Port O Call - April 2018

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Vol. 64 No. 12

APRIL 2018









From Your CEO


5:15–7:15 p.m.

Leadership Stockton


March Mixer Photos


Good News from the San Joaquin Partnership


From Your President

@ Humphreys University 6650 Inglewood Ave., Stockton


Cover Story 10 New Members


News Briefs 14 Programs and Public Policy


Visit Stockton


Ribbon Cuttings


Events 17 Calendar 18

10 a.m. @ Elkhorn Golf Club 1050 Elkhorn Dr., Stockton





27 Years of Economic Excellence

FOLLOW US Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce (California) @stocktonchamberofcommerce @StknChamber Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce SAN JO AQUIN P ARTNERSHIP

ON THE COVER: Photo of Dr. Keyser consulting with patient, Eric Keyser, MD, Stanford Clinical Assistant Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Stanford Surgery Team at Dameron Hospital

Locating 435+ new/expanded projects creating more than 77,000 jobs

San Joaquin Partnership A private non-profit economic development corporation serving San Joaquin County

2800 West March Lane, Suite 470, Stockton, CA 95219-8220 • sanjoaquinusa.org • (209) 956-3380


APR 2018


FROM YOUR 2017-18 PRESIDENT BY: DIANE VIGIL Official publication of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Greater Stockton area business community since 1901.

It was hard to open my eyes and know where I was. As I struggled to connect with my surroundings, there was a sweet

CHAMBER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Diane Vigil, Dameron Hospital Foundation SR. VICE PRESIDENT Deitra R. Kenoly, The Record/San Joaquin Media Group

voice: “Its okay, honey, you’ll be okay,” a nurse said as she washed me with a cool cloth. That faceless angel was the first person I heard after a fifteen-hour surgery to remove a brain

FINANCIAL VICE PRESIDENT Doug Dinjian, DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency, Inc. VICE PRESIDENT Chris Kay, ACE Rail


VICE PRESIDENT Kay G. Ruhstaller, Family Resource & Referral Center IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Bakul Patel, Dorfman Pacific Co. CHAMBER DIRECTORS Stephanie Banuelos, Grimbley Coleman Bob Berger, Cumulus Radio Randy Burns, Keller Williams Erin Guy Castillo, Parish Guy Castillo, PC F.J. "Joe" Dietrich IV, F.J. Dietrich & Co Pat Filippone, Stockton Ports Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency Ryan Haggerty, Haggerty Construction, Inc. Loretta Lee, Junior League of San Joaquin County David Meier, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Laura Ochoa-Sanchez, San Joaquin Delta College Brian Petrovek, Stockton Heat Justin Redman, F&M Bank Bob Young, World Financial Group – Transamerica CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Douglass W. Wilhoit, Jr.

tumor. Her voice and tender care will stay with me forever.



This is compassionate healthcare. My first introduction to hospitals was from my mother, who

was asked by the Sisters of Mercy to coordinate an event to raise funds to purchase a new heart/lung machine for Mercy Hospital in Bakersfield. My mom would take us along to her television interviews on the local stations and to the hospital on a regular basis to meet with Sister Beatrice. The event was a huge success featuring Frankie Lane, of Rawhide fame, Martin Denny, and the Osmond Brothers (remember them?). After her retirement from SUSD, my mother worked for the Dameron Auxiliary for ten years. All of my children have worked for Dameron Hospital—it is a large part of the fabric of our lives. Dameron Hospital has been my home for nearly 30 years as Director of our Foundation, the fundraising arm of Dameron Hospital. It may sound strange, but I love the hospital energy and activity that goes on in these walls. As you read the articles within, you will no doubt be impressed with all of the technological advances our local hospitals are providing. It is a very exciting time at Dameron for sure! Technological advances aside, the true heroes in healthcare are incredible people who deliver care to our patients. We

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Joe Curtis 209.292.8439

work as a team, whether clinical or non-clinical focused on the individual needs of


every patient. Healthcare restores physical, mental, and emotional well-being, not by

SCAP EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS Ana Alfaro 209.292.8426 Felicia Hurtado 209.292.8434 Jeffrey Natividad 209.292.8425 Chris Rivera 209.292.8440 Dennis Thao 209.292.8424 Mandee Trackwell 209.292.8435 SCAP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mina Gomar 209.292.8429 BEA COORDINATOR Mario Supnet 209.292.8436 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT EVENTS Danielle Zoller 209.292.8422 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Lorice Harrison 209.292.8427 OFFICE COORDINATOR Karina Meza 209.547.2770

accident, but intentionally through the professionalism and compassion of caregivers. The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce supports employers through the FRESH program. Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health (FRESH) is a program that encourages not only physical fitness, but also the fiscal fitness of our valued members. Healthcare begins with us taking care of ourselves, eating right, exercising, sleeping well, and keeping stress levels low. It’s not always easy in our fast-paced world, but it’s necessary for a life of well-being. FRESH can help employers with strategies to keep their staff healthy and working. Easter and Passover are celebrated this month. Both of these celebrations bring about reflection and hope for a fresh start. My prayer for you is good health and a spring that nurtures and revitalizes.

PUBLISHER Stockton Chamber of Commerce 209.547.2770 GRAPHIC DESIGN Never Boring 209.526.9136 ADVERTISING Victor Randolph





445 W. Weber Avenue, Suite 220, Stockton, CA 95203 209.547.2770 fax 209.466.5271 schamber@stocktonchamber.org


APR 2018


FROM YOUR CEO BY: DOUG WILHOIT Your/Our President, Diane Vigil, did an outstanding job with her article on the

more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem

page before me on her personal experience

too lightly; ‘tis dearness only that gives everything its value.”

with the importance of good health care past, present, and future.


yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the

“Panic, in some cases, have their uses; they produce as much good as hurt. Their duration is always short; the mind soon grows

Diane was very clear that not only

through them and acquires a firmer habit than before. But their

is the health (our cover story) of our

particular advantage is, that they are the touchstone of sincerity

communities important, but also that we

and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which might

have wonderful professionals working day in and day out to provide health services. While physical health is very important to all, it is

otherwise have lain forever undiscovered.” “A bad cause will ever be supported by bad means and bad

also important to the community that our mental outlook of the

men.” And; “A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought

future of Stockton be strong, positive, optimistic, brave, involved

to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in

and honest. We need to work our hardest together to move the

principle is always a vice.”

entire community forward to add to our wonderful history. I have written many, many times that for this positive momentum

President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919): “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by

to take place, both elected officials and citizens “must involve everyone

failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy

working as one to put aside politics, personalities, personal agendas,

much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

ego and/or misused power!”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

For the time being, the rubber needs to meet the road and no slippage must take place as we travel down a road to success. Your Chamber pledges to help bring about positive change and support ideas that work for all and not for just a few.

While physical health is very important to all, it is also important to the community that our mental outlook of the future of Stockton be strong, positive, optimistic, brave, involved, and honest.

(1882-1945): “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” And finally, Henry Ford (18631947): “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Please take the time to think

Remember the old saying: “If

about these words spoken so many

you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem!” Just think about that for a

years ago and try to put them in context of today and where we want

moment! I could go on and on with my own thoughts, but will save

to go into the future of Stockton, California, and these United States

you that agony and will instead invoke the words from the past. For

of America!

as much as we move forward, challenges are always presented to us and those who came before us had some words of wisdom during their own challenging times. Hopefully, we will try to understand

Also, congratulations to all who made the REXPO RAAP held at the Waterloo Gun & Bocce Club on Mar. 14 a huge success. And, looking forward to our 37th Annual Golf Tournament to be

what was said and, if properly invoked, these words can make a

held at Elkhorn Golf Club and if you miss this one you will have a


chance to play in our 38th to be played at Brookside Golf & Country

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) once stated: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will, in

Club in 2019! One final note: please get out and enjoy all that is so good in

this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stand

Stockton and San Joaquin County (www.visitstockton.org) and also

it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny

help to improve our shortcomings so now and into the future, our

(my words–gangs and violence), like hell, is not easily conquered;

community will prosper in a successful and safe environment!



Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

THE COMMUNITY THAT GROWS TOGETHER, THRIVES TOGETHER. At Kaiser Permanente, we don’t see health as an industry. We see it as a cause. And one that we very much believe in. That’s why we’re excited to be a part of San Joaquin County. Our doors, hearts and minds are always open to help every last one of you thrive. Learn more at kp.org/centralvalley.


APR 2018


LEADERSHIP STOCKTON BY: TIMM QUINN Leadership Stockton: Community Serving Community Session Leadership Level Sponsor: Financial Center Credit Union Session Sponsor: Child Abuse Prevention Council Charitable nonprofit groups play an important role in our lives,

Adam Cheshire (LS ’13) CEO, Stockton Shelter for the Homeless, spoke with the class and shared his journey and encouraged the class to stay involved in the community after graduation. Peter Johnson (LS ’02), Director, University of the Pacific

extending help to our community in many ways. That is why each

Westgate Center for Leadership and Management Development

year we devote an entire day to exploring some of Stockton’s finest

was up next. He spoke to the class about being an impact nonprofit

community-based organizations.

board member and leaving your legacy.

For the participants the day began like no other. The class was

Next each team then had the opportunity to share with the

divided into nine teams, each assigned to a different community-

other members of the class, their experience at each community-

based organization. The nine organizations were: St. Mary’s Dining

based organization. They used words such as “eye-opening,” “deep

Hall, Stockton Shelter for the Homeless, United Cerebral Palsy,

respect,” “life changing,” “better understanding,” “amazing,” and

Emergency Food Bank of Stockton, Family Resource & Referral

extremely impressed” when speaking about their time spent at the

Center, Mary Graham Children’s Foundation, Women’s Center

various nonprofit agencies serving our community.

Youth & Family Services, Gospel Center Rescue Mission and The

Kim Miller (LS ’09), Director of Administration, Women’s Center – Youth & Family Services closed out the day with an

ARC San Joaquin. Once the teams arrived at their host locations, each were

inspiring speech! She spoke to the class about her personal journey

given tours, an information session, and got right to work. After

and her experiences in Leadership Stockton and the Leadership

working hard all morning, the class met for a group lunch at the

Stockton Alumni Association and got the class pumped up to get

Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) office in the Newberry

the work on their community service project started!

Building. During lunch the class heard from Lindy Turner-Hardin

I would like to thank the following people for their contribution

(LS ‘01), Executive Director, CAPC. Lindy shared the history of the

to the success of this session: Lindy Turner-Hardin, Shauna

CAPC and educated the class on all the programs they offer. What

Buzunis-Jacob (LS ’17), and the CAPC team for hosting the session

an amazing organization!

at their awesome facility and for providing lunch; Andy Prokop

After lunch, United Way of San Joaquin County President and

and the United Way Team; Adam Cheshire; Peter Johnson; Kim

CEO Andy Prokop talked to the class about his journey and all

Miller; and to each hosting nonprofit who helped make the day

the great things United Way does for the community. He thanked

so special. Thank you for opening your doors and sharing your

the class for their commitment to the community and their

mission and purpose with the class!

participation in Leadership Stockton.




Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423

Your Success Story Belongs Here in San Joaquin USA

Two San Joaquin County Economic Development Agencies and the



The EDIP will make available financial incentives to qualifying

businesses that meet specific eligibility requirements. In addition to the

San Joaquin Partnership have worked together with the County Board

aforementioned eligibility requirements, financial incentives will only

of Supervisors under the leadership of Chairman Elliott to develop a

be offered to business enterprises or projects primarily engaged in one

new incentives guide and local county incentive to expand and attract

of more of the following industry categories:

business investment that creates new jobs.


Warehousing & Distribution

Here,” serves as an introduction to all the incentives offered has been

Health & Wellness

published both in paper and digitally: www.sjcworknet.org/eda.asp.

Transportation, Telecommunications, & Technology


Supervisors approved and authorized the immediate implementation


of its Economic Development Incentive Policy (EDIP) to enhance the


County’s competitiveness in attracting new capital investment that


A new Business Incentives Guide, “Your Success Story Belongs

In addition, on Jan. 23, the San Joaquin County Board of

supports its goals of:

It’s important to note that this new expansion incentive can be used

Creating new private sector employment opportunities

throughout San Joaquin County and each of its seven communities.

Increasing revenues to support County service delivery

We look forward to helping you build your success story in San

Diversifying the economic base, and facilitating public

Joaquin County.

infrastructure development

Contact Steve Lantsberger at the San Joaquin County Economic Development Association 209.468.3615 or slantsberger@sjcworknet.org.


APR 2018




t's a fairly safe bet that we all have some family members or friends affected by health issues. As we grow older, the list of

The Stanford Cardiac Surgery Program at Dameron Hospital is comprised of surgeons who are faculty members in the Stanford

health issues continues to increase. But there is good news! We

University School of Medicine's Cardiothoracic Surgery Department,

have seen a myriad of ongoing healthcare advancements in our

led by department chairman and world-renowned cardiothoracic

region in both programs and services.

surgeon, Joseph Woo, MD.

NEW STANFORD CARDIAC SURGERY PROGRAM AT DAMERON HOSPITAL Dameron Hospital has partnered with Stanford Health Care and Stanford University School of Medicine to establish a joint cardiothoracic surgery program with Stanford Medicine physicians that is now available to residents of Stockton and the surrounding areas. The Stanford Cardiac Surgery Program introduces surgical procedures that have previously been unavailable at Dameron Hospital. “We are now able to offer a new level of cardiac and thoracic surgical procedures right here in our community, which is what our residents need and deserve,” said Lorraine Auerbach, President and CEO of Dameron Hospital. “Stanford's leading-edge patient care, research, and care innovations will be available right here. We understand that residents frequently leave our area to access the level of care provided by world-renowned medical institutions like Stanford Health Care. This program will give members of our community a much better option—locally, without having to leave.”


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce

“It makes perfect sense to create a presence in the Central Valley with Dameron,” said Dr. Woo. “We believe that what we are able to provide as an established center of excellence for cardiothoracic surgery will complement the high level of care and services already offered by Dameron Hospital. This new program will enhance the standard of surgical care available in the community and leverages the best of what Stanford Health Care and Dameron bring to the table, respectively, as health care providers.” As a part of this jointly operated program, Eric Keyser, MD, a Stanford clinical assistant professor of cardiothoracic surgery, has located his full-time practice at Dameron Hospital in Stockton as a member of Dameron's Medical Staff. He is trained and experienced in advanced cardiac and thoracic surgery procedures.' “My goal as a surgeon is to provide the safest and best cardiothoracic surgical procedures and techniques for all my patients, particularly the frail elderly,” said Dr. Keyser. “To this end, I have specialized in the safest and most advanced approaches to heart and

lung surgery because this is the kind of care I would want members of

Recently, San Joaquin General Hospital has broken ground on

my own family to receive.”

a 34,000 square foot acute care wing expansion project. The new


hospital wing will feature a fully modernized 23-bed Neonatal

A new protocol at Kaiser Permanente hospitals in Manteca and Modesto is giving patients with stroke symptoms a better chance of reducing their risk of paralysis and death. Stroke EXPRESS combines integrated care with modern technology by allowing patients and doctors in the emergency room to communicate instantly with an on-call neurologist who appears on a portable high definition video screen next to the gurney. The neurologist can diagnose the stroke and order Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA), the clot busting medication that improves the chances for functional outcomes because blood is more quickly restored to the brain.

Intensive Care unit and 20 upgraded medical/surgical beds. Another key advancement was the recent addition of minimally invasive robotic surgery made possible through the acquisition of the state-of-the-art da Vinci Xi robotic surgical device. Minimally invasive surgical procedures include cardiac, colorectal, gynecologic, urologic, and thoracic surgery. San Joaquin General Hospital serves San Joaquin residents with 12 orthopedic surgeons on its medical staff providing orthopedic hip, knee, and shoulder care. Also included is sports medicine and orthopedic rehabilitation programs. San Joaquin General also has four board certified neurosurgeons on its medical staff. The hospital is a designated trauma and stroke center with physicians and critical care surgeons on staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week. San Joaquin

“My goal as a surgeon is to provide the safest and best cardiothoracic surgical procedures and techniques for all my patients, particularly the frail elderly.” - Eric Keyser, MD

General Hospital was recently recognized by The Joint Commission as one of the top 20 percent of hospitals nationally in quality patient care. “We continually strive to make advancements in medical care, technology and inter-hospital communications to provide the highest level of hospitalization care to San Joaquin County residents,” said David Culberson, SJGH, C.E.O. “We are proud of the dedicated physicians, nurses and clinical staff of professionals

A recent study in the journal Stroke found that Kaiser Permanente hospitals in Northern California are delivering tPA to new stroke patients more than twice as fast as the national average. “We are truly providing care that is in some cases lifesaving, and in most cases, life altering,” said Christopher Neilson, a Kaiser Permanente assistant medical group administrator who oversees the

that choose to work at San Joaquin General Hospital. Most important is the level of personal, one-on-one care our staff delivers to the residents of Central California.” San Joaquin General is one of Northern California's leading full service medical facilities. HEART & VASCULAR INSTITUTE AT ST. JOSEPH'S MEDICAL CENTER St. Joseph's Medical Center continues to expand its Heart & Vascular

protocol. “This expedited care process supports improved quality of

Institute with state-of-the-art technologies and award-winning care.

life for post-stroke patients.”

With the opening of San Joaquin County's first cardiovascular hybrid


suite, St. Joseph's is able to offer advanced heart procedures, including

San Joaquin General Hospital is a general acute care facility providing a full range of inpatient services including General Medical/ Surgical Care, High-Risk Obstetrics and Neonatal Intensive Care, Pediatrics, and Intensive Care. The medical campus includes multiple facilities dedicated to comprehensive outpatient services including Primary Care, ambulatory care and specialty clinics provided through San Joaquin County clinics.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, a minimally invasive procedure for patients with moderate to severe aortic valve stenosis. St. Joseph's also offers the Micra Transcatheter Pacing System, the world's smallest pacemaker, and the new CardioMEMs Heart Failure Monitoring System, an implantable wireless monitoring sensor to manage heart failure. In 2017, St. Joseph's reached its 13,000 open heart surgery procedure milestone, continuing to rank it among the top 13 highest volume cardiac surgery programs in California.


APR 2018 11


COVER STORY St. Joseph's has also launched a new Graduate Medical Education program, with its first class of physician residents specializing in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine scheduled to begin July 1, 2018. EMPLOYEE HEALTH COVERAGE CONSULTATION VIA

Accounting & Business Service

Dog Training

Grimbleby Coleman CPAs

See Spot Run Pet Care, Inc.

200 W. Roseburg Ave., Modesto, CA 95350




Tuleburg Press/ The Write Place

PRIDE Industries

343 E. Main St., #101, Stockton, CA 95202

3734 Imperial Wy., Ste. E, Stockton, CA 95215

Credit Unions


The Golden 1 Credit Union

Nekter Juice Bar

850 W. March Ln., Ste. A, Stockton, CA 95207

211 Lincoln Center, Stockton, CA 95207

HEALTH PLAN OF SAN JOAQUIN You care about your employees and offer health coverage to them. But did you know some lower wage employees or single parents may be opting out of your health benefits, or don't add dependents because of cost? One solution is to refer them for possible coverage through California's Medi-Cal program, and Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ) can help. If your employees or their dependents are uninsured, or if you have part time employees who don't qualify for benefits, call HPSJ, the local, not-for-profit, publicly-sponsored health plan to have their income qualification reviewed and help them get on the road to a healthier future. 1-888-936-7526 or visit www.hpsj.com.

4321 Morada Ln., Stockton, CA 95212 Associations Cosmetology School

NorCal Rental Property Association

Inspire Academy of Barbering

2375 W. March Ln., Stockton, CA 95207

& Cosmetology Inc. 445 W. Weber Ave., #223, Stockton, CA 95203

Energy Products & Services JouleSmart www.joulesmart.com

Event Planning Care Free Praise carefreepraise@yahoo.com

Magazines & Periodicals Herlife Magazine

Freight Forwarding

428 W. Pine St., Lodi, CA 95240

Bernal Freight Brokerage P.O. Box 30512 Stockton, CA 95213


Deep Roots ~ Strong Branches Oak Valley’s Mike Petrucelli, Commercial Loans, 209.249.7370 and Kristine Griffin, Ripon Branch Manager, 209.758.8034, pictured with Robin and Tom Bair, Owners of Golden State Freight

866.844.7500 • www.ovcb.com Oakdale • Sonora • Modesto • Turlock • Patterson Escalon • Ripon • Stockton • Manteca • Tracy

“We started banking with one of Oak Valley’s Modesto branches almost 17 years ago. As our business has moved and grown, we’ve had the opportunity to use several of their branches and it’s always consistent. Convenient locations, managed by friendly, service-oriented people who are supportive of our business – that’s our Oak Valley experience. – Tom and Robin Bair, Golden State Freight 12 PORT CALL

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


APR 2018 13

NEWS BRIEFS Submission Guidelines: News Briefs must be submitted before the first of each month to schamber@stocktonchamber.org. Please put “PORT O CALL” in the subject line. Submissions must be no longer than 50 words total and should include contact information. News Briefs will be included on a space available basis and may be edited for content.

Law Firm Adds New Principal Attorney The Stockton law firm of Neumiller & Beardslee is pleased to

Visit Stockton Honored With National Award The Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International

announce that effective Jan. 1, 2018, Elizabeth H. Kim, became

(HSMAI) honored Visit Stockton with a Gold and Bronze Adrian

a principal of the firm. Ms. Kim’s practice areas include Estate

Award for digital marketing excellence for its winning entry in the

Planning, Conservatorships, Guardianships, Probate and Trust

61st annual Adrian Awards, the largest and most prestigious global

litigation, Federal and State taxation law, income tax audit defense,

travel marketing competition.

and tax collection matters and resolution. In 2004, Ms. Kim graduated cum laude from the University of

Visit Stockton was recognized with a Gold Adrian Award for their destination

the Pacific with a B.A. in Political Science. In 2008, she earned

website, VisitStockton.org, and a Bronze

her Juris Doctor graduating cum laude from Western Michigan

Adrian Award for their #StocktonTrue

University Cooley Law School. In 2009, she earned her Masters of

marketing campaign.

Law in taxation law from Loyola Law School.

Visit Stockton was honored during the

The Communicator and Port O Call

Ms. Kim is on the Board of Directors for the Stockton Symphony

HSMAI Adrian Awards Gala on February

and is a 2017 graduate of the Greater Stockton Chamber of

20, 2018 at the New York Marriott Marquis,

Commerce’s Leadership Stockton program. She is a member of the

which was attended by more than 1,000

San Joaquin County Bar Association and assists with the Lawyers

hospitality, travel, and tourism marketing executives. Winning

in the Library program, is a member of the San Joaquin County

entries will be viewable in the winners’ gallery on the Adrian

7.75" Estate Planning Council and is an active member of the San Joaquin Awards website www.AdrianAwards.com. County Junior League.





Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY BY: FRANK FERRAL FRESH Event Being Planned on Diabetes The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce’s FRESH Committee is planning an event to address the impact of Diabetes on the workplace in late April or early May. For more information, please contact fferral@stocktonchamber.org. Helpful Foods To Manage Diabetes Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases that all share one common trait: high blood sugar levels that can lead to cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney failure, ulcers, and eye damage. There are two major types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, which emerges when the pancreas fails to produce enough


insulin, and type 2 diabetes, which occurs when cells fail to react San Joaquin County

209 Furniture

Dorfman Pacific

ABC NorCal

Healthy Air Living

American Recycling


Sims Metal Management

number of foods that can play a central role in helping diabetes


Queirolo’s Heating &

Solar Optimum, Inc.

patients keep their condition in check…

Carpenters Local

to insulin properly. Managing diabetes can be a real challenge. But there are a

Apples We’ve all heard the saying: An apple a day will keep the doctor

Union 152 City of Stockton

Air Conditioning, Inc. San Joaquin Council

Public Works

Surtec Universal Service Recycling

of Governments

Collins Electrical Co.

away. That idea is particularly accurate when you’re talking about diabetes, because apples are high in fiber, low in calories, help in the fight against LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and contain enough natural sugars to keep your blood sugar levels in check. Avocados Avocados, which contain lots of healthy monounsaturated fat, are the new super-fruit. Not only will they keep you full for an extended period of time, avocados can also prevent your blood sugar from increasing after you eat. Beans Beans are magical all right, particularly when it comes to diabetic diets. That’s because they’re chocked full of soluble fiber and natural protein, which slows the digestion process and keeps you feeling full longer. Beef For meat eaters, there are few foods more delicious than beef. But the key for diabetics is to choose leaner cuts and keep portions small. Some leaner cuts to try out: inside round, ground round, tenderloin, sirloin, and flank steak. For more information on nutritional foods to eat go to activebeat.com/diet-nutrition/12-foods-that-can-help-youmanage-diabetes/5.


Frank Ferral: fferral@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8428


APR 2018 15



Attending Board of Directors:

Support the Amgen Tour of California in Stockton on May 17 – Become a Sponsor

Scott Grafius, Steele Insurance Agency

Give your business

Attending Ambassadors: Carol Clemons, Angel’s Caring Helpers; Chris Grant, 105.9 the Bull; David Kamins, Mid Valley IT; Ella Holman, Aspira Net; Greg

a boost and support

Walther, Press F1 Computer Service; Julie Damron, Stockton Veterinary Emergency &

Stockton as we host

Specialty Center; Michelle Burgad, Sandler Partners; Victor Randolph, Never Boring

this internationally recognized cycling event. Learn more at amgenTOCstockton.com. Questions: tim@visitstockton.org or 209.938.1556.

There’s still time to Register for Bootcamp Lord's Gym City Center 848 E. Hammer Ln., Stockton, CA 95210

Improve your digital marketing efforts by attending Visit Stockton’s Social Media Bootcamp series. Sessions: Apr. 10 and May 8. Cost: $10 each. Questions? 209.938.1555 or VisitStockton.us/bootcamp.

Feast at the Fox: Call for Sponsorships and Silent Auction Items

Uniqo Salon 36 N. California St., Stockton, CA 95202

Visit Stockton and the City of Stockton invite your business to be a sponsor of Feast at the Fox, an exclusive farm-to-table dining experience on Main Street, May 11. Visit FeastAtTheFox.com for more information. Feast at the Fox is a fundraiser supported by and benefiting the

Sylvan Learning 526 W. Benjamin Holt Ste. C, Stockton, CA 95207

San Joaquin Delta College Culinary Arts Program. It is hosted by Visit Stockton in partnership with the City of Stockton. Three levels of sponsorships are available and in-kind donations from media sponsors are welcome. Mudville Sponsor $2,000 Logo etched on each souvenir wine glass (150ct). Port City Sponsor $1,500 Eight event tickets and a half page ad in the event program. Brick City Sponsor $1,200 Six event tickets and a half page ad in the event program. Wine Donations Negotiable

Cash donations and silent auction items are also needed. We prefer silent auction items that are experiences, i.e., vacation rentals, sporting events, behind the scenes tours, outdoor activities, etc. ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES: Half Page ad in the event program $500 Logo placement in the event program $150


Contact Robyn at robyn@visitstockton.org or 209.636.4348.


Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce


Robyn F. Cheshire: robyn@visitstockton.org 209.636.4348

EVENTS BY: TIMM QUINN State of the City 2018 Join us for the 20th Annual State of the City sponsored by the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce and hosted by The Port of Stockton on May 24 at the Port of Stockton, Shed 20. You

F&M Bank Oak Valley Community Bank SILVER: DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Agency Dorfman Pacific Co. Inc.

will hear great information on current issues and the future of

G-Force Productions

Stockton. Don’t miss the exhibits showcasing the critical and

JaniTek Cleaning Solutions

inspiring services available to you. GUEST SPEAKERS: Mayor Michael Tubbs, City of Stockton Sylvester Aguilar, Port of Stockton Commission Chair

Tickets are $40, Pre-Paid Reservations Only. Lunch will be provided by Papapavlos Bistro & Bar. Sponsorships are still available! For more information, call the Stockton Chamber at 209.547.2770, email tquinn@stocktonchamber.org, or visit stocktonchamber.org/state-of-the-city.

STATE OF THE CITY 2018 SPONSORS (as of 3/21/18) PLATINUM: A.G. Spanos Companies Adventist Health Lodi Memorial

Stockton East Water District Ulmer Photo TABLE: Bank of the West Greater Stockton Employer Advisory Council Lincoln Center

Stockton Chamber Business Awards Nominations Needed! Nominations are now being accepted for our June 7 Business Awards Luncheon. We are seeking nominations in the categories of: •

Small Business Person of the Year

Business Employee of the Year

Business Manager of the Year

Business Person of the Year

P3 Stewardship Award

FRESH (Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health) Employer of the Year

American Medical Response Comcast Dameron Hospital Delta Sierra Beverage Dignity Health - St. Joseph’s Medical Center Financial Center Credit Union Grupe Commercial Company

FRESH (Fitness Rejuvenates Employee Sustainability & Health) Employee of the Year

To learn the nomination criteria and download the nomination forms please visit stocktonchamber.org/business-awards or call 209.547.2770. Nomination deadline is 5 p.m., Apr. 11.

Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin Humphreys University Kaiser Permanente Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson

June Business Showcase & Tradeshow Mixer Big News, Dudes and Dudettes -- We're now taking registration

Neumiller & Beardslee

for our totally-tubular, 1980s themed, June 7 Business Showcase

Pacific Gas & Electric Company

& Tradeshow Mixer at the Hilton Stockton (2323 Grand Canal

Port of Stockton

Blvd.). Exhibit spaces are only $250 for Chamber Members so sign

Premier Staffing San Joaquin Building Trades Council

up now to expose your products and services

San Joaquin County Office of Education

to over 300 attends, meet local professionals,

San Joaquin Delta College

and grow your business. Exhibit spaces do sell

San Joaquin Media Group - The Record San Joaquin Partnership, Inc.

out every year so sign up today and please note

United Way of San Joaquin County

payment must be made in order to reserve exhibit

University of the Pacific

space, on a first come, first paid basis.

Visit Stockton

To sign up or receive more information, please visit


stocktonchamber.org/tradeshows or contact Danielle Zoller at

BAC Community Bank

209.292.8422 or danielle@stocktonchamber.org.

Chevron Corporation


Timm Quinn: tquinn@stocktonchamber.org 209.292.8423


APR 2018 17


5 5

New Member Orientation 11 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room April Networking Mixer 5:15–7:15 p.m. @ Humphreys University 6650 Inglewood Ave., Stockton


Leadership Stockton Health Care Session 8 a.m.–5 p.m. @ Dameron Hospital


Stockton Chamber Golf Tournament 10 a.m. @ Elkhorn Golf Club 1050 Elkhorn Dr., Stockton


Liaison Committee Meeting 8–8:45 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


Ambassador Meeting 8:45–9:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


GRC Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room

18 18

Executive Committee Meeting 7 a.m. @ Stockton Golf & Country Club


Chamber Board Meeting 4 p.m. @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room


BEA Symposium 7:30 a.m. Modern Workplace Etiquette and Technology @ Stockton Golf & Country Club RSVP to bea@stocktonchamber.org


Lunch & Learn 11:30 a.m. Guest Speaker: Pacific Gas & Electric Company @ Stockton Chamber Conference Room RSVP to lorice@stocktonchamber.org

FRESH Event 1–4 p.m. @ Hilton Stockton 2323 Grand Canal Blvd., Stockton

NETWORK 4 SUCCESS Meets every Thursday, 12 – 1 p.m. Contact the Chamber for location joe@stocktonchamber.org 18 PORT CALL

Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce



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APR 2018 19




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