or faded. Happily, we can restore those heirloom photos and bring your treasured memories back to life!

“extremely impressed” when speaking about their time spent at the various nonprofit agencies serving our community. Then they were given a rousing pep talk from Kim Miller, (LS Class of 2009), Program Manager III, City of Stockton. Kim reminded them why they are here and got them fired up to accomplish all they have set out to do this year. The class ended the day with a walk through The Lisa Project. What an eye-opening experience. If you haven’t had the chance to walk through The Lisa Project, call the CAPC and set one up. I would like to thank Lindy Turner-Hardin, Shauna Buzunis-

Now thru May 15th - Chamber Members receive a 15% discount on our restoration services.

Learn more at www.CarolinePhotography.com (can not be combined with any other offer)


1755 W. Hammer Lane, Suite 3, Stockton

We can arrange “social distancing” pick up of your images!


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Jacob (LS ’17), and the CAPC team for hosting the session at their awesome facility and for providing lunch, all of the speakers, and to each hosting nonprofit who helped make the day so special.

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN State of the City 2020 Postponed Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and public safety concerns

Business Awards Nomination Deadline Extended to April 15th

the 2020 State of the City has been postponed until a future

Supporting small business in these challenging times is more

date to be determined. We will announce a new date when the

important than ever! Please consider nominating a local small

CDC, State of California, and Local Government Officials have

business or business person for the 2020 Business Awards so when

deemed large public gatherings safe again. Thank you for your

this is all over we can help celebrate them.

patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.

To nominate online or to download the hard copy of the nomination


form please visit stocktonchamber.org/business-awards/. For more information please contact Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

PLATINUM: ABC NorCal ACE Rail A.G. Spanos Companies BAC Community Bank California Water Service Co. Carpenters Local 152 Collins Electrical Company Inc. Comcast Community Foundation of San Joaquin & CB Merchant Services Community Medical Centers Dameron Hospital DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency Dignity Health – St. Joseph’s Medical Center Donaghy Sales LLC Family Resource & Referral Center Financial Center Credit Union Hospice of San Joaquin Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin Humphreys University Kevin Wright Productions Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson Neumiller & Beardslee Oakmont of Brookside Pacific Gas & Electric Company Port of Stockton Premier Staffing ProLogistix/Select Staffing

PLATINUM: San Joaquin County Building Trades Council San Joaquin County Office of Education San Joaquin Partnership, Inc. San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) Stockton PACE Stockton Ports Baseball Team The Record United Way of San Joaquin County University of the Pacific Utility Telecom Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc. Visit Stockton Waste Management GOLD: Chevron Corporation F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Verve IT SILVER: JaniTek Cleaning Solutions Stockton East Water District Ulmer Photo UNCLE Credit Union TABLE: San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) Visit Stockton


PLATINUM: California Water Service Co. Carpenters Local 152 Pacific Gas & Electric Company Port of Stockton Stockton Ports The Record GOLD: BAC Community Bank Chevron Corporation Dameron Hospital Kroloff Belcher Smart Perry & Christopherson SILVER: F&M Bank Ulmer Photo Verve Networks Visit Stockton

June Tradeshow Mixer Sign up now for our “Roaring 20’s” themed June 4 Business Showcase & Tradeshow Mixer at the Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. in Stockton. Exhibit spaces are only $250 for Chamber Members, so sign up now to expose your products and services to over 300 attendees, meet local professionals, and grow your business. Exhibit spaces do sell out every year, so sign up today and please note payment must be made in order to reserve exhibit space on a first come, first paid basis. To sign up or receive more information, please visit stocktonchamber.org/tradeshows or contact Myriah Williams at 209.292.8422 or myriah@stocktonchamber.org.


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

APR 2020 11


PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL PLEASE FOLLOW the Stockton Chamber on all of our social media platforms for “FRESH Tips” videos on how to get fit and stay healthy from our members.

RIBBON CUTTING Board of Directors in Attendance: Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance; Roy Nightengale, 105.9 The Bull; Roy Nightengale, 105-9 The Bull

Ambassadors in Attendance: Bruce Adams, Stockton Chorale; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Catherine Rodgers, Bank of Stockton; Chester Lum, Cherokee Memorial Park & Funeral Home; Ella Holman, AspiraNet; Gloria Blaine, Honorary Member; Jesseka Campos, AspiraNet; Loretta Lee, Junior League of SJ; Melissa Gomes, Weberstown Mall; Steven Jong, Omega Pacific Insurance; Victor Randolph, KRVR The River; Joe Curtis, Maffei Insurance; Shari Peck, Crown Enterprises.


Holt of California

San Joaquin County Public Works

Big Valley Ford

Humphreys University




Sims Metal Management

Carpenters Local Union 152

Solar Optimum Inc.

CBC Steel Buildings

Queirolo’s Heating and Air Conditioning Inc.

City of Stockton

Ray Morgan Companies

Universal Service Recycling

Collins Electrical Co.

San Joaquin Council of Government

Van De Pol Enterprises

Healthy Air Living



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

The Dome of Hope 914 North Center St. Stockton, CA 95202

BENEFITS OF CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP BY: ROXY JEWELL-RICHARDSON There are many benefits of membership. These challenging times

after a hire. One GSCC member, Dollar Tree Distribution Center,

highlight the support the Chamber provides.

has received over $30,000 in reimbursement this year.

Business owners have questions as they assess the implications of

When considering the benefits of membership, you might

the COVID-19 Stay at Home Order. Can a business reduce costs

add supporting your community with StocktonStrong.org.

and increase revenues during this uncertain time? Is your business

StocktonStrong is an online COVID-19 knowledge and resource

essential? What is the best way to handle sick employees? Can

center launched to help streamline data about the current public

healthy employees be kept safe? What is the best way to address the

health crisis. This is an excellent resource to learn how and where to

public? Will revenues continue? Are there any liquid assets to carry

volunteer to support our community.

the business through? Where does a business go to receive State and Federal grant funding?

Benefits of Chamber membership may seem intangible. The bottom line is the return on investment. We provide factual ROI in dollars

The Stockton Chamber is still here working for you to try and

but in this time of adversity, the true return on investment is

answer those questions and to help increase your revenues and

maintaining a vibrant economic business community.

reduce costs. The chief impact of the Stay at Home order on business is lack

For membership information, contact Membership Director Roxy Jewell-Richardson at 209.292.8439 or roxy@stocktonchamber.org.

of revenues. Sales Managers are looking for ways to increase sales. Your Chamber is offering one free email blast to our membership. Are you a member? Submit your flyer for approval to tquinn@stocktonchamber.org. Our staff works with our membership to provide resources and information. For example, Chamber President Doug Dinjian

NEW MEMBERS Transportation


TCI Transportation Commodities Inc.

Diane Vigil Consulting. Creative Services

2150 W. Charter Wy., Stockton, CA 95206



addresses 'The Families First Coronavirus Response Act'. Board

Service Organizations

Automobile Smog Inspection & Test Only

Member, Jamie Bossaut has done webinars addressing the

VIP: Singles Only Events L.L.C.

All Pro Tire & Wheel


7823 Thornton Rd., Stockton CA, 95207

'COVID-19 Updates for Employers'. Larry Solari of BPM, LLC did a webinar on 'People Support and Cash Management Amid

allprotireandwheel.com Financial Planning Blakely Finance Services


3439 Brookside Rd., Ste. 210, Stockton, CA 95219

Sharon A. Manaois, DDS, Inc

questions, and any upcoming webinar information at


756 Porter Ave, Ste. 100, Stockton, CA 95207


Web Page Design & Services

COVID-19'. You can find links to resources, answers to your

sharonthedentist.com One Eleven Web Design


PO Box 1357

Windmill Cove

support. Chamber Members like 105.9 The Bull, Macaroni

Lodi, CA 95241

7600 Windmill Cove Rd., Stockton, CA 95206

Grill, Mid-Valley IT, One Eleven Web Design, and others have



offered free or discounted services. Chamber Members have been

Distributors Direct


offering free webinars to provide information and assistance.

Dollar Tree Distribution

Alder Street Catering and Barbeque

1122 Runway Dr., Stockton, CA 95206


This time of trial underscores the benefit of member-to-member

This challenge has caused Human Resources Managers pressure to decide how to handle employee needs. Are you in desperate need to hire essential employees? Our SCAP (Stockton Chamber Apprentice Program) Employment Specialists are still working hard to help


Agricultural Irrigation

Women’s Wearing Apparel

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employers fill the gap. In fact, this program provides reimbursement of up to 50 percent of wages to the employer for up to six months


Roxy Jewell-Richardson: roxy@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8439


APR 2020 13



Our Commitment to You

VISIT StocktonChamber.org

Visit Stockton has been, and will continue to be, committed to supporting our local businesses. During these challenging times we have worked to bring helpful information to the public via social media and our website. Below are just a few ways we are doing our part to support this community we love so dearly. You can expect more support in the weeks and months ahead as we work to recover from this setback and let the world know we are open for business.

Dine Stockton When it became clear the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) was beginning to hit our restaurants, Visit Stockton sprang into action. We launched Dine Stockton on March 16 and began to stock our website full of information on which restaurants were open and who was offering delivery and take-out. The promotion will continue as long as necessary. Our focus continues to stay the same as it was from the beginning, to support restaurant workers who will suffer financially with the slow in spending at eateries across

for the most up to date Chamber events calendar. In these unprecedented times things are changing daily.

1 2 2 3 6 8 14 15 22 30

GRC Meeting CANCELED New Member Orientation CANCELED April Networking Mixer CANCELED Leadership Stockton Health Care Session CANCELED 39th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament POSTPONED, NEW DATE TBA Green Team San Joaquin Meeting CANCELED Liaison & Ambassador Meeting 9 a.m. Meeting virtually via Zoom Video Conferencing Lunch & Learn CANCELED Executive Committee Meeting 7 a.m. Chamber Board Meeting 4 p.m.

the city. For the most up to date information on restaurants and what they are offering go to DineStockton.com. If you are a small business owner interested in participating in Dine Stockton, please contact Rebecca Scharmann at 209.851.3096 or rebecca@visitstockton.org.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) Information Page

NETWORK 4 SUCCESS HAS GONE VIRTUAL We are providing Network4Success meetings through Zoom Video Conferencing at our normal times of Tuesday's at 4 pm and Thursday's at 12 noon. To receive an invitation to join and the log in link please contact Membership Director Roxy Jewell-Richardson, roxy@stocktonchamber.org.

Visit Stockton established a COVID-19 (coronavirus) Information Page for the community on March 12 as a resource to navigate the ever-changing landscape of official reports and recommendations. A collection of cancelled events, temporary business closures, and postponements are also included. Updates are being made to the page daily and


will continue as necessary. The page can be found online at visitstockton.us/coronavirusinfo. Please contact robyn@visitstockton.org with questions or with information that needs to be added to the site.

The Stockton Chamber is proud to announce Kaiser Permanente as our first ever Community Champion. To learn more about the new Community Champion program and how your company can get involved please visit stocktonchamber.org.



Robyn F. Cheshire: robyn@visitstockton.org 209.636.4348

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APR 2020 15

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