Port O Call - February 2015

Page 1



Vol. 60 No. 10




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From Your President


From Your CEO


Visit Stockton


News Briefs


Ribbon Cuttings


New Members


Cover Story



January Mixer Photos


Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 p.m. contact the

Business Profile




Programs and Public Policy Department


Leadership Stockton


Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership




FEBRUARY NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Best Western Plus Heritage Inn, 111 East March Lane



Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org


FEB 2015



FROM YOUR 2014-15 PRESIDENT BY: BLAIN BIBB Welcome aboard the Greater Stockton

Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

Chamber of Commerce Express. Word

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications

on the street is that the local, regional, and national economies are getting better! The economy’s momentum is like

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

a train. It may be slow to start, but once

VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

it gets moving in the right direction, watch out: it’s hard to stop! I have

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

experienced a good start to the year and

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger, California Nuggets/Golden Gate Nuts Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.



hopefully your first quarter of 2015 is off to a great start as well. Speaking of trains, this month’s

Port O Call cover features the ACE (Altamont Corridor Express) train. This alternative mode of transportation was conceived over 20 years ago from a coalition with the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, San Joaquin Council of Governments, and the Building Industry Association of the Delta. After several years of planning, collaboration with taxpayers and seven other cities, ACE was created to link the Central Valley to Silicon Valley. I had

PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428

the chance to enjoy the train to and from a 49er game last year. It was easy,


comfortable, and a round-trip ticket was cheaper than parking! If you haven’t

OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421

head over the Altamont.

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.292.8427 SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Michael Morales 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8426 Sophie Soth 209.292.8435 Mai Vang 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8436 BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph




yet, take a look at the stops and consider riding the train the next time you Along with alternative modes of transportation, the Chamber has been working on alternative modes of communication to stay in touch with our members. Mostly digital of course and I’d like to share with you some of our progress in 2014/15. Last year we updated our website to make it more user-friendly and implemented Constant Contact to deliver information consistently. We launched and enhanced our Facebook presence so that event photos and information could be shared with everyone. We launched, with great fanfare, the Save Local Now Program/Advertising site for our members and offer a digital version of our Port O Call magazine. This year we will be looking for additional ways to make it easy to stay abreast of Chamber events and keep in touch with you. As always, thank you for your support of Chamber events and wishing you all much success!


445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


FEB 2015


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT Hopefully you all are settling into the New Year, 2015, and embarking on a very healthy, happy and prosperous one. We also hope that you all had a chance to read the January Port O Call where the Chamber was

was realized as a location for people to commute here for work and hopefully fall in love with our area and make it their home. More recently Your Chamber was honored to co-host with the

the cover story and you were able to see the historical and current value

San Joaquin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Lodi Chamber

of the Chamber not only to members but also to the entire community.

of Commerce and SJC WorkNet (see all working together as one)

Since 1901, your Chamber has been at the forefront and in a

a workshop presented by Congressman Jeff Denham on the very

leadership position on so many important issues and that continues to

serious matter of the frivolous and business damaging “Americans

be the same today.

with Disabilities Act (ADA) Drive-By Lawsuits” led by unscrupulous

We are very honored to have Altamont Corridor Express (ACE)

parasites. As a result of that workshop and the concern of many we are

as the cover story this month and to prove our point on involvement

thankful that our Senator Cathleen Galgiani has sponsored SB 67, which

of your Chamber and the importance of people and groups working

takes aim at serial lawsuits using even very minor infractions of the

together all one has to do is go to the ACE website (www.acerail.com) to

ADA to hold businesses up for blackmail. As reported in The Record

see it in print.

Senator Galgiani stated in part, “The filing of these lawsuits is having a

On the History of ACE page the first paragraph says it all: “In 1989, passage rail service across the Altamont was considered a pipe dream

devastating financial impact on businesses that comply with the spirit of the law.” Thank you to our partners including Senator Galgiani.

that might be worth discussing in twenty years. However, that same

Another important and frustrating issue Your Chamber, along with

year, the San Joaquin Council of Governments, THE STOCKTON

the Delta Chamber, marina owners/operators and the Port of Stockton

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, and the Building Industry Association

have spent a great deal of time and money on is the ugly and business

of the Delta began the development of a 20-year transportation plan for

sapping weed known as water hyacinth. Ugh! On December 15,

a future sales tax vote in San Joaquin County. Measure K, the half-cent

Senator Galgiani held a “Town Hall Meeting” in the auditorium at the

sales tax for transportation was strongly supported by voters in 1990,

Channel St. State Building that was very well attended. State Parks and

and the number one project identified for the funding was the Altamont

Recreation/Cal Boating and Waterways tried to make an impression

passenger service.” The results of the initial passage of Measure K and

but the “proof will be in the pudding!” Thank you again Senator and

the subsequent re-authorization can be seen all around San Joaquin

also to Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman, who gave me a

County starting with ACE.

call on Friday, January 9 to tell me that she was able to get the Governor

At that time I was very proud to sit on the San Joaquin County

to place added money in his 2015-16 budget to deal with this ugly and

Board of Supervisors and work with COG, The Chamber and the

damaging issue. In a press release later that morning she released on the

BIA of the Delta on these issues, Measure K and ACE. Also and

overall budget she stated about the aforementioned ugly and damaging

more importantly, I was proud to work with the Father of ACE, the

Hyacinth: “I commend the governor for proposing to increase funding

late and great Former San Joaquin County Supervisor, Robert J.

for an expansion of the Aquatic Invasive Species program. Aquatic

Cabral, for whom the ACE Station is rightfully named. He was a true

invasive species, and water hyacinth in particular, have proven a threat

visionary and wonderful leader/colleague!

to the Delta’s beauty, to native species, recreat ion, tourism and even to

I was honored to watch Bob take his dream and mold a coalition that made it happen. I remember many times he and I would sit (after 5:00

the state’s water infrastructure.” Thanks to both our representatives and hopefully they will be

p.m.) sharing with him his famous glass of brandy and a cigar as he

successful in their endeavors for the benefit of all. You can help by

would not only explain his dream but also what it meant to the future

following the legislation and budget process and let your voices be

of all of San Joaquin County, not only transporting people to work in

heard. Remember, if one is not part of the solution then one is part of

the Bay Area (less congestion and more safety on the freeways) but also

the problem.

the reverse could be true when the potential of San Joaquin County 6


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA The Official 2015 Visit Stockton Guide is Here! We’re excited to announce the arrival of the

The new app

Official 2015 Visit Stockton Guide! The changes

offers the ability

we made to size and content of the guide last year

to conveniently

were very well received, and we’ve had many

share app content

compliments from people everywhere.

through social media

40,000 full-color copies of the Official 2015

or email. Users can

Visit Stockton Guide will be distributed all over

also easily search for

Stockton and neighboring areas, as well as taken

information or listings

to tradeshows around the country, mailed to

on the app, access the

visitors all over the world (upon request),

Visit Stockton social

distributed at various Stockton events/

media pages, and

festivals/venues, and more! The guide will also

even enjoy the mobile

be available online with an annual average of

version of the Stockton

60,000 impressions.

virtual tour! The app can be

To request your copy of the brand-new Official 2015 Visit Stockton Guide, email

downloaded for free from

visitorinfo@visitstockton.org or

the Apple App Store or

call 209.938.1555.

Google Play. To find it, just search using the keyword

Visit Stockton Launches Updated Mobile App

“Stockton.” For questions or comments, call 209.938.1555.

A good thing just got better! Visit

Dates for Upcoming Certified Tourism Ambassador Classes

Stockton has redesigned its mobile app to improve the functionality, look and

Bi-monthly Certified Tourism Ambassador classes are

feel. The most popular feature of the app is the easy access to Visit Stockton’s

available and open to the general public. Learn how you can

events calendar—the largest in the region

turn every visitor encounter into a positive one!

for both Stockton and local events—from the convenience of your mobile or tablet

Upcoming CTA Classes: February 25 and April 22

device. The full-featured app also features

Join the growing list of Stockton Ambassadors

listings for things to do, restaurants, and

and sign up today! Program details, including the

hotels in Stockton. Users can easily sort

curriculum and enrollment information can be found at

listings alphabetically or by proximity to

StocktonAmbassadors.com or CTANetwork.com or by

their current location.

calling Megan Peterson at Visit Stockton at 209.938.1555.


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555


FEB 2015


NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

Law Firm Adds New Attorneys The Stockton law firm of Neumiller &

84th Annual Robert T. McKee Student Art Contest & Exhibition

Beardslee is pleased to announce the addition

Celebrate the arts in education and see the longest running student

of Joshua P. Hunsucker and Elise M. Sisson as

art exhibition in the country! The Haggin Museum is proud to feature

associate attorneys.

the work of local student artists from kindergarten through grade 12

Joshua P. Hunsucker, a resident of Stockton,

in the 84th Annual McKee Student Art Contest and Exhibition. Join us

California, is a Distinguished Military Graduate Joshua P. Hunsucker from the University of California, Davis. He

for a free opening reception sponsored by the Junior Women’s Group.

earned his Juris Doctor from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge

at 209.940.6315 or visit hagginmuseum.org.

School of Law, graduating with distinction. His areas of practice include community association law, real estate development, business law, and litigation. Elise M. Sisson, a native of Linden, California, graduated cum laude from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. She earned her Juris Doctor from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. Her Elise M. Sisson

areas of practice include Water, Environmental, Public Agency, and Agriculture.

Women’s Success Group Networking Luncheon Join us Thursday, February 12, 11:30 a.m. at Papapavlos Restaurant. To RSVP visit www.womenssuccessgroup.org

For more information, contact Curator of Education Lisa Cooperman Exhibition dates: February 5 – March 29.
Opening Reception: February 7, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson is pleased to announce that Avninder ‘Alex’ Sohal has joined the firm as an associate attorney. Alex received his Juris Doctorate, with a concentration in Business, from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, graduating with distinction. Alex is admitted to the California Bar, as well as the Eastern District of the U.S. District Court, California. Alex is a native Stocktonian. Prior to attending law school, Alex graduated from University of California, Berkeley, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2011.

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; Victor Randolph, Never Boring; Dora Ruiz, EZ Network Systems; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Printing; Scott Grafius, Brown & Brown Insurance; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Becky Deal, Bank of Stockton; Jan Royce, Mo-Cal Office Equipment; Judye Harris, Nationwide Insurance; Susanne Huebel, Art Godi Realtors; Loretta Lee, Stockton Women’s Network & Junior League.


Nor-Cal Occupational Medical Center


4722 Quail Lakes Drive, Suite A, Stockton, Ca

5250 Claremont Avenue, Suite 206, Stockton, Ca


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

NEW MEMBERS Restaurants Fast Food

Travel Agencies

El Pollo Loco 10506 Trinity Parkway, Stockton www.elpolloloco.com

7 C’s Travel PO Box 30023, Stockton www.7cstravel.com

Marketing Consultants

Mortgage Loans

Jan Stanley Marketing 2221 Olson Drive, Lodi www.jstanleymarketing.com

Verdeo Funding 3031 W. March Lane #103, Stockton www.verdeofunding.com

than the price of a dozen red roses, a

Security Guard & Patrol Services

Bar & Grill

genuine long-stemmed rose that

Levoit Advanced Protective Services 95 W. 11th Street, Suite 206, Tracy

Whisky Barrel Tavern 151 W. Alder Street, Stockton www.whiskkybarrelsaloon.com

Real Gold. Real Roses.

Really Romantic. This Valetine’s Day, give her the romantic gift she’ll cherish! For less

has been preserved and dipped in 24K gold is a


very special gift.

Janitorial Services

Each rose is unique,

PM Office Cleaners 10413 Big Oak Circle, Stockton 209.910.9700

and like your love, will last forever. Come in to our store today and discover hundreds of gift ideas that say “I love you” in a very memorable way.

$80 INCLUDING TAX Quantities limited


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CHUGS FORWARD WITH EXPANSION By Alex Cantatore By: Timm Quinn Way back when, the railroad station wasn’t just the hub of most Central Valley cities. It was their sole reason for existing. Then came the rise of the automobile, the invention of the aircraft, and the gradual decline of the railroad’s relevance in our

the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission

there’s a driving force to reach Merced

(SJRRC), which owns and operates ACE.

by 2022: California High-Speed Rail.

The expansion’s benefits – speed, frequency, and reach – are clear. Bottlenecks to capacity will be removed, as additional tracks are laid in busy areas. Proposed improvements could cut trip

day-to-day lives.

Connecting to that network at its northern terminus, in Merced, would link local ACE passengers to the entire state. “We think the timing is right to be aggressive and go after this,” Leavitt said. While environmental work normally

But what’s old is new again. Rail is in

times by 10 percent. That’s enough to make

the process of a major comeback – and it’s

a trip from Stockton to San Jose in less than

slows down these large projects, the

growing every day.

two hours, adding precious minutes to

SJRRC foresees few problems. All work

riders’ days.

will take place within existing railway

Stockton has seen the benefits of rail service first-hand over the past 16 years.

Additional trains will add more round-

right-of-ways to speed environmental

In that short period of time, the Altamont

trips every day, increasing flexibility for

review, despite some drawbacks to the

Corridor Express has changed the way that

travelers with extra departure times. ACE

restricted scope of work.

1.2 million passengers ride to and from the

plans to expand from four round-trips to

Silicon Valley each year.

six in 2018, and to ten in 2022.

By 2020, planners project that 2.25

And the system will be expanded as well,

Initially, plans called for faster, 150-mileper-hour electric trains that would have required more changes to the railroad.

million people will ride ACE annually.

with new stations in Manteca, Ripon, and

Those trains would have halved transit

And to meet that surging demand, ACE’s

Modesto by 2018. A potential realignment

times, but the ambitious project would

managing agency is pursuing an aggressive,

would add service to Downtown Tracy and

have been harder to approve, difficult to

visionary expansion plan known as

River Islands, as well.

construct, and expensive.

By 2022, the route will extend to Turlock,

ACEforward. “The ACEforward program is our effort

Livingston or Atwater, and Merced. All of

to increase ACE service and to expand

those stations will be in downtowns, save

it to serve more communities,” said Dan

for the potential River Islands stop.

Leavitt, manager of regional initiatives for


Leavitt admits it’s a tight timeline, but

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Money, however, could yet be an issue. The ACEforward program isn’t cheap. “The biggest hurdle is getting financing,” Leavitt said. Getting to six daily round-trips will cost

$200 million. Laying track from Lathrop

Future expansions may grow ACE

A massive reduction in carbon dioxide

to Modesto? Another $200 million. The

even further, to major metropolises like

emissions – 240 million pounds by 2025 – is

segment of rail between Modesto and

Sacramento. Leavitt describes interest in

another bonus of the ACEforward plan. It’s

Merced is another $350 million. And

Sacramento service as “very strong.”

a side effect of removing more than 12,000

reaching 10 round-trips per day costs another $200 million. All told, the ACEforward project rings

And the new stations across the Central

cars from the road each and every day, a

Valley could revitalize flagging downtowns.

boon for the environment and those who

ACE stations have been shown to attract

still choose to drive alike.

up at roughly $1 billion. But the true cost

new residents to towns, and new businesses

to local counties could be about one-fourth

to serve those residents and commuters.

of that, as California is offering substantial

“These are downtown areas that really

matching funding through its new cap-and-

need to be revitalized,” Leavitt said. “Having

trade carbon emissions program.

rail stations downtown helps communities

Counties would still need to generate that local match, likely from new sales tax measures in Stanislaus and Merced counties. Regardless of the cost, the ACEforward

such as Stockton.” A Great Valley Center estimate suggests

But for riders, the biggest benefit of ACE is getting a few hours of their day back. They can work, read, or just look out the window without the stress of traffic. ACE is so confident in its service that it offers a free, three-day “Test Drive” ticket so commuters can try ACE for themselves.

the ACEforward project will generate

After that taste of the rails, few commuters

more than $1.1 billion in economic impact.

go back to driving, Leavitt said. “We’re convinced anyone commuting by

plan is much cheaper than building new

Commercial activity increases near train

roads or airports needed to serve an

stations, property and sales tax revenues

car will find ACE much more enjoyable,”

equivalent number of Californians.

rise, and workers are more productive while

Leavitt said.

The additional trains and routes can allow

earning higher wages.

For more information on the “Test Drive”

ACE to offer more service to non-commuters.

That Great Valley Center projection

ticket program, visit http://www.acerail.

Regular trips to sporting events, like San Jose

doesn’t count millions in cap-and-trade

com/Getting-You-There/Test-Drive. To

Sharks games, could join existing service to

funding available to cities with ACE

read more about ACEforward, visit http://

San Francisco 49ers games. Weekend service

stations. That money could be used to


could begin, and dedicated trains could serve

revitalize downtowns and plan for new,


school field trips.

sustainable futures.


FEB 2015 11


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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


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FEB 2015 13

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN 2015 Golf Tournament

2015 GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS FRED COUPLES SPONSORS Bright Now! Dental Cirque du Soleil: Varekai F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Premier Community Credit Union SMG Stockton

Reserve Monday, April 13 on your calendar and prepare yourself for a day of good times and good friends at Brookside Country Club. Now in its 34th year, the Golf Tournament always fills up fast. Don’t miss your chance to play! Call the Chamber to reserve your space today! You can also join us as a tee sponsor, a green sponsor, or a

RICKY BARNES SPONSORS Collins Electrical Company, Inc. - Stockton Branch JaniTek Cleaning Solutions Moss Adams, LLP Port of Stockton

business package sponsor. Business package sponsorship includes signage on a tee or green and registration for a foursome of players. Major Level Sponsorships also available. Just want to sign up and play? Single registration is also available.

TEE SPONSORS California Water Service Co. Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Family Extension Foster Care, Inc. Judith Buethe Communications Neumiller & Beardslee Pacific Records Management Partners Real Estate Port of Stockton Premier Staffing San Joaquin Steel Co., Inc. BEVERAGE SPONSOR DBI Beverage

Donating a prize to our post-tournament raffle is a great way to HOLE IN ONE SPONSORS Chase Chevrolet Gary J Long Jewelers Roger Dunn Golf Shops

highlight your business. Many high profile business people participate in our tournament, and donating a prize gets their attention! For more information about the Chamber’s 34th Annual Golf Tournament or to volunteer, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Captivating Photos San Joaquin County WorkNet (as of 1/22/15)

PHOTO SPONSOR Food 4 Less/Rancho San Miguel Markets

or email tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

CLOSEST TO THE PIN SPONSOR DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc.

State of the City 2015 to be held in May!


If you’re ever in doubt that we live in a great community,

PLATINUM A.G. Spanos Companies Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Bank of the West California Water Service Co. City of Stockton Delta Sierra Beverage Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Financial Center Credit Union

just attend our Annual State of the City 2015! This year the State of the City will be held in May at the Port of Stockton sponsored by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, the City of Stockton, and The Port of Stockton. This event features exhibits showcasing the critical and inspiring services available to you, your loved ones and neighbors, all in the interest of maintaining a wholesome community.

PLATINUM Neumiller & Beardslee Pacific Records Management Port of Stockton Premier Community Credit Union San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin Partnership, Inc. St. Joseph’s Medical Center The Record/Sam Joaquin Media Group

Sponsorships are still available, so take advantage of this high profile marketing opportunity for your business. For more information, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or email tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

United Way of San Joaquin County University of the Pacific Visit Stockton GOLD F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Stockton East Water District SILVER Moss Adams, LLP (as of 1/22/15)


Let’s Get Ready to REXPO XI! Improving the quality of our business and physical environment in the San Joaquin Valley is important to all of us who reside here. That is why the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce’s Green Team San Joaquin invites you to attend the REXPO XI: Tuning it Up! On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at the Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. in Stockton. Learn how businesses and jurisdictions can incorporate energy-efficient

Sponsored by

methods, recycling content manufacturing, water conservation and clean air values into everyday operations to reduce their cost of doing business and to meet State climate change policy. In addition, the event will showcase businesses and services that proactively promote environmentally sustainable business practices. REXPO XI: Tuning it Up! is from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and the Green Exhibits are free and open to the public. Attend our panel discussions and Keynote Lunch Address for only $30.00!

Next Fresh Meeting is:

To register, please go to www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com!

February 12, 9:00 a.m. @ the Stockton Chamber Conference Room

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS CRResourceContracting, Inc. Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Healthy Air Living Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions

American Recycling Borrego Solar, Inc. CalSheets Carpenters Local Union 152 City of Stockton


Pacific Gas & Electric Company Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD

Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428

Stockton Area Water Suppliers Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN


FEB 2015 15


The class then walked to the County Administration Building

Leadership Stockton: Local Government Session Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union

and had a great lunch. After lunch the class was joined by

Special Thanks:

County Supervisor Carlos Villapudua who spoke to the class

City of Stockton, County of San Joaquin, Stockton Fire Department

about his journey into local politics and some of the things he

The Local Government session gave the class a unique perspective on the workings of the city council, as well as a taste of local politics.

is currently working on. Next they received a presentation from Rosa Lee, Assistant County Administrator, on what a County Administrator does. Mimi Duzenski, Clerk of the Board of

For the tenth year, the Leadership Stockton class participated in a full scale Mock City Council meeting as part of the Local

Supervisors, then spoke to the class about county government.

Government session held at Stockton City Hall Council Chambers

The presentations were followed by an all-access tour of the

on December 5.

County Administration building. It was a treat to see all the little nuisances of the building.

The class elected fellow class members as their city council at

The Stockton Fire Department finished off the day as the class

the September Leadership Retreat. The remainder of the class participated in one of three groups vying for the mock city

traveled down to Fire Station No. 2 on Sonora Street. There, the

council's vote.

class received a tour of the station house, the dispatching center and the expansive training grounds.

The meeting came with a full agenda and proposals from the

A big thank you to Bonnie Paige, Karen Costa, Bret Hunter,

teams; the premise of the public hearing was to consider public comments/testimony regarding the appropriation of funds from the

Geoffrey Aspiras, and Eliza Garza for their help in making

State Community Enhancement Grant. The CEG was a one time, $9

the mock city council meeting run so smoothly. Thank you

million allocation from the State of California, which had to be used

to Stephen Reid (LS Class of 2000), and Mimi Duzenski for

for a public good. The funds could be divided to fund more than

scheduling and coordinating the County portion of the day. And

one project.

thank you to Kathy Miller, Moses Zapien, Carlos Villapudua, Rosa Lee, Mimi Duzenski, and the Stockton Fire Department for

After the mock council meeting Councilmember and Supervisor Elect Kathy Miller, LS Class of 2000, and Councilmember Moses

taking time out of their busy schedules to speak and share their

Zapien, LS Class of 2011, spoke to the class about their journey into

knowledge with the class.

local politics. 16 PORT CALL

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


GOOD NEWS ACE CONNECTING SAN JOAQUIN USA TO SILICON VALLEY One of the San Joaquin Partnership’s goals is to expand

in October 1998 with 714 passengers on its first day and has grown to now serve over 1.2 million commuters each year. The majority

technology job opportunities while reducing commute traffic

of San Joaquin residents ride ACE to work in Santa Clara using

by convincing Bay Area and Silicon Valley companies to

ACE buses at the Great America station for the final leg of their

move their expansions east over the hill, where many of their

daily trip to major technology companies such as Cisco, Microsoft

employees now live.

as well as many high tech startups.

To accomplish this, last year San Joaquin County and the San

The future of ACE is key to our economic development

Joaquin Partnership opened an office in Silicon Valley to market

strategy to make San Joaquin USA into Greater Silicon Valley

the benefits of a better business location while building partner

by better connecting our labor force with expanding Silicon

relationships with key leadership groups under our new brand of

Valley businesses such as Amazon’s state of the art e-fulfillment

Greater Silicon Valley.

warehouse in Tracy and Tesla’s advance manufacturing plant

Our major connection to Silicon Valley began with ACE service

in Lathrop.



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Hundreds Hundreds of Appliances on Display of Appliances on Displa One-on-one sales environment One-on-one sales environment with attention to detail with attentio Wolf, SubZero, Viking, Thermador, GE M Wolf, SubZero, Viking, Thermador, GE Monogram, Aid and Jenn-Air on displ Kitchen Aid and Jenn-Air Kitchen on display Contract/Builder sales forContract/Builder all size projects sales for all size pro kitchen and laundry pr Factory direct kitchen andFactory laundrydirect products Over 45 brands Over 45 brands after Cooking demo classes Cooking demo classes

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FEB 2015 17


5 5 6 9 11 12 13

New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room February Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Best Western Plus Heritage Inn, 111 East March Lane Leadership Stockton Community Serving Community Session 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. @ Various Local Non-Profits Liaison Meeting 12 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Green Team San Joaquin Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room FRESH Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

16 18 19 25 26 27

Stockton Chamber Offices Closed in Observance of President's Day Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Lunch & Learn (Employment Laws) 11:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room BEA Meeting 3:30 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

DON’T MISS! NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday 12:00 p.m. contact the Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org

Comprehensive Occupational Health Services Now Available in Tracy, Stockton and Manteca!


Co Occupational medical Partners announces the opening of their new office in Tracy, Ca.

CuSTOmized SuPPORT C.O.M.P. has earned the respect and loyalty of business partners by providing exceptional service and timely access to expert medical management of work related injuries.


2156 W. Grant Line Rd. Suite 200

Strategically located in Tracy, Stockton and Manteca, C.O.M.P. is prepared to meet the growing health and safety concerns of the business community.

Contact us for more information on how we can partner with you: TRaCy



2156 W. Grant Line Rd., Suite 200 Telephone: (209) 207-9969 Hours: M - F, 8:00am to 5:00pm

1801 E. March Lane, Building D, Suite 480 Telephone: (209) 954-3200 Hours: M - F, 8:00am to 5:00pm

1341 Historical Plaza Way (Spreckels Park) Telephone: (209) 824-1893 Hours: M - F, 8:00am to 5:00pm


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


(Closed between noon and 1pm)

Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info


THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 9:30 am - Veteran Admission 10:00 am - General Admission


Our Job Fair is free and includes a table, two chairs, tablecloth, and two lunches per employer!


(additional lunches may be purchased for $12.00 each)

We anticipate over 3,000 job seekers in attendance! All employers must have current job openings to participate. Don’t delay...space is limited! Don

For more information please contact us at (209) 468.3500 or visit us on the web at www.sjcworknet.org

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