Vol. 59 No. 4
49th Annual Industrial BBQ
The California Healthcare Facility Opens a New Era for Stockton PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA
Cover photograph courtesy of Erika Gorath, Vanir Construction Management, Inc.
YOU DON’T PROFIT FROM SICK EMPLOYEES. WHY DOES YOUR HEALTH PROVIDER? In an industry built on fee-for-service care, Kaiser Permanente succeeds because we’re built around prevention and the highest quality care. One Harvard Business Review article described our care as “untainted by any economic conflict of interest.”* And in an industry report by The Economist, Kaiser Permanente’s care was described as promoting economy and quality care with “no financial motive to order unnecessary procedures.”†
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* Lew McCreary, “Kaiser Permanente’s Innovation on the Front Lines,” Harvard Business Review, September 2010. †
”Another American Way,” The Economist, May 1, 2010.
The California Healthcare Facility Opens a New Era for Stockton
CONTENTS From Your President
From Your CEO
Programs and Public Policy Department
14 8
49th Annual Industrial BBQ
Don’t Miss! 8/1 Networking Mixer Hosted by Never Boring and Parks Printing 5:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ 445 W. Weber Ave., Ste. 124A
Events 8 Convention & Visitors Bureau 11 Ribbon Cuttings
Leadership Stockton
also don’t miss..
Cover Story
News Briefs
Icons of Stockton
September Networking Mixer Hosted by Servpro of Stockton, 9/5 5:15 p.m.–7:15 p.m. @ 2334 Stagecoach Road, Ste. J
New Members
Calendar 19
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Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
From Your President... by: Steven Crabtree
As you know, the Prison
PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree
Hospital was dedicated last
SR. VICE PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance
month with the prospect of
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications
bringing approximately 2,800 new jobs to San Joaquin County.
VICE PRESIDENT Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors
Your Chamber led the charge
VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.
to obtain favorable local hire
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers CHAMBER DIRECTORS Michael Cera, SMG /Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional Transit District Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Baseball Club Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/ Quick’s Glass Service Mikey Kamienski, Charterhouse for Families Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Darryle Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association Justin Redman, Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Joey Steelman, Lord’s Gym Joy Sweger, All About Numbers Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr. 209.547.2766 PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR/ BEA Frank Ferral 209.547.2763 SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Heidi Altamirano
STAFF ACCOUNTANT Lia Her 209.547.2768 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Margaret Sacchet 209.337.2723
provisions and the mitigation of additional costs that otherwise would have been imposed on our local governments and hospitals. Today, your Chamber and the California Department of Corrections enjoy a cooperative relationship that was forged out of conflict. It is a relationship in which local concerns are considered in making decisions so that the people of San Joaquin County and its businesses will benefit from the presence of the Prison Hospital in our community. Being your voice in important matters such as the Prison Hospital is just one reason why all businesses should be members of the Chamber. With a united message, your Chamber can be a more effective advocate for all business. If you are not a member, then please consider joining the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Our success with the Prison Hospital is just one reason why you should!
BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson
@ San Joaquin, USA
RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Mai Vang 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring
Grow it, make it & ship it! • Northern California's center of commerce serving the western US and Asia. The best location solution for expanding manufacturers and supply chain providers
ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
PRINTING Snyder Parks 209.466.9026 MAILING Snyder Parks 209.466.9026
• The San Joaquin Partnership provides centralized confidential information and connection to key business and community decision makers
Connect with the San Joaquin Partnership.
Greater Call Mike at 800-570-5627 • sjpnet.org • mammann@sjpnet.org
GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
construction. Those I have constant contact with in CDCR say that they have learned a new paradigm in dealing with communities they are located in as they work hard to meet all the needs forced upon them by the federal government mandates, but also how best to work with communities on an ongoing basis. To that end, in 2012 your Chamber at its annual Small Business Awards luncheon, held at the Hilton Hotel, a great Chamber member, awarded a Community Partner Award to both Granite-Hensel Phelps and Clark- McCarthy, the two general contractors of the project for not only surpassing the local hire commitment they made, but also for giving back to the community through donations to non-profits who do so much for the entire community. Granite-Hensel Phelps is continuing in the same manner on the construction now going on at the old Youth Our 2013-14 President Steven Crabtree said it well in his article this month that not only did your Chamber lead the way in making sure that the federal courts and the state did not run ripsaw over this great community during the prison hospital process, but it was a continuum of the 112 year history of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce leading the way on tough issues and doing what is best for not only the business community but also the community as a whole. President Crabtree is so correct to state that this is another example of why membership in the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is so important for the overall well being of all. Many businesses were not only utilized in the construction of the prison hospital, mainly due to the hard fought settlement agreement led by the Chamber and joined by the City and County, but several were facing huge downsizing and the agreement we arrived at helped not only to keep them operating, but also allowed many folks to continue working during the height of the economic downturn. It is important to remind you and give praise to the members of the Chamber Board who were seated at that critical time in 2008-09 who took it upon themselves to reach into their own personal pockets to move the litigation forward and allowed our attorney of record, Steve Herum (a past president of the Chamber) to start what was to be a landmark process that now CDCR is using throughout the state as they continually meet the challenges in prison remodel and new 6
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Authority Dewitt Nelson Facility, which was not part of the settlement agreement, in hiring locally, which is very helpful to our good friends and partners in the trades. At the 2013 Small Business Awards luncheon, also at the Hilton, the Chamber awarded Chris Meyer, CDCR Construction Program Director; Mike Meredith, Prison Hospital Construction Manager; and Kim Peterson, Prison Hospital Employment Outreach Director, for their dedicated work in making sure the settlement agreement led by your Chamber not only met the intent, but exceeded expectations. I can without any hesitation tell you that without the vision and foresight of your Chamber Board of Directors back in 2008-09 the previous paragraphs would not have been written! Thank you to all! Hopefully all of you who have stood with us during hard times will encourage others to join us as we work our way out of an economic chasm and move to the top of the mountain. To that end, on the evening of Tuesday, July 9, 2013, the Stockton City Council took a huge step up that mountain by voting 7-0 to place the ž% sales tax on the ballot in November 2013. Your Chamber, represented by Chamber Financial VP Judith Buethe, was there to make the following statement to the council (edited for space allotted for this article): “Good evening Mayor Silva and Council members. I am here tonight representing not only our Chamber President, Steven Crabtree, but also the Board of Directors of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce to support placing the ž% sales tax on the November 2013 Special
Election Ballot…The Chamber Board was polled on June 27th, 28th and July 1st and a majority agreed to ask you to place the tax measure on the ballot so that the people of Stockton can determine their own destiny in this very crucial time we are facing as a community…I must make it very clear that this recommendation is only for placing this matter on the ballot and not to the merits of the ballot measure nor an
Programs and Public Policy Department by: Frank Ferral
endorsement…It has been and will continue to be the time-honored practice of the Chamber to fully vet and examine an issue before a position is taken on any matter. Clearly, the importance of the issue at this time and place merits full examination to determine the best position to take not only for the community at large, but also for the business community as a whole.” Watch for updates as we proceed with our tried and true process to bring a recommendation to all of you! Knute Rockne said: “An automobile goes nowhere efficiently unless it has a quick, hot spark to ignite things, to set the cogs of the machine in motion. So I try to make every player on my team feel he’s the spark keeping our machine in motion. On him depend our successes.” The council, city staff and dedicated citizens have done their part; now it is time for us all to put aside politics and personalities and do what is right for Stockton now and into the distant future!
Chamber Gears Up for Valley Green Team Effort The “Valley Green Team” project is a collaborative effort between private businesses; municipal, county and state government agencies; school districts; economic development professionals and communities throughout the Central Valley. The Valley Green Team has been developed to educate, demonstrate and inspire communities in the Central Valley to replicate the award-winning Green Team San Joaquin programs in their regions and to address environmental and economic development issues as it relates to the cost of doing business. The Chamber proposes to do this by collaboratively working for regional solutions through presentations, REACON Assessments, surveying, recognition programs and promoting the general awareness of environmental stewardship. The intent of this effort is to demonstrate the role that increased recycling, use of clean energy and changing business policies
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challenges in the Valley. The Valley Green Team/REACON Team will consist of staff from the participating jurisdiction the Stockton and local Chambers of Commerce and investors from the energy, recycling and air conservation fields. Valley Green Team will start making presentations to jurisdictions from Stanislaus to Kern County starting in August. If you have a Valley-wide presence and would like to become an investor, please contact Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org.
THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS GREEN TEAM SAN JOAQUIN SPONSORS: American Recycling • Carpenters Local Union 152 CBC Steel Building • City of Stockton • Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific • Durst Contract Interiors • Granite Construction Co. Healthy Air Living • Modern Energy Concepts • The Newark Group Onsite Electronics Recycling • Pacific Gas & Electric Company Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. • Real Good Solar San Joaquin Council of Governments • San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD • SAWS • ServiceMaster Clean • Sims Metal Management Surtec • Universal Service Recycling • Valley CAN
by: Heidi Altamirano 49th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue One of our most popular events of the year is the Industrial Technology Barbecue, a festive fall get together honoring new
Taking Care of Business Program 2013-2014 Sign up now for the most bang for your buck! The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member
and expanding businesses in our county. So mark your calendars
businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities
for Wednesday, September 11 at 5:00 p.m. at the University Plaza
for the upcoming year. This popular program was created to give
Waterfront Hotel, 110 W. Fremont St., Stockton 95202.
Chamber members an excellent way to receive exposure throughout
We’re proud to have the distinguished and continuing support
the year at a dramatic discount off normal pricing.
of our founding sponsors: Pacific Gas & Electric Company, SJC
Taking Care of Business Sponsors Help Fund Key
Economic Development Association and San Joaquin Partnership.
Chamber Programs
Their dedication to honoring those companies that enhance our
Taking Care of Business also ties closely to the Chamber’s work
revenue and employment base is a testimonial to the emphasis we
in business retention and development activities, and helps fund
place on encouraging a healthy business economy.
committees and programs designed to keep Greater Stockton
Various Industrial Technology Barbecue sponsorship levels are
businesses healthy and growing. Committees supported include the
available, and if you take action now, you’ll receive maximum
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable and other business
marketing exposure in upcoming promotions. Act now and help
development programs.
us honor these great companies! For more information, please contact Timm Quinn at 209.547.2960 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
$1100 GOLD SPONSOR Exclusive sponsorship. Sponsorship includes eight dinner tickets, two pre-event Honoree Reception tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name/logo of company), ad in the dinner program, recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
$800 SILVER SPONSOR Sponsorship includes four dinner tickets, recognition in all preevent publicity and mailings (with name of company), recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
$600 BRONZE SPONSOR Sponsorship includes two dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), listing of company in the program night of the event, recognition from podium during event.
Sponsors receive recognition at such events as the Industrial Technology Barbecue, State of the City, Annual Golf Tournament, Chamber Tradeshow & Showcase Mixer and Chamber Business Awards. Popular Awards programs such as ATHENA Awards are also included, as well as the Annual Installation Dinner.
Advantages Available to Taking Care of Business Supporters Sponsoring companies typically select several options from the events line up. The Chamber allows its members to wisely choose a yearlong program that meets their marketing, consumer exposure and community involvement goals. Package prices enable sponsors to select from several marketing and promotional opportunities at a significant savings. For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through Taking Care of Business, contact Heidi Altamirano, Events Director, at 209.547.2764 or e-mail heidi@stocktonchamber.org.
Ag Hall of Fame Requests Nominations The San Joaquin County Agricultural Hall of Fame is requesting nominations for outstanding agricultural leaders and mentors in our community. Now in its 29th year, the Agricultural Hall
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
of Fame honors those individuals who have contributed to
people you know and then consider nominating them for
agriculture and to their community in significant ways. Each
this year’s prestigious ATHENA Award. On November 21,
year, awards are given to at least three living recipients, as well
at a luncheon at Stockton Golf & Country Club, we’ll honor
as posthumous ones.
an outstanding individual as our 2013 Stockton Chamber
All those previously recognized in the Agricultural Hall of
of Commerce ATHENA recipient and the ATHENA Young
Fame have their photographs and biographies on display at
Professional Leadership Award recipient. The deadline for
the San Joaquin Historical Society & Museum in Micke Grove
nominations is 3 p.m. on August 30.
Park and in the lobby of the new Robert J. Cabral Ag Center. Nomination forms are available from the Greater Stockton
Our reigning honorees are Phyllis Grupe and Jennifer Torres Siders. These awards are presented to individuals in
Chamber of Commerce and must be submitted by August 16th
our community who strive for the highest level of professional
in order to be considered. For more information, please call
accomplishment, excel in their chosen fields, demonstrate
Timm Quinn at 209.547.2960 or visit the Stockton Chamber of
support for the advancement of business and professional
Commerce website at www.stocktonchamber.org and click on
women, devote time and energy to their communities in a
the Ag Hall of Fame link in the Events section.
meaningful way and open paths so that others may follow. For more information and to download a nomination form,
2013 ATHENA Awards Nominations Sought
visit www.StocktonChamber.org. Click on the ATHENA Awards
Take a few minutes to think about the exceptional business
tab in the Events dropdown menu.
STOCKTON HAS EVERY REASON TO SMILE! The Bright Now! Dental office in Stockton is committed to bringing you the best care at affordable prices. We have a passion for dentistry and compassion for patients. Call today for your appointment – your smile couldn’t be in better hands!
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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
Convention & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
Summer in Stockton Looking for fun activities for the whole family this summer? The SCVB has launched a new microsite, summerinstockton.com,
Ribbon Cuttings For additional information go to www.stocktonchamber.org or e-mail Margaret at Margaret@StocktonChamber.org. For more ribbon cutting photos, visit www.facebook.com/stockton.chamber.of.commerce
Attending Ambassadors Ojesa Asejo-Clark, Rabobank Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan Joe Furtado, Omega Insurance Ella Holman, Collins Realty Inc. Carly Jimenez, Keller Williams Jeff Kaminski, Stockton Ports Baseball Jennifer Lewis, Hilton Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Ross Moerman, Doctor Data Tim Pasisz, Stockton Convention Visitors Bureau Victor Randolph, Never Boring Dora Ruiz, EZ Network Systems Glenn Sides, Stockton Ports Baseball
an easy-to-search “Summer in Stockton” guide. The site highlights all of the exciting summertime events and attractions in Stockton, breaking down all the happenings into eleven popular categories, including: Kid-Friendly, Music Lovers, On the Water/Delta and Free/Low Cost Activities. Check it out and start planning your summer in Stockton today! Visit summerinstockton.com or call
Airtech Heating & Air 1113 E. Roosevelt Street
209.938.1555 to get your event listed!
Stockton Beer Week Returns to Celebrate Craft Brewing Stockton Beer Week, an event celebrating craft and micro brewing, will take place in locally owned breweries, bars, pubs and restaurants across Stockton from August 10 through 18. The
Sylvan Learning Center 878 W. Benjamin Holt Drive
second-year event has been expanded to cover two full weekends! Participating venues will host specialty beer tastings, brewer talks, beer dinners, tap take-overs, food pairings and more! Stockton Beer Week is designed to promote the appreciation
Delta Protective Services 141 E. Acacia Street
of craft beer and its history in our region. To learn more about Stockton Beer Week, visit stocktonbeerweek.com or call the SCVB at 209.938.1555. You can also stay up-to-date with the event by following them on Facebook.com/StocktonBeerWeek and Twitter.com/StocktonBeerWk (#StocktonBeerWeek).
Stockton Women’s Network 17 E. Sonora Street
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/CelebrateStockton
AUGUST2013 11
Leadership Stockton by: Timm Quinn
Become a Certified Green Business! Save money & gain customers by:
Congratulations again to Reducing the Leadership waste
area and dining hall of the facility. The
Conserving Stockton Class of 2013 for all ofwater your and hardenergy Gospel Center Rescue Mission offers food, Protecting public health Using to recycled-content in your products work and dedication the class and to shelter, safety and a second chance to the
making Stockton a better place to live.
homeless and addicted.
2013 endeavored to create for Stockton’s homeless families. The Class found it especially heart warming to interact with residents of the
Their hard work in their yearlong projects The first step in completing the projects www.GreenTeamSanJoaquin.com
Stockton Shelter for the Homeless and to
at the Gospel Center Rescue Mission SMALL BUSINESS was the “Strike out Homelessness”
experience firsthand their gratefulness
and Stockton Shelter for the Homeless fundraiser HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL * held in December 2012 at Affordable Hazardous Waste Management for Your Business were a great example for the community Pacific Avenue Bowl. Chaired by Donnie A Program of San Joaquin County Public Works www.SJCrecycle.org to show what a group of people can get(209) 468-3066 Hernandez, the event included teams i Low cost way to safely dispose of hazardous materials. accomplished when they workontogether. (Costs depend your waste types.) from throughout the community. i Documentation that you properly manage hazardous waste. See below for an outline of what they did! Underwritten by Farmers and Merchants i Assurance that the material will be disposed of properly. Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) During the Retreat in *September 2012, Bank and ServiceMaster, the bowling
for our presence. The experience was
the Leadership Stockton Class of 2012-
Chanda Bassett, Blain Bibb, Adam
event raised a total of $12,623. In addition,
2013 chose to help the Stockton Shelter the class also raised $2,377 at a Stockton We also accept universal and electronic waste. for the Homeless and the Gospel Shelter for the Homeless event. Green Your Center Bottom Line
Product Stewardship! Rescue Mission with for their yearlong projects. The smell of fresh paint, the special Economic benefits abound: Thereduced Stockton Shelter for the savings, Homeless operating costs, energy reduced disposal costs, the creation of green jobs.
bedspread, sheets and pictures on the
www.CalPSC.org wall gives each of us that sense of security
both humbling and inspiring to witness the good work of those who work on a daily basis to provide a safe haven for Stockton’s homeless. Members of the 2012-2013 class are: Cheshire, Mary Ann Dahl, Angelo Giannini, Nou Hendricks, Alicia Hernandez, Donnie Hernandez, Shelly Jersey, Chris Kay, Roseanna Montez,
project included completely redecorating,
Scott Rivinius, Tony Sajor, Jr., Katrina
Design it Green it Clean | Conserve Resources | Reduce Toxics | Take it Back! painting and| Make installing new flooring in | Reuse | Eliminate and well-being for a good night’s sleep,
Scott, Nate Scott, Jehna Steinwert, Nick
two of the family rooms. The Gospel
all tucked in with the warmth and
Trulsson, Christa Vandarwarka, Candy
Center Rescue Mission project included
feeling of home. This is the environment
Vargas, Danny Victoria, Diane Vigil and
installing new flooring in the common
the Leadership Stockton Class of 2012-
Julie Whitehouse.
Networking Mixer Stockton Athletic Hall of Fame @Stockton Arena
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION PREPARES ALL SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY KIDS FOR COLLEGE AND CAREERS! San Joaquin County Office of Education provides educational leadership, resources, and services to support San Joaquin County schools. With its highly regarded programs innovative staff, and community partnerships, SJCOE ensures that every student in San Joaquin has the opportunity of a quality education.
Be sure to take advantage of our upcoming TECH Clinics.
Find out more information about programs by visiting www.sjcoe.org/wherekidscomefirst AUGUST2013 13 www.stocktonchamber.org
THE CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FACI L On July 15, 2013, a new stage in San Joaquin County
according to Lieutenant Michael Gomez, who serves as Public
history began. That was the day when the first set of inmate
Information Officer for the facility. The additional staff will
crew workers stepped into the brand new California
be added over the next 6 months—drawn from both new
Healthcare Facility on Austin road in Stockton. This brand
hires in San Joaquin County and from existing staff members
new facility represents the culmination of over five years of
already employed in California—as the facility is populated
planning and two years of construction on an institution
by a relative trickle of inmate patients. “We’re going to be
that will mean big business—and many advantages—for the
receiving about 10 or 20 inmate patients a day until we’re at
Greater Stockton community.
full capacity,” said Gomez. “That will give us time to review
More than a Prison Hospital
files and best serve the patients’ healthcare needs.”
On the most basic level, the California Healthcare Facility
A large portion of the 1,700 patients will include inmates
is a prison hospital. But look beyond the surface and the new
with chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses, said Gomez,
local institution offers much more than just beds behind bars.
and all patient inmates will be transient. “We’ll have the
The new 1.2 million square foot facility is an intermediate-
patient-inmates here for from 30 days to six months. Once
level medical and mental health care campus serving a wide
they level out, we will send them back where they came from.”
range of inmates from across California’s prison system. The
This means that the new institution will have a continually
hospital was planned and constructed here in Stockton in
revolving population of patients who most need the high-end
order to take advantage of our area’s central location in the
care the facility will specialize in.
state. This advantage means big savings and better care for
The facility will include state of the art inpatient medical
California’s large incarcerated population who will benefit
care, outpatient services for patient-inmates, dental services,
from a centralized facility in which medical and mental health
comprehensive psychiatric and rehabilitative treatment for
issues can be treated by highly qualified and specialized staff.
acute and chronic conditions as well as a large portion of
At full capacity, the California Healthcare Facility will
mental health crisis beds for patient-inmates in psychiatric
house more than 1,700 inmate patients and employ around
crisis. The facility has also forged a multi-year partnership
2,800 workers on its 140-acre campus in San Joaquin County.
with San Joaquin General Hospital for care not available
More than a thousand staff members—including doctors,
at the new facility. Patient-inmates in need of such
nurses and specialists as well as custodians, office techs and
specialized treatment will be housed in a separate guarded
correctional officers—are already working on the campus
unit at the hospital.
ITY OPENS A New Era for Stockton
by: Justin Souza
in the neighborhood of 6,900 jobs and about $1.1 billion of
Economic Impact
economic activity each year in the greater Stockton area,
The California Healthcare Facility has already been a boon to
according to the study.
the local economy, and is certain to boost the Greater Stockton
Gomez said that a strong partnership with San Joaquin Delta
area for years to come.
College will ensure that local professionals have the skills necessary
According to the findings of an economic impact study prepared by the Sacramento Regional Research Institute
to fill future jobs at the facility. Under the contract, Delta will
in 2009, the California Healthcare Facility has already
expand its accredited psychiatric technician program to fill
significantly contributed to Stockton’s economy. Contracts
currently needed positions at the California Healthcare Facility and
established during the planning phase mean that a
prepare students to fill positions as they become available in the
significant portion of the construction of the high-tech
future. Delta continues to ramp its program up and is expected to
high-security 1.2 million square foot facility was handled
graduate 270 qualified students in the next three to four years. Over the next decades, the California Healthcare Facility
by local firms and contractors. Lt. Gomez indicated that the facility actually surpassed all guidelines for local hiring
is certain to prove itself a beacon of opportunity for the San
and estimated that construction alone is estimated to have
Joaquin County region. According to the economic impact
made a $1 billion economic impact on the local economy, as
study, the facility will produce a ripple effect in the economy as
well as creating more than 5,000 regional construction jobs.
a result of the facility activities, suppliers of goods and services
In addition to these direct gains, the facility has contributed
and spending by the 2,800 direct employees who will all live in
more than $3 million to roadway improvements, and nearly $1.4
the region. This ripple effect is most likely to exhibit as a large
million in direct contributions to local schools and government.
uptick in the activity of the health & social services, retail and
Construction material purchases are estimated to have added
governmental sectors. Each of these industries is expected to
more than $1 million of sales tax revenue to the San Joaquin
show some significant gains over the coming years. “Our annual payroll will be nearly $250 million,” added
County coffers, as well. Once the facility is at full capacity, which is expected by 2014,
Gomez. “Most of our employees will be out buying homes,
it will become one of the area’s largest employers. Ongoing
buying cars, buying groceries and paying taxes in the
operation of the facility is expected to directly support
Stockton region. This is a win win for the area.”
2,800 high-paying jobs and contribute over $675 million in output to the regional economy. Including direct, indirect
To find out more about the California Healthcare Facility, visit chcfstockton.com.
and induced benefits, the new facility is expected to support Photographs courtesy of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
AUGUST2013 15
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News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
The Stockton Symphony opens
Autumn Pops: September 21 at 6 p.m. and September 22
its 2013-14 season with an
at 2:30 p.m., Atherton Auditorium – SJ Delta College. For
invigorating, highly energetic
more information, contact www.StocktonSymphony.org or
evening. Celtic Soul features
a breathless virtuoso fiddle
Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul
performance by an original star of
“Sales is Not A Four-Letter Word”. Victoria Buckmann is the
Riverdance, Eileen Ivers, known
founder of Programmed For Wealth and has 25 years of sales
for her electrifying concerts that
experience combined with coaching and training expertise. This
bring audiences to their feet. Ivers is
dynamic presentation by Buckmann will take place Wednesday,
joined by her ensemble, Immigrant
August 7, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. at the Stockton Womens Network
Soul; local Irish dancers; and the
luncheon. For reservations, call 209.472.0359.
full Stockton Symphony.
Lincoln Center Since it was established way back
Throughout its long history, Lincoln
community focus with a bevy
in 1951, Lincoln Center has been a
Center has always been more than
of fun activities offered to the
foundational center of Stockton’s
simply a shopping center. When
Stockton area. The Center’s
vibrant local economy. Over
it was established, the Center was
monthly Live! Events—themed
the last 62 years, the shopping
envisioned as a key part of Lincoln
family-friendly evenings featuring
center that once included 25,000
Village, an innovative planned
live music, giveaways and special
square foot shopping area with
community which included
activities hosted throughout the
16 neighborhood stores under
homes, schools, churches and
summer months—are always major
“The Big L” has become a local
recreational areas, all anchored
community draws, but the activities
shopping icon with more than
by a retail environment filled with
don’t end there. The Center’s
90 retail, restaurant and service
locally-owned shops, restaurants
events calendar includes everything
storefronts spread across 35 acres
and more. From the beginning the
from weekly wine tastings hosted
of land on both sides of Benjamin
Center offered more than simply
by individual retailers, walks/runs
Holt Drive.
convenient retail storefronts. Long
through Lincoln Village every
time locals fondly remember the
Tuesday evening, charity activities
According to Janelle Nelson,
many community attractions the
and of course, the Center’s popular
Marketing Director for Lincoln
Center has offered over the years.
semi-annual sidewalk sales. The
Center, the Center’s 90
Anyone who remembers coming
shopping center is perhaps as
merchants include many locally-
to the Center as a child is sure to
much community hub as it is an
owned and family-operated retail
mention the shopping center’s
exciting local retail environment.
stores, restaurants and service
Astro Slide, which was a popular
businesses. “Our merchants are
pastime for area children starting in
For more about the great things
dedicated to quality and service,
the 1950s.
Lincoln Center offers to the
as well as proud to be part of the
Stockton community, visit the
second oldest shopping center
Over the years, the Center
shopping center on the web at
west of the Mississippi!”
has continued this tradition of
AUGUST2013 17
We’ve been here for 80 years. It’s time to have some friends over! Join us for a fun, exciting and informative 2-hour boat tour of your Port of Stockton every Saturday. And it’s FREE!
ALL HANDS ON DECK FOR OUR 80th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! Every Saturday in through September, we’re conducting free tours of the Port of Stockton. It’s your chance to see the history, current activities and future developments of the Port from the best vantage point available – the water! It’s a fun, informative experience the whole family will enjoy. Register for your free tickets now! TOUR DETAILS: • FREE two-hour tours every Saturday through September July and August registration is closed – standby is available on a first come, first served basis September registration will open on August 5 – 4 people per registration • Tours depart at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4 p.m. • Tours on the “California Sunset” depart from the Stockton Marina: 445 W. Weber Ave. in Downtown Stockton • Refreshments will be available for purchase • Register at www.opportunitycruises.com or call 209.259.3815 PORT OF STOCKTON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Chairman Stephen Griffen, Vice-Chairman Victor Mow, Commissioner R. Jay Allen, Commissioner Elizabeth Blanchard, Commissioner Gary Christopherson, Commissioner Michael Patrick Duffy, Commissioner Sam L. “Butch” Toccoli, Port Director Richard Aschieris.
Become a CPA. Enroll in Pacific’s new Master of Accounting. Classes begin in fall 2013.
The “California Sunset”
Top 10 Ranking for the Most Diverse Business Schools
Pacific.edu/Business | business@pacific.edu | 209.946.2629
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
New Members Air Conditioning & Heating – Sales & Service
Security Service
Indoor Environmental Services
Universal Protection Service
1512 Silica Avenue, Sacramento www.ies-hvac.com
1816 Tribute Road #150, Sacramento www.universal1965.com Security Guard & Patrol Service
Lodi Health Just the Tip Vapors
Calendar August 2013
975 S. Fairmont Avenue, Lodi www.lodihealth.org
August Networking Mixer @ Never Boring and Parks Printing, 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 124A Stockton, CA 95203 Ribbon Cutting 4:30 p.m., Mixer 5:15-7:15 p.m.
New Member Meeting 10:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
7 Leadership Stockton
Class of 2014 Orientation 3:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable 7:30 a.m. @ TBA
9305 Thornton Road #B, Stockton www.justthetipvapors.com
Leadership Stockton Leadership Dynamics Session 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. @ SJCOE
9 Government Relations Council
7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
12 Liason Meeting
12 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Be sure to bring a lunch!
Green Team San Joaquin 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
21 Executive Committee Meeting
7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
Effective Strategies Group Meeting 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Government Relations Council 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Business Education Alliance 3:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
28 29
Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
9/5 September Networking Mixer
5:15 p.m.–7:15 p.m. @ Servpro of Stockton, 2334 Stagecoach Road, Ste. J, Stockton
Information Session August 13, 2013 Call for details or to register.
Get a real MBA. Enroll in Pacific’s Part-time Flexible MBA. Classes begin in fall 2013.
Top 10 Ranking for the Most Diverse Business Schools
Pacific.edu/Business | business@pacific.edu | 209.946.2629 www.stocktonchamber.org
AUGUST2013 19