Port O Call - July 2014

Page 1


Vol. 60 No. 3


JULY 2014


Cover Photograph by Caroline Photography

ANNUAL INSTALLATION DINNER 2014 Chamber President Blain Bibb

ACTUALLY, GETTING LOTS OF EMAILS CAN LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Our members can email directly with their doctor’s office, which in turn allows them to spend more working time in your office.

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From Your President


From Your CEO





Programs and Public Policy Department


@ Atria Bayside Landing

Cover Story




Visit Stockton


News Briefs


Leadership Stockton


June Mixer




New Members


Ribbon Cuttings



3318 Brookside Road, Stockton




JULY 2014



San Joaquin County Office of Education provides educational leadership, resources, and services to support San Joaquin County schools. With its highly regarded programs, innovative staff, and community partnerships, SJCOE ensures that every student in San Joaquin has the opportunity of a quality education.

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Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce… Engage and Grow!

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications

It is an honor and pleasure to be installed as the Greater Stockton

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

Chamber of Commerce’s 96th

VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

President. I'm grateful to Steven

VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

Crabtree and last year’s board of

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

directors for their commitment

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag

and leadership in the Chamber and welcome our newest board members

CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger, California Nuggets/Golden Gate Nuts Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club

the Historic Stockton Golf and Country Club.


success. The leadership history of this organization and its’ commitment


PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428 SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Heidi Altamirano 209.292.8422 STAFF ACCOUNTANT Lia Her 209.292.8421 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.292.8427 SPECIAL EVENTS/ LEADERSHIP STOCKTON COORDINATOR Timm Quinn 209.292.8423 SCAP COORDINATOR Dylan Bacon 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Michael Morales 209.292.8425 Gabrielle Almanza 209.292.8426 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 BEA COORDINATOR/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Frances Richardson 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mai Vang 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph


PRINTING Parks Printing 209.466.9026


who were also installed at the Annual Installation Dinner on June 26th at

As a business owner in Stockton, I am proud to be an engaged member in the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. I truly credit the relationships fostered over the past 6 years as key to our company’s to our community is second to none. The Chamber through its’ dedicated team have been here through the good and difficult times, always at the forefront of moving business forward no matter the challenges. In our numbers there is strength! I am glad to report that our membership retention has landed in the top tier of industry standards. So a big THANK YOU to all who persevered and are now positioned to GROW as the economy improves. Please help us by encouraging others to join and engage. Your Chamber’s mission is to support, promote, and develop businesses throughout San Joaquin County. This goal is not to simply benefit the businesses themselves, but the overall quality of life for our community. The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is recognized far and wide as a growing leader and innovator, with many awards and successes as proof, (i.e. Health Care Facility Agreement, SCAP, Green Team San Joaquin, RMDZ, Leadership Stockton and Valley Green Team). The formula for this continued success is simple; Solid Leadership + Innovative Programs + Engaged Members = Profitable Growth for our businesses and community. Come join us, get engaged, and watch the quality of your life GROW!

MAILING Parks Printing 209.466.9026



445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


JULY 2014


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT On behalf of your Chamber Officers, Board


him ride into the sunset. Those in attendance, both members and staff, were able to thank

of Directors, staff and

the 2013-14 President Steven Crabtree for his dedicated service,

myself may I take this

active involvement and leadership during this past year that

opportunity to wish each

offered some challenges but he and his Executive Committee were

and every one of you a

able to guide us on a successful path and a great year. He has now

very Happy Fourth of

become our Immediate Past President and will still be active on the

July as we celebrate this

Executive Committee.

great country we have the honor and privilege to live

Those assembled were honored to have Supervisor Bob Elliot, San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors Chairman, 5th District, with

in! Even with all the issues we as citizens are facing here in Stockton &

us to administer the oath of office to our new officers and Board

San Joaquin County, in the State, the Nation and from across the seas


we have so much to be thankful for and know full well that we have it so much better than a majority of others around the world. We should never forget and give thanks to those, from the very

Your 2014-15 Chamber President, Blain Bibb (ServiceMaster Building Maintenance) set the course for the new year which you will read in his first column in this month’s Port O Call. It will

beginning of the United States of America that many, many Americans

be another great Chamber year year under his leadership and

sacrificed so much to protect our freedoms. This should not just be

infectious enthusiasm along with the continuing board members

remembered on say Memorial Day or Veterans Day or even Flag Day

and the new board members, staff charting the course for the

but 365 days a year for generations.

Chamber and our community.

In the June Port O Call I wrote about the responsibility of each

The newly installed board members, whose terms run to July

and every citizen of voting age to study the issues, the candidates

2017 are: Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group; Laura

and then vote for whomever and whatever you, as an individual

Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank, Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional

citizen, believes is the best for the greater good. Thank you to those

Hypnotherapy; Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton and Victor Randolph,

of you who exercised your constitutional and God given right to

Never Boring Associates. Each of them has been a long time active

vote in the primary election on June 4th. To those who did not vote

member of your chamber and each brings much commitment to the

you can make up for it in November Elections and shame on you if

business community and the Chamber.

you do not do so! There, I said it! July is also the start of the new Chamber year and we said thanks to

A thank you to our installation dinner sponsors, the SG & CC staff, the Chamber Staff and all who attended who helped to say

several board members who had fulfilled their three-year term. They

thank you to those who have served and join hands with those

were Michael Cera, SMG (who is moving to Nebraska for a new career

who will carry on a great 113 year Chamber tradition as we move

and we wish him well); Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional

the entire community forward to better days that we know are just

Transit District; Pat Filippone, Your Stockton Ports and Darryle

around the corner.

Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association. All were

Your officers, board and staff subscribe to the belief of two things

very active and important part of the board and Chamber and we had

attributed to Albert Schweitzer; “There is no higher religion than

a chance to thank them at the Annual Installation Dinner held on June

human service. To work for the common good is this greatest creed”

26th at the 100 year old Stockton Golf and Country Club.

and “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the

At the dinner we were also able to thank our Immediate Past

only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have

President and personality all his own, Gary Long for his years of service

sought and found how to serve.” Please help all of us here at YOUR

to the Chamber and the community. He has given me his word of

CHAMBER by being involved not only to help your business but the

honor that he will be just as active and I assured him I/we will not let

community “Move Forward!”



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce




Bowman & Company

owman & Company is a Certified

Overall, to what would you credit your

going to have the resources necessary to

Public Accounting firm focused

company’s success? We have a tremendous

help these businesses grow.

on helping Stockton businesses.

employee base. One of our primary focuses

We want them to look at us as a provider

is to attract the top people to work for us.

What do you enjoy about doing business

that enables them to use their finances to

And to offer compensation both tangible

locally? I love the people here. The people

grow their business, we consult with Boards

and intangible that allows them to stay for

I’ve had the pleasure of working with are

of Directors to help them make business

a long time. Our average employee has been

rock solid members of the community.

decisions, help explain tax laws to minimize

with us for 10 years, which is rare in the

Some of them have made sacrifices

their tax burden and provide growth for their

accounting profession.

in their own business opportunities to remain local. These people have poured

people. We want every Stockton business to be able to meet their financial challenges and

What is one of the greatest challenges you’ve

their lives into this community and it’s

provide for their futures.

faced while in business and how did you

worked out best for everyone.

overcome it? Our success is directly tied Tell me about the inspiration behind the

to the success of other businesses in the

founding of Bowman & Company. Bowman

area. When Stockton had its downturn, we

was founded in 1949 by Herbert H. Bowman

needed to diversify our business. But we’ve

who continues to be in our office daily. He’s

stayed focused on our core sectors and have

93 years old and is still here 7 days a week.

weathered that storm. Now Stockton’s in an

He’s our inspiration, he’s retired but he’s

upturn and we’re seeing the fruits of our labor.

part of the family. We don’t want to let him go. It’s pretty motivating for younger folks

How do you see the business growing in the

to see a man who has devoted his life to

future? The future is amazing for Bowman.

this and still believes in it. The connections

We have a great client base. We get to

he made have allowed us to be part of the

work with some of the area’s top businesses

community in ways that other accounting

that are doing amazing things. We have

firms can’t match.

the opportunity to help guide them and facilitate their businesses. It positions us really well. As Stockton rebounds, we’re

presented by

Da ryl Petrick

PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL Green Team Investment Opportunities The “Green Team San Joaquin” project is a collaborative effort

Green Schools event in October, 2014 • Your company Logo will appear and be linked on Green Team

San Joaquin website.

between private businesses, municipal and County solid waste

• Your company will receive a complimentary booth space at the REXPO XI

divisions, economic development professionals and the community

• Your company will receive 10 lunch tickets at the REXPOXI

of San Joaquin County. This proposal is to create a nexus to enhance

• Your company will have complimentary booth space at all Green

the delivery of Chamber services and to address environmental and economic development issues in Stockton and San Joaquin County. The Chamber proposes to do this by collaboratively working for regional solutions to challenges facing San Joaquin

Zone Workshops (approximately four per year) • Your company logo will be displayed at Green Team San Joaquin events

and workshops • Your company would be authorized to place Green Team San Joaquin Logo

County and their businesses. San Joaquin County includes the cities

on your website as a Green Team San Joaquin Supporter for the duration of

of Stockton, Ripon, Manteca, Tracy, Lathrop, Lodi, Escalon and the

the program. At the end of your sponsorship, you agree to remove the Green

unincorporated areas.

Team San Joaquin Logo from your website.

There are several areas in which the Green Team San Joaquin will

If you would like to be an investor in the Green Team San

be focused. These are:

Joaquin Program, please contact Frank J. Ferral at

• Recycling Market Development Zone




• Pathways to Green Schools • Valley Green Team • REACON

American Recycling

Healthy Air Living

Big Valley Ford

Newark Recycled

Borrego Solar, Inc.

In order to be successful and realize the goals of our community, the Chamber is offering several targeted outreach opportunities



Carpenters Local Union 152

Pacific Gas &

CBC Steel Building

so that your company can deliver their message by reaching over

City of Stockton

1,200 Chamber members with over 30,000 employees. Only by

CRResourceContracting, Inc.

your support of programs like the Green Team San Joaquin, the

Paperboard Solutions

DART Container

Electric Company

San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD Stockton Area Water Suppliers

Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. RGS Energy/Real Goods Solar

ServiceMaster Clean Sims Metal Management

Diamond Foods, Inc.


Chamber is able to offer our expanded outreach agenda on behalf

Dorfman Pacific

Universal Service Recycling

of the business community. Together, you will help us meet and

Granite Construction Co.

Valley CAN

address the challenges of conducting commerce in our community and bettering the environment, and we in turn offer you an exclusive opportunity for event exposure and outreach for your organization.

Here are the specific benefits of your support: $5,000- Green Team San Joaquin Investor: •

Your company name will appear in 12 issues of our PortOCall as a supporting sponsor of the “Green Team San Joaquin” for the duration of the program.

• Your company will receive a complimentary booth space at the Recycling

BIN Summit III in September with five lunch tickets. • Your company will receive a complimentary booth space at Pathways to



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Frank Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428

OUTSTANDING IN OUR FIELD And ready to help you be outstanding in yours. Let’s swing for the fences. Our full service agency is here to help your team win.



ach June, the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce hosts a dinner to celebrate the motivated Board Members,

Committee Chairs and Officers who have led the Chamber over the past year and to honor incoming members who will help lead the Chamber over the year to come. On Thursday, June 26, the membership gathered at the Stockton Golf & Country Club for the Chamber’s Annual Installation Dinner 2014. During an evening marked by delicious food, incredible gratitude and hopeful looks at the future of the Stockton area, attendees welcomed a new group of members to leadership positions within the organization. This year, Blain Bibb with ServiceMaster Building Maintenance tackles the role of Chamber President. According to Bibb, during his year in office, he aims to prioritize growing the Chamber’s membership. “I think of the old Uncle Sam posters. We Want You. We want you to join the Chamber; we want you to be engaged; we want you to grow with this community!” This push to grow membership is not unique to Stockton, said Bibb. “In Chambers throughout the country, membership has dipped with the tough economic times. But even with the economic challenges [the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce] still lands in the top tier. We’ve been strong financially and we’ve been strong with retention. What we need now is members who are ready to get more engaged.” Creating A Culture of Engagement To foster engagement, Bibb said that his next year is all about recruiting, sharing the word and helping to get members notified of the many programs that the Chamber offers. “[CEO Doug Wilhoit] often says that it’s like a gym.


You can pay your monthly dues, but if you don’t get engaged and involved, you’re not getting all the value you could out of your membership,” said Bibb. Bibb speaks from experience about the value that Chamber membership can bring. “When I came to Stockton in April of 2007, I didn’t know a single person in the business community. The relationships we fostered within the Chamber have been the key to our success.”

Bibb, who has a long history with ServiceMaster’s corporate office, has founded and brought three

A Green Legacy Bibb recounted that when he founded his Stockton

ServiceMaster franchises to success in California since 2007.

Ser viceMaster franchise, the Chamber was his first stop.

His franchise locations in Ventura and San Diego Counties

And one of the first things he learned about in that

have copied the success of his first location here in San

meeting was the nascent Green Team San Joaquin that

Joaquin County. Over the last seven years, ServiceMaster

the Stockton Chamber was launching. “At the time, we

in Stockton has expanded tremendously from 5 employees

happened to be going green in our company. We were

to more than 200. “It’s been like drinking from a fire hose,”

transitioning from standard cleaning practices to more

laughed Bibb. “My company and my family have been

environmentally-friendly cleaning.” It was good timing,

received by this community like we’ve been here for years!”

added Bibb, and this green connection has been key to his, and Ser viceMaster’s, engagement with the Chamber over

"When I came to Stockton in April of 2007, I didn’t

the last seven years. “Since we joined the Green Team, I’ve continued to be a

know a single person in the business community. The relationships we fostered within the Chamber have been the key to our success.”

very active member,” said Bibb. Over the last years, Bibb’s leadership has proven invaluable to the success of Green Team San Joaquin and the Chamber as a whole. He and his company have ser ved as an essential sponsor of the R EACON team—the outreach arm of the Green Team— and he has also chaired the Small Business Council and

Strategic Growth Bibb is no stranger to the benefits that Chamber

the Green Team for the last three years. Bibb attributes a portion of his business’ success in San

membership can bring. As a member of three other

Joaquin County to the many relationships, connections

Chambers around California, Bibb has been fortunate

and lessons he has gained at the Chamber.

enough to observe the successful growth strategies that

“I’m proof that if you get engaged, give your time and

other Chambers have put into place. “What I’ve taken away

show some concern for the community as a whole then

from membership in other Chambers is that a focus on

you’ ll make those critical relationships and people will

membership is key,” said Bibb. “Oxnard maintained one of

want to see you succeed and do well.”

the strongest Chambers of Commerce in terms of retention

Bibb added his thanks to the Board Members and Past

and growth during the dip. They did it by focusing on

President Steven Crabtree for the ser vice they have given

membership and ensuring that the right talent was there,

over the last year. Until next June, Bibb will ser ve with

then going after it.”

Board members Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton; Frank

The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is ideally

Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hy pnotherapy; Dr. Robert

placed to make a similar push toward membership activity,

Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group; Laura Pinkerton,

added Bibb. “We have a new Membership Director who is

Wells Fargo Bank; and Victor Randolph, Never Boring.

making good strides in that direction, but it has to continue

For more information, or to get involved with one of the

to be a focus. This Chamber is a standout. We have these

Chamber’s many valuable programs, contact the Greater

incredible programs that provide value to the members and

Stockton Chamber of Commerce at 209.547.2770.

also bring in funding for the chamber. Most Chambers have one or two. We have half a dozen. Why wouldn’t you want to be part of it?”


JULY 2014 11

EVENTS BY: HEIDI ALTAMIRANO Sign up now for the most bang for your buck!

50th Annual Industrial Technology Barbecue You won’t want to miss the 50th Anniversary Celebration this

Taking Care of Business Program 2014-2015 The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member

year of one of our most popular events, the Industrial Technology

businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities

Barbecue!! Don’t miss this festive fall get together honoring new

for the upcoming year. This popular program was created to

and expanding businesses in our county. So mark your calendars

give Chamber members an excellent way to receive exposure

for Wednesday, September 10, at 5:00 PM.

throughout the year at a dramatic discount off normal pricing.

We’re proud to have the distinguished and continuing support of our founding sponsors Pacific Gas & Electric Company, SJC

Taking Care of Business Sponsors Help Fund

Economic Development Association, and San Joaquin Partnership.

Key Chamber Programs

Their dedication to honoring those companies that enhance our

Taking Care of Business also ties closely to the Chamber’s work in business retention and development activities,

revenue and employment base is a testimonial to the emphasis we place on encouraging a healthy business economy.

and helps fund committees and programs designed to

Various Industrial Technology Barbecue sponsorship levels are

keep Greater Stockton businesses healthy and growing.

available, and if you take action now, you’ll receive maximum

Committees supported include the Industrial Technology

marketing exposure in upcoming promotions. Act now and help

Barbecue Committee, ATHENA Awards Committee, and other

us honor these great companies!

business development programs. Sponsors receive recognition at such events as the

For more information, please contact Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423, or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

Industrial Technology Barbecue, State of the City, Annual Golf Tournament, and Chamber Business Awards. Popular

$1100 Gold Sponsor

Awards programs such as the ATHENA Awards are also

Exclusive sponsorship. Sponsorship includes eight dinner tickets, two pre-event Honoree Reception tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name/logo of company), ad in the dinner program, recognition from podium during event, signage at table.

included, as well as the Annual Installation Dinner. Advantages Available to Taking Care of Business Supporters Sponsoring companies typically select several options from the events line up. The Chamber allows its members to wisely choose a yearlong program that meets their marketing, consumer

$800 Silver Sponsor Sponsorship includes four dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), recognition from podium during event, company signage at table.

exposure and community involvement goals. Package prices enable sponsors to select from several marketing and promotional

$600 Bronze Sponsor

opportunities at a significant savings.

Sponsorship includes two dinner tickets, recognition in all pre-event publicity and mailings (with name of company), listing of company in the program night of the event, recognition from podium during event.

For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through Taking Care of Business, contact Timm Quinn, Events Coordinator, at 209.292.8423, or e-mail to tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8422

ATHENA Awards Nominations Sought 2014 Take a few minutes to think about the exceptional business people you know, then consider nominating them for this year’s prestigious ATHENA Award. On November 20, at a luncheon at Stockton Golf & Country Club, we’ll honor an outstanding individual as our 2014 Stockton Chamber of Commerce ATHENA recipient and the ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award recipient. The deadline for nominations is 3pm, August 29. Our reigning honorees are Dr. Kathy Hart and Monica Streeter. These awards are presented to individuals in our community who strives toward the highest levels of professional accomplishment, excels in their chosen field, demonstrates support for the advancement of business and professional women, devotes time and energy to their community in a meaningful way and opens paths so that others may follow. For more information and to download a nomination form visit www.StocktonChamber.org. Click on the ATHENA Awards tab in the Events dropdown menu.

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JULY 2014 13


Hosted by Hilton Stockton | Photos by Tim Ulmer, Ulmer Photo

VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA Be a Part of the Next Stockton History Book! Visit Stockton and the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce would like to offer your business an opportunity to record

table book format since 1978, and will be a major component in marketing Stockton as a city of rich heritage and a positive future. If a business does choose to participate, a professional writer will

its history, along with the history of Stockton, in a beautiful

produce the businesses’ story for inclusion in a section of the book,

commemorative history book.

entitled Sharing the Heritage.

Historic Stockton: An Illustrated History is a large-format, heavily

For more information about the book, please contact Daphne

illustrated volume being written by noted Stockton historian, Alice

Fletcher at 209.406.2602 or email her at daphne.hpn@gmail.com

van Ommeren, the author of numerous books and articles on California historical topics. Historic Stockton will consist of a lively narrative describing the people and events that have shaped our city, along with well over 100 historic photographs, maps and paintings. The book will be the first comprehensive history of Stockton published in coffee


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555

Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) Class Slated for August The next CTA class will be held on Wednesday, August 20 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. For information on the program visit StocktonAmbasadors.com or call Megan at 209.938.1555. Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/CelebrateStockton

NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

Stockton Womens Network Luncheon “Remarkable Women of Stockton” the book is presented by local author, Mary Jo Gohlke, featured speaker at Stockton Womens Network luncheon on Wed. July 9. Recently published, the book chronicles the struggles and triumphs of Stockton women from the gold rush days to modern day as these women become the first in their fields of endeavor, businesses and activism. From the Sperry f lour sisters, Tillie Lewis, to those breaking the color barriers to Beverly Fitch McCarthy; their stories will astound you. Starting at 11:30am at Stockton Golf and Country Club. Reservations

Two Ports Named to California League All-Star Team Maxwell and Streich will be representing the Ports at the 2014 All-Star Game Stockton Ports catcher Bruce Maxwell and pitcher Seth Streich have been named to the 2014 Mid-Season All-Star roster. The All-Star game will be held on June 17th in Wilmington, DE.


Bruce Maxwell is

Women’s Success Group Networking Luncheon

Mid-Season Classic.

Women’s Success Group Networking Luncheon – Thursday,

Maxwell is batting .282

expected to start the

July 10th, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Papapavlos Restaurant, Lincoln Center. Phil Shannon is a Certified Risk Management Consultant with Legal Shield for 30 years. He will discuss the risk associated with the Number One Crime in American – Identity Theft. Phil will share steps you can take to protect yourself.

with 4 homeruns and 19 RBI with the Ports. Streich, a right-handed starter with the Ports, is in his first season with Stockton and is currently leading the team in ER A (3.41), wins (6), and strikeouts (67).

SAVE Local Now – Your New Chamber Member Benefit

Ver ve Net works named in top Technolog y Managed Ser vices Providers in the world,

Online Digital Marketing

on the MSPmentor 500 list, as the only one

Platform (Daily Deals and

in the Greater Stockton Area. Jeff

Events Website) helps you

Gilbert, CEO of Ver ve Networks,

bring customers through

stated, “Our portfolio of Managed

your door. Search Engine Optimized, linked to your

Ser vices and Cloud Management

website. FREE to Chamber Members. Contact Suzie@

offerings enable us to successfully

stocktonchamber.org for more information and to get signed

support next generation IT

up. Visit our SLN website www.stockton.savelocalnow.com.

environments” Ver ve Networks is evolving businesses through Technology. Call 209.244.7120 or www.vervenetworks.net


Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8422


JULY 2014 15

LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY:TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton Day at the Capitol Session

Stockton, and the future community leaders of our region.

Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union

Eggman and Senator Cathleen Galgiani for taking the time out of

I would like to thank Assemblymember Susan Talamantes

What happens each day in our State Capitol has an impact

their busy schedules to sit down with the class.

on Stockton and San Joaquin County. That is why Leadership

Congratulations to the Leadership Stockton Class of 2014!!!

Stockton devoted an entire day to looking at the legislative process in Sacramento and it relationship with its region. The class departed Stockton by bus and arrived in Sacramento at 9:15 am. To kick off the day the class sat in on the Appropriations Hearing. It was a great look inside at all that goes into getting a law made. Then it was off for a guided tour of the Capitol. From historical places to modern day politics, the Class got an inside look at the inner workings of the Capitol and our legislative system. The history and stories were fascinating. After the tour of the Capitol the class was off to the Capitol basement for lunch. After lunch the class split up and explored the Capitol grounds and observed some of the great scenery and monuments at the Capitol. After lunch the class ventured out to see the Education Committee And Select Committee On Privacy Joint Hearing. Very interesting stuff. After the Committee Meeting the class stopped by Senator Cathleen Galgiani’s Office for a visit. Senator Galgiani talked

The Leadership Stockton Class of 2014 graduated in an evening ceremony on Thursday, June 12th at the Hilton Stockton. We would like to thank the following for their support of the program over the last year. Leadership Level Full Year Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union Session Sponsors: Bank of Agriculture & Commerce City of Stockton CSU Stanislaus—Stockton Center Green Team of San Joaquin Kaiser Permanente Leadership Stockton Alumni Assoc. San Joaquin County San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Dept. SJ County Office of Education The Haggin Museum Visit Stockton Women’s Center Youth & Family Services Friends of Leadership Stockton Chanda Bassett, Class of 2013 Alan R. Coon Class of 1999 Cindy DeSilva Class of 2012

to the class about some of the legislation she is working on and answered any questions the class had. The class then stopped by Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman’s Office. Assemblymember Eggman went over some of the

Annual Leadership Stockton Class please visit

passionate about. Then Assemblymember Eggman gave the

www.leadershipstockton.com or contact Timm Quinn at

class an all access tour of the Assembly Floor. What a treat!

209.292.8423 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org

You will be pleased to know that Assemblymember Eggman and Senator Galgiani are very busy at the moment working on a lot of great legislation to help our community. After the tour of the Assembly Floor it was time to head back to Stockton. It turned out to be a great day for Leadership

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Mark W. Herder Class of 1993 Shelly Jersey Class of 2013 Adrienne Machado Class of 2012 Tammie Murrell Class of 2001 Brenda O’Reilly Class of 2005 John O’Reilly Class of 2007 Bakul Patel Class of 2012 Wes Rhea Class of 2004 Jeanne Sibert Class of 1997 Al Steele Class of 2001 Lindy Turner-Hardin Class of 2001 Diane Vigil Class of 2013 Douglass W. Wilhoit Jr. Trevor Womack Class of 2011 Nishka Yudnich Class of 1985 Moses Zapien Class of 2011

If you would like information on supporting the 34th

things she has accomplished and the issues she is very


Michael P. Duffy Class of 1995 Jim Dugoni Class of 2011 Frank Ferral Dean Gould Class of 2012 Donnie Hernandez Class of 2013


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

United Way Workplace Giving Campaigns are as easy as 1


THE EMPLOYER opens their heart and their workplace doors to a United Way Campaign.


EMPLOYEES volunteer to make regular payroll donations designated to their favorite charity of $1 or more per payday for the next year.



UNITED WAY sends these life changing & life saving donations to our local non-profits for their use in improving lives in our community.

Please visit us at www.unitedwaysjc.org Please contact United Way of San Joaquin County to arrange your Workplace Campaign today.


andy@unitedwaysjc.org dkoster@unitedwaysjc.org dng@unitedwaysjc.org


JULY 2014 17


9 10 10 11 14 16 25 30 AUG



Green Team San Joaquin 9:00am @ Chamber Conference Room New Member Orientation 11:00am @ Chamber Conference Room July Networking Mixer 5:15pm-7:15pm @ Atria Bayside Landing 3318 Brookside Road, Stockton Government Relations Council Meeting 7:30am @ Chamber Conference Room Liaison Committee 12:00pm @ Chamber Conference Room Executive Committee Meeting 7:00am @Stockton Golf & Country Club Government Relations Council Meeting 7:30am @ Chamber Conference Room Business Education Alliance 3:00pm @ Chamber Conference Room August Networking Mixer 5:15pm-7:15pm @ Midtown Creperie & Café 2319 Pacific Ave, Stockton


NEW MEMBERS Accounting & Business Service Croce & Company Accountancy Corporation 501 W. Weber Ave. #500, Stockton www.croceco.com

Personal Protection Parties Damsel in Defense www.mydamselpro.net/stockton

Catering/ Restaurant Dickey’s Barbecue Pit 5350 Pacific Ave, Stockton www.dickeys.com

Spa/ Salon

Fresh Produce Puentes 42 N Sutter St. #317, Stockton www.puentes-americas.org

Marketing The Tuleburg Group 115 N Sutter Ave #207, Stockton www.tuleburggroup.com

Financial Services Union Bank 35 S. El Dorado Street, Stockton www.unionbank.com

Professional Development & Continuing Education

European Wax Center 5759 Pacific Ave #B100, Stockton www.waxcenter.com

Center for Professional and Continuing Education – UOP 3601 Pacific Ave, Stockton www.pacific.edu

Google Business Review Photos & Videography

Transportation/ Warehouse

Green Right Media 1222 Monaco Ct. #4, Stockton www.greenrightmedia.com

White Arrow, Inc. 2402 S. California St, Stockton www.whitearrow.com

Transportation MV Transportation, Inc. 120 N Filbert Street, Stockton www.mvtransit.com

NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday 12noon contact the Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Ella Holman, Collins Realty; Liz Baker, Cumulus Communications; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses!; Sara Phillips, Jhamat Insurance; Becky Deal and Catherine Rodgers, Bank of Stockton.

YMCA 2105 March Lane, Stockton


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

O'Connor Woods- Laurel Point Memory Care 3400 Wagner Heights Road, Stockton


Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

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