Port O Call - December 2014

Page 1


Vol. 60 No. 8





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From Your President


From Your CEO




News Briefs


Visit Stockton


Cover Story


Ribbon Cuttings



New Members


Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 p.m. contact the



Programs and Public Policy Department


Leadership Stockton


November Mixer Photos




DECEMBER DIVERSITY MIXER 5:15 - 7:15 p.m. @ Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing Ave.



Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org


DEC 2014



FROM YOUR 2014-15 PRESIDENT BY: BLAIN BIBB "Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, Ring-

Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

ting-tingling too, Come on, it's lovely weather,

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications

For a sleigh ride together with you…" I hope that tune gets stuck in your head all day. It’s one of my Christmas favorites

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

and helps get me in the mood for the

VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

holidays. It’s a time for celebrating with

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

family and friends, giving to those in need,

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag

and time for SHOPPING!!!

CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger, California Nuggets/Golden Gate Nuts Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.




As my wife Dena and I walk around town shopping local for our family and friends,

it’s nice to see so many stores and shops decorated, playing holiday tunes and having sales, all in the Christmas spirit! I hope you get out and do the same, supporting all of our local business owners. For many small businesses, this is the season that will make or break their year and you can absolutely make the difference! Stockton is full of various faith traditions and ethnicities and we understand that not everyone celebrates the holiday season the same way. We respect and celebrate that diversity in our community. With that in mind, this month is our second celebration of diversity for the year! Please join us at the Haggin Museum on December 4 at 5:15 p.m. for our Business Diversity Mixer. It is a great venue with good people, good food, and good fun! Finally, I’d be remiss not to mention the numerous non-profits in our community,

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.292.8427

who are in even higher demand this time of year, helping those in need. They can

SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Michael Morales 209.292.8425

benefit from any help you can give! Many of these non-profits are members of our

SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8426 Sophie Soth 209.292.8435 Mai Vang 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8436 BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson 209.292.8430

Chamber that can be found in our directory and would love your support! We wish you Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year!


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ADVERTISING Victor Randolph




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DEC 2014




From all of us here at your

beings who, in many cases through no fault of their own, have

Greater Stockton Chamber of

found themselves in dire straits. As “AP”, Andy Prokop of the

Commerce we hope that you

United Way of San Joaquin, continually reminds us is that those

and your family had a wonderful

in need “do not need a handout but a hand up!” Please find it in

Thanksgiving Holiday. We are

your heart at this most Holy and joyous part of the year to not

sure each and every one took the

only provide for your family but to reach out and help others.

time to count our blessings as

Trust me, you will feel the joy and be able to walk a little taller

a community, state and nation

each and every day.

that abound all around us. Yes,

November 20 saw the celebration of the newest ATHENA’s

we have issues to deal with but

as Joelle Gomez and Shelby Riley joined the ranks of wonderful

now that the (sometimes) nasty

women who do so much for the community and are wonderful

and manipulative campaigning is over we can all join hands and

role models. The day was wonderful and exciting and a big thank

move forward in a positive way.

you to the ATHENA Committee, the selection committee, the

The guy in the photo (who consented to be part of my

sponsors, the 100 year old Stockton Golf and Country Club staff,

December article) will be watching who will be naughty (the daily

the attendees and a big pat on the back to Timm and Ashley who

disingenuous and self-serving politics) or nice (doing faithfully

put the whole event together from day one. Congratulations one

and honestly the people’s business) and for the former will receive

and all and we look forward to the 2015 celebration.

a lump of coal and for the latter a big public THANK YOU! All indications show that this 2014 Christmas/Holiday Shopping

Hopefully, you have marked your calendars for Thursday, December 4 for the not to be missed Chamber’s Annual Business

season is shaping up to help get the local economy running at a

Diversity Mixer to be held at the wonderful and historic Haggin

very high level. It is our hope that you will do the vast majority

Museum from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. This wonderful annual

of your shopping at local stores that are owned, operated and

event is held in partnership with the Greater Stockton Chamber

staffed by your family, friends, neighbors and thankfully Chamber

of Commerce, the San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber

members. Not only will you be supporting them but you will also

of Commerce, the Central Valley Asian-American Chamber

be helping with the tax base for the much-needed services for our

of Commerce, the San Joaquin County African Chamber of

community. I/We firmly believe that whatever you need can be

Commerce and the California Delta Chambers and Visitors

found here in Stockton and in San Joaquin County and there is

Bureau. Featured will be samples of our diverse palate pleasing

little or no need to shop (if you can call it that) on the Internet! As

food that makes our community so special that many communities

we have said before, shopping local is not only a help to the entire

do not experience the opportunity to celebrate. While at the event

community but it is a social event giving us all a chance to see all

you will be able to enjoy the Haggin’s current exhibit: Heroes

the good things and people in our great community. Hope I/we

& Villains: The Comic Book Art of Alex Ross. So come kick the

will see many of you in the local stores not only shopping but also

Christmas/ Holiday Season off in style and at the same time make

spreading good cheer.

some great business connections and meet new friends.

Another important way of showing our “giving spirit” not only

On behalf of the Officers and Board of Directors, staff and

at this time of the year but also throughout the year is to help the

members of your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce here is

many wonderful Non-Profit Organizations that serve many of our

wishing each of you and your families a Very Merry and Blessed

less fortunate citizens. A wonderful lesson for our children it is to

Christmas/Holiday Season and remember the guy in the picture

“adopt” an agency and just give something to them on a regular

checks his list often! HO HO HO!!!!

basis. This will help them provide the basics to our fellow human 6


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce




Dorfma n Pacific

ell me about the founding of

What is one of the greatest challenges

undergoing that reflects how we see our growth.

Dorfman Pacific. Dorfman Pacific

Dorfman Pacific has faced while in business

We’re always working to find ways to ship

was founded by Frank Dorfman

and how did you overcome it?

faster to customers so that they can get their

in 1921, in Oakland, California. The current

In recent years, the economy has been a

products in tighter time frames. We are always

owner has been working for Dorfman for 43

challenge. When people are not traveling, they’re

figuring out ways to be more productive without

years. He bought the company and relocated

often afraid to spend money on hats. This hurt

increasing our labor costs. We want to grow

us to Stockton 27 years ago. Over the last 20

our business in 2008. When people are traveling

and add employment, but we keep an eye on the

years, the company has grown from about 80

to places like Vegas or New York, Hawaii or the

bottom line.

employees to 155 today. We’ve also added to

Caribbean—when they’re going on vacation—

the building twice.

that’s when they buy hats. When that picks up again, which it has in the last year or two, then

Overall, to what would you credit the company’s success? We’re a changing company. We’re not the same company we were 20 years ago or 40 years ago. We’ve been able to acquire other businesses and brands and try different products. For example, we used to

sales go up as well. The weather also affects our business. It’s something that nobody can control, but it’s a challenge for us. When it’s really hot out, customers just aren’t going to go out and buy a thick winter hat. So our summer season is much longer now than the winter season.

sell thermal underwear and snow boots. Trends

What does Dorfman Pacific enjoy about doing business locally? There are many areas in which Stockton beats the Bay Area, including the cost of living. It’s very convenient. Being located here, we have been able to retain employees for more than 10, 15, 20 years who love Dorfman. We’ve had our ups and downs but we’ve stayed in the same location and been able to grow here, which is not something we could

are important to us. A few years ago, young

How will the business grow in the future?

people were wearing a lot of fedoras. And before

We’ve just have to continue to be more

that, the red hat society was very big. So we’ll

productive with technology. It goes back to my

sometimes move a lot of a particular product

comment about constantly refining our product

for a time and then that trend tapers off and

line. We refine our processes the same way.

we see those numbers decline. We find success

Twenty years ago, our staff walked around our

because we continually evaluate our business to

warehouse with a piece of paper and looked for

determine if a particular sector is one that we

hats. Recently, we introduced a new system in

want to grow in and that would be profitable

the warehouse that is voice activated. Something

over the long term. In some cases, it wasn’t

on workers’ headphones will tell them to go

so we dropped it and introduced new lines or

to an aisle, pick six hats from a certain shelf,

Ba kul Patel

brands instead.

etc. That’s an investment that we’re currently

Chief Financial Officer, DORFMAN PACIFIC Stockton Chamber Board Financial Vice President

Presented by

have done in Oakland or the Bay Area.

NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

Women’s Success Group Announces Annual Stocking Auction Fundraiser for Local Charities Women’s Success Group, The Networking Group with a Heart,

Art Expressions of San Joaquin Artists works at Stockton Metropolitan Airport Art Expressions of San Joaquin also known as ‘The Gallery on

will hold their annual fundraiser Stocking Auction on Thursday,

the Move’ has an ongoing art exhibit at the Stockton Metropolitan

December 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Papapavlos Restaurant in Lincoln

Airport. Pay a visit to the airport and enjoy wonderful works by this

Center. Come enjoy a fabulous Greek Lunch and bid on beautiful

dynamic collaborative group of artists (Art can also be purchased

“surprise” gifts. All good fun and the money raised will go to

from that location). The airport is located at 5000 S. Airport Way.

support our local charities. You may even pick up some holiday gifts.

For more information call 209.460.0780 or visit artexpressions.org

RSVP required: www.womenssuccessgroup.org/index.php/events. Contact suzie@stocktonchamber.org.

Stockton Arena Recognized as Top 200 Venue Worldwide, Top 100 Domestically Pollstar Magazine has released its Top 200 Venues list for worldwide concerts, and the Stockton Arena came in at 137 worldwide. Domestically, the Stockton Arena comes in at 76. The list comprises attendance figures for all non-sports events in a venue. “We’re excited to be recognized by Pollstar Magazine for the third quarter. It’s always nice to be recognized along the top venues in the world.” Said SMG Stockton General Manager Kendra Clark. For more information

Law Firm Adds New Attorney The Stockton Law Firm of Neumiller & Beardslee is pleased to announce the addition of Ricardo Z. Aranda as an associate attorney in the firm’s employment law and litigation departments. Mr. Aranda has been practicing law in the Central Valley since 2008. He graduated from Stanford University in 1999 with a B.A. in Psychology. In 2008, he received his Juris Doctor, cum laude, from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. He is a member of the 20142015 class of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Stockton program.

visit www.stocktonlive.com.

VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA New Member of Visit Stockton Team Megan Ott has joined the team at Visit Stockton as the Digital Marketing Coordinator.

Dates for Upcoming Certified Tourism Ambassadors Classes Monthly Certified Tourism Ambassador classes are available

Ott will oversee all aspects of digital marketing

and open to the general public. Learn how you can turn every

including social media, web content, and

visitor encounter into a positive one! Upcoming CTA classes:

creative. A lifelong resident of the Central

February 25 and April 22. Join the growing list of Stockton

Valley, Ott brings a passion for travel and marketing to Visit

Ambassadors and sign up today! Program details, including

Stockton. Ott graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a

the curriculum and enrollment information can be found at

Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design in 2011 and previously worked

StocktonAmbassadors.com or CTANetwork.com or by calling

as a graphic designer for Never Boring Associates in Modesto. Ott

Megan at Visit Stockton at 209.938.1555.

currently resides in Ripon and in her spare time, she loves cooking, reading, and watching classic movies.



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555


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SHOP THE EASY WAY to MAKE A DIFFERENCE this HOLIDAY By: Justin Souza local businesses? Because the research is

even more incredible. According to

local is more than a good idea, it’s a way of

clear: shopping local is one of the best ways

Independent We Stand, it doesn’t take

life. As local retailers ring in the holiday

to encourage real, productive growth, one

much to make a huge impact, though. In

season this month, it’s important for every

community at a time.

fact, the independent authority’s figures

Here in San Joaquin County, shopping

hold that if every family in the U.S.

shopper to remember the many reasons why keeping dollars local during the

The Local Connection

spent an extra $10 a month at a locally

holidays—and throughout the year—is a

There’s no doubt that the holiday season

owned, independent business instead of

win win for everyone from store owners to

is an important time for all retailers.

a national chain, over $9.3 billion would

community members.

During the month of December alone,

be directly returned to our economy. Shopping at small and local

Most shoppers these days know about

merchants often bring in as much as 40%

Black Friday, but a newer retail holiday has

of their revenue for the year. But for local

businesses is also a major job creation

been moving the needle for local merchants

shops—and communities—the holiday

tool. According to the Small Business

over the last four years: Small Business

season can be even more essential. That’s

Administration, small businesses

Saturday. The retail holiday, created by

because spending money at local retailers

accounted for 65% of all net new jobs in

American Express and Independent We

creates a ripple effect across the entire

the United States over the past 17 years,

Stand in 2010, falls on the first Saturday

community by pumping money back into

and small businesses now employ some

following Thanksgiving and focuses on

the local economy in the form of taxes,

77 million Americans.

creating awareness of the many vibrant local

payrolls, purchases and local giving. In

businesses located within our communities.

fact, according to the U.S. Department

Local Benefits

This nationwide movement to embrace

of Labor, independent retailers return

With all of these benefits to shopping

shopping local has had a big effect. In 2012

more than three times as much money per

local, it’s great to have a plethora of local

alone, Small Business Saturday drummed

dollar of sales to their local community

retailers here in San Joaquin County who

up an estimated $5.5 Billion in spending at

than do chain or big box competitors,

offer unique gifts, fantastic service and

small businesses across the country, while

while independent restaurants return

amazing events certain to satisfy any

last year over 100 million shoppers embraced

more than double the money of national

holiday shopper.

the trend. This year’s event is expected to

restaurant chains. When you consider

At Lincoln Center in Stockton, the

be even bigger. But why focus on boosting

internet shopping, the figures become

holidays kick off with the annual Holiday


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Open House, a longstanding tradition for

in San Joaquin County, and one of the key

own list this year, check twice to be sure

any local shopper, and continue through the

features that has kept some nonprofits afloat,

you are shopping local. Because the money

end of the year with weekly events, charity

according to Rebecca Glissman, Director of

you spend can help boost everyone in the

drives and the impeccable personal touch

Development for St. Mary’s Interfaith Dining

community to an even brighter new year.

you can always expect from the more than

Room. “Local giving is absolutely critical to our

Happy (local) shopping!

six-decades-old shopping center.

budget. Of our $1.9 million budget, we only receive about $200,000 or so from government


deciding to shop local, and we feel like we

sources, the rest comes from local donations

Introducing a brand new benefit available

offer something unique,” said Janelle Meyers,

including from local businesses,” said

Marketing Director for Lincoln Center, which

Glissman, who noted that these sources help St.

is made up of nearly 80% local, independent

Mary’s serve over 400,000 meals to people in

website, where our community and visitors to

retailers. “We’re all about customer experience.

need each year. “What’s wonderful about our

Stockton can find deals, specials and events,

We totally understand that people shop online,

community is when the economy really started

encouraging shopping locally with our chamber

but we offer something a little different and

to turn sour about 2008, a lot of nonprofits

members. Visit www.stockton.savelocalnow.com or

more personal. We love to make things festive,

started struggling. People had a lot less money

download the Save Local App on iTunes or the

so throughout the season, we have a lot of fun

to give and more people needed their services.

Google Play store to start finding great deals

going on, and a lot of ways to give back to the

But the community continued to fund our

at member restaurants, retail stores, spas,

community.” The big L’s commitment to giving

services so we did not have to turn anybody

salons and much more.

back extends from making all events that they

away and did not have to shut down any of our

host free to providing means for shoppers to

services. Our community is phenomenal.”

“We really appreciate the community

make an impact through charitable donations

an uptick of between 4 and 10% in consumer

and other initiatives. “We just love giving back

traffic at retailers over last year. If just some

to the customers and the community who

of those shoppers choose to shop local, the

support us,” added Meyers.

San Joaquin County community—and those

been an important tool in community health

Save Local Now is a specials and deals

Don’t wait! Start getting all the savings you want, right here in San Joaquin County.

This holiday season, analysts are predicting

at the Center’s huge annual coat and sock drive

Local business’ willingness to give back has

FREE to Chamber members: Save Local Now!

like it all across the nation—will benefit tremendously. So when you make up your


DEC 2014 11

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Phil Shannon, LegalShield; Scott Grafius, Brown&Brown Insurance; Selina Paniagua, Cornerstone Staffing Solutions; Sherry Burns, Bay Area Cremation & Funeral Service; Victor Randolph, Never Boring; Paty Milano, NorCal Occupational Med Center; Mary Pennini, Pixie Woods; Becky Deal and Catherine Rodgers, Bank of Stockton; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Printing; Mat Amparano, Verve Networks; Judye Harris, Nationwide Insurance; Chuma Ikenze, Kenzel LLC; Judith Buethe, Buethe Communications (Chamber Vice President)

Stockton East Water District

Optimal Hospice Care

10 Million Gallon Water Reservoir

3461 Brookside Road, #A-2 Stockton

University of the Pacific Center For Community Involvement (CCI)

Creekside Care Center

265 W. Knoles Way, Stockton

9107 N. Davis Road, Stockton

Home Thyme

Hospice of San Joaquin

2111 Pacific Avenue, Stockton

3888 Pacific Avenue, Stockton

NEW MEMBERS Funeral Services

Advertising Agency

IT Services

Beauty Salon

Bay Area Cremation & Funeral Service of SJC 2455 Station Drive, Stockton www.bacfs.com Coneth Solutions 1112 N Main Street #303, Manteca www.coneth.com


Cruz Integrated 4719 Quail Lakes Drive #C447, Stockton www.cruzintegrated.com Hair Obsession 7931 Thornton Road, Stockton 209.952.1719

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


NorCal Occupational Medical Center 4722 Quail Lakes Drive #A, Stockton 209.320.8733

Real Estate

Provencio Group Real Estate Brokerage 445 W. Weber Avenue #232, Stockton 209.603.8429

Insurance Agency

Steele Insurance Agency 7488 Shoreline Drive #B4, Stockton www.steeleinsuranceagency.net


Suzie Bowers: suzie@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8427

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN Sign up Now for Taking Care of Business!! There is still time to get in on the Taking Care of Business Sponsorship program for our remaining 2015 events like the Golf Tournament, State of the City, Business Awards Luncheon, and Installation Dinner. The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming year. This popular program was created to give Chamber members an excellent way to receive exposure throughout the year at a dramatic discount off normal pricing. Sponsoring companies typically select several options from the events line up. The Chamber allows its members to wisely choose a yearlong program that meets their marketing, consumer exposure and community involvement goals. Package prices enable sponsors to select from several marketing and promotional opportunities at a significant savings. For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through Taking Care of Business, contact Timm Quinn, Events Director, at 209.292.8423, or e-mail to tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.


The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce proudly recognizes the following companies for their year round support of the Chamber through our Taking Care of Business Sponsorship Program TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS SPONSORS 2014-2015 A.G. Spanos Companies Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Bank of the West California Water Service Co. Collins Electrical Company, Inc. Stockton Branch Delta Sierra Beverage DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. F&M Bank Financial Center Credit Union Kaiser Permanente Moss Adams, LLP

Neumiller & Beardslee Oak Valley Community Bank Pacific Records Management Port of Stockton San Joaquin Delta College ServiceMaster Building Maintenance St. Joseph’s Medical Center Stockton East Water District The Record/San Joaquin Media Group United Way of San Joaquin County University of the Pacific Valley First Credit Union Visit Stockton


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Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

Oak Valley Commercial Lenders and Stanislaus County Branch Managers pictured (from top): Roxanna Smith, Elisa Luna, Mike Petrucelli, Ron Davenport, Susan Quigley, Julie Alves, Patrick Burda, Peter Brown, Cathy Ghan, Sylvia Orozco, Dianna Bettencourt, Mike Garcia, Lupe Rodriguez, and Susan Hartless.

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DEC 2014 13

PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL into a beautiful vase. And those packing peanuts left over from the

Being Green, Living Green You are Invited to the Refreshments with the Recyclers! Annual Holiday Luncheon and Toy Drive

holidays? Reuse them to send a gift. Use lawn clippings and shrub prunings for composting, or make a beautiful piece of furniture from an old piece of wood. Use a cloth

Please join the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce for the Annual Holiday Luncheon at the Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal

that can be washed and reused rather than disposable wipes.

Blvd on Wednesday, December 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., to celebrate


the joys of the Holiday Season and to hear from our Keynote Speaker

Recycling benefits the environment and preserves our natural

Assistant Secretary James Bohon with the California Environmental

resources. Manufacturing new products out of recycled materials

Protection Agency.

often uses less energy, can be less costly, and usually consumes less

As in previous years, bring a NEW unwrapped toy for the Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County, and lunch is on us!

water than when virgin materials are used. Most communities have curbside recycling programs. Make sure to put recyclable items such as glass and metal food containers,

Please RSVP to fferral@stocktonchamber.org. There are a number of ways to help reduce trash, but the simplest?

newspaper, and cardboard into the recycling bin instead of the trash can. Recycling centers exist in almost every community in the state to

Practice the power of the three Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle! 1. REDUCE.

pay California Refund Value (CRV) when glass and plastic bottles and

If a glass of orange juice spills on the counter, how many paper

aluminum cans are turned in for recycling.

towels will it take to clean up the mess? How about using only half

Another way to help is by purchasing items made from recycled

as many? Oftentimes, reducing the amount of product used can

materials. There are beautiful glass dishes made from 100 percent

significantly reduce the amount of trash generated. Even better: Use a

recycled glass, wood benches and CD racks made from leftover

cloth to sop up that spill. Then wash and reuse again and again.

construction timber, and mouse pads made from recycled plastic and tires, just to name a few. For more information, contact Frank Ferral

The same concept applies when buying groceries. Buying only what is needed can prevent food from spoiling and getting thrown away. Or, when buying produce or a package of meat, fish, or poultry, consider using cloth or reusable plastic grocery bags to help reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills. According to the

at fferral@stocktonchamber.org.

Don’t forget the next FRESH Meeting Thursday, January 8 at 9:00 a.m.

Progressive Bag Affiliates, California retailers distribute more than 19 billion plastic retail carryout bags annually. According to a study done for CalRecycle, less than 10 percent of plastic grocery bags are being recycled in California, despite at-store plastic bag recycling programs that provide consumers with more than 7,000 convenient recycling locations. Dozens of California communities have instituted bans on carryout plastic bags to encourage consumers to bring reusable bags when they shop. 2. REUSE. Reusing items can save time and money. Rechargeable batteries are a good example of reusable materials—by recharging the batteries, they can be reused many times before they die. Through product reuse, millions of tons of trash can be diverted into landfills. Think outside the box. Turn that old glass pickle jar


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Sponsored by

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS American Recycling Big Valley Ford Borrego Solar, Inc. CalSheets Carpenters Local Union 152 CBC Steel Building City of Stockton CRResourceContracting, Inc. DART Container Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Granite Construction Co. Healthy Air Living Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions

Optony Pacific Gas & Electric Company Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. RGS Energy/Real Goods Solar San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD Stockton Area Water Suppliers ServiceMaster Clean Sims Metal Management Surtec Universal Service Recycling Valley CAN


Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428

SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY... where all students can find a great place to learn!

www.sjcoe.org • 209.468.4802 • 2901 Arch-Airport Road, Stockton, CA

LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Stockton: History, Arts, and Culture

Arong spoke next on the importance of the arts in our community and

Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union

what the Stockton Arts Commission and Stockton Arts Foundation do

Session Sponsors: Visit Stockton, Haggin Museum

to help. Nick Elliot, who shared the history and upcoming performance calendar at the Stockton Civic Theatre, followed Alicia. Next, Glenn

Whether you are new to Stockton or have lived here a lifetime, you are sure to learn something during the Leadership Stockton, Stockton:

Pillsbury & Scott Rooker from the Stockton Chorale shared the long

History, Arts, and Culture session. Held each year at the Haggin

history of the Stockton Chorale and let the class know about their

Museum, the day is full of fascinating information spanning from the

upcoming performances and programs.

founding of our great city to the present day, and including a look at our

The day finished with Maestro Peter Jaffe from the Stockton Symphony. Peter spoke of the long history of the Stockton Symphony

arts and cultural resources.

(third oldest continuously operating symphony in California), and

Tod Ruhstaller, CEO & Curator of History for the Haggin Museum (and Stockton history guru) was the guide for the first part of the day,

previewed the upcoming season. The class was jazzed to hear Peter play

taking the class through a PowerPoint history lesson of Stockton from

a few pieces from the upcoming year. A big THANK YOU to the following: Tod Ruhstaller, Susan Obert

the time before settlers arrived to the present day. After our history overview, Tod guided the class through the museum explaining the

(LS Class of 2003), Kristen Anema (LS Class of 2011) and the hard

history of the museum and its contents.

working staff of the Haggin Museum for the use of the Museum and the all access tour; Peter Jaffe and the Stockton Symphony; Alicia Arong

After the history lesson and tour the class enjoyed lunch in the

and the Stockton Arts Commission; Nick Elliot and the Stockton Civic

beautiful scenery of Victory Park, a true Stockton gem.

Theatre; Glenn Pillsbury & Scott Rooker and the Stockton Chorale; and

After lunch the class returned to the museum and heard from Wes Rhea, (LS Class of 2004), CEO, Visit Stockton, who spoke with the class

Wes Rhea and Visit Stockton.

to debunk the myth that “there is nothing to do in Stockton�. Alicia

We would like to thank our customers for their support in 2014 and looking forward to serving them in 2015 1145 W. Charter Way, Stockton |

Phone (209) 466-5192 | Fax (209) 465-0631



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


A U n i q u e Co m m uni t y B ank i ng E x pe r ien ce

Dr. John Canzano, Bill Trezza CEO of BAC, & Dr. Mary Rose Bautista Carol Ornelas, CEO of Visionary Home Builders of California

Cecil Dillon & Joe Murphy, Partners at Dillon & Murphy Engineering

Helping The Community Thrive Since 1965 Established 1965 Member FDIC


3 4 4

NOVEMBER MIXER Emeritus at Carson Oaks - A Brookdale Community 6725 Inglewood Avenue, Stockton, CA 95207

Ambassador Quarterly Holiday Luncheon 11:30 a.m. – 1:25 p.m. @ French25 RSVP Required suzie@stocktonchamber.org New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Chamber Board Meeting (Combined November and December Board Meeting) 4:00 p.m. @ Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing Ave.

4 8 10 12 17 18 24

December Diversity Mixer 5:00 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing


January Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m. @ French 25, 110 N. El Dorado St.

Liaison Committee Meeting 12 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Refreshments with the Recyclers 11:00 a.m. Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. Stockton Chamber Conference Room Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club FREE Lunch & Learn 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room RSVP Required Chamber Offices Closed – Christmas & New Year’s Wednesday, December 24, 2014 – Sunday, January 4, 2015


DON’T MISS! NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday 12:00 p.m. contact the Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org

for more info: www.sjhra.org or 310-951-4624


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info

Giving hope for a bright future. We are the CAPC. and exposed to extreme bouts of family violence. Three foster homes later, Jane found her forever home, but her aggressive outbursts threatened her new family’s ability to cope. For a year, CAPC Clinicians worked with Jane and her new parents on her behaviors and their responses, equipping them both with tools to help them both come to terms with her past and look toward a bright future. With a clear idea of where she’s been, where she is now, and where she wants to go, Jane’s outlook on life today is full of hope.

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This advertisement has been generously Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce donated by: ServiceMasterBMS.com

of San Joaquin County

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