Vol. 60 No. 4
Cover Photograph by Caroline Photography
ACTUALLY, GETTING LOTS OF EMAILS CAN LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Our members can email directly with their doctor’s office, which in turn allows them to spend more working time in your office.
DISCOVER A BETTER WAY kp.org/choosebetter
CONTENTS From Your President
From Your CEO
5:15 p.m. -7:15 p.m.
Visit Stockton
Cover Story
Ribbon Cuttings
@ Midtown Creperie & Cafe 2319 Pacific Avenue, Stockton
r e t a Gre 13
Programs and Public Policy Department
News Briefs
SEPTEMBER NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 p.m - 7:15 p.m. Hosted by San Joaquin County Office of Education
@The Da Vinci Center, 2857 Transworld Drive, Stockton, CA 95206.
Leadership Stockton
New Members
August Mixer
The entrance is on the west side of the building.
AUG 2014
Growing businesses need a full service agency. Just saying. Think Never Boring.
Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
You Say Goodbye, and I Say Hello!
CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications
Thanks to all of those who attended our annual installation. It was a celebration to say thank you to Steve
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.
Crabtree, goodbye to the outgoing
VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation
board members/committee chairs
VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group
and welcome the newcomers. I am proud to say, as your newly installed
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger, California Nuggets/Golden Gate Nuts Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428 SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Heidi Altamirano 209.292.8422 STAFF ACCOUNTANT Lia Her 209.292.8421 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.292.8427 SPECIAL EVENTS/ LEADERSHIP STOCKTON COORDINATOR Timm Quinn 209.292.8423 SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Michael Morales 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Dylan Bacon 209.292.8424 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 Jeffery Natividad 209.292.8426 Stephanie Rivas 209.292.8435 Lee Yang 209.292.8436 BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson 209.292.8430 CUSTOMER SERVICE/ SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mai Vang 209.292.8431 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
President, that we have received many accolades and encouragements from
numerous members of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce and the community at large.
I’d like to extend the same accolades and encouragements to our new City Manager Kurt Wilson, and our new County Administrator, Monica Nino. Inside this addition of the Port O Call, you will learn a bit more about our civic leaders and how they will continue to work to help make Stockton and San Joaquin County a thriving and desirable community. In my various professional circles, (ServiceMaster, Chamber, Rotary, Leads Club, Bocce Club, and Golf Club), I have noticed many new faces who have joined our community and they are eager to get engaged-I think this is a good sign as most of these newcomers are newly hired and bring the kind of enthusiasm and freshness that energizes. Most are enthusiastically searching for a network of professionals to help them in their endeavors. Of course, I believe that the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, through our programs and services, is a great way to get to know professionals and the community at large. I hope you will encourage them as well!!! We also have a chance to communicate the good things about Stockton to these newcomers and help get them off on the right foot. I am always quick to share information about our theaters, concerts, Downtown, the Miracle Mile, Lincoln Center, Village West Marina, and numerous other cool and fun places to enjoy year round. Since we are the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, I’ll share my favorite Lodi, Manteca, and Tracy spots as well! So by chance, if you happen to meet a “newbie,” embrace their enthusiasm, show them some love, and welcome them to our wonderful community!
PRINTING Parks Printing 209.466.9026 MAILING Parks Printing 209.466.9026
445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
AUG 2014
FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT Dateline July 10, 2014:
as our way of saying: we have confidence in both of them as
The Record and San
outstanding, honest, dedicated and very competent leaders
Francisco Chronicle: Great
to not only advise the City Council and Board of Supervisors
use of the United States
but all “public employees” to remember who they work for and
Constitution 1st Amendment
make sure that this City and County comes out of dark times
by Stockton and San Joaquin
into the sunlight of what our home city and county should be.
County resident, citizen,
They both have a great team and it will work! A prime example
businessman and “say it like
is the relationship the Chamber has with Stockton Community
it is” Dean (Dino) Cortopassi!
Development Director Steve Chase and Economic Development
Joan and I were in SF on July 10th to see the Giants
Director Micah Runner. Hopefully all the cities and the county begin anew personal
vs. A’s game (not the victory she was looking for from the
interaction, not just through the Council of Governments, that
Giants) and that morning we read the Chronicle, and then
was so prevalent back in the 1970’s, 1980’s and half way through
that evening, when arrived home, we read the Record and
the 1990’s when there were regular sit downs to discuss common
in both publications was the full page letter (paid for by the
issues and solution with the best interest of the public and future
Cortopassi’s “all costs of this and subsequent communication
generations in mind. Now, I feel so much better and thanks again
are paid from my wife’s and my TAX-PAID personal savings.
Dino and Joan Cortopassi for being wonderful residents of our
We are motivated to do so because we believe saddling our
local community and true Americans.
grandkids’ generation with the sins of unsustainable state overspending is morally wrong”) and we were not only in agreement with his words but proud to know him and call
Again in today’s Record (July 12, 2014) is a great story by Tony Sauro with the headline, “Historic ship back in Stockton”! As I sit here writing this article I am looking across the
him a Stocktonian. (He is right on and we had all better let
Stockton Marina looking at the Sherman (I too remember
government at all levels know that enough is enough) and
going on board at about 12-16 years old enjoying dinner with
proud of your Chamber Government Relations Council and
my family and friends) and hope it will again become an
your Chamber Board of Directors who take positions in
important part of our historic waterfront to help complete
favor of legislation that can stimulate and protect both the
the plans that started with the building of the marina, ball
business community and community as a whole, and against
park, arena and hotel that I know some short time negative
legislation that does just the opposite.
thinkers, pessimists and naysayers still can’t quite grasp the
I am a big believer in both divine guidance or, as some
vision and beauty of our waterfront which is so unique to our
may believe, fate but just after the first pitch was thrown at
Central Valley community and coveted by so many wishing
AT&T Park as we sat in Section 121, row N we looked to our
they had the same good fortune of a downtown marina area
left and in the next section over arrived Dino and two other
connected to a downtown that will again rise like a Phoenix
very involved Stocktonians and we were able to give him
with investment of time, talent, treasure and hard work by
A BIG “thumbs up” for his courage and standing up for what
those who really love this community and want to see it
is right against the “smoke and mirrors” that is so common
prosper for all.
today in all levels of government but most dastardly in Sacramento and D.C. That is why this month you see the cover story on the City
Also as I arrived at my office to sit down and “pontificate” on my thoughts, a very large group of folks (of all ages and an example of one of our strengths of the community - our
and Government with the photos of City Manager Kurt Wilson
diversity) was lining up on the Joan Darrah Promenade awaiting
and County Administrator Monica Nino gracing the cover
to board the Opportunity Cruises California Sunset Tour Boat
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
continued on page 8
LDA Partners, LLP
DA Partners is a full service
the job done for every client.
Lathrop. We’re now taking our skills up
architectural firm founded in
What is one of the greatest challenges
to Sacramento and down to Fresno. We
Stockton in 1979. We are a
you’ve faced while in business and how
can offer a good fit for design and the
well-diversified firm that handles a broad
did you overcome it? The Central Valley
things we do in design have to be conscious
spectrum of design and construction for
is its own separate economy. It’s different
and practical for the owner. It has to be
both public and private clients through the
from the Bay Area and even L.A. It’s
functional for our clients or we didn’t do
Central Valley and beyond.
challenging that the Valley is still mired in
our jobs well. That’s one of the best gauges
the downturn. Things are getting better,
for success.
Tell me about the inspiration behind the
but many businesses are still struggling.
founding of your business. Well, as far
Because of that, there’s a different kind of
What do you enjoy about doing business
as the founding goes. I think our founding
mindset here. We have to stay focused on
locally? Dealing with the people. I enjoy
partners just wanted to eat! But today we
what makes the people here tick, and what
meeting and talking with people with
really have a broad spectrum market up and
their individual needs for their buildings
different jobs, different responsibilities and
down the Valley. We are one of the largest
are. Our biggest success in that is just the
learning what makes them tick and what
firms in our area and we’re well positioned
knowledge that we survived the recession
they like about their jobs. I am charged
with our project coverage. In fact, it’s hard to
intact. We didn’t have to lay anyone off and
with designing a building for them that
find a major project in our area that we haven’t
we’ve actually grown in the last two years.
makes their jobs easier. When you do that
been included in, whether it’s a single family home, a business or a new jail!
right, not only do you have a client, you How do you see the business growing
also build a friend in the process.
in the future? We’re trying to establish Overall, to what would you credit your
the community’s knowledge of good
company’s success? Our fantastic clients and
design and how we do business. We’re
loyal employees. Our clients trust us implicitly
also looking outside of our area for
to deliver the buildings they want and need.
more design opportunities and to reach
You only get that after years of earning and
larger projects. I think we’re good with
building that kind of support. That comes down
what we do in the Valley. We’re proud
to our staff. They’re extremely talented and get
of our work in Stockton, Manteca and
presented by
Eric Wohle Partner, LDA Partners, LLP
continued from page 6
for the Saturday tour
come. For more details of future scheduled tours and other
of the jewel of Stockton,
fun things to do with Opportunity Cruises please go to www.
the Port of Stockton
opportunitycruises.com or call 209.466.5987 or go to www.
which is sponsored by
our fine Port. I took
a photo (see inset)
Please remember, it takes many more hard working, law
and captured both
abiding, honest, tax paying, faithful and dedicated citizens
the tour boat and
like Dino and Joan to stand up and be counted to make our
the Sherman which
Sa n Joaquin Count y communities, our state a nd nation
only confirms the importance and hope of things to come for all of us and generations to
be a l l t hey ca n be for a l l f rom t his time for ward. I k now you are out t here a nd it is time to step to t he plate!
VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA Sports = Big Business for Visit Stockton Large, national sporting events have made their way to Stockton this year through the efforts of the team at Visit Stockton. In July, Stockton hosted the 2014 Untied States Twirling
across the nation and world to compete in Stockton! The event, which is also scheduled for Friday, September 26 through Sunday, September 28, will feature men’s and women’s competitions, as
Association (USTA) National Baton Twirling Championships at
well as a lively competition on
the Stockton Arena. Over 500 participants, along with hundreds of
Friday evening with teams from
coaches and family members, spent an entire week in Stockton for
Pacific’s fraternities and sororities
the event. The economic impact for this type and size of event is well
taking on some of the pros. For
over $500,000 to our local economy.
more information on this event,
National competition will return to the Stockton Arena from Friday, September 26 through Sunday, September 28 for the USA
visit evptour.com. Many of these events will
Roller Sports 2014 Roller Derby National Championships. Visit
require volunteers to welcome
Stockton will serve as co-host of this event alongside Stockton’s
the competitors and their
own Port City Roller Girls roller derby team. Twenty-one teams
families to Stockton. If you
from across the country will converge on Stockton for this event
can volunteer your time, please
to compete for the USARS Seltzer Cup National Championship
contact the Visit Stockton offices at 209.938.1555 to find out more
Trophy. For more information on this event, visit
teamusa.org/USA-Roller-Sports/Roller-Derby. At the same time as the Roller Derby Championships, the world will be looking at the University of the Pacific’s brand new sand volleyball facility for the Extreme Volleyball Professionals (EVP) ProSeries World Finals of Beach Volleyball. This event, part of the
Visit Stockton is always searching for additional events to bring to Stockton! If you have ideas on sporting events that Stockton may host, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sports=Big Business
EVP National Tour, will bring sand volleyball competitors from
Save the date! Stockton Beer Week is August 22-31, 2014! Visit stocktonbeerweek.com for details
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555
Friday, august 8th
pink night
presented by Food 4 less
saturday, august 9th
Welcome mat giveaWay presented by realty World Friday, august 15th
presented by san Joaquin county correctional officers association
tocktonports.com For tickets call 644-1900
Dark Background
Seating for up to 370 - Beautiful Chandeliers - Full bar inside room Meetings - Holiday Parties - Large Built-in Dance Floor Seating for up to 370 ~ Beautiful Chandeliers ~ Full Bar inside room Great On-Site - Excellent Service Large Built -in Dance FloorCatering ~ Great On-Site Catering ~Customer Excellent Customer Service For more information, please contact Amanda Ray Amanda@elkhornbanquet.com 1050 Elkhorn Drive, Stockton CA 95209
209-477-2200 www.stocktonchamber.org
AUG 2014
he great recession hit the Greater Stockton area hard. But now, more than six years after the tidal wave of
the down economy broke across the country, Stockton and San Joaquin County have started to show true recovery. The County’s comeback hasn’t happened by chance. Stockton and San Joaquin County have recently benefited from a shift in management and a refocusing on core priorities. The installation of Stockton City Manager Kurt Wilson and San Joaquin County Administrator Monica Nino in 2014 and 2013, respectively, has represented a major turnaround for the area. Under the guidance and financial responsibility of these new, experienced leaders, the Greater Stockton area is leaner, more optimistic and ready to capture a bright future.
A Stronger Financial Foundation Kurt Wilson joined Stockton as the Deputy City Manager in 2012, and moved into the position of City Manager this past January. Whereas most employees have time to settle into their positions, Wilson joined the City’s government at a tumultuous time—less than 10 weeks after the City filed for bankruptcy protection. “I came into Stockton with my eyes wide open,” said Wilson. “Every city has challenges. It’s just in some cases you know what they are before you get there. That’s exactly what happened in this case, and it’s made things much easier for me.” Wilson’s managerial acumen and long experience in both the public and private sector was immediately apparent. “Because I have had the opportunity to experience things from lots of perspectives, I’m able to bring a big picture way of thinking to this By: Justin Souza
office,” said Wilson. Over the last two years,
Wilson’s strong financial leadership has enabled Stockton to stay
provided by San Joaquin County’s government. As a leader, she
on course to a successful recovery and also position itself for
continues to aim at reaching cost-effective results and proactive
growth in the future.
conflict resolution that benefits every member of the County. “San
“A lot of cities go through difficult times, but I think the future
Joaquin County as an organization is trying to create the most
is remarkable—even better than people realize—partly because
effective delivery of services to the community,” said Nino. “Our
of how Stockton has gone through this bankruptcy process,” said
Board and staff are very focused on prioritizing our service delivery
Wilson. “Because we’re starting with a clean slate, we’re in a better
mindset and are also looking into the future because we recognize
spot than most cities. As long as we live within our means, we’re
that we’re located in a really prime area and we have folks who want
going to be far more stable than our counterparts.”“Bankruptcy is
to come back and relocate here. So let’s bring the jobs here!”
a tough pill to swallow,” added Wilson. But by taking our medicine
Nino added that she understands that she and her staff in County
and learning our lessons, we can be very confident that we’ll never be here again and that as we move forward, our opportunities will be phenomenal. It really opens the door for economic development. As bankruptcy proceedings wind down, Wilson said that he feels Stockton is ideally placed for the future. “We have some untapped resources and I think we have some very good reasons for why Stockton should be a major player when it comes to business and industry.” This hopeful, forward-facing view typifies Wilson’s
"I see San Joaquin County as an untapped treasure. Our employment opportunities for companies and industry, our adjacency to the Bay Area and the great workforce we have available and ready right here mean that economic development is a huge opportunity for us. And we’re already
approach to Stockton’s future, and also reflects a growing optimism
making some really positive strides in that regard.”
which has taken root throughout the Stockton area’s government and across our vibrant business community.
Monica Nino, San Joaquin County Administrator
A County of Opportunity County Administrator Monica Nino shares this sense of optimism for the area’s future prospects. Nino, who joined San Joaquin County’s government as County Administrator in August 2013, is in charge of developing long-range policies to serve the whole range of County residents. As the whole region prepares for the future, Nino says that she’s increasingly focused on ways that the County can more effectively deliver services and form stronger partnerships with public and private agencies throughout San Joaquin County. “I see San Joaquin County as an untapped treasure,” says Nino. “Our employment opportunities for companies and industry, our adjacency to the Bay Area and the great workforce we have available and ready right here mean that economic development is a huge opportunity for us. And we’re already making some really positive strides in that regard.” According to the Vision Statement of the County Administrator’s Office, Nino and her administration’s goal is to serve as a catalyst
government can’t do it alone, but simply serve as facilitators of the region’s future success. “It’s not only going to take the County, it’s going to take partnerships with the cities and also private industries. I believe SJ County is here to support the business community and the constituents who live in the community. I see them as one in the same.” Nino said that she and the other local leaders will continue to ask what they can do to attract business here and she urges private industries to continually help develop the region’s economy, as well. “SJ County collectively—the business community and the government—we’re all trying to row in the same direction. It’s about creating jobs, but it’s also about the effect of the efficient delivery of services,” said Nino. “We have to continue to put in collective effort when it comes to economic development so that as a community and as a county we can be considered one of the best and brightest.”
for service delivery improvement across the whole range of services www.stocktonchamber.org
AUG 2014 11
EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN Sign up now for the most bang for your sponsorship buck!
50th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue
Taking Care of Business Program 2014-2015
year of one of our most popular events, the Industrial Technology
The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member
You won’t want to miss the 50th Anniversary Celebration this Barbecue! Don’t miss this festive fall get together honoring
businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities
new and expanding businesses in our county. To mark the
for the upcoming year. This popular program was created to
50th Industrial Technology Barbecue we will also be honoring
give Chamber members an excellent way to receive exposure
local Industrial and Technological businesses that have been in
throughout the year at a dramatic discount off normal pricing.
business for 50+ years! So mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 10, at 5:00 p.m. We’re proud to have the distinguished and continuing support
Taking Care of Business Sponsors Help Fund Key Chamber Programs Taking Care of Business also ties closely to the Chamber’s work
of our founding sponsors Pacific Gas & Electric Company, SJC
in business retention and development activities, and helps fund
Economic Development Association and San Joaquin Partnership.
committees and programs designed to keep Greater Stockton
Their dedication to honoring those companies that enhance our
businesses healthy and growing. Committees supported include
revenue and employment base is a testimonial to the emphasis we
the Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable, and other
place on encouraging a healthy business economy. Various Industrial Technology Barbecue sponsorship levels are
business development programs. Sponsors receive recognition at such events as the Industrial
available, and if you take action now, you’ll receive maximum
Technology Barbecue, State of the City, Annual Golf Tournament,
marketing exposure in upcoming promotions. Act now and help
Chamber Tradeshow & Showcase Mixer and Chamber Business
us honor these great companies! For more information, please contact Timm Quinn at
Awards. Popular awards programs such as ATHENA Award and San Joaquin Agricultural Hall of Fame are also included, as well
209.292.8423, or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
as the Annual Installation Dinner. $1100 Gold Sponsor Advantages Available to Taking Care of Business Supporters Sponsoring companies typically select a combination of event sponsorship levels from our numerous outstanding events. The Taking Care of Business program allows them to choose the events and sponsorship levels that will get them the most exposure for their sponsorship dollar. Supporting the Chamber and saving money, it doesn’t get any better than that!
Exclusive sponsorship. Sponsorship includes eight dinner tickets, two pre-event Honoree Reception tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name/logo of company), ad in the dinner program, recognition from podium during event, signage at table.
$800 Silver Sponsor Sponsorship includes four dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.
For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through Taking Care of Business, contact Timm Quinn, Events Coordinator, at 209.292.8423, or e-mail to tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
$600 Bronze Sponsor Sponsorship includes two dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), listing of company in the program night of the event, recognition from podium during event.
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8422
RIBBON CUTTINGS ATHENA Awards Nominations Sought 2014 Take a few minutes to think about the exceptional business people you know, then consider nominating them for this year’s prestigious
Attending Ambassadors Teri Manley – Stop the Presses Printing; Sara Phillips –Jhamat/Nationwide Insurance; Gloria Blaine – Basket Caravan; Victor Randolph – Never Boring Design Associates; Catherine Rodgers – Bank of Stockton; Ella Holman – Collins Realty
ATHENA Award. On November 20, at a luncheon at Stockton Golf & Country Club, we’ll honor an outstanding individual as our 2014 Stockton Chamber of Commerce ATHENA recipient and the ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award recipient. The deadline for nominations is 3 p.m., August 29. Our reigning honorees are Dr. Kathy Hart and Monica Streeter. These awards are presented to individuals in our community who strives toward the highest levels of professional accomplishment, excels in their chosen field, demonstrates support for the advancement of business and professional women, devotes time and energy to their community in a meaningful way and opens paths so
Stockton Art League – Elsie May Goodwin Gallery 1902 Pacific Avenue, Stockton
that others may follow. For more information and to download a nomination form visit www.StocktonChamber.org. Click on the ATHENA Awards tab in the Events dropdown menu.
AG HALL OF FAME REQUESTS NOMINATIONS The San Joaquin County Agricultural Hall of Fame is requesting nominations for outstanding agricultural leaders and mentors in our community. Now in its 30th year, the Agricultural Hall of Fame honors those individuals who have contributed to agriculture and to their community in significant ways. Each year, awards are given to at least three living recipients, as well as posthumous ones. All those previously recognized in the Agricultural Hall of Fame have their photographs and biographies on display at the San Joaquin Historical Society & Museum in Micke Grove Park and in the lobby of the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center. They are also listed on the Chamber Website on the Ag Hall of Fame page. Nomination forms are available from the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce website, and need to be submitted by August 15 in order to be considered. For more information, please call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or visit the Stockton Chamber of Commerce, www.stocktonchamber.org and click on the Ag Hall of Fame link in the events drop down menu.
AUG 2014 13
We are the coordinators for the Greater Stockton Chamber of
started with the program:
Commerce’s SCAP-SE program that aims to provide subsidized
1. Valid business license in San Joaquin County
employment opportunities to businesses in San Joaquin County.
2. Current declaration page for general liability insurance
The implementation of this program could prove to be a huge asset
3. Current declaration page for worker’s compensation insurance
to your business! Below, please find some detailed information
4. Federal and state employer ID numbers
regarding the SCAP-SE program. Please do not hesitate to contact
5. Signed W-9
us with any questions, feedback, or to schedule a meeting to discuss
6. Job descriptions for available positions
the benefits SCAP-SE can provide to your business, and we will be happy to assist you in any way that we can! What is the Stockton Chamber Apprenticeship Program (SCAP-SE)? The Stockton Chamber Apprenticeship Program – Subsidized Employment (SCAP-SE) is a program of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. SCAP-SE is a partnership with Human
As your SCAP-SE job developers, we will work closely with you to prescreen and refer only qualified candidates who meet your hiring requirements. We like to thank the following businesses that have participated with SCAP-SE this past year! 3 B’s Truck & Auto Plaza, Capital Feed, Capstone Logistics,
Services Agency and CalWORKs. The goal of the program is to
Coastal Pacific Food Distributors, Computer XP, Cost Plus
work collaboratively with HSA and CalWORKs to place CalWORKs
World Market, Denny’s – Charter, Denny’s – Tracy, Dorfman-
recipients into subsidized employment through employers in San
Pacific, Eagal Lakes, Epic Plastic, Co., Fleenor Company Inc.,
Joaquin County.
GBM Ceramics, Global Alliance, Grimaud Farms of CA, Inc,
What are the benefits to using SCAP-SE to find your employees?
Hammer Head Protection Inc, Hampton Inn, Harley Murray
50% reimbursement for wages paid for hours worked for 6 months
Inc, Hilton Stockton, Howard Johnson, Joe Lents Abbey Carpets,
Interview fewer applicants! SCAP-SE coordinators pre-screen individuals
Kroloff, Marble Palace Inc, Mikes Mobile Screens, Nationwide
based on business needs/job descriptions and requirements; therefore, your
Jhamat Insurance Agency, OnSite Electronics Recycling, Pitbull
business is only interviewing qualified candidates.
Trucking Lines, Inc., Randolph & Klein, Red Roof Inn Stockton,
SCAP-SE program is available at ZERO COST to businesses
Santander Insurance Agency, S&S Auto Sales Inc, Sunnyvalley
How does a business get involved?
Smoked Meats.
Setting up your business with SCAP-SE is easy as 1-2-3! Businesses typically have the necessary documents on-file. SCAP-SE will need a copy of the following documents to get you
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
For more information on the SCAP-SE program please call 209.547.2770.
NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Women’s Center-Youth & Family services announces new marketing and development director Michele Steiner joined
Michele Steiner
Women’s Success Group – Business Networking Thursday, August 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Papapavlos Restaurant. L oca l Rea l Estate E x per t, Ju lie Cosg rove a nd pa nel
Women’s Center-Youth and
w i l l d iscuss how to rebu i ld you r cred it to get back i n
Family Ser vices (YFS) June
t he rea l estate ma rket. Were you over whel med a nd ta ken
17 as the new Marketing
over by t he rea l estate cha l lenges of t he last severa l
and Development Director.
yea rs? Wou ld you li ke to pu rchase a home but don’t
Michele comes to us after 5
k now where to sta r t? Do you have pa rents who need to
½ years with UC Davis Health System in Sacramento
dow nsize a nd a re not su re what to do? T here is lig ht at
as their Associate Director of Development fundraising
t he end of t he t u n ne l . Br i ng you r que s t ion s , joi n us
for the cancer center and hospice programs. She will be
for busi ness net work i ng a nd some i n si g ht i nto to d ay ’s
responsible for overseeing the marketing and fundraising
re a l e s t at e m a rk e t . Vi sit
efforts of the agency, which includes special event
w w w.womenssuccessgroup.
coordination, major and planned gift solicitations, annual
org and go to Events Page.
fund campaigns and grant writing. T he mission of Women’s Center – Yout h & Fa mi ly Ser v ices is to bu i ld a st ronger com mu nit y by fosteri ng t he st reng t hs i n i nd iv idua ls a nd by ac t i ng as a cata lyst to end v iolence a nd yout h homelessness.
Stockton Women’s Network “Feeli ng over worked a nd over whel med i n you r busi ness or work place?” Guest spea ker Cla ra Chorley, a n i nternat iona l spea ker, ca reer ex per t a nd best-sel li ng aut hor w i l l prov ide you w it h a new perspec t ive, more energ y a nd put you r mojo back at work! Stock ton Womens Net work lu ncheon Aug ust 6 sta r ts 11:30 a.m. at Stock ton Gol f a nd Cou nt r y Club. Reser vat ions
Seeking Franklin High School Class of 1964 Alumni! The 50th Class Reunion Celebration will be held on September 20, 2014. Frank lin High School Class of 1964 50th Reunion will be held at the University of the Pacific Campus, Vereschagin Alumni House, 1022 Dave Brubeck Way in Stockton. Early bird Reunion tickets are $50 until August 16 and $65 up to the September 16 deadline. Purchase tickets at w w w.Frank lin1964.reunionmanager.com which includes a buffet dinner/no host bar. Ken Duley is the Reunion Event Manager at e-mail address Frank linClass1964@att.net.
209.472 .0359.
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8422
AUG 2014 15
LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY:TIMM QUINN possible with the support of our community. Thank you again to
Leadership Stockton Class of 2014 R&R for Fremont Park Project
all of our generous sponsors!
Congratulations again to the Leadership Stockton Class of
2014 for all your hard work and dedication to making Stockton a better place to live. Your hard work with your yearlong project at Fremont Park was a great example for the community to show what a group of people can get accomplished when they work together. The Class of 2014 was recognized for their great work Thursday, June 12 at the Leadership Stockton Class of 2014 Graduation Dinner. Project Summary: Each year the class comes together to select a project that will bring positive change and have a lasting impact on our community. The Leadership Stockton Class of 2013-14 selected to provide some much needed R&R (Recreation & Reclamation) for Fremont Park in Downtown Stockton. They took big steps to help reclaim Fremont Park, in part by adding outdoor recreation equipment (accessible to the neighboring school children, businesses and residents) and by cleaning the restroom facilities and park. With the support of our community, they were able to raise over $26,500!!! Their initial bowl-a-thon fundraiser, Pins for the Park,
Dylan Bacon, Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce Felisha Baker, San Joaquin County Sheriffs Office Michael Ball, County of San Joaquin Michael Basso, Law Office of Joseph Barlupo Steve Blankenship, Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Bill Carlson, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag Stephen Crosby, San Joaquin County Sheriffs Office Erin Diego, Port City Marketing Solutions, Inc. Josh Doberneck, Stockton Police Department Jimilynn Dorough, University of the Pacific Allison Dumas, University of the Pacific Randy Gibbs, San Joaquin County Office of Education Teresa Gomez, El Concilio, The Council for the Spanish Speaking Jovanna Gonsalves, First 5 San Joaquin/Human Services Agency Michael Gotschall, Gospel Center Rescue Mission, Inc. Michael Johnson, Stockton East Water District James Lenzi, San Joaquin County Sheriffs Office Rudy Lovato, San Joaquin County Sheriffs Office Michael Mark, Sheet Metal Workers Local No. 104 Shelby Riley, Central California Safety Council Annette Sanchez, El Concilio, The Council for the Spanish Speaking Monica Slingerman, Visit Stockton Brittnie Smith, Area Wide Exterminators Kim Sparrowk, Farmers & Merchants Bank Margaret St. George, San Joaquin County Office of Education Brandy Thurman, San Joaquin County Office of Education
raised over $11,000 towards their goal. Although this left them short of their goal, an outpouring of support from the community and the dedication of the class, kept the project on track. They were miraculously able to raise the remaining monies to complete their project with the outstanding addition of a wheelchair accessible station. With those funds, and the generous donation of plan design services from Siegfried Engineering, the Class of 2014 installed: horizontal bar, parallel bars, 3 plyo boxes (jump boxes), spring balance beams, sit-up board, S-shaped jump bar, 4 Exercise wheelchair accessible station. While this was a class project, it is only 16 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
Oak Valley COmmunity Bank
We Mean Business
Experience business banking the way it should be – the perfect blend of old-fashioned personal service and modern technology to meet your every need. Let us make your banking, our business. Oak Valley’s Stockton Manager, Karrie Knight, 343.7605 and CSM, Monica Maharaj, 320.7859 with Dr. Marweg, Stephanie Sadberry, and Dr. Bianchi of Delta Endodontics
“We love the efficiency and convenience of our new Remote Deposit Capture system and the service and support we receive from Oak Valley is terrific.” - Dr. Thomas Bianchi & Dr. William Marweg, Delta Endodontics
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Rod Johnson Air Conditioning Commercial and Residential HVAC And Refrigeration
ROD JOHNSON Proudly Serving Stockton for 40 years www.stocktonchamber.org
AUG 2014 17
6 7 7 8 8
Leadership Stockton Orientation 3:00pm @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room New Member Orientation 11:00am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room August Networking Mixer 5:15pm-7:15pm @ Midtown Creperie & Cafe 2319 Pacific Avenue, Stockton Government Relations Council Meeting 7:30am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Leadership Stockton Leadership Dynamics Session 8:00am @SJCOE
13 12 20 22 27 28
NEW MEMBERS Green Team San Joaquin Meeting 9:00am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Executive Committee Meeting 7:00am @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Government Relations Council Meeting 7:30am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Business Education Alliance 3:30pm @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Chamber Board Meeting 4:00pm @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
Atria Bayside Landing
Voluntary Insurance Aflac 5713 N. Pershing Avenue #C4, Stockton www.aflac.com/gustavo_arriaga
Insurance and Financial Services Farmers Stockton 4560 N. Pershing Ave #B, Stockton
Energy Products & Services Hydrogen Technologies, Inc 1401 N. Hunter Street, Stockton www.hydrogentechnologiesinc.com
Restaurants Togo’s 1433 W. March Lane, Stockton www.togos.com/stockton
NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday 12noon contact the Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org
No insurance. No problem. We offer a $49 special which includes exam, x-rays and cleaning.
Back to school checklist for the month of August Dental Checkup
Employees covered under Delta Dental are not eligible for full payment or deductible offer, but we will have lower copayments than in most offices. Plans on fixed fee schedule may vary. Deductibles will be waived up to $50 on first new patient visit.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Village Dental Care will be giving every child a back
to school
items after their routine checkup. We waive deductibles and copays on most insurances. Call now to see if yours qualifies (209)474-1000.