Port O Call - March 2014

Page 1


Vol. 59 No.11


MAR 2014




Cover Photograph by Kevin Richtik of Caroline Photography

Francis Cvetovac, Jr., Operations Manager at Epic Plastics

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From Your President


From Your CEO




Convention & Visitors Bureau


News Briefs


New Members


Cover Story


@ Hilton Stockton

Leadership Stockton


2323 Grand Canal Blvd., Stockton

Programs and Public Policy Department




Ribbon Cuttings




tickets per company only). All additional tickets just $10 (a $10

February Mixer


discount per seat). Contact the Thunder at 209.373.1500 or

MARCH NETWORKING MIXER HOSTED BY THE RESERVE AT SPANOS PARK 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ 6301 W. Eight Mile Road, Stockton, CA

REXPO X 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

STOCKTON THUNDER CHAMBER NIGHT 7:30 p.m. vs. Utah Grizzlies @ Stockton Arena/SMG 248 N. Fremont Street, Stockton Two complimentary tickets for Chamber members (two free




12 MAR


tickets@stocktonthunder.com to reserve your seats.

APRIL NETWORKING MIXER HOSTED BY STOCKTON ARENA/SMG 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Arena/SMG 248 N. Fremont Street, Stockton



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San Joaquin County Office of Education provides educational leadership, resources, and services to support San Joaquin County schools. With its highly regarded programs, innovative staff, and community partnerships, SJCOE ensures that every student in San Joaquin has the opportunity of a quality education.

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offers convenient day and night classes allowing students to attend full or parttime to fit in your schedule.

Find out more information about programs by visiting www.sjcoe.org/wherekidscomefirst



Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

March 12, 2014 is the time for REXPO


at the Hilton Stockton. REXPO stands for

PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree

Recycling Exposition, which is one of the

SR. VICE PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance

many programs that has been initiated by

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications

the Chamber’s Green Team San Joaquin. This year Assemblywoman Susan Eggman

VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

will be our opening keynote speaker

VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

and Carroll Mortensen, the director of

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Gary J. Long, Gary J. Long Jewelers

CalReycle who was appointed by Governor

CHAMBER DIRECTORS Michael Cera, SMG /Stockton Arena/Bob Hope Theatre Donna DeMartino, San Joaquin Regional Transit District Doug Dinjian, Change DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Baseball Club Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick’s Glass Service Mikey Kamienski, Charterhouse for Families Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Darryle Oakman, San Joaquin County Rental Property Association Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Joey Steelman, Lord’s Gym Joy Sweger, California Nuggets Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club

Brown in 2011, has been invited to be



PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.547.2763

the lunch keynote speaker. This event has


grown over the years and now attracts in excess of 1,500 attendees. If you only want

to view the exhibits, they are free and open to the public. However, you must register if you want to be admitted to any of the panel discussions or attend the lunch address. REXPO is just another example of your Chamber leading the way in educating everyone that good business and environmental stewardship are not mutually exclusive. The Chamber wants to extend our congratulations to our new City Manager, Kurt

SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Heidi Altamirano 209.547.2764

Wilson, who was recently selected by the Stockton City Council. We applaud the

STAFF ACCOUNTANT Lia Her 209.547.2768

choice, and the Chamber looks forward to working with Mr. Wilson for many years

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.337.2723 SPECIAL EVENTS/ LEADERSHIP STOCKTON COORDINATOR Timm Quinn 209.547.2960 SCAP COORDINATOR Dylan Bacon 209.337.2730 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Michael Morales 209.337.2716 Gabrielle Almanza 209.337.2715 Malissa Luvianos 209.337.2726 BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson

to come. Together, we can make Stockton not only a better place for business, but also a better place to live. Everyone should take some time to attend the Chamber Mixer on March 6th at The Reserve at Spanos Park. Support the Chamber and your business by making new contacts. You never know when you might meet that next customer or that next client.


RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE Mai Vang 209.547.2770 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph

Trusted Advisor to Successful Business Owners and Families Since 1976.

Dennis J. Goldstrand 209.988.5800




MAILING Parks Printing 209.466.9026



445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org

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Never Boring•neverboring.com

PRINTING Parks Printing 209.466.9026

FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT On Friday, February 7th, while coming back to Stockton and driving over the crest of the Grapevine, it was a wonderful sight

and Sally-Save-Water can start helping you immediately! Another group of “Stockton Heroes” is the Chamber Leadership

to see dark clouds over the “Great Valley.” Upon driving just past

Program, which is California’s oldest (founded in 1981) adult

Harris Ranch, the skies opened up and rain pelted down all the way

community leadership program. Each class for the past 33 years has

back to Stockton and it was such a welcome sight. While driving,

a community project they choose and this year’s 2014 Class is no

I could see the results of a few days prior of rain with small lakes

exception! This class has selected to provide some much needed

across the landscape and even further up the road the San Joaquin

Recreation and Reclamation (R&R) to Fremont Park in the Downtown

County orchards seemed to be smiling! We all know that the rain

Stockton area. They are taking steps to reclaim Fremont Park for the

continued most of that weekend putting a very, very small dent in

law-abiding community, residents, students and businesses. They are

the drought numbers and we certainly need more.

doing this in part by adding outdoor recreation equipment (accessible

As both children and adults alike, we all remember our favorite

to those mentioned in the last sentence) and beautifying the park.

superheroes. Just in the nick of time, one of Stockton’s superheroes

Nearly 100 students visit this park daily for physical education, as well

is back! That would be the one and only SALLY-SAVE-WATER!

as many neighboring businesses and residents who would like to relax

The water conservation messenger and her multi-award winning

in a safe park and maybe partake in some recreation of the equipment

water conservation awareness campaign is ready to educate

with better health in mind.

children and adults alike once again.

This does come with a cost to accomplish and the LS Class of

Stockton’s own Sally-Save-Water,

2014 has done a number of fundraising efforts.

Diana Lowery, a former Stockton City

However, at the writing of this column (2-

Council Member and owner of Diana

11-14), they are about $3,000 short of their

Lowery Consulting, is the owner and creator

equipment installation goal. Therefore, the

of the well-known and successful campaign

class has created space on the equipment

from a few years ago that educated several

instruction board to highlight major sponsors

generations of Stocktonians. Now the time

of the recreation equipment. This sign will be

is right to do so again.

on a permanent structure, located adjacent to the recreation equipment installed in Fremont

“Sally” spent all of 2013 working to completely update and create a multitude of new outreach elements. Sally-SaveWater has also been animated by one of America’s top animation firms.

Park for all to see. It would be great if businesses in this community, many with Leadership

Lowery has developed a list of digital turnkey water conservation

Stockton graduates as employees, would step up and help make this class

outreach components both in English and Spanish. This just might

project a success for the class, but more importantly for the community.

make it the largest and most comprehensive water conservation

For more information on donating to this wonderful project or other

program available to public agencies and corporate agencies anywhere.

ways to support the LS Class and community, please visit the Leadership

Diana Lowery Consulting has won regional, statewide and national

Stockton website (www.leadershipstockton.com) or contact Erin Diego

awards for her creative public outreach work, and having Sally back on

at 209.564.7500 or ediego@portcitymarketing.com. Any and all

the road again couldn’t be coming at a better time.

help would be greatly appreciated by the class and the folks who

Let’s all, those with or without water meters, remember what Sally-

will benefit from the re-birth of Fremont Park!

Save-Water says: “Everyone needs to help conserve planet Earth’s water,

Let me end with two quotes. George Washington once said, “Let

so Don’t be a Drip….Save Every Drop!” There is never enough water to

your heart feel the afflictions and distress of everyone, and let your

waste. (Note to the “nutty” tunnel proponents: Sally is watching you).

hand give in proportion to your purse.” And Aristotle said, “The

If your water agency or business would like to raise its environmental

end of labor is to gain leisure.” I think you understand the point I

profile and make a positive impact on our precious water supply, Diana

am trying to make!



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Ba nk of Agricultu re & Commerce ,


ank of Agriculture

Number one I’d say is consistency

faced is just the changing national

some point expand to 12 to 14

& Commerce was

of management and guidance. I

economy over the past several

branches, just as a function of

founded in 1965.

attribute that to Ron Berberian,

decades. As the US economy

infilling our market area. But, we

Today, the community bank is

who is our chairman and owner.

evolves, it gets tougher for

don’t plan to expand much beyond

headquartered in Stockton and

His focus has always been on

businesses to succeed. But no

our current footprint.

operates nine other branches

sales and service and customer

matter what, there’s always a

in the Valley between Lodi and

retention. Between that and my

place for small businesses and for

What do you enjoy about doing

Modesto, as well as in Eastern

own attitude, we’ve created a

the community banking model.

business locally?

Contra Costa County. William

strong culture that appreciates

Small to medium businesses are

I’m a people person, so I consider

Trezza has served as CEO of the

customers and creates great

our bread and butter, and they

it a win if we can make ends meet

company since 1984.

service. We spend a lot of time

tend to be dependent on their

for a customer. Businesses need a

talking to our customers because

banker. We’re in the community

place they can go where they can

Tell us about the inspiration

we believe that in order to be

with these people, and we interact

not only get a checking account,

behind the founding of Bank of

good at our trade we have to

with them and understand their

but build a relationship. We can

Agriculture & Commerce.

understand what people need.

needs on an ongoing basis.

help local businesses find solutions

BAC was founded by a group of

that can help them get from

business leaders whose goal was

What is one of the greatest

How do you see your business

Point A to Point B. That’s a very

to offer businesses and residents

challenges you've faced while

growing in the future?

rewarding position to be in.

access to a homegrown community

in business and how did you

Our purpose is to remain a

bank here in the Greater Stockton

overcome it?

community bank and never

and Eastern Contra Costa County

The biggest challenge we’ve

abandon that. We may at

areas. Community banking requires a lot of flexibility, attention and personal service

" We spend a lot of time

that customers may not get from a

talking to our customers

large bank.

because we believe that in order to be good we have

Overall, what would you credit Bank of Agriculture & Commerce's success to?

presented by

to understand what people

Willia m Trezza /CEO

need. " -William Trezza



2014 Tourism Luncheon & Celebrate! Awards

Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to

Join the Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureau on April 2nd from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the 2014 Tourism Luncheon & Celebrate! Awards at the Hilton Stockton. The luncheon will

schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

the Year, and CTA of the Year (new for 2014) awards, as well as

Harmony Stockton headlines Haggin Museum’s Art All Around Family Festival. Family-friendly art activities

review the accomplishments of the SCVB in 2013. Tickets are

will be happening throughout The Haggin Museum on Saturday,

$25 each; tables of 8 are available for $250. Call 209.938.1555 or

March 8th from 1:30-3 p.m., including performances by the young

visit celebrateawards.com to make your reservation today!

musicians from Marshall School’s Harmony Stockton –

recognize our Tourism Partner of the Year, Sports Partner of

a collaboration between the Stockton Symphony, University of the

Sign-Up for the April Certified Tourism Ambassador Class!

Pacific, SUSD and the United Way of San Joaquin. No reservations are required and children 9 and younger are admitted free. For more

Bimonthly Stockton Certified Tourism Ambassador classes are available and open to everyone—learn how you can turn every visitor encounter into a positive one! Upcoming class dates are April 30th and June 10th. Program

information, call 209.940.6315 or visit www.hagginmuseum.org.

Mo-Cal Office Solutions was presented with the “Service Excellence” award from Ricoh US. Tom Adrian,

details, including the curriculum and enrollment information,

General Manager, stated, “This prestigious award from Ricoh US

can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.com, CTANetwork.com,

underlines our dedication towards serving our clients.” Mo-Cal has

or by calling Megan at 209.938.1555.

serviced the Central Valley since 1965. They offer a complete line

The Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out Returns Stockton will celebrate locally grown asparagus in Stockton cuisine during the annual Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out, April 5th-20th! Look for participating restaurants and their menus featured at DineOutStockton.com.

of office equipment, document management software solutions, managed print solutions, and now I.T. services.

2014 Arts Awards Nominations Nominations are now being accepted for the 2014 Stockton Arts Commission Arts Awards. There are multiple awards available for those in our community who should be recognized for their contributions to the arts. The forms are available online at www.StocktonGov.Com/arts. The deadline is March 28. Please get involved by saying thank you to those who have made your lives fuller through the arts, including organizations or individual supports, artists, performers or educators. For more information, call 209.937.8837.

NEW MEMBERS Funeral Directors

Foster Care Services

Caterers – Special Events


Colonial Rose Chapel & Cremation 520 N. Sutter Street, Stockton www.colonialrosechapel.com Elle’s Catering 4719 Quail Lakes Drive PMB 250, Stockton www.ellescatering.com Caterers Event Planning


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555

Family Extension Foster Care, Inc. 3031 W. March Lane #216W, Stockton www.familyextensionfostercare.com Hometown Buffet 1025 W. Robinhood Drive, Stockton www.hometownbuffet.com


Michelle’s Flower Cart 2001 Pacific Avenue, Stockton Event Planning Gift Baskets

Safety Equipment, Services & Supplies Service 1st Aid, Inc. P.O. Box 30277, Stockton Safety Consultants

Be sure to become a fan on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/CelebrateStockton

WORTH THE WEIGHT In 1983, Never Boring was launched in a garage with $100, a weight bench and a phone. Today, we are the Northern San Joaquin Valley’s largest full service ad agency, with three locations and a staff of 27 creatives with expertise in everything from marketing, graphic and web design, signage and film. Day after day, client after client, we focus on delivering every service our clients need to grow and succeed. All this is backed up with the kind of customer service and pricing you only get with a local firm. We may not be working from that old weight bench anymore, but trust us, we’re still worth the weight. Shouldn’t your advertising be Never Boring?


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n an industrial street just off

picked up, sorted and moved trash for

recyclers. Since unpurchased materials

Highway 99 in Lodi lies one of

consumers and businesses.” After some

often just end up in the local landfill,

the green industry’s best kept

time watching the lifecycle of trash, it

recyclers like Epic Plastics help prevent

secrets: Epic Plastics. Since 1995, this

seemed clear that more could be done to

the dumping of plastics that could take

San Joaquin County company has been

recycle and reuse waste products.

up to 1,000 years to fully degrade in

extending the lifecycle of materials

Epic Plastics started out making

the landfill.

and diverting a sizeable chunk of the

several different things,” remembered

County’s plastic bottle waste into

Cvetovac. “We made pallets, bed frames

facility, we do another sort then run

functional and beautiful products.

and a lot more, but the one product

them through granulators—which

that stuck was professional landscape

is basically just a big large series of

Operations Manager at Epic Plastics

edging made from 100% post-consumer

knives—to get them down to dime-

since 2002, the story of the company

recycled feedstock. That’s our primary

sized f lakes,” said Cvetovac. “Then we

begins with waste. “The company’s

product today.”

wash them, introduce a little bit of color

According to Francis Cvetovac, Jr.,

two founders [now retired] originally owned a garbage disposal business that

Epic Plastic’s landscape edging, which

functionality to some of our end product

and “Epic Edge,” are used for a wide

solutions. We then make our finished

variety of landscaping applications

goods out of that 100% post-consumer

from mow strips to tree rings, concrete

recycled feedstock.” are formed into the shapes of natural

your landscape, that’s where our board

lumber, branded with the Epic logo

fits in,” said Cvetovac.

and offered to consumers. While these

Epic Plastics’ products start their lifecycle inside homes and businesses here in San Joaquin County. “Really the lifecycle is fairly simple. Our products start as milk jugs, laundry detergent

OF PLASTIC by Justin Souza

The broken down plastic materials

much anywhere you’d want an edge in

A Second Life for Plastic Products


additive and some other things that add

is sold under the names “Benda Board”

forming to pathway borders. “Pretty


“Once those bottles get to our

bottles, shampoo bottles, anything and everything plastic,” said Cvetovac. After consumers have used up the products inside the bottles and put them on the curb to get recycled, the bottles

products help divert many tons of material from the landfill, the products aren’t just notable for their green heritage. Epic Plastics products are also incredibly functional. The company’s involved process produces functional boards that look like wood—even down to realistic grain—but with all the f lexibility and durability of plastic. A Green Mindset

According to Cvetovac, Epic Plastic’s

are collected by a material recovery

employees are proud to be doing

company and presorted according to

something so good for the planet. “Being

plastic type. The material recovery

eco-conscious is definitely a motivation

facility then sells the sorted bottles to

for us. We pride ourselves on doing

something that’s good for the environment

private businesses in this industry. The

instead of just operating a business that

team is driven by the Stockton Chamber

is focused solely on generating profits or

of Commerce as well as many other

returns for our owners.”

entities, and it’s always focused not only

In its nearly two decades in operation,

on encouraging eco consciousness and

the company has continued to pursue green

sustainable business practices but also on

solutions. “Over the years, we’ve made

finding new opportunities to create jobs in

sure that we continue to purchase and

the county and surrounding areas.

focus on developing solutions from that

Epic Plastics is a long time member of

100% post consumer recycled feed stock.

Green Team San Joaquin, and its business

We’re currently looking at developing new

model serves as an inspiration for this year’s

products that are in line with our marketing

Recycling Exposition (REXPO) event.

story and business model and that use the

This year’s event, which is scheduled

same practices we’ve implemented over the

for the morning of March 12, 2014 at the

last two decades. Focusing on that life cycle

Hilton Stockton, is subtitled ‘Where Have

of cradle-to-grave is definitely ingrained

You BIN Lately?’ and will include panel

in our business model from a financial

discussions and a Keynote lunch address by

perspective but also from an operational and

Caroll Mortensen, Director of CalRecycle.

marketing perspective as well.” Cvetovac indicated that he sees room

This marks the tenth year of REXPO and this year’s event will focus on

for growth in the industry. “We’d like

introducing attendees to the Recycling

to see growth, whether that’s added

Build Infrastructure Now Coalition (aka

employment, more waste diversion from

the BIN Coalition), which was founded

landfills or more innovative processing and

in mid-2011 by the Greater Stockton

product development.”

Chamber of Commerce and over 25 various non-profit, private business

Green Team San Joaquin

Epic Plastics’ commitment to being green

and environmental associations from throughout California. The Coalition’s

aligns perfectly with the motivations of

impetus is to promote the maximum

Green Team San Joaquin. “Green Team San

conversion of recycled materials collected

Joaquin is a huge proponent of the green

throughout California into value-added

industry and the sustainability movement,”

products, creating quality new jobs for

said Cvetovac. “In coordination with

Californians while helping the state to

the Green Team, we look at many

reduce greenhouse gas creation.

different opportunities, whether it’s

Tickets for REXPO are now on sale for

the programs that the county or state

$35 per person. For more information on

offers or ways to get our messages out to

this event or any of the other green projects

legislators and consumers.”

underway in the greater Stockton area, visit

“The Green Team is really a pact between


Opposite page; Francis Cvetovac, Jr., Operations Manager at Epic Plastics Top Epic Plastics crew members Robert Beach and Francisco Martinez Photography by Caroline Photograhy



Leadership Stockton: Law Enforcement Session

Green Team San Joaquin is on the Move

Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union

The Business Academy for Regulatory Compliance (BARC), a

Breakfast Sponsor: Bank of Agriculture & Commerce

program of the Chamber’s Valley Green Team, was attended by

Special Thanks To: San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office and Stockton Police Department

over 65 businesses, government and state officials in Fresno on

Each year, the Leadership Stockton class looks forward to the Law Enforcement session. This session gives the class a glimpse of

February 11. Cal/EPA reached out to the Chamber and its Valley Green Team

the various entities working together to make Stockton a safe place

programs for its’ input, expertise and assistance in developing

to live, work and play. Though the day was full, the information was

a business outreach module similar to the type of training or

valuable and the class left with a greater understanding of our local

“Academy” that Cal/EPA puts their inspectors through.

justice system. The day began with a warm welcome from Sheriff Steve Moore (LS Class of ’90) at the Sheriff’s John Zunino Operations Center. The Sheriff introduced the Sheriff’s Department staff and provided

 Eddie Tolentino, Co-Chair

an overview of the Sheriff Department’s operation of the Jail

Green Team San Joaquin

Facility. He also offered a glimpse at the myriad of duties that fall

 BARC attendees

under his department.

listen intently

Sheriff Moore’s overview was followed by a presentation by Stockton Chief of Police Eric Jones (LS Class of ‘06). Chief Jones spoke about crime and Stockton P.D.’s efforts to combat this issue. He provided great statistics and recent successes, new technology they are using, and encouraged the public to become more aware and involved in the process. Following the department overview from the Chief, Detective Paul Gutierrez and Detective Rich Slater from the Gangs Unit

 CalEPA presents at BARC

educated the class on “Gangs and Guns.” It was Gangs 101 for most

 Tom Jordan with Air Pollution

of the class, providing a guide to identifying many Stockton gangs

Control District, Brian Terrell with

and the gang culture. Always a favorite with the class, this topic can

American Recycling, LaRonda Bowen

be chilling and provides an unfiltered look at Stockton gangs. After lunch the class was off for a jail tour (what many considered

with CA Air Resources Board and Marty Ferdani with Big Valley Ford listen to the BARC presentation

the highlight of the day). During the two-hour tour, the class toured the French Camp facility and visited the intake, women’s area, men’s area, administrative segregation, medical clinic, communications area and gun range. Many folks were involved in the success of the Justice System session. A big THANK YOU goes to the following: Sheriff Moore, Chief Jones, Detective Gutierrez and Detective Slater. Thank you to Bank of Agriculture & Commerce and Judy Rodriguez (LS Class of ’08) for the delicious breakfast. Also, thanks to Sheriff Moore for the generous use of his facilities and his very helpful staff, especially Kim de la Cruz (LS Class of ’08) for coordinating the day.


Healthy Air Living

San Joaquin Council

Big Valley Ford

Newark Recycled

of Governments

Borrego Solar, Inc.

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Public Works

Onsite Electronics Recycling

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ServiceMaster Clean Sims Metal Management Surtec Universal Service Recycling Valley CAN


San Joaquin County

Carpenters Local Union 152


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2960


Frank Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2763

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Modesto 2605 Coffee Rd. (209) 544-2227


2014 Golf Tournament Sponsors:

Good news! Our 33rd Annual Golf Tournament is not yet sold out! However, we suggest you sign up your foursome before it is! Elkhorn Golf Club will host our day on the greens on April 14th, beginning with registration at 10:00 a.m., lunch at 11:00 a.m. and a shotgun start at noon. After the tournament, we’ll have an awards reception honoring the top players of the day. We still have some terrific sponsorship packages available that offer high visibility at this signature event. Sponsorships start at $150 for a tee/green sign sponsorship and range all the way up to the $6,900 Title St. Andrew sponsorship. Single player registrations are also available for $160. If you’re looking for an easy way to highlight your business products or services, consider donating a prize for our posttournament raffle. It’s an ideal way to market your business to other high-profile business people also supporting and participating in our tournament.

Hole In One Sponsors

Joe Atler Painting, Inc.

Chase Chevrolet

Judith Buethe Communications

Gary J. Long Jewelers

Lincoln Center

Roger Dunn Golf Shops

Moss Adams, LLP Neumiller & Beardslee

Photo Sponsor

Overhead Door Company of Stockton, Inc.

Comcast Business

Pacific Records Management

Fred Couples Sponsors: Bright Now! Dental F&M Bank Food 4 Less/Rancho San Miguel Markets Green Team San Joaquin Oak Valley Community Bank Tee Sponsors: Bank of Agriculture & Commerce

joining us at Elkhorn Golf Club! Can’t wait for your invitation to arrive in the mail? Just give Timm a call at 209.547.2960, and he’ll be happy to sign you up. Also, call today to have a spectacular sponsorship opportunity packet sent to you.

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Premier Staffing R & S Erection of Stockton, Inc. San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin Steel Co., Inc. The Record/San Joaquin Media Group Universal Service Recycling Special Thanks To: Captivating Photos


Builders Exchange of Stockton

Collins Electrical Company, Inc. - Stockton Branch

Delta Cranes

Make at least one of your Mondays in April a fun one by

Port of Stockton

Roly Lamontagne

San Joaquin County Economic Development Association

San Joaquin County WorkNet

Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.

Alcoholic Beverage Sponsor:

Haggerty Construction

DBI Beverage

continued on page 16

EVENTS BY: HEIDI ALTAMIRANO Asparagus Festival Volunteers Needed Just how lucky can we get? People come from all over the West

State of the City 2014 to be held May 22nd! If you’re ever in doubt that we live in a great community, just

Coast to attend the Asparagus Festival right in our own backyard!

attend our annual State of the City 2014! This year, the State of

We’ll have spectacular entertainment, fun for the kids and the best

the City will be held May 22nd at the Port of Stockton. Sponsored

food you can imagine at this three-day festival that has something

by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, the City of

for everyone.

Stockton and The Port of Stockton, this event features exhibits

Be assured that the most fun will definitely be at the Chamber’s

showcasing the critical and inspiring services available to you,

Pasta and Ice Cream Booth in the Asparagus Alley! There is still

your loved ones and neighbors, all in the interest of maintaining

time to join us as a volunteer to help prepare these mouth watering

a wholesome community.

dishes. Not only will you have a chance to make some great new

The 2014 Speakers will be Victor Mow, Port of Stockton

friends, but you’ll also help raise funds for a variety of Chamber

Chairman; Eric Jones, Stockton Police Chief; Kurt Wilson, City

programs. A few hours of your time on April 25, 26 or 27 will get

Manager and Mayor Anthony Silva.

you free admission to the festival and a complimentary lunch.

Sponsorships are still available so take advantage of this high-

To volunteer, please call Tortellini Timm or Angel Hair Heidi at

profile marketing opportunity for your business! For more


information, call Heidi Altamirano at 209.547.2764 or e-mail

Business Awards Nominations Needed! Nominations are now being accepted for our Wednesday, June 4th Business Awards Luncheon. We are seeking nominations in the categories of: • Small Business Person of the Year • Business Employee of the Year

heidi@stocktonchamber.org. State of the City 2014 Sponsors (as of 2/14/14) Platinum:

The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

A.G. Spanos Companies

United Way of San Joaquin County

Bank of Agriculture & Commerce

University of the Pacific

Bank of the West

Visit Stockton

California Water Service Co.

• Business Manager of the Year

City of Stockton


• Business Person of the Year

CSU Stanislaus Stockton Center

F&M Bank

Dameron Hospital


Delta Sierra Beverage

Stockton East Water District

Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc.

Ulmer Photo

• P3 Stewardship Award To learn the nomination criteria and download the nomination forms, please visit the Chamber website, www.stocktonchamber. org, and click on the “Chamber Message” tab or call 209.547.2770. The nomination deadline is April 18, 2014.

Financial Center Credit Union Green Team San Joaquin


Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin

Devcon Construction, Inc.

Kaiser Permanente

G-Force Productions

Lincoln Center

Moss Adams, LLP

Neumiller & Beardslee

R & S Erection of Stockton, Inc.

Pacific Records Management

Ulmer Photo

Port of Stockton Premier Staffing San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin Partnership San Joaquin RTD

Table: California Water Service Co. Grupe Commercial Company San Joaquin County Office of Education

St. Joseph’s Medical Center Sutter Gould Medical Foundation


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Heidi Altamirano: heidi@stocktonchamber.org 209.547.2764



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The National Speed Limit was actually lowered to 55 miles per hour


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MAR 2014 17

RIBBON CUTTINGS For additional information go to www.stocktonchamber.org. For more ribbon cutting photos, visit www.facebook.com/stockton.chamber.of.commerce.

Hometown Buffet 1025 W. Robinhood Drive Stockton,CA

Pregnancy Help Center 829 Rosemarie Lane, Suite B, Stockton, CA

Michelle’s Flower Cart 2001 Pacific Avenue – Miracle Mile, Stockton, CA

Attending Ambassadors Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers Sara Phillips, Jhamat Insurance Agency Lai Khoonsrivong, CCT Telecomm Chuck Cole, LegalShield Asad Mahmood, Jhamat Insurance Agency Abbas Shah, Jhamat Insurance Agency Carly Fish, Keller Williams Realty


6 6 10 12

Liaison Committee Meeting 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room (Bring your lunch!)

13 14 14 15

Manufacturers Industrial Distribution Roundtable 7:30 a.m. @ TBA Leadership Stockton Education Session 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. @ SJCOE


Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club 3800 Country Club Blvd., Stockton

20 26 27 28

Ambassador's Quarterly Luncheon 11:30 a.m. @ Bud's Seafood Grille


April Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. @ Stockton Arena/SMG 248 N. Fremont Street, Stockton

Julie Cosgrove, Keller Williams Realty Chester Lum, ABC Wallace Funeral Service




Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

New Member Orientation 10:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room March Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. @ The Reserve at Spanos Park 6301 W. Eight Mile Road, Stockton

REXPO X 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Hilton Stockton 2323 Grand Canal Blvd., Stockton

Government Relations Council 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Stockton Thunder Chamber Night 7:30 p.m. vs. Utah Grizzlies @ Stockton Arena/SMG 248 N. Fremont Street, Stockton Two complimentary tickets for Chamber members (two free tickets per company only). All additional tickets just $10 (a $10 discount per seat).

Business Education Alliance 3:30 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Government Relations Council 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room

Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info

FEBRUARY NETWORKING MIXER Hosted by El Dorado Street Partners, LP & CBRE, Inc.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Assistant Superintendent by day. Passionate coach by night. Ricardo Navarro keeps our cranes running and the cargo moving, much like he’s done with local Little Leaguers on the baseball diamond. With Ricardo’s help, the Port exports nearly 1.5 million tons of American goods annually. But what really makes his smile light up is helping Stockton’s greatest asset, its youth.

Chair Victor Mow. Vice Chair Gary Christopherson. Commissioners Stephen Griffen, R. Jay Allen, Elizabeth Blanchard, Michael Patrick Duffy, Sam L. “Butch” Toccoli and Port Director Richard Aschieris. Visit us online at portofstockton.com.

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