Vol. 56 No. 7
26th Annual Agricultural Hall of Fame “Summertime In Stockton” Photo Contest
ATHENA Awards: Chamber of Commerce Honors Local Women PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA
Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
President’s Column
CEO Column
Leadership Stockton
Visitors Bureau
New Members
Ribbon Cuttings
Cover Story
News Briefs
26th Annual Agricultural Hall of Fame
“Summertime In Stockton” Photo Contest
Don’t Miss! Networking Mixer
AVE on the Mile Thursday, November 4, 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 2333 Pacific Ave, Stockton, CA 95204
PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901. CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Rick Goucher, CB Richard Ellis Commercial Real Estate SR. VICE PRESIDENT Dick McClure, Woodwork Institute FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Company VICE PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers VICE PRESIDENT Stephen Barney, F&M Bank IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Dennis Goldstrand, Goldstrand Planning Group CHAMBER DIRECTORS Phil Acosta, Delights Waterfront Eatery Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors Bill Harr, Hormel Foods Corporation George Kaplanis, Hilton Stockton Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Kenneth Levy, Wells Fargo Advisors Mike Long, Pacific Records Management Rich McDonald, Class One Safety Fred Walkover, Comcast Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates
ADVERTISING Amanda Calhoun
PRINTING Snyder Lithograph
MAILING Pre-Sort Center of Stockton
GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
by: Heidi Altamirano
26th Annual Agricultural Hall of Fame
Silver Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
The San Joaquin County Agricultural Hall of Fame celebrated its 26th year October 21st at the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center. This year’s award recipients are Frank Faria, dairyman; Bruno Paul Marchini, asparagus farmer; Donald Everett McKenzie, vineyard farmer; Robert O. Schulz, almond farmer; and our posthumous
American Ag Credit Farmers & Merchants Bank Mid Valley Agricultural Services San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation San Tomo, Inc.
Heald College Mohr-Fry Ranches R & S Erection of Stockton, Inc. Roland Construction, Inc. Stockton East Water District Vino Farms
Table Sponsors California Women for Agriculture Christy Bros. Stockton East Water District
honoree John A. Demichelis, multi crop farmer.
Business Diversity Mixer – December 9 Make sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, December 9 because you are not going to want to miss the Chamber’s annual Business Diversity Mixer at the Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing, Stockton, from 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Bruno Paul Marchini
Frank Faria
Donald Everett McKenzie
Hispanic Chamber, the African-American Chamber and the Asian American Chamber will each feature food reflecting their specific ethnicity. Come kick the holiday season off in style and make some great business connections while you’re at it.
Robert O. Schulz
John A. Demichelis
The Agricultural Hall of Fame honors those individuals who have contributed to agriculture and their community in significant ways. It was a beautiful evening and the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center was the perfect venue to thank these honorees for their great accomplishments. For more information and full bios on this year’s winners, please go to our website www. stocktonchamber.org and click on the Ag Hall of Fame link under the Events heading. To see all the past award winners please visit one of the electronic kiosks located at the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center, 2101 E. Earhart Ave, Stockton, and the San Joaquin County Historical Society and Museum, 11793 N. Micke Grove Road, Lodi.
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
From Your President... by: Rick Goucher
I hope everyone survived the election season and I truly hope those elected live up to what they
the United Way to have an employee giving campaign
promised during their campaigns.
at your business. This is a great way for your
As summer turns to fall it is time to think about those in need. As we navigate through these tough economic times it is sometimes easy
payroll deductions. Don’t forget to get your tickets to the 2010 Athena Awards which will be held on November 18th
community. The needs of our community have
at Stockton Golf and Country Club. I would like
increased dramatically, while donors in many cases
to congratulate this year’s winner of the ATHENA
have decreased or in some cases have not been able
Award, Dea Spanos Berberian, and Nikki Lowery
to give at all. This has created a double whammy
as the winner of the ATHENA Young Professional
for our local nonprofits, higher demand and less
Leadership Award.
would encourage the business community to give to their favorite local nonprofit organization.
employees to give to their favorite charity with regular
to forget about the less fortunate members of our
supply. With so many local nonprofits in need, I
I would also ask the Chamber members to allow
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
As we now leave the rough and tumble (sad to say) election season, it is time to turn to the month of November and the start of the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons that hopefully will be joyful and prosperous for you, your families and businesses. It is also a time to reflect on how lucky we are to live in a country that has so much and is still the envy of most the world. We did not get here just by following elected representatives, but by the internal fortitude molded over the last couple of centuries of all our people. Whether born here or immigrated here—like my 90-year-young mother—it is what will get us through the tough times we are now experiencing and will be with us for a bit longer. The reason I started with the paragraph above is that on Sunday, October 10, 2010 (10-10-10), one of The Record’s lead stories on the front page had the headline, “Who can help lead us out of this mess?” And the sub-headline was, “Brown or Whitman? It’s the question on the minds of so many California voters.” It was a fair and balanced article written by two reporters with the Associated Press. The word that hit me the most in the headline was “VOTERS!” The reason why is I really am concerned that leading up to this important election—may I remind you that all elections are important—all the dirt and rancor that held us captive from early spring until November 2 was more of a turnoff than help. I was also thinking of the low turnout of voters over the past
follows is the information that hung on my wall from 1979 to 1995 and now sits on my desk: In 1645, ONE VOTE gave Oliver
several years, which is horrific. “Shame on you“ to those who do
Cromwell control of England; In 1649, ONE VOTE caused Charles
not go to the polls every chance they get. I am also concerned that
I to be executed; In 1776, ONE VOTE gave America the English
many who are responsible participants in our democracy (and
language instead of German; In 1845, ONE VOTE brought
thank you for that) do not really educate themselves to the issues!
Texas into the Union; In 1868, ONE VOTE saved President
I know it is hard and takes time but it is we the people who hold
Andrew Johnson from impeachment; In 1876, ONE VOTE gave
our destiny in our own hands. If we do not use our hands and
Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency of the United States; In 1876,
brains wisely then whatever happens good, bad or indifferent
ONE VOTE changed France from a Monarchy to a Republic; In
should point right back at us.
1923, ONE VOTE gave Adolph Hitler the leadership of the Nazi
I had on the wall in my office on the 7th Floor of the San Joaquin County Courthouse a framed bit of historic information
Party; In 1960, A ONE VOTE change in each precinct in Illinois would have defeated John F. Kennedy. Need I say more?
on how important it is for EVERYONE to not only educate (not
I am not sure if the November issue of Port O Call will
just by sound bites) themselves on the issues and candidates but
reach you prior to election day but if it does, hopefully you have
most importantly to always use our God given right to vote! What
continued on page 19
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
Leadership Stockton by: Timm Quinn
The Class of 2011 has chosen to help the The Emergency
Leadership Stockton Class Picks Community Project During Annual Retreat
Food Bank in the completion of their garden after their big
Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union
expansion is complete. They will also be helping transitional
The Leadership Stockton Class of 2011 chose their class
youth at the TLC School by sprucing up their garden, raising money for field trip transportation and holding a coat drive.
community project at September’s overnight retreat at Camp Lodestar
We would like to thank Ramon Valez, Steve Fisk, Bret
in Wilseyville. The beautiful camp welcomed the class for their retreat
Smith, Kristine Gibson, Monique Raqueno and Chuck
with open arms and great sunny weather.
Lauron for coming and working with this year’s class. Also
The class started the retreat with an exercise covering the finer points of Voting vs. Consensus and how they as a class will determine
big thanks to Steve, Ramon and Chuck who prepared a great
how to choose their community project. Then the class learned fun
BBQ tri-tip dinner provided by the Leadership Stockton
facts about each other with “Little Known Fact Bingo”.
Alumni Association. Please look for future updates on this year’s project as we
The afternoon brought presentations on the three potential community projects the class was to choose from. After the
follow the class of 2011 on their journey through Community
presentations the class was free to enjoy the amenities of Camp Lodestar
Leadership or visit www.leadershipstockton.com for all of the
for the evening, including a group Monopoly game and a fun Catch
latest information. If you would like more info on Leadership
Phrase session around the campfire. The morning light brought a
Stockton or wish to sponsor an upcoming session, please
hearty breakfast followed by a discussion of the pros and cons of all
contact Timm Quinn at 547-2770 or
three projects. After an hour of discussion the class chose their project
and planned out the leadership, subcommittees, action plan, and timeline for their project.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
Green Team San Joaquin Schedule a REACON Appointment Today ! (209) 547-2763 or e-mail fferral@stocktonchamber.org
A Program of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Programs Department by: Frank Ferral
Holiday Fact Each holiday season, the news anchors start their evening reports with tales of holiday shoppers getting trampled as they
Third Annual Lunch at the Landfill Coming on December 8 The Green Team San Joaquin and Allied Waste are
rush into various department stores. Stories are told several
sponsoring the third annual “Lunch at the Landfill� event at the
times a day detailing which toys are on the most wanted lists and
Forward Landfill, 9999 South Austin Road in Stockton (off Arch
how many diamonds you should buy to tell your loved one just
Road, east of 99). It will take place on Wednesday, December 8
how special she is to you.
at 11:30 a.m. in lieu of the December Green Team San Joaquin
During this season, consumers will spend thousands of dollars
meeting. The event will also serve as a toy drive for the Child
on gifts, wrapping, cards and other seasonal needs like batteries
Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County. Donate an
and trash bags. All of these gifts come in elaborate packaging
unwrapped new toy and lunch is on us. Please be generous this
with plenty of paper and it all winds up in the trash, filling up our
holiday season. To confirm your attendance please email
landfills. In fact, between Thanksgiving and New Years, Americans
throw away an additional five million tons of garbage.
For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
1-888-936-PLAN (7526) www.hpsj.com
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Conference & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
“Summertime In Stockton” Photo Contest Each year the Stockton Conference & Visitors Bureau and the Downtown Stockton Alliance host a photo contest celebrating all of the great things in Stockton. This year’s contest, “Summertime in Stockton” received nearly 200 entries. A big thanks to all of those who entered and to our prize winners below! All of the entries can be viewed at www.flickr.com/groups/visitstockton. Winning photos will be seen in the upcoming 2011 Stockton Activities Guide as well as in other marketing and promotions through the Visitors Bureau.
3 WINNING PHOTOS 1. 2. 3. 4.
Wes Rhea: wes@stocktonchamber.org 209.337.2721
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
Randall Gee 1st Place Adult Chole Prout 1st Place Youth Jock Crook Adult Haile Shavers Youth Jose Abarca Grand Winner
New Members
For more information on becoming a new member, please contact Manuel Martin at 209.337.2723 or email Martin@stocktonchamber.org. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.
Security Service
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Home Health Care Services
E. A. E. Media Solutions
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Waste Management - Committed to Customer Service Give us a call. We’ll tailor a program to meet your specific needs.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Ribbon Cuttings
Courtyard by Marriott
For additional member info, go to www.stocktonchamber.org
Diamond Truck Auto Body
3252 West March Lane Stockton
1908 E. Fremont Street Stockton
501 W. Weber Avenue Stockton
Attending Ambassadors Bob Hurst Education Psychology
Gloria Blaine Basket Caravan Gourmet Gifts
Colleen Moreno Hilton Stockton
Cynthia Lau Klein Insurance Agency
Becky Deal Premier Community Credit Union
Bruce Wert ACN Telecommunication
Steve Jarrett Smile Document Imaging Solutions
Katie Gordon Clarion Inn & Suites Stockton
Linda Mack Clarion Inn & Suites Stockton
Geri Blas Stockton Post Office
Diane Reyes St. Joseph’s Employee Assistance Program
Jessica Weist Bank of the West
Monica Ahumada
George Hsu
Bank of the West
Waddell & Reed
Manuel Martin
Janice Herechski
Stockton Chamber Membership Sales Consultant
Carol Clemons
Sunflower Presents
Martha Ingraham Dameron Hospital Occupational Health
Angel’s Caring Helpers
Patti Gulick
Cindy Ward
New Image Signs
Our $X1 BIZ, Xango
Luciana Profaca
Sam Ward
California State Department of Rehabilitation
Loretta Lee California State Department of Rehabilitation
Our $X1 BIZ, Xango
Henry Peralta Stockton Auto Glass
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
ATHENA Awards: Chamber of Commerce Honors Local Women By Matthew Andrews
There were few deities as venerated by the Ancient Greeks as Athena. The goddess of wisdom, civilization and a variety of trades, Athena was considered a favorite among the gods and her namesake was bestowed upon the city of Athens, the center of Greek civilization. In modern times, Athena has become a fitting symbol of the greatness of the Greeks and their contributions to Western society. It is for these reasons that Martha Mertz decided to invoke the goddess in the creation of ATHENA International in 1982. As a member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce in Lansing, Michigan, Mertz noticed that very little was being done to honor the many women who made vast contributions to their professional industries and communities. By creating ATHENA International, Mertz hoped to create a system by which chambers of commerce and other organizations could honor women in their community. Almost three decades later, several thousand ATHENA Awards have been given to women in cities across the world. In Stockton, dozens of different women have been past recipients of the Stockton Chamber of Commerce’s two annual awards: the ATHENA Award, which honors successful businesswomen who make lasting contributions to the community; and the ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award, which honors professional women under the age of 40.
Dea Spanos Berberian ATHENA Award Recipient The 2010 recipient of the ATHENA Award is Dea Berberian, a woman who has exemplified all of the foundations of ATHENA International. In addition to being a very successful member of
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
the business community, she has worked
says, “I’m so happy to help
tirelessly to encourage the success of
make this happen for the
others and to make Stockton a better
thousands of kids who
place for all of its citizens.
otherwise would have
Berberian attended University of California, Davis, the Chapman College World Campus Afloat program, and
never seen a live theatrical performance.” Berberian has also
University of Southern California, where
served in leadership roles
she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in
in a number of athletic,
Spanish in 1973. After graduation she
educational and political
began a successful career in business,
committees and organizations in
and she now serves as the Executive Vice
Stockton and beyond.
President of Public Relations at A.G. Spanos
One of the main reasons that
Companies, one of the nation’s largest and
Berberian was given the ATHENA
most successful construction and property
Award is her commitment to encouraging
management companies.
other women in Stockton to pursue
In addition to her professional successes, Berberian has a long
...several thousand ATHENA Awards have been given to women in cities across the world.
history of working to make her community successful as well. She attributes her charitable ambitions to lessons taught to her by her parents, Alex and Faye Spanos, who are themselves notable philanthropists. “We had a big example set by our parents,” she says. “It’s just how we were
excellence in their professional fields
brought up.”
and selflessness in their community. Many
She is particularly compelled to
notable individuals – including Ninth Circuit
aid programs that focus on helping
Judge Connie Callahan, last year’s ATHENA
children. She discovered this passion
Award recipient – specifically cite Berberian
when she joined the board of directors
as a mentor in the area of public service.
for the YMCA of San Joaquin County
Berberian is flattered by the idea that she
in 1994, and she continued it with
is considered a mentor in the region, and
involvement in several organizations,
she modestly insists that she often finds
including the United Way of San Joaquin
herself the student instead of the teacher.
County. She is particularly proud of
“I think of myself not as a mentor, but
her involvement in the Kennedy Center
as a coworker,” she explains. “They [my
Imagination Celebration Tour, which
coworkers] make me better just as much
allows underprivileged youth to see live
as I make them better.”
theatrical events at University of the
continued on page 17
Pacific. “It’s a wonderful program,” she
Cover story photography by Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
Ultimately, Berberian hopes that other women in the
responsible, and spiritually-focused men and women. It’s a
community will be influenced to embrace community service no
calling that she truly cherishes: “I love my job,” she says, “I am
matter their position or their interests. “Everyone has their own
looking forward to many more years of working with the teens
interest and their own passion,” she explains. “It’s important to find
of Stockton.” The 2010 ATHENA Awards will be presented on Thursday,
it and then go after it.”
November 18 at the ATHENA Award luncheon, held at the
Nikki Lowery – ATHENA
Stockton Golf and Country Club. Berberian and Lowery will be
Young Professional Leadership Award Recipient
recognized for their efforts before a crowd of business colleagues
One woman who seems to have followed Berberian’s advice
and friends.
is ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award recipient Nikki Lowery. Lowery, a Youth Pastor at First Baptist Church in Stockton, has found her passion in helping junior high youth, and she has made a name for herself in the community while pursuing that dream. Lowery obtained an associate’s degree from Humphrey’s College in 2006, and she is currently working towards a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute. She has been serving as a Youth Pastor at First
We Mean Business
Baptist for 10 years, and has managed to combine her academic knowledge with her desire to mentor and teach youth, producing a successful ministry in reaching hundreds of children every year. Earlier this year, Lowery was one of nine youth pastors (and one of only two women) selected to participate in the prestigious Youth Ministry Coaching Program with Mark Oestreicher, a nationally recognized authority in youth ministry. Currently
Arlene & Jeff Francis with June Lopez, Escalon Branch Manager, 209.821.3080
seven months into her 12-month program, Lowery explains that she has attended monthly sessions in which she has learned and discussed how to improve the concepts of youth ministry. “We
Oak Valley offers the perfect blend of personal service and modern technology to meet your every need.
talk about how to do ministry smarter, how to reach youth, and
Let us make your business, our business.
how to train adults to do the same,” she says. “It’s very much iron sharpening iron.” She hopes that this experience will aid her in her mission to reach the youth of Stockton to help them become mature,
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
“Oak Valley has first-class service. The employees are friendly, responsive and care about our needs.”
Deep Roots ~ Strong Branches
– Arlene & Jeff Francis, P&L Concrete
Industrial Technology BBQ September 15th at the Lexington Plaza Hotel
Photography by Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Facebook & Social Media 101 for Business presented by E. A.
her 100 pound weight loss with achieving financial goals.
E. Media Solutions. Shift your thinking and learn to connect
Networking begins at 11:30 a.m. at Elkhorn Country Club. Visit
consumers to your business using social media sites. November
www.stocktonwomensnetwork.org for more information.
17 at 1 p.m. in the Chamber Conference Room. Free. To RSVP call 483-6523 or email eaemedia@gmail.com.
Join the Stockton Stingrays in celebrating highlights of the 2010 season and kicking off fundraising for 2011! Our annual Pasta
Stockton Symphony Joins Forces with Critically Acclaimed Guest
Dinner & Awards Night will be held Friday, November 5 from 5
Vocalists and Stockton Chorale for “Magnificent Mozart”- A
p.m. to 8 p.m. at Community Center for the Blind, 130 W. Flora
magnificent evening of Mozart at the third Classics concerts of the
Street in Stockton. Enjoy a homemade meal, exciting raffles and
Symphony’s 2010–2011 season will be on Thursday, November 11
fun times with great people. Tickets are $10; call 209.466.3836 to
at 8 p.m. and Saturday, November 13 at 6 p.m. at Delta College’s
get yours today!
Atherton Auditorium. Tickets range from $22 to $55, call 209.951.0196 or visit www.stocktonsymphony.org.
CVAR and the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce are seeking Nomination for the 2010 Stocktonian of the Year. Seeking individuals who have made a difference in Stockton outside of their paid positions, and have made Stockton a better place to live and work over a period of years. If you know of someone worthy, please write their accomplishments and send to Heidi Altamirano by November 29, 2010. 445 W. Weber #220,
The Stockton Women’s Network presents motivational speaker
Stockton, CA 95203 or email Heidi@stocktonchamber.org.
Joyce Blonskij at their November 3 luncheon meeting. Ms. Blonskij gives a humorous, high-energy presentation correlating
Cont’d from pg. 6
already voted absentee or are planning to go to the polls on the
not being afraid to stand up for what is right! These two award
2nd. If you did – thank you! If you did not then think about your
winners are joining a long line of ATHENA’s who have set the bar
important right to vote and your responsibility to do so! The bad
high but attainable, and I am sure many more women and citizens
news is you did not take the time to participate in our envied
will follow their lead, step up to the plate, and hit a home run for
democracy and the good news is you will have many, many more
all their fellow citizens!
chances to make up for. Please do so! Voting is not the only way to make sure your community,
You can do the same by being totally involved in your family, business, the many wonderful opportunities this
state and nation remain the best in the world. Our 2010 ATHENA
community has to offer, and most of all by continuing to being a
Award winner, Dea Spanos Berberian and the 2010 ATHENA
good, caring, compassionate and educated citizens of Stockton,
Young Professional Leadership Award winner, Nikki Lowery, are
San Joaquin County, the State of California and the best country
shining examples of being up front and proud of their community,
in the world, the United States of America! You have all been
state and country involvement. They show this by giving their
part of the past, are now in the present, and the future is in your
time, giving to others, living by example, mentoring others, and
hands and hearts!
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
A top-ranked private university Hundreds of concerts and lectures NCAA Division I sports One of America’s most beautiful campuses STOCKTON •
Proud to be in Stockton since 1924
www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org
November 2010 Highlights 11/4 -Networking Mixer — 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ AVE on the Mile 11/11 - Office Closed, Veterans Day 11/18 - ATHENA Luncheon – 11:30 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club 11/25-26 - Office Closed, Thanksgiving
Networking Mixer – 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ AVE on the Mile
Leadership Stockton Economy Session – 8:00-5:00 p.m. @ Stockton Metropolitan Airport
ATHENA Committee Meeting – 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
Liaison Committee Meeting – 12:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Joint Meeting with Green Team San Joaquin/Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Chamber Office Closed, Veterans Day
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Executive Committee Meeting – 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
ATHENA Luncheon – 11:30 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
Chamber Office Closed, Thanksgiving
also don’t miss... 12/9 - Diversity Mixer – 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. @ The Haggin Museum
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
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