Vol. 60 No. 9
WHAT THE CHAMBER CAN DO FOR YOU On the Cover: 2014-15 Stockton Chamber Board of Directors and Ex-Officio Not pictured: Judith Buethe, Sr. Vice President, Steven Crabtree,
Cover Photo by Caroline Photography
Immediate Past President, Rick Goucher, Board Member
ACTUALLY, GETTING LOTS OF EMAILS CAN LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Our members can email directly with their doctor’s office, which in turn allows them to spend more working time in your office.
DISCOVER A BETTER WAY kp.org/choosebetter
From Your President
From Your CEO
Visit Stockton
News Briefs
December Mixer Photos
Cover Story
Programs and Public Policy Department
Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 p.m. contact the
New Members
Leadership Stockton
Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership
JANUARY NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ French 25, 110 N. El Dorado St., Stockton CA 95202
Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org
JAN 2015
FROM YOUR 2014-15 PRESIDENT BY: BLAIN BIBB Happy New Year friends and colleagues!
Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
I hope your holiday season was filled
CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications
with family, friends and fun! Some of the highlights to end our year included the Sound of Music at the Stockton Civic
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.
Theater, The Lincoln High School Band
VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation
performing with the Stockton Concert
VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group
Band at Delta College, the Rotary Christmas Party, the Stockton Golf and
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger, California Nuggets/Golden Gate Nuts Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.
Country Club’s Centennial Celebration, and the Chamber’s Diversity Mixer at the Haggin! It was fantastic to see so many
of you out and about enjoying what Stockton has to offer during the holidays. I’d like to take a day or two off to recover, but we’re simply too excited about 2015 and have much work to do! Please take a moment and look carefully at the cover of this month's Port O Call. Yes, it is a picture of our prestigious Board of Directors who help provide leadership for your Chamber, but look again…closer….Yes, a few couldn’t make
PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428
it, but what else… What do you see? Okay, here is the answer I’m looking for…
DIVERSITY! Yes the beautiful faces, along with the personal and professional
OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421
Diversity! I think I’ve taken for granted our exceptional diversity. We have board
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.292.8427
members representing not only various industries and company roles, but also
SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Michael Morales 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8426 Sophie Soth 209.292.8435 Mai Vang 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8436 BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136
backgrounds, which show the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce’s rich
ethnicities, age, gender, faiths, political ideals, and more. What a truly deep and opulent well we get to draw upon from our board members. Possibly I have taken it for granted since I’ve grown up in a different time, or possibly it’s because during our board meetings everyone simply jumps in and takes care of chamber business. Regardless, I’m taking the time at the start of the new year to recognize and thank our board members for volunteering to help make Stockton a better place. You all do this by volunteering your time to provide support and leadership to the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. We could not move forward without it. I think you will agree, if we continue to be inclusive, embracing the diversity of all concerned, there is no doubt our work will help make our business community and city a better place! In the cover story photo, on page 10, you’ll also notice the diversity represented within the staff of the Chamber. These folks are committed to serving our
ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
members. A Special thanks to them as well for working to excel at their roles and
striving to help make all of the Chamber’s programs a success! Thank you and may your 2015 be vibrant, healthy, diverse and successful!
445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
JAN 2015
FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT From all of us here at YOUR Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce we wish you a very Happy New Year 2015 and hope you all had a wonderful and Merry Christmas and Holiday
yourselves and the community to be a MEMBER of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. I know what you are thinking, yup, he is paid to say or write
Celebration. It is also the start of the 114th year of your
this but let me tell you a little story to explain the two pictures
Chamber serving this great community!
of two Past Chamber Presidents in this article and why it is
I know all of us enter the new year with thoughts of the past year(s) and what we have done or not done and make many
heartfelt by me! When Governor Davis did not reappoint me to the Youthful
“resolutions” to improve where we can and do more if we can,
Offender Parole Board I was fortunate to find out that there was
in both our personal and community lives. As Charles Dickens
an opening for CEO of YOUR Chamber. And, I was fortunate to
wrote in The Chimes: “ O let us love our occupations, Bless the
get an interview with the Chamber Board Search Committee in July of 1999.
squire and his relations, Live upon our daily rations,
The interview was
And always know our proper stations.” That passage has always meant so much to me for
held on a Friday
many years and over the past fifty years of my public
in the Chamber
life. I feel so blessed to have been born and raised in
Conference Room
Stockton and had the opportunity to know so many
and as I sat I faced
wonderful people growing up here (Yes, some may
the photos of all the
say I have never grown up). Matriculating at Lincoln
Past Presidents going
Elementary, Lincoln High School and St. Mary’s High
back to 1901. After
School and Stockton College and while working at Sears,
the usual greetings
the Stockton Police Department, the San Joaquin County
and introductions
Board of Supervisors, the State of California Youthful
one of the very first
Offender Board and since 1999, the CEO of YOUR Greater
questions I was
Stockton Chamber of Commerce.
asked, “Why should
My life experiences have afforded me the opportunity to meet and interact with so many people locally, in California and around the Nation and I can truly say, “There is no place like home!” Also for those who are involved in YOUR Greater Stockton
FRED M. WEST First Chamber President in 1901
I be selected as the new CEO?” I stood up and walked over to
the framed photos and pointed first to the picture of Eugene Wilhoit, my Great Uncle who was at that time President of the
Chamber of Commerce, and as you will read in this special
Bank of Stockton and Chamber President in 1921-22, and then
edition of Port O call, there really is not another Chamber
pointed to the picture of Fred M. West who was the very first
that comes close to the depth and breadth of programs and
Chamber President in 1901, father-in-law to my Great Uncle and
opportunities to help businesses to thrive not only in the good
for whom West Lane is named, I turned to the committee and
times but be there for each of you when the “going gets tough!”
said, “They would want me to be named the CEO!” I completed
Our members who are active recognize the daily advantage
the interview and that night received a wonderful and God sent
membership is to each of them in so many ways (just read about
call offering me the position and to this day feel blessed to be
YOUR Chamber’s many programs) and non-members do not
here and humbled by the trust put in me.
really recognize that they are assisted also and it only makes sense to our board, staff and myself that it is a real investment in 6
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
So this is not just a “job” but also a heartfelt honor and a way of continuing what my ancestors started and a way to give back
to this great community. But it is to be strongly noted that it is a family,
EUGENE WILHOIT Chamber President 1921-22
of you who either were members at one time or have never been a member to join our/your business and community family. One last note: A market study done by The Schapiro Group
a team and a strong bond
in Atlanta, Georgia showed without doubt, “when a consumer
that is housed here at
thinks that a company’s products or services stack up better
445 W. Weber Avenue,
against the competition because the company is highly involved
Suite 220 with YOUR
in its local chamber of commerce, it is because he or she infers
Chamber Officers, Board
that the company is trustworthy, involved in the community,
of Directors, our members,
and is an industry leader.”
our partner organizations and most of all the
To those who are members a big thank you for your ongoing membership and to those who are not, please join us as we
wonderful and dedicated staff that work so hard each and every
all strive to move this business community and Stockton/San
day to make sure the Chamber Mission “to aggressively develop
Joaquin County as a whole into a new era of prosperity.
and promote an economically vibrant business community” is just not a saying but a reality. I thank all of them and ask those
Whoops, now one last note: “Remember, if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.”
VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA Visit Stockton Launches Updated Mobile App A good thing just got better! Visit Stockton has redesigned its mobile app to improve functionality and look and feel. The most popular feature of the app is the easy-to-access Visit Stockton events calendar—the largest in the region for both Stockton and local events—which is available from the convenience of your mobile or tablet device. The full-featured app also features listings for things to do, restaurants, and hotels in Stockton. Users can easily sort listings alphabetically or by proximity to their current location. The new app offers the ability to easily share app content through social media
listings on the app, access the Visit Stockton social media pages, and even enjoy the mobile version of the Stockton virtual tour! The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store or Google Play. To find it, just search using the keyword “Stockton.” For questions or comments, call 209.938.1555.
Dates for Upcoming Certified Tourism Ambassadors Classes Bimonthly Certified Tourism Ambassador classes are available and open to the general public. Learn how you can turn every visitor encounter into a positive one! Upcoming CTA classes: February 25 and April 22. Join the growing list of Stockton Ambassadors and sign up today! Program details, including the curriculum and enrollment information can be found at StocktonAmbassadors. com or CTANetwork.com or by calling Megan at Visit Stockton at 209.938.1555.
or email. Users can also easily search for information or
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555
JAN 2015
NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
Heroes & Villains Last Chance! Heroes & Villains: The Comic Book Art of Alex
Stocktonian of the Year It is with great pleasure the Central Valley Association of Realtors,
Ross is on view at The Haggin Museum until
in association with the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce,
January 18. The exhibition outlines a career
announce the Stocktonian of the Year recipient will be Tim Ulmer,
known for elevating classic superheroes to fine
Ulmer Photo. Tim is very active with countless local non-profits
art and features more than 130 works from
and can be seen at just about every non-profit event with his camera
Ross’ personal collection.
in hand taking pictures. He is truly deserving of joining the list of
Heroes & Villains is included in regular admission prices. The Haggin Museum hosts evening entertainment
distinguished Stocktonian of the Year recipients. Mark your calendar for the evening of Wednesday, February 4 at
until 9:00 p.m. every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. For more
the Stockton Golf & Country Club for the Stocktonian of the Year
information, call 209.940.6300 or visit hagginmuseum.org.
Dinner. For more information and to order tickets please contact
United Way of San Joaquin Receives Two Awards
the Central Valley Association of Realtors at 209.955.2200.
County & the Philanthropic Organization of the Year on National
University of the Pacific Community Involvement Program Seeks Scholarship Applications For Local First Generation College Students
Philanthropy Day by the Community Foundation of San Joaquin.
The Community Involvement Program (CIP) at the University
The United Way of San Joaquin County has recently been recognized as The Best Non-Profit Agency in San Joaquin
We are so very proud of these Awards and we are motivated to
of the Pacific is a service based scholarship program for first-
work even harder as we continue to “IMPROVE LIVES” in San
generation college students, exclusively from the Stockton
Joaquin County. Our United Way is worthy and ready to partner
community, who have demonstrated the potential for sustainable
with you today as we promise to help you help other people in need
leadership, community awareness, and involvement. The program
in our own Community to Live Better Lives. Contact us TODAY at
provides access to Pacific for low-income students along with a wide
209.469.6980 or andy@unitedwaysjc.org
range of support for CIP Scholars. We are now accepting applications until Feb. 15, which can be found at http://pacific.edu/cip. For more information please contact us at cip@pacific.edu or 209.946.2436.
1201 N. Pershing Ave. Stockton, CA 95203 | hagginmuseum.org
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
WHAT THE CHAMBER CAN DO FOR YOU STOCKTON CHAMBER STAFF From left to right - Timm Quinn, Suzie Bowers, Frank Ferral, Ashley Williams, Frances Richardson, Michael Morales, Malissa Luvianos, Christy Hang, Mai Vang, Aleyu Palacios, Lia Her, Lee Yang, Sophie Soth, Felicia Hurtado, Jeffrey Natividad
The Greater Stockton Chamber of
Historically the Chamber has taken very
By: Timm Quinn
Commerce, founded in 1901, has been a
strong public positions in favor of issues that
staple in the business community since
would have a positive impact on all of the
its inception. Offering programs and
community and strong positions opposing
services to help its members succeed and
issues that would have a negative impact!
prosper. In addition to the programs over
In almost all cases, too many to list, the
the almost 114 years of the history of the
Chamber position won out! That is due in
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce,
part to the respect and trust the Chamber
its leadership, staff and members have
has always been held in and the support from
Founded in 1981, Leadership Stockton
been a very strong and respected voice of
members and the community as a whole.
is California’s Oldest Community
not only the business community but also
So let us help you! The following are
Leadership Program.
the City of Stockton, San Joaquin County,
some brief bios on all of the Chamber’s many
the region, the state and in some cases,
award winning programs. To learn more
to inspire a new generation of men and
the nation. We strive to do anything we
information on any of the programs or to get
women ready to assume leadership roles in
can to adhere to our mission statement:
involved just call the Chamber, 209.547.2770,
our community. It challenges and prepares
to aggressively develop and promote an
and we will connect you to the right person.
individuals from diverse backgrounds to
economically vibrant business community.
If you haven’t been to a new member meeting
become influential in our region’s future.
in a while you are always welcome to join us
Leadership Stockton is a program designed
Since its inception, more than 770
for a refresher course on “What the Chamber
participants have graduated from the program.
The mission of the Greater Stockton Chamber of
Can Do For You” the 1st Thursday of each
Leadership Stockton participants embark on an
Commerce is to aggressively develop and promote
month, 11:00am in the Stockton Chamber
11 month journey that puts them in touch with
an economically vibrant business community.
Conference Room.
the Stockton community and each other while developing their personal leadership skills.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
and quality of life issues in Stockton and
the concerns of GRC members and bring
participants meet for an intense study
San Joaquin County. In 2005, the Chamber
essential facts and insights about issues facing
and discussion of specific topics. Various
embarked with this program and it has
the entire Chamber membership.
perspectives are presented through the
grown every year since. By assisting
For more information, please email
use of panelists, tours and simulation
businesses in ‘going green” we reduce their
activities. Participants also work on
costs of doing business while helping the
class projects that focus on solutions to
environment and moving the San Joaquin
real community problems. Each project
County economy forward.
One day a month for eleven months,
is designed to bring about positive
Green Team San Joaquin includes the
community change while teaching the
Valley Green Team program, REACON,
value of setting and achieving goals.
Pathways to Green Schools, REXPO,
Countless organizations benefit from
Business Academy for Regulatory
In the early 1990’s the Greater Stockton
the Leadership Stockton program. Benefits
Compliance (BARC), Build Infrastructure
Chamber of Commerce started several
have not only been through hands-on
Now (BIN) Summit, State of Sustainability,
education-related programs to introduce and
community projects during the course of
and other timely presentations. For more
prepare students for the workforce.
the class, but program graduates serve on
information, go to greenteamsanjoaquin.com
Due to a lack of resources, the timing for
a variety of boards and commissions in
or email fferral@stocktonchamber.org
such programs prevented the full realization
the Stockton community. The program
and benefit from partnerships with the
is tuition based, $900 per student. For
education community. In the late 90's,
more information visit the website,
under the leadership of the Chamber of
www.leadershipstockton.com, or e-mail
Commerce Board of Directors, Chamber
staff was directed to research and develop The Government Relations Council (GRC)
potential educational programs that
is committed to the long term economic
would directly network the local business
success of our local business community.
community in the preparation of the local
The GRC works to improve the effectiveness
workforce. In addition, staff was directed to
of legislation and regulations which affect
expand on all existing education programs
our business environment every day. The
offered by the Chamber and to explore all
GRC reviews the actions of our elected
funding opportunities available to create the
officials and advocates for public policies
nexus between the business and education
Joaquin is to create a nexus between
which improve the economic outlook for
communities. For more information,
commerce and the environment while
members of the Chamber.
please visit Chamberbea.com or email
The purpose of the Green Team San
enhancing the delivery of Chamber services and addressing economic, environmental,
At GRC meetings, guest speakers with business and political expertise address
bea@stocktonchamber.org. continued on page 12
JAN 2015 11
E-Newsletter and website, as well as develop
Chamber Liaisons meet the second
a variety of incentives for both employers
Monday of each month at noon in our
and their employees to participate.
conference room. Welcome Squad
Simply put, assisting businesses in
members meet at scheduled ribbon
employee wellness will not only reduce their
cuttings and other events. To become an
Program – Subsidized Employment
costs of doing business, but strengthen their
ambassador on the Liaison committee
(SCAP-SE) initiative was designed by
business and move the San Joaquin County
or join the Welcome Squad please contact
the business community to allow for an
economy forward. For more information,
Suzie Bowers, suzie@stocktonchamber.org.
equitable solution to place CalWORKs
please contact fferral@stocktonchamber.org
The Stockton Chamber Apprenticeship
clients into the San Joaquin County workforce. SCAP-SE can assist San Joaquin County businesses in filling part-time and
CHAMBER AMBASSADORS Chamber Ambassadors are a volunteer
Receive and give qualified business leads at the Network4Success. A serious, (but fun)
full-time entry level positions. When hiring
group of Greater Stockton Chamber of
networking group of Chamber Members
through SCAP-SE, businesses can reduce
Commerce members. The overall purpose
coming together each week to help promote
human resource costs by interviewing
of the Ambassador program to recruit
and increase each other’s businesses.
candidates pre-screened for employment
new members, help orient the newest
This group is for those members who are
readiness, reduce payroll and benefit
Chamber members and to assist staff with
serious about growing their business. Meets
costs by evaluating and training SCAP-
membership retention.
every Wednesday at 12noon. Contact
SE participants before hiring and reduce
To accomplish these goals, the
turnover costs by hiring employees prepared
Ambassadors are divided into two
for employment through the Employment
committees: Chamber Liaisons and
Preparation Program. For more
Welcome Squad.
network4success@stocktonchamber.org for details and location.
information, please visit Scapworks.com or email scap-se@stocktonchamber.org.
LIAISON COMMITTEE Members of the Chamber Liaisons personally visit and survey Chamber members on an annual basis. The surveys
is Easy Technology for today’s fast paced internet
give members input on Chamber programs
driven business environment. Don’t have time
and improve the Chamber's ability to serve
or money to put it all together for your business?
its members.
That’s OK, we have done it all for you with Save Local Now. SLN is an online marketing website
Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health (FRESH) is a program that encourages not only physical
Your deals, specials and events website. SLN
WELCOME SQUAD Members of the Welcome Squad attend
and mobile app designed to bring business through your doors from the community and
fitness but the fiscal fitness of our valued
a variety of events hosted by the chamber
from visitors to the Stockton area. FREE for
members. FRESH is yet another first for
members. These include ribbon cuttings,
Chamber Members, take advantage of its
a Chamber of Commerce in the State of
ground breaking and anniversary celebrations.
Search Engine Optimization, Social Media
California. By supporting and optimizing
Photos from Welcome Squad activities are
Sharing, App for smart phones, traffic
existing wellness programs from within our
published in every issue of the Port O Call.
tracking, and email marketing. Currently receiving 35,000+ visitors per month. For
membership, the Chamber shall channel these programs into monthly informational presentations, develop a FRESH 12 PORT CALL
Ambassadors meet quarterly, usually in March, June, September and December.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
more information on SLN contact Suzie Bowers, suzie@stocktonchamber.org.
In a medical emergency, every second counts‌especially when transporting patients who are far away from adequate medical treatment. No one knows that better than the flight crew at REACH, an emergency air ambulance program with nearly three decades of experience. REACH responds to scene calls, hospital-to-hospital transports, and assists search and rescue, carrying seriously ill or injured patients to the nearest appropriate medical facility. One flight can cost thousands of dollars, and may not be covered in full by your insurance plan. REACH is happy to offer a membership plan that covers the remaining balance of your transport after your insurance plan has paid, leaving you with no out-of-pocket air medical transport expenses. And, as a member of the AirMedCare Network, a membership provides you with reciprocity among more than 220 helicopter and airplane base locations across 27 states. Thus, you could be flown by any one of the AirMedCare Network partners and experience the same benefits (i.e. no out-of-pocket expenses for a medically necessary flight). Business plans membership options are available to cover your employees and their families. For more information contact Rikki Texter at 916-342-3221 or Rikki.Texter@amgh.us.
Membership Fees 1-Year Membership
Entire Household
Know someone who LOVES photographyy Did you just get a camera and want to learn to use itt
�en the perfect choice is the new Photo Workshops at Caroline Photography. Classes are taught by the award winning owner of the Valleyys leading studio and guaranteed to help you improve your photography skillss Learn more at CarolinePhotography.com or call us at (209)477-4363.
JAN 2015 13
EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN 2015 Golf Tournament
New Golf Committee Members Needed
Reserve Monday, April 13 on your calendar and prepare
The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is hosting its 34th Annual Golf Tournament on April 13 at Brookside Country Club.
yourself for a day of good times and good friends at Brookside
We are looking for new members to join the Golf Tournament
Country Club. Now in its 34th year, the Golf Tournament always
Committee. Golf Committee members are required to:
fills up fast. Don’t miss your chance to play! Call the Chamber to reserve your space today!
• Be a Stockton Chamber member in good standing, or be
You can also join us as a tee sponsor, a green sponsor, or a business
employed by a company who is a Stockton Chamber member
package sponsor. Business package sponsorship includes signage on
in good standing • Actively solicit sponsorship from local businesses
a tee or green and registration for a foursome of players. Major Level
• Bring in at least 2 foursomes of golfers for the tournament
Sponsorships also available. Just want to sign up and play, single
• Get raffle prizes donated from local businesses
registration is also available. Donating a prize to our post-tournament raffle is a great way to
• Attend golf committee meetings every other Wednesday,
highlight your business. Many high profile business people participate
sometimes every Wednesday as the tournament nears.
in our tournament and donating a prize gets their attention!
This is a great way to advertise your business while
For more information about the Chamber’s 34th Annual Golf
showing support for the Chamber, as well as the business community as a whole. The
Tournament or to volunteer, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or
Chamber will use tournament
email him at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
proceeds to support its ongoing
business retention and
Fred Couples Sponsors: F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank
development programs. Should you have any questions or would like to join, please
Ricky Barnes Sponsors: Collins Electrical Company, Inc. - Stockton Branch JaniTek Cleaning Solutions Moss Adams, LLP
call or e-mail Timm Quinn, 209.292.8423 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
Closest to the Pin Sponsor: DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Tee Sponsors: California Water Service Co. Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Neumiller & Beardslee Pacific Records Management Beverage Sponsor: DBI Beverage
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
THANK YOU Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL A FRESH Start As many people across the country are
pledge to fit back into an old pair of jeans or
Frank Ferral, Program & Public Policy
suit, or simply to live a healthier lifestyle, it
Director at fferral@stocktonchamber.org.
beginning to pack up their Christmas
takes true commitment for a person to follow
decorations and prepare for the end of the
through with a New Year’s resolution.
holiday season, there is one word floating
The Chamber FRESH program is one
around that is synonymous with preparing
way to assist you on keeping your fitness
for the next year ahead of us: resolutions.
resolutions. Each month, guest speakers
Every year, millions of people around the
will provide valuable information on
world vow to change or develop a certain
nutrition and fitness, latest trends, health
aspect of their life in hopes that it will
care laws, reducing operational costs,
improve their overall happiness or well-being.
services and other ways which to learn the
Resolving to lose weight or to get back in shape is always one of the most popular
JANUARY 2015 9 Government Relations Council @ 7:30 a.m. Chamber Conference Room 14 Green Team San Joaquin @ 9:00 a.m. Chamber Conference Room 15 FRESH @ 9:00 a.m. Chamber Conference Room
benefits of staying healthy and fit. According to Josh Taylor, Regional
choices for a New Year’s resolution for
Fitness Manager with InShape, everybody
people both young and old. Whether it’s a
wants to be in shape. The next FRESH
23 Government Relations Council @ 7:30 a.m. Chamber Conference Room 28 Business Education Alliance @ 3:30 p.m. Chamber Conference Room
meeting is on Thursday, January 15 at 9:00 a.m. in the Chamber Conference Room. For more information on FRESH, contact
Sponsored by
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS CRResourceContracting, Inc. DART Container Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Granite Construction Co. Healthy Air Living Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions
American Recycling Big Valley Ford Borrego Solar, Inc. CalSheets Carpenters Local Union 152 CBC Steel Building City of Stockton
Optony Pacific Gas & Electric Company Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. RGS Energy/Real Goods Solar San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD
Stockton Area Water Suppliers ServiceMaster Clean Sims Metal Management Surtec Universal Service Recycling Valley CAN
NEW MEMBERS Security Systems
Real Estate
ADT Security Services 4725 Enterprise Way #5, Modesto www.adt.com
Art Godi Realtors 1150 W. Robinhood Drive #3B, Stockton 209.981.4941
Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428
Musco Family Olive Co. 17950 Via Nicolo, Tracy www.olives.com
Valley Transport Refrigeration Stockton 3798 S. Highway 99, Stockton www.vtrfresno.com
JAN 2015 15
LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN The class then had a fantastic lunch catered by Angelina’s Spaghetti
Leadership Stockton Economy Session
House. The food was great!
Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union
After lunch the class heard from Frank Ferral, Stockton Chamber/
Session Sponsors: Port of Stockton and Green Team San Joaquin
Green Team San Joaquin/
Stockton’s economy is influenced by many factors.
Valley Green Team. Frank
During the annual Economy
shared great info on the new
Session, the class got a glimpse
and expanding green economy
of a few of those factors, and
and explained how businesses
learned about what lays ahead
can save money and help the
for Stockton’s future.
environment by going green. The class finished the day
The class met at the Port of Stockton Commander’s
with a presentation from Mike
House, what a perfect venue to
Ammann, President & CEO of
talk about the economy. See the picture for the view the class had
the San Joaquin Partnership, Inc., on all they do to attract and keep big
for the day!
business in San Joaquin County. Mike shared some of their marketing tools and the “Greater Silicon Valley” campaign they are working on.
The first presenters of the day were Bruce Blodgett and Natalie
It was a great day and the class learned a lot about what drives the
Collins with the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation (SJFB). Bruce and Natalie talked about our #1 industry agriculture, $2.3
Stockton and San Joaquin County economy. I would like to thank Port
Billion, and how that drives our local economy. They addressed
Director Richard Aschieris for having us, and Victoria Lucero for all
current issues and recent successes, and provided a glimpse of
her help in coordinating the day.
what lies ahead. Bruce gave great insight on what challenges local growers are facing and Natalie shared information on all the great educational programs the Farm Bureau offers. Following agriculture on the agenda was Jeff Wingfield, Director of Environmental, Government & Public Affairs with the Port of Stockton. He welcomed everyone to the Port and gave a brief history of how we got to where we are today. He then educated the class on all the imports and exports that come through the Port of Stockton and talked about some of the upcoming projects they are working on. We are truly blessed to have the Port of Stockton right in our backyard. Next on the agenda was Nate McBride, Director of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Nate shared how small business makes up a big part of the economy and detailed all of the great services the SBDC offers to the small business person to help them succeed. The class was then joined by none other than former Leadership Stockton Program Director and LS Class of 2004 Grad, Wes Rhea, CEO of Visit Stockton. Wes spoke to the class about the impact of tourism and all the new and exciting things Stockton is doing to attract tourists and more importantly tourist dollars. 16 PORT CALL
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423
GOOD NEWS GROW IT! MAKE IT! SHIP IT! San Joaquin USA Has It All Entering 2015
The beginning of 2015 will show San Joaquin County well on its way to
first U.S. facility in Stockton near the airport. The 58,000 square foot manufacturing facility will employ forty five people. Lifestyle Solutions, a leading furniture manufacturer, announced in
economic recovery including the signposts of the construction industry
August the acquisition of a 165,474 square foot warehouse/distribution
erecting new housing as well as spec buildings rising up again in industrial
space in Stockton’s Airport Gateway Center. The new facility will employ
and commercial business parks. As of December 1, 2014, the San Joaquin
about fifty people.
Partnership had announced ten successfully completed projects absorbing
more than 1.1 million square feet with close to 800 new jobs.
The November 6 groundbreaking by Prologis of the first
structure at the new 1200-acre International Park of Commerce
Tesla Motors announced in April that it had signed a lease for
in Tracy. It will be San Joaquin County’s largest and closest
a 430,000 square foot facility in Lathrop. The electric car designer
logistics park to the Bay Area/Silicon Valley. This mega-site
and manufacturer will employ more than 120 people in this CNC
will offer a full range and type of building to serve 7.2 million
tooling operation.
consumers within a 60-mile radius.
Boretech Resource Recovery Engineering, LLC, a PET bottle recycling company based in Taiwan, announced in July it would be opening its
This is a significant marker on San Joaquin County’s road to economic expansion in 2015.
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JAN 2015 17
8 9 9 12 14 15 21 22 23 28 29
January Networking Mixer 5:15pm-7:15pm @ French 25, 110 N. El Dorado St., Stockton CA 95202 GRC Meeting 7:30am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Leadership Stockton Law Enforcement Session 8:00am-5:00pm @ San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office Liaison Meeting 12:00pm @Stockton Chamber Conference Room Green Team San Joaquin Meeting 9:00am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room FRESH Meeting 9:00am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room. Executive Committee Meeting 7:00am @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Lunch & Learn 11:30am-1:00pm @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room, Reservation required GRC Meeting 7:30am @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room BEA Meeting 3:30pm @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Chamber Board Meeting 4:00pm @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce