Vol. 56 No. 4
Weathering the Storm A Conversation with Superintendent Mick Founts PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA
Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
Weathering the Storm
Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
President’s Column
CEO Column
Leadership Stockton
Visitors Bureau
New Members
Ribbon Cuttings
Cover Story
News Briefs
On the Cover
Leadership Stockton Class of 2010 Project
17 Installation Dinner Coverage
Don’t Miss! Chamber Mixer Delta Discovery Cruises Thursday, August 5, 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Behind the Waterfront Warehouse 445 W. Weber Ave.
PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901. CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Rick Goucher, CB Richard Ellis Commercial Real Estate SR. VICE PRESIDENT Dick McClure, Woodwork Institute FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Company VICE PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers VICE PRESIDENT Stephen Barney, F&M Bank IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Dennis Goldstrand, Goldstrand Planning Group CHAMBER DIRECTORS Phil Acosta, Delights Waterfront Eatery Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors Bill Harr, Hormel Foods Corporation George Kaplanis, Hilton Stockton Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Kenneth Levy, Wells Fargo Advisors Mike Long, Bekins/ Pacific Storage Co. Rich McDonald, Class One Safety Fred Walkover, Comcast Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates
ADVERTISING Amanda Calhoun
PRINTING Snyder Lithograph
MAILING Stockton Mailing & Printing Inc.
Photo by: Arturo Vera Photography/Tidewater Gallery
GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
by: Heidi Altamirano
46th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue One of our most popular events of the year is the Industrial
Various Industrial Technology Barbecue sponsorship levels are available, and if you take action now, you’ll receive maximum
Technology Barbecue, a festive fall get together honoring new
marketing exposure in upcoming promotions. Act now and help us
and expanding businesses in our county. So mark your calendars
honor these great companies!
for Wednesday, September 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the Lexington Plaza
For more information, please contact Timm Quinn at 547-2960, or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org
Waterfront Hotel, 110 Fremont St. We’re proud to have the distinguished and continuing support of our founding sponsors Pacific Gas & Electric, SJC Economic
Host a mixer in 2011!
Development Association and San Joaquin Partnership. Their
Want to get more exposure? Are you a Chamber member?
dedication to honor companies that enhance our revenue and
Why not host one of the monthly Chamber mixers? Mixer dates are
employment base is a testimonial to the emphasis we place on
filling up quickly for 2011. Call Timm Quinn at 547-2960 or e-mail
encouraging a healthy business economy.
him at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org to get more information and get your name on the list!
$1100 Gold Sponsor
$800 Silver Sponsor
Exclusive sponsorship. Sponsorship includes eight dinner tickets, two pre-event Honoree Reception tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name/ logo of company), ad in the event program, recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
Sponsorship includes four dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), company name listed in the event program, recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
$600 Bronze Sponsor Sponsorship includes two dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), company name listed in the event program, recognition from podium during event.
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
From Your President... by: Rick Goucher
My main theme for this new Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce (GSCC) year is to grow
municipal and county jurisdictions, economic
your GSCC so we can be even more effective. You
development professionals, educators, students and
saw what we did with the hospital prison issue. Now
the community of San Joaquin County together to
add to that the announcement I just received from
demonstrate the financial benefits of the product
Alison Hudson, San Joaquin County Public Works
stewardship and green business practices.”
Solid Waste Division: “It is my pleasure to inform you that the GSCC
current membership, I extend hearty congratulations to our Green Team San Joaquin— chaired by board
Award’ for Coalition Building. This top award
member Blain Bibb, and the driving force behind
recognizes businesses for outstanding leadership,
Green Team San Joaquin, Frank Ferral, GSCC
innovation and partnership in product stewardship
Program and Public Policy Director.
“The GSCC is recognized for developing
On behalf of myself, your board and our
has won the California Stewardship ‘Golden Arrow
and green design.”
Your effort regularly convenes private businesses,
This is just one great example of the benefits of Chamber membership! Thank you for being a
‘Green Team San Joaquin’, a comprehensive program
member and we invite a larger number of businesses
advocating environmental responsibility, green
to join us as we continually work together to move
design, material reuse, and product take-back.
the Chamber and the community forward.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
All of us here at your Chamber hope you had a wonderful 4th of July with family and friends! Hopefully it was not just the safe and sane fireworks or the grilled food that made it great, but also taking time to reflect on how lucky we are to be living in the United States of America with so many freedoms, protected by the sacrifices of so many since the founding of this country! It is all of us who live, work, play and pray day in and day out in a law-abiding, personally responsible and legal way that is the foundation of this country. Traveling the byways and highways of our community, state or nation not blaming someone else for our shortcomings is the way it is supposed to be done. Sad to say we see more and more people blaming someone else and expecting someone to fix the problem while they stand by hoping to reap the benefits. Those of us on the byways and highways, not the folks hidden away in the Beltway of D.C., are the ones with the responsibility of making our nation work! William James, an American philosopher and psychologist born in New York City in 1842, said it best: “The deadliest enemies of nations are not their foreign foes; they always dwell within their borders. And from these internal enemies civilization is always in need of being saved. The nation blessed above all nations is she in whom the CIVIC GENIOUS OF THE PEOPLE does the saving day by day, by acts without external picturesqueness; by speaking, writing, VOTING reasonably; by smiting corruption swiftly; by
makes a commitment to study the issues, the candidates and then
good temper between parties; by the people knowing true men
vote not only in November 2010 but every election thereafter.
when they see them, and preferring them as leaders to rabid partisans and empty quacks.” My purpose of emphasizing some words in the quote
Hope you are all enjoying your summer and yes, as is always the case, we have had some pleasant and some very hot days. But consider the folks who live farther down the Valley like
by Mr. James is that we as citizens have an absolute duty and
Fresno or Bakersfield who have, in most cases, the same daytime
responsibility to educate ourselves on the issues and candidates
temperatures but do not have the Delta breezes we have. For
before us and then go to the polls armed with knowledge and
example, both our daytime temperatures are maybe 102. By 10:00
conviction to make sure those who WE elect to represent us do
p.m. our temperature will be in the 60’s and theirs are still in the
so with US in mind and not their own little self-serving “beltway”
high 80’s to low 90’s and that as good as it is going to get. My
world. The dismal number of CITIZENS who voted in this last
dad gave me a saying many years ago, “I complained when I had
primary and past elections (thanks to you who did vote) is an
no shoes until I saw a man with no feet.” Well some complain
embarrassment and I would hope that each of you right now
about the heat—it is summer you know—but believe me it continued on page 20
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
Leadership Stockton by: Timm Quinn
Leadership Stockton Class of 2010 Project Summary The Leadership Stockton Class of 2010 is proud to announce the
To increase funds, a fundraising opportunity was put into motion in partnership with De Vinci’s. The generous restaurant allowed the
completion of their community project. After visiting many worthwhile
class to sell lunch and dinner tickets and keep 60% of the ticket price to
organizations in Stockton, they saw tremendous opportunity in
invest in their project. This activity, with thanks to too many people to
renovating a shelter for victims of domestic violence, run by the
mention, raised over $3,600-combined with earlier donations-for a total
Women’s Center of San Joaquin County.
of more than $9,000.
The shelter provides short-term housing for women and their
“The Women’s Center is so very grateful to have been selected by
children while they get back on their feet. Its residents are offered
the Leadership Stockton Class of 2009-2010 for its community project.
supportive programs during their stay including counseling, support
The class members created a serene and safe place for the children to
groups, and legal assistance. The shelter is home to several families, and
play. Their tireless efforts provide a wonderful respite for the children
once offered a small backyard that had succumbed to neglect and a
and their mom’s at DAWN House,” said Joelle Gomez, director of the
children’s playroom in need of a renovation.
Women’s Center.
Starting with the unkempt backyard used for junk storage, the
Speaking for the class, participant David Diskin reflected, “It was
group spent the better half of a day cleaning out and hauling away
hard to choose which organization to support, but the Women’s Center
truckloads of trash and prepping the ground for a professional
is an amazing organization and we knew our efforts would be put
landscaper. With funds collected from the community, including
to good use.” He added, “Each of us are already working on smaller
sizable donations from the Stockton Olive Oil Project Charitable
projects for other, equally deserving groups.”
Organization (SOOPCO) and Herum Crabtree (et al), the
As the Women’s Center project was being undertaken, the
landscaping company arrived and turned the empty yard into a
Leadership Stockton Class of 2010 also established a self-sustaining
children’s grassy paradise. Additional funds were then spent on a
recycle program with Langston Hughes Middle School of the Aspire
new bench and outdoor recreational toys and games to entertain the
Charter Schools. The goal is to expand the program to six other Aspire
children in their new backyard.
schools in San Joaquin County and use the proceeds for school projects and programs such as music, art, and sports.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
Programs Department by: Frank Ferral
Chamber Member is Engaged in the Community Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. has been providing civil,
a unique, relatively inexpensive, sustainable tool used by teachers and students that is having a dramatic impact on student participation in the
geotechnical engineering, and environmental services to Stockton
classroom and overall learning. The KleenSlate Paddle is a hand-held,
and surrounding San Joaquin County for nearly 30 years. The firm
dry erase whiteboard with a built-in dry erase pen and attachable eraser
has supported the development of Mountain House, the Burlington
that snaps into the handle of the paddle. The hard-plastic paddle has
Northern Santa Fe Intermodal facility, the new San Joaquin County
two dry erase surfaces that can be cleaned using soap and water and are
Administration Building, Stockton hospitals, and area schools
easily replaceable. The pens contain low-odor ink and writing points
along with many other projects. Condor has provided support to
that do not push into the marker when a student uses heavy pressure.
various departments of the City of Stockton and participated in
The product is delivered in a classroom set with enough to provide every
the development of new facilities at the Port of Stockton. They call
student a KleenSlate Paddle. There is also a set of classroom exercises
Stockton home.
developed by teachers currently using the paddles in their classrooms.
In 2010 Condor initiated a program, Partners in Education,
For more information on Condor’s Partners in Education
to help address the needs of our schools. As we are all too aware,
program, contact president Barry A. Hillman at bhillmancondorearth.
California budget issues are having a significant impact on schools
com. For more information regarding Condor and the services they
throughout the State. Among other issues, the result has been an
provide, please see our website www.condorearth.com or contact Ron
increase in student class size and fewer resources for classroom supplies,
Skaggs at rskaggs@condorearth.com or at our office off of French
including paper and writing implements. Condor became aware of
Camp Road.
Transformation awaits. 800.214.5113 phoenix.edu/sacramento
Š 2010 University of Phoenix, Inc. All rights reserved. RW1_LH1836
For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
AUGUST2010 10
Conference & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
Restaurants Wanted for Annual Event The Stockton Conference & Visitors Bureau is looking for
Stockton Restaurant Week was created in 2009 to highlight Stockton as a diverse dining destination and allow our many local
restaurants to participate in a citywide promotion of fine cuisine,
foodies and families an opportunity to enjoy special prix-fixe three-
culinary diversity and simply great food.
course menus from a diverse selection of participating local restaurants.
Restaurants across Stockton’s dining
Considering the current economic climate, this weeklong event will
scene will come together for what has
allow diners to discover new restaurants in Stockton and enjoy all their
become one of Stockton’s most anticipated
favorites at a reduced price. With these affordable prices, Stocktonians
culinary events, Stockton Restaurant
will have the opportunity to dine out all week.
Week, to be held September 19-25, 2010.
The official Stockton Restaurant Week website,
During Stockton’s second-annual weeklong
www.StocktonRestaurantWeek.com, will list participating restaurants
event, participating restaurants will offer
offering prix-fixe lunch menus for $9.95, and dinners for $15, $20 or
special three-course menus that will showcase some of the region’s most talented chefs and the culinary diversity of Stockton. The prix-fixe menus will be priced at $9.95 per person for lunch, and $15, $20 or $25 per person for dinner, exclusive of beverages, tax and gratuity.
$25, exclusive of beverages, tax and gratuity. The Stockton Conference and Visitors Bureau (SCVB) will produce Stockton Restaurant Week annually. For general information about Stockton Restaurant Week, please contact Wes at 337-2721 or wes@visitstockton.org.
A top-ranked private university Hundreds of concerts and lectures NCAA Division 1 sports One of America’s most beautiful campuses STOCKTON •
Proud to be in Stockton since 1924 @
Wes Rhea: wes@stocktonchamber.org 209.337.2721
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB
www.Pacific.edu www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
AUGUST2010 12
New Members
For more information on becoming a new member, please contact Teri Manley at 209.337.2723 or email tmanley@stocktonchamber.org. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.
Payroll Services
Delta Bay Entertainment
720 N. Center Street Stockton
2365 Iron Point Road, #240 Folsom
Day Spas Kharma Spa & Boutique 2009 Pacific Avenue Stockton
July 14 Mixer @ St. Teresa’s Comprehensive Cancer Center
Weight Control Take Shape for Life
2700 Tiilburg Circle Modesto
www.learnbetterhealth.net Seth Shapiro, Kimberley Borgens, Gregory Walther
July 14 Mixer @ St. Teresa’s Comprehensive Cancer Center
Roy Uydea, Denise Sexton, Paul LaMarche
Russell Ballew, Veronica Contreras, Chris Handsor, Jennifer Krantz, Sam Ward, Shelby Riley, Jenn Becerra
Melissa Vongtama, Dr. Dan Vongtama
Stockton Scavengers Working to Meet Your Needs
Waste Disposal, Recycling, and Portable Sanitation Solutions for:
Stockton Scavengers Waste Disposal & Recycling 209.946.5721
• Industry & Manufacturing • Commercial Businesses • Construction • Special Events • Agriculture
We Also Provide: • Equipment Storage Containers • Trash Compactors • Recycling Balers
Portable Sanitation 209.538.2210
Serving San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Merced Counties
• Portable Toilets • Trailer Units • Handicap Units • Handwashing Units • Prompt Delivery
Containers up to 40 cubic yards. We’ll help you manage a wide variety of waste and recyclable items in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Waste Management - Committed to Customer Service Give us a call. We’ll tailor a program to meet your specific needs.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Ribbon Cuttings
4G Wireless 4663 Pacific Ave., Suite A Stockton
For additional member info, go to www.stocktonchamber.org
Windsor Elmhaven Care Center
San Joaquin County Fair 1658 S. Airport Way Stockton
6940 Pacific Ave. Stockton
Attending Ambassadors Annie Randazzo Allied Waste
Bob Hurst Education Psychology
Carol Clemons Angel’s Caring Helpers
Chris Steele Coldwell Banker Commercial
Cindy Ward Xango
Geri Blas Stockton Post Office
Gloria Blaine Basket Caravan Gourmet Gifts
Jeannie Compton Camlu Assisted Living
Jill Tabaco Coffee News
Justin Redman Central Valley Community Bank
Kamie Long Mainstay Staffing
Katie Gorden Clarion Inn and Suites
Marsha Saulsbury Dazzlin’ Cleaning Service
Michelle Mills Delta Blood Bank
Monica Ahumada Bank of the West
Patti Gulick New Image Sign Co.
Richard Valenzuela Waddell and Reed Financial Advisors
Rowena Ramirez Golden Haven
Sam Ward Xango
Shannon Ding Assemblymember Bill Berryhill
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
AUGUST2010 14
Weathering the Storm A Conversation with Superintendent Mick Founts by: Matthew Andrews
San Joaquin County Superintendent of Schools Mick
in his almost boundless optimism, does not fail to recognize. The
Founts jumps out like a three-dimensional scrapbook. The walls,
state’s chronic budget deficit as a result of the economic downturn
bookshelves and desk are covered in mementoes, books, and artwork.
has forced regular budget cuts that go deeper and deeper into the
Behind each of these items is a story that Founts recalls with ease
wallets of local school districts. Meanwhile, performance standards
and enthusiasm. Many relate to former students from the past, and
have not decreased and costs continue to rise every year, meaning
they remind him of all the ways the public school system can make a
that schools have to do more with less. “We’re funded almost dead
difference in a child’s life.
last in the nation,” says Founts, “and there are no state standards that
This kind of nostalgia seems appropriate in an era when headlines about budget cuts are a regular occurrence; when the storm comes, one always wishes to remember the sunny days. Except
exceed ours. We’re expected to meet first world standards with third world funding.” One of the most obvious and detrimental aspects of the lack of
Founts’ journeys into the past often take him into the present, causing
funding has been its impact on faculty. Most of the schools’ budgets
him to relate with equal enthusiasm, the way that schools are making
go toward salaries, explains Founts, and when schools are in a place
a difference in the lives of children today. To Founts, the stories where
where they need to cut costs, it is often good people who care about
kids prevail in paving the way for their future success are the daily
kids who lose their jobs. “The only way to deal with huge cuts is to
narratives that help him weather the storms.
reduce personnel,” he says. “And not just teachers, but the support
“Every school has a story to tell,” he says, “too often we focus on the negative things that plague us rather than on what is good
staff that make the schools run.” Also affected by budget cuts are many of the extracurricular activities that help students become well-rounded individuals. These
and working.” Achieving that level of positivity can be difficult when the
programs, which include music, drama, arts, sports and technical
negatives can be so overwhelming. This is a truth that even Founts,
courses, teach students to exercise their creativity and prepare for future occupations. With the possibility that these programs could be cut, Founts fears that schools will become too myopic to be effective. “Kids learn in different ways,” he explains. “Schools need that flexibility. Unfortunately, we’re moving away from that right now.” But while budget cuts have left voids in the schools’ operations, members of the community and business world have rushed in to fill them. Founts believes that these partnerships represent a unique opportunity for children to take what they’ve learned in the classroom and apply it to the world at large: “Having businesses come out to the schools brings education to life.”
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Venture Academy Family of Schools’ Mock Trial program, Tracy High School’s Culinary Arts programs, agricultural programs
But while budget cuts have left voids in the schools’ operations, members of the community and business world have rushed in to fill them.
throughout the county, and extracurricular academic activities like Academic Decathlon and Science Olympiad as examples of ways that students are using their education to prepare themselves for college or the workplace—the ultimate goal of any school. These programs succeed in spite of inadequate funding because individuals from all sides sacrifice and work to make sure that they stay alive. “The reasons [that programs succeed] are all the same,” says Founts. “It’s site administrators who believe in programs and sacrifice to support them, it’s teachers who spend time getting them prepared,
As an example, he points to the county’s adopt-a-school
it’s parents who sacrifice to make sure their kids are in the programs,
program, in which businesses and organizations adopt schools and
but above all, it’s the power of the human spirit that these young
then bring their expertise into the classrooms. They talk about how
people have.”
the fundamentals of education translate in their respective fields.
Founts acknowledges that the school system is facing a time of
One of the most exciting partnerships, in Founts opinion, is the
unparalleled challenges, but he also acknowledges that the forward
partnership between Hamilton Elementary School and several of the
ambition of the human mind is
county’s major healthcare providers. Each provider adopts a grade
stronger than any budget cut.
level and then sticks with the class for five years, pledging to come
With the continued efforts of
into the classrooms at least once a month to give kids hands-on
students, parents, faculty
instruction in the sciences.
and the community
Whether it’s Leadership Stockton renovating baseball diamonds
at large, schools will
and playgrounds at Nightingale Elementary, or University of Pacific
persevere through the
students and Kleinfelder Engineering professionals teaching kids
storm and see sunlight
math and science at John R. Williams Elementary, members of the
once again.
community are stepping up like never before to make sure kids get the education they need. But what Founts finds most heartening are the triumphs and continued successes of kids who are getting the education that they deserve, in a time when doing so is harder than ever. He points to
Cover story photography by Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
AUGUST2010 16
Installation Dinner
Photographs by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Paid Advertisement
E. & J. Gallo Winery Honored with the Dale Carnegie Leadership Award. ABOUT E & J GALLO WINERY Established in 1933 in Modesto, California, E. & J. Gallo Winery has become the world's foremost winery in the art of grape growing and winemaking; and in the distribution and marketing of wines worldwide. With seven wineries strategically located in various parts of California and access to grapes from vineyards in all of the premier grape-growing areas of California, Gallo produces wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands including Gallo Family Vineyards, Barefoot, Turning Leaf, Redwood Creek, Black Swan, Ecco Domani, Red Bicyclette, Whitehaven, Clarendon Hills, Martín Códax, Don Miguel Gascón, Louis M. Martini, MacMurray Ranch, Mirassou, and Rancho Zabaco.
From left: Frank Marcus - General Manager, Executive Development for E & J Gallo Winery, Peter Handal, Steve Sprinkle - National Sales Vice President for E & J Gallo Winery, Victor Delgado, Rebecca Collier.
The Dale Carnegie Training® Leadership Award is presented to companies dedicated to the philosophy that their people are as important to the overall success of their organization as any technology, patent or business strategy. These businesses are committed to improving their organizational performance by developing their people. The award criteria includes recognition as an industry leader or benchmark entity, having a strategic plan that includes driving performance via professional development, and sustaining that commitment for a minimum of 5 years. Established in 1985, this prestigious award has been presented to approximately 300 organizations worldwide. Past recipients have included The Ford Motor Company, Coca Cola, Adidas, Boeing, Four Seasons Hotels, Daimler-
Chrysler and SAS Scandinavian Airlines. E. & J. Gallo Winery, one of the world’s largest wine producers is the first organization in its category to receive the Dale Carnegie Training® Leadership Award. The recognition was awarded to Gallo as an industry leader committed to the development of their employees. Accepting the award on behalf of Joseph E. Gallo, Co-Chairman, President and CEO for E. & J. Gallo Winery was Steve Sprinkle, National Sales Vice President. The award was presented by Peter Handal, Chairman, President and CEO of Dale Carnegie Training® during Gallo’s annual conference hosted at La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, California.
News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the 1st of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
St. Mary’s High School 23rd Annual Scholarship Golf Classic will be
the Stockton community, as well as a love and passion for symphonic
held Monday, September 20, 2010 at Stockton Golf & Country Club.
music. New directors include Gene Acevedo, Doug Hunt, Bonner
Come join us for a great day of golf, course games, BBQ lunch, dinner,
Mendez, Gerald Oliver and Joe Sublett.
and live auction. All proceeds to benefit student academic scholarships. For more information, call 957.3340 ext. 180.
The Haggin Museum’s two special exhibitions - “Bustles & Balustrades: The Link between Victorian Fashion and Architecture”
Every two seconds someone needs blood! The blood you donate with
and “California Impressionism: Selections from The Irvine Museum”
Delta Blood Bank stays here in our community, supporting local
- will close Sunday, August 15. Visit www.hagginmuseum.org for
hospitals and local patients. For more information or to request a
more information.
speaking engagement, please call Michelle Mills at 800.94.BLOOD or visit our website www.deltabloodbank.org.
Oak Valley Community Bank Supports FDIC’s Partners in Education. Oak Valley Community Bank recently partnered with Mark Twain Jr.
The Symphony is pleased to announce that five new community leaders
High to teach students about managing money and the importance
have been elected to the Symphony’s Board of Directors. Combined,
developing good financial habits. For the second consecutive year,
these new directors represent decades of leadership in business and
Bank staff taught the FDIC’s Money Smart to about 450 students in one week.
New Symphony Directors
Gene Acevedo
Doug Hunt
Gerald Oliver
Joe Sublett
Bonnie Mendez
“We Do Windows”
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Over 30 years of quality service
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Visit Our Showroom… 2233 Cherokee Rd. Stockton
Cal. Lic 284101 Bonded & Insured
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Window Replacement Patio Doors Glass Replacement
Senior & Veteran Discounts
Cont’d from pg. 6
These early philosophers had it right and what they felt and
could be worse! We live in a wonderful part of California and our Nation and hopefully not only will we understand that but herald
taught is as true today as it was then! With that in mind, since the
it to all. Promoting the virtues of our community and working as
beginning of your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce in
one to improve upon what is not so virtuous! Standing back and
1901, the importance of education in our community has been at
complaining like the man with no shoes is not the way to improve
the forefront of the mission of the Chamber. Not only to prepare
our community, stepping to the plate and educating ourselves on the
students for the workplace but also to instill, as stated above,
issues and needed improvement is. All of us should roll up our sleeves
“honesty and virtue!” Your Chamber, through its Business Education Alliance
and join hands as one to improve the lives of all our fellow citizens! As you can see from this month’s Port O Call cover, we are
(BEA) and our entire membership, works closely with the school
heralding education as students prepare to start a new school year.
districts of San Joaquin County to make sure they prepare their
We all know that education is so important for all citizens, for it is
students for the future. In the times we live in the task is not easy,
through education one can move closer to his or her dreams and
but working together we can and will succeed. Join us in making the future bright for you, your family and
God-given potential. Sometime between 384-322 B.C. Aristotle said, “Educated men [women] are as much superior to uneducated
this community by being or becoming an ACTIVE member of
men [women] as the living are to the dead.” And between A.D.
your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce!
46-120 Plutarch stated, “The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in a good education.”
SMALL BUSINESS HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL PROGRAM* Affordable Hazardous Waste Management for Your Business i Low
cost way to safely dispose of hazardous materials.
(Costs depend on your waste types.)
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that you properly manage hazardous waste. i Free consulting from certified specialists. i The County assumes generator responsibility for waste accepted through the program. i Assurance that the material will be disposed of properly. *Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG)
We also accept universal and electronic waste. BECOME A SQUEEGEE (CESQG) AND CLEAN UP YOUR BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT.
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS WWW.BEGREENSANJOAQUIN.ORG 468-5670 www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
AUGUST2010 20
August 2010
University of the Pacific Intercollegiate Athletics and the Pacific Tigers Athletics Association request the pleasure of your company at
The 11th Annual Orange & Black Ball
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Alex G. Spanos Center
8/5 - Chamber Networking Mixer — 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Delta Discovery Cruises, Behind the Waterfront Warehouse
The Pacific Tigers Athletics Association (PTAA) would like to invite you to join us for what has become one of the premier Stockton events. Enjoy a fun-filled night of wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres, fabulous dinner by Angelina’s, auctions, live entertainment and dancing with the Big Booty Bob Band. Come take advantage of the complimentary photo taken as you check-in at the 11th Annual Orange & Black Ball! Doors open at 5:30 p.m 5:30 p.m. - Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres & Silent Auction 7:30 p.m. - Dinner and Live Auction 9:00 p.m. - Dancing with Live Music
*$45 for PTAA members Table of 8/10 for $320/$400 *$55 for Non-PTAA members Table of 8/10 for $440/$55
RSVP with Jim Dugoni, PTAA Executive Director, by August 20th at (209) 946-2387
New Member Orientation – 10:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Chamber Networking Mixer – 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. @ Delta Discovery Cruises, Behind the Waterfront Warehouse
Liaison Meeting – 12:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Leadership Stockton Orientation – 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable meeting – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Leadership Stockton Leadership Dynamics Session – 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. @ San Joaquin County Office of Education
Green Team San Joaquin Greenzone Workshop – 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Business Education Alliance meeting – 3:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Board Meeting – 4:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
also don’t miss... 9/2 - September Chamber Mixer — 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ St. Joseph’s Occupational Health
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
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