Vol. 59 No. 2
june 2013
Annual Installation Dinner 2013
Celebrating the BIG Business of Small Businesses PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 461 STOCKTON CA
On the cover: Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Rapid Transit District (RTD); Jason Messer, Manteca Unified School District; Todd Lush, Capital River Group/Capital Feed; Carrie Sass, SASS! Public Relations, Inc.
Cover Photograph by: Fritz Chin Photography, Inc.
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Celebrating the BIG Business of Small Businesses
From Your President
Stockton CVB has moved!
Don’t Miss!
Events 8 Convention & Visitors Bureau 11
14 11
6/6 Business Showcase & Tradeshow Mixer 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. @ Hilton Stockton, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd. The Tradeshow Mixer is Kentucky Derby theme… contest will be held for best derby hat!
Leadership Stockton
Programs and Public Policy Department
Cover Story
News Briefs
also don’t miss..
Calendar 18
July Networking Mixer 7/11 Stockton Athletic Hall of Fame 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Arena, 248 W. Fremont St, Stockton, CA 95203
New Members
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PORT CALL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.
The Undersung Gem of California: Stockton’s Haggin Museum
CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers SR. VICE PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum Crabtree
FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance
called one of the most undersung
archive has 65,000 items including
gems of California? It’s true! And that
photographs, books, manuscripts
gem is none other than our local
and ephemera as well as sound and
Haggin Museum. If you aren’t already
film recording. In our history and
a devotee of the Haggin, one visit to
ethnographic collection, we have over
Stockton’s 82-year-old art and history
180,000 items, primarily of artifacts
museum is sure to convert you.
that deal with Stockton and San
VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications VICE PRESIDENT Dan Durst, Durst Contract Interiors IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Debbie Armstrong, Old Republic Title Co. CHAMBER DIRECTORS Michael Cera, SMG/Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional Transit District Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Baseball Club Lewis Gale, Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CB Richard Ellis Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick’s Glass Service Mikey Kamienski, Charterhouse Center for Families Dan Keyser, Grupe Commercial Company Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Darryle Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Tina Williams, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation Bob Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr. 209.547.2766 PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR/ BEA Frank Ferral 209.547.2763 SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Heidi Altamirano
BEA/ SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Dylan Bacon 209.547.2770 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Mai Vang 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring
ADVERTISING Victor Randolph
PRINTING Snyder Parks 209.466.9026 MAILING Snyder Parks 209.466.9026
GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org
id you know that Stockton is
original artwork by noted commercial
home to what Sunset Magazine
illustrator J.C. Leyendecker. Our library
The 44,000 square foot art and history museum located in the lush grounds of Victory Park in Stockton
Joaquin County’s social, cultural and economic past.” In addition to its permanent art and
first opened its doors in June of 1931
history exhibits, the Haggin Museum
with a $30,000 endowment and a
features 6-8 temporary exhibitions each
collection of art donated on behalf of
year—including the McKee Student
Eila Haggin McKee, who had only two
Art Contest & Exhibition, the longest-
requirements: that the museum be
running annual children’s art show in
named in honor of her late father, Louis
the nation—and a run of special events,
Terah Haggin; and that the museum
family friendly programs, lectures and
include an art wing to be filled with
musical performances.
paintings from her father’s collection.
“People living in San Joaquin County
This donation of late 19th and early
should be aware that they have a
20th century American and European
world class art collection—along with
paintings remains the backbone of the
one of the most beautiful places in the
museum’s permanent collection, says
county—right in their own backyard,”
Haggin Museum CEO Tod Ruhstaller,
adds Ruhstaller.
but in total the museum serves as
The Haggin Museum is open
steward of a little under 250,000
Wednesday through Sunday
items. “In the art collection, we have
throughout the year at 1201 N.
about 3,000 paintings, pieces of
Pershing Avenue in Stockton’s
sculpture and works on paper as well
Victory Park. Visit them on the web at
as the largest museum collection of
From Your CEO... by: Doug Wilhoit
Dale Carnegie said it best in these statements: 1. ”The man who
we discussed what we could do here and Gordon and Joe said to
goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The
give them a week and they would find the answer. The rest is history
sure-thing boat never gets far from the shore.” 2. ”When dealing with
starting in 1986 with the first Annual Stockton Asparagus Festival.
people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with
As we all know, we are now in a crossroads regarding the future
creatures of emotion.” 3.”First ask yourself: What is the worst that can
of the Festival. It amazes me to listen, read, watch and answer
happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the
questions from so many people who have no idea what goes into
worst.” 4. “If only the people who worry about their liabilities would
putting on this UNIQUE AND SPECIAL event each year. Many
think about the riches they do possess, they would stop worrying.”
of these “gadflies” have not lifted a finger to volunteer and are the
5. “Add up what you have, and you’ll find that you won’t sell them
first ones who have their hands out for “comp tickets” or use other
for all the gold in the world.” 6. “Develop success from failures.
means to walk through the gates free, and yes, when there are lean
Discouragement and failure are three of the surest stepping stones to
times or serious decisions to be made, they are the first to give their
success.” 7. “We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do
unsolicited advice that is not based on fact, but on emotion or false
things we don’t even dream we can do.”
self-worth as stated by Mr. Carnegie in point 2 above.
So from these quotes and good thoughts about life in general,
Yes, this is an event designed and continually done to benefit the
where am I going with this? I am going to start with the wonderful
non-profits of our community and the community as a whole by not
28th Annual Asparagus Festival that was made possible by several
only improving the image of Stockton, showing a much better side of
thousand volunteers, vendors, sponsors, and attendees; a wonderful
our community to all, but also showing what wonderful people live,
Downtown Stockton Venue; and a hard working Festival Staff and
work, play, pray and volunteer here day in and day out and year in
Board of Directors. The festival is an example of many people working
and year out to help others.
together for a common theme — to create a grand community event
To stress my point, here are a few statistics: Total attendance
that not only helps many of those less fortunate by the dollars raised
over the past 28 years – 2,128,740 (WOW, many from other
for non-profits, but also showcases our glorious downtown waterfront
cities and even states) or a yearly average of 76,026! To those who
(note: I replaced my regular photo with photos from this year’s
“lamented” over the fact that this year the crowd was just over
Asparagus Festival).
75,000 - GET OVER IT (goes to point 5 above). $6 million in
I was very honored and fortunate to have been asked (really,
much needed funds have been raised for local non-profits since
ordered) by Gordon Medline and Joe Travale as a sitting member of
the Festival’s inception, and those funds raised for some of them is
the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors representing District
the difference in keeping their service to help those most in need
2, which encompassed much of Stockton, to travel with them one
in our community. The number of volunteer hours over the past
very early Friday August morning to attend the Gilroy Garlic Festival
28 years totals 660,113. God bless all those who have been with us
along with others, including a wonderful Stocktonian we lost just
from the beginning and those new caring citizens who add to the
before this year’s Festival, David Reid. Upon our return to Stockton,
ranks each year. I know neither the naysayers nor the “Monday
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
morning quarterbacks” will deter them in the future. As I write this column, I do so as a proud member of the Festival
the Festival Main Stage entertainment each year and entertainment at many venues all over California: “The Stockton Asparagus
Board who has had the rare opportunity to watch it grow from a
Festival is something so many cities of all sizes would love to have
dream of a few to the reality of many! Thank you Gordon, Joe, David,
in their grasp and to bask in the success experienced continually
Bob Eberhardt and many others who had faith (Points 1 and 7) in
for each and every year!” God willing, the Festival shall
each other and the community. I thank them for “ordering me” to
continue to be a bright light in the beacon of Stockton and San
attend the Garlic Festival oh so many years ago, and I am sure we
Joaquin County.
shall, as a committed team, be able to not only continue the Festival,
Deadline does not permit me to comment on the State of the
but as always find ways each year to make it better not only for the
City (5-16), which is sure to be attended by a packed house at Shed
attendees, but more importantly for the true recipients of the hard
20 at the Port of Stockton as shown by the reservations to date
and dedicated work of those associated in many ways with the Annual
(5-14). Your President will congratulate the honorees of the Small
Stockton Asparagus Festival. I feel confident that we shall overcome
Business Awards Luncheon and Tradeshow Mixer to be held on
this difficult time in the history of our community, and as stated by
June 6 at the Stockton Hilton. I hope you will be able to attend this
Read Zaro (not a gadfly but a true professional) who produces
great annual event also!
From Your President... by: Gary J. Long
workload, enthusiasm and attention to detail
County Board of Supervisors asking them to
our Chamber Staff produces everyday on
work with their respected departments to use
behalf of you, the Chamber membership. The
local businesses and vendors whenever possible
Chamber Staff, or family as they refer to
to keep our tax dollars here! More local agencies
themselves, schedule hundreds and hundreds
will be receiving the same letter.
of meetings and events, and administer
Mark your calendars for June 27th and
programs and grants all with the highest
join in the festivities at the Greater Stockton
degree of professionalism with the common
Chamber of Commerce Installation of
goal of making our community a better place
Officers and Board of Directors. It is with
to live, work and grow.
a great deal of pride that I turn over the
The Greater Stockton Chamber of
President’s gavel to Mr. Steve Crabtree. For the
Has it really been a year already? Wow,
Commerce Business Awards will be
past decade, Steve has been an inspiration to me
time sure travels fast when you are working
presented this month at the June 6th
and a proven leader to the Executive Committee
with the energetic and talented team at your
Business Awards Luncheon being held at
and the Board of Directors. As a principal
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce!
the Hilton Stockton Hotel. Congratulations
in the local law firm of Herum & Crabtree,
to this year’s recipients!
Steve bring his keen sense of business and
It was a year ago this month that I had the distinct honor and privilege of taking the oath
In that regards (helping small business
ethics to the forefront of the many challenges
of office as your President of the Chamber.
prosper), your Chamber in partnership with
and opportunities our community will be
Over the past 12 months, I have been
the Business Council has sent a letter to
experiencing as we grow better, safer and
constantly amazed at the “behind the scenes”
the Stockton City Council and San Joaquin
stronger in this upcoming year.
by: Heidi Altamirano Taking Care of Business Program 2013-2014 The Taking Care of Business Program offers our member businesses a wealth of marketing and sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming year. This popular program
The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce proudly recognizes the following companies for their year round support of the Chamber
was created to give Chamber members an excellent way to receive exposure throughout the year at a dramatic discount off normal pricing.
Taking Care of Business Sponsors Help Fund Key Chamber Programs Taking Care of Business also ties closely to the Chamber’s work in business retention and development activities, and helps fund committees and programs designed to keep Greater Stockton businesses healthy and growing. Committees supported include the Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable and other business development programs.
A.G. Spanos Companies
Oak Valley Community Bank
Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Bank of the West
Pacific Records Management /Pacific Shredding
Builders Exchange of Stockton
R & S Erection of Stockton, Inc.
California Water Service Co. Collins Electrical Company, Inc.
San Joaquin Delta Community College
Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.
San Joaquin RTD
EZ Network Systems, Inc.
St. Joseph’s Medical Center
F&M Bank
Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau
Financial Center Credit Union
Stockton East Water District
Grupe Commercial Company
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
The Record/San Joaquin Media Group
Kaiser Permanente
United Way of San Joaquin County
Lincoln Center
University of the Pacific
Sponsors receive recognition at such events as the Industrial Technology Barbecue, State of the City, Annual
Moss Adams, LLP Neumiller & Beardslee
Golf Tournament, Chamber Tradeshow & Showcase Mixer and Chamber Business Awards. Popular Awards programs such as the ATHENA Awards are also included, as well as
2012-2013 Season Conclusion
the Annual Installation Dinner.
Advantages Available to Taking Care of Business Supporters
2013-2014 SEASON
Sponsoring companies typically select several options from the events line up. The Chamber allows its members to wisely choose a yearlong program that meets their marketing, consumer exposure and community involvement goals. Package prices enable sponsors to select from several marketing and promotional opportunities at a significant savings. For more information on stretching your marketing dollars through Taking Care of Business, contact Heidi Altamirano, Events Director, at 209.547.2764 or e-mail heidi@stocktonchamber.org.
Fiddler on the Roof September 4 - 29, 2013
A Christmas Carol
November 13 - December 8, 2013
January 8 - 26, 2014
Avenue Q
March 5 - 30, 2014
It Runs In The Family May 7 - 25, 2014
June 25 - July 20, 2014
Box Office (209) 473-2424 = Hours: Tues-Fri, 9am-2pm 2312 Rosemarie Lane ~ Stockton, CA 95207
Tickets Online: www.sctlivetheatre.com
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764
Annual Installation Dinner 2013
Thank you to our Sponsors
One of the highlights of our year is the Chamber’s
Annual Installation Dinner. It’s the perfect opportunity
California Water Service Co.
to thank our hard working and dedicated board members
Grupe Commercial Company
and committee chairs for their exceptional contribution
to our organization. On Thursday, June 27, we’ll gather at
Kaiser Permanente Oak Valley Community Bank
Stockton Golf & Country Club to thank Gary Long with
Gary J. Long Jewelers for his outstanding performance as
Bank of Agriculture & Commerce
Chamber President from 2012-2013, and to welcome Steven
Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. F&M Bank
Crabtree with Herum/Crabtree as our 2013-2014 President.
Moss Adams, LLP
The evening will include an installation ceremony and the
San Joaquin Delta Community College
presentation of awards.
St. Joseph’s Medical Center
No host cock ta i ls beg i n at 6:0 0 p.m., fol lowed by
Stockton East Water District Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
d i nner at 6:45 p.m. Reser vat ions a re requ ired a nd space
The Record/San Joaquin Media Group
is li mited. Sponsorships a re st i l l ava i lable. For more
United Way of San Joaquin County
i nformat ion, ca l l Heid i A lta mira no at 209.547.276 4 or
e-ma i l heid i@stock toncha mber.org.
Neumiller & Beardslee Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau
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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960
Convention & Visitors Bureau by: Wes Rhea
The SCVB Has Moved!
Monthly Ambassador Classes Available
The Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau (SCVB) has a new
Become a Certified Tourism Ambassador in Stockton! Monthly
home! On May 13, the SCVB officially opened its offices on the
classes are now available to earn this national certification.
second floor of the historic B&M Building (125 Bridge Place)
To become certified, residents need to complete required reading
located in Janet Leigh Plaza between the downtown cinema and
and learning assignments, attend a half-day classroom session,
historic Hotel Stockton building. The B&M Building is the second
pass an open-book examination and pay a $25 enrollment fee.
oldest commercial brick structure in Stockton; portions of the
When completed, participants will be a CTA and have the tools
structure have sat at the head of the water channel since the 1860’s.
and knowledge to create a memorable visitor experience.
The building, now owned by Cort Companies, has undergone
While the focus may be on the hospitality industry, the
extensive renovation in the last two months and will continue to
CTA certification will be useful to anyone who interacts
receive additional improvements over the next few months.
with customers and visitors seeking information in Stockton,
Please note that the SCVB’s mailing address will remain the same (PO Box 2336, Stockton, CA 95201) and we can still be reached at 209.938.1555. Hours of operation are currently 7:30
including: hospital, government and retail employees; realtors; educators and more! Program details, including the curriculum and enrollment
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed for lunch from
information, can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.com or
12-1 p.m.). You can always visit us at celebratestockton.com!
CTANetwork.com, or by calling the Stockton Convention &
The SCVB plans to host an open house in late summer.
Visitors Bureau at 209.938.1555.
Ribbon Cutting Village Dental Care
Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555
Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/CelebrateStockton
june2013 11
Leadership Stockton by: Timm Quinn
Become a Certified Green Business!
Save money & gain customers by: Leadership Stockton Healthcare Session
Reducing waste Conserving water and Credit energyUnion Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Protecting public health Session Sponsor: Health Plan of San Joaquin Using recycled-content in your products
Healthcare continues to be a topic that impacts each and every one of us, and each year Leadership Stockton takes a
www.GreenTeamSanJoaquin.com look at the challenges and successes in healthcare throughout SMALL BUSINESS San Joaquin County. HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL*
Affordable Hazardous WastePlan Management for Your Business The day began at the Health of San Joaquin offices on A Program of San Joaquin County Public Works Manthey Road with a panel discussion with Joe Harrington, www.SJCrecycle.org (209) 468-3066 i Low cost way to safely dispose of hazardous materials. President/CEO of Lodi Health/Lodi Memorial Hospital; (Costs depend on your waste types.)
iDon Documentation that you manage hazardous waste. Wiley, President ofproperly St. Joseph’s Medical Center; i Assurance that the material will be disposed of properly. *Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) Lorraine Auerbach, President/CEO of Dameron
Hospital; Dr. Moses Elam, Physician-in-Chief of Kaiser Permanente Medical Center; Carla Bomben, We also accept universal and electronic waste. Deputy Director, Standards & Compliance of San
Green Your Bottom Line Joaquinwith General Hospital;Stewardship! John Hackworth, CEO Product
Economic benefits abound: of the operating Health costs, Planenergy of San Joaquin; and reduced savings, reduced disposal costs, the creation of green jobs.
Lawrence C.
A BIG thank you to all the speakers who took the time out of their busy schedules to come and speak with the class. Thank you to the Health Plan of San Joaquin for hosting the session and to Christa Vandarwarka (LS Class ’13) for all your help in coordinating the day.
Leadership Stockton Accepting Applications for the 2013-2014 Class Leadership Stockton, California’s oldest adult community leadership program, is accepting applications for the Class of 2013-14. Tuition for the 11-month program is $900. The The application deadline is June 14, 2013. Leadership Stockton, a program founded in 1981 by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, prepares the next generation of men and women who will assume leadership roles in the greater Stockton community. Established as the first community leadership program in California, Leadership Stockton has graduated over 700 community
Fong, M.P.H., CEO of the California Health Care Facility
members, many who now serve on local boards, commissions,
- Design Stockton. Theit Clean panelists gave a| Reduce glimpse each their it Green | Make | Conserve Resources | Reuse |into Eliminate Toxics of | Take it Back!
and in other community leadership roles. Leadership Stockton
organizations and then shared their opinions on the state of
participants embark on a journey that puts them in touch
healthcare with the class. The class then asked many questions
with the greater Stockton community, as well as each other,
Each panelist was very open and the discussion was both
and develops their personal leadership skills. Participants
lively and informational.
are also involved in addressing the needs of our community
Following the panel was Dr. Dale Bishop, Medical Director
through hands-on service projects that focus on solutions to
at the Health Plan of San Joaquin. Dr. Bishop explained to the
real community problems. This eleven month community
class what Health Plan of San Joaquin does and how they do it.
leadership program offers participants an opportunity to
He also gave a great presentation on the technological advances
increase their community knowledge, civic network and service
in medicine. Very interesting stuff!
to the community. Participants are exposed to key issues facing
After a great lunch, the class heard from Kim Petersen, Community Resources Manager from the California Health Care
Stockton and the surrounding region. Selection involves a written application and personal
Facility - Stockton. Kim spoke to the class about what California
interview. The selection process will identify approximately 26
Health Care Facility - Stockton means for Stockton and how
applicants to be chosen to attend the program, representing
through local partnerships they will make the community a better
a cross-section of the greater Stockton community. For
place to live.
information or an application visit
The day ended with a tour of San Joaquin General Hospital. The class got an all access tour of the wonderful facility.
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
www.leadershipstockton.com, call Timm Quinn at 209.547-2960 or e-mail tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.
Programs and Public Policy Department by: Frank Ferral
Thank you to our generous Green Team San Joaquin Sponsors: American Recycling • Carpenters Local Union 152 CBC Steel Building • City of Stockton • Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific • Durst Contract Interiors • Granite Construction Co. Healthy Air Living • Modern Energy Concepts • The Newark Group
Green Team San Joaquin Sponsor Spotlight American Recycling American Recycling is a full service recycling company handling paper, plastic and metal products, along with providing financially
Onsite Electronics Recycling • Pacific Gas & Electric Company Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments • San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD • SAWS • ServiceMaster Clean • Sims Metal Management Surtec • Universal Service Recycling • Valley CAN
sound, custom recycling programs to their customers. American Recycling’s goal is to process as much pre consumer plastics, paper, cardboard and metals as possible by continuing to offer the best service in the Central Valley. In many cases, American Recycling can design and install custom tailored recycling systems with little or no cost to their customers. American Recycling has been sponsor of the Recycling Energy Air Conservation (REACON) team since its inception.
Universal Service Recycling Universal Service Recycling (USR) Inc. is the largest privately held metal recycler serving California’s Central Valley. Stockton and Merced locations serve San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Sacramento, Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, Madera and East
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Alameda Counties. USR has built long-term relationships with domestic and international steel mills and foundries by providing quality products at competitive prices, prompt delivery, and excellent customer service. USR sells quality products all over the world and is a Green Team San Joaquin sponsor.
Durst Contract Interiors Grounded in the local community since 1982, Durst Contract Interiors is a leading office furniture and design company that covers the Central Valley, Foothills and East Bay. They represent more than 100 manufacturers, ranging from modular moveable walls, raised access flooring, open office systems, office furniture, art and accessories. Experience, relationships, processes, culture, financial strength, technology and teamwork are essential to the success of your project. DCI will create a positive, repeatable client experience that consistently exceeds your expectations. For more information on our Green Team San Joaquin investors or how to become one, please go to www.greenteamsanjoaquin.com or call Frank Ferral at 209.547.2763. www.stocktonchamber.org
june2013 13
Celebrating the BIG Business of Small Businesses by: Justin Souza Photo by: Fritz Chin Photography, Inc.
ach spring, the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce takes
Greater Stockton community. This year’s award is being presented to
Sass, who started SASS! Public Relations Inc. in 2006 in her home, has grown the
Donna DeMartino, General Manager/
business to four employees and a wide range
small businesses that are so integral to our
CEO of San Joaquin Rapid Transit District
of services to clients including Lincoln
local economy. Businesses with fewer than
(RTD). DeMartino, who has over 25
Center, The Stockton Area and many others.
twenty employees are not only one of the
years of experience in the transit industry,
largest segments of Chamber members,
has held her current position since
far surpasses the nomination’s requirements
they’re one of the largest growth sectors
2001. In her dozen years heading RTD,
of sustained growth, sales increases,
nationwide. The Greater Stockton area is
DeMartino has added a tremendous series
inventiveness in product or service and
home to so many amazing local businesses
of accomplishments to her resume. In the
contributions to the community. When
and motivated businesspeople. With their
last seven years, DeMartino championed
she started her own business, Sass had the
help, Stockton is becoming an even brighter,
a phenomenally successful Metro Express
goal of promoting San Joaquin County
more vibrant business community.
program which now comprises nearly half
businesses, growing women as leaders,
of the agency’s total system wide ridership,
giving back to the community and having
several winners of the 26th annual
she has implemented system wide efficiency
fun while doing it. To date, Sass has fulfilled
Chamber Business Awards.
gains which allowed RTD to increase overall
these goals with individual support of a
employment in the midst of San Joaquin
number of causes and the foundation of
County’s down economy and has also made
a number of incredibly innovative events
tremendous contributions both to the
which have made significant positive impact
environment and the local community.
for both businesses and residents of San
time out to recognize the many
This month, we are pleased to profile
Business Manager of the Year Each year, the Business Manager of the Year award is given to a businessperson who has shown a significant contribution to his or her profession, an increase in sales/unit volume, responses to adversity
Small Business Person of the Year Carrie Sass, the head of SASS! Public
focused on problem resolution and
Relations, Inc., will take home, the title of
demonstrable contributions of aid to the
Small Business Person of the Year for 2013.
With her considerable experience, Sass
Joaquin County.
Business Person of the Year Todd Lush, the President and owner of Capital River Group/Capital Feed will
Above: Todd Lush, Capital River Group/Capital Feed; Carrie Sass, SASS! Public Relations, Inc; Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Rapid Transit District (RTD); Jason Messer, Manteca Unified School District.
take home the Business Person of the Year
recycling programs that ensure maximum
award at the event. Capital River Group
diversion of materials, energy conservation
manufactures 100% natural, highest quality
efforts which have saved an estimated $6.7
livestock feed and feed products that are
million in energy costs over the last four
shipped worldwide from the company’s Port
years alone, and many others. MUSD’s
of Stockton location. Since its inception in
efforts offer a truly tangible benefit to the
2010, the company has expanded from five
health of the environment. In addition to
employees to more than 40. By the end of
the P3 Stewardship Award, MUSD’s Green
Long Time Chamber Members 75 years San Joaquin Unit California Trucking Association 50 years Midas Auto Service 25 years American Sunny Foods Inc.
2013, Capital Feed is projected to employ
practices have spurred the district to receive
more than 70 local workers in production
funding from environmental organizations
and shipping.
and special discounts from vendors of
CBRE, Inc.
environmentally preferable products.
Grupe Real Estate
Over the years, Lush has worked hard to expand offerings at the Port including helping move the Stockton powerhouse to develop and adopt more Green alternatives. One such
Beck Realtors
Old Republic Title Company
Community Benefit Award, Long Time Chamber Members This year’s event will once again include the
innovation is the ongoing development of a
presentation of the Community Benefit Award
service designed to help solve the problems
and recognition of businesses that have been
presented by overweight containers shipped
Chamber members for 25, 50 and 75 years.
in from Asia. Lush’s solution will enable these
Area Wide Exterminators, Inc.
The special winner of this year’s
Premier Community Credit Union Premier Staffing S. J. Building & Construction
Trades Council San Joaquin Council of Governments Paul M. Sanguinetti
Schwartz, Giannini, Lantsberger & Adamson St. Joseph’s Behavioral Health Center Sterling Commercial Properties
containers to be transported on water instead
Community Benefit Award, which recognizes
of local roadways and will help alleviate traffic
a businessperson or company that has
on San Joaquin and Alameda County highways
made significant contributions to the San
and lower the level of air pollutants produced
Joaquin County community as a whole, will
in the shipping process. Lush’s commitment to
be revealed at the event. In addition, the
San Joaquin County routinely extends beyond
Platinum Sponsor:
event will include a time to recognize the
Kaiser Permanente
the walls of his own company. Some of his
16 businesses that have been continuous
recent efforts with the Chamber of Commerce
Chamber members for 25 years, and two
to stimulate the local economy and encourage
that have been members for 50 and 75 years
hiring in the Stockton area are certain to have
(Midas Auto Service and San Joaquin Unit
Tholborn Accounting Tibon’s Goju Ryu Fighting Arts/Supplies
business luncheon Sponsors
Moss Adams, LLP Neumiller & Beardslee R & S Erection of Stockton, Inc. Gold Sponsors: Financial Center Credit Union
long-reaching effects that will benefit the whole
California Trucking Association, respectively).
community for many years to come.
Also being honored at the event is Gloria
Lincoln Center
P3 Stewardship Award
Blaine, Basket Caravan Gourmet Gifts, as
San Joaquin Delta Community College
The P3 Stewardship Award—which
Volunteer of the Year; John Paval, Kansas City
recognizes significant contributions in Green
Life Insurance Company, as Liaison of the
practices—will be presented to Manteca
Year; and Al Johnson as SBDC Volunteer of
Unified School District – LOGIC (MUSD).
the Year.
The P3 Stewardship award reflects the
The event is scheduled for June 6 at the
Hilton Stockton
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation Silver Sponsors: Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. F&M Bank SureWest Directories United Way of San Joaquin County
district’s deep and ongoing commitment to
Hilton Stockton. For more information
Ulmer Photo
recycling, energy conservation, air pollution
about the event or to purchase tickets,
Table Sponsors:
reduction and Green purchasing decisions.
contact the Stockton Chamber of
MUSD’s Green practices include dedicated
Commerce at 209.547.2960.
CBRE, Inc. San Joaquin RTD SASS! Public Relations
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News Briefs
Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.
2013 Golf Tournament Sponsors:
José M. Hernández
Former NASA Astronaut José M.
Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry &
Hernández will be the special guest
Christopherson is pleased to announce
at The Haggin Museum’s family
that Jamie M. Ryker has become an
event on Saturday, June 8, 1:30-
associate with the firm. Jamie is a 2005
4 p.m., in celebration of the new
graduate of U.C. San Diego with a B.A.
exhibition “A View from Space.”
and received her J.D. in 2009, cum laude,
In addition to Hernández’s
from U.C. Hastings College of Law. Prior
Jamie M. Ryker
presentation, visitors can participate
to joining the Kroloff firm, she worked
in science and art activities and enjoy the new exhibition “A View
for two years at The Armstrong Law Firm, San Francisco, and The
from Space,” which will include extraordinary items donated by
Law Offices of Michael Maxey, Jr., Sunol, California.
Hernández, including a training flight suit, a mission badge and samples of space food. The event is part of the museum’s “2nd Saturdays for Families” series, which features activities for families with children ages 5-12 on the 2nd Saturday of each month. No reservations are necessary and all activities are included with regular museum admission. For more information, call 209.940.6315 or visit www.hagginmuseum.org.
“A Mystery Silent Auction” with items disguised in a bottle, bag, box or basket will be held Wednesday, June 5 starting at 11:30 a.m. with proceeds benefiting the scholarship program of Stockton Womens Network. Join the fun and get some great bargains! The luncheon is at Stockton Golf and Country Club and includes a “Spotlight” on four members taking the stage to tell about themselves and their business. For reservations call 209.472.0359.
The Bright Now! Dental office in Stockton is committed to bringing you the best care at affordable prices. We have a passion for dentistry and compassion for patients. Call today for your appointment – your smile couldn’t be in better hands!
• General services plus braces, dentures, implants and digital X-rays 2 • Great financing with low down payments and terms to fit your budget 3 • Same-day emergency appointments
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1. Retail price $385. New adult cash patients only. Services rendered same day. Cleaning in absence of periodontal disease. $29 includes $10 enrollment into ConfiDent® Plan 2100 for first 3 months. 2. Services vary by location. 3. Valid photo ID and checking account or credit card needed to get financing. Offer subject to change, not valid for patients covered by Medicaid, cannot be combined and expires on 12/31/13. © 2013 Smile Brands Inc. All rights reserved. Dennis R. Fratt, D.D.S., Inc.
C13-087 Stockton Chamber Ad FINAL.indd 1
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june2013 17
Calendar June 2013 6
Business Awards Luncheon @ Hilton Stockton – 11:45-1:30 p.m. $30 per ticket, pre paid reservations only Business Showcase & Tradeshow Mixer – 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. @ Hilton Stockton Liason Committee Meeting – 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
Leadership Stockton Graduation – 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. @ Hilton Stockton $35 per ticket, pre paid reservations only Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable – 7:30 a.m. @ TBA
10 12 State of Sustainability – 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Government Relations Council – 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room
Executive Committee Meeting - 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club
@ Hilton Stockton
Leadership Stockton Final Session – 8:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room
Annual Installation Dinner – 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club $65 per ticket, pre paid reservations only
Networking Mixer 5/2 Delta Protective Services
New Members Coffee Roasting/Coffee Service
Charitable Organizations
Thrift Store
Jesus Mountain Coffee
Goodwill Industries of San Joaquin Valley
Shelter Thrift
235 N. San Joaquin Street, Stockton www.jesusmountaincoffee.com
129 S. Grant Street, Stockton www.goodwill-sjv.org
1242 W. Fremont Street, Stockton www.stocktonshelter.com
Health Clubs Lords Gym
Automobile Repair & Service Peirano’s Automotive Service, Inc.
906 Tommydon, Stockton www.lordgym.org
2700 Waterloo Rd P.O. Box 5279, Stockton www.peiranosautomotive.com
Nutritional Products Ultimate Wellness Club 5665 N. Pershing Avenue #A-5, Stockton
Employment Agencies & Consultants Health Care Services
Employer Solutions Corporation 10940 Trinity Parkway # C140, Stockton www.employersolutionscorp.com
SCAN HP 3800 Kilrog Airport Way # 100, Long Beach
Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce
Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info
Don’t Miss These Great Promotions Friday, June 7th
Saturday, June 8th
Friday, June 21st
Saturday, June 22nd
Presented by:
Presented by:
Presented by:
Enjoy a giant First 1000 fans receive a First 1000 fans receive a Come dressed for fireworks show! Miles “Bobble” Head wiffle bat – plus, bring 80’s night and stay (A’s prospect & 2012 Presented by: your dog for Bark in the for the post-game Stockton Port) Park Night. fireworks
For Tickets Call 644-1900
Ribbon Cuttings
For additional information go to www.stocktonchamber.org
Attending Ambassadors
Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Alan Freeman, Servpro Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan Joe Furtado, Omega Pacific Insurance Loretta Lee, California State Dept. of Rehabilitation Blair Hake, Ameriprise Financial Matt Martinez, Comcast Lisa Peterson, Stockton Ports Glenn Sides, Stockton Ports Jeff Kaminski, Stockton Ports Greg Bell, Stockton Ports Victor Randolph, Never Boring David Byron, Rabobank Chester Lum, ABC Wallace Annie Wilson, Allied Waste Gary Long (Chamber President), Gary Long Jewelers
Village Dental Care
Jesus Mountain Coffee
1720 E. March Lane Suite 2B
235 N. San Joaquin
Bright Now! Dental 6323 Pacific Avenue
Excel Academy NCAA Gym Stockton
Midtown Creperie & Café Stockton
2319 Pacific Avenue (Miracle Mile)
2720 Transworld Drive
Stockton Pipe Yard Stockton
4447 South Airport Way
and the Pacific Athletic Foundation
7KH WK $QQXDO 2UDQJH %ODFN %DOO 7KH WK $QQXDO 2UDQJH %ODFN %DOO 6DWXUGD\ $XJXVW ‡ -DQVVHQ /DJRULR *\PQDVLXP 6DWXUGD\ $XJXVW ‡ -DQVVHQ /DJRULR *\PQDVLXP 8QLYHUVLW\ RI WKH 3DFLILF 8QLYHUVLW\ RI WKH 3DFLÀF Come enjoy this premier Stockton event taking place in the its new location—the beautiful Janssen-Lagorio Gymnasium! Wine Tasting, Live &Auction, Silent Auction, beautiful Janssen-Lagorio Gymnasium! Wine Tasting, Live & Silent Hors d’oeuvres, Dinner, Live Entertainment & Band, Dancing, and much more! All proceeds go toward the Pacific Athletic Foundation benefiting scholarship opportunities for Pacific student-athletes.