Port O Call - January 2011

Page 1



Vol. 56 No. 9


2011 Golf Tournament CalRecycle Names 2010

Waste Reduction Award Winners

Bob Deis Prepares for Challenging Times to Come PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA

Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography

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Bob Deis Prepares for Challenging Times to Come



President’s Column


CEO Column


Leadership Stockton




Visitors Bureau


New Members


Ribbon Cuttings


Cover Story


News Briefs





Photograph by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography

2011 Golf Tournament



CalRecycle Names 2010 Waste Reduction Award Winners

Don’t Miss!

Networking Mixer “Come for the Mixer, Stay for the Game” UOP Spanos Center, South Concourse Thursday, January 6, 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Game: 7 p.m. vs. Cal Poly Mustangs *Complimentary game tickets at Mixer check-in

PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901. CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Rick Goucher, CB Richard Ellis Commercial Real Estate SR. VICE PRESIDENT Dick McClure, Woodwork Institute FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Company VICE PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers VICE PRESIDENT Stephen Barney, F&M Bank IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Dennis Goldstrand, Goldstrand Planning Group CHAMBER DIRECTORS Phil Acosta, Delights Waterfront Eatery Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors Bill Harr, Hormel Foods Corporation George Kaplanis, Hilton Stockton Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Kenneth Levy, Wells Fargo Advisors Mike Long, Pacific Records Management Rich McDonald, Class One Safety Ren Nosky, Downey Brand Fred Walkover, Comcast Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.






SCAP COORDINATOR/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mikki Gilbert 209.337.2730 SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Karla Gonzalez 209.547.2770 SPECIAL EVENTS/ LEADERSHIP STOCKTON COORD. Timm Quinn 209.547.2960 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Alyssa McConnell 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring Design Associates 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Vanessa Gonzalez


PRINTING Snyder Parks


MAILING Pre-Sort Center of Stockton



GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


by: Heidi Altamirano

2011 Golf Tournament Reserve Monday, April 4 on your calendar and prepare

2011 Asparagus Festival Volunteers Needed Mark your calendars now and don’t even think of leaving

yourself for a day of good times and good friends at Brookside

town on the weekend of April 15, 16 and 17! It’s time to join

Country Club. Now in its 30th year, the Golf Tournament always

Tortellini Timm or Angel Hair Heidi as a volunteer in the

fills up fast. Don’t miss your chance to play! Call the Chamber to

Chamber’s Pasta and Ice Cream Booth at the ever famous,

reserve your space today.

world-renowned Stockton Asparagus Festival! If you are

You can also join us as a tee sponsor, a green sponsor, or a

into having some weekend fun with some great people, while

business sponsor. Business sponsorship includes signage on a

raising funds for our Chamber programs, then you will love

tee or green and registration for a foursome of players. Single

preparing pasta with some like-minded folks.

registration is also available. Donating a prize to our post-tournament raffle is a great

Keep an eye out for the volunteer sign up forms in February. To add your name to the volunteer mailing list

way to highlight your business. Many high-profile business

please call or e-mail Timm Quinn, 209.547.2960 or

people participate in our tournament and donating a prize gets


their attention. For more information about the Chamber’s 30th Annual Golf Tournament, or to volunteer, call Timm Quinn at 209.547.2960 or email him at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

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Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org



From Your President... by: Rick Goucher

Happy New Year! As we roll into 2011, I want to thank you

program. Don’t be shy about asking a Chamber

members. I truly hope all of you had a blessed

staff member about which benefits may help your

holiday season and wish you continued success in

business succeed. As I enter the downside of my second term, I

Stockton and San Joaquin first as this helps the

would like to thank all of the Chamber members and

local economy in so many ways.

staff for your support over the last year and a half.

As we navigate through these tough economic

We as a Chamber tackled some difficult issues and

times, I would like to remind you of the many

I believe as a result of it we are a stronger and more

benefits of your Chamber membership. Monthly

respected Chamber today. I am also proud of our

mixers are a great way to stay in touch with other

award-winning programs.

local business people who may require your services. Advertising in the Port O Call is a great way to get your message out. Free publicity is


have access to the Chamber’s Member-To-Member

for your support of the Chamber and chamber

2011. I would encourage you to continue to shop


offered to sponsors of Chamber events. Members

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Don’t forget, one event per week is all we ask.

From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit

A very happy and prosperous New Year 2011 to all of you, from all at us at your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. We also hope that each and every one of you, personally and professionally, had a wonderful and profitable Christmas holiday season. We can only hope that those in Sacramento and Washington D.C. get their act together (I am an eternal optimist) and do the people’s business instead of the frustrating and brick wall politics as usual. Both sides of the aisle are at fault and we need to constantly remind them that they work for us and not their little “Beltway” buddies and conspirators. Locally we also have many problems. Again, I am eternally optimistic that we will right the ship and move this community forward as your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce begins its 110th year of serving the community—being at the forefront of a multitude of issues in the business, political and nonprofit areas. We have no problem confronting issues directly with elected officials at all levels, from Stockton and San Joaquin County ELECTED representatives, north on Highway 99 to Sacramento ELECTED representatives, and to the east to the often unseen ELECTED representatives in Washington D.C. You noticed I put “ELECTED” in caps; we must always remind them they are elected (not anointed), and take an oath of office to do what is best for all and not just what they think will advance their political careers or position in life. Let’s hope and pray that 2011 brings a new beginning to a strong recovery locally, statewide and in the entire nation! Now, with that out of the way how about some lighter notes? The Diversity Mixer held at the community treasure, the Haggin Museum, on December 9, was a huge success. It was a great annual event celebrating our community strength and diversity, and was a glorious evening with smiles all around. Thank you all for your hard work. Please plan to come to our January mixer held at the Spanos Center at the University of the Pacific and stay for a great basketball game. Please visit www.stocktonchamber.org for all the details of this mixer and all chamber events. Hope you all also enjoyed the December 4 events all over town (sorry about the rain). From the Lighted Boat Parade, the events at Weber Point Event Center, Downtown, the Miracle Mile and Lincoln

Center, fun was had by all. What a great opportunity for family and friends to enjoy what is so wonderful about OUR community. Make sure you are signed up for our weekly community events email. Remember you can keep up to date on what is happening from that and by going to www.visitstockton.com on a regular basis. You have no one to blame but yourself if you and yours miss out on some very fun things to do. You have seen on our cover the City of Stockton’s new city manager, Bob Deis, and I hope each and every one of you gets a chance to meet him. Or you can watch him on the live city council meetings carried live on Comcast station 97, which will give you an armchair seat of the governance of your city. In the short time Mr. Deis has been here, all my dealings with him give me great hope that we have the right man, in the right place, at the right time to help guide the council and the citizens on a road of recovery and success. It is important to note that we are a city that is by charter, a city manager form of government. I believe it is the best form of local government so that a minimum of political games and political gains are played with the community’s present and future. A city manager has the ability to push aside the minutia of games played continued on page 20

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org



Leadership Stockton by: Timm Quinn

After a quick break the class heard from Paul Rapp, (LS

Leadership Stockton Economy Session

Class of ’05) and Marketing & Communications Manager

Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union Stockton’s economy is influenced by many factors. During

for the San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD). Paul

the annual Economy Session, the class got a glimpse of a few of

spoke about all the exciting things that RTD has done over

those factors, and learned about the bright future that lies ahead

the past years and gave a glimpse of future plans. This was

for Stockton.

very informative for those who were not that familiar with public transit.

The day began at the Stockton Metropolitan Airport with a light breakfast by Tommy Joyce and the Top Flight Cafe. After breakfast and a brief overview of the day, it was time to start the

Leadership Stockton Class of 2011 Community

information-filled day.

Service Project Update The Leadership Stockton Class of 2011

The first presenter of the day, Katie Patterson with the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation (SJFB), was no stranger to

has gotten off to a fast start with

Leadership Stockton as she has spoken on agriculture and its impact

their yearlong Community

on the economy to the class the last few years. She addressed

Service project. This

current issues and recent successes, and provided a glimpse of what

year’s class has

lies ahead. She then turned it over to Phil Brumley (LS Class of ’91),

decided to help

current President of the SJFB and local grower. Phil talked about

the Transitional

what he does as President and gave great insight on what challenges

Learning Center

local growers are facing. We look forward to continuing and

(TLC) school for

expanding our relationship with the Farm Bureau in the future.

homeless children and the Emergency

Following agriculture on the agenda was Fran Aguilera, Enterprise Zone Administrator from the San Joaquin County

Food Bank. One

Economic Development Association, who spoke about the

of the most pressing

Enterprise Zone. Fran discussed the recent expansion of the zone

issues for TLC was a coat drive. With winter

and the benefits to both community and businesses. It was great

approaching fast, the Leadership Stockton Class hit

information for all.

the ground running and raised enough money to purchase 50 new coats for the TLC School. They were able to pass

Next on the agenda was tourism in Stockton, by none other than former Leadership Stockton Program Coordinator and

them out to the kids on November 30, just in time to keep

LS Class of 2004 graduate, Wes Rhea, Director of the Stockton

them warm for the winter. The smiles on the children’s

Conference and Visitors Bureau. Wes spoke of all the new and

faces in the pictures say it all. The Leadership Stockton Class

exciting things Stockton is doing to attract tourists, and more

of 2011 is fortunate to play a role in supporting the efforts

importantly, tourist dollars.

of the great staff at the TLC. Keep your eye out for more project updates throughout the year because this class is

After lunch, the class heard from Michael Duffy from Financial

doing great things!

Center Credit Union (LS Class of ’95) about the current recession, what led up to the recession, and its effects on the local economy. It was basically Economy 101 for the class.



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960

Over 200 national & international awards.

Programs Department by: Frank Ferral

CalRecycle Names 2010 Waste Reduction

and The Wine Group in Ripon, which bills itself as “the most cost

Award Winners: Organizations Recognized

and carbon effective vintner in the world.”

for Green Business Practices In commemoration of America Recycles Day, the Department

No matter the size of a company or type of business, reducing waste has a significant impact on the state’s overall waste diversion

of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) announced

efforts. California generates more than 90 million tons of municipal

the winners of this year’s Waste Reduction Awards. A record 285

solid waste each year, and more than half of that comes from the

California businesses and nonprofit organizations received Waste

commercial sector.

Reduction Awards Program (WRAP) recognition in 2010 for

San Joaquin County businesses are well represented and are

their environmentally friendly business strategies and enhanced

leading the charge in waste reduction. The Green Team San Joaquin

recycling efforts.

would like to salute the following companies: •

Constellation Wines (Robert Mondavi, Woodbridge)

recognition for implementing practices that help protect the

Dart Container (facility in Lodi)

environment and preserve our natural resources,” said CalRecycle

Holt of California (facility in Stockton)

Director Margo Reid Brown. “We have 80 first-time winners, and

Onsite Electronics (Stockton)

many organizations have come back year after year with new and

Safeway Stores (facilities in Lodi, Manteca,

“WRAP acknowledges businesses throughout California

Stockton, Tracy)

stronger waste prevention programs.”

 Each of the 285 entries were evaluated individually, based on

SaveMart Stores (facilities in Lathrop, Lodi, Manteca, Ripon, Stockton, Tracy)

reported waste prevention, recycling and composting, procurement, and educational activities. Those who applied but were ineligible for

St. Joseph’s Medical Center (Stockton)

an award will receive advice from CalRecycle about how to improve

Sutter Gould Medical (facilities in Lodi, Stockton, Tracy)

green practices, such as ways to increase source reduction. WRAP 2010 honorees will receive certificates and window decals to notify

Wine Group (Ripon, Stockton)

customers of their achievement.

US Air Conditioning Distributors (facility in Stockton)

The winning entries reported diverting more than 2 million tons of material from landfills during 2009 and recorded more

For more information on the Green Team San Joaquin, please contact Frank J. Ferral at 209.547.2763.

than $190 million in cost savings from their waste-reduction efforts. Of the 285 awards, 242 of the entries were for single sites, and 59 were for businesses with multiple locations. Firsttime applicants represented 27 percent of the 301 total entries submitted to CalRecycle. 

 Winners ranged in size from mom-and-pop stores with fewer than 10 employees to multi-million dollar corporations with thousands of staff. This year’s winners included the World Series champion San Francisco Giants and AT&T Park, which instituted a Green Team to work with fans to separate recycling and composting; Costco Palm Desert that diverted nearly five million pounds of waste in 2009 through composting, recycling and reuse;


For more info, contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org

JANUARY2011 10



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Conference & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea

“Growing Agritourism” Workshop Set

The Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out

for February 2

is coming April 1-10

The UC Small Farm Program and UC Cooperative Extension

Local restaurants will feature dishes that

will host an all-day workshop focused on Agritourism in Rio

showcase locally grown asparagus in April.

Vista on February 2. Attendees from the five delta counties

The goal is to have diners enjoy a true

(Sacramento, Yolo, Solano, Contra Costa and San Joaquin) will

“farm to fork” experience and taste the

learn about the latest agritourism developments and marketing

most famous of our area’s local crops,

tools, network with other Agritourism operators and professionals

prepared in a variety of ways by local chefs.

and discuss common challenges and opportunities. Cost is $20

This is the second year for the dine out, which is a spin-off of Stockton Restaurant Week

before January 24. For more information contact Penny at 530.752.7779 or visit

held in September. Restaurants interested in participating should

http://ucanr.org/riovistaagtour. For more information on Agritourism contact Wes Rhea,

contact the Stockton Conference & Visitors Bureau at

Director, Stockton Conference & Visitors Bureau at 209.337.2721.

209.547.2770. More information can also be found at www.DineOutStockton.com.

2011 Stockton Activities Guide The Stockton Conference and Visitors Bureau is proud to announce the release of the 2011 Official Stockton Activities Guide. The guide is a colorful 68-page magazine chock full of new photos and great information for visitors and residents alike. The guide features an annual events calendar, arts and entertainment, family attractions, sports, farm and agriculture attractions and



Stockton Celebrate!

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75% of our waste stream is product and packaging waste. Resources are being destroyed that could benefit your business as feedstock or as a marketable commodity. Lead by innovation, eliminate inefficiencies, and offer your customers a resource recovery service: take back your products, use those materials to make new products, and avoid the cost of buying virgin materials.

Become a Certified Green Business! Save money & gain customers by: Reducing waste Promoting reuse Protecting public health Improving water quality Using recycled-content in your products

ton.o rg

much more. Residents interested in obtaining a copy of the


new guide may call the Stockton Conference & Visitors Bureau at

Green Business Certification

Green Your Bottom Line with Product Stewardship!

209.547.2770. The guide may also be requested and viewed online at www.VisitStockton.org.

Economic benefits abound: reduced operating costs, reduced disposal costs, energy savings, the creation of green jobs


Design it Green | Make it Clean | Conserve Resources | Reduce | Reuse | Eliminate Toxics | Take it Back!


Wes Rhea: wes@stocktonchamber.org 209.337.2721

Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Stockton.CVB

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org

JANUARY2011 12

New Members

For more information on becoming a new member, please call 547.2770. Please allow up to 90 days for your listing to show.

Advertising & Marketing


Schipper Design

Institute of Technology

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1777 E. Hammer Lane Stockton www.schipperdesign.com

Bakeries Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

Payroll Services ADP – Automatic Data Processing, Inc. 7310 Tech Center Drive, #170 Sacramento

2809 W. March Lane Stockton

www.adp.com www.krispykremestockton.com

ATHENA Luncheon Photos

From left to right: Mayor Ann Johnston, Dea Berberian, Nikki Lowery


From left to right: Nikki Lowery, Doug Wilhoit, Dea Berberian

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Past and current ATHENA recipients

Ribbon Cuttings

Krispy Kreme

For additional member info, go to www.stocktonchamber.org

Pathways for Veterans 2809 West March Lane Stockton

445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 128 Stockton

Attending Ambassadors Monica Ahumada Bank of the West

Tim Aragon TNT Quik Connect

Gloria Blaine Basket Caravan Gourmet Gifts

Suzie Bowers Advance Networking Group

Becky Deal Rabobank

Patti Gulik New Image Signs

Blair Hake Ameriprise Financial

Bob Hurst Education Psychology

Stephen Jarrett Smile Business Products

Judy Jimenez Colleen Moreno Boboli International

Sonya Morgan External Resources

John Paval WSB Mortgage Services

Chris Quintero

Ernest Stolte Toyota Town

Cindy Ward



Vince Rosato

Sam Ward

New Image Signs

Jill Tabaco Coffee News


Bruce Wert Focus Capital Group, LLC.

Marsha Saulsbury Dazzling Cleaning

Al Steele Specialty Incentives, Inc

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org

JANUARY2011 14


Bob Deis Prepares for Challenging Times to Come By Matthew Andrews

In early 2010, Bob Deis, then serving as the County

Now that he is six months into his tenure as City Manager,

Administrator for Sonoma County, was looking for a new

Deis sees that both he and the City seem to be profiting from the

opportunity that would serve as the culmination of his more than 30

arrangement. As Deis spends his time learning the city, making

years in public service. At the same time, the Stockton City Council

connections with its leaders and its citizens, and laying the bedrock

was looking for a dynamic and influential City Manager that would

for the development of his organization, he has come to appreciate

bring a sense of order and stability to an office plagued by turnover.

many of the great things that Stockton has to offer. First and

As it so happens, the two found one another, and since July 1 they

foremost, in his mind, is the dedication and commitment of what he

have been laying a foundation for success both in the present and in

considers to be “the best city council in the state”. “I’ve been very impressed by the city

the years to come.

council,” says Deis. “When I met them, I felt

In many ways, Stockton is an ideal city for Deis. A self-proclaimed “Northern California boy,” Deis grew up in San Jose before moving to the Valley to attend high school and then obtain a Bachelor of

The success of our city is directly tied to the success of our businesses.

that the future was bright. They’re not there for personal gratification, but to make a difference.” Deis also praises the fine employees that make up the city’s fire and police departments, as well as the civil employees in all of the city’s

Science degree in Business Administration at

divisions. “I’m very impressed with

California State University, Sacramento. Deis

their professionalism,” he explains.

began his public service career in the City of

“They all work very well, especially

Sacramento’s finance department. Over the next three decades, Deis obtained a Masters in Public Administration at Lewis and Clark

considering their limited resources.” As Deis prepares for 2011, his first full year as City Manager,

College in Portland, Oregon, and held a variety of city and county

he hopes to take an active role in refining the city’s successes and

positions in Washington, Oregon and California. But in his heart he

making them more widespread in all areas of government. He

wanted to return to the area that he remembered fondly.

plans to do this by working with the city council to develop specific

“My family and I decided to be in Northern California,” he says, “I’m a Valley guy from youth.” When interviewing for the Stockton City Manager position,

goals and make them into a reality. “One of the things that I do is help organizations focus,” he elaborates. “And that’s something that governments are notoriously bad at. Governments are often good at

Deis was captivated by the city. He spent time talking to citizens

developing plans, but they just get peppered with different interests

as well as government officials, and he decided that Stockton was

and wants so that before the ink dries on their plan they’re on to

the right kind of city in just the right place. “I hope it will be the

something else. I want Stockton to obsess over specific goals.”

capstone of my career,” says Deis. “It’s both an opportunity and a challenge. Stockton is a large, diverse urban environment.”


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

One of the specific goals that Deis and the council have for the city is to make sure that finances are in order and that the

Photography by: Arturo Vera, Arturo Vera Photography

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org

JANUARY2011 16


city remains solvent in the years to come. In 2011, he hopes for

nonprofit and faith-based institutions in order to solve a variety

Stockton to have a detailed plan that they can implement over the

of social challenges.

next three years. “It’s been a constant thread through my 31-year

In his role, Deis hopes that he can provide a steady presence

career,” he says. “Managing finances is going to be one of my

in the City Manager’s office, which is important considering the

heaviest priorities.”

turnover of recent years. By simply being dedicated and consistent,

A large part of Deis’ financial plan is to create a thriving

he hopes to bring a sense of order that will permeate the rest of the

business community in the city. This, he believes, will do more than

city. “I think that I’m bringing stability,” he explains, “I’m forming

anything to make Stockton and its citizens financially prosperous,

an executive team around some common philosophies to bring a

as it provides more income for the city, creates jobs, deters crime,

sense of leadership and accountability.”

and raises everyone’s quality of life. “I personally feel that a vibrant

Now that Deis feels that he and the council have worked to

business community is important to the city,” he says. “The success

cement a good and productive relationship, they can spend 2011

of our city is directly tied to the success of our businesses.”

and the years afterward building on that foundation to create the

Deis also cites working with community organizations as an essential part of creating a financially responsible government and an empowered citizenry. This will involve working with


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

best possible Stockton for all its residents.

Diversity Mixer December 9 at Haggin Museum

Lawrence Borgens, Carol Prokop, Andy Prok op, Dick McClure, Rick Goucher

Karen en Anema, st ri K ll, a h rs ouza Brian Ma Dina Jose, evor Womack, Dave S Tr ll, Marsha

a rd, Dian Sam Waky Knodt, , s lo r a C ine, Bec , Angie ugherty ard, Gloria Bla o D y c W Sta , Cindy Lowery innelli Randy P

Derron Lee, Fran Staci Johnson k Montelongo, Peter Johnson,

Suzie Bowe

rs, Stuart B


Mark Plovnick, Tim Daly

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org

JANUARY2011 18

News Briefs

Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

The Stockton Symphony Alliance is pleased to announce that

The Stockton Women’s Network hosts its annual White

the slate of officers for 2010-2011 has been selected. The

Elephant Sale and Luncheon. This event is a fun and spirited

elected officers are co-presidents Diane Ditz Stauffer and

live auction with bidders winning items donated by members.

Beverly Fitch McCarthy, membership vice president Linda

Networking and pre-auction viewing begins at 11:30 a.m.

Nugent, secretary Connie Bock, treasurer Susan Caulfield, and

on January 5, 2011, at Elkhorn Country Club. Visit www.

parliamentarian Joy Fagler. Directors for the year are Rosie

stocktonwomensnetwork.org for more information.

Bachand, Marilyn dePolo, Michael Poe and Joan Wingo. Stockton Opera Presents La Bohème January 14, at 7:30 p.m. Multi-Agency “Stuff the Bus” Food Drive Collects Over 20

and January 16, at 2 p.m. at the Faye

Tons of Food! San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD)

Spanos Concert Hall at University of

and its partners Citadel Broadcasting, The Record, and Food4Less collected over 20 tons of food at the 12th Annual “Stuff the Bus” food drive. Lodi Grapeline and Manteca Transit joined RTD to hold simultaneous food drives in each city to collect food for a non-profit agency in each community: the Emergency Food Bank of Stockton/San Joaquin, Salvation Army Lodi Corps and Second Harvest Food Bank of Manteca. Ports Announce 2011 Coaching Staff The Stockton Ports are pleased to announce the coaching staff for the 2011 season. An entirely new coaching staff will be featured in 2011, the Oakland A’s announced. Webster Garrison has been promoted to Ports manager, pitching coach Craig Lefferts and hitting coach Brian McArn. The team also announced that Nathan Brooks will return as trainer for the Ports.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

the Pacific. Tickets are $10 for students and $35-$45 for adults. For ticket information call 946.2867 or http://go.pacific.edu/tickets.

A top-ranked private university Hundreds of concerts and lectures NCAA Division I sports One of America’s most beautiful campuses STOCKTON •



Proud to be in Stockton since 1924 CEO


Cont’d from pg. 6

and run the city with the best personnel and practices available.

CEO/President of the San Joaquin Partnership while I have been

This helps the council make the right decisions based on facts – not

sitting on the SJP Board of Directors.

fiction – and viability, not personality or personal politics that do not benefit the community. Bob has done many good things in a short time, but one

I believe that if the council allows Bob and Mike to truly bring the City of Stockton into the present day, while leaving behind the old practices, personalities and politics, they will prove they are truly a great

of the best is bringing Mike Locke on board as Assistant City

team that can right the ship (the City of Stockton) and prepare it and

Manager! My respect, working relationship and friendship with

its crew (the citizens of Stockton) for a deluxe cruise on a calmer and

Mike goes back 32 years. As a matter of fact, as a county supervisor

successful voyage into the future.

I tried very hard to have Mike consent to leave his position as

Dale Carnegie stated once, “When dealing with people, remember

City Manager of Tracy and take the open position of county

you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of

administrator. I understand why he chose not to at that time, but

emotion.” Let the logic and talents of both Bob Deis and Mike Locke

that demonstrates how much faith I had in him then and have in

lead the way. Let citizens and ELECTED officials of Stockton listen to

him now. I have also been proud to work with Mike in his role as

their logic, and keep emotion and politics out of the equation.

www.stocktonchamber.org www.visitstockton.org

JANUARY2011 20


January 2011 Highlights 1/6 -Networking Mixer — 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. @ UOP Spanos Center, South Concourse Come for the Mixer, Stay for the Game” Game: 7 p.m. vs. Cal Poly Mustangs *Complimentary game tickets at Mixer check-in 1/17 - Chamber Office Closed, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Networking Mixer – 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. @ UOP Spanos Center, South Concourse


Liaison Committee Meeting – 12 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room


Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room


Leadership Stockton: Justice Session – 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. @ San Joaquin County Sheriff ’s Office


Chamber Office Closed, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Executive Committee Meeting – 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club


Chamber Board of Directors Meeting – 4 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room


Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room

also don’t miss... 2/3 - Networking Mixer – 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. @ THE Office City, 2495 Station Drive Stockton, Ca


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info



C O U N T Y ’ S


DAMERON HOSPITAL accounts for over 90% of all orthopedic surgeries in San Joaquin County. Dameron is fully staffed and equipped with the highest level of medical technology in support of orthopedic procedures.

For the past 3 years,

As an independent community Hospital, our goal is to be the hospital physicians prefer, patients request, and our employees choose to work.

Dameron Hospital has scored far below the national infection rate average of all Hospitals. An entire “team effort” is made to maintain the cleanliness needed to assure a low infection rate at Dameron. This low infection rate may assist orthopedic patients in many areas including: ■

Shorter Recovery Time

Lower Complication Odds

Shortened Hospital Stay *Source: National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (CDC) studies 2007 to 2009

More Than Healthcare – Your Care!

525 W. Acacia St.

Stockton, CA 95203



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