Port O Call - October 2014

Page 1


Vol. 60 No. 6




Cover Photo by Captivating Photos


ACTUALLY, GETTING LOTS OF EMAILS CAN LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Our members can email directly with their doctor’s office, which in turn allows them to spend more working time in your office.

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10 E



From Your President


From Your CEO




5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

News Briefs


@ University Plaza Waterfront Hotel

Visit Stockton


110 W. Fremont Street, Stockton, CA

Cover Story




Ribbon Cuttings



Programs and Public Policy Department


5:30 – 9:00 p.m.

September Mixer Photos


Leadership Stockton




New Members


Summer Diversity Mixer Photos



@ Robert J. Cabral Ag Center 2101 E. Earhart Avenue, Stockton, CA






OCT 2014


social Maybe you’re not engaging with your customers. So who is? Start the conversation. Think Never Boring.


FROM YOUR 2014-15 PRESIDENT BY: BLAIN BIBB Fall is here and the beauty of

Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

Stockton’s tree-lined streets will shift

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Blain Bibb, ServiceMaster Building Maintenance SR. VICE PRESIDENT Judith Buethe, Judith Buethe Communications

with the colors of the changing leaves. Fall used to be called “harvest” to ref lect the time when farmers gathered

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co.

their crops for winter storage. So with

VICE PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation

that in mind, I think it’s befitting

VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

this month that we celebrate our agricultural heritage with the 30th

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Steven Crabtree, Herum/Crabtree/Suntag CHAMBER DIRECTORS Becky M. Deal, Bank of Stockton Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lewis Gale, University of the Pacific - Eberhardt School of Business Rick Goucher, CBRE, Inc. Clint Harless, Stockton Auto Glass/Quick's Glass Service Chris Kay, SMG Frank Lucas, Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy Dr. Robert Melrose, Brookside Optometric Group Laura Pinkerton, Wells Fargo Bank Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates Justin Redman, Central Valley Community Bank Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center Joey Steelman, Lord's Gym Joy Sweger, California Nuggets/Golden Gate Nuts Robert Young, Stockton Golf & Country Club CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.



Annual San Joaquin Ag Hall of Fame.


Please join us on Thursday, October 16th at the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center where we will recognize and celebrate

contributors to our vibrant agricultural economy. Thank you to all who joined us for the Industrial BBQ celebration last month and congratulations to all our honorees! I had a bout with the flu and could only view the fun from the photos Tim Ulmer and friends posted on Facebook. Thanks to Sr. VP Judith Buethe for stepping in for me, to our members, sponsors, The University Plaza Waterfront Hotel and your Chamber staff for making this a success which “Team Chamber” is all about! Like many of you, it is my company’s 4th quarter and we are busy

OFFICE MANAGER Lia Her 209.292.8421

reviewing budgets, making adjustments, and aggressively working to fill any

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Suzie Bowers 209.292.8427

gaps. If you are like us and are selling a local product or service you might

SCAP-SE COORDINATOR/SCAP LEAD Michael Morales 209.292.8425 SCAP-SE COORDINATORS Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Malissa Luvianos 209.292.8429 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8426 Sophie Soth 209.292.8435 Mai Vang 209.292.8424 Lee Yang 209.292.8436 BEA COORDINATOR Frances Richardson 209.292.8430

be in need of a boost in sales to make the year. May I suggest increasing your profile and engaging in the Chamber programs and events. We have at least 10 meetings and/or events this month along with our new Save Local Now program and Leads Club. November and December have similar opportunities. Come out, meet prospective clients, build a rapport and most of all have some fun! We look forward to seeing you!

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – EVENTS Ashley Williams 209.292.8422 SCAP-SE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Christy Hang 209.292.8433 RECEPTIONIST/CUSTOMER SERVICE Aleyu Palacios 209.292.8431 PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph


PRINTING Parks Printing 209.466.9026 MAILING Parks Printing 209.466.9026 GREATER STOCKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


OCT 2014


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT So much going on and so little time to give all the great things

that is why I believe the collective force of the people and companies

notice in this month’s article, but I

present will go out in the community and exceed the $3 Million goal set

will do my best!

for this year’s campaign!

First of all, we will be celebrating


They just made the whole event so special with their presentations and

Another great community participation activity took place on

our county’s number one economic

Saturday, September 27, 2014 when hundreds of Stocktontonians turned

driver Agriculture ($2.9 Billion) at

out to “Love Stockton” and joined hands in a sprucing up of different

our annual Ag Hall of Fame Dinner

areas of our community. Thank you and God bless all the volunteers from

to be held on Thursday, October

churches of every denomination, the Stockton PD and local business who

16, 2014 at the Robert J. Cabral

all worked as one to beautify Stockton. The is an annual event and if you

Ag Center. The Chamber and the

did not participate this year please plan on doing so next year.

community will honor and say thank you to those folks who till the

Coming up on October 6, 2014 at the Historic 100 Year Old Stockton

land for us, the state, the nation and even the world. It is always a sold

Golf and Country Club is the annual Ricky (born and raised in

out event so please make your reservations early here at your Chamber.

Stockton) & Suzanne Barnes Charity Pro-Am Golf Tournament. Ricky

On Wednesday, September 9, 2014 many of you were at the United Way

and Suzanne strongly believe in giving back to the community and have

Campaign Kick-Off Luncheon at the UOP Spanos Center. I know all of

raised (in the first two years) close to $200, 000 for youth programs like

those there left with a great feeling, a spot in their hearts for the speakers

First Tee of San Joaquin and other youth programs in the area. It is a

and a fire in their souls to make this the best United Way Campaign ever!

great day of golf with the pros and raising money for the community.

A big thank you to the “MAN” for all seasons, Andy (Always Positive)

On that note, many folks ask me why crime is so prevalent in our local

Prokop and his staff for planning a great event. To Pacific President

and national society. There is no easy or quick answer, but one I know is

Pam Eibeck and VP for External Relations & Athletics Ted Leland for

that in the small part of our overall society that is involved in crime the

being wonderful hosts. The United Way Board President Ted Guzman

“core values” of a good citizen are either ignored or not taught in the first

and his fellow board members for the year-round job they do helping

place. First Tee of San Joaquin teaches those core values to young people.

agencies throughout San Joaquin County. Angelina’s Restaurant and

As I was watching the PGA Championship (FedEx) a pro demonstrated

Catering for a wonderful (as always) meal. All the raffle and table

something we all should do. I asked Don Miller, Executive Director,

sponsors for they are always such an important part of the event.

First Tee of San Joaquin to give me their take on what Keegan Bradley

The highlight of the event was a real home run this year with great and

did to set an example to all: “As we continue to teach our young people

so awe inspiring speakers! First we all heard from Mr. Jim Nylen, Board

life skills and core values through the game of golf, we are encouraged to

member of the Stockton Police Foundation (SPF) and our very own

see these values practiced by others. For example, a few weeks ago PGA

and special Chief of Police Eric Jones. They shared the importance of

star Keegan Bradly was in a battle to win it all when his ball landed in a

the SPF to the men and women on the street and to the community as a

fairway divot. He asked an official for a ruling on what he thought was

whole. If you were not at the lunch look into the Foundation to help the

a plugged ball of which he could get relief. The PGA official approved a

department and our community to become safer. To just declare that I put

free drop for Keegan to play on. After doing so, he realized that what he

my money where my mouth (article) is, last year I made a personal 3 year

thought was a plugged ball was not after receiving a fans account. When

commitment to the Foundation and hope you will consider joining me.

he finished playing, it bothered him that the ruling was incorrect and

The part of the program that really grabbed all our joint emotions

went to the officials to declare himself disqualified for breaking the rules

and admiration were the presentations on behalf of agencies serving

of golf. Talk about honesty and integrity!” Thanks to Keegan and Don

special needs citizens. Leslie Heier, United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)

the point is made for all of us! First Tee of San Joaquin is a way for young

agency Interim Director, introduced Melissa Carson and her wonderful

people in our community learn or reinforced these core values and more for

daughter, Cori and also another wonderful young man, Jose Garcia.

a better life for all of us.



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce




PD M Steel Service Centers, Inc.

DM Steel Service Centers

What is one of the greatest challenges

What do you enjoy about doing business

is a full line service center

you’ve faced while in business and how

locally? Stockton has been a very good

focused on supplying carbon

did you overcome it? From a service

location for us. From a local level, we’ve

steel products to customers throughout

center point of view, just forecasting the

built a great relationship with the Port of

the Western United States.

depth and breadth of inventory you need to

Stockton and they have helped streamline

effectively position yourself to best service

the material that we’re bringing in to our

What was the inspiration behind the

your customers is a real challenge. Inventory

operation. That’s been helping us to better

founding of your business? The history

is the name of the game with service centers.

utilize their services and get the materials we

of PDM goes back into the late 1800s. Our

Everything we do comes down to inventory,

need here when we need it instead of hauling

roots are in water towers, fabrication, bridge

handling and operations.

it from the Los Angeles Port. As time goes

construction, machinery and equipment. Over

on and the city continues to enhance the port,

time we boiled down to the service center

How do you see the business growing

I think more people will discover that this is

business in the late 1950s. Since 1954, we’ve

in the future? Right now, we’re noticing

a really good area to move a lot of product in

been a full line service center focusing on the

some incremental improvements in demand

a lot of directions!

carbon steel sector from our main hub

in the Bay Area and in some outlying areas

in Stockton.

in the valley, especially with non-residential. Most of our customers have weathered the

Overall, to what would you credit your

storm and they’re building their businesses up

company’s success? Our biggest claim to

like ours. In the last couple of years, we’ve

fame is service when and where you need it.

taken on a larger focus in trying to add some

We have built a lot of relationships with our

value added services such as our recently

customers. We get to know their needs and

enhanced plate processing center in Fresno.

can build our inventories to complement their

Our product mix hasn’t changed, but we are

business and then we can grow in sync with

investing more in to the services that we

one another. Our reputation is really second

offer to customers.

to none and that’s why customers have always favored us.

Presented by

Tim Kline, General Manager

NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

“Breast Cancer Today” - No longer hushed or hidden, breast cancer awareness, detection and treatment has far surpassed our mother’s generation. Chemotherapy based

Comic Book Art of Alex Ross on Saturday, October 18, 6:00-9:00

treatments based on specific tumor types, 21st Century detection

There will be a fundraising raffle and ticket holders will receive

methods and surgical treatments have advanced allowing so many

one complimentary entry for the door prize. Tickets are $35 for

more women to survive and thrive! More cancers are found through

museum members and $45 for non-members. Tickets are available

early detection and in younger women. Camille DeLeon Abeldt,

for purchase at the museum front desk, at hagginmuseum.org or by

RN, BSN is a Nurse Navigator in General Surgery at Sutter Gould

calling 209.940.6316.

Medical Foundation. She has also developed a monthly breast cancer support group named Sisters of Strength. She will be the guest speaker at Stockton Womens Network Luncheon on Wednesday Oct 1 starting

p.m. This event features signature dishes, desserts and drinks from some of the area’s best restaurants, caterers, wineries and breweries.

Alex Ross, acclaimed comic book artist, featured in new Haggin Museum exhibit Heroes & Villains: The Comic Book Art of Alex Ross is on view at The Haggin

at 11:30 a.m. at Stockton Golf and Country Club. Reservations

Museum from October 16, 2014 to January 18, 2015. The exhibition outlines


a career known for elevating classic superheroes
to fine art. The exhibit

Haggin à la Carte - 26th annual tasting event, and fundraiser, serve as the opening reception

feature more than 130 works including paintings, drawings, photographs

The Haggin Museum’s 26th annual wine,

books as Marvels and Justice and his hugely successful series, Kingdom

and sculptures from Ross’ personal collection. The pieces range from childhood drawings of superheroes, to his groundbreaking work for such

beer and food tasting event – Haggin à la Carte – will serve as the

Come. The exhibit is included in regular admission prices. For more

opening reception for the special exhibition Heroes & Villains: The

information call 209.940.6300 or visit hagginmuseum.org.

VISIT STOCKTON BY: WES RHEA In Downtown Stockton, another celebration will take place at

Two great events on one Saturday in October!

the Waterfront Warehouse on Saturday, October 4, from 2:00 –

On Saturday, October 4, Stockton has two fun events for you to enjoy! The day kicks off with the return of a family friendly, civic pride event

9:00 p.m. —the annual Stocktoberfest! Keg lifting competitions,

Celebrate! Stockton is Magnificent! now in its fourth year. Celebrate! Stockton

main stream, craft and seasonal beers on tap, sausages, home

is Magnificent! will be held at Victory Park from noon to 3 p.m. The

brews, chicken dance dance-offs, and, of course, beer stein holding

Celebrate! Stockton is Magnificent! event is an opportunity for the citizens

competitions… Stocktoberfest! is not to be missed! Modeled after a

of Stockton to come together to celebrate all of the positive aspects of our

German Octoberfest (with a Stockton twist) Stocktoberfest seating

city; learn about organizations and services; witness the talent of local

is outdoors on the waterfront with long tables, wooden benches, and

performers, authors, and artists; see agriculture up close; award local heroes;

BIG glass steins. Tickets start at just $15. Get more information at

experience the history and diversity of our community; join recreational

stocktoberfest.com or by calling 209.464.5246. For more great events in Stockton check out the region’s largest

groups and sports teams; and enjoy the company of other proud Stocktonians in a beautiful setting! The event is FREE to attend—more

events calendar at visitStockton.org.

information is available at stocktonmagnificent.com.



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Wes Rhea: wes@visitstockton.org 209.938.1555


OCT 2014



It takes a lot of amazing people to develop an agricultural industry as deep and rich as San Joaquin County’s. Each year, our

of Food and Agriculture. Today Silva continues to build the legacy of agricultural education that has directed her career.

area’s agricultural community comes together to celebrate all of these legendary farmers, educators and influencers who have made the industry what it is. When this year’s 30th Annual San Joaquin

Karen Cultrera This commitment to agricultural education

County Ag Hall of Fame kicks off at the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center

is echoed in honoree Karen Cultrera’s

in Stockton on October 16, five more Ag leaders will be inducted

career. Throughout her career, Cultrera has

into the venerable ranks of San Joaquin County’s agricultural icons.

been instrumental in fostering agricultural

This year’s inductees include local leaders who have been true

education across San Joaquin County.

pioneers in the agricultural industry. From dedicated educators

Since 1999, Cultrera has worked as a

to motivated community promoters, entrepreneurial farmers to

highly devoted member of the San Joaquin

committed community servants, this year’s five honorees have truly

Farm Bureau including fundamental assistance in developing and

earned their spot among San Joaquin County’s agricultural luminaries.

administrating the Ag in the Classroom program. The annual four-day event invites all K-12 educators in the county to tour and learn about

Ann Bacchetti Silva From her childhood on her family’s

the area’s agricultural industry. In addition, Cultrera is very involved in the local chapter of the

dairy farm in Tracy to her major role

California Women for Agriculture, is a regular volunteer with the

in the highest echelons of California’s

Asparagus Festival, an organizer for the Ag Venture program and

government, Ann Bacchetti Silva has

founding member of the Friends of the Fair organization. She also

devoted her life to agriculture. With

is a familiar sight at ag-related events throughout San Joaquin

Bacchetti & Silva Dairy, (owned jointly

County, from local farmer’s markets to school agricultural days.

with her parents and late husband Mario) Ann’s commitment to innovation spurred the adoption of many technologies and environmentally-friendly policies now familiar across the industry.

Scott Hudson If you’re involved in the ag industry in San Joaquin County, chances are good that

Bacchetti & Silva was one of the first dairies in California to

honoree Scott Hudson is a very familiar

utilize a rotary milking parlor and to build an environmentally-

figure. In a career of more than 30 years with

sound settling basin to help separate dairy nutrients from runoff.

the Ag Commissioner’s Office, Hudson has

The Tracy-based dairy farm was also one of the first in San Joaquin

made a significant impact on San Joaquin

County to receive certification through the California Dairy Quality Assurance Program. Silva has championed agricultural education

County’s agricultural community. Some of Hudson’s most visible effects have been his tireless efforts

and the cause of environmental responsibility in the dairy industry,

to protect area crops by leading in the detection, prevention and

up to and including, her long involvement with leadership roles with

elimination of invasive pests. For example, Hudson’s instrumental

the California Milk Advisory Board and the California State Board

expertise and task team coordination in the Glassy-Winged Sharp


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Shooter epidemic in 2000 managed to save San Joaquin County’s $550

Joseph F. Stuart

million grape industry.

This year’s only posthumous inductee,

For decades, Hudson has remained a force for leadership and

farmer Joseph F. Stuart, is truly an agricultural

environmental stewardship in San Joaquin County’s agricultural

pioneer in the Central Valley.

community. Through his innovations stemming from his role as Ag

Born in California in 1864, Stuart grew to

Commissioner, to his leadership in local committees and boards, to

be one of the Central Valley’s first and most

his individual contributions to Ag Education, local buying and safer

successful farmers. Stuart and his family

pesticide usage.

established a cannery, a fruit dehydrating shed and a dry yard, as well as, cold storage.

Stevens John Arnaudo

Today, Stuart is best remembered as the founder of Stuart’s

The life and career of honoree Stevens John

Nursery, which has been a trusted provider of stone fruit and nut

Arnaudo is one of San Joaquin County’s most

trees to farmers in San Joaquin County and beyond for over 150

inspiring farming success stories.

years. By 1893, Stuart's Nursery was already shipping 3,000 fruit

From an early age, Arnaudo’s unyielding

trees from their Oakdale, CA farm. In 1916, the family relocated to

work ethic and keen head for business have

French Camp where the nursery remains to this day.

combined to help him cultivate a wide range of farms into successful businesses.

Stuart’s legacy is still counted in orchards throughout California. During his lifetime, Stuart helped develop a number of custom fruit

From initial forays into haying at the age of 14, Arnaudo and his

and nut trees, including the Stuart-Prolific Almond and the Stuart

brothers created a hay brokerage and hauling empire that has lasted

Prune, that continue to be important in the development of intensive,

for nearly 80 years expanding to 30 trucks (200,000 tons of hay)

irrigated agriculture in the County.

delivered to dairies throughout the valley. Arnaudo combined his early entrepreneurship in the hay industry with his talent for farming. At 17, Steve rented his first 10 acres of land to grow tomatoes. A

The 30th Annual San Joaquin County Agriculture Hall of Fame starts at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 16 at the Robert J. Cabral Ag Center in Stockton. Ticketed guests will enjoy a no-host social hour

year later, he had turned this into 35 acres of tomatoes and spinach.

followed by dinner and the evening’s program. To buy tickets or

Today, that operation has expanded to include 11,000 acres of

find out more about the event please contact Timm Quinn

varied crops. Even today, it’s still typical to find the 91 year-old

at tquinn@stocktonchamber.org.

Arnaudo out in one of his fields. Beyond his own farming businesses, Arnaudo has marked 26 years as an active volunteer on the San Joaquin County Planning Commission, 12 years of leadership with the Tracy Joint Union High School Board of Education and five years as a member of the San Joaquin County Republican Central Committee among many other volunteer positions.

30th Annual San Joaquin County Agriculture Hall of Fame Sponsors Platinum American AgCredit | Farmers & Merchants Bank Kautz Ironstone Vineyards | San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation | San Tomo, Inc. Gold Neumiller & Beardslee Silver California Women for Agriculture | Mohr-Fry Ranches | Moss Adams, LLP | Roland Construction, Inc. Stockton East Water District | Vino Farms LLC


OCT 2014 11


Chamber Diversity Mixer Dec 4th

Join us in honoring Joelle Gomez, Women’s Center – Youth &

Make sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, December 4

Family Services as our ATHENA Awards recipient and Shelby

because you are not going to want to miss the Chamber’s annual

Riley, Central California Safety Council, as our ATHENA Young

Business Diversity Mixer at the Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing,

Professional Leadership Award recipient, at the 28th Annual

Stockton, 95203 from 5:00 - 7:15 p.m. The Greater Stockton Chamber

ATHENA Awards on Thursday, November 20, 11:30am at the

of Commerce in partnership with the Central Valley Asian-American

Stockton Golf & Country Club. These awards are presented to those

Chamber of Commerce, San Joaquin African American Chamber of

who have personified the highest level of professional excellence

Commerce, San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

in their business or profession, devoted time and energy to our

and California Delta Chambers and Visitors Bureau will each feature

community in a meaningful way, and most especially have opened

food tastings reflecting their specific ethnicity/location. Come

doors of leadership opportunities for women. These two deserving

kick the Holiday Season off in style and make some great business

recipients demonstrate support of the goals of professional women

connections while you’re at it!

and provide unselfish assistance on their behalf. Reservations for the luncheon and award presentation are $40, pre-paid by November 13th and are $50 thereafter. For additional information or to purchase tickets, call 209.547.2770.

Many Thanks to our ATHENA Sponsors Platinum: California State University, Stanislaus California Water Service Co. Financial Center Credit Union Judith Buethe Communications Kaiser Permanente Moss Adams, LLP Port of Stockton San Joaquin Delta College United Way of San Joaquin County University of the Pacific Gold: Bank of Agriculture & Commerce Neumiller & Beardslee Oak Valley Community Bank The Record/San Joaquin Media Group Valley First Credit Union Silver: Dorfman Pacific Co., Inc. Kalfsbeek & Company Accountancy Corp. ServiceMaster Building Maintenance Ulmer Photo


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

RIBBON CUTTINGS Attending Ambassadors Victor Randolph, Never Boring Associates; Teri Manley, Stop the Presses Printing; Jan Royce, MO-Cal Office Solutions; Gloria Blaine, Basket Caravan; Hassan Robinson, Western & Southern Life; Chuma Ikenze, Kenzel, LLC; Loretta Lee, Stockton Women’s Network; Liza Cruz, American Red Cross; Gregory Walter, Press F1 Computer Service; Becky Deal, Bank of Stockton; Lakh Singh, Hammer Head Protection; Blain Bibb, Service Master and Chamber President; Rick Goucher, CBRE.

SUSD/Charles Weber Institute New Aeronautic Engineering Lab 302 W. Weber Avenue, Stockton

Proud to be part of the Stockton Community. Call or visit us at one of our new locations. Waterloo 209.373.4300 4426 East Waterloo Road Stockton, CA 95215

Stockton 209.956.7000 22 West Yokuts Avenue Stockton, CA 95207

Formerly known as Community Bank of San Joaquin



Haggerty Construction 2474 Wigwam Drive, Suite A, Stockton


SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 2014 8am - 1pm

2615 Boeing Way Stockton, CA 95206

Bay Equity Home Loans 3461 Brookside Road #D, Stockton


OCT 2014 13

PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL offer weight loss regimes, smoking cessation programs, stress

Catch the FRESH Air!

management and exercise, diet and fitness advice. These programs

On October 16 at 9:00 a.m, the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce will be launching its newest program, Fitness

can result in higher employee productivity and create lower costs of

Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health or FRESH in the

doing business.

Chamber Conference Room. All members of the Chamber

The goals of FRESH are to assist the membership companies to:

are invited.

• Improve general health and well-being • Improve productivity

The FRESH idea is to collaborate with existing practitioners within the membership to optimize FRESH program goals such as

• Improve the sense of being a team

validating the cost/benefit of an employee wellness program and to

• Improve morale & attitude

structure a program that benefits both employers, employees and

• Decrease absenteeism

our community as well.

• Reduce turnover rate • Decrease injuries

The success of any company depends very heavily on the productivity and work performance of its human resources. The

• Decrease healthcare and Workers’ Comp costs

ability to function and perform at a high level consistently is greatly

The FRESH Launch will include healthy complimentary

assisted by Employee Wellness Programs. The introduction of such

refreshments and prizes for members of the Chamber and their

programs has been successful with results that are beneficial for

employees only. Come and be the first to find out how it pays to be

both the employee and the company at large. Wellness Programs

fit! For more information on how you can offer a member benefit

focus on the physical well-being of employees, looking after medical

through the FRESH program and to RSVP to the FRESH Launch,

requirements and ensuring personal health is a priority. Programs

please email Frank Ferral at fferral@stocktonchamber.org.



Big Valley Ford

Pacific Gas & Electric Company

Borrego Solar, Inc.

Queirolo’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.


RGS Energy/Real Goods Solar

Carpenters Local Union 152

San Joaquin Council of Governments

CBC Steel Building

San Joaquin County Public Works

City of Stockton

San Joaquin RTD

CRResourceContracting, Inc.

Stockton Area Water Suppliers

DART Container

ServiceMaster Clean

Diamond Foods, Inc.

Sims Metal Management

Dorfman Pacific


Granite Construction Co.

Universal Service Recycling

Healthy Air Living

Valley CAN

Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions

Trusted Advisor to Successful Business Owners and Families Since 1976.

Business and Succession Planning Financial and Estate Planning


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Dennis J. Goldstrand CLU



2800 W. March Lane, Suite 326 Stockton, CA 95219-8202

Frank J. Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428

dennis@goldstrand.com www.goldstrand.com 209-472-7000 | 800-507-9911 209-472-1551 fax

© neverboring.com

Risk Analysis and Insurance Planning

SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY... where all students can find a great place to learn!

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San Joaquin County Office of Education, Da Vinci Center for Innovative Learning | 2857 Transworld Drive, Stockton


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN LEADERSHIP DYNAMICS SESSION Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union Session Sponsor: San Joaquin County Office of Education Leadership Stockton kicked off the 2014-2015 class with a successful day-long Leadership Dynamics session at the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE). The goal of the session was for participants to learn more about themselves

Special thanks to the team at the SJCOE: Mick Founts,

and the classmates through a variety of team building exercises,

Denise Irvin and Rob Kroff. A big thank you to Michael Duffy

activities and discussions.

(LS Class of ‘95) and the Financial Center Credit Union for their

Thank you to Rob Kroff, Venture On Challenge Course facilitator,

yearlong Leadership Level Sponsorship of all the Sessions!

for leading the class through a variety of exercises that kept the

Next month, follow the class of 2015 as they decide on

group moving, laughing and getting to know each other better.

the community project at the Leadership Retreat at Camp

After lunch the class had a lively discussion on needs for

Tuolumne Trails on September 19-20. For more information about

Stockton. That led into the class breaking into 3 groups to start

Leadership Stockton and sponsorship opportunities contact

brainstorming for their class community service project to present

Timm Quinn at 209.292.8423 or tquinn@stocktonchamber.org or

at the retreat.

visit www.leadershipstockton.com.


Reach for Life • www.reachair.com • (916)342.3221 In a medical emergency, every second counts...especially when transporting patients who are far away from adequate medical treatment. No one knows

balance of your transport after your insurance plan has paid, leaving you with no out-of-pocket air medical transport expenses. Also, as a member of the

that better than the flight crew at REACH, an emergency

AirMedCare Network, a membership provides you with

air ambulance program with nearly three decades of

reciprocity among more than 220 helicopter and airplane


base locations across 27 states. Thus, you could be flown

REACH responds to scene calls, hospital-to-hospital

by any one of the AirMedCare Network partners and

transports, and assists search and rescue, carrying

experience the same benefits (i.e. no out-of-pocket

seriously ill or injured patients to the nearest appropriate

expenses for a medically necessary flight). Business

medical facility. One flight can cost thousands of dollars,

plans membership options are available to cover your

and may not be covered in full by your insurance plan. REACH is happy to offer a membership plan that covers the remaining


employees and their families. For more information contact: Rikki Texter at 916-342-3221 or Rikki.Texter@amgh.us

Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


OCT 2014 17



2 2 3 10 13 14 15 15 16 16

Insurance and Financial Services Angel Sepulveda State Farm Insurance 6838 Pacific Ave, Stockton www.insuranceangels.com

Medical Legal Atty Ronald Allison 415 E. Harding Way, Stockton

Auto Body Repair Aurora Collision Center 446 N. Aurora Street, Stockton www.auroracollision1.com

Business Assistance and Marketing City of Stockton- Economics Development Dept. 425 N. Eldorado Street, Stockton www.stocktongov.com/econdev

Banking Comerica Bank 455 Capitol Mall #400, Sacramento www.commerica.com

Training/ Communication Productivity & Learning Dale Carnegie Training 4629 Pine Valley Circle Stockton www.dalecarnegie.com

Recycle Yellow Grease HP Commodities 23073 S. Frederick Road, Stockton

Payroll Services Ovation Payroll 1024 Iron Point Road #100, Folsom www.ovationpayroll.com

23 23 24 29

New Member Orientation 11:00 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Tradeshow Mixer 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. @ University Plaza Waterfront Hotel Leadership Stockton History Session 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. @ The Haggin Museum GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room Chamber Offices Closed Columbus Day Liaison Committee 12:00 p.m. @ Chamber Conference Room Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club Green Team San Joaquin 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room FRESH Launch 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber Conference Room San Joaquin Ag Hall of Fame Dinner 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. @ Robert J. Cabral Ag Center 2101 E. Earhart Avenue, Stockton, CA NEW! “Lunch & Learn” – FREE Lunch Non-members $15 – Affordable Legal & Identity Theft Protection for the New Age, with Phil Shannon Chamber Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room BEA Meeting 3:30 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

DON’T MISS! NETWORK4SUCCESS Meets Every Wednesday 12:00 p.m. contact the Chamber for location network4success@stocktonchamber.org


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Contact the Chamber at 209.547.2770 for more info

SUMMER DIVERSITY MIXER Port of Stockton | Commander’s House – the West Complex 1 Fyffe Avenue, Stockton

Oak Valley COmmunity Bank We Mean Business

Experience business banking the way it should be – the perfect blend of old-fashioned personal service and modern technology to meet your every need. Phil and Jan Tilbury of Tilbury Farms (center), pictured with Oak Valley’s Laura Weaver, Escalon Branch Manager, 209.343.7633, Angela Ferrarese, Commercial Loan Assistant, 209.844.7589, and Roxanna Smith, Commercial Loan Officer, 209.579.3367

Let us make your banking, our business.

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Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


OCT 2014 19

Our doctors are experts in medicine and being accessible. At Sutter Gould Medical Foundation we believe expert care should also be convenient care. That’s why we have online services that allow you to email your doctor, refill prescriptions and check lab results from your computer, tablet or mobile phone. It’s another way we plus you.

Check your health plan for access to the Sutter Health network. To find a doctor, visit suttergould.org or call 1(855) 550-3887.


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