Port O Call - March 2015

Page 1


Vol. 60 No. 11


MARCH 2015




ACTUALLY, GETTING LOTS OF EMAILS CAN LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Our members can email directly with their doctor’s office, which in turn allows them to spend more working time in your office.

DISCOVER A BETTER WAY kp.org/choosebetter






From Your President


From Your CEO




News Briefs


Cover Story


Programs and Public Policy Department


New Members


Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 noon. contact the

Visit Stockton


Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org



February Mixer Photos


Ribbon Cuttings


Leadership Stockton


Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership




MARCH NETWORKING MIXER 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Elkhorn Grill/Elkhorn Golf Club




Next Fresh Meeting is: Thursday, March 12, 9:00 a.m. @ the Stockton Chamber Conference Room Sponsored by


MAR 2015


NEVER BORING Why hire one expert when you can hire 26? Call the region’s only full-service ad agency today.


FROM YOUR 2014-15 PRESIDENT BY: BLAIN BIBB One of the Chamber’s most successful

Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

programs is the Green Team San Joaquin. I

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, JaniTek Cleaning Solutions SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications

am surprised by the number of folks who have heard about it, but don’t know what it is or how it can help their business. Below is a

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

summary of the program and I hope you’ll see

VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

how truly innovative the Chamber has been to

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

develop programs that can help put dollars to your bottom line!

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.


The Green Team San Joaquin is a


collaborative effort between private businesses,

municipal and county solid waste divisions, economic development professionals, and the community of San Joaquin County. Its sole purpose is the sharing of eco-friendly ideas and processes that can help lower the cost of doing business. We meet each month at the Chamber and discuss topics of business practices, solar, recycling, water conservation and more. The REACON team is the outreach arm of the Green Team. Sponsors can go out monthly to meet with businesses of all types and sizes to share green and profitable

PROGRAM & PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR Frank Ferral 209.292.8428

ideas, conduct our green practices assessment, and help businesses work towards


achieving our Green Business Certification. Pathways to Green Schools is our program which helps promote environmental

OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421

education in our schools to take advantage of the green economy. We bring local

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.292.8427

businesses and schools together.

SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Michael Morales 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8426 Sophie Soth 209.292.8435 Mai Vang 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8436 BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson 209.292.8430 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770

REXPO is the annual Exposition, which brings together business and vendors within the area who are participating in the Green Economy. If you haven’t been before, please come and see the businesses represented in this category and learn how your company can support environmental stewardship. The Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ or The Zone) is a three-way partnership between the Chamber, local government and the California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery. The Zone stimulates the usage of recycled materials by local manufacturers. They do this by offering low cost loans to businesses. A special thank you to all of our sponsors and participants! You have helped us develop this award-winning program that has a true economic benefit and has been replicated throughout the Central Valley!

GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph





445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


MAR 2015


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT What a great weekend! We had rain February 6-9 that not only gave

Frank Ferral frequently reports to me that, at many meetings with

much needed water for us and the state, making a small but important

public and private sectors folks alike, the GTSJ is held on high as an

dent in our drought, but also cleaned out the air. Hope you all were able

example to many. It sets your Chamber apart and far above other

to enjoy the beautiful cloud formations, rainbows, fresh air, sunrises and

Chambers not only here in California but around the nation as a multi-

sunsets as the storm door opened and gave us a sigh of relief from the

service/program organization that truly leads the way in enhancing

drought scare that surely is not over but we are gaining on it.

business and communities together as one.

I would be derelict in my duty as a former San Joaquin County

You will read in this month’s Port O Call the cover story about Valley

Supervisor and a Past President of the California State Association of

Clean Air Now (Valley CAN), which has been a partner of ours for

Counties (CSAC) if I did not take the State of California leadership

many years, and I have had the honor to represent your Chamber on

of the past and to a degree those now sitting in the “seat of power and

its Board of Directors for several years. I am so impressed how this

responsibility” to task for their dereliction of duty in not planning,

great organization began and has grown over the years. Your Chamber

approving and providing storage (i.e. New Auburn Dam) for excess

is not only proud of our association but also the funding Valley CAN

waterfall during the wet years to be used in times like this. What a

provides us to move our local and San Joaquin Valley programs/

shame to see politics, ideology and turf wars at their worst allow all the

initiatives forward to reach so many. It is a great partnership and I hope

water to run out to sea and not a proper amount captured to provide

you take the time to read the article and concur with me. A big round

H2O all year round, not only for personal use but also for agriculture

of applause not only for Valley CAN Executive Director and friend,

and businesses. Mark Twain once said: “Whiskey is for drinking and

Tom Knox and his staff, but also to my fellow board members who have

water is for fighting!” How about some adults step up to the plate, stop

dedicated so much time, effort and financial help to the cause. It is a

fighting and being “selfish,” and do what is right for all now and into the

wonderful group and your Chamber is proud to be part of this effort.

future? Now, I feel better! This March Port O Call issue is a “Green Issue,” which is a big part

March 11, 2015 will be REXPO XI, to be held at our Chamber member and partner organization, the Hilton Stockton. Over the years

of your Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce's multiple member

this has become a premier Chamber event and an opportunity for

benefits. It helps all businesses understand how just simple and

members to not only showcase their wares and programs, but attendees

inexpensive changes in day to day practices can first: help one’s business

also learn a great deal from the workshops and speakers on how to

thrive and at the same time improve/protect our environment.

improve business practices to enhance one’s bottom line and provide

We are very proud of the fact that, since 2006, the faithful efforts of the Green Team San Joaquin (GTSJ), led by the committee once

more jobs. Again, this is a brainchild of Frank’s and he works very hard to make

chaired by our current President Blain Bibb and now chaired by Eddie

sure it is a success each year. It is however a team effort with the Hilton,

Tolentino of Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions and shepherded

the loyal and growing list of sponsors, the speakers and the attendees.

by Program and Public Policy Director and “Father” of the GTSJ Frank

It proves that we are all in this together and if “you are not part of the

J. Ferral, is an multiple award winning program of your Chamber. Both

solution then you are part of the problem!” Please go to our website,

the Chamber and GTSJ were inducted into the International Green

www.stocktonchamber.org and sign up for REXPO XI as soon as you

Industry Hall of Fame in 2013 in recognition of the leadership shown

can so you do not miss out on a great opportunity.

by your Chamber in its successful and dedicated effort to lead the way

Also, please sign up for our annual golf tournament to be held at

in helping businesses, not only in San Joaquin County but down the

Brookside Country Club on April 13! Go to our website or contact

Central Valley, improve their bottom line and at the same time provide

Timm Quinn or Ashley Williams at our office, 209.547.2770 for more

a healthier environment for all.

info. Looking forward to a fun day enjoying friends and Chamber of Commerce weather!



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Golden Bear Insurance Company ,


hat inspired the founding

Bear can’t be understated. Only admitted insurers

lead to the birth and success of Golden Bear.

of Golden Bear Insurance

are regulated by the California Department of

We still enjoy those same personal and business

Company? Michael Hall, the

Insurance. This regulatory oversight is an added

relationships today. Without hesitation, what

founder of Golden Bear, began

layer of protection that people and companies

we enjoy most about doing business locally is

his career in London writing aviation insurance

insured by non-admitted companies don’t get.

that we have the great pleasure and honor of

coverage for Hughes Aircraft Company.

Golden Bear Insurance Company has been

doing business with friends.

Michael's knowledge and expertise in aviation

admitted in California since 1978 and is still

insurance lead to the founding of Golden Bear

the only admitted insurance company in San

What does the future hold for Golden Bear

Insurance Company as an aviation insurer in

Joaquin County.

Insurance Company? Golden Bear has

1978. Over the past four decades, Golden Bear

new digs! We recently purchased the North

has steadily expanded its horizons and now

What is the greatest challenge Golden Bear

Channel Building (known colloquially as the

writes earthquake, homeowners, commercial

Insurance Company has faced, and how did

“Darth Vader” building) on Fremont Street

property, commercial general liability, liquor

you overcome it? Every insurance carrier is

at Pershing Avenue in Stockton, down on the

liability and excess insurance coverage in

challenged to receive high ratings from A.M.

waterfront. We are in the process of adding

California and in 20 other states.

Best, the most prestigious rating agency. We

solar and landscaping to make it a beautiful

achieved an A-, Excellent, rating from A.M.

property. We expect to move in by the end of

What has made Golden Bear Insurance

Best in 2008. This increase came at the height

this year. We are using local contractors for our

Company successful? The nature of some risks

of the financial crisis, when other insurance

renovation and hope to partner with adjacent

make it difficult for individuals and businesses

companies were being downgraded. We were

businesses to make Fremont Street a safe and

to find insurance from California admitted

upgraded because we have a prudent business

inviting corridor into Stockton’s civil center.

insurers. Our experienced underwriters have

plan that gives us stability and the ability to

keen attention to policy detail, so we are able to

protect our insureds.

write businesses that other admitted insurers are unable or unwilling to handle. We also maintain

What do you enjoy about doing business

a very experienced claims team, so when a loss

locally? My father, Michael Hall, came to

does occur, our insureds are given prompt and

California from England when I was a toddler.

competent service.

He could have started Golden Bear anywhere,

We want to add that the importance of doing

but the relationships we made here in San

business with an admitted insurer such as Golden

Joaquin County formed our life as a family and


RUPERT HALL, President


FEB 2015

presented by


NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

FREE Tax Seminar for Non-Profit and Exempt Organizations The California State Board of Equalization, in conjunction with the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, Senator Cathleen

Major new exhibition on early settlers at San Joaquin County Historical Museum A new permanent exhibition has been completed at the San Joaquin

Galgiani, Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman and the City

County Historical Museum. It tells the story of the early American settlers

of Stockton will hold a FREE Tax Seminar for Non-Profit and Exempt

of the region, families who came after the Gold Rush to build farms and

Organizations on Thursday, March 5 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the

futures here. “The Historical Society was extremely fortunate to be able to

San Joaquin RTD District Board Room, 421 W. Weber Ave, Stockton

use the Elliott family as an example of the early settlers. They came from

95202. To register visit www.boe.ca.gov/nps or call 1.888.847.9652.

their tall grass prairie homestead in Illinois to San Joaquin County in 1859,”

Women’s Success Group Networking Luncheon – Hypnosis for Business Success. Thursday, March 12 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Papapavlos

says David Stuart, director of the museum. “Their descendants preserved one of the six wagons that made up the Elliott family wagon train; it has been restored as the centerpiece of the exhibition.” The nonprofit San Joaquin County Historical Society will soon

Restaurant in Lincoln Center. Suzie Bowers, Certified Clinical

publish excerpts from the Elliott sisters’ trail diaries. The Society

Hypnotherapist and Coach, Owner of California Hypnosis Center, will

operates the 18-acre museum within Micke Grove Regional Park

share how to re-program your mind for business success, how it works,

(11793 N. Micke Grove Rd., Lodi, CA 95240). The museum is

how to do it and how to apply hypnosis to any area of your life.

open Wednesdays through Sundays. For more information visit

Based on her book: Ten Keys to Living a Soul Life.


RSVP: www.womenssuccessgroup.org/index.php/events

San Joaquin Board of Supervisors Appoints New Chair for Health Plan of San Joaquin Governing Board Health Plan of San Joaquin announced that the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors, during its Jan. 13 session, formally appointed Greg A. Diederich to be chair of the 11-member San Joaquin Health Commission, HPSJ’s governing board, effective January 14. The San Joaquin Health Commission is appointed by the San Joaquin County (SJC) Board of Supervisors. Greg Diederich has 19 years of experience in the health care industry in both the private and public sectors. Most recently, as Stanislaus County Health Services Agency Associate Director. Greg Diederich, a Central Valley resident since 1990, graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a Bachelor Degree in Business Economics and a Masters in Economics.



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

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MAR 2015



THE VALLEY CAN. By Alex Cantatore

The Valley’s air is better than it was 15 years ago, but it’s still not good.

percent of those emissions are produced by the dirtiest 10 percent of vehicles.

ValleyCAN is targeting this untapped source of emissions reductions with

Despite years of efforts, the region

Knox admits there’s not a lot of data to

their Tune In & Tune Up program. Every

continues to exceed state and federal

support the statistic. But that’s a big part

other weekend, somewhere in the Valley,

ozone and particulate matter standards.

of the problem, he says – no one knows

ValleyCAN hosts a massive smog-testing

And at this point, all of the low-hanging,

just how many old, unregistered, highly

event to try to find those unregistered,

pollution-reducing fruit has seemingly

polluting vehicles there are on the streets.

high-emitting vehicles.

Think about it: there are more older

been picked.

It’s a large-scale, community driven

vehicles per capita in the Valley than

program. ValleyCAN reaches out to low-

of high polluting, easy-to-fix problems

anywhere else in the U.S. And there are

income communities through churches

that we simply don’t know about?

more unregistered vehicles on the road

and community organizations, spreading

here in the Valley than anywhere else in

word of the program to those most likely

the state.

to own unregistered vehicles.

But what if the region is still chock-full

Enter Valley Clean Air Now, a local nonprofit that “creates positive solutions for air quality that are cooperative or non-regulatory.” Translated into English? “We look for opportunities to create reductions in air emissions that aren’t

Most of those vehicles aren’t registered

“A high-emitting, unregistered vehicle,

because they can’t pass smog tests. Their

is not from the higher end communities

owners simply can’t afford to fix them.

in the Valley,” Knox said.

In many cases, those unregistered cars

The Tune In & Tune Up events start on

currently being done, or have been

are completely ignored in air quality

Saturday morning, usually at a county

overlooked,” explains Tom Knox,

models. But unregistered cars don’t

fairgrounds or an ag center. But cars

Executive Director of ValleyCAN.

just sit and gather dust – they drive all

start lining up as early as 12:00 noon the

around town, running errands.

day before, camping out to be first in

ValleyCAN did a little digging,

“They’re out in the real world, but

line. Between 400 and 550 vehicles turn

emissions. It’s commonly accepted that

they aren’t really accounted for in the

out for each and every Tune In & Tune

25 percent of vehicles produce 75 percent

models,” Knox said. “It’s unique.

Up event.

of vehicle emissions. ValleyCAN takes

It’s essentially a new source of

that a step further, claiming that 50

emissions reduction.”

particularly looking into vehicle


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

The event is festive, with radio stations on hand and barbecue food from service

organizations. Local agencies conduct

shops are on hand all day to take

doesn’t make sense, but these cars will

healthcare screenings, and recycling

appointments, making sure those cars

now drive clean for the years they’ll stay

agencies collect used motor oil.

actually get fixed.

on the road.

“That’s even more popular than the

Knox said that, of the roughly 500

“They’re the cars our customers can

participants, about half fail the

afford,” Knox said. “No one willingly

smog check and receive a voucher.

drives one of these cars that are

from Delta College conduct free rebate

Of those that fail, about 85 percent

unreliable and need expensive repairs.”

checks. The students take a quick, three-

complete repairs.

hot dog line,” Knox said. In Stockton, local automotive students

to-five minute look under the hood with

About 41 percent of the vehicles that

Knox credited local elected officials and nonprofits for supporting the Tune

an instructor to tell drivers what might

fail the smog test are unregistered.

In & Tune Up events in Stockton. It’s

need fixing.

And 99 percent of drivers immediately

the Valley that is stepping up to solve

register their vehicles upon getting

this problem, he said, using its native

work done.

intelligence to show the Valley can end

“It’s a fantastic learning experience for them, because they’re dealing with dozens of cars throughout the day that

It proves Knox’s point. These drivers

air pollution.

all have different problems,” Knox

aren’t willfully polluting – they’re

“This is a solution that has really

said. “It’s really fast-paced and varied

driving old, unregistered vehicles

sprung out of the Valley’s desire to fix

for them.”

because they can’t afford to fix them.

its own problems,” Knox said.

“It’s got 200,000 miles on it,” Knox

For more information, visit

Eventually, the vehicles are tested by state-certified smog technicians. If a

said. “It’s on its third owner. You’re

www.valleycan.org, e-mail

vehicle exceeds emissions limits, they

entrusting the emissions system to the

info@valley-can.org, or call

receive a voucher good for up to $850 in

owner who is least able to pay the cost to


smog repairs at an approved local smog

replace it. It’s this really perverse twist

shop, funded by the San Joaquin Valley

on the emissions control process.”

Air Pollution Control District.

Knox says ValleyCAN is happy to

The whole process takes three to

repair the car. Some think that spending

four hours. And six to tweleve smog

so much money on an old, rundown car


MAR 2015 11


9:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Coffee Break/Visit Exhibits

7:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Registration & Visit Exhibits

Panel Two-Reducing Costs through Environmental Stewardship

7:00 a.m.

Call to Order-Eddie Tolentino, Green Team San Joaquin Chair

California’s Green Business Certification and the Chamber’s Green Business Certification join forces to help businesses reduce the costs of

8:05 a.m.

business through environmental stewardship.

Welcome by San Joaquin County Supervisor & SJVAPCD Board Member Bob Elliott

Jo Fleming, California Green Business Program, Moderator

8:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

Steve Melgoza, Owner, Goza Gear Screen Printing & Embroidery

Panel One-Forming Partnerships for Regulatory Compliance •

Business Academy for Regulatory Compliance (BARC) was created by the

Pamela Evans, Alameda County Green Business Coordinator

Chamber to navigate businesses to regulatory compliance and prosperity.

John Kendle, Operations Director, Dignity Health, St. Joseph’s Medical Center

Panelists will discuss what this partnership means to businesses.

11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Exhibits Open

James Bohon, Assistant Secretary, CalEPA

12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Kasey Foley, Program Coordinator, San Joaquin County CUPA

Keynote Lunch Address-Alexander Sheriffs, MD

Ryan Hayashi, Director of Compliance, SJVAPCD

Board Member, California Air Resources Board & San Joaquin Valley Air

Michael Blakey, General Manager, DTE Energy

Pollution Control District Drawings for Door Prizes

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS American Recycling Borrego Solar, Inc. CalSheets Carpenters Local Union 152 City of Stockton

CRResourceContracting, Inc. Diamond Foods, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Healthy Air Living Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council of Governments San Joaquin County Public Works San Joaquin RTD

Stockton Area Water Suppliers Sims Metal Management Surtec Valley CAN

NEW MEMBERS Employment Agencies & Consultants Aerotek 5330 Pirone Rd., Suite #301, Salida www.aerotek.com

Art Galleries Art Expressions of San Joaquin 3038 Carousel Cir., Stockton www.artexpressions.org

Air Compressors General Air Compressors North 2272 Hoover Ave., Modesto 209.541.1010 12 PORT CALL

Solar Products



GoSolarPros 5278 Jerusalem Cir., Suite #11, Modesto www.gosolarpros.com

Motel 6 #1323 6717 Plymouth Rd., Stockton 209.951.8120

Toot Sweets Bakery Café and Gift Baskets 4755 Quail Lakes Dr. #D, Stockton www.tootsweetsbakerycafe.com

Web Page Design & Services

Pav-Solar 6308 Seven Seas Ave, Bakersfield www.pavelectric.com

Red Truck Designs 400 W. Vine St., Lodi www.redtruck.us

Bar & Grill Leadership Development

Midgley’s Public House 296 Lincoln Center, Stockton www.midgleyspublichouse.com

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Insurance – Agents & Brokers USI Insurance Services for Northern CA, Inc 2021 W. March Ln. 3rd Floor, Stockton www.usi.biz

Strategic Management 5215 Grouse Run Dr., Stockton www.smral.com


Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428

VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA 6th Annual Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out The Great Stockton Asparagus Dine Out


50 Years!

(GSADO) is back for its sixth year and is bigger than ever— spanning the entire month of April! That means you’ll be able to enjoy a full month of unique


In Branch



asparagus-related dishes, drinks, and desserts at restaurants all around Stockton as we celebrate our local agriculture and our most famous spear. After the success of our Annual Stockton Restaurant Week, we created GSADO to showcase locally grown asparagus and its use in local cuisine. Local growers work with locally owned restaurants to provide the freshest San Joaquin County grown asparagus right to their kitchens. Restaurants interested in participating should contact Megan Ott at 209.938.1557 or meg@visitstockton.org.

Become a Stockton Ambassador! Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) classes are available bimonthly and are open to the general public. Learn how you can turn

Personal & Business Banking the Way YOU Want It.

every visitor encounter into a positive one! Upcoming CTA classes: April 22 and June 30. Sign up today and join the growing list of Stockton Ambassadors! Program details, including the curriculum and enrollment information, can be found at StocktonAmbassadors.com, CTANetwork.com or by calling Megan Peterson at Visit Stockton, 209.938.1555.

You Define Service. We Deliver It. Since 1965

bankbac.com @

Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555


Member FDIC

MAR 2015 13

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN 2015 Golf Tournament

2015 GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS FRED COUPLES SPONSORS Bright Now! Dental Cirque du Soleil Varekai F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Premier Community Credit Union SMG Stockton

The good news is that our 34th Annual Golf Tournament is not yet sold out! However, we suggest you sign up your foursome before it is…. Brookside Country Club will host our day on the greens on April 13, beginning with registration at 10:00 a.m., lunch at 11:00 a.m. and a shotgun start at 12. After the tournament, we’ll have an awards reception honoring the top players of the day.

RICKY BARNES SPONSORS A.G. Spanos Companies City of Stockton Collins Electrical Company, Inc. Stockton Branch JaniTek Cleaning Solutions Moss Adams, LLP Port of Stockton

We still have some terrific sponsorship packages available which offer high visibility at this signature event. Starting at $150 for a tee/green sign sponsorship, all the way up to the $6,900 title St. Andrew Sponsorship. Single player registrations are also available for $160. If you’re looking for an easy way to highlight your business

HOLE IN ONE SPONSORS Chase Chevrolet Gary J. Long Jewelers Roger Dunn Golf Shops

products or services, consider donating a prize for our posttournament raffle. It’s an ideal way to market your business to other high profile business people also supporting and participating in our tournament.

CLOSEST TO THE PIN SPONSOR DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc.

So make at least one of your Mondays in April a fun one by joining us at Brookside Country Club. Just give Timm a call at

PHOTO SPONSOR Food 4 Less/Rancho San Miguel Markets

209.292.8423, and he’ll be happy to sign you up. Also, call today to have a spectacular sponsorship opportunity packet sent to you.

PLATINUM A.G. Spanos Companies American Medical Response Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Bank of the West California Water Service Co. City of Stockton CSU Stanislaus - Stockton Center Delta Sierra Beverage Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Financial Center Credit Union Haggerty Construction Humphreys College Kaiser Permanente Metro PCS Neumiller & Beardslee Pacific Records Management Port of Stockton Premier Community Credit Union Premier Staffing Robert Half Technology San Joaquin County Office of Education San Joaquin Delta College St. Joseph’s Medical Center

If you’re ever in doubt that we live in a great community, just attend our annual State of the City 2015! This year the State of the City will be held May 21 at the Port of Stockton. Sponsored by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, the City of Stockton, and The Port of Stockton, this event features exhibits showcasing the critical and inspiring services available to you, your loved ones and neighbors, all in the interest of maintaining a wholesome community. Sponsorships are still available, so take advantage of this highprofile marketing opportunity for your business. For more information, call Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or email tquinn@ stocktonchamber.org.

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

DRINK CART SPONSOR Valley First Credit Union SPECIAL THANKS Captivating Photos San Joaquin County WorkNet TEE SIGN SPONSORS Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Big Valley Ford Lincoln Builders Exchange of Stockton California Water Service Co. Delta Cranes Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Family Extension Foster Care, Inc. Judith Buethe Communications Neumiller & Beardslee Pacific Records Management Partners Real Estate Port of Stockton Premier Staffing Robert Half Technology San Joaquin Delta Community College San Joaquin Steel Co., Inc.


State of the City 2015 to be held May 21!




Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

San Joaquin Partnership, Inc. San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) The Record/San Joaquin Media Group United Way of San Joaquin County University of the Pacific Waste Management Visit Stockton GOLD F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Stockton East Water District SILVER Judith Buethe Communications Devcon Construction Incorporated G-Force Productions Moss Adams, LLP Ulmer Photo TABLE SPONSOR Lincoln Center/SASS! Public Relations, Inc. San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce


111 E. March Ln.

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Printing; Susan Cruz, Cruz Integrated; Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; Victor Randolph, Never Boring; Jorge Ortega, El Pollo Loco; Sherry Burns, Bay Area Cremation; Gregory Walther, Press F1 Computer Service; Liz Baker, Keller Williams Real Estate; Becky Deal and Catherine Rodgers, Bank of Stockton; Kory Campbell, American Cancer Society; Dora Ruiz, EZ Network Systems; Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Monica Ahumada, Bank of the West; Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County; Scott Grafius, Brown & Brown Insurance; Jeannie Compton; CAMLU Assisted Living; Carla Little, Villa Marche; Ella Holman, Collins Realty, Inc.; Julie Cosgrove and Ramona Baker, Keller Williams Realty; Mary Macias and Ojesa Asejo-Clark, Rabobank; Patti Gulick, New Image Signs; Jan Royce, Mo-Cal Office Solutions; Marcie DelaCruz, JaniTek; Judye Harris, Nationwide Insurance; John Paval, Kansas City Life Insurance Co., Selina Paniagua, CornerStone Staffing Solutions, Inc.; Liza Cruz, American Red Cross; Sandra Rios, Aflac; Dr. Elizabeth Blanchard, Port of Stockton; Fay Olympia, Heald College.

The Hope Chest – Community Hospice Thrift Store

The Cosmic Group

El Pollo Loco

6112 Pacific Ave., Stockton

2605 Pacific Ave., Stockton

10506 Trinity Prkwy, Stockton


MAR 2015 15

LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton: Law Enforcement Session

successes and encouraged the public to become more aware

Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union

and involved in the process. Following the department overview from the Chief, Detective

Special Thanks to: San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office and Stockton

Paul Gutierrez, from the Gangs Unit, educated the class in

Police Department

“Gangs and Guns.” It was Gangs 101 for most of the class,

Each year, the Leadership Stockton class looks forward to the Law Enforcement session. This session gives the class

providing a guide to identifying many Stockton gangs, and the

a glimpse of the various entities working together to make

gang culture. Always a favorite with the class, this topic can be

Stockton a safe place to live, work and play. Though the day

chilling and provides an unfiltered look at Stockton gangs. After lunch the class was off for a jail tour, what many consider

was full, the information was valuable, and the class left with

the highlight of the day. During the two hour tour, the class

a greater understanding of our local justice system.

toured the French Camp facility visiting the intake, women’s

The day began with a warm welcome to the Sheriff ’s John Zunino Operations Center from Sheriff Steve Moore (LS Class

area, men’s area, administrative segregation, the medical clinic,

of ’90). The Sheriff introduced the Sheriff ’s Department

the communications area and the gun range. Many folks were involved in the success of the Law

staff and provided an overview of the Sheriff 's Department's operation of the Jail Facility, and a glimpse of the myriad

Enforcement session. A big THANK YOU goes to the following:

other duties which fall under his department.

Sheriff Moore, Chief Jones, and Detective Gutierrez. Also, thanks

Sheriff Moore was followed by Stockton Chief of Police Eric

to Sheriff Moore for the generous use of his facilities and his

Jones (LS Class of ‘06). Chief Jones spoke about crime and

very helpful staff, especially Kim de la Cruz (LS Class of ’08) for

Stockton PD’s efforts to combat this hot issue. He provided

coordinating the day.

N o Tra w cy Op en !

great statistics, new technology they are using, recent

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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423



competition to be held on March 27 & 28, designed to help

The creation of new businesses or a “grow your own jobs”

statewide urban and agricultural communities facing water

philosophy in economic development has long been a strategy

challenges. See www.h2ohackathon.org to participate, or to

in our partnerships with chambers of commerce, Northeastern

attend and learn new ways to save water resources.

California Small Business Development Center, San Joaquin Angels and more recently, the I-Hub San Joaquin. The San Joaquin Angels have built an annual “American Idol”

In addition to growing our own, the "Greater Silicon Valley” brand was created by San Joaquin County and the San Joaquin Partnership to provide our startup and

style multi-round entrepreneurial competition called the San

growth enterprises access to mentors, money, talent

Joaquin Entrepreneur Challenge. Visit www.sjchallenge.com

and opportunities to sell into the Silicon Valley through

to enter or come and watch the final rounds on March 18 and

establishing a Greater Silicon Valley office and relationship

April 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Stockton Golf and

with TiE Silicon Valley. Again this year we will participate

Country Club.

with a booth at TiEcon 2015, which is one of the largest

I-Hub San Joaquin, which was incorporated in December, has

conferences on entrepreneurship in the world attracting

announced its first entrepreneurial event, “H2O Hackathon:

more than 4000 technology professionals from 50 countries.

A Water Challenge 2015” which is an app development

See www.tiesv.org and www.tiecon.org.


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MAR 2015 17


5 5 11 12 13 13 18 25 26 27 APR


New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room March Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Elkhorn Grill/Elkhorn Golf Club REXPO XI, Tuning It Up 8:00 a.m. @ Hilton Stockton

NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday @ 12:00 noon. contact the

Home and Garden Event April 11 & 12, 2015

Chamber for location

Spring cleaning inside and out?


Someone else will treasure the items that you are replacing from your home or garden. We are currently accepting donations of furniture, home and garden decor, garden equipment and fixtures, kitchen items and finer cook books.


FRESH Meeting 9:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Leadership Stockton Education Session 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. @ Various Local Schools and SJCOE Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club

Stockton - 207 East Alpine - 941-2737 Saturday: 10 a.m.–5p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Every birthday is a gift. Every purchase and donation supports the American Cancer Society’s efforts to save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

BEA Meeting 3:30 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room.


April Networking Mixer 5:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. @ Child Abuse Prevention Council

Cancer Information: cancer.org | 1.800.227.2345

Connect with us on:

Comprehensive Occupational Health Services Now Available in Tracy, Stockton and Manteca!


Co Occupational medical Partners announces the opening of their new office in Tracy, Ca.

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2156 W. Grant Line Rd., Suite 200 Telephone: (209) 207-9969 Hours: M - F, 8:00am to 5:00pm

1801 E. March Lane, Building D, Suite 480 Telephone: (209) 954-3200 Hours: M - F, 8:00am to 5:00pm

1341 Historical Plaza Way (Spreckels Park) Telephone: (209) 824-1893 Hours: M - F, 8:00am to 5:00pm


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


(Closed between noon and 1pm)

Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info

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